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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Jul 14 07:29:18 2003
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Dec 23 09:35:53 2007

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A: Financial information
Expenditure (actual) 2001-2002
Operation of the Narrabri (Paul Wild) Obser vator y2 Operation of the Parkes Obser vator y3 Research support Marsfield (ATNF contribution)4 Engineering and development Office of Director Astrophysics program Computing National Facility support MNRF-1997 MNRF-2001 Square Kilometre Array Corporate repairs and maintenance TOTAL

2,897 2,497 2,119 3,790 708 1,558 990 892 1,066 329 359 103 17,308

Revenue (actual) 2001-2002
Direct appropriation

12,959 1,338 299 1,308 160 16,064

Research and ser vices revenue Other external revenue Asset replacement reser ve draw down Corporate repairs and maintenance TOTAL

Notes: 1. Expenditure includes capital but excludes depreciation. 2. Includes the operation of the observatory's Visitors Centre and the Mopra Observatory. 3. Includes the operation of the observatory's Visitors Centre. 4. The ATNF shares its Sydney headquarters with CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics. 5. Excludes A$4.8M depreciation appropriation. 6. The shortfall in revenue is funded from ATNF reserves which include MNRF-1997 deferred revenue.

page 65


B: Staff list, 2002
ATNF staff
Januar y to December Sydney
T J P J R R M M J Adams (Electronics) Archer (Administration) Axtens (Receivers) Barends (Astrophysics/Computing PA) Beresford (SKA) Bolton (Receivers) Bowen (Receivers) Bromley (National Facility Support) Brooks (Assistant Director, & Engineering Manager) Brouw (Astrophysics/Computing) Calabretta (Computing) Carrad (Receivers) Caswell (Astrophysics) Chandra (Computing) Chapman (Head, National Facility Support) Chekkala (Electronics) Chippendale (SKA) Craig (Electronics) Davis (Electronics) de Blok (Bolton Fellow, Astrophysics) Drazenovic (National Facility Support) Dunning (Receivers) Ekers (Office of Director) Ekers (ATNF Director) Elton (Electronics) Ferris (Electronics) Gay (Receivers/overseas) Getts (LBA) Gough (Receivers) Graves (Receivers) Hakvoort (Receivers) Hall (Head, SKA Program) Hobbs (Bolton Fellow/Astrophysics) Howson (Divisional Secretary) Jackson (Receivers) Jones (Computing/LBA) Kachwalla (National Facility Support) Kanoniuk (Receivers) Kedziora-Chudczer (AAO/ATNF Postdoctoral Fellow, Astrophysics) Kesteven (Astrophysics/Engineering Research) Killeen (seconded to CTIP) Koribalski (Astrophysics) Leach (Electronics) J S M S I R G A D N V G R R W J S E C D G L P N S H L M P B A M G B W T A Lie (Receivers) Little (Administration) Macquarding (Computing) Magri (Electronics) Manchester (Electronics) Manchester (Astrophysics) Manefield (Engineering PA) McConnell (LBA) McConnell (Head, Computing) McClure-Griffiths (Bolton Fellow/Astrophysics) McIntyre (Computing) Moorey (Receivers) Norris (Acting Director) Ojha (Astrophysics) Orchiston (National Facility Support) Ott (Bolton Fellow/Astrophysics) O'Toole (Administration) Pacey (Director's PA) Phillips (Bolton Fellow/Astrophysics) Pisano (Bolton Fellow/Astrophysics) Powell (Receivers) Reilly (Receivers) Roberts (Electronics) Rolph (Administration) Saunders (Electronics) Sim (National Facility Support) Staveley-Smith (Head, Astrophysics) Storey (SKA site Studies/PASA) Sykes (Receivers) Thomas (Engineering Research) Tzioumis (Astrophysics/LBA) Walker (ATNF/USyd Research Fellow) Warr (ATNF/USyd Postdoctoral Fellow, SKA) Wilson (Administration) Wilson (Head, Electronics) Wong (Bolton Fellow, Astrophysics) Wright (National Facility Support)



Staff shared with CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics
S O C C K B Clark D'Amico Duffy Hodges Lambert Wrbik

page 66

Engineering ser vices
M P G P B W G T O M R B P J B M A C Bourne Bonvino Cook Cooper Egan Finch Hughes Huynh Iannello McDonald Moncay Parsons (Assistant Engineering Manager) Sharp Uden Wilcockson (Assistant Engineering Manager) Wright Joos van der Leeuw


Rowe-McDonald (General Services) Ryan (Electronics) Sault (Officer-in-Charge) Saripalli (Astrophysics) Stump (Library) Subrahmanyan (Operations) Sunderland (Antennas & Site Services) Stump (Library) Tingay (Bolton Fellow) Troup (Computing) Wark (Operations) Wheaton (General Services) Wieringa (Library) Wieringa (Computing) Wilson (Lodge)

L D J J B R G M J S A S R S L L B L K J T J M G B S R K R Ball (Deputy Officer-in-Charge/HR Manager) Cathin (RF systems) Cole (Lodge) Crocker (Site Services) Dawson (RF Systems) Eslich (Site Ser vices) Freeman (Administration) Grimshaw (Visitors Centre) Hockings (PA/Visitors Centre) Hoyle (Computing) Hunt (Electronics/Servo) Ingram (Lodge/Site Services) Lees (Site Services) Mader (Operations) Milgate (Visitors Centre) Munday (Administration) Preisig (Electronics/Servo) Price (Visitors Centre) Reeves (Site Services) Reynolds (Officer-in-Charge) Ruckley (Research Support) Sarkissian (Operations) Smith (RF systems) Spratt (Computing) Turner (Site Ser vices) Turner (Site Ser vices) Twardy (Visitors Centre) Unger (Visitors Centre) Walker (Visitors Centre)

Nar rabri
D R D D D S E A O K J C J T M M B J B T C J M S C M B M A Aboltin (Electronics) Behrendt (Electronics) Brodrick (Computing) Brooke (Electronics) Campbell (Antennas & Site Services) Cunningham (Computing) Darcey (Antennas & Site Services) Day (Electronics) Dowd (Antennas & Site Ser vices) Forbes (Administration) Gates (Antennas & Site Services) Gay (Administration) Giovannis (Computing) Gordon (Antennas & Site Services) Guest (Lodge) Hill (Electronics) Hiscock (Electronics) Houldsworth (General Ser vices) Johnson (Antennas & Site Services) Kennedy (Visitors Centre) Leven (Antennas & Site Services) McFee (Electronics) McFee (General Ser vices) Munting (Electronics) Murphy (Antennas & Site Services) Oestreich (Electronics) Reddall (Electronics) Rees (Lodge) Reynolds (Administration)

Canber ra
F D J Briggs ANU/ATNF (Astrophysics/SKA) Jauncey (Astrophysics) Lovell (Astrophysics/Tidbinbilla)

page 67


Librar y

C: Committee membership
ATNF Steering Committee 2002
Chair man
Prof B J Boyle, Anglo-Australian Obser vator y

Deputy Chairman
Prof R D Cannon, Anglo-Australian Obser vator y

Secretar y
Mrs A Barends, ATNF

Ex-Officio Prof R D Ekers, Director, ATNF Dr W King, Chief, CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics Prof P McCulloch, Director, Mt Pleasant and Ceduna Radio Obser vatories, University of Tasmania Dr R L Sandland, Deputy Chief Executive, CSIRO Astronomer s Dr E Sadler, University of Sydney Dr M Bailes, Swinburne University of Technolog y Inter national advisers Dr N Kaifu, Director General, National Astronomical Obser vator y of Japan, Tokyo, Japan Dr K M Menten, Director, Max Plank Institue for Radioastronomy, Bonn, Ger many Dr R E Williams, Directors Space Telescope Science Institute, USA Industr y Dr R H Frater, Vice President Innovation, Res Med, North Ryde Dr S Rotheram, Managing Director, Networks Cable & Wireless Optus, Australia


MNRF Technical Advisor y Committee
Dr S Guilloteau, Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimetrique (France) Dr P Napier, National Radio Astronomy Obser vator y (USA) Dr R Padman, Mullard Radio Astronomy Obser vator y (UK) Dr A Young, CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics (Australia) Dr N Whyborn, Space Research Organisation Netherlands (The Netherlands)

page 68

A ustralia Telescope Users Committee 2002
Dr A Green, University of Sydney (Chair until April 2002) Dr C Jackson, Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Australian National University

Secretar y
Mr V McIntyre, ATNF

Dr Dr Dr Dr Ms Dr Dr Dr Mr Dr Mr Mr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr

D Barnes, University of Melbourne F Brig gs*, Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Australian National University E Corbett, Anglo-Australian Obser vatory (until April 2002) S Ellingsen, University of Tasmania T Getts#, University of Sydney (until April 2002) B Gibson, Swinburne University M Hunt*, University of NSW S Johnston*, University of Sydney D Lewis#, University of Tasmania N McClure-Griffiths*, ATNF M Meyer#, University of Melbourne D Mitchell#, University of Sydney S Tingay*, ATNF T Wong*, ATNF M Walker, University of Sydney (until April 2002) T Wong, ATNF M Zwaan, University of Melbourne

* New member in 2002 Student member

page 69


A ustralia Telescope Time Assignment Committee 2002
Chair man
Prof R Ekers, Director, ATNF (Chair man until July 2002) Prof B Schmidt, RSAA, Australian National University (Chair man from November 2002)

Acting Chair
Dr R Manchester, ATNF (Acting Chair man for meetings held in March 2002 and July 2002)

