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Annual Report 2000

ISSN 1038-9954

This is the report of the Steering Committee of the CSIRO Australia Telescope National Facility for the calendar year 2000. DESIGN Angela Finney, Art When You Need It
Photograph © CSIRO

overview page 4

performance indicators

page 12

science highlights

page 16


page 38

observatory reports page 48

technology developments

page 60


page 70

Science highlights in brief
First millimetre light for upgraded Australia Telescope page 16 After three years of designing, building and testing, first light at millimetre wavelengths for the upgraded Australia Telescope Compact Array occurred on 30 November 2000. Two of the six antennas were fitted with the new 3-mm receiving systems and were used to obser ve silicon monoxide maser emission from the Orion nebula. Massive proto-planetary disks detected at radio wavelengths page 18 Obser vations taken with the Australia Telescope Compact Ar ray reveal the presence of three sources in the starburst cluster NGC 3603, identified as protoplanetar y disks on images from the Hubble Space Telescope and the ESO Ver y Large Telescope. The radio sources are 20­30 times larger than their counterparts in the Orion nebula and are much brighter than expected. New discoveries of millisecond pulsars in globular clusters page 20 from sensitive obser vations taken with the Parkes radio telescope. A very young pulsar discovered in the Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey page 24 In the past four years, the Parkes radio telescope and its multibeam receiver have been used to scan the Milky Way for pulsars. The Parkes sur vey has nearly doubled the number of known pulsars. Among the discoveries is the pulsar J11196127 which rotates just over twice per second. Its spin parameters show that it is only 1,600 years old, making it the fourth youngest pulsar known in the Milky Way. Obser vations taken with the Australia Telescope Compact Array show that the pulsar is at the centre of a previously uncatalogued supernova remnant. A new test for general relativity page 26


Globular clusters are a rich source of millisecond pulsars. These are compact neutron stars in binar y systems that have been "spun up" by mass accretion from the companion stars. In a study of 60 globular clusters, ten new millisecond pulsars have been discovered in four clusters which were not previously known to contain pulsars. The new discoveries were made

A team of Australian and US astronomers have used the Parkes radio telescope to measure the distortion of space-time near a star 140 parsecs from Earth, confirming a prediction of Einstein's general theor y of relativity. They measured the arrival times of the pulses received on Earth from the bright millisecond pulsar, PSR J0437-4715, to within a tenth of a millionth of a second. The HI environment of superbubbles in the Large Magellanic Cloud page 28 One of the most important processes that drives the evolution of galaxies is the injection of energy into the interstellar medium from the winds and supernova explosions of massive stars. In starburst

Photograph © CSIRO

Photograph © S Amy

regions, groups of massive stars may blow "superbubbles" of hot ionized gas which extend over large distances. A team of researchers has used the Australia Telescope Compact Ar ray to study the neutral hydrogen environment around three young superbubbles in the Large Magellanic Cloud. They find that while the ionized gas shells are similar for the three regions, the neutral hydrogen distributions are strikingly different. The HIPASS Bright Galaxy Survey page 30 millions of light years. Obser vations taken with the Australia Telescope Compact Array for the giant radio galaxy B0114-476 reveal a "double-double" str ucture with two outer diffuse lobes and two inner jetlike features. Such a str ucture suggests that the galaxy may experience recur rent nuclear activity. The gaseous halos of three spiral galaxies page 36 Obser vations of three southern edge-on spiral galaxies, taken with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, show that the galaxies have extended gaseous halos. The radio emission occurs from relativistic electrons which are released during multiple supernova explosions. The radio data provide new insights into the star formation histor y of the obser ved galaxies.

The HI Parkes All-Sky Sur vey has provided the first ever sur vey of extragalactic neutral hydrogen over the souther n sky. The sur vey was completed in March 2000 and the data were released in May 2000. One of the first sur vey products is the HIPASS Bright Galaxy Catalogue, a catalogue of the 1,000 brightest HI galaxies in the southern hemisphere. HIPASS turns up new gas in the NGC 2442 group page 32 The HI Parkes All Sky Sur vey has revealed a huge cloud of neutral hydrogen gas, near the bright spiral galaxy NGC 2442. The gas cloud, designated J0731-69, contains a thousand-million solar masses of hydrogen but shows no evidence for any stars or star formation activity. The cloud may have been torn out of NGC 2442 during a tidal interaction with another galaxy. Recurrent activity in giant radio galaxies page 34 Giant radio galaxies have linear sizes of

Technology highlights in brief
MNRF Upgrades First results at 3 mm page 16 A major milestone was reached in November 2000 with the first 3-mm obser vations of the upgraded Australia Telescope Compact Array, taken using two antennas. The success of the millimetre obser vations highlights the excellence of the MNRF engineering. Australia Telescope Compact Array local oscillator distribution page 62 Almost all of the optical fibres for the local oscillator distribution network have been


laid between the Control Room and the antenna station posts. Extra stations and the north spur page 63 of using spherical refracting antennas (Luneburg lenses) for the Square Kilometre Array. Interference Mitigation page 67 Civil engineering works associated with four new stations on the east-west track and five new stations on the north spur of the Australia Telescope Compact Array were completed in 2000. MMICS page 64 The ATNF has developed successful new techniques for the removal of inter ference signals from correlated radio astronomy data. SKA site testing page 69

Monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) are an essential component of the high-frequency receiver upgrades. After bonding and packaging, 3-mm and 12-mm indium phosphide MMICs were retrofitted to two prototype receivers on the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Both the system temperatures and bandwidths achieved were outstanding. High-speed two-bit sampler page 64

Work has continued to identify possible sites for the SKA in Australia and the feasibility of establishing a radio-quiet reser ve.

The ATNF in Brief
The Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF) supports Australia's research in radio astronomy, one of the major fields of moder n astronomy, by operating the Australia Telescope, a set of eight individual radio telescopes. Mission


Considerable progress was made with the development of a high-speed two-bit digitiser using indium phosphide heterojunction bipolar transistor (InP HBT) technology. This is designed to sample astronomical signals at up to eight Gigabits per second. InP HBT technology was also used to develop a digitiser with integrated photoreceiver circuits which allow the digitiser's output to be passed to optical fibres via externally bonded laser diodes. The Square Kilometre Array Antennas for the SKA page 67 Work continued on assessing the feasibility

· To operate and develop the Australia
Telescope as a national research facility for use by Australian and international researchers.

· To exploit the telescope's unique
southern location and technological advantages to maintain its position as a world-class radio astronomy obser vator y.

· To further the advancement of

Size and funding The ATNF employs 135 staff. In 1999­2000 the organization's total funding was $16.64M, of which $12.23M was direct appropriation from CSIRO. Status within CSIRO The Australia Telescope National Facility is managed as a National Facility by Australia's largest national research institution, CSIRO. Formerly part of the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics, it became a separate Division in Januar y 1989. The Australia Telescope Steering Committee, appointed by the Minister for Science to advise the ATNF Director, also acts as the Advisor y Committee for CSIRO's Radio Astronomy Sector. Status as a National Facility The ATNF became a National Facility in April 1990. As a National Facility, the Australia Telescope provides world-class obser ving facilities in radio astronomy for astronomers at Australian and overseas institutions. The Australia Telescope is operated as a National Facility under guidelines originally established by the Australian Science and Technology Council. Users of ATNF telescopes Obser ving time on the ATNF's telescopes is awarded to researchers on the basis of the merits of their proposed research programs by a Time Assignment Committee appointed by the Steering Committee. More than 80% of the telescopes' users come from outside ATNF.
Photograph © CSIRO

In 2000 the telescopes were used by: 38 researchers from the ATNF; 77 researchers from 16 other Australian institutions; and 243 researchers from 98 institutions in 23 overseas countries. The ATNF in the Australian context The ATNF is the largest single astronomical institution in Australia. Ninety per cent of Australian radio astronomy is car ried out through the ATNF. The organization has strong links with its primar y user base, the university community; the interests of telescope users are represented by the Australia Telescope Users Committee. The ATNF's Sydney headquarters are colocated with those of the Anglo-Australian Obser vator y, an independent bi-national facility that provides world-class optical and infrared facilities. This close association is unique, in world terms, and promotes valuable collaboration between the two organizations. The ATNF in the global context Of the fields of modern astronomy--X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, infrared and radio, Australia's most important contribution to the global practice of astronomy is through radio astronomy. This is a result of Australia's early lead in the field, continuous technological advances, and souther n hemisphere location. The Australia Telescope is the only major radio telescope of its kind in the souther n


hemisphere, and thus can view part of the sky which is out of reach of northern hemisphere telescopes. It provides one of the most power ful radio astronomy facilities in the world. Australian and international obser vers use the telescope without access charges. This is in accordance with a general practice of the worldwide astronomical community, in which telescope users from dif ferent countries gain reciprocal access to facilities on the basis of scientific merit. This allows Australian astronomers to use telescopes in other countries and international facilities such as space-based instr uments. Such access provides Australian scientists with a diversity of instr uments and leads to a rich network of international collaborations. The ATNF's observatories The Australia Telescope consists of eight radio-receiving antennas, located at three sites in New South Wales. Six of them make up the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), located at the Paul Wild Obser vator y near the town of Narrabri. Five of these antennas sit on a 3-km stretch of rail track r unning eastwest; they can be moved to different points along the track to build up detailed images of the sky. A sixth antenna lies three kilometres to the west of the main group. Each of these antennas has a reflecting sur face 22 m in diameter. After the radio signals from space are "collected" by the antennas' sur faces they are transformed into electrical signals, brought together at a central location, and then processed. The end result is usually a picture of the object being studied--a picture equivalent to a photograph, but made from radio waves instead of light. A further 22-m antenna, known as the Mopra telescope, is located near Mopra rock, in the War rambungle mountains near Coonabarabran, New South Wales. The other key component of the Australia Telescope is the Parkes 64-m radio telescope, located near the town of Parkes. This telescope has been successfully operated since 1961 and is famous as a national symbol for Australian scientific achievement. Recent upgrades to accommodate a 13-beam focal-plane array have maintained its world-class position as a state-of-the-art instr ument. The eight ATNF telescopes can be used together as a Long Baseline Array (LBA) for a technique known as Ver y Long Baseline Inter ferometr y (VLBI) which is used to obtain high-resolution images of small areas of sky. The Long Baseline Array is used as part of an Australian network of radio telescopes which includes the NASA satellite tracking antennas at Tidbinbilla, near Canber ra, and radio antennas in Tasmania, South Australia and West Australia. The LBA is also regularly used as part of the Asia-Pacific Telescope which links radio telescopes in Australia, Japan, China, South Africa, Hawaii and India, and the VLBI space obser vator y program (VSOP).


The ATNF's host organization, CSIRO, is composed of business units called Divisions; the ATNF has the status of a Division. These Divisions are grouped into 22 research sectors. The ATNF is the sole member of the Radio Astronomy Sector, and the ATNF Steering Committee acts as the CSIRO Sectoral Advisor y Committee for radio astronomy.
Figure 1 VLBI telescopes in Australia

Engineering and technology development The advance of radio astronomy depends cr ucially on exploiting the latest technological developments in a range of areas which include electronics, receiver technology, signal detection and processing, control systems, data processing and information technology. The ATNF provides a platform for the development of cutting-edge technology in Australia. ATNF Steering Committee ATNF policy is determined by the ATNF Steering Committee, an independent committee appointed by the Minister for Science and Technology. The Committee helps CSIRO to develop the ATNF's longterm strategy. The inaugural meeting of the ATNF Steering Committee was held in May 1989. Since then it has met at least once a year, to define the broad directions of the ATNF's scientific activities and the development of the Australia Telescope. It is also responsible for promoting the use of the Facility and, indirectly, for allocating obser ving time.
Photograph © CSIRO

The Steering Committee appoints an Australia Telescope Users Committee (ATUC) to provide feedback and advice from the user community, and a Time Assignment Committee (TAC) to review proposals and allocate obser ving time. The committee memberships for the year 2000 are listed in Appendix C. Australia Telescope Users Committee The Australia Telescope Users Committee (ATUC) represents the interests of the Australia Telescope's users. In 2000 it consisted of a total of 19 scientists, drawn from eleven institutions. This committee provides feedback to the ATNF Director, discussing problems with, and suggesting changes to, AT operations; it also discusses and ranks by scientific merit various future development projects. As well, ATUC meetings are a for um for informing AT users of the current status and planned development of ATNF facilities, and recent scientific results. ATUC discussions can be found on the Web at http://www.atnf.csiro.au/overview/atuc.


Members of the ATNF Steering Committee in March 2000. From left to right: Prof P. McCulloch, Dr D. Cooper, Prof K. Menten, Dr E. Sadler, Dr P. Scaife, Prof B. Boyle, Prof J. Storey, Prof K. Lo, Prof P. Goldsmith, Prof R. Ekers, Dr R. Sandland and Prof R. Cannon.

Time Assignment Committee The ATNF receives more applications for obser ving time than it can accommodate: proposals for time on both the Parkes and Nar rabri telescopes exceed the time available by a factor of approximately two. The proposals are assessed, and time allocated to them, by the Time Assignment Committee (TAC). The TAC meets three times a year and reviews approximately 90 telescope applications at each meeting. Strategic objectives The ATNF is one of the world's leading radio astronomy organizations. The strategic objectives for the ATNF are: · To continue to operate the Australia Telescope in such a way as to maintain a leading international position The ATNF will provide access to its facilities to satisfy the needs of Australian and overseas users. At least 70% of time on the Parkes and Narrabri telescopes will be used for astronomy. Time lost during scheduled obser ving periods will be kept to below 5%. · To upgrade the Australia Telescope to maintain its competitiveness in the medium term (3­8 years) The Narrabri and Mopra telescopes are now being upgraded, under the

Major National Research Facilities (MNRF) Program, to work at shorter (millimetre) wavelengths. The upgraded telescopes will use innovative devices for the detection of extremely weak millimetre-wave signals from space. These are being jointly designed by the ATNF and CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics, a project funded by the CSIRO Executive Special Project. The MNRF upgrade will also extend the Australian network of telescopes used for ver y long baseline inter ferometr y (VLBI), which has both astronomical and geodetic applications. The MNRF upgrades will be completed in 2002. · To position the ATNF to participate in major international radio astronomy projects developing over the next decade The MNRF upgrade will allow the ATNF to maintain a leading position for the next eight to ten years. Beyond that, radio astronomy will be dominated by two major international developments: the Atacama Large Millimeter Ar ray (ALMA) and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). These instr uments will allow astronomers to pursue key questions about the early evolution of the Universe. For Australia to maintain its position in




Figure 2 The management str ucture of the ATNF as at 30 June 2000

radio astronomy, it needs to have a significant role in at least one of these projects. The SKA is a billion-dollar project, the "next generation" radio telescope with a collecting area of one square kilometre. Its constr uction is expected to start in around 2010. Australia is well positioned to play a key role in the development of the SKA. In some respects Australia offers an ideal location for the SKA as it has a number of regions of low population density which are relatively free from radio inter ference. The technology development required for the SKA will have wide industrial applications and the constr uction will involve significant industrial contracts. A preliminar y research development program for the SKA, funded by CSIRO, was initiated in 1999. · To conduct an effective outreach program The ATNF operates Visitors Centres at the sites of the Parkes and Paul Wild Obser vatories and has an active public outreach program which has several goals: to raise the national profile of astronomy and related technology in Australia; to encourage the next generation of scientists by providing educational resources targeted at high school students and their teachers; and to maintain good community relationships.


Photograph © CSIRO

The ATNF assesses its per for mance through Key Per for mance Indicators, based on those used generally by CSIRO but adapted to be appropriate for a National Facility. Wherever possible, the ATNF benchmarks its per formance against best international practice. Unless other wise noted, figures are for calendar year 2000. 1 Scheduled and successfully completed observing time For the Parkes and Narrabri obser vatories, the ATNF sets a target that at least 70% of the time available should be allocated for astronomical obser vations. (The remaining 30% is needed for maintenance and upgrading the facilities.) A second target is that the time lost during scheduled obser vations, from equipment failure, should be below 5%. The following values show the use of time for the year 2000: ATCA Time used for scheduled obser vations Downtime during scheduled obser vations Percentage of scheduled obser vations successfully completed 76.3% 4.9% Parkes 82.3% 2.4%


previous few years. This was largely due to a failed drive on antenna 2 and an electrical burnout on antenna 6. The telescope most comparable with the ATCA is the Ver y Large Array (VLA) in the USA. The percentages of scheduled obser vations successfully completed are ver y similar for the ATCA and the VLA. Fur ther breakdowns of time use for Narrabri and Parkes can be found in the Obser vator y Reports (pages 50 and 56). 2 Response of the ATNF to recommendations by the Users Committee The ATNF Users Committee (ATUC) meets twice a year to represent the user community in the ATNF decision-making process. After each meeting the committee presents a list of recommendations to the Director. ATUC considers matters raised by the user community, current operations and sets priorities for future developments. Over the last four years, approximately three quarters of ATUC recommendations have been followed up by the ATNF. 3 Adoption by users and organizations of practices, instruments and processes developed by CSIRO This list includes some of the hardware and software developments at the ATNF which are now in use at other organizations: Antenna holography developed at the ATNF is used routinely in exter nal industr y and defence contracts. Kar ma visualization software developed




The downtime for the Parkes telescope includes time lost for wind stows (1.4%).