Secretar y
Dr J Chapman*, ATNF



Dr R Balasubrahmanyan, University of New South Wales (to March 2002) Dr A Melatos, University of Melbourne (from November 2002) Prof R Norris, ATNF (Acting Director to March 2002) Dr J Reynolds*, Officer-in-Charge, Parkes Obser vartor y, ATNF Dr S Ryder, Anglo-Australian Obser vator y Dr R Sault*, Officer-in-Charge, Narrabri Obser vator y, ATNF Dr B Schmidt, RSAA, Australian National University Prof J Storey, University of New South Wales (from November 2002) Dr L Staveley-Smith, ATNF (from November 2002) Dr M Wardle, University of Sydney (to July 2002)
* non-voting members

page 70

D: Obser ving programs
Obser vations made with the A ustralia Telescope Compact Ar ray Januar y to December 2002
Observers Manchester, Gaensler, Staveley-Smith, Tzioumis, Wheaton, Kesteven, Reynolds Ryder, Staveley-Smith, Schlegel Duncan, White Reynolds Oosterloo, Morganti, Sadler, van der Hulst Drake, McGregor, Dopita McClure-Griffiths, Dickey, Taylor, Gaensler, Haverkorn, Green Kedziora-Chudczer, Jauncey, Wieringa, Reynolds, Tzioumis, Nicolson Filipovic, Pietsch, Haberl, Pannuti, Staveley-Smith, Wolleben Frail, Kulkarni, Berger, Price, Schmidt, Wieringa, Wark, Subrahmanyan Clark, Dougherty, Waters, Goodwin, Chapman Stappers, Gaensler, Getts Corbel, Fender, Nowak, Wilms, Tzioumis de Blok, Zwaan, Briggs, Freeman Beaulieu, Freeman, Bureau, Carignan, Meurer Ellingsen Roy, Rao, Subrahmanyan Fender, Sault, Pooley, Spencer, McCormick Umana, Trigilio, Cerrigone Lovell, Marshall, Jauncey, Tingay, Murphy, Preston, Schwartz, Perlman O'Brien, Freeman, Bosma, Staveley-Smith, Kalnajs Caswell McIntyre, Staveley-Smith, Milne, Sault, Dickel, Chu, Meixner, Dickey, Klein, Plante Affiliations ATNF, MIT, ATNF, ATNF USyd, ATNF, ATNF AAO, ATNF, SAO ATNF, UMar ATNF NFRA, NFRA, USyd, KI RSAA, RSAA, RSAA ATNF, UMinn, UCal, CfA, CfA, USyd ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, HartRAO ATNF, MPE, MPE, MIT, ATNF, MPIfR NRAO, Caltech, Caltech, RSAA, RSAA, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF UCL, NRC/DRAO, UAm, UCardiff, ATNF NFRA, CfA, ATNF CEA, UAm, JILA, AITub, ATNF ATNF, UMelb, KI, RSAA UVIC, RSAA, CLMBA, UMont, JHU UTas TIFR, TIFR, ATNF UAm, ATNF, MRAO, NRAL, NRAL CNR, CNR, UCatania ATNF, MIT, ATNF, ATNF, JPL, JPL, CfA, UMar ATNF/RSAA, RSAA, OMs, ATNF, RSAA ATNF ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, UIL, UIL, UIL, UMin, RAIUB, NCSA/UIL Program Title SNR 1987A The 1978 supernova in NGC 1313 High-spatial-resolution observations of Eta Carina Absolute flux density calibration of the ATCA HI in elliptical galaxies Intermediate radio-loud IRAS galaxies The southern Galactic plane survey: phase II Monitoring observations of PKS 0405-385 (cont) Supernova remnants (SNRs) in the Magellanic Clouds Radio afterglows from gamma ray bursts Mass-loss rates of the WR stars in the massive cluster Wd1 Continuum radio emission from accretion powered MSPs NAPA observations of GX 339-4 in unusual X-ray states An extended high-resolution HI survey of the Cen A Group Triaxial halos and the outer HI disks of spiral galaxies Measuring the polarisation of 6.7 GHz methanol masers Magnetic field in the Galactic Centre: RM observation of extragalactic sources NAPA circular polarisation of radio-bright x-ray transients The radio properties of a very young PN Radio, X-ray and optical emission from quasar jets The shape of dark matter halos in edge-on late-type galaxies Rise and fall of an OH maser flare A 5- and 8.6-GHz Survey of the LMC with the ATCA Number C015 C184 C186 C393 C530 C539 C596 C611 C634 C651 C652 C751 C767 C779 C819 C834 C846 C857 C858 C890 C894 C906 C918 Hours 103.5 25 26 11.5 52 62.5 276 15.5 27.5 NAPA 24 NAPA NAPA 113 12 11.5 10.5 NAPA 23.5 111.5 98 16 239

page 71


Bignall, Jauncey, Rayner, Lovell, Kedziora-Chudczer, Macquart, McCulloch, Nicolson, Tingay, Tzioumis, Dodson Corbel, Fender, Tomisck, Kaaret, Tzoumis Reynoso, Green, Dubner, Giacani, Johnston, Goss Sadler, Oosterloo, Morganti, Barnes, de Blok, Koribalski, Staveley-Smith, van der Hulst, Ekers Caswell Rosenberg, Putman, Stocke, Shull, Ryan-Weber McClure-Griffiths, Dickey, Gaensler, Green Zwaan, Drinkwater


Microarcsecond structure and polarisation of flat spectrum radio sources NAPA observations of soft x-ray transients in the low-hard state The interstellar medium towards peculiar neutron stars An unbiased study of the HI properties of early-type galaxies Search for 1720 MHz OH masers in star formation regions An HI study of the Lyman alpha absorber/galaxy connection Studies of Galactic chimneys: high resolution The HI content of high Z galaxies and the evolution of omega-HI Ultracompact HII regions in the Magellanic Clouds The evolution of extreme gas-rich galaxies



C932 C940 C950

NAPA 36 42

C952 C960 C961 C966 C967 C970

35.5 44.5 97 60.5 36 12


Indebetouw, Johnson, Churchwell UWis, UWis, UWis Disney, Minchin, Knezek, Kilborn, Freeman, Gallagher, Grossi, Davies, Boyce, de Blok, Garcia Beasley, Staveley-Smith, Claussen, Marvel, Boboltz Brocksopp, Clark

UCardiff, UCardiff, KPNO, JB, RSAA, UWis, UCardiff, UCardiff, UBr, ATNF, UCardiff CaltechOv, ATNF, Water masers in the NRAO, AAS, USNO Magellanic Clouds LivJMU, UCL Radio jets in supergiant x-ray binary systems Saripalli, Hunstead, Subrahmanyan ATNF, USyd, ATNF SUMSS giant radio galaxy candidates Setia Gunawan, Chapman, Duncan, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, Millimetre observations of Eta Carina Koribalski, White, Cheung ATNF, UMar, UAd Horellou, Koribalski OSO, ATNF HI in the gigantic interacting galaxy NGC 6872 Manchester, Staveley-Smith, CfA, ATNF, SNR 1987A at 12mm Gaensler, Kesteven, Tzioumis ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, Brocksopp, Corbel, Fender, LivJMU, CEA, UAm, Radio jets in recurrent x-ray transients Tingay ATNF Becker, Schaudel MPE, MPE, A radio follow-up of x-ray Filipovic, UWS, selected SNR candidates Jones, Weisskopf, UWS, MSFC, Aschenbach MPE Bourke, Wilner, Wright, CfA, CfA, ADFA, Observations of pre-planetary Wong, Dishoeck ATNF, LO disks at 3mm Buttery, Cotter, Hunstead, Sadler CL, CL, USyd, USyd Cluster searches with SUMSS Dahlem, Ehle, Ryder, ESO, ESA, AAO, HI observations of galaxies Haynes UTas with radio halos Padovani, Landt, Perlman, STScI, STScI, UMar, ATCA observations of the Tzioumis, Bignall ATNF, UAd jet of MH 2136-428 Bignall, Padovani, Landt, UAd, STScI, STScI, ATCA imaging of a faint sample Perlman, Tzioumis UMar, ATNF of BL Lacerate objects Dubner, Giacani, Dickel, IAFE, IAFE, UIL, Study of the HI in the environs of Reynoso, Green USyd, USyd the SNR G315.1-2.3 Sault, McClure-Griffiths, ATNF, ATNF Vacation student Narrabri plus 9 students observing session Kedziora-Chudczer, Sault, AAO/ATNF, ATNF, Intraday variability of radio Macquart, Rickett KI, UCSD sources at 22 GHz Wilcots, Pisano, Zabludoff, UWis, ATNF, UArzna, Evolution of the HI content of van Gorkom, Mulchaey UClmba, CarO poor groups of galaxies

C973 C974 C977 C978 C979 C981 C989 C992

74 23 24 8 26 43 NAPA 25

C996 C1004 C1005 C1009 C1010 C1011 C1012 C1013 C1015

43 72 13 13 27.5 12.5 36 50.5 97.5

page 72

Pisano, Wilcots Thompson, Morgan, Urquhart, White, Miao Berger, Kulkarni, Frail Macquart, Sault, Morris, Bafanoff Gruppioni, Zotti, Prandoni, Sault, Ricci Sung, Staveley-Smith, Freeman, Rhee, McIntyre Boomsma, Oosterloo, van der Hulst, Sancisi Temporin, Staveley-Smith, Weinberger McKay, Mundell, Forbes, Barnes, Ponman Liu, Barlow, Yates de Blok, Davies Mitchell, Sault Dodson Tingay, de Kool Koekemoer, Mobasher, Dickinson, Webster, Norris, Cram, The GOODS Collaboration Perez, Fux, Freeman, Kalnajs Wayth, Webster, Trott Venturi, Dallacasa, Bardelli, Morganti, Hunstead, Tzioumis Bernardi, Carretti, Cortiglioni, Poppi, Sironi, Sault, Kesteven Poppi, Carretti, Cortiglioni, Bernardi, Sault, Kesteven, Vinyajkin, Krotikov, Nicastro Possenti, Burgay, D'Amico, Manchester, WIlson, Johnston Camilo, Gaensler, Manchester Koribalski, van der, Hulst, Johnston Warren, Koribalski, Jerjen, Staveley-Smith Wong, Lindqvist, Olofsson, Schoier Ekers, Dopita, Jackson, Kedziora-Chudczer, Kesteven, Ricci, Sadler, Staveley-Smith, Subrahmanyan, Walker, Wilson, de Zotti


A survey of the extended HI environment of ESO 39-2 A 20 cm imaging survey of bright-rimmed clouds GRB host galaxies: A new perspective into cosmic star formation Connected millimetre and X-ray variability in Sgr A* 18.5 GHz polarisation observations of southern Kuhr sources HI environment and kinematics of blue compact dwarf galaxies Galactic fountain HI in NGC 253, part III HI content of the compact galaxy group CG J1720-67.8 Formation and evolution of galaxies in groups - The role of HI 3cm continuum and line maps of NGC 7009 and NGC 6153 Enigmatic gas-rich galaxies in nearby groups S2 observations of GLOBALSTAR satellite interference Imaging the PSR1706-44 pulsar wind nebula Determining the spectral variability and polarisation characteristics of PKS 1718-649 Ultra-deep radio imaging of the Chandra Deep Field South The dynamics of the ring galaxy NGC1291 Observing candidate gravitationally lensed radio lobes Search for HI emission in the merging complex A3558 Observations of galactic polarisation at 6 and 20cm Polarised emission from the Moon Multifrequency contemporary observations of the eclipsing millisecond pulsar J1740-5340 A new 5000-yr-old pulsar: the "Mouse" counterpart? HI gas near the giant radio galaxy Centaurus A The nature of nearby high HI mass-to-light ratio field galaxies Imaging the detached shell around R Sculptoris A pilot 20 GHz survey

C1016 C1017 C1018 C1019 C1023 C1024 C1025 C1026 C1027 C1028 C1030 C1032 C1033 C1034 C1035 C1036 C1037 C1038 C1039

39 26.5 67.5 70 48 24.5 48 24 51 48

4 36 38.5 178.5 27 52.5 24 75

C1040 C1043 C1044 C1045 C1046 C1048 C1049

25 24.5 13 47 139 53.5 220.5

page 73



Caswell, McClure-Griffiths, Cheung McClure-Griffiths, Dickey, Gaensler Koribalski Cheung, McClure-Griffiths Slee, Drake, Budding, Orchiston Wilson, Kesteven, Leach, Roberts, et al Caswell Duncan, Koribalski Bignall, Jauncey, Lovell, Tzioumis, Kedziora-Chudczer, Macquart Curran, Wong, Webb, Murphy, Pihlstrom Burgasser, Putman Curran, Staveley-Smith, Rantakyro, Murphy, Webb Dwarakanath, Subrahmanyan, Mohan, Srinivasan Ryder, Sadler, Subrahmanyan, Weiler, Stathakis Baes, de Blok, Dejonghe, Davies Fender, Spencer, Tzioumis, Wu, Johnston, van der Klis, Jonker Gaensler, Hendrick, Manchester, Reynolds, Borkowski Martin, Koribalski, Mader Price, Salvo, Schmidt, Kulkarni, Frail, Subrahmanyan Hunt, Jones, Wong, Burton, Minier, Godfrey, Cragg Lazendic, Whiteoak, Slane, Wardle, Green Jones, Hunt-Cunnigham Jones, Hunt-Cunnigham Minier, Ellingsen, Burton, Wong, Hill Purcell, Minier, Burton, Hunt, Balasubramanyam, Wong, Hill Sadler, Jackson, Cannon, Couch, Deeley Hunt, Whiteoak


SNR G292.2-0.5: A faint young supernova remnant Galactic HI polarimerty HCO+ emission and absorption in Centaurus A Supernova remnants from the Southern Galactic Plane Survey Verification of the Parkes list of active stars Installation and initial testing of 3.5 GHz analogue correlator/interferometer Recombination lines to distinguish SFR from SNR High-dynamic-range imaging of the circumstellar nebulae of four Wolf-Rayet stars Measurement of the ISM velocity towards the IDV PKS 1257-326 Highly redshifted molecular lines in damped Lyman alpha absorbers Radio emission in cool dwarf stars and brown dwarfs Millimetre fluxes of QSOs illuminating damped Lyman alpha absorbers OH absorption towards the Galactic Centre The radio-luminous supernova 2001ig The mass distribution and dynamical history of disk galaxies The ultrarelativistic jet of Cir X-1 A new pulsar-powered supernova remnant in the LMC Radio emission from our nearest L-dwarf neighbour (NAPA) What makes a gamma-ray burst? : A search for GRB signatures in supernovae Biomolecules in the interstellar medium Methanol maser search toward 1720-MHz OH sites in SNRs Star formation in molecular cloud G291.3-0.7 Kinematics of G291.3-0.7: Cloud-cloud collision or outflow Dust emission from protostellar clusters High resolution observations of hot molecular cores PKS0019-338 and the AGNstarburst connection SiO, CH3OH and HC3N in G1.6-0.025

C1052 C1053 C1054 C1055 C1056 C1057 C1058 C1059 C1060 C1061 C1062 C1063 C1064 C1066 C1069 C1073 C1074 C1075 C1076 C1077 C1078 C1079 C1080 C1081 C1082 C1083 C1084

9 74.5 27.5 14 43 39 16.5 35 10 16.5 83.5 28 12 104.3 70 87.5 39 23 NAPA 41.5 13.5 12 12 16 27.5 12 30


page 74

Waugh, Webster, Drinkwater, Ekers, Nulsen Balasubramanyam, Schultz, Subramanyan Corbel, Fender, Tzioumis, Mitchell, Kaaret, Tomsick, Miller, Wijnands Hoare, Lumsden, King. Oudmaijer, Burton Waters, van den Ancker, Dougherty, Tzioumis Hannikainen, Kuulkers, Sault, Wu Church, Balucinska-Church, Hannikainen, Spencer Harnett, Beck, Peart, Ehle, Haynes Thompson, Urquhart, White Hunt, Whiteoak Johnston Reynoso, Green Bains, Redman, Bryce, Meaburn, Gledhill Punsly, Clarke, Colbert, Tingay Buta, Ryder, Meyer Minier, Burton, Purcell, Ellingsen, Cragg, Sobolev, Wong Manthey, Huttemeister, Aalto Oosterloo, Sadler, Morganti, Ferguson, Jerjen Barnes, Pisano, Gibson, Staveley-Smith Curran, Wong, Webb, Murphy, Kanekar McConnell, Subrahmanyan, Carretti, Cotiglioni, Poppi Kondratko, Greenhill, Lovell, Jauncey, Kuiper, Moran Pihlstrom, Vermeulen, van Langevelde Faundez, Bronfam, Garay, Brooks McClure-Griffiths, Benjamin, Putman, Ekers, Johnston-Hollit Beasley, Claussen Whiteoak, Hunt, Wong, Lazendic Ryder


Galaxy evolution in the Fornax cluster Imaging the disks around two young stellar objects The jet/ISM interactions around the black hole CTEJ1550-564 Massive star formation in the Galaxy: Red MSX sources Resolving the dusty disks in southern Herbig Ae/Be systems Catching the next outburst of 4U 1630-47 Studying the possible outflow in the LMXB X1624-490 Magnetic fields in central regions of barred galaxies Bright-rimmed clouds: tracing their ionised rims The molecular Lords of Rings in the Nucleus of NGC 4945 Radio pulsations from isolated neutron stars? An HI study of G318.9+0.4 Radio observations of the `Ant Nebula', Mz 3 The kpc scale morphology of IXO 37 - a possible intermediate mass black hole HI in the leading arm spiral galaxy NGC 4622 Multi-transition observations of methanol masers Large scale HI distribution of moderate luminosity mergers Unravelling the nature of HIPASS J0352-6602 Intragroup HI in the Local Group analogue for LGG 93 Molecular absorption lines in high redshift quasars Sky polarisation at 5GHz Follow-up continuum imaging of southern H2O masers detected with the DSN Search for excited OH in NGC1052 and Centaurus A The ionised content of massive star forming regions Magnetic fields in high velocity clouds A search for water masers in Carina Imaging the HCO+ molecular cloud associated with N113 SN2001ig

C1085 C1086 C1087 C1088 C1089 C1090 C1091 C1092 C1093 C1094 C1097 C1098 C1101 C1102 C1103 C1104 C1105 C1106 C1107 C1108 C1109 C1110 C1111 C1112 C1115 C1116 C1118 CX033

22 19 117 24 37 NAPA 8.5 52 36 13.5 22 11 36 12 48 8 73 66.5 48 12.5 25 24 24.5 12 12 11 13 62.5

page 75


Tingay, McClure-Griffiths Deacon, Chapman Lewis Boyle Hannikainen Harnett


Henz-90 22.235 GHz maser observations of post-AGB Stars PSR 1055-52 Gravitational lens candidate X-ray XTE J1450-603 Radio observations of NGC 986

CX034 CX036 CX038 CX039 CX040 CX1001

6 12 8.5 12 10 12

Obser vations made with the Parkes radio telescope Januar y to December 2002
Observers Kaspi , Manchester Bailes, van Straten, Ord, Knight, Hotan, Manchester, Sarkissian, Anderson, Kulkarni Han, Manchester, Lyne, Hoyle Manchester, Lewis, Sarkissian, Kaspi, Bailes Knight, Ord, van Straten, Kulkarni, Bailes, Edwards, Stapper Lyne, Kramer, Manchester, Camilo, Stairs, Hobbs, D'Amico, Possenti, Kaspi, Joshi Manchester, Camilo, Lyne, Kramer, Hobbs, Stairs, Kaspi, D'Amico, Possenti Camilo, Lyne, Kramer, Freire, Manchester, Lorimer, D'Amico Manchester, Kaspi, Crawford, Lyne D'Amico, Lyne, Manchester, Sarkissian, Possenti, Camilo Lyne, Stairs, Athanasiadis, Kramer, Manchester Crawford, Pivovaroff, Kaspi, Manchester McKay, Mundell, Forbes, Barnes Staveley-Smith, Koribalski, Henning, Kraan-Kortweg, Harnett, Sadler, Schroeder, Stewart, Price, Green Jacoby, Bailes, Ord, Kulkarni, Anderson Ord, Bailes, van Straten, Hotan Burgay, McLaughlin, Joshi, Lyne, Kramer, Pearce, D'Amico, Possenti, Manchester, Camilo Furuya, Testi, Cesaroni, Kitamura Affiliations UMcGill, ATNF Swinb, Swinb, Swinb, Swinb, Swinb, ATNF, ATNF, Caltech, Caltech NAO(Beij), ATNF, JB, ATNF ATNF, UTas, ATNF, UMcGill, Swinb Swinb, Swinb, Swinb, Caltech, Swinb, UAm, UAm JB, JB, ATNF, UClmba, NRAO, UMan, OABol, OABol, UMcGill, UMan ATNF, UClmba, JB, JB, UMan, NRAO, UMcGill, OABol, OABol UClmba, JB, JB, JB, ATNF, NAIC, UBol ATNF, UMcGill, LMCorp, JB UBol, JB, ATNF, ATNF, UBol, UClmba JB, JB, JB, JB, ATNF Haverford, MIT, UMcGill, ATNF LivJMU, LivJMU, LivJMU, Swinb, ATNF, ATNF, UM, UGuan, UTS, USyd, Nice, ULeic, UNM, USyd Caltech, Swinb, Swinb, Caltech, Caltech Swinb, Swinb, Swinb, Swinb UBol, UMan, JB, JB, JB, JB, UBol, UBol, ATNF, UClmba OAAI, OAAI, OAAI, ISAS Program Title Long-term monitoring of PSR J0045-7319 Precision pulsar timing Polarisation and Farady rotation of southern pulsars Timing of young pulsars Baseband searching for ultrafast pulsars Pulsar multibeam survey Number P138 P140 P236 P262 P263 P268 Days 1.08 33.5 9.69 3.03 5.82 15.4


Timing of multibeam pulsar discoveries Timing and searching for pulsars in 47 Tucanae Timing and confirmation of Magellanic Cloud pulsars Search and timing of pulsars in globular clusters Magnetospheric changes in PSR B1828-11 Timing of pulsars discovered in a search of SNRs Formation and evolution of galaxies in groups - the role of HI A bulge extension to the ZOA survey A high-latitude millisecond pulsar survey Studies of a relativistic binary pulsar Parkes multibeam high-latitude survey Multi-epoch H2O maser survey towards southern YSOs (II)