In 2000 the downtime during scheduled obser vations at the Australia Telescope Compact Array was higher than for the

Photograph © S Amy

at ATNF is now used by more than 30 astronomical institutions. Miriad data reduction software, jointly written at the ATNF and BIMA, is in routine use at radio astronomy institutions around the world. ATNF digital correlator hardware and control software are in use at the Tidbinbilla, Hobar t, SEST, Ceduna, Har tebeesthoek and Jodrell Bank obser vatories. Multibeam obser ving techniques and data management systems developed for the Parkes Obser vator y have been adopted by Jodrell Bank (UK). Components of aips++ software, including visualization routines and fundamental measures, written at ATNF, are being used by several institutions including the Her zberg Institute for Astrophysics (Canada), Jodrell Bank and the Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (JIVE). A cor relator, built at the ATNF for the Swedish ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST) was delivered in March 2000. ATNF staf f provided scientific and technical support for the Taiwanese AMiBA project in three ways: as consultants for the receiver constr uction and MMIC development; the constr uction of a prototype wideband correlator; and providing support for system specifications, obser ving strategies, science and data-reduction issues.


4 Time allocation on ATNF facilities In 2000 a total of 168 proposals were allocated time on ATNF facilities (each proposal is counted once only per calendar year although some proposals are submitted two or three times). Of these, 112 were for the Australia Telescope Compact Array, 36 were for the Parkes telescope, 10 were for the Mopra telescope and 10 were for the Long Baseline Array. Figures 3 and 4 show the time allocated to obser ving teams on the Compact Array and Parkes radio telescope as a percentage of the total allocated time, by affiliation of the team leader.

Figure 3 Compact Ar ray time allocation, 1990­2000


Figure 4 Parkes time allocation, 1990­2000

Allocation of time on the ATNF facilities is done on the basis of scientific merit. The ATNF has a guideline that at least 60% of allocated time should be used by astronomers at the ATNF and other Australian institutions, with up to 40% for astronomers at overseas institutions. For the years 1993 to 1999 this was close to the actual allocation of obser ving time on the Compact Array. In the year 2000 however, the percentage of time allocated to overseas obser vers increased to over 50%. The strong per formance of overseas users of the Australia Telescope facilities is also reflected in a large number of publications by overseas authors. For the Parkes telescope the time allocation is more variable. For the years 1993 to 2000 the time allocated to overseas obser vers has varied between 15 and 50%. In 2000 the proposals allocated time on ATNF facilities included a total of 358 different authors. Of these 38 authors were from the ATNF, 77 were from 16 other Australian institutions and 243 were from 98 overseas institutions in 23 countries. Figure 5 shows the number of proposals (counted using the team leaders) and the total number of authors from each countr y.
Figure 5 Australian and overseas par ticipation, 2000


5 Number of publications Figure 6 shows the number of publications in journals and conference proceedings, which include data obtained with the Australia Telescope. The publication counts include papers dealing with operations or data reduction but do not include IAU telegrams, abstracts, reports, historical papers, ar ticles for popular magazines, or other papers by ATNF authors. Appendix F (page 89) lists the 106 papers published in refereed journals and the 75 papers published in conference proceedings in 2000.


Figure 6 Papers from data obtained with the Australia Telescope, published in refereed journals and conference proceedings.

6 Teaching, measured by the number of postgraduates supervised by ATNF staff In December 2000 the ATNF was cosuper vising 18 students from eight universities in Australia and six students from overseas institutions (Appendix G). Of the 24 students 18 were PhD students and six were Masters degree students.

7 Public communication, measured by the number of media appearances and talks to schools and community groups In 2000 the media coverage of the ATNF was dominated by reports on the Parkes telescope, following the release of the film The Dish in October 2000. During the year the ATNF issued eight media releases (Appendix E). The organization, its staff or research activities, featured in at least 100 press items. ATNF staf f gave approximately 25 television inter views and 50 radio inter views while at least 60 talks were given to school, university and community groups. The counts shown in Figure 7 have been verified where possible. However, the numbers for media reports (TV, radio, newspapers) for all years and the number of public talks given by ATNF staff in 1996 to 1998 are likely to have been undercounted. Figure 7 also shows the number of Web hits to the central ATNF web site. The counts include inter nal use by staf f and hits generated by external search engines. In the year 2000, the total number of Web hits


was 6.7 million, approximately 10 times more than in 1996. 8 User feedback at Narrabri and Parkes Obser vers at the Parkes and Nar rabri obser vatories are asked to complete a User Feedback questionnaire. The responses from these are given in the Obser vator y Reports. These show that the level of satisfaction with facilities provided is generally ver y high (see pages 51 and 56). For the year 2000 the average over all items ranked was 91% for the Nar rabri Obser vator y and 88% for the Parkes Obser vator y. 9 ATNF engineering milestones A per for mance indicator introduced by the Steering Committee, to gauge instr umentation development, is given by the planned and actual capital costs and timescales for engineering projects. These are given in Appendix H. Typically, projects undertaken by the ATNF take around 30% longer to complete than predicted and cost about 30% more than originally estimated. Such over-r uns may be inevitable when dealing with innovative technologies. Fur ther development of this indicator is planned, to establish its usefulness and to compare the ATNF per formance with best practice elsewhere.


Figure 7 ATNF Public Relations activities for the years 1996 to 2000


A project science team is now using the Compact Ar ray in its 3-mm obser ving mode, looking at a variety of astronomical sources and investigating the per formance of the system. Some of the first obser vations were of the SiO maser emission from the circumstellar envelopes of the evolved stars VX Sgr, R Dor, and R Aqr. The strong SiO emission from these stars can be detected easily in a single 10-second integration time. The team also obser ved HCO+ absorption against the nuclear continuum source in the radio galaxy Centaur us A (Figure 9). Initial results are available on the Web at http://www.atnf.csiro.au/mnrf/3mm_details.html.

First millimetre light for upgraded Australia Telescope
First light at millimetre wavelengths for the upgraded Australia Telescope Compact Array occurred in November 2000, with a 3-mm obser vation of silicon monoxide maser emission from the Orion nebula. On Thursday 30 November 2000, three years of designing, building, and testing for the Narrabri and Sydney engineering groups came to a climax at the Compact Array when two of the six dishes were fitted with the new 3-mm receiving systems and trained on a star-forming region within the Orion nebula containing silicon monoxide (SiO) masers. At 11.45 p.m. the telescope captured its first cosmic millimetre-wave photons, achieving "first light". Figure 8 shows the cross-power spectr um resulting from these first obser vations, at a frequency of 86.243 GHz. The millimetre photons from this source are produced by excited SiO molecules embedded within the star-forming clouds.

Figure 9 This spectr um obtained with a single 31-m baseline shows HCO+ absorption seen against the nucleus of the galaxy Centaur us A. A preliminar y bandpass calibration has been applied and the spectr um is Hanning smoothed. The spectr um is centred on the velocity of the galaxy, at 552 km s -1, where the strongest HCO+ absorption occurs and also shows two nar rower absorption features near 540 km s -1. The velocity range shown does not include all of the absorption features known for Centaur us A.

Figure 8 "First light" ­ the Australia Telescope's first obser vation as an interferometer working in the 3-mm band with a single 31-m baseline, between antennas 3 and 4. The spectr um shows the SiO maser emission at 86.24 GHz from a star-forming region in the Orion nebula. The integration time was several minutes. No calibration has been applied.


(ATNF) and the CSIRO Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics (formerly the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics) under a special program established by for mer CSIRO Chief Executive Malcolm McIntosh to develop millimetre-wave integrated circuits for radio astronomy and telecommunications. The upgrading of the Australia Telescope to work at millimetre wavelengths is funded by the Australian Federal Gover nment under its Major National Research Facilities (MNRF) Program, and by CSIRO. More infor mation on the MNRF projects is available on the Web at http://www.atnf.csiro.au/mnrf/mnrf_outline.html.
B. Koribalski and the MNRF science and engineering team (ATNF)

The prototype 3-mm receiving systems, installed on two of the Australia Telescope's six dishes, cover the frequency range 84­91 GHz. This current system will progressively be upgraded to the full array of six antennas with receivers covering a frequency range from 84 GHz to around 115 GHz. Routine millimetre obser ving is expected to start in mid-2003. In the meantime millimetre testing is under way whenever there is gap in the regular obser ving schedule. At the hear t of the new millimetre receivers are indium phosphide MMIC chips (page 64), cooled to -253° C, the product of a joint ef fort between the Australia Telescope National Facility


Photograph © CSIRO


AJ 119, 292). The ProPlyDs are located 1­2 parsecs away from the stellar cluster core and roughly for m a straight line from northwest to southeast. The radio images show cometar y shapes, with a bright head and a faint tail consisting of diluted gas which points away from the cluster centre. These tear-shaped str uctures are probably formed by the influence of the radiation pressure and strong winds from the massive stars (Figures 10 and 11). Similar str uctures are also seen in the optical and infrared images of the ProPlyDs. The ProPlyDs in NGC 3603 are several arcseconds in extent and are 20­30 times larger than their counterparts in Orion. Their radio flux densities are 10­20 times larger than expected, and are stronger towards longer wavelengths. This is a completely unexpected behaviour for these young objects, which are thought to emit optically-thin thermal radio emission. The spectral behaviour suggests optically-thin non-thermal (gyro-)synchrotron emission as the origin of the radiation, indicating that magnetic processes may be important in these ProPlyDs. The "standard" ProPlyD model consists of a star, embedded in a neutral envelope which is surrounded by ionized material. Within the neutral material a circumstellar disk is presumed to exist and this plays a central role in the formation of stars and planets from interstellar matter. The circumstellar disks ser ve as a reser voir for accretion of matter and are responsible for angular

Massive proto-planetary disks detected at radio wavelengths
The giant HII region NGC 3603, located at a distance of about 20,000 light-years in the southern constellation of Carina, contains the Galaxy's most massive visible starburst region. The region has a large complex of molecular clouds and a dense concentration of massive stars in an early stage of evolution. The star cluster contains three Wolf-Rayet stars and around 70 O-type stars, of which an estimated 40­50 are located in a central region of approximately 13 x 13 arcseconds. These highly massive stars, which will eventually explode as supernovae, have an ionizing power about 100 times larger than that of the well-known Trapezium cluster in Orion. Radio obser vations provide a means of detecting the individual stellar winds of some of the Galaxy's most luminous, massive hot stars located in the heart of NGC 3603. To study these stars, we obtained 12-hour obser vations at 3 and 6 cm with each of the 6-km configurations of the Australia Telescope Compact Array, giving a resolution of 1­2 arcseconds, high sensitivity and high dynamic range. This unique data set presents the first complete multifrequency study of this 2­3 millionyear-old star-forming region. The radio data reveal the presence of three sources recently identified as protoplanetar y disks (ProPlyDs) on images from the Hubble Space Telescope and ESO Ver y Large Telescope (see Brandner et al. 2000,



ProPlyD gas and the winds from other massive stars. So far, no disks have been seen in the NGC 3603 ProPlyDs.
A. MÝcke (UniversitÈ de MontrÈal, Canada); B. Koribalski (ATNF); T. Moffat (UniversitÈ de MontrÈal, Canada); M. Corcoran (Goddard Space Flight Center, USA); I. Stevens (University of Birmingham, UK)

momentum transport from the central star and the build-up of planetesimals. Such disks are expected to be photo-evaporated by external ultraviolet radiation from a massive star or star cluster. Bow shocks form in the vicinity of the ProPlyDs from an interaction between the evaporating


Figure 10 Compact Ar ray image showing the 3-cm radio continuum emission from the massive HII region NGC 3603 (contours) overlaid on a Hubble Space Telescope image by Brandner et al. (2000). Two of the three ProPlyDs are clearly visible to the nor th and east. The third ProPlyD is located to the nor thwest, outside this image. The brightest optical and radio emission is associated with giant gaseous pillars. Nor th is to the top and east is to the left.

Figure 11 Compact Ar ray images of the 3-cm radio continuum emission (contours) from the three NGC 3603 ProPlyDs overlaid on Hubble Space Telescope images of the ProPlyDs. The ar rows indicate the ProPlyD ionization fronts resulting from the winds of the central star cluster.


In order to improve our search capability, we are using a new filterbank system built at Jodrell Bank and Bologna. This filterbank gives 512 x 0.5 MHz filter channels for each of the two polarizations making possible more effective removal of interstellar dispersion. It allows the detection of MSPs with dispersion measures of more than 200 cm-3 pc. The combination of this new equipment with the relatively high frequency of the multibeam receiver and its excellent sensitivity gives a unique opportunity to probe distant clusters. Because globular clusters are known to contain binar y MSPs with short orbital periods, we have implemented a new multi-dimensional code to search over a range of accelerations resulting from binar y motion, in addition to the standard search over a range of dispersion measures requires huge computing resources. In Bologna, the new code r uns on a local cluster of Alpha-500MHz processors and on the Cray-T3E 256-processor system at the CINECA Supercomputing Center. Data management and storage in this new experiment is also a non-trivial issue. A typical integration of 2.3 hours on a single target produces four Gbytes of data. But the results achieved so far amply justify the effort. We have selected a sample of about 60 clusters, based on their central concentration and distance, and have so far discovered ten new MSPs in four

New discoveries of millisecond pulsars in globular clusters
Globular clusters are a rich source of millisecond pulsars (MSPs). Exchange interactions in the core result in the formation of binar y systems containing a neutron star which subsequently evolve, spinning up the neutron star through mass accretion. The MSPs formed in this way are among the most stable clocks in nature and are valuable for studies of the dynamics of clusters and the evolution of binaries embedded in them. However, they are quite difficult to find because the emission is weak and distorted by propagation through the interstellar medium, and the apparent pulse period may change rapidly because of binar y motion. About half of the 33 pulsars known in the Galactic globular clusters in 1994 were discovered at Parkes. From that time until recently, there have been no fur ther discoveries of MSPs in globular clusters. With the advent of the new Parkes 20-cm receiver, we decided to mount a new attack on the globular clusters and attempt to break the long hiatus in such discoveries.


Extensive obser vations of the relatively nearby cluster 47 Tucanae, already known to be a rich storehouse of MSPs, resulted in the discover y of nine further MSPs, taking the total known in this cluster to 20, nearly a quarter of all MSPs known! Finding pulsars in more distant clusters for which there is no previous detection is more difficult.

Photograph © CSIRO



clusters which were not previously known to contain pulsars. The first interesting case is NGC 6752 (Figure 12). This cluster is believed to have a collapsed core and was already known to possess a large proportion of binar y systems and several dim X-ray sources suggesting that MSPs are likely to be formed in its core. In this cluster we first discovered a 3.26 millisecond pulsar, PSR J1910-59A, in a binar y system with an orbital period of 21 hours. This pulsar was first seen in four consecutive data sets of length 2,100 seconds, showing a significant acceleration (~ -2.2 m s-2) on each data set. A characteristic of this pulsar is that, because of the relatively low dispersion measure (34 cm-3 pc), it scintillates markedly, similar to the pulsars in 47 Tucanae, and so it is seen rarely. But, as we have already experienced with 47 Tucanae, the amplification due to scintillation might occasionally help in the detection of additional rather weak MSPs in the same cluster. By devoting a large amount of obser ving to this cluster, we have already found four additional MSPs. Even more interestingly, all of these four seem to be isolated. Such a large proportion of isolated/binaries (4/1) is not ver y common in globular clusters. It is possible that other hidden binaries might be present in this cluster.

Figure 12 The globular cluster NGC 6752, now known to contain at least five millisecond pulsars. (Image from
the Digital Sky Sur vey)

Another interesting case is the MSP (so far the only one) discovered in NGC 6397. This cluster is close and has a ver y dense and probably collapsed core. It contains at least four X-ray sources which may be related to MSPs. Despite this, there was no known pulsar associated with NGC 6397 prior to this search. In this cluster we have found PSR J1740-53, a relatively weak pulsar with a spin period of 3.65 milliseconds and an orbital period of 1.35 days. This pulsar has been shown to be eclipsed for more than 40% of the orbital phase. Similar eclipses have been seen in other binar y systems, for example, PSR B1957+20, PSR B1744-24A in the cluster Terzan 5 and PSR J2051-0827. However, all of these systems are ver y close binar y systems with orbital periods of just a few hours and ver y light companions



continuum source was discovered at its centre at the Ver y Large Array, but up to now, pulsar searches have been unsuccessful. PSR J1807-24 has a spin period of 3.06 milliseconds and is a relatively strong pulsar (Figure 13) with a mean flux density of 1.3 milliJansky. Follow-up obser vations made at Parkes and Jodrell Bank showed that it is binar y, with an extremely short orbital period of 1.7 hours, the second shortest known. Even more interestingly, the projected semimajor axis of the orbit is tiny, only 12 lightmilliseconds. The corresponding minimum companion mass is only 0.0089 solar masses or about 10 Jupiter masses. We have proved that one of the key strategies in a search of the globular cluster system for MSPs, is to devote a large amount of obser ving to each target. MSPs in globular clusters are often difficult to detect: scintillation in clusters with low dispersion measures, abnor mally long eclipses, and unfavourable orbital phases in the case of ultra-short binaries might easily prevent the detection during a single obser vation. On the other hand, the hidden systems are ver y often the most interesting ones.
N. D'Amico, A. Possenti (Osser vatorio Astronomico di Bologna, Italy); R. N. Manchester, J. Sarkissian (ATNF); A. L yne (Jodrell Bank Obser vator y, UK); F. Camilo (Columbia University, USA)

(minimum mass < 0.1 solar masses). In contrast, J1740-53 is in a rather wide binar y orbit of period 1.35 days, and has a heavier companion, with a minimum mass of 0.18 solar masses. It seems unlikely that a wind of suf ficient density to produce the obser ved eclipses could be driven off a degenerate companion. Follow-up obser vations of this pulsar will give insight into the eclipse mechanism in MSPs. The third interesting case is represented by three millisecond binar y pulsars found in another dense cluster, NGC 6266. The first one, PSR J1701-30A, has a pulse period of 5.24 milliseconds, an orbital period of 3.8 days, and the mass function gives a minimum companion mass of 0.19 solar masses. This system is typical of many lowmass binar y pulsars, both associated with globular clusters and in the Galactic field. But the two other systems, PSR J1701-30B and PSR J1701-30C, belong to the class of shor t-period binaries. They have respectively a pulse period of 3.6 and 3.8 milliseconds and orbital periods of 3.8 and 5.2 hours. In particular, the detection of PSR J1701-30B was a challenge, because it shows acceleration peaks and significant acceleration derivatives. The last, but not the least interesting, case is the ultra-short binar y pulsar (and so far the only one) discovered in NGC 6544. This cluster is also one of the closest, densest and most concentrated globular clusters known. Although no X-ray sources are known in the cluster, a radio


Figure 13 Variation of obser ved pulse phase over the 2,100-seconds discover y obser vation for PSR J1807-24 in the cluster NGC 6544. Each horizontal line in the figure represents the mean pulse profile resulting from 16 seconds of data folded with a period of 3.059415 milliseconds. A pulsar with this apparent period would form a ver tical trace in this diagram. The cur vature shows that the apparent period varied significantly during the obser vation due to the pulsar's orbital motion. Although this pulsar is relatively strong (it was not detected in previous searches because of pulse smearing due to dispersion), weaker signals from such binar y pulsars are difficult or impossible to detect with conventional "non-accelerated" search code.




The Parkes radio telescope is the most successful telescope in the world at finding pulsars. Since the initial discover y of pulsars in 1967, over 850 pulsars have been discovered at Parkes. The pulsars can be divided into two main groups. The first group of "normal" pulsars have pulses which typically ar rive once a second. The second group are known as the "millisecond pulsars". These stars rotate up to 600 times per second and represent a population of ver y old stars. These pulsars are believed to be "recycled" neutron stars which have been spun-up after accreting material from a binar y companion star.

Photograph © J Sarkissian


in the period of PSR J1119-6127 in August 1999. Finally, young pulsars often emit obser vable X-rays and gamma-rays. Such obser vations can be used to learn about how neutron stars cool off after their formation, as well as about pulsar emission mechanisms. An associated supernova remnant All known pulsars younger than 5,000 years are associated with supernova remnants. Although no super nova remnant was known at the position of PSR J1119-6127, we used the Australia Telescope Compact Array in the 13-cm and 20-cm bands to search for one. The resulting images clearly show a shell of emission of diameter 15 arcminutes centred on the pulsar (Figure 14). This shell shows all the hallmarks of being a previously uncatalogued supernova remnant and we designate it, from its Galactic coordinates, as SNR G292.2-0.5. The estimated ages of the super nova remnant and pulsar are comparable. This and the fact that the pulsar sits precisely at the geometric centre of the shell argues that they are indeed both the result of a supernova explosion that occurred some 1,600 years ago. We have also obser ved this system at X-ray wavelengths. Data acquired with the ROSAT and ASCA X-ray satellites reveal extended emission coincident with the supernova remnant (Figure 15). We also detect an X-ray point source, of fset approximately 1.5 arcminutes from the pulsar position. No X-ray pulsations are

A very young pulsar discovered in the Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey
In the past four years, the Parkes telescope and its multibeam receiver have been used to scan the Milky Way for pulsars. Pulsars are ultra-dense rotating neutron stars that pack more mass than the Sun into a radius of a small city. The Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Sur vey has been phenomenally successful, nearly doubling the known population of these exotic objects. Among the sur vey's booty is a pulsar that is among the ver y youngest known in our Galaxy. PSR J1119-6127 rotates just over twice per second, but is slowing down extremely rapidly owing to the tug of its enor mous magnetic field. Its spin parameters can be used to deduce that it is only 1,600 years old, making it the fourth youngest pulsar known in the Milky Way. Young pulsars are exciting to find for a variety of reasons. The youngest of all are usually associated with gaseous nebulae, the result of the cataclysmic supernova explosion that for med them. These super nova remnants (SNRs) are interesting in their own right, teaching us about how the explosion energy is transferred into the surrounding regions of the Galaxy. In addition, young pulsars have a tendency to suddenly start rotating faster. This behavior is known as "glitching" and provides one of the few ways to lear n about the interiors of neutron stars. Indeed, a small glitch of magnitude P/P = -4.4 x 10-9 was obser ved




detected from this source, although the upper limit is quite high and does not r ule out the source being the pulsar. Our team has requested time on the Chandra X-ray Obser vator y in order to continue the study of both the young supernova remnant and the point source. The PSR J1119-6127/SNR G292.2-0.5 system is ver y different to the famous Crab pulsar and Nebula, which are often cited as being prototypical of young pulsar/supernova remnant systems. The Crab has a rapidly rotating (33 millisecond) pulsar that powers an extremely bright nebula, but shows no evidence for a surrounding shell emission. In contrast, the PSR J1119-6127/SNR G292.2-0.5 system contains a relatively slowly spinning pulsar, no evidence for a pulsar-powered nebula around the pulsar, but a clear shell. In fact, for the past few years, evidence from a variety of lines of sources has indicated that the Crab pulsar is quite atypical of the young pulsar population. Our discover y of the PSR J1119-6127/SNR G292-0.5 system puts another nail in the coffin of the traditional view.

Figure 14 Compact Ar ray image of the radio continuum emission at 20 cm from a newly discovered young supernova remnant, G292.2-0.5. The cross marks the position of the pulsar.


F. Crawford, B. M.Gaensler, M. J. Pivovaroff (MIT, USA), V. Kaspi (McGill University, Canada); F. Camilo (Columbia University, USA); R. Manchester (ATNF); A. L yne (Jodrell Bank Obser vator y, UK)

Figure 15 False colour soft X-ray (0.8­3.0 keV) image of G292.2-0.5, obtained using the Japanese ASCA satellite obser vator y. The contours represent the 20-cm radio emission seen with Compact Ar ray.


pulsar, and after a couple of years the proper motion of the pulsar had been deter mined to high precision. The standard filterbanks used to obser ve the pulsar were proving unsatisfactor y however, and a new collaboration was begun with Caltech to time the pulsar with a new auto-correlator. This ultimately led to a determination of the pulsar's parallax. The measurements were so accurate that they permitted a new effect to be obser ved arising from the changing inclination angle of the system due to the proper motion of the binar y. As the pulsar moves one arcsecond ever y seven­eight years, there is a ver y small change in the inclination angle of the orbit. Astoundingly, this change is now known to better than one per cent accuracy. W ith the ar rival of the Swinbur ne supercomputer in 1998, it became possible to attempt a new, more accurate form of pulsar timing through the method known as "coherent dedispersion". This technique uses a digitised form of the raw voltages and a filtering technique to undo the deleterious effect of dispersion in the interstellar medium. This presents a profile less affected by systematic errors than those induced by filters and other analogue devices but requires the recording of vast amounts of data and many months of supercomputer processing time.

A new test for General Relativity
A team with members from Swinburne, Caltech and the ATNF has seen General Relativity pass a new test using the ver y bright millisecond pulsar PSR J0437-4715. In the early 1990s, the Parkes telescope commissioned an extremely large-scale sur vey for millisecond pulsars. The sur vey covered the entire sky south of the equator in 44,000 pointings, each of 2.5 minutes duration. Among the 100 or so pulsars discovered was PSR J0437-4715, a 5.7 millisecond pulsar in a near-circular orbit of 5.7 days around a white dwar f companion. Since then, PSR J0437-4715 has been at the forefront of pulsar timing experiments at the Parkes obser vator y because of its ver y close proximity to the Sun, and the range of experiments that are possible with it due to its ver y bright radio flux. Early obser vations revealed that the pulsar was in a nearly-circular orbit and its dispersion suggested a distance of some 140 parsecs (Johnston et al. 1993). It was soon discovered that the pulsar was the source of pulsed X-rays, but notably absent in gamma-rays. PSR J0437-4715 was the first millisecond pulsar to have its white dwar f companion detected, and it soon became obvious that this pulsar had the potential to have its pulse arrival times determined to better than one microsecond accuracies. Bell et al. discovered that the pulsar had a beautiful bow shock sur rounding the




A new instr ument known as the CPSR (Caltech-Parkes-Swinburne Recorder) was commissioned in 1998. This can record 20 MBytes of data per second for up to ten hours. 47 Terabytes, or 47,000,000,000,000 bytes of infor mation have now been recorded with this instr ument on PSR J0437-4715 alone and the results processed on the Swinbur ne supercomputer. For ever y one hour of obser ving time, it is now possible to determine the arrival time to an accuracy of just 100 nanoseconds. This is the equivalent of a change in the Earthpulsar distance of just 30 metres! By accumulating over 600 of these onehour obser vations it was possible to detect the annual "wobble" of the pulsar's orbit as the Earth travelled around the Sun and changed the orbital orientation of the binar y. This wobble accurately defined the pulsar's 3D orientation, and the inclination angle was determined to an accuracy of just 0.1 degrees. General Relativity predicts that as light travels past a massive body, it is delayed due to space-time distortion. The exact shape of this distortion is welldefined, and shown to be present in our data at a high level of significance. This represents a new and important test of General Relativity in pulsar binaries.
W. van Straten, M. Bailes, M. Britton (Swinbur ne University of Technology); S. R. Kulkarni, S.B. Anderson (California Institute of Technology, USA); R. N. Manchester, J. Sarkissian (ATNF)


Photograph © CSIRO

The HI environment of superbubbles in the Large Magellanic Cloud

mechanical energy that is transferred to the ISM. However, about half of the available supernova mechanical energy is thought to shock-heat gas in the superbubbles to temperatures of 1­10 million degrees Kelvin. This low-density, hot gas fills the volume of the superbubbles, and its pressure drives their shell growth. Eventually, the hot gas is thought to somehow escape the shells and form a hot component of the ISM. Thus, the more active the star formation and superbubble activity, the more important the hot gas fraction of the ISM. If the hot gas over flows the galaxy and its gravity, it could emerge into the intergalactic medium. The fate of the hot gas is especially critical because it bears the heavy elements created during the supernova explosions, which are a vital record of galaxy evolution. We are therefore keenly interested in understanding how superbubbles evolve. For the last 30 years, the conventional model has been that of a simple, energyconser ving bubble with constant energy input. However, some discrepancies between the predictions and obser vations have been reported. Since there are many factors affecting the obser ved parameters, it is unclear how to interpret the discrepancies and evaluate their importance. One of the critical factors is the density and clumpiness of the ambient ISM which is swept up by the expanding superbubbles. A high-density environment will slow down the growth while a clumpy

One of the most important processes that drives the evolution of galaxies is energy injection into the interstellar medium (ISM) from the supersonic stellar winds and supernovae of the most massive stars. These stars are given the spectral designation O and B, and have masses greater than eight solar masses. They are extremely luminous and short-lived, with life expectancies that are, at most, a few tens of millions of years, after which they explode as supernovae. The most massive of these stars are hot enough to ionize hydrogen, thereby producing the beautiful nebulae that are signatures of young starforming regions. Most stars, including OB stars, are formed in groups. Thus, the combined energy of multiple stellar winds and supernovae is delivered to the ISM from locations centered on these stellar groups or OB associations. The result is the creation of a large shell of gas, or superbubble, around these stars. Depending on the size and age of the OB association, and the conditions in the ambient ISM, the superbubble can be small, only a few parsecs in radius, or in the case of a starburst, it can potentially blow a gigantic super wind entirely out of the galaxy. This superbubble action has fundamental consequences for galaxy evolution. In the first instance, there is clearly a great deal of




one could cause knots to be engulfed; their evaporation by the shocks and hot gas takes energy away from the rest of the superbubble. If too much material is evaporated into the hot gas, it will cool, also causing the shell to stop growing, and eliminating the superbubble as a source of hot gas for the ISM. The ambient environment of most superbubbles is cool, neutral hydrogen (HI), which emits light at a wavelength of 21 cm, obser vable with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. In order to better understand their environment, we mapped the HI distribution around three young superbubbles in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This neighbouring galaxy offers a clear, yet close-up, view of superbubbles, in contrast to our own Galaxy, where we need to peer through confusing material in the plane of the disk. Our three targets have well-constrained parameters, in particular, detailed infor mation on the parent OB stars, and velocity infor mation on the optically-emitting nebular gas. Figure 16 (above right) shows a composite image of the optical nebular gas (red and green) that is ionized by the OB stars, and the HI gas (blue), for DEM L25 and L50. We also mapped the HI environment for a third object, DEM L301 (below). We find that, although the optical shells are all extremely similar, the neutral environments could not be more different! DEM L25 appears nestled between clouds of HI, and its expansion can be seen to be
Figure 16 (a) A composite image of the region around DEM L25 (right) and DEM L50 (left). Red and green show optically-emitting ionized hydrogen and doublyionized oxygen, respectively; blue shows neutral hydrogen. The superbubbles are each about 100 parsecs in diameter. Nor th is up, east is to the left.

colliding with an HI cloud on the west. On the other hand, DEM L50 is in a large region devoid of HI, but itself shows a massive neutral component blanketing part of the shell. In contrast to both of these, DEM L301 shows no correspondence whatsoever between the optical and HI distributions. While we have gained some insight on the evolution of these individual objects, this work vividly demonstrates that the ambient environments of superbubbles var y dramatically, and that this is not readily apparent from the optical data alone. It is therefore difficult to infer anything about the neutral gas distribution without obtaining direct obser vations.
M. S. Oey (Lowell Obser vator y, USA); B. Groves (Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University); L. Staveley-Smith (ATNF); R. C. Smith (Cer ro Tololo Inter-American Obser vator y, Chile)


Figure 16 (b) A similar composite image of the region around DEM 301.



The HIPASS Bright Galaxy Survey
The HI Parkes All-Sky Sur vey (HIPASS) has provided the first ever sur vey of extragalactic neutral hydrogen (HI) over the souther n sky. This sur vey was completed in March 2000 and the data were released in May 2000 (http://www.atnf.csiro.au/multibeam/release). An extension into the nor ther n hemisphere to the northern limit of the Parkes telescope is ongoing. Extensive efforts are now under way to mine the rich HIPASS data set. The most important effort is in finding and cataloguing the galaxies, both previously known galaxies and newly discovered galaxies. Considerable effort is being contributed by several teams including the University of Melbourne, the Swinburne Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, and the ATNF. One of the first products is the HIPASS Bright Galaxy Catalogue, which is a catalogue of the 1000 apparently brightest HI galaxies in the southern hemisphere. The HIPASS Bright Galaxy Catalogue represents the first unobscured view of the nearby galaxy distribution in the southern sky. Neutral hydrogen gas in nearby galaxies can be detected easily from radio obser vations whereas optical and infrared sur veys are limited by the obscuration of light from dust and stars of our own Galaxy. HIPASS has provided many new detections of galaxies previously hidden behind the plane of the Milky Way in the so-called Zone of Avoidance (ZOA).

Figure 1 7 Aitof f projection showing the spatial distribution of the 1000 brightest HIPASS sources in Galactic coordinates. The new galaxies are marked in blue, HI clouds in green, High Velocity Clouds in orange and all other galaxies in red.