P276 P282 P294 P303 P340 P342 P352 P357

18.6 4.23 10.4 14.3 1.06 0.54 10.6 7.65

P360 P361 P366

14.1 2.1 10.3



page 76

Gurovich, de Blok, Freeman, Staveley-Smith, Jerjen Rosenberg, Putman, Stocke, Shull Caswell Zwaan, Webster, Drinkwater, Meyer, Ryan-Weber, HIPASS team Meyer, Webster Curran, Webb, Murphy, Flambaum, Kanekar McClure-Griffiths, Sault Manchester McLaughlin, Kramer, Lyne, Lorimer, Kaspi, Tam, Manchester Camilo, Manchester, Sarkissian Camilo, Arzoumanian, Gaensler, Lorimer, Machester Johnston, Ball, Rickett, Walker Pisano, Gibson, Barnes, Staveley-Smith, Freeman Kramer, Lyne, Stairs, Kaspi, Manchester, Camilo Roberts, Kaspi, Tam Stootman Possenti, Burgay, D'Amico, Manchester, Wilson, Johnston Stairs, Kramer, Lyne, Manchester Roberts, Kaspi, Tam, Ransom, Crawford Burderi, Di Salvo, Burgay, Possenti, D'Amico, Manchester Anderson, Staveley-Smith, Filipovic McClure-Griffiths, Gaensler, Haverkorn, Dickey, Green Castelletti, Dubner, Mader Roberts, Ransom, Kaspi Deacon, Green, Chapman Kramer, Lyne, Wang, Manchester, Stairs, Camilo, Joshi, Hobbs, Possenti, Lorimer Ransom, Kaspi, Manchester Johnston, Nicastro, Ord

RSAA, ATNF, RSAA, ATNF, RSAA CASA, CASA, CASA, CASA ATNF UMelb, UMelb, UMelb, UMelb, UMelb UMelb, UMelb UNSW UNSW, UNSW, , UNSW NCRA , ATNF, ATNF ATNF JB, JB, JB, JB, UMcGill, UMcGill, ATNF UClmba, ATNF, ATNF UClmba, GSFC, CfA, UMan, ATNF USyd, ATNF, UCSD, ATNF/USyd ATNF, Swinb, Swinb, ATNF, RSAA JB, JB, NRAO (GB), McGill, ATNF, UClmba UMcGill, UMcGill UMcGill, UWS UBol, UBol, UBol, ATNF, ATNF, USyd NRAO (GB), JB, JB, ATNF UMcGill, UMcGill, UMcGill, UMcGill, Haverford UAm, UAm, UBol, UBol, CAO, ATNF ATNF, ATNF, ATNF ATNF, CfA, ULeid, UMinn, USyd IAFE, IAFE, ATNF UMcGill, UMcGill, UMcGill USyd, USyd, ATNF JB, JB, UAO, ATNF, NRAO, UClmba, JB, UMan, UBol, JB UMcGill, UMcGill, ATNF USyd, CNR-IFCAI, Swinb

Investigating the Baryonic TullyFisher law with a HIPASS sample An HI study of the Lyman alpha absorber/galaxy connection Spectra of 1720-MHz OH masers in SFRs Completeness & reliability of HIPASS Narrow band observations of HIPASS edge-on spirals A search for HI in damped Lyman alpha absorbers Vacation student Parkes observing session Intrinsic polarisation of the Vela pulsar A search for radio emission from magnetars Timing two young and energetic pulsars Deep searches for young and "radio-quiet" pulsars Monitoring scintillation in southern pulsars An HI study of loose groups Geodetic precession in PSR J1141-6545 A pulsar search for four Egret sources in the Galactic halo High resolution profiles of OH lines Multifrequency observations fo the eclipsing millisecond pulsar J1740-5340 A search for a pulsar companion to a main-sequence star A search for pulsars in mid-latitude EGRET error boxes Why no radio pulsation from SAX J1808.4-3658 so far? Galactic HI imaging of southern hemisphere regions Diffuse polarisation from the Galactic plane: single dish observations Single dish observations of SN1006 at 20cm A possible sub-millisecond gammaray pulsar The origin of planetary nebulae morphology More members of a new class of pulsars

P370 P372 P383 P387 P389 P391 P392 P393 P394 P395 P396 P398 P399 P400 P401 P402 P404 P405 P406 P407 P408 P409 P410 P413 P414 P417

4.85 2.23 1.06 18.3 9.53 4.11 1.54 0.59 2.95 3.82 11.8 3.37 10.2 1.17 0.21 3.85 0.96 0.5 7.06 0.83 1.6 1.14 0.3 0.23 2.14 3

A deep 20-cm search for pulsations from Supernova 1987A Interstellar scintillation studies of radio pulsars

P419 P420

1.56 3.41

page 77


Caswell Barnes, Staveley-Smith


Search for 13 GHz OH masers in star formation regions Wombat II: a mini Malin I

P421 P423

1.08 0.17

Obser vations made with the Mopra radio telescope Januar y to December 2002
Observers Walsh, Myers, Burton, Barnes Ellingsen, Cragg, Godfrey, Minier Ladd, Fuller Jiang, Balasubramanyam, Omont Hoare, Lumsden, King, Oudmaijer, Burton Hirabayashi, Edwards, Lovell, Tzioumis, Tingay, et al. Affiliations CfA, CfA, UNSW, UNSW UTas, Monash, Monash, UNSW UBuck, UMIST Program Title Number Do stars form by stationary collapse M116 or moving accretion? Bright class II methanol masers M117 M118 M119 M121 M122 Days 2 12.92 7.71 2.96 10.67 19

The evolution of dense cores forming the youngest protostars in Ophiuchus NAO(Beij), RRI, IAP Search for SiO maser stars in an ISOGAL field - m18.63+00.35 ULeeds, ULeeds, Massive star formation in the Galaxy: ULeeds, ULeeds, UNSW red MSX sources ISAS, ISAS, ATNF, Continued use of Mopra for VSOP ATNF, ATNF survey observations


VLBI obser vations Januar y to December 2002
Observers Dodson, Reynolds, Legge, Lewis Ojha, Reynolds, Fey, Johnston, Tzioumis, Jauncey, McCulloch, Dodson, et al. Corbett, Norris, Dopita, et al. Beasley, Claussen, Ellingsen, Reynolds, Tzioumis Greenhill, Moran, Norris, et al. Drake, McGregor, Norris Tingay, Ojha, Tzioumis Huynh, Norris, Jackson Ojha Kewley, Corbett, Norris, Dopita, Smith Dodson, Johnston, Reynolds, Lewis Tingay, Tzioumis, Reynolds, Jauncey Morganti, Oosterloo, Tzioumis, Reynolds, Tingay, et al. Tingay Affiliations UTas, ATNF, UTas, UTas ATNF, ATNF, USNO, USNO, ATNF, ATNF, UTas, UTas AAO, ATNF, RSAA Program Title PSR proper motions from observations with the LBA Astrometry/imaging of southern hemisphere ICRF sources Number V088 V131 Hours 44 203 14 24 20 22 12 14 30 44 14 24 24

LBA imaging of two bright Cola galaxies V133 (part A) CaltechOV, NRAO, UTas, Measuring the mass of the Galaxy - II V135 ATNF, ATNF CfA, CfA, ATNF Tracking the acceleration of H2O masers V137 in Circinus RSAA, RSAA, ATNF Intermediate radio-loud IRAS Galaxies V143 ATNF, ATNF, ATNF Wide-field imaging of NGC 7552 with V150 the LBA RSAA, ATNF, RSAA Phase referenced observations of galaxies V153 ATNF in the Hubble Deep Field South CfA, AAO, ATNF, Do mergers stop monsters? V155 RSAA, CfA UTas, USyd, ATNF, Distance and proper motion of V156 UTas PSR B1259-63 ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, Core activity and proper motions in V160 ATNF GPS galaxies PKS 1718-649 and PKS 1934-638 NFRA, NFRA, ATNF, HI absorption around the young V161 ATNF, ATNF radio galaxy PKS 1549-79 ATNF Wide field, high resolution imaging of V165 jet interaction regions

page 78

E: Affiliations
AAO AAT ADFA AIPr AITub ANU AO AOK AOUpp ArO ASC ASCR ASIAA ATNF BAO BIMA Caltech CAO CASA CDSSC CEA Anglo-Australian Obser vator y, Australia Anglo-Australian Telescope, Australia Australian Defence Force Academy, Australia Astronomical Institute Prague, Czech Republic Insititute of Astronomy, University of Tubingen, Ger many Australia National University, Australia Arecibo Obser vatory, USA Astronomical Obser vator y Kiev, Ukraine Astronomiska Obser vatoreit, Uppsala, Sweden Ar magh Obser vatory, UK Astrospace Centre, Russia Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, Czech Republic Academia Sinica, IAA, Taiwan Australia Telescope National Facility, Australia Beijing Astronomical Obser vator y, China Berkeley-Illinois-Mar yland Association, USA California Institute of Technolog y, USA Cagliari Astronomical Obser vatory, Italy CASA, University of Colorado, USA Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex, Australia Centre d'Etudes d'Astrophysique, Saclay, France


Center for Astrophysics, Har vard University, USA Central Institute of Technolog y, New Zealand Carter Obser vatory, New Zealand Cornell University, USA CSIRO Office of Space Science & Applications, Australia CRAL Obser vatoire de Lyon, France Center for Space Research, USA CSIRO Telecommunications & Industrial Physics, Australia


Dominion Radio Astrophysical Obser vator y, Canada European Southern Obser vatory, Ger many ESTEC Astrophysics Division, The Netherlands Green Bank Telescope, USA George Mason University, USA Gray Data Consulting, USA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomical Obser vator y, South Africa Har vard University, USA Hat Creek Radio Obser vatory, USA Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Spain Instituto d'Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio, Argentina Instituto Astronomico e Geofisico, Brazil

page 79


DÈpar tement d'Etudes de la MatiÕre interstellaire en InfraRouge et MillimÈtrique l'Obser vatoire de Paris, France


Institute d'Astrophysique Paris, France Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomica, Argentina Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, France Instituto de Fisica Cosmica - CNR, Italy Imperial College London, UK Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil Institute of Astronomy, UK IPAC, Caltech, USA Institute of Radio Astronomy, CNR, Bologna, Italy ISAS, Japan Iowa State University, USA Joint Astronomy Centre, Hilo, USA Jodrell Bank Obser vatory, UK John Hopkins University, USA JILA, University of Colorado, USA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA Kapteyn Institute, Netherlands Kitt Peak National Obser vator y, USA Liverpool John Moores University, UK Lawrence Liver more National Laborator y, USA Leiden Obser vatory, The Netherlands Landessternwahrte Heidelberg, Ger many Marshall Space Flight Center, USA Multi-element Radio Linked Interferometr y Network, UK Massachusetts Institute of Technolog y, USA