Figure 17 shows the spatial distribution of the 1000 brightest HIPASS galaxies. Of these, 84 have no counterparts catalogued in the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database. Most of the newly discovered galaxies lie in


Figure 18 A histogram showing the Galactic latitude distribution for the 1000 brightest HIPASS galaxies. The distribution for galaxies discovered by HIPASS is shown in red.


the 1000 brightest HIPASS galaxies. The distribution is dominated by galaxies with velocities between 800 and 2000 km s -1. For these velocities the most striking str uctures, shown by the spatial distribution of galaxies, are the Supergalactic Plane and the Local Void. Several new galaxies with velocities above 1000 km s-1 have been found which better define the boundaries of the Local Void. Although we know from optical sur veys that the galaxy large-scale str ucture is far from homogeneous, it is important to study the sky uninhibited by obscuration. Many known str uctures continue into and across the optical Zone of Avoidance and create a beautiful network of galaxies, dominated by groups, strings and bubbles.
B. Koribalski, L. Staveley-Smith (ATNF); V. Kilbor n (Melbour ne University); S. R yder (AAO) and the HIPASS/ZOA teams

or close to the Zone of Avoidance (Figure 18). 58 of the new galaxies have Galactic latitudes below 10 degrees while 21 have latitudes above 15 degrees. For 17 of the new discoveries, the HIPASS and optical velocities disagree. Compact Ar ray and optical follow-up obser vations of these and many other galaxies are under way to confirm their identifications. The new galaxies found outside the Zone of Avoidance can be divided into two groups, those with optical counterparts and those without, the latter being ver y rare. Figure 19 shows optical images from the Digital Sky Sur vey for ten of the galaxies with optical counterparts. These are mostly compact, late-type galaxies. We also detected several unusual sources including HI 1225+01 (the Virgo cloud) and a large hydrogen cloud, HIPASS J0731-69, which is well-separated from its apparent host galaxy NGC 2442 and shows no evidence of optical emission or starfor mation (page 32). Also remarkable were the detection of HIPASS J1712-64, HIPASS J1718-59 and several other HI clouds which do not have any obvious optical counterpar ts. Their striking location along the Supergalactic Plane leads to speculation that such HI clouds may be the dregs of the galaxy formation process. An alternative theor y is that these clouds may be high-velocity ejecta due to a tidal interaction between our Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds. Figure 20 shows the velocity distribution for


Figure 20 Histogram of the HI systemic velocities of the 1000 brightest HIPASS galaxies.

Figure 19 Optical images from the the Digitised Sky Sur vey for ten new galaxies detected in the HIPASS Bright Galaxies Sur vey.


gas disk of NGC 2442 is stretched in the direction of HIPASS J0731-69, but saw no other signs of a direct connection between the two. If HIPASS J0731-69 was indeed torn out of NGC 2442 by a passing galaxy, then it could not be any of the nearby faint dwar f galaxies that have previously been suggested by others as a potential partner. Instead, a much larger object must be involved, such as the elliptical galaxy NGC 2434 (visible in the overlap region between NGC 2442 and HIPASS J0731-69, but apparently lacking any HI of its own), or the more remote galaxy pair NGC 2397 and NGC 2397A. One other possibility is that rather than tidal forces being involved, HIPASS J0731-69 was stripped as the result of NGC 2442 ploughing its way through a dense inter-galactic medium of hot gas. Such a hot medium ought to be visible in X-rays, but none has yet been detected in this region. Despite the relatively coarse resolution of HIPASS, significant str ucture in HIPASS J0731-69 is apparent both spatially and in the velocity dimension. At velocities below 1400 km s-1, the cloud appears as two clumps which then appear to merge together (as well as with NGC 2442 itself) at higher velocities. This str ucture is reminiscent of the Magellanic Stream arcing around our own Galaxy, and is most unlike the kind of motions expected of gas within a typical dwar f or spiral galaxy. Perhaps it is no surprise then that we have

HIPASS turns up new gas in the NGC 2442 group
The HI Parkes All-Sky Sur vey (HIPASS), carried out between 1997 and 2000 with the Parkes multibeam receiver, continues to yield intriguing new discoveries about the local universe. While studying the properties of the 1000 brightest sources of neutral hydrogen (HI) emission in the HIPASS database, we noticed a previously unknown HI cloud adjacent to NGC 2442, a bright spiral galaxy in the constellation of Volans (Figure 21). What makes this find so unusual and so exciting is that the cloud appears to have almost one third as much gas as NGC 2442 itself, and yet not a single star, or evidence of any recent star formation, has been found to go with it. While this is not the first such cloud found in HIPASS (see the report by Kilborn et al. in the 1999 ATNF Annual Repor t), it is one of the most massive discovered outside of our Local Group of galaxies. The cloud, designated HIPASS J0731-69, contains of order 10 9 solar masses of hydrogen, which begs the question: where did all this gas come from? NGC 2442 has long fascinated astronomers, because of its somewhat distorted appearance. The two main spiral arms are quite different, with the northern arm being narrow, acute, and cleft by a striking lane of dust; by contrast, the southern arm is broader, more open, and criss-crossed by numerous dust patches. In her PhD study with the Compact Array, Sally Houghton found indications that the




yet to locate any galaxy-like optical counterpart to this gas. Follow-up obser vations of HIPASS J0731-69 are under way with the 375-m configuration of the Compact Array, to tell us more about the small-scale str ucture and internal kinematics of the gas. In addition, a deep optical sur vey of the region is planned with the Wide Field Imager CCD mosaic on the Anglo-Australian Telescope,

to confirm the lack (or other wise) of stars and ionized gas within this cloud. The ver y existence of HIPASS J0731-69 has forced us to rethink the origin of the lopsidedness in NGC 2442, as well as revise upwards our predictions for the total amount of mass contained in loose groups such as this.
S. D. R yder (Anglo-Australian Obser vator y); B. Koribalski (ATNF) and the HIPASS/ZOA teams


Figure 21 HIPASS map of overlaid on an optical image Sur vey. Note the asymmetr y of 2442 at the centre of the source of any galaxy near the peak of upper right.

HI intensity (contours), from the Digitised Sky the spiral arms in NGC at lower left, and the lack HIPASS J0731-69 to the



Recurrent activity in giant radio galaxies
Giant radio galaxies constitute a class of radio sources with linear sizes of over a million parsecs. When a black hole at the centre of an elliptical galaxy is fuelled by matter spiralling in from a surrounding accretion disk, twin beams of matter often emerge from this central engine in opposite directions at relativistic speeds. Radio galaxies are created when the beams form lobes of ionized gas, known as plasma, on opposite sides of the parent galaxy. In power ful radio galaxies, the radio beams appear to end in hotspots with the brightest emission at the extremities of the double-lobed radio sources. The lobes are believed to be formed from plasma which has flowed backwards from the hotspots towards the central galaxy. Usually, the double radio sources are found to have sizes of up to a few hundred kilo-parsecs; however, in the rare giant radio galaxies, the radio sources are at least a million parsecs, about a hundred times bigger than the extent of the optical host elliptical galaxy. A key problem is to understand why giant radio galaxies are so large. A few years ago, some of us studied the radio morphologies in giant radio galaxies by imaging several souther n sources with the Australia Telescope Compact Ar ray. We found a variety of morphological features which indicated that the beams from the central

Figure 22 A Compact Ar ray image of the 20-cm radio continuum emission from the giant radio galaxy B0114-476.


engine, which powered these radio galaxies, might have been interr upted in the past. We concluded that giant radio galaxies may have attained their large sizes as a result of a restarting of their central engines in multiple phases of activity along roughly similar directions. Recently, we imaged the detailed str ucture in the giant radio galaxy B0114-476 with the Australia Telescope Compact Ar ray (Figure 22). Surprisingly, this power ful radio galaxy does not have strong hotspots



at the ends of the two large lobes -- while intense features are seen as bright peaks symmetrically placed on either side of the central galaxy. We seem to have caught this power ful giant radio galaxy in an act of rejuvenation. The likely scenario for this galaxy is that the outer diffuse lobes, which lack hotspots, represent relics of past activity. The beams from the central engine stopped, then restarted, and we are now seeing a new pair of beams emerging through the relict cocoon of relativistic plasma. The inner double itself has a linear size of 700,000 parsecs: its size is much larger than for typical double radio galaxies. The overall morphologies of the two inner lobes mimic the respective outer lobes: the northern inner and outer lobes are broad in contrast to the southern inner and outer lobes which are more cylindrical in shape. This indicates that the external medium on a given side may be affecting the inner and outer lobe morphologies similarly and the differences between the two sides may be attributed to differences in the ambient medium. The ATCA image tells us that giant radio galaxies can be born again and possibly live multiple lives: could this be the cause for their large sizes?
L. Saripalli, R. Subrahmanyan (ATNF); N. Udayshankar (Raman Research Institute, Bangalore)


Photograph © CSIRO


galaxy known to date. The radio properties of the three newly detected halos provide new insights on the star-for mation histor y of the obser ved galaxies. The radio halo emission occurs from relativistic electrons which are released during multiple super nova explosions over a short period of time. During a supernova explosion, most of the mass of a star is violently ejected into the interstellar medium. Both X-ray emitting gas, heated to temperatures of millions of degrees, and electrons producing synchroton radiation, escape from the explosion site. The transfer of matter away from the sites of super novae is a cosmologically important process in which heavy elements, the building blocks of all life forms created in stellar nuclear fusion processes, are distributed in galaxies. The propagation of metals through the Universe determines its chemical evolution over cosmological time scales. In recent years, gaseous halos have been reported from radio, optical or X-ray data for at least 20 galaxies. The gaseous halos are detected in the radio and X-ray regions of the spectr um, because the relativistic electrons and hot gas are produced simultaneously by supernova explosions and escape from the galaxy disks. While some stars have already exploded as supernovae, others, with a longer lifetime or born later, still sur vive. The sur viving stars emit ultraviolet radiation, causing the surrounding gas to glow as diffuse optical

The gaseous halos of three spiral galaxies
We have obser ved three southern edge-on spiral galaxies with the Australia Telescope Compact Array: NGC 1511, NGC 7090 and NGC 7462. The aim of these obser vations was to investigate whether galaxies with unusually warm dust, heated by massive stars, have gaseous halos -- in particular radio halos tracing the presence of relativistic electrons expelled from the galaxy disks by multiple super nova remnants. Such halos are seen most easily in edge-on galaxies; for this viewing geometr y it is possible to deter mine directly whether the radio emission arises from the galactic disks or from more extended regions. Several Compact Ar ray configurations were used to obtain radio continuum data at wavelengths of 13 and 20 cm, with good angular resolution and sensitivity. The success rate of the obser vations was 100% -- all three galaxies show extended radio halo emission. The most spectacular of these, NGC 7090, is shown in Figure 23. The 20-cm radio emission is shown as a set of contours, overlaid on the optical image of the galaxy from the Digital Sky Sur vey. The radio emission is seen as a gaseous halo which is considerably extended on both sides of the optically-visible disk of the galaxy. The synchroton radio emission is weaker and less extended at 13 cm than at 20 cm. The radio halo of NGC 7090 is one of the most extended halos around a radio




light, including gas located in the halo. This is seen most prominently as hydrogenalpha line emission from hydrogen atoms. The massive stars also heat the surrounding dust. Galaxies with warm dust are therefore good candidates for searching for galaxy halos. The gaseous halos are intrinsically faint and difficult to detect and the number of detections is still rising. The most recent generation of telescopes and instr uments, such as the Compact Array, allow us to pick up their faint signals. Such halos are now known to be an integral part of galaxies with high starformation rates. Despite its relatively low star-formation rate, our own Galaxy, the Milky Way, also has a gaseous halo, identified in the 1970s from radio obser vations taken with the Parkes radio telescope and elsewhere. For our own Galaxy, it is difficult to study large-scale evolutionar y processes because of the strong obscuration of light within the Galactic plane. Radio obser vations such as those of NGC 7090 provide a grand over view of large-scale processes occurring in other spiral galaxies and, by comparing the properties of these external systems with those of the Milky Way, new insights into our own Galaxy.
M. Dahlem (ESO, Chile); J. S. Lazendic (University of Sydney); R. Haynes (ATNF); M. Ehle (XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre, Spain); U. Lisenfeld (IRAM, Spain) Figure 23 Australia Telescope Compact Ar ray 20-cm (top) and 13-cm (bottom) radio emission from the edge-on spiral galaxy (contours), overlaid on an optical image of the the Digital Sky Sur vey. image of the continuum NGC 7090 galaxy from


National Facility Support
The ATNF National Facility Suppor t group, located in Marsfield, provides suppor t for public relations activities, exter nal communications, educational programs and time assignment processes. Staff changes In September 2000 Dr Raymond Haynes retired from CSIRO after 28 years of ser vice. Raymond held several key roles at the ATNF, most notably as Head of Computing from 1977 to 1983 and later as Head of the Scientific and Community Liaison Group from 1994 until 2000. We also said goodbye to Tracy Denmeade, the ATNF Lodge Manager who worked for ATNF over a period of seven years. Helen Sim, the ATNF Communications Manager, spent four months on secondment to the National Radio Astronomy Obser vator y, to work on public relations activities for the opening of the 100-m Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia, USA. After some restr ucturing of the Management group, Jessica Chapman was appointed in September 2000 as the Head of External Relations. Public service medal Dr John Whiteoak, Deputy Director of the Australia Telescope National Facility since 1989, was awarded a Public Ser vice Medal in the Australia Day honours list for 2001, for his contribution to the ATNF and his role in establishing high-frequency spectr um allocations for astronomical research. One of John Whiteoak's major contributions in the international radio astronomy world has been his work on the protection of radio frequencies for astronomy, as chair man of an International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Working Par ty. This group has proposed vastly increased protection in the radio spectr um at frequencies between 71 and 275 GHz, the proposals endorsed at the recent World Radiocommunication Conference in Istanbul (page 40). Higher-degree students Education is one of the ATNF's key per for mance indicators. ATNF staf f members participate in a long-standing program to co-super vise higher-degree Masters and PhD students. This ar rangement gives students access to world-class obser ving facilities and the chance to interact with a range of practising astronomers. At the end of 2000, 24 students were taking par t in the program: their projects are listed in Appendix G. Four students completed their PhDs during the year, their theses are listed in Appendix H. Most of the higher-degree students undertake studies in astronomy, but the ATNF also offers higher-degree projects in areas of engineering such as microwaves, digital and electronics and in computerrelated topics.


Melanie Johnston-Hollitt is a PhD student at the University of Adelaide with a co-super visor at the ATNF.

Photograph © News Limited

Summer vacation program For more than a decade the ATNF has coordinated a program each summer for undergraduates in science, mathematics, computing and engineering who are in at least the third year of their degree. For the 2000­2001 program there were 170 applications for 20 positions, seven with the ATNF (two of these at the Narrabri Obser vator y) and 13 for CTIP. The students work on individual research projects under the super vision of research scientists for 10 to 12 weeks. During this time they experience the working environment of a major research facility. The vacation program includes a series of introductor y lectures on the work of the ATNF and CTIP; a tour of the CSIRO Marsfield and Lindfield laboratories; and a weekly session where a staff member talks on a research topic. A highlight of the program is the obser vator y trip where the students visit either the Parkes radio telescope, or the Australia Telescope Compact Array and are given the opportunity to work in small teams to take obser vations for a project of their own choice. This year the obser vator y trips were supported by John Whiteoak (Parkes) and Bob Sault (Narrabri). At the end of the program the students organize a one-day symposium to report on both their individual and group research projects. In past years, some of the students in the program have later returned to the ATNF, either as employees or to do a co-super vised higher degree under the scheme outlined above. The students are also responsible for the production of a magazine, The Jubbly Jansky. Australian access to SEST A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the ATNF and the Onsala Space Obser vator y, signed in August 1997, has been effective in providing Australian astronomers access to the Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST) in Chile. It was formally established to provide a 10% share of the Swedish obser ving time on the telescope. This agreement has now been renewed for a further two years, until April 2002. In return for this access the ATNF has built a wideband digital correlator for SEST to enhance its spectral-line facilities. This was delivered in March 2000 and is now available to SEST obser vers. Australia also provides part of the obser ving support for the SEST telescope. Spectrum management CSIRO, initially through the Division of Radiophysics and later through the ATNF, has been involved in activities related to spectr um management and the protection of radio astronomy for about 30 years. In preparation for John Whiteoak's retirement in 2001, Tasso Tzioumis has been taking increased responsibilities for these activities. The areas in which the ATNF are currently involved include:


Par ticipants of the summer vacation student program, December 2000.

· Par ticipation in national and inter national meetings under the auspices of the Inter national Telecommunication Union (ITU). These include regular meetings of ITU Study Group 7 (Science Ser vices). · Participation by the ATNF director in the Working Party meetings of the OECD megascience for um where an international task force is being set up to investigate radio-frequency interference and protection measures. · Par ticipation in IUCAF, Union Commission for the of Frequencies and in the planning activities of the Communications Authority an Inter Allocation spectr um Australian (ACA). for radio astronomy: all of the proposals for improved allocations (almost 100 were needed to cover the 71­275 GHz band) were finally adopted by WRC-2000. Even extra protection proposed only by AsiaPacific countries for some spectral lines not covered by the allocations was approved. Figure 24 shows the gain in radio frequency allocations. The line profile shows the variation of zenith atmospheric attenuation with frequency. Atmospheric

A major event in 2000 was a monthlong meeting for the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-2000), held by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Istanbul during May 2000. This meeting was attended by about 2,500 participants including a dozen radio astronomers. The purpose of the meeting was to revise pre-selected par ts of the ITU radio regulations which for m the basis of planned international usage of the radio spectr um. Several of the agenda items for the meeting involved radio astronomy. The most important item concerned spectral allocations to radio astronomy (and the Earth-exploration satellite ser vice) in the frequency range 71­275 GHz. The WRC-2000 meeting was a huge success

Figure 24 The radio frequency allocations for 71 ­ 275 GHz. Unfilled blocks represent secondar y allocations.


"windows" containing attenuation minima occur in the ranges 70­115 GHz, 125­175 GHz, and 195­275 GHz. The new radio astronomy allocations now extend across most of the windows, and for the central window in particular, the improvement in protection is enor mous. The radio astronomy allocations also include a band centred near 183 GHz which will be used for calibration purposes to study the attenuation and distortion of astronomical signals caused by atmospheric water vapour.

As a consequence of the bargaining to increase the allocations, some of the allocated frequencies will have to be shared with ground-based fixed, mobile or satellite uplink ser vices. If these ser vices are developed, their operations will have to be coordinated with radio astronomy. However, it is commonly believed that this will not be a problem at these high frequencies where ground-level atmospheric attenuation is high. Unfor tunately, WRC-2000 provided no opportunity to review the radio astronomy allocations at lower frequencies. In any event, the spectr um is so congested with ser vices that it is difficult to see how radio astronomy could gain more allocations without affecting the operation of other existing ser vices. The only possible gain may be in the protection of allocated bands from unwanted emissions of transmitters operating at frequencies outside those bands. A dedicated task group has been working on this problem for several years, and this will continue. Hopefully this work will result in improved radio astronomy protection levels which can be included in the Regulations at the next WRC. inter views and 25 television inter views. Over 100 newspaper articles on ATNF research activities and engineering developments were published during the year. The National Facility Suppor t group provides resources targeted for school students and educators. The group publishes a range of educational material which includes brochures, fact sheets and posters. To help high school teachers with the new HSC astronomy syllabus, a workshop for science teachers on "Peering Inside the Cosmic Engine" was held in Epping and, early in the year, at the University of Western Sydney. This was highly rated by the school teachers who attended. Work experience students The ATNF also gives students in Years 10 and 11 the chance to do "work experience". Each year, typically 30 students do a week of work experience at either the Parkes Obser vator y or at the Compact Array. Over the past few years the ATNF has initiated a Disadvantaged Youth Program for Year 11 high school students. The scheme is aimed at high schools in low socio-economic areas and provides a week-long work experience program for two to three students per year. Narrabri outreach At the Nar rabri Visitors Centre, the estimated number of visitors for the year 2000 was 8,900, compared with about 9,700


Public outreach
The ATNF supports a wide range of public outreach activities. During the year, ATNF staff gave over 70 public talks. The ATNF also featured strongly in the media with staff involved in approximately 50 radio

Photograph © CSIRO

during 1999. There were fewer visitors around September, possibly because of the Sydney Olympics. There was another quiet period during the floods and ver y wet weather in November. A highlight of the year was an Open Day held at Narrabri on 16 April 2000. The day was a great success, with more than 600 visitors. Two antennas were made available for inspection and were ver y popular. Tours of the control room, correlator room and receiver lab were also conducted. A series of six talks was given during the day, on a variety of astronomical and engineering topics. All were well attended with the seating capacity (30) of the conference room insufficient for all but the first talk of the day. Narrabri staff were joined by a number of volunteers from Marsfield, and were kept busy until an hour after the nominal closing time at 3 p.m. Parkes outreach The year 2000 marked several outstanding events and developments for the Obser vator y Visitors Centre and Outreach program -- a ver y successful year in ever y respect. A major upgrade to the existing Visitors Centre, funded by the CSIRO corporate building development program, was completed in August, fur nishing approximately double the former interior space, a refurbished audio-visual theatre and several additional facilities for staff and visitors, including a new toilet block and landscaping of the Centre grounds. Much of the additional space is designed to encourage visits from school groups, particularly from those in the surrounding regions. In tandem with the reopening of the upgraded Visitors Centre, a new audiovisual show was premiered, replacing a program which had r un essentially unchanged for many years. The new show retains the multiple slide projector format, rendering visual material of extremely high quality and creating the illusion of animation. Response to the new show from the public has been excellent, both in direct feedback and increased attendance. The new show was produced for the ATNF by Australian Business Theatre, with assistance from staff at the ATNF and other astronomical research institutions. During 2000, the Visitors Centre attracted 58,700 visitors. Figure 25 shows the number of visitors for 1999 and 2000.


Figure 25 Number of Visitors in 1999 and 2000 to the Parkes Visitors Centre.

The Visitors Discover y Centre at the Parkes Obser vator y

Olympic Torch The Olympic Torch Relay came to Parkes on 18 August, a day which culminated in memorable scenes of the Mayor of Parkes, Robert Wilson, riding the floodlit dish, holding the Torch aloft. The event received good media coverage and was an invaluable oppor tunity to fur ther consolidate good relations with the local community and council. A TV advertisement incorporating shots of the telescope and a local Olympic athlete, made by IBM to promote their Olympic sponsorship, was shown widely throughout the Olympics both in Australia and overseas, generating wide interest in, and visibility for, the Obser vator y. The Dish An Australian feature film The Dish, a dramatisation of the role played by Parkes in the first manned lunar landing, was released commercially in October 2000 to outstanding critical acclaim, becoming in quick time the highest grossing Australian film on record. Produced by Working Dog Productions, The Dish was shot on location at the Obser vator y during 1999 with the cooperation of ATNF and Obser vator y staff. The film generated excellent and sustained visibility for the Obser vator y and ATNF in many for ms, including wide media coverage over several weeks, and a dramatic increase in public interest at the Visitors Centre.


Photograph © CSIRO, ATNF

Rober t Wilson, the Mayor of Parkes, car ries the Olympic Torch on the Parkes radio telescope

Epping computer services At Epping, the information technology (IT) infrastr ucture is managed by the computer ser vices group of CSIRO Telecommunication and Industrial Physics (CTIP), while ATNF-specific tasks such as astronomical software and user support are managed by the ATNF. The computer ser vices group was not fully staffed in 2000 (partly because of outsourcing: see below) with some resultant impact on the ATNF. Staff In 2000, Henrietta May, David Barnes and David Loone depar ted the ATNF. Henrietta joined CSIRO in 1978. Her most recent role was in system and astronomical applications support. David Barnes worked for two years in the aips++ astronomical software project, specifically on the visualization of data. David Loone was with the ATNF for some 10 years, most of which was spent in Narrabri. He led the ATOMS software project, to develop objectoriented real time systems, for his last two years from Epping. Thanks are due to each of them for their respective contributions to the excellence of the ATNF. Vince McIntyre and Malte Marquarding joined in 2000. Vince takes over from Henrietta and Malte from David Barnes. David Loone's position (and the management of ATOMS) has reverted to Narrabri. Observatory Computer Committee (OCC) and Computerfests Computer staff at each of the three main ATNF sites report to a local program leader, but coordination across the sites is per formed by the four-person OCC. The OCC meets three times a year, with the meetings rotated between the sites. "Computer fests" are held in association with the OCC meetings. These gather together the many ATNF staff working in computing-related areas. The purpose is both social and technical, and they have been ver y successful. They enable staff to promote, communicate and coordinate their work activities, and also to socialise. Outsourcing of IT support Following a Cabinet decision in 1997, Government policy has been to outsource IT infrastr ucture ser vices in budgetfunded government agencies, subject to the outcome of competitive processes. In mid-2000, the Department of Finance and Administration conducted a "scoping study" for outsourcing IT infrastr ucture for CSIRO and other scientific agencies. At the end of 2000, following an independent review of implementation risks, the Government accepted a recommendation that the responsibility for the implementation of outsourcing should be devolved to the relevant agencies. CSIRO is therefore responsible for managing any outsourcing of its own IT infrastr ucture. During 2000, the impact on CSIRO and


the ATNF of the outsourcing process was substantial. CSIRO formed an outsourcing project team of some 10 people, many seconded from their divisions. Each division also provided an outsourcing coordinator. Then began a process of gathering data describing the IT environment in great detail. These data had to be delivered on a fast schedule, and it became necessar y for staff to delay other matters in order to meet the requirements. This clearly had a negative effect on the level of support it was possible to offer users at the ATNF sites. There were also many concerns amongst staff whose jobs were potentially at threat. This contributed to the computer ser vices group's difficulties in retaining and hiring staff. aips++ development aips++ is an object-oriented data processing environment being constr ucted by an international consortium of leading radio astronomy obser vator y led by Tim Cornwell at NRAO. In 2000, Jodrell Bank rejoined the consor tium (which also includes ATNF, BIMA, NRAO and NFRA) as an active member. The ATNF contributes four people who work (part time) on core aips++ development. The ATNF also uses aips++ as its toolkit for the development of the successful multibeam pipeline. The project continues its development cycle of six months, with a new CD release at the end of each cycle. These are distributed to some 10 institutions in Australia and internationally. In 2000 the ATNF held its first aips++ workshop. This was well received and another will ensue in 2001. aips++ demonstrations continue, and advice is given as part of the migrator y and criticalmass gaining process. ATNF development is mainly in the area of image visualization (in which we have a strong histor y) and analysis as well as basic astronomical infrastr ucture ser vices. The central aips++ display tool, the Viewer, has been largely developed at the ATNF. The Viewer was designed to be "data" oriented (previous ATNF display tools such as the "kview" program were purely image oriented) and its functionality is now being broadened (at NRAO) to handle the display of visibility data. ATNF staf f continued to improve the capability of the image-based displays and applications. Progress repor ts are given at http://www.atnf.csiro.au/aips++/weekly/docs/ project/quarterlyreports.html. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) The ATNF has an active EEO group with five EEO contact officers. Two are based in Sydney, two are at Narrabri and one is at Parkes. Staff at any of the sites can contact any of the EEO officers and are assured that all discussions will be held in confidence. The EEO officers meet several times a year and work to promote good workplace relations, to provide infor mation and advice to staff and management on EEO policies, and to support staff involved in


Photograph © S Amy

complaints procedures. To promote EEO within the ATNF, staff talks are given at each of the ATNF sites. EEO talks are also given to summer vacation students and to new staff. The group has an EEO resource librar y and maintains extensive Web pages at http://www.atnf.csiro.au/overview/management/eeo. Occupational health and safety Each ATNF site has its own occupational health and safety committee, which meets at least four times a year to review issues and identify any new hazards. Each workplace is assessed annually by a member of the local committee, and a formal report made. Training programs in a number of areas (e.g. ergonomics, correct lifting techniques, electrical safety and defensive driving) are of fered throughout the year. Over a number of years the ATNF's rate of occupational health and safety incidents has been in line with that of similar institutions, such as the Anglo-Australian Obser vator y and the Ver y Large Array. In the past year the ATNF recorded a total of 15 incidents with a total time lost of 1.6 weeks. The standardized incidence rate of 115 incidents per 1,000 full-time equivalent employees, was somewhat lower than the standardized rate of 150 for all of CSIRO.


Photograph © J Sarkissian



Australia Telescope Compact Array
Staff The overall obser vator y staff number was relatively stable during 2000 with approximately 32 full-time equivalent members. There were a number of staff changes, both departures and arrivals. Departures Tina Earle left after three years as Administrative Assistant. Longest standing staf f member Alan Spencer (Senior Technical Officer) retired after working for CSIRO at the Obser vator y since 1978 when the Solar Heliograph was in operation. Alan was a great source of knowledge of many aspects of the Obser vator y and its instr umentation, including the most recent developments. He continued to be ver y productive right up to his retirement on 31 March 2000. Mark Bland resigned after more than eight years in the Electronics Group. Mark worked as Senior Technical Officer with the Ar ray's cr yogenic systems and also managed the Obser vator y's engineering drawings. Graham Baines resigned after seven years at Nar rabri. Graham worked first as receiver engineer in the Electronics Group, then took on senior roles, initially as Electronics Group leader then as System and Coordination Engineer. Graham has moved to take up a position at the Deep

Complex at

Space Communication Tidbinbilla.

Frederic Badia left after three years in the Computer Group where he worked on a number of software developments, including the "Online Imaging" system and a Web-based Compact Ar ray scheduling program. At the end of the year Electronics Group leader Ben Reddall depar ted for 12 months exchange leave to work for the University of Chicago at the South Pole on the Degree Angular Scale Inter ferometer (DASI). Arrivals Clive Murphy, a mechanical engineer, formerly working at the Cargill seed oil mill in Nar rabri, joined the staf f in September and is leading the Site Ser vices and Engineering Group. Cliff Har vey joined as a technical assistant in the cr yogenics area in September. Rudi Behrendt joined as a technician, also in September. Anne Reynolds was appointed as administrative assistant in September, and in November began acting for Kylee Forbes who is taking maternity leave. The administrative assistant position was held on a casual basis through the year by Dianne Harris, and during Kylee's absence by Margaret McFee. David Brodrick joined the Computer Group as a software engineer in December.





Photograph © CSIRO

Visitors From June the obser vator y was host to visiting scientist Prof. A. Deshpande from the Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India. Desh lived on site for his six-month visit and was accompanied by his family until September. During his visit Desh worked with ATNF staff on the prototype Pulsar Backend, and also on understanding the inter ferometer response when one antenna is shadowed by another. Students The 1999­2000 summer vacation scholars at the Obser vator y were Linh Vu and Rachel Deacon. Linh worked with Ravi Subrahmanyan on a mathematical project concerning digital filters. Rachel worked with Dave McConnell producing and analysing a deep 20-cm image of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae. In December two new vacation students joined the Obser vator y for the summer: Elizabeth Claridge (University of Tasmania) and Tim Connors (University of Sydney). Liz worked with Steven Tingay, and Tim with Dave McConnell searching for extended radio emission from the globular cluster 47 Tucanae. During 2000 the Obser vator y hosted three high school work experience students. All three were from the same school and Tim Kennedy organized a single joint project for them. The project involved purchasing an inexpensive kit to build a simple radio


telescope to work at 20 MHz, with the aim of detecting Jupiter's strong decametric radiation. Unfor tunately the Jovian ephemeris was not ver y suitable for the week chosen for the experiment. However the kit was successfully built and a surprisingly accurate measurement of the strength of the Galactic 20 MHz radiation was made. The Obser vator y also hosted two older, university undergraduate work experience students who worked with Steven Tingay and Naomi McClure-Griffiths (visiting PhD student obser ver). Array performance and time use The per formance and time use of the Compact Array in 2000 is summarized in Table 1. The total number of hours is greater than one year (371 days) because the October 2000 obser ving ter m extended into Januar y 2001. Of the 6,705 hours of obser vations, 12.1% were conducted remotely over the computer networks from a variety of locations within Australia. The downtime figures give the hours lost due to equipment or operational failure during scheduled obser vations, with the percentage expressing the fraction of scheduled obser ving time lost. The time used for maintenance and installation work was larger than usual because of several periods of MNRF related installation work, particularly periods in June and July for optic-fibre installation and two weeks in


Table 1 Compact Ar ray time use, 2000

Observing Maintenance/installation Reconfiguration Unallocated Total Downtime

Hours 6705 1424 375 278 8782 328.9

% 76.3 16.2 4.3 3.2 100.0 4.9

November and December for receiver and local oscillator installation. In spite of that, more than 70% of Array time was used for astronomy. Note the unusually high downtime figure, which was close to the target of 5%. This was dominated by two serious failures in the Januar y obser ving term. An azimuth gear box on antenna 1 failed and required removal and extensive repairs, and a serious electrical failure occurred in antenna 6 which disabled that antenna for several days. Table 2 summarizes the sources of lost time on the Compact Array during 2000, clearly showing the two large failures in the Januar y term against antenna drives and power. Note that the downtime tabulated for the full Array is usually computed as one third of the time lost on a single antenna. User feedback Each obser ver is requested to assess the quality of support at the Obser vator y by giving a rating in the range 1­5 where 1 = poor and 5 = excellent. The results of these questionnaires are published in ATNF newsletters, presented to AT Users' Committee meetings and used by
Table 2 Time lost on the Compact Ar ray, 2000


Figure 26 Nar rabri user feedback

Obser vator y staff to direct development of obser ving suppor t facilities. Figure 26 summarizes the questionnaire results from 36 responses received during 2000. Compact Array calibration sources During 2000 the program of reviewing all Compact Ar ray calibration sources was continued and by the end of the year each of the 240 sources in the full calibrator list was reobser ved at least once in each of the four centimetre-wave bands. A number were also obser ved at 12 mm and 3 mm. The results of the obser vations were published on http://www.narrabri.atnf.csiro.au/calibrators/ with information given for time variability, polarization and plots of visibility amplitude against baseline length. The "Y2K bug" On 1 Januar y 2000 the Compact Array operated flawlessly through all three relevant "midnights" at 0:00h AEST, Civil


Antenna drives ACC Power Cryogenics Correlator Other electronics General computing Receiver Operator Other Comms problems Weather Encoders Operations Phase transfer system Air conditioning Totals

hr 2000 00Jan 00May 00Oct hr % 106.5 2.8 3.3 112.5 34.2 11.1 14.0 15.4 40.5 12.3 26.0 3.1 5.0 34.1 10.4 14.9 15.6 0.0 30.3 9.2 14.6 11.1 4.6 30.3 9.2 1.4 5.9 7.9 15.2 4.6 8.8 0.3 2.0 11.1 3.4 0.0 5.9 .3 10.2 3.1 0.8 8.8 0.2 9.7 2.9 8.3 0.4 0.8 9.6 2.9 3.7 5.8 0.0 9.5 2.9 0.0 1.6 5.3 6.9 2.1 1.6 2.4 0.8 4.8 1.4 1.5 1.3 0.7 3.4 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.1 199.2 79.4 50.3 328.9 100.0

Time, and Universal Time. Over the previous 18 months the operating software for the Array had been examined and tested for the notorious "Y2K bug". The only problems encountered were minor: one with third-party software used in offline backup of Unix and pc ser vers; and a curious formatting problem in a rarely used option for labelling export data CDROMS. TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS In 2000 the development work on the Compact Array was again dominated by the MNRF program, a major component of which is funding the upgrade of the Array to operate at high frequencies. The Array upgrade is expected to be complete by the end of 2002 with scheduled mmwave obser ving commencing in mid-2003. North spur and extra stations Multi-pair cabling to new station posts was completed during the year. In November the north spur was used to reorder the antennas. This was necessar y to get a short baseline for the new mm-wave receivers in antenna numbers 3 and 4, while keeping to the advertised 1.5B array configuration. This was an opportunity to do further checks on the modified long-travel drives in these antennas. 12/3-mm receivers Two prototype receiver packages were installed in November 1999 and operated over the 20.6­22.8 GHz band. During the first part of 2000 they were the subject of a


number of per formance tests, both of the receivers themselves and of the antenna optics and calibration techniques. Later in the year each was refitted with new singlepolarization 22-GHz low noise amplifiers (LNAs) which operated over the 17.5­25 GHz range, and a single channel at 3 mm (84.0­91.1 GHz). The receiver packages were installed in November 2000 and "first light" on a 3-mm inter ferometer was measured on 30 November (page 16). Since then the per formance, optics and calibration testing has continued at both wavelength bands. Local oscillator distribution During 2000 optical fibres for local oscillator distribution were laid to almost all of the station posts. Each fibre must be spliced to a connection fibre at the station post and in the screened room; two thirds of the splicing has now been completed. Both the laying and the splicing were major jobs. The fibre laying was done in several sessions using a number of staff from both Narrabri and Marsfield. The splicing at the station posts was done in a specially constr ucted "splicing van" which provided a controlled environment for the splicing and a degree of comfort for the splicer.