Monash University, Australia Max Planck Inst. fÝr Extrater restrische Physik, Ger many Max Planck Inst. fÝr Astrophysik, Ger many Max Planck Inst. fÝr Radioastronomie, Ger many Mullard Radio Astronomical Obser vator y, UK National Astronomy and Ionosphere Centre, USA National Astronomical Obser vator y, Japan NASA Ames Research Center, USA Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy, The Netherlands National Optical Astronomical Obser vator y, USA National Radio Astronomy Obser vator y, USA Naval Research Laboratories, USA Nobeyama Radio Obser vatory, Japan Northwestern University, USA Osser vatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Italy Osser vatorio Astronomico di Bologna, Italy Osser vatorio Astronomico di Roma, Italy Osser vatorio Astronomico di Trieste, Italy Osser vatorio Astronomico di Catania, Italy Obser vatoire de Haute Provence, France Obser vatorire de Marseille, France Obser vatorio Nacional, Brazil



page 80


Open University, UK Obser vatoire de Paris, Meudon, France Onsala Space Obser vatory, Sweden Phillips Lab, USA Purple Mountain Obser vatory, China Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile Queens University, Canada Radio Astronomy Institute, University of Bonn, Ger many Royal Militar y College, Canada Royal Obser vator y of Belgium, Belgium Royal Obser vatory Edinburgh, Scotland Raman Research Institute, India Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Australia SETI Institute, USA Shangai Obser vator y, China Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste, Italy Stockholm Obser vatory, Sweden Space Telescope Science Institute, USA Swinbur ne University of Technolog y, Australia Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan Tata Institute for Radio Astronomy, India University of Adelaide, Australia University of Alabama, USA University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands University of Bir mingham, UK University of Bonn, Ger many Boston University, USA

UBr UC UCal UCB UCardiff UCha UChi UChig UCL UClmba UCLO UCSB UCSC UCSD UDur UEdin UEot UGuan UHel UHer ts UHilo UHK UIL UIow UKok UKST UKT UKyoto

University of Bristol, UK University of Colorado, USA University of Calgar y, Canada University of California, Berkeley, USA Universiy of Cardiff, UK University of Champagne-Urbana, USA University of Chile, Chile University of Chicag o, USA University College London, UK Columbia University, USA

University of California, Santa Barbara, USA University of California, Santa Cr uz, USA University of California, San Dieg o, USA University of Durham, England University of Edinburgh, UK Eotvos Lorand University, Hungar y University de Guanajuato, Mexico University of Helsinki, Finland University of Hertfordshire, UK University of Hilo, USA University of Hong Kong, PR China University of Illinois, USA Iowa State University, USA Kokugakuin University, Japan United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope, Australia Kyushu Tokai University, Japan University of Kyoto, Japan

page 81


University of California Lick Obser vator y, USA

ULeeds ULeic UMac UMan UMar UMaur UMcGill UMelb UMinn UMIST

University of Leeds, UK University of Leicester, UK Macquarie University, Australia University of Manchester, UK University of Mar yland, USA University of Mauritius, Mauritius McGill University, Canada University of Melbourne, Australia University of Minnesota, USA University of Manchester, Insitute of Science and Technolog y, UK University of Montreal, Canada Nagoya University, Japan Universidad Nacional Automa de Mexico, Mexico University of New Mexico, USA University of New South Wales, Australia University of Oxford, Oxford Pennsylvania State University, USA University of Pittsburgh, USA University of Queensland, Australia University of Rhodes, South Africa Ruhr-Universitaet, Ger many Santa Maria Federal University, Brazil US Naval Academy, USA US Naval Obser vator y, USA Southampton University, UK Stanford University, USA Sternwarte University, Ger many Ural State University, Russia University of Sussex, UK

USyd UTas UTex UTor UTS UVir UW UWA UWash UWis UWol UWS Yale YU

University of Sydney, Australia University of Tasmania, Australia University of Texas, USA University of Toronto, Canada University of Technolog y, Sydney, Australia University of Virginia, USA University of Wales, UK University of Western Australia, Australia University of Washington, USA University of Wisconsin, USA University of Wollong ong, Australia University of Western Sydney, Australia Yale University, USA Yunnan Obser vatory, China


UMont UNag UNAM UNM UNSW UOx UPenn UPitt UQld URh URuh USMF USNA USNO USouth UStan USter n USU USuss

page 82

F: ATNF media releases, 2002
Astronomers find star stretched to bursting point Gamma-ray burst myster y solved: exploding stars the culprit Equipment built at "the dish" goes to China Black holes' fatal attraction trig gers galaxies' change of heart CSIRO to help ease NASA's "traffic jam" Mini black holes may help explain massive ones 14 Febr uary 16 May 17 May 02 August 06 September 04 October

ATNF media releases can be found on the web at http://www.atnf.csiro.au/news

G: 2002 publications
Papers using ATNF data, published in refereed journals
Paper s which include ATNF author s ar e indica ted by an asterisk. *BAINS, I., BRYCE, M., CALABRETTA, M. & STIRLING, A.M. "A radio continuum study of the `Eng raved Hour glass' ne bula, MyCn 18". MNRAS, 337, 401. (2002). BECK, R., SHOUTENKOV, V., EHLE, M., HARNETT, J.I., HAYNES, R.F., SHUKUROV, A., SOKOLOFF, D.D. & THIERBACH, M. "Magnetic fields in bar red g alaxies I. T he atlas". A&A, 391, 83. (2002). BHAT, N.D.R., CAMIL O, F., CORDES, J.M., NICE, D.J., LORIMER, D.R. & CHATTERJEE, S. "Ar ecibo obser vations of Parkes multibeam pulsars". J. Astrophys. Astron., 23, 53. (2002). BHAT, N.D.R. & GUPTA, Y. "Pulsar scintillation in the local interstellar medium: Loop I and beyond". ApJ, 567, 342. (2002). *BIGNALL, H.E., JAUNCEY, D.L., KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER, L.L., LOVELL, J.E.J., MACQUART, J.-P., RAYNER, D.P., TINGAY, S.J., TZIOUMIS, A.K., CLAY, R.W., DODSON, R.G., McCULLOCH, P.M. & NICOLSON, G.D. "New results fr om an ATCA study of intr aday varia ble radio sources" Elizabeth and Frederick White Workshop on AGN Varia bility Across the Electromagnetic Spectr um, CSIRO ATNF, 25-29 June 2001, PASA, 19, 29. (2002).

page 83


BIRKINSHAW, M., WORRALL, D.M. & HARDCASTLE, M.J. "T he X-ray jet and halo of PKS 0521-365". MNRAS, 335, 142. (2002). *BOLTON, S.J. & SAULT, R.J. "Cassini and VLA obser vations of synchrotron emission from Jupiter's radiation belts". Natur e, 415, 987. (2002). *BOWER, G.C., FALCKE, H., SAULT, R.J. & BACKER, D.C. "T he spectr um and variability of cir cular polarization in Sagittarius A* from 1.4 to 15 GHz". ApJ, 571, 843. (2002). BRACEWELL, R.N. "T he discover y of strong extrag alactic polarization using the Parkes Radio Telescope". J. Astron. Histor y & Heritag e, 5, 107. (2002). BRUSCOLI, M., TUCCI, M., NATALE, V., CARRETTI, E., FABBRI, R., SBARRA, C. & CORTIGLIONI, S. "T he power-law behaviours of angular spectra of polarized Galactic synchrotron". Ne w Astronomy, 7, 171. (2002). *BUDDING, E., CARTER, B.D., MENGEL, M.W., SLEE, O.B. & DONATI, J.F. "A radio and optical study of the active young F star HR 1817(=HD 35850)". PASA, 19, 527. (2002). *BUDDING, E., LIM, J., SLEE, O.B. & WHITE, S.M. "Cor rela tion effects in microwave obser vations of selected RS CVn-like star s". New Astronomy, 7, 35. (2002). BURDERI, L., DiSALVO, T., STELLA, L., FIORE, F., ROBBA, N.R., VANDERKLIS, M., IARIA, R., MENDEZ, M., MENN A, M.T., CAMPAN A, S. , GENN ARO, G. , REBECCHI, S. & BURGAY, M. "A Be ppoSAX obser vation of KS 1731-260 in its quiescent state: constraints on the magnetic field of the neutron star". ApJ, 574, 930. (2002). *CALABRETTA, M.R. & GREISEN, E.W. "Representations of celestial coordinates in FITS". A&A, 395, 1077. (2002). *CAMILO, F., MANCHESTER, R.N., GAENSLER, B.M. & LORIMER, D.R. "Hear tbeat of the Mouse: a young radio pulsar associated with the axisymmetric nebula G359.23-0.82". ApJ, 579, L25. (2002). *CAMILO, F., MANCHESTER, R.N., GAENSLER, B.M., LORIMER, D.R. & SARKISSIAN, J. "PSR J11245916: discover y of a young energ etic pulsar in the super nova remnant G292.0+1.8". ApJ, 567, L7. (2002). *COHEN, M., GREEN, A.J., PARKER, Q.A., MADER, S. & CANNON, R.D. "Mid-infrared, Halpha and radio continuum imag es of an unusual H II r egion, G308.70+0.60". MNRAS, 336, 736. (2002). COMASTRI, A., MIGNOLI, M., CILIEGI, P., SEVERGNINI, P., MAIOLINO, R., BRUSA, M., FIORE, F., BALDI, A., MOLENDI, S., MORGANTI, R., VIGNALI, C., LA FRANCA, F., MATT, G. & PEROLA, G.C. "T he HELLAS2XMM sur vey. II. Multiwavelength obser vations of P3: an X-ray bright, optically inactive g alaxy". ApJ, 571, 771. (2002). *CONNORS, T.W., JOHNST ON, S., MANCHESTER, R.N. & McCONNELL, D. "T he 2000 periastron passag e of PSR B1259-63". MNRAS, 336, 1201. (2002). *CORBEL, S., FENDER, R.P., TZIOUMIS, A.K., TOMSICK, J.A., OROSZ, J.A., MILLER, J.M., WIJNANDS, R. & KAARET, P. "Larg e-scale, decelerating r elativistic X-ray jets from the microquasar XTE J1550-564". Science, 298, 196. (2002).