Leigh Panton, an apprentice with the ATNF Nar rabri electronics group, splicing fibres at a patch panel in the screened room

Antenna Control Computers Work on the new Antenna Control Computers continued through 2000. The hardware inter faces between new machines and antenna equipment have been designed and are largely complete. Software development for inter facing the new antenna computers to the existing obser ving and array monitoring software has continued. Pulsar Backend During the last few months of the year outstanding progress was made with the Compact Ar ray Pulsar Backend. This device will allow obser vations of pulsar profiles from the combined signal of all six antennas, giving a collecting area equivalent to a 54-m dish. The Backend provides spectra with up to 1024 channels in each of 1024 points across the pulsar period. It operates at a number of bandwidths up to a maximum of 64 MHz and can be used in any of the wavelength bands offered by the Compact Ar ray. Martin Oestreich, Scott Cunningham and visitor Prof Deshpande from the Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, have made good progress with the project and made some successful obser vations with a prototype operating on a single polarization channel. Figure 27


shows a profile of the pulsar J0437-4714 at 1410 MHz, obser ved using the Pulsar Backend. Receiver turret positioning Improving the repeatability of receiver turret positioning has been a goal for more than a year. The small non-repeatability was originally found to limit the precision of circular polarization measurements in 1998. Improvements have been made by providing machined locating notches for each receiver package (replacing the original low precision notches) and careful adjustment of the rollers which bear on the turret ring. These adjustments have been concluded to the point where the expected non-repeatability in axial position is about 0.2 mm. The tangential repeatability is now limited by play in the thr uster mechanism itself, which is yet to be measured. Infrastructure and site works The site improvement works associated with the north spur constr uction were completed in 2000. The Obser vator y roads, which had been damaged during the constr uction works (because of several periods of ver y wet weather), were repaired, and most of the roadway around the site centre was resealed. The new access and parking areas around the tourist Visitors Centre has been finished off with a wooden post and rail fence. Late in 2000, work commenced on rebuilding the stairs in the Control Building. These were in breach of building regulations, being dangerously steep.
Figure 27 An averaged profile for the pulsar J0437-4714. The square box shows the strength of the pulsar signal plotted as a function of the pulsar period on the horizontal axis, and time on the ver tical axis. The averaged profile is shown below the box.


Performance and time use The fraction of time scheduled for all obser vations in 2000 was 82%, down slightly on the figure of 84% for 1999. However, time lost both to equipment faults and to poor weather were also down significantly on the 1999 figures, resulting in an unchanged figure of 79% for the fraction of time successfully used for obser vations. The reduced rate of equipment failures reflects in part the increased reliability of two major subsystems overhauled in 1999: the online software, which under went a major upgrade, and the receiver translator system, which received impor tant corrective repairs. The multibeam and other receiver systems all per formed well throughout the year without any significant problems. Some of the older components of the telescope drive and control subsystems are beginning to show their age and will require attention in the next year or so. User feedback


user feedback for 2000, on a scale of 1­10 where 1 = poor and 10 = excellent. Responses were received from 32 obser vers. The issue of radio frequency inter ference mitigation continues to be a concer n among users, with the incidence of all for ms of exter nal inter ference, both ter restrial and satellite, forever on the increase. Additional shielding measures are also required to protect obser vations from the rapid increases in CPU clock speed in new Obser vator y equipment.

Major Activities
Surveys The HIPASS/ZOA sur veys and the Galactic pulsar sur vey again accounted for approximately 50% of scheduled obser ving time this year. Obser vations for the original HIPASS and ZOA sur veys were completed around mid-2000, with the nor ther n extensions both well under way and due for completion around mid-2001. Obser vations for the Jodrell Bank-ATNFBologna pulsar sur vey are now approximately 88% complete (at Januar y 2001), and are continuing to detect several new pulsars for each day of obser ving time. The remainder of the sur vey and the follow-up confir mation and timing obser vations will continue throughout 2001 and into 2002. The success of the sur vey has required more time for the follow-up obser vations than was originally envisaged.


The Web-based fault tracking system is continuing to prove an extremely important tool in successful Obser vator y operations, and a similar system has now been adopted at Narrabri. The Web-based user questionnaire is also working well, with good levels of response from users (both in terms of numbers, and positive evaluations). Figure 28 shows the Parkes




Photograph © CSIRO



Technical developments With the improvement in the accuracy of pulsar timing measurements made at the Obser vator y, serious attention has been given to the Obser vator y GPS systems to ensure the best possible per formance in this area. Two additional GPS receivers have been installed on different locations at the Obser vator y site to overcome the shadowing and multi-path effects of the 64m telescope itself. A "common-view" GPS receiver is currently being assembled for installation in 2001, which will give access to a second primar y time standard, for additional accuracy and intercomparison. The Telescope Control System (TCS) software commissioned in 1999 per formed well in 2000, with only a few minor problems. W ith a steady flow of improvements and enhancements to this system, a regime of software control implemented at the Obser vator y ensures quick recover y from software problems by allowing easy reversion to an earlier release at any time. The Parkes local oscillator conversion system is now fully operational and was used successfully on many occasions in 2000, allowing new modes of operation and reduced setup times.

Figure 28 Parkes user feedback

Spin-off projects from the major sur veys, targeting individual objects or regions of specific interest continue at a steady level, exploiting the excellent per formance of the multibeam receiver in this mode. Pulsar timing A major new project undertaken at the Obser vator y in 2000 has begun to yield significant and exciting new results. Timing measurements of the millisecond pulsar J0437-4715 were begun on a semidaily basis, in a collaborative program between scientists at the University of Swinburne and ATNF. Timing residuals of unprecedented accuracy have been obtained for this binar y system (page 26).


Performance and time use A Memorandum of Understanding was set up between ATNF and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in December 1998. Under this agreement, the University operates the Mopra antenna for three months of each year for three years, in retur n for financial suppor t of the antenna's operations and resur facing. For half of that time the telescope is used exclusively by the University's staff and students; for the other half, the University operates the telescope as a National Facility. The University r un the telescopes in winter, usually the best season for millimetre-wave obser ving. The UNSW has successfully operated the Mopra telescope during the winters of 1999 and 2000, to the mutual benefit of both the ATNF and the UNSW. During 2000 the Mopra telescope continued to be used for 3-mm single dish astronomy, for Ver y Long Baseline Inter ferometr y (VLBI) as part of the Long Baseline Array, and for space VLBI. The University operated the telescope for the period 8 June to 25 September. Table 3 summarizes the telescope usage for the year outside the UNSW period. Staff Early in the year, after CSIRO, Robina Otr upcek last three years Robina member of ATNF staf 31 years with retired. For the was the only f per manently


Photograph © CSIRO

stationed at the Mopra Obser vator y. Robina continues to ser ve the Obser vator y on a casual basis, particularly for support of VLBI experiments. Technical developments Early in the year some effort was put into understanding the telescope optics at 3 mm. This was necessar y after the resur facing out to 22-m diameter with solid panels in 1999 and the new "optics box" installed to illuminate the full aperture. Final verification of the optics and antenna efficiency will not be made until some improved calibration techniques are developed and will possibly require a simpler optical configuration such as that used on the Compact Array antennas. The computer WARRUM, the Unix file ser ver, was upgraded to a Sun Ultra-10 with a 36-Gbyte disk. It has also been equipped with a 7-Gbyte exabyte magnetic tape drive.


3.5mm LBA Space VLBI Total astronomy

Days 43 19 7 69

Table 3 Mopra time use, 2000

The Australian Long Baseline Array
Staff A new postdoctoral fellow, Dr Roopesh Ojha, started with the VLBI group in 2000. This position is funded via a collaboration with United States Naval Obser vator y for work on a large VLBI astrometr y program to significantly improve the astrometric grid in the southern hemisphere. Upgrades The University of Tasmania is continuing the upgrade of the Hobart and Ceduna telescopes under the MNRF program. During 2000, the Hobart antenna was upgraded with a new prime-focus cabin and feed translator. The new system allows four feeds to be mounted at prime focus and switched relatively quickly with the translator. This has greatly simplified and speeded up receiver changes in Hobart. Ceduna is now operating from 2.3­12 GHz, with the 22-GHz system under development and testing. For much of 2000, Ceduna was operated remotely from Hobar t, par ticularly for VSOP obser vations. However, receiver changes still require manual inter vention. The Long Baseline Ar ray cor relator control computer was upgraded and changed to a Unix system and two new 8GByte hard disks were installed. These changes have significantly improved and streamlined the operation of the LBA correlator facility.


HALCA/VSOP The radio astronomy satellite HALCA (Highly Advanced Laborator y for Communications and Astrophysics) was launched in Febr uar y 1977. This satellite is used together with a global network of ground-based radio telescopes, for the VLBI Space Obser vator y Program (VSOP). In October 1999, serious spacecraft problems interr upted VSOP operations. Obser vations in a restricted mode began again in March 2000 and continued to the end of the year. The spacecraft has one inoperative reaction wheel and hence lost some operational flexibility. Mopra was again heavily used by the VSOP Active Galactic Nuclei Sur vey program. NASA tracking will continue only until Febr uar y 2002. After this it is expected that VSOP obser ving will be scaled down considerably. User support The first Long Baseline Ar ray users meeting was held on 25 October 2000. A report on the operational procedures of the LBA was presented and discussed and feedback sought from users. As a result, the documentation for the LBA is in the process of being extensively rewritten and expanded. Proposals and scheduling The demand for time on the LBA in 2000 remained healthy, with an ef fective oversubscription rate of 1.7, a more typical level than the unusually high rate of 3.0


experienced in 1999. Proposals covered diverse fields of research, with particular emphasis on the unique LBA capabilities in high spectral resolution. Access to the NASA Deep Space Network (DSN) Tidbinbilla telescopes continued to present problems with the ef fective scheduling of the LBA array, particularly for sensitive obser vations requiring the large 70-m antenna. This was also identified as a significant concern at the users meeting. Steps are being taken to liaise more closely with the DSN and improve access. Operations Obser vations on the LBA continued in 2000 at the nominal rate of about one week per term. However, for the October 2000 ter m the obser vations were postponed until Januar y 2001 and are not
Table 4 Long Baseline Ar ray obser vations, 2000


included in this report. Overall the LBA per formed well and a summar y is shown in the table below. Most telescopes had a success rate of over 90%. However, the Ceduna antenna was unavailable for a five-day session due to a broken feed and this was the main effect on lowering the overall LBA per formance. In addition, VSOP obser vations at Mopra were severely af fected in November following changes in obser ving software and schedules. For the whole array, after calculating the percentage loss of data due to all known sources, the rate for successful obser vations with the LBA was 84%. The success rates for LBA obser vations and for VSOP obser vations are shown in the following two tables.

Telescope Hours observed Success rate %

Parkes 353 97

ATCA 358 97

Mopra 342 92

Hobart 205 90

Ceduna 202 71

Tidbinbilla 145 92

Hartebeesthoek 30 100

LBA 374 84

Table 5 VSOP Obser vations, 2000

Telescope Hours observed Success rate %

ATCA 49 96

Mopra 133 79

Hobart 49 96

Ceduna 84 97.5

Hartebeesthoek 75 96.5

MNRF program
Overview The ATNF, together with the University of Tasmania, has embarked on a set of substantial projects under the Commonwealth Gover nment's Major National Research Facilities (MNRF) program, governed by a contract signed with the Government in Febr uar y 1997. The contract provides $11M to: · upgrade the Australia Telescope Compact Ar ray to work at high (millimetre-wave) frequencies; · extend the VLBI capabilities of both the ATNF and the University of Tasmania, and operate the University's Hobar t and Ceduna obser vatories as national facilities; · extend international collaboration in astronomy, with funds administered by the ATNF, acting on advice from the Australian Academy of Science's National Committee for Astronomy; and · perfor m strategic research on mitigating radio frequency inter ference and on array technology for the next generation of radio telescopes. Each of these projects has subcomponents, which are described below. The choices involved in determining the content of the upgrade were made after extensive consultation with the ATNF's user community. Full details of the MNRF program can be found at www.atnf.csiro.au/mnrf/.


The upgraded telescopes of the ATNF and University of Tasmania will give Australian astronomers important new obser vational tools. In particular, the millimetre-wave upgrade of the Compact Ar ray, to be completed in 2002, will give astronomers their first chance to image the signature emission from many cosmically important molecules active in southern hemisphere regions. The upgraded array will be able to work in a "tied-array" mode, which will give it a collecting area equivalent to a 50-m diameter millimetre-wave dish -- an unusually power ful instr ument. Management of the MNRF program The ATNF Director acts as MNRF Program Director, while the ATNF Steering Committee provides policy advice and reviews an annual report on its progress. A second, external, committee advises on technical aspects of the upgrade. Committee members are listed in Appendix C. In September 1999, a sub-group of the ATNF Steering Committee made a formal mid-term review of the MNRF program. Their report found that most of the MNRF projects involved were making excellent progress and were keeping to time and budget estimates.