page 84

*CORBETT, E.A., NORRIS, R.P., HEISLER, C.A., DOPITA, M.A., APPLETON, P., STRUCK, C., MURPHY, T., MARSTON, A., CHARMANDARIS, V., KEWLEY, L. & ZEZAS, A.L. "Fir st results from the COLA Project: the r adio-far-infr ared cor rela tion and compact radio cor es in souther n COLA g alaxies ". ApJ, 564, 650. (2002). CURRAN, S.J., WEBB, J.K., MURPHY, M.T., BANDIERA, R., CORBELLI, E. & FLAMBAUM, V.V. "A catalogue of damped Lyman alpha absor ption systems and radio f lux densities of the backg round quasar s". PASA, 19, 455. (2002). *D'AMICO, N., POSSENTI, A., FICI, L., MANCHESTER, R.N., LYNE, A.G., CAMILO, F. & SARKISSIAN, J. "Timing of millisecond pulsars in NGC 6752: e vidence for a high mass-to-light ratio in the cluster core". ApJ, 570, L89. (2002). *DE BLOK, W.J.G. & BOSMA, A. "High-resolution rota tion cur ves of low surface brightness g alaxies". A&A, 385, 816. (2002). *DE BLOK, W.J.G., ZWAAN, M.A., DIJKSTSRA, M., BRIGGS, F.H. & FREEMAN, K.C. "An HI sur vey of the Centaur us and Sculptor Groups - constraints on the space density of low-mass g alaxies". A&A, 382, 43. (2002). DE HEIJ, V., BRAUN, R. & BURTON, W.B. "An all-sk y study of compact, isolated high-velocity c louds". A&A, 392, 417. (2002). DODSON, R.G. & ELLINGSEN, S. P. "A sear ch f or 4750- and 4765-MHz OH maser s in souther n star-for ming regions". MNRAS, 333, 307. (2002). DODSON, R. & GOLAP, K. "On the association of G343.1-2.3 and PSR B1706-44". MNRAS, 334, L1. (2002). DRINKWATER, M.J. "T he 2001 Australian Galaxy Cluster Workshop". PASA, 19, 265. (2002). DUBNER, G.M., GAENSLER, B.M., GIACANI, E.B., GOSS, W.M. & GREEN, A.J. "T he interstellar medium around the super nova remnant G320.4-1.2". AJ, 123, 337. (2002). DUBNER, G.M., GIACANI, E.B., GOSS, W.M., GREEN, A.J. & NYMAN, L.A. "T he neutral g a s environment of the young super nova r emnant SN 1006 (G327.6+14.6)". A&A, 387, 1047. (2002). *DUNCAN, R.A. & WHITE, S.M. "Radio imag es of four luminous blue variable stars". MNRAS, 330, 63. (2002). EDMONDS, P.D., GILLILAND, R.L., CAMIL O, F., HEINKE, C.O. & GRINDLAY, J.E. "A millisecond pulsar optical counterpar t with larg e-amplitude varia bility in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae". ApJ, 579, 741. (2002). EYRES, S.P.S. "T he radio emission fr om Sakurai's Object (beyond 1 MM)". Astrophys. Space Sci., 279, 69. (2002). *FENDER, R.P., RAYNER, D., McCORMICK, D.G., MUXLOW, T.W.B., POOLEY, G.G., SAULT, R.J. & SPENCER, R.E. "Varia ble circular polarization associated with rela tivistic ejections from GRS 1915+105". MNRAS, 336, 39. (2002).

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*FENDER, R.P., RAYNER, D., TRUSHKIN, S.A., O'BRIEN, K., SAULT, R.J., POOLEY, G.G. & NORRIS, R.P. "Spectral, polarization and time-lag proper ties of GRS 1915+105 radio oscilla tions". MNRAS, 330, 212. (2002). *FILIPOVIC, M.D., BOHLSEN, T., REID, W. , STAVELEY-SMITH, L., JONES, P.A., NOHEJL, K. & GOLDSTEIN, G. "An ATCA r adio-continuum study of the Small Ma g ellanic Cloud - I. Source catalogues at 1.42, 2.37, 4.80 and 8.64 GHz". MNRAS, 335, 1085. (2002). *FUJITA, Y., SARAZIN, C.L., KEMPNER, J.C., RUDNICK, L., SLEE, O.B., ROY, A.L., ANDERNACH, H. & EHLE, M. "Chandra obser vations of the disr uption of the cool core in A133". ApJ, 575, 764. (2002). *GARAY, G. , BROOKS, K.J., MARDONES, D., NORRIS, R.P. & BURTON, M.G. " Two massive starfor ming r egions at early e volutionar y stag es". ApJ, 579, 678. (2002). GIARDINO, G., BANDAY, A.J., GORSKI, K.M., BENNETT, K., JON AS, J.L. & TAUBER, J. "Towards a model of full-sk y Galactic synchrotron intensity and linear polarisation: a re-analysis of the Parkes da ta". A&A, 387, 82. (2002).


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Papers using ATNF data, published in conference proceedings
*ANDERNACH, H., SLEE, O.B., ROY, A.L. & EHLE, M. "Extreme relic radio sources in four souther n cluster s". In: IAU Symposium 199: T he Universe at Low R adio Frequencies, Pune, India, Nov/Dec 1999, 153. (eds. Pramesh Rao, Swar up, Gopal-Krishna), (2002). BARDELLI, S., ZUCCA, E., VENTURI, T., DE GRANDI, S. & MOLENDI, S. "Merging clusters in the Shaple y Concentration". In: Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Galaxy Clusters, Sesto Pusteria, 2-7 July 2000, ASP Conf. Ser., 268, 143. (eds. Borg ani, Mezzetti & Valdar nini), (2002). BEASLEY, A.J., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., MARVEL, K.B., CLAUSSEN, M.J. & BOBOLTZ, D. "ATCA Obser vations of Water Maser s in the Mag ellanic Clouds". American Astr onomical Society Meeting 201, (2002). *BOCK, D.C.J., SAULT, R.J., MILNE, D.K. & GREEN, A.J. "High-r esolution radio polarimetr y of Vela X". In: Neutron Stars in Super nova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 187. (eds. Slane & Gaensler), (2002). BRýNS, C., KERP, J. & STAVELEY-SMITH, L. "T he Parkes Nar row-band HI Sur vey of the Mag ellanic System", Seeing T hrough the Dust: T he Detection of HI and the Exploration of the ISM in Galaxies, ASP Conf. Ser., 276, 365. (eds. Taylor, Landecker & Willis), (2002). BURTON, M., WALSH, A. & BALASUBRAMANYAM, R., "From methanol masers to hot molecular cores". In: Hot Star Workshop III: the ear liest phases of massive star bir th, ASP Conf. Ser., 267, 355. (ed. Crowther), (2002).

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*CASWELL, J.L. "Star for mation: relationship between the maser species". In: Cosmic Masers: From Protostars to Black Holes, Rio de Janeiro, 4-11 March, 2001, IAU Symposim 206, 1. (eds. Mig enes & Reid), (2002). *CHAPMAN, J.M. & SEVENSTER, M. "T he ATCA/VLA OH 1612 MHz Sur vey: Identifica tion of postAGB star s". In: Cosmic Maser s: From Protostars to Black Holes, Rio de Janeiro, 4-11 March, 2001, IAU Symposim 206, 331. (eds. Reid & Mig enes), (2002). *CHIPPENDALE, A.P. "SiGe LNA noise temperature projections f or the Square Kilometre Ar ray". In: URSI XXVIIth General Assembly, Maastricht, 17-24 August, 2002, (2002). *CHIPPENDALE, A.P. "Technolog y issues f or SKA receiver design". In: Workshop on Applica tions of Radio Science (WARS 2002), Leura, 20-22 Febr uar y, 2002, (2002). COMASTRI, A., BRUSA, M., CILIEGI, P., MIGNOLI, M., VIGNALI, C., SEVERGNINI, P., MAIOLINO, R., FIORE, F., LA FRANCA, F., MATT, G., PEROLA, G.C., BALDI, A. & MOLENDI, S. "X-ray bright optically quiet g alaxies: the case of P3". In: Issues in Unif ication of Active Galactic Nuclei, Mar ciana Marina, Italy, May, ASP Conf. Ser., .258, 199. (eds. Maiolino, Marconi & Nag ar), (2002). *CRAWFORD, F., GAENSLER, B.M., KASPI, V.M., MANCHESTER, R.N., CAMILO, F., LYNE, A.G. & PIVOVAROFF, M.J. "SNR G292.2-0.5: a radio super nova remnant associated with the young pulsar J11196127". In: Neutron Stars in Super nova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 41. (eds. Slane & Gaensler), (2002). *CRAWFORD, F., PIVOVAROFF, M.J., KASPI, V.M. & MANCHESTER, R.N. "A sensitive targ eted search campaign at Parkes to find young radio pulsars at 20cm.". In: Neutron Stars in Super nova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 37. (eds. Slane & Gaensler), (2002). *DICKEL, J.R., MULLIGAN, M.C., KLINGER, R.J., GAENSLER, B.M., MILNE, D.K., MANCHESTER, R.N., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., KESTEVEN, M.J. & GALLANT, Y. "Radio obser vations of the composite SNR B0540-693". In: Neutron Stars in Super nova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 195. (ed. Slane & Gaensler), (2002). DUBNER, G. , GIACANI, E., GAENSLER, B.M., GOSS, W.M. & GREEN, A. "Environs of bila teral super nova remnants with neutron stars". In: Neutron Star s in Super nova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 415. (eds. Slane & Gaensler), (2002). *EKERS, R.D. & BELL, J.F. "Radio fr equency interf er ence". In: IAU 199: T he Univer se a t Low Radio Frequencies, Pune, India, Nov/Dec 1999, 498. (eds. Pramesh, Swar up, Ghopal-Krishna), (2002). *EKERS, R.D. "Obser vational advances in radio astronomy". In: Seeing Through the Dust: T he Detection of HI and the Explor ation of the ISM in Galaxies, Penticton, B.C. 20-25 October 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 276, 37. (eds. Taylor, Landecker, Willis), (2002). FILIPOVIC, M.D., JONES, P.A. & WHITE, G.L. "SNRs in the Ma g ellanic Clouds". In: Neutron Star s in Super nova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 395. (eds. Slane & Gaensler), (2002). FILIPOVIC, M.D., STUPAR, M., JONES, P.A. & WHITE, G.L. "Galactic SNRs in the PMN Sur vey". In: Neutron Star s in Super nova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 387. (eds. Slane & Gaensler), (2002).

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*GAENSLER, B.M., DICKEY, J.M., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M., BIZUNOK, N.S. & GREEN, A.J. "High resolution polarimetr y of the inner Galaxy". In: Astrophysical Po lariz ed Back g ro unds: Wo r kshop on Astrophysical Polarized Backg rounds, Bologna, 9-12 October 2001, 20. (eds. Cecchini et al.), (2002). *GAENSLER, B.M., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M., DICKEY, J.M. & GREEN, A.J. "New views of the Souther n Galaxy". In: URSI XXVIIth Gener al Assembly, Maastricht, 17-24 August, 2002. (2002). *GRANET, C., JAMES, G.L., BOLTON, R.J. & MOOREY, G.G. "Smooth-walled spline-pr ofile millimetr ewave hor n for radio astronomy". In: JINA 2002, Nice, France, 2002, 375. (2002). GUROVICH, S., FREEMAN, K., JERJEN, H., DE BLOK, E. & STAVELEY-SMITH, L. "Investig ating the Bar yonic Tully-Fisher Law with a HIPASS sample". In: T he Dynamics, Str ucture & Histor y of Galaxies: A Workshop in Honour of Professor Ken Freeman. ASP Conf. Ser., 273, 375. (eds. Da Costa & Jer jen), (2002). *HALL, P.J. "T he Square Kilometre Ar ray - Australian directions". In: Wor kshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS 2002), Leura, 20-22 Febr uar y, 2002. (2002). *HALL, P.J. "Squar e Kilometre Ar ray (SKA) prototyping in Australia - an over view". In: URSI XXVIIth General Assembly, Maastricht, 17-24 August, 2002, 1326. (2002). *HORELLOU, C. & KORIBALSKI, B.S. "T he gig antic bar red g alaxy NGC 6872". In: Proc. Meeting of the Societe Francaise d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique, 2002, 177. (eds. Combes & Bar ret), (2002). *JAUNCEY, D.L., KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER, L., LOVELL, J.E.J., MACQUART, J.-P., NICOLSON, G.D., PERLEY, R.A., REYNOLDS, J.E., TZIOUMIS, A.K., WIERINGA, M.A. & BIGNALL, H.E. "Intr a-day variability, origins and implications". In: Par tic les and Fields in Radio Galaxies: proceedings of the Oxford Radio Galaxy Workshop, Oxford, 3-5 August 2000, ASP Conf. Ser., 250, 123. (eds. Laing & Blundell), (2002). JIN, S., WAITE-JONES, C.G., KEOHANE, J.W., OLBERT, C.M., GAENSLER, B.M. & WALLACE, B.J. "A mor pholo gical analysis of the super nova remnant G292.0+1.8 with Chandr a and ATCA". In: T he High Energ y Universe at Sharp Focus: Chandr a Science, ASP Conf. Ser., 262, 343. (eds. Schleg el & Vr tilek), (2002). JOHNSTON, S. , DOHERT Y, M., GREEN, A., ROBERTS, M., RO MANI, R., GAENSLER, B.M. & CRAWFORD, F. "Radio and X-ray imaging of two EGRET sources near 1=312 deg rees". In: Neutron Star s in Super nova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 209. (eds. Slane & Gaensler), (2002). *JOHNSTON-HOLLITT, M., CLAY, R.W., EKERS, R.D., WIERINGA, M.H. & HUNSTEAD, R.W. "T he dual radio r elics of A3667". In: IAU 199: T he Universe a t Low Radio Frequencies, Pune, India, Nov/Dec 1999, 157. (eds. Pramesh, Swar up, Ghopal-Krishna), (2002). *JOHNSTON-HOLLITT, M., EKERS, R.D. & HUNSTEAD, R.W. "T he cluster environment of Abell 3667". In: Par ticles and Fields in Radio Galaxies: proceedings of the Oxford Radio Galaxy Workshop, Oxford, 3-5 August 2000, ASP Conf. Ser., 250, 432. (eds. Laing & Blundell), (2002). *JOHNSTON-HOLLITT, M., HOLLITT, C.P. & EKERS, R.D. "An estimated all sk y Rota tion Measur e map". In: URSI XXVIIth General Assembly, Maastricht, 17-24 August, 2002, 2172. (2002).


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*KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER, L., JAUNCEY, D.L., LOVELL, J.E.J., WALKER, M.A., MACQUART, J.-P., WIERINGA, M.H., TZIOUMIS, A.K., PERLEY, R.A. & REYNOLDS, J.E. "Long ter m monitoring of the extreme intraday variable quasar PKS 0405-385". In: Par ticles and Fields in Radio Galaxies: proceedings of the Oxford R adio Galaxy Workshop, Oxford, 3-5 August 2000, ASP Conf. Ser., 250, 128. (eds. Laing & Blundell), (2002). *KESTEVEN, M.J. "AMiBA: Ar ray for Microwave Backg round Anistropy". In: Astrophysical Polarized Backg rounds: Workshop on Astrophysical Polarized Backg rounds, Bologna, 9-12 October 2001, 156. (eds. Cecchini et al.), (2002). *KLINGER, R.J, DICKEL, J.R., FIELDS, B.D. & MILNE, D.K. "A peculiar linear r adio featur e in the super nova remnant N206". In: Neutr on Stars in Super nova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 419. (eds. Slane & Gaensler), (2002). KONTINEN, S., HARJU, J., CASELLI, P., HEIKKILA, A. & WALMSLEY, M. "Dust and molecules in the Corona Australis cloud". In: SFChem 2002: Chemistr y as a Diagnostic of Star For mation, Waterloo, Ont., 21-23 August, 2002, 59. (eds. Cur r y & Fich), (2002). *KORIBALSKI, B. S. "T he HI Pa r kes All-Sk y Sur ve y (HIPASS)". In: Seeing T h r ough the Dust: T h e Detection of HI and the Exploration of the ISM in Galaxies, ASP Conf. Ser., 276, 72. (eds. Taylor, Landecker & Willis), (2002). LAZENDIC, J. S. , WARDLE, M., GREEN, A.J., WHITEOA K , J. B. & BU R T O N, M.G., "Molecular diagnostics of super nova remnant shocks". In: Neutron star remnants ASP Conf. Series, 271, 399. (eds. Slane Gaensler), (2002). *MAC Q UA RT, J.-P., KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER, L., JAUNCEY, D.L., SAULT, R. & RAYNER, D. P. "Circular polarization in scintillating sources". In: Par ticles and Fields in Radio Galaxies: proceedings of the Oxford Radio Galaxy Workshop, Oxf ord, 3-5 August 2000, ASP Conf. Ser., 250, 137. (eds. Laing & Blundell), (2002). *MACQUART, J.-P., WU, K., SAULT, R.J. & HANNIKAINEN, D.C. "Cir cular polarization in GRO J165540". In: New views on Microquasars: 4th Microquasar s Workshop, 2002, 224. (eds. Durouchoux, Fuchs & Rodriguez), (2002). *MANCHESTER, R.N. "Pulsars: an obser vational over view". In: IAU 199: T he Universe at Low R adio Frequencies, Pune, India, Nov/Dec 1999, 355. (eds. Pramesh, Swar up, Ghopal-Krishna), (2002). *MANCHESTER, R.N., BELL, J.F., CAMILO, F., KRAMER, M.I., LYNE, A.G., HOBBS, G.B., JOSHI, B.C., CRAWFORD, F., D'AMICO, N., POSSENTI, A., KASPI, V.M., STAIRS, I.H. "Young pulsars from the Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Sur vey and their associations". In: Neutron Star s in Super nova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 31. (eds. Slane & Gaensler), (2002). *McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M. "T he Souther n Galactic Plane Sur vey ". In: Seeing T hrough the Dust: T he Detection of HI and the Exploration of the ISM in Galaxies, ASP Conf. Ser., 276, 58. (eds. Taylor, Landecker & Willis), (2002). *McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M., STANIMIROVIC, S., DICKEY, J.M., GAENSLER, B.M. & GREEN, A.J. "Wide-field HI imaging with the Austr alia Telescope". In: URSI XXVIIth General Assembly, Maastricht, 17-24 August, 2002. (2002).

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MINIER, V., BURTON, M.G. & HILL, T., "Evolutionar y sequence for the early stag es of massive star for mation". In: SF2A-2002: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise meeting, Paris, France, June 24-29, EDP Sciences, Editions de Physique, Conf. Ser., 465. (eds. Combes & Bar ret), (2002). MINIER, V., BOOTH, R.S., BURTON, M.G. & PESTALOZZI, M.R. "Methanol masers and the ear liest stag es of massive star f or mation". Pr oceedings of the 6th European VLBI Network Symp., 25-28 June. Bonn, Ger many, 205. (eds. Ros, Porcas, Lobanov & Zensus), (2002). *MITCHELL, D.A., SAULT, R.J. & KESTEVEN, M.J. "Post cor rela tion ve r sus r eal-time ada ptive RFI cancellation". In: URSI XXVIIth General Assembly, Maastricht, 17-24 August, 2002, 115. (2002). MOFFETT, D., GAENSLER, B.M., GREEN, A., SLANE, P., HARRUS, I. & DODSON, R. "Powered by a pulsar? G291.0-0.1". In: Neutron Star s in Super nova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 221. (eds. Slane & Gaensler), (2002). *MORGANTI, R., OOSTERLOO, T., VAN MOORSEL, G., TADHUNTER, C. & KILLEEN, N. "HI absor ption in radio g alaxies". In: IAU 199: T he Universe at Low Radio Frequencies, Pune, India, Nov/Dec 1999, 118. (eds. Pramesh, Swar up, Gopal-Krishna), (2002). *MURGIA, M., PARMA, P. , FANTI, R., DE RU ITER, H.R., EKERS, R.D. & FOMAL ONT, E.B. "A multi-frequency stud y of the r adio g alaxy NGC 326". In: Par ticles and Fields in Radio Galaxies: proceedings of the Oxf ord R adio Galaxy Workshop, Oxford, 3-5 August 2000, ASP Conf. Ser., 250, 380. (eds. Laing & Blundell), (2002). *ORCHISTON, W. "Tebbutt vs Russell: passion, power and politics in nineteenth centur y Australian astronomy". Histor y of Oriental Astronomy: Proc. Joint Discussion 17, 23rd General Assembly, IAU, Kyoto, 25-26 August, 1997, 169. (ed. Ansari), (2002). *POSSENTI, A., D'AMICO, N., MANCHESTER, R.N., SARKISSIAN, J., LYNE, A.G. & CAMILO, F. "Searching for millisecond pulsars in globular c lusters at Parkes: fur ther results". In: ACP Summer 2001 Workshop: Compact Objects in Dense Star Clusters, Aspen , 26 June 2001. (2002). *RYAN-WEBER, E., WEBSTER, R. & STAVELEY-SMITH, L. "Local column density distribution function from HI selected g alaxies". In: Extrag alactic Gas at Low Redshift, ASP Conf. Ser., 254, 209. (eds. Mulcahey & Stocke), (2002). SADLER, E.M, OOSTERLOO, T. & MORGANTI, R. "T he dymanics, str uctur e & histor y of Galaxies: A workshops in honour of Professor Ken Freeman". In: ASP Conf. Ser., 273, 215 (eds. Da Costa & Jer jen), (2002). *SANWAL, D., PAVL OV, G.G., KARGALTSEV, O.Y., GARMIRE, G.P., ZAVLIN, V.E., BURWITZ, V., MANCHESTER, R.N. & DODSON, R. "X-ray spectr um and pulsa tions of the Vela pulsar". In: Neutron Stars in Super nova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 353. (eds. Slane & Gaensler), (2002). *SAULT, R.J. "Low frequenc y planetar y radio astr onomy". In: IAU 199: T he Unive rse a t Low Radio Frequencies, Pune, India, Nov/Dec 1999, 407. (eds. Pramesh, Swar up, Ghopal-Krishna), (2002). *SAULT, R.J. "Wide f ield imaging at low frequencies". In: IAU 199: T he Universe a t Low Radio Frequencies, Pune, India, Nov/Dec 1999, 508. (eds. Pramesh, Swar up, Ghopal-Krishna), (2002).