ATNF MNRF upgrades and extensions in 2000
Good progress continues to be made in the high-frequency upgrade of the AT Compact Array (ATCA) at Narrabri. This

extension adds two new obser ving bands to the ATCA: 12 mm (16­25 GHz) and 3 mm (85 to >95 GHz); it also increases the maximum angular resolution of the Telescope by an order of magnitude. A major milestone was reached in November 2000 with the first southern hemisphere obser vations of the upgraded ar ray at 3 mm, taken using two antennas (page 16). While considerable efforts are being used for system testing and commissioning, the success of the first millimetre obser vations highlights the excellence of the MNRF engineering. It is expected that the full mm-wave systems will be first offered for scheduled obser ving in 2003. ATCA high-frequency upgrade The 12- and 3-mm receivers are a key component of the high-frequency upgrade. An important feature of the high-frequency receivers is that they use MMIC (monolithic microwave integrated circuit) technology in the low-noise systems. In 1999 a decision was made to use Indium Phosphide (InP)


MMICs for both the 12- and 3-mm receivers, rather than the Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) MMICs originally proposed for the 3-mm receiver. The InP MMICs will greatly increase the sensitivity of the array. The high-frequency receivers are contained in a single multiband dewar, with the CSIRO-designed low-noise amplifiers operating at physical temperatures near 20 K. A substantial technology development program has resulted in the ATNF now having the capacity to reliably bond wire connections to the tiny integrated chips and to mount the devices in precision metal housings. Laborator y tests of packaged, cooled, 3mm amplifiers show typical amplifier equivalent noise temperatures of 55 K at 86 GHz. When used in the test inter ferometer at Nar rabri, system temperatures of approximately 270 K were obtained. At 12 mm, amplifier equivalents of 20 K were measured in the laborator y, and telescope system temperatures of around 100 K were recorded. Inter ferometer test arrangements were sub-optimal, especially at 3 mm, and system temperatures of less than 200 K at 86 GHz are expected with final (higher gain) designs and average winter obser ving conditions. ATCA surface extensions Five of the ATCA antennas have been resur faced with solid panels over their full 22-m diameter, doubling their sensitivity at 100 GHz. The antenna panels were adjusted in 1999 and measured to have an


Les Reilly, a member of the ATNF receiver group, working on a newly installed millimetre-wave receiver package.

averaged rms sur face accuracy of 0.25 mm. During the 3-mm inter ferometr y in November 2000, typical antenna efficiencies were still rather low and a pronounced coma lobe was evident in the beam patter ns. However, subsequent adjustment of the antennas has led to improved ef ficiencies and clean beam patterns. At present, the overall antenna ef ficiencies are approaching 40% at 86 GHz, close to that expected with the originally specified sur face accuracy of 0.15 mm. Atmospheric phase correction A phase-correction system will be used to correct the wavefront (and hence image) distor tion caused, at millimetre wavelengths, by moving cells of atmospheric water vapour. The phase cor rection system will use a roomtemperature four-channel radiometer on each antenna, designed to detect watervapour emission while rejecting spurious emission from clouds or other sources. Two prototype water-vapour radiometers have been delivered by Astrowave P/L: these four-channel 22-GHz units were developed in consultation with ATNF engineers and system scientists. The intention is to sense water-vapour emission from the atmosphere, and to use the measurement to cor rect the imagedistor ting ef fects of water-vapour ir regularities. First indications are that, while the off-axis optics arrangement will work well, the instr umentation itself
Mark Leach helping with the cable laying for the local oscillator systems at Nar rabri. This task involves threading 34 km of optic fibre through the Compact Ar ray cable trenches.


requires refinement before further orders are placed. Long-term stability is excellent, but flicker noise in the present high-gain 22-GHz system means that one-second radiometric limits are an order of magnitude too high for satisfactor y phase correction. Modifications to the prototypes are currently under way and further tests will be conducted in April 2001. ATCA local oscillator distribution The local oscillator (LO) in a synthesis telescope is the master reference signal to which all receivers are frequency-locked, and against which variations in signal phase (caused, for example, by str ucture in cosmic sources) are measured. The LO distribution must therefore be extremely stable. The new ATCA LO distributor is based on a "star" topology fibre-optic network which uses an optical fibre connection from each of the antenna station posts to the Control Room. Despite weather-related delays, almost all the new fibre has now been installed. However, because of staff changes and accidental damage to a fibre termination facility, the termination schedule has fallen behind the original estimates. While the new LO system will become progressively available for use in test obser vations, the estimate for completion of the entire system is now June 2002. Field tests of the new LO system indicate that the design specification of


less than five degrees phase jitter at a frequency of 100 GHz will be achieved. Extra stations and the north spur Under the MNRF program, four new stations have been built on the east-west track of the Compact Array, to give better shor t-spacing coverage. Extra funding from the CSIRO Capital Investment program has enabled the constr uction of a further five stations on a north spur line, 214 m long. This spur will let the array better cover the u-v plane when obser ving with high antenna elevations; these minimize atmospheric distor tion at millimetre wavelengths. The civil engineering component of these projects was completed in 2000 and, while delays have been experienced at Narrabri in cabling all stations, the new facilities will be available concur rently with the completion of the LO distribution system. Antenna Control Computers The stringent demands of highfrequency obser ving, the expansion of ATCA control and monitoring requirements, and concerns about the reliability of the present Antenna Control Computers (ACCs), have combined to make deliver y of new-generation ACCs a priority. Work has continued for some time to develop object-oriented


software to r un in the new computers. Development work has also begun on the hardware inter faces between antenna systems and input/output devices in the new computers. Due to some delays in the ATOMS project, mainly associated with staff changes, the new ACCs are expected to be installed by mid-2001, about one year later than originally forecast. The Australian VLBI array The MNRF program provides for VLBI upgrades to the ATNF antennas at Mopra, Narrabri and Parkes and the University of Tasmania's antennas at Hobart and Ceduna. The ATNF upgrade of the Australian VLBI network is now complete and the extended network is in routine astronomical use. Figure 29 is an example of the use of the network to probe Centaur us A, a well-known southern radio galaxy.


Figure 29 Images of the radio galaxy Centaur us A obtained using progressively increasing angular resolution. The highest resolution image (right) shows the "jet" of the galaxy and was produced using the Australian ver y long baseline inter ferometr y (VLBI) ar ray, incorporating the newly commissioned Ceduna antenna operated by the University of Tasmania. The VLBI ar ray has been upgraded substantially in the course of the MNRF Program, with most of the upgrade activities now being complete.

International collaboration The MNRF program funding included an allocation of $1.26M for inter national collaboration. Under this scheme the Australian Academy of Science's National Committee for Astronomy allocated funds for ten projects in 1997 and a further two projects in 1998. Funding for this program is now essentially exhausted and no additional funds were allocated to new projects in 1999 or 2000. Details of the funded projects can be found in the MNRF annual reports, available on the ATNF Web pages.


Executive Special Project
In December 1997 CSIRO's Chief Executive Officer, Dr Malcolm McIntosh, announced a number of projects to be undertaken by large research teams within CSIRO in the 1997­2000 triennium. One of these projects was a joint proposal of the ATNF and CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics to develop millimetre-wave integrated circuits for radio astronomy and telecommunications. About $2.4M was granted for this work. Devices to be produced under the program include monolithic microwave integrated circuits, a high-speed two-bit sampler and a digitiser with photonic inputs and outputs. Monolithic microwave integrated circuits Indium Phosphide (InP) MMICs will be produced for three frequency ranges: 85­110 GHz, 30­50 GHz and 16­26 GHz. The US foundr y TRW delivered the first

InP high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) wafers in December 1999. Following successful on-wafer tests, the wafers were returned to TRW for dicing in early 2000. The individual chips were then returned to ATNF in August 2000 and bonded and packaged by ATNF staff. The 3-mm and 12-mm InP MMICs were retrofitted to two prototype receivers on antennas 3 and 4 on the Compact Array in November 2000. Both the system temperatures and bandwidths achieved were outstanding. The final foundr y r un for production numbers of these circuits will take place in late 2001. A high-speed two-bit sampler (digitiser) Digitisers sample the radio frequency down-conver ted from an antenna to produce a coarse digital signal for processing inside a cor relator. Leading


Figure 30 The circuit layout for a high-speed two-bit digitiser with an integrated demultiplexer, designed by CSIRO to sample astronomical signals at up to eight Gigabits per second. The integrated circuit has a size of 3.2 mm x 2.2 mm.

digitisers sample at a rate of about two Gigabits per second. To improve on this per formance integrated circuits need to be

Photograph © J Sarkissian

used, to avoid the parasitics and delay and matching problems that are inherent in discrete components. Several dif ferent kinds of digitiser have been designed, the most ambitious of which is a two-bit digitiser with integrated demultiplexer, designed to work at up to eight Gigabits per second. This was implemented in a developmental (not commercially available) InP heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) technology. The HBT designs were completed at the end of March 2000 and submitted to the foundr y shortly after, with the fabricated chips being received in mid-October 2000. On-wafer tests of the digitiser were then per formed with encouraging results up to at least 10 Gigabits per second. The wafers were returned in late December and work will now proceed on packaging and system integration of the devices, which will allow their per formance to be assessed in-system with inputs as expected in typical astronomical use, and hence the real useful speed of the devices to be determined. A digitiser with photonic inputs and outputs This device too was fabricated with InP HBT technology, which allows photoreceiver circuits to be integrated with the digitiser. The sampling clock output is delivered by optical fibre and the digitiser's output fed back to fibre via exter nally bonded laser diodes. This ar rangement produces ver y low radiofrequency inter ference emission and is an


obvious cost-saving pathway for applications such as the Square Kilometre Array. On-wafer tests for this photonic I/O digitiser were also successful in showing correct operation up to the two Gigabits per second limit determined by the optical source. As indicated before, the wafers were returned in late December. A few test devices will be packaged and placed in a demonstrator system that will initially be sited at Parkes, making use of optical fibres recently installed to the focus cabin.

The Square Kilometre Array
The ATNF is one of a consortium of major radio astronomy institutions in seven countries now planning the world's nextgeneration large radio telescope, the Square Kilometre Ar ray (SKA). This instr ument's one million square metres of collecting area will make it 100 times more sensitive than the best present-day instr uments: this area will be distributed across perhaps 2,000 km in a location yet to be decided. Using a combination of technologies, the SKA will cover frequency ranges from 150 MHz to above 10 GHz. Constr uction of the instr ument is expected to start by 2010. The SKA has been identified as the ATNF's major longterm project. A current priority is to secure long-ter m R&D funding, preferably extending beyond the inter national technology and site decisions date of 2005.


SKA steering committee An impor tant milestone in Australian SKA work was reached in late 2000 with the for mation of the Australian SKA Consor tium, a 14-member steering committee constituted from CSIRO, other research organizations, industr y, science policy bodies and professional organizations. The first meeting of the Consortium is scheduled for Febr uar y 2001 and will include a one-day astronomy and engineering science workshop. SKA meeting An international symposium on "Technical pathways to the SKA" was held at Jodrell Bank (UK) in June 2000. The Australian SKA work was well received. A number of oral presentations and poster papers highlighted work in all of the areas outlined in this report and the conference provided a reference against which to check the quality of the ATNF work and the effectiveness of our strategic directions. CSIRO program members will continue to play significant roles in the governance and direction of the international SKA project; these members include R. D. Ekers (Chair man, Inter national SKA Steering Committee), B. MacAThomas (Site Selection Committee) and P. Hall (Engineering and Management Team). Research program In late 1999, CSIRO made a $1.5M allocation to the radio astronomy sector for strategic development of the SKA. The


SKA research program provides a framework for the coordination of all SKA work. The primar y program aims are to: · produce engineering prototypes of key SKA systems; · explore the possibility of the SKA being sited in Australia; · suppor t SKA research by young engineers and scientists; and · raise public awareness international SKA project. of the

More specifically, the program will include: · prototyping of a three-dimensional radio lens antenna which will allow many simultaneous, randomly placeable beams on the sky; · prototyping of an integrated receiver using CSIRO monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) technology; · development of radio-frequency inter ference mitigation techniques and components; · characterization and testing of potential Australian SKA sites, including the confir mation of possible sites as radio-quiet zones; modelling of different possible array configurations; · collaboration with other CSIRO divisions and universities on a range of science and engineering issues; and · liaison with the Australian Government and with international groups on policy issues.


Major projects in the past year have involved work in four areas: antennas, inter ference mitigation, ar ray configurations and site studies. The antenna work is being undertaken mainly by CTIP staff, with input from the ATNF in framing prototyping and evaluation strategies. In the inter ference mitigation area, collaborations with US and Dutch colleagues have grown rapidly and have been important in producing impressive early results. Cooperation with the WA Government has been central to framing first-round site and associated outreach projects. For more infor mation about Australian SKA project work, refer to http://www.atnf.csiro.au/SKA Antennas for the SKA The SKA specifications call for many simultaneous, widely separated beams. Building antennas which are capable of efficient operation over a wide frequency range, and which yield many beams placeable over the whole sky, is a formidable challenge to designers. CSIRO work is currently assessing the feasibility of spherical refracting antennas (Luneburg lenses) for the SKA application. Cost and loss issues make the refracting solution viable only if new ways of producing ar tificial dielectrics can be found. Following a number of discussions with materials and manufacturing specialists, small-scale cross-CSIRO projects are now in place. The intention is to produce a range of prototype dielectrics using various


processes, including a new chemical technique. In parallel with the materials study, the development of electromagnetic design and analysis software, based on a finite difference time domain formalism, is continuing. If the materials issues are resolved, the intention is to design and fabricate a 3- to 5-m diameter lens by June 2003. A recently established collaboration with Russian radio astronomers and their commercial partner should give CSIRO a demonstration 0.9-m diameter lens by mid2001. Interference mitigation To meet its scientific objectives, the SKA will need to obser ve outside the narrow bands reser ved for radio astronomy. As part of the SKA research program, the ATNF is actively involved in the development of both pre-correlation and post-cor relation inter ference-mitigation techniques. The ATNF has made extensive use of its "software radio telescope" concept to develop and test inter ference mitigation algorithms on real data. Using the S2 VLBI system, signals (astronomical and inter ference) have been recorded coherently from the Parkes radio telescope and individual elements of the ATCA. These recordings have been distributed internationally to several groups interested in new signal processing techniques and, using workstation and super-computer facilities in Australia, it has been possible to experiment with, and evaluate, a


number of dif ferent approaches. In common with most other groups, initial ATNF work involved coherent adaptive processing. However, new techniques have been developed which invoke postcor relation analogues of the adaptive process, vastly reducing the computational load and making inter ference mitigation testable, for the first time, on real telescopes (Figure 31). The emphasis is now on evaluating the effectiveness and robustness of the technique using the


Information and Electrical Engineering at the University of Sydney has produced interesting proposals for incorporating photonic filters into analogue optical-fibre signal transmission systems -- potentially useful in the SKA and several present-day telescopes. Array configurations At this early stage, SKA designers are studying optimum ways of distributing the one square kilometre of collecting area. In 1999 an initial ATNF investigation of possible SKA array configurations began with the characterization of antenna distributions and u-v plane coverages for a large number of possible configurations. (The u-v plane coverage of an array is related to the image quality that can be achieved). These configurations included random, gaussian, Y-shaped, ring and spiral-shaped arrays of various types. The requirement for both high-brightness sensitivity and good u-v coverage on all scales led to the selection for further study of a close-packed central site, combined with a logarithmic spiral as the best compromise. Sample configurations of VLBI-scale spirals that span the Australian continent have also been generated.


Figure 31 A post-cor relation approach to interference mitigation showing the effectiveness of the technique in suppressing a spread-spectr um satellite signal (centred at channel 420) while leaving an OH-maser source (centred at channel 800) unaf fected. The horizontal axis is labelled in ATCA cor relator channel numbers over an 8-MHz bandwidth and the ver tical axis is an arbitrar y linear scale.

ATCA and, over the next two years, on making inter ference mitigation tools available to obser vers. In a complementar y inter ference mitigation study, a research contract with the School of

Figure 32 A possible SKA configuration. The configuration is a combination of a hexagonal central site close-packed with stations and a seven-armed spiral going out to VLBI distances. The total number of stations is about 300 and the effective area per station is 3,300 m2. Out to about 1,000 km the ar ray has fairly uniform snapshot u-v coverage. To cover the range from 1,000­3,000 km integrations of about 9­12 hours will be needed for optimum u-v coverage.

While this project has been a small-scale one, it has produced some important insights into array layout principles. As an example, Figure 32 shows a multi-arm "logspiral" configuration using 300 stations. This configuration yields the required high brightness sensitivity on arcminute scales, good instantaneous u-v (snapshot) coverage to 300 km, and effective coverage on VLBI scales with some time integration. It also produces good synthesised beam patterns and is relatively economical to connect using optical fibre or other media. Site investigations While most efforts in this area have centred on formalizing a joint approach with the Government of Western Australia (WA) to evaluate sites in that state, there has also been interest from South Australia and other states in hosting the SKA. In the case of WA, first-round investigations have nar rowed the field to two or three promising sites. Contractors funded by the WA Government will begin radio frequency inter ference characterization around April 2001 and CSIRO will evaluate and present the results. As well as the investigative project, an outreach project aimed at local government and r ural communities has also been developed; this promises to be generally useful within Australia. It is impor tant to note that, as well as characterizing specific sites, the CSIRO project is a case study aimed at contributing important principles and guidelines to the international SKA site search. Running in


parallel with the site project has been a smaller project to investigate the merits and practicalities of a radio-quiet reser ve -- an apparently feasible concept in r ural Australia and one which could, if implemented, be influential in attracting the SKA to this countr y. Integrated RF systems ­ A new project From the beginning of 2001, a fifth project will be incorporated into the CSIRO SKA program. Central to the success of the SKA will be low-cost, broadband, low-noise, receivers ­ probably integrated with feed assemblies and perhaps supporting optical fibre inter faces. W ith CSIRO's rapidly growing exper tise in monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) design, it is a natural progression to apply this technology to the SKA. The intention is to combine the requirement for a high level of integration with ideas for making "robust" systems able to operate linearly in the presence of man-made inter ference. Using the mechanism of a shared postdoctoral appointment, much of the expertise generated will be shared with selected honours and postgraduate students at the University of Sydney. Industry liaison The ATNF is actively promoting the SKA and welcomes expressions of interest from Australian industr y in collaborative research and development programs. Enquiries should be sent to Dr Peter Hall (phall@atnf.csiro.au).


Photograph © CSIRO

A: Financial information
Expenditure budget 1999­2000
Operation of the Paul Wild (Narrabri) Observatory1 Operation of the Parkes Observatory2

2,845 2,030 1,920 2,430 680 1,171 1,033 830 220 90 300 2,720 300 160 400 16,642

Research Support Marsfield (ATNF contribution)3 Engineering and development Office of Director Astrophysics program Computing National Facility support Major repairs and maintenance Research grants Executive Special Projects MNRF project Square Kilometre Array Corporate repairs and maintenance CSIRO capital investment plan TOTAL

Revenue budget 1999-2000
Direct appropriation 12,228 267 2,030 700 160 400 15,785 Research and services revenue MNRF project Other external revenue4 Corporate repairs and maintenance CSIRO capital investment plan TOTAL5


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Includes the operation of the observatory's Visitors Centre and the Mopra Observatory. Includes the operation of the observatory's Visitors Centre. The ATNF shares its Sydney headquarters with CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics. Revenue generated from ATNF activities such as the ATNF's visitors centres and observatory accommodation. The revenue shortfall was funded from ATNF reserves.