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*SAULT, R.J., RAYNER, D.P. & KESTEVEN, M.J. "Pr ecision and widefield polarimetr y with the Austr alia Telescope Compact A r ra y". In: Astr ophysical Polariz ed Bac kg rounds: Wo r kshop on Astr oph ysical Polarized Backg rounds, Bolo gna, 9-12 October 2001, 150. (eds. Cecchini et al.), (2002). *SCHWARTZ, D.A., MARSHALL, H.L., MILLER, B.P., WORRALL, D.M., BIRKINSHAW, M., L OVELL, J.E.J., JAUNCEY, D.L., PERLMAN, E.S., MURPHY, D.W. & PRESTON, R.A. "Results from a complete Chandra sur vey of radio jets". In: Active Galactic Nuclei: From Central Engine to Host Galaxy, Meudon, France, 23-27 July, 2002, ASP Conf. Ser., 290, 45. (eds. Collin, Combes & Schlosman), (2002). *SOBOLEV, A.M., OSTROVSKII, A.B., MALYSHEV, A.V., CRAGG, D.M., GODREY, P.D., SUTT ON, E.C., WATSON, W.D., ELLINGSEN, S.P. & CASWELL, J.L. "Models of c lass II methanol masers". In: Cosmic Masers: From Protostars to Black Holes, Rio de Janeir o, 4-11 March 2001, IAU Symposim 206, 179. (eds. Mig enes & Reid), (2002). *STAVELEY-SMITH, L. "T he larg e scale str ucture of the Larg e Mag ellanic Cloud". In: Seeing T hrough the Dust: the Detection of HI and the Exploration of the ISM in Galaxies, Penticton, B.C., 20-25 October 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 276, 391. (eds. Taylor, Landecker & Willis), (2002). *SUBRAHMANYAN, R. "Cosmic microwave backg round a t low frequencies". In: T he Universe a t Low Radio Frequencies, Pune India, Nov/Dec 1999, IAU Symposium 199, 58. (eds. Pramesh, Swar up, GhopalKrishna), (2002) *SUBRAHMANYAN, R. "Cross-talk in close packed interferometer ar rays". In: T he 2K1BC Workshop on Experimental Cosmolog y at Millimetre Wavelengths, Breuil-Cer vinia, Valle d'Aosta, Ital y, 9-13 July, 2001, AIP Conf. Ser., 616, 102. (eds. De Petri & Ger vasi), (2002). *SUBRAHMANYAN, R. "ATCA and CMB anisotropies". In: AMiBA 2001: High-Z Clusters, Missing Bar yons, and CMB Anistr opies, ASP Conf. Ser., 257, 289. (eds. Chen et al.), (2002). *SUBRAHMANYAN, R. "Obser ving the CMB with the AMiBA". In: AMiBA 2001: High-Z Cluster s, Missing Bar yons, and CMB Anistropies, ASP Conf. Ser., 257, 251. (eds. Chen et al.), (2002). *SUBRAHMANYAN, R. & EKERS, R. D. "CMB obser vations using the SKA". In: URSI XXVIIth General Assembly, Maastricht, 17-24 August 2002, 710. (2002). *TAYLOR, A.R., STIL, J., DICKEY, J., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M., MARTIN, P., ROTHWELL, T. & LOCKMAN, F.J. "T he VLA Galactic Plane Sur vey ". In: Seeing T hrough the Dust: T he Detection of HI and the Exploration of the ISM in Galaxies, ASP Conf. Ser., 276, 68. (eds. Taylor, Landecker & Willis), (2002). *TINGAY, S.J., PRESTON, R.A., JAUNCEY, D.L. & MURPHY, D.L. "T he subparsec-scale str ucture and evolution of Centaur us A". In: URSI XXVIIth General Assembly, Maastricht, 17-24 August, 2002, 2156. (2002). *TUCCI, M., CARRETTI, E., CECCHINI, S., NICASTRO, L., FABBRI, R., GAENSLER, B.M., DICKEY, J.M. & McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M. "Angular spectr a of g alactic polarized synchrotron emission at arcmin scales". In: Astr ophysical Po larized Backg rounds: Wo rkshop on Astr ophysical Po lariz ed Backg rounds, Bologna, 9-12 October 2001, AIP Conf. Ser., 609, 60. (eds. Cecchini et al.), (2002). *VENTURI, T., BARDELLI, S., DALLACASA, D., HUNSTEAD, R.W., MORGANTI, R. & TZIOUMIS, A.K. "Active g alaxies and candida te remnants in the core of the Shaple y Concentration". In: T he Universe at Low Radio Frequencies, Pune, India, Nov/Dec 1999, IAU Symposim 199, 161. (eds. Pramesh, Swar up, GhopalKrishna), (2002).

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VENTURI, T., BARDELLI, S., HUNSTEAD, R.W. & MORGANTI, R. "T he ef fects of c luster merg ers on the proper ties of radio g alaxies". Presented at Cluster Merg ers and their Connection to Radio Sources: 24th meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 10, 7- 18 August 2000, Manchester, Eng land. In: Highlights of Astronomy, 12, 536. (ed. Rickman), (2002). VENTURI, T., BARDELLI, S., ZAGARIA, M., PRANDONI, I. & MORGANTI, R. "Radio emission from the A3571 c luster comple x in the Sha ple y Concentr ation ". In: Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Galaxy Clusters, Sesto Pusteria, 2-7 July 2000, ASP Conf. Ser., 268, 455. (eds. Bor g ani, Mezz etti & Valdar nini), (2002). VENTURI, T. , PELLEGRINI, S. , COMASTRI, A., MORGANTI, R. & VIGN ALI, C. "T he accr etion process in the nucleus of the radio g alaxy PKS1333­33". In: Proceedings of the 6th European VLBI Network Symposium, 165. (eds. Ros, Porcas & Zensus), (2002). *WARR., G.B., BUNTON J.D., CAMPBELL-WILSON, D., CRAM, L.E., DAVISON, R.G., GREEN, A.J., HUNSTEAD, R.W., MIT CHELL, D.A., PARFITT, A.J. & SADLER, E.M. "Prototyping SKA technolo gies at the Molonglo radio telescope". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS 2002), Leura, 20-22 Febr uar y, 2002. ZWAAN, M.A., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., MEYER, M.J., WEBSTER, R.L. & HIPASS TEAM "T he cosmological mass density of neutral g as from HIPASS", American Astronomical Society Meeting 201. (2002)


Theses of students co-super vised by the ATNF, 2002
Getts, T., "Dynamical study of southern interacting galaxies", MSc thesis, Macquarie University Hunt, M., "Molecular spectral line obser va tions of sour ther n molecular clouds", PhD thesis, University of Western Sydney Leg ge, D., "Accurate astrometr y of southern radio pulsars", PhD thesis, University of Sydney Juraszek, S., "Nearby galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance", PhD thesis, University of Sydney Wheaton, V., "Hydrodynamical models and an investigation into radio emission from SNR 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud", MSc thesis, University of Sydney

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H: Postgraduate students co-super vised by the ATNF
As of December 2002 Name, project title and affiliation
Matthew Young, "An investigation of pulsar dynamics using improved methods of timed series analysis", University of Western Australia Scott Gordon, "Star for mation in interacting galaxies: A multiwavelength study", University of Queensland Boris Babic, "Mass distributions in rich clusters of galaxies", University of Queensland

Melanie Johnston-Hollitt, "Examining magnetic fields through Faraday rotation measures", University of Adelaide Jasmina Lazendic, "Molecular diagnostics of supernova remnant shocks", University of Sydney Erik Muller, "The kinematics and str ucture of the Magellanic Bridge", University of Wollongong Paul Roberts, "Components for wide bandwith signal processing in radio astronomy", University of Sydney Christian Br uens, "The gaseous ar ms of the Magellanic system and other high-velocity clouds", University of Bonn, Ger many Emily Ryan-Weber, "Column density distr uction function of the local Universe", University of Melbour ne Antione Bouchard, "Search for HI in dwarf spheroidal galaxies", University of Montreal, Canada Dion Lewis, "Timing of young pulsars", University of Tasmania Daniel Mitchell, "Interference mitigation in radio astronomy", University of Sydney Minh Hyunh, "Constraining the star for mation histor y of galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field South region with sensitive radio data", Australian National University Sebastian Gurovich, "Investigating the Bayonic Tully-Fisher relationship", Australian National University Jess O'Brien, "Probing the shape of dark halos of thin edge-on disk galaxies", Australian National University Bradley Warren, "The Nature of nearby high HI mass-to-light radio field galaxies", Australian National University Meryl Waugh, "Galaxy populations, dynamics and evolution of the Fornax cluster", University of Melbour ne

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Hayley Bignall, "Multiwavelength studies of blazars", University of Adelaide

Rachel Deacon, "Planetar y nebulae - origin of morpholog y", University of Sydney Aidan Hotan, "Pulsar obser vation and timing", Swinburne University of Technolog y Gianni Bernardi, "Diffuse Galactic synchroton polarised radiation as foreground for CMB experiments", University of Bologna/CNR, Italy Haydon Knight, "Baseband searching for millisecond pulsars", Swinburne University of Technolog y Natasa Vranesevic, "Galatic distribution and evolution of pulsars", University of Sydney Roberto Ricci, "The high frequency Compact Array radio sky sur vey", SISSA/ISAS, Italy Aaron Chipendale, "High dynamic range imaging with many baseline synthesis interferometr y", University of Sydney Catherine Drake, "Inter mediate radio-loud IRAS galaxies", Australian National University


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I: Abbreviations
AAO AAT ACA AGB ALFA AIPS ALMA AMiBA APT ARC ASKACC ATCA ATNF ATUC BIMA COSPAR CSG CPSR CSIRO CTIP EEO FARADAY FITS GaAs GRB HEMT HI HIPASS Anglo-Australian Obser vatory. Anglo-Australian Telescope. Australian Communications Authority. Asymptotic Giant Branch. Arecibo L-band Feed Array. Astronomical Image Processing System. Atacama Large Millimetre Array. Asia-Pacific Telescope. Australian Research Council. Australian SKA Consortium Committee. Australia Telescope Compact Array. Australia Telescope National Facility. Australia Telescope Users Committee. Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association. Committee on Space Research. Computer Services Group. Caltech-Parkes-Swinburne Recorder. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics ­ a Division of CSIRO partly co-located with the ATNF. Equal Employment Opportunity. Focal-plane Arrays for Radio Astronomy: Design, Access and Yield. Flexible Image Transport System. Gallium Arsenide. Gamma-ray Burst. High Electron Mobility Transistor. Neutral Hydrogen. HI Parkes All Sky Survey. Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy.

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International Astronomical Union. Interstellar Medium. Information Technology. International Telecommunications Union. Inter-Union Commission for the Allocation of Frequencies. Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe. Long Baseline Array, used for Australian VLBI obser vations. Local Oscillator. Low Frequency Array. Multichannel Image Reconstruction Image Analysis and Display. Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit. Major National Research Facilities. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The US space agency. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Orthomode Transducer. Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council. Radio Astronomy Frequency Committee in the Asia Pacific Region. Students Exploring Australia's Radio Frequency Environment. Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (Chile). Southern Galactic Plane Survey. Semiconductor-Insulator-Semiconductor. Square Kilometre Array. Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey. Time Assignment Committee. Telescope Control System. International Union of Radio Science. United States Naval Obser vatory. Very Long Baseline Interferometry. VLBI Space Observatory Program. Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe. World Radiocommunication Conference. Zone of Avoidance.



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