B: Staff list,
1 JULY 2000
JE JMH J RJ MA ML JW WN MR GJ JL JM RR ER E TK A R R G T R G E P P R A PJ SA HP L MJ NE R D H J J G R A J F Archer (Administration) Barends (Astrophysics/Computing PA) Bell (ARC Fellow/SKA) Bolton (Receivers) Bowen (Receivers) Bromley-Gambaro (Scientific & Community Liaison) Brooks (Assistant Director, & Engineering Manager) Brouw (Astrophysics/Computing) Calabretta (Computing) Carrad (Receivers) Caswell (Astrophysics) Chapman (National Facility Suppor t) Chekkala (Electronics) Davis (Electronics) de Blok (Bolton Fellow/Astrophysics) Denmeade (Scientific & Community Liaison) Dunning (receivers) Ekers (ATNF Director) Ferris (Electronics) Gay (Receivers) Getts (LBA) Gough (Receivers) Graves (Receivers) Hakvoort (Receivers) Hales (Electronics) Hall (Head, SKA Program) Haynes (Head, Scientific & Community Liaison) Hopkins (USyd/ATNF Research Fellow) Howson (Divisional Secretar y) Jackson (Receivers) Kanoniuk (Receivers) Kedziora-Chudczer (AAO/ATNF Postdoctoral Fellow/Astrophysics) Kesteven (Astrophysics/Engineering Research) B Killeen (Acting Head, Computing) BS M MR JMJ PA SM S RN GA H VJ GG RP Koribalski (Astrophysics) Large (MNRF Ar ray Technology) Leach (Electronics) Lie (Receivers) Lilie (Receivers) Little (Administration) Magri (Electronics) Manchester (Astrophysics) Manefield (Engineering PA) May (Computing) McIntyre (Computing) Moorey (overseas) Norris (Head, Astrophysics/Head, Computing) (on secondment to Corporate Centre) Oestreich (Electronics) Pacey (Director's PA) Reilly (Receivers) Roberts (Electronics) Sault (Computing/SKA) Scott (Administration) Sim (Scientific & Community Liaison) Sinclair (Head, Receivers) Staveley-Smith (Acting Head, Astrophysics) Storey (SKA Site Studies/PASA) Sykes (Receivers) Thomas (Engineering Research) Tzioumis (Astrophysics/LBA) Walker (ATNF/USyd Research fellow/ Astrophysics) Whiteoak (Deputy Director & Head, National Facility Suppor t) Wilson (Head, Electronics)



Staff shared with CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics
Administration SF Clark OA D'Amico C Duffy CD Hodges KJ Lambert S O'Toole CK Spence B Wrbik

Engineering Services P Bonvino AF Bugh GR Cook P Cooper PA Dalziel BA Egan W Finch G Hughes T M Huynh O Iannello CR Lobsey KB MacLeod M McDonald RA Moncay BF Parsons (Assistant Engineering Manager) PA Sharp JR Uden B Wilcockson (Assistant Engineering Manager) M R Wright Library A Joos C M van der Leeuw JC D LA BW MH AG R GJ S RM JC MH CA McFee (Electronics) McConnell (O-I-C, Paul Wild Obser vator y) Panton (Electronics) Reddall (Electronics) Rees (Lodge) Ryan (Antennas & Site Ser vices) Subrahmanyan (Electronics) Sunderland (Antennas & Site Ser vices) Tingay (Bolton Fellow) Wark (Operations) Wieringa (Librar y) Wieringa (Computing) Wilson (Lodge)

JK JM HA GT MA JM J S AJ SA RT RJ SL MP BA KF JE JM SR MR G ER B RR Cole (Lodge) Crocker (Site Ser vices) Fagg (RF Systems) Freeman (Administration) Freeman (Administration Trainee) Glowacki (Electronics/Ser vo & RF Systems) Hockings (Visitors Centre) Hoyle (Computing) Hunt (Electronics/Ser vo) Ingram (Lodge/Site Ser vices) Lees (Site Ser vices) Livingstone (Site Ser vices) Mader (Operations) McColl (RF Systems) Preisig (Electronics/Ser vo) Reeves (Site Ser vices) Reynolds (OIC, Parkes Obser vator y) Sarkissian (Operations) Scott (PA/Admin) Smith (RF systems) Spratt (Computing) Troup (overseas) Turner (Site Ser vices) Twardy (Visitors Centre)

F RJ DJC DJ SJ AF AA OP CF K J TM ME DM SM J BD TJ CW Badia (Computing) Beresford (Electronics) Brooke (Electronics) Campbell (Antennas & Site Ser vices) Cunningham (Computing) Day (Electronics) Deshpande (Visiting Scientist) Dowd (Antennas & Site Ser vices) Forbes (Lodge) Forbes (Administration) Giovannis (Computing) Gordon (Antennas & Site Ser vices) Guest (Lodge) Harris (Administration) James (Electronics) Houldsworth (PA) Johnson (Antennas & Site Ser vices) Kennedy (Visitors Centre) Leven (Antennas & Site Ser vices)


JF DL JEJ Bell (ARC fellow/Astro) Jauncey (Astro) Lovell (Astro)

C: Committee membership
ATNF Steering Committee, 2000 Chairman Prof R D Cannon, Anglo-Australian Obser vator y Secretary Mrs E Pacey, ATNF Members Ex-Officio Prof R D Ekers, Director, ATNF Dr B Boyle, Director, Anglo-Australian Obser vator y Dr R L Sandland, Deputy Chief Executive, CSIRO Dr D N Cooper, Chief, CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics Prof P McCulloch, Director, Mt Pleasant and Ceduna radio obser vatories, University of Tasmania Astronomers Dr E Sadler, University of Sydney Prof J Storey, University of New South Wales International advisers Prof P Goldsmith, Director, National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, Cornell University (USA) Prof Kwok-yung (Fred) Lo, Director, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica (Taiwan) Prof K M Menten, Director, Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Bonn, Germany Industry Dr P Scaife, Director, Centre for Sustainable Technology, University of Newcastle Dr R H Frater, Vice President Innovation, Res Med, North Ryde MNRF Technical Advisory Committee Dr S Guilloteau, Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimetrique (France) Dr P Napier, National Radio Astronomy Obser vator y (USA) Dr R Padman, Mullard Radio Astronomy Obser vator y (UK) Dr A Young, CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics (Australia) Dr N Whyborn, Space Research Organization Netherlands (Netherlands) Australia Telescope Users Committee, 2000 Chairman Dr A Green, University of Sydney


Secretary Dr B Koribalski, ATNF (outgoing) Mr V McIntyre*, ATNF (incoming) Members Dr Ramesh Balasubrahmanyan, University of New South Wales Dr D Barnes*, University of Swinburne Ms H Bignall*#, University of Adelaide Dr M Britton, University of Melbourne Dr J Chapman, ATNF Dr E Corbett, Anglo-Australian Obser vator y Dr M Costa, University of Tasmania Dr S Ellingsen*, University of Tasmania Dr C Jackson*, Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University Dr D Jauncey, ATNF Ms M Johnston-Hollitt#, University of Adelaide Dr C Lineweaver, University of New South Wales Mr E Muller*#, University of Wollongong Dr M Sevenster, Mt Stromlo and Siding Spring obser vatories Dr R Sood, University of Western Sydney Dr M Walker, University of Sydney
* New member in 2000 # Student member

Australia Telescope Time Assignment Committee 2000 Chairman Prof R D Ekers, Director, ATNF Secretary Dr J Chapman, ATNF Members Dr M Wardle, University of Sydney Dr M Drinkwater, University of Melbourne Dr A Kalnajs, RSAA, Australian National University (to March 2000) Dr M Sevenster, RSAA, Australian National University (from July 2000) Dr R Balasubrahmanyan, University of New South Wales (from July 2000) Dr R Manchester, ATNF Dr D McConnell*, Officer-in-Charge, Narrabri Obser vator y, ATNF Dr J Reynolds*, Officer-in-Charge, Parkes Obser vator y, ATNF
* non-voting members


D: Observing programs
Observations made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, January to December 2000
Observers McConnell, Sault, Subrahmanyan, Tingay, Reynolds, Wark, Wieringa Dickel, Gallant, Gaensler, Milne, Staveley-Smith, Manchester Affiliations Program Title Number C007 C014 C015 C059 Hours 208 13 168.5 103.5 17 26 13 16 119.5 12 118 ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATCA calibrators UIll/NFRA, Utrecht, MIT, The Plerion and Shell of the ATNF, ATNF, ATNF Composite SNR 0540-693

Manchester, Gaensler, Staveley-Smith, ATNF, MIT, ATNF, Tzioumis, Wheaton, Kesteven, Reynolds ATNF, USyd, ATNF, ATNF SNR 1987A McConnell, Ables Ryder, Staveley-Smith, Schlegel Duncan, White White, Duncan Caswell Johnston, Manchester, McConnell, Ball Norris, Forbes Webster, Whiting, Kilborn, Drinkwater, Peele Harnett Beck, Haynes, Ehle, Blank Tingay, Jauncey, King, Rayner, McCulloch, Tzioumis, Reynolds, Preston, Hirabayashi Caswell Hopkins, Cram, Afonso, Mobasher Whysong, Antonucci, Geller, Killeen, Sault, Desai Birkinshaw, Worrall Dickey, McClure-Griffiths, Green, Wieringa, Haynes, Gaensler Kedziora-Chudczer, Jauncey, Wieringa, Reynolds, Tzioumis, Nicolson Muller, Stanimirovic, Staveley-Smith, Haynes, Zealey Filipovic, Pietsch, Haberl, White, Jones, Haynes ATNF, CTIP, Hilo, ATNF, SAO, ATNF, UMar UMar, ATNF ATNF USyd, ATNF, ATNF, USyd ATNF, UBir UMel, UMel, UMel, UMel, UMel UTS MPIfR, ATNF, ESA Villafranca, Univ Macquarie JPL, ATNF, ATNF, UTas, UTas,ATNF, ATNF, JPL, ISAS ATNF Imaging 47 Tucanae High-spatial resolution observations of Eta Carinae

The 1978 Supernova in NGC 1313 C184 C186

The Radio Properties of the Luminous Blue Variable WRA 751 C312 Precise 6035 MHz maser positions C325 Unpulsed Transient emission from the PSR B1259-63 binary system C326 Annual Monitoring of the starburst ring in NGC 7552 Spectral energy distributions for Parkes quasars Magnetic fields in southern barred galaxies Flux density monitoring of VSOP survey sources C434 C484




24 16 120 110 13 530 43.5 51.5

More methanol maser positions C558 C572 C575 C588 C596 C611 C628

UPitt, USyd, ImCol, ImCol The ATCA Phoenix large area ultra-deep survey UCSB, UCSB, UCSB, ATNF, ATNF, WSRT UBr , UBr UMinn, UMinn, USyd, ATNF, ATNF, MIT ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, HartRAO UWoll, NAIC, ATNF, ATNF, UWoll UWS, MPE, MPE, UWS, UWS, ATNF A search for the ionized intergalactic medium The jet in the unusual AGN J2310-4347 The southern Galactic plane survey Monitoring observations of PKS 0405-385 (cont) HI observations of the Magellanic Bridge


Supernova remnant candidates in the Magellanic Clouds. IV: New X-ray candidates C634


Webster, Koribalski, Kilborn, Waugh, Dodd, + High Pass Team Bignall, Tzioumis, Bondi, Mantovani, Venturi, Padovani, Kedziora-Chudczer Frail, Kulkarni, Berger, Galama, Wieringa, Wark, Subrahmanyan, McConnell Clark, Dougherty, Waters, Goodwin Benaglia, Cappa, Koribalski Harju , Higdon, Lehtinen, Juvela Norris , Badia, Ekers, Ekers, Hopkins, Sault, Wieringa, Williams, Boyle UMel, ATNF, UMel, UMel, UMel High resolution observations of multibeam detections C638 C639 106 24 UAd, ATNF, UBol, UBol Monitoring of Blazars UBol, STScI, USyd observed with SAX NRAO, Caltech, Caltech, Caltech, ATNF, ATNF, The radio afterglows from ATNF, ATNF gamma-ray bursts - NAPA USuss, Nat. Research Council, UAm, USuss IAR, IAR, ATNF UHel, KI, UHel, UHel Compact Configuration Observations of Wd1 Mass loss rate determination of southern Of stars CrA/IRS 7B -­ a prototstar driving synchroton jets? C651 C652 C678 C711 52.5 26.5 35 37

ATNF ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, Observations of the Hubble STScI, AAO Southern Deep Field The radio jets and proper motion of Circinus X-1

C727 C737

63 12 32.5 7 26 98 44 24 48 96 12 82

Fender, Spencer, Tzioumis, Wu, Johnston, UAm, JB, ATNF, USyd, van der Klis, van Paradijs AAO, UAm, UAm Pisano, Wilcots Stappers , Gaensler, Getts Gaensler, Moffett, Green, Dodson, Dickel, Slane, Harrus Staveley-Smith, Juraszek, Henning, +ZOA team Chapman, Dougherty, Leitherer, Koribalski, Williams, Moffett Dodson, Ellingsen Vergani, Dettmar, Klein, UWisc, UWisc UAm, MIT, ATNF

Extended HI and the formation of isolated galaxies C744 Radio emission from SAX J1808.4-3658 C751 C772 C781 C787 C798 C801

MIT, UFurman, USyd, SNR G327.7-1.1: evidence UTas, NFRA, CfA, NASA for a high velocity pulsar? ATNF, USyd, UNM ATNF, DRAO, STScI, ATNF, ROE, UMont UTas, UTas Unveiling the giant galaxies in the Zone-of-Avoidance The radio light curve of Gamma Velorum Coincidence of OH maser emission at 4765 MHz

de Blok, Walter Beaulieu, Freeman, Bureau, Carignan, Meurer Putman, Freeman Ivison, Couch, Smail, Morrison, Owen

UBonn, URuhr, UBonn, HI in disk galaxies with merging bulges ATNF, Caltech IOA, MSSSO, LO, UMont, JHU RSAA, RSAA UCL, UNSW, UDur, Caltech, NRAO UW ATNF, MPIfR, UGuan, ATNF UNM, UWS, UWS, MPE, MPE USyd, USyd, USyd

An HI mosaic of the local group dwarf galaxy NGC 6822 C809 Triaxial halos and the outer HI disks of spiral galaxies Compact High Velocity Clouds A new window on galaxy evolution: obscured starbursts in clusters at z = 0.31 C819 C820


84 52 14 13 12.5

Deep Survey Team Slee, Roy, Andernach, Tsarevsky Pannuti, Filipovic, Jones, Pietsch, Haberl Wardle, Green, Lazendic

ATCA Identification of DEEP 21-cm Multibeam Detections C822 High-resolution imaging of relics in southern clusters C827

A Search for Supernova Remnants in Nearby Galaxies (NGC 300) C828 OH absorption towards the W28SNR C839

Venturi, Dallacasa, Bardelli, Tzioumis, Morganti, Hunstead Agostino, Venturi, Facordi, Kelm, Tzioumis Pottasch, Van de Steene Oosterloo, Morganti Stevens, Chapman, Rauw, Leitherer, Setia Gunawan Roy, Rao, Subrahmanyan CNR, CNR, OBol, ATNF, NFRA, USyd IRA-CNR, IRA-CNR, IRA-CNR, UBol, ATNF KI, RSAA NFRA, NFRA UBir, ATNF, ULiege, STScI, UGron TIFR, TIFR, ATNF A radio halo candidate in the merging cluster A3562 C841 25 24.5 13 28 109 Probing the Role of Local Environment in Seyfert Galaxies C842 The bipolar planetary nebula He2-111 HI observations of a jet-cloud interaction Radio stars in NGC6231 and the Sco OB1 association Magnetic field in the Galactic Centre: RM observation of extragalactic sources Magnetic field in the Galactic Centre: RM observation of extragalactic sources Probing aspects of a cluster merger: A3667 at 6cm C843 C844 C845



Roy, Rao, Subrahmanyan


C846 C847

50 36.5

Johnston-Hollitt, Ekers, Clay Muecke, Koribalski, Moffat, Corcoran, Stevens, Wessolowski Muecke, Koribalski, Moffat, Corcoran, Stevens, Wessolowski Muecke, Koribalski, Moffat, Corcoran, Stevens Garay, Norris, Mardones


UAd/UMon, ATNF, High resolution multifrequency UMont, GSFC, UBir, MPE observations of the stellar cluster in NGC 3603 C848 UMon, ATNF, UMont, GSFC, UBir, MPE UMon, ATNF, UMont, GSFC, UBir UChile, ATNF, UChile High resolution multifrequency observations of the stellar cluster in NGC 3603 C848 High resolution multifrequency observations of the stellar cluster in NGC 3603 C848 The characteristics of the ionized gas within hot molecular cores The earliest stages of massive star formation




C849 C850

51 13 25 12 93

Garay, Norris, Mardones Stevens, Forbes, Norris Ogura, Norris Kedziora-Chudczer, Subrahmanyan, Jauncey, Macquart Kedziora-Chudczer, Bailey, Wagner, Macquart Beuther, Walsh, Schlike, Menten, Sridharan Fender, Norris, Sault, Pooley, Rayner Umana, Trigilio Coe, Haigh, Clark, Goodwin

UChile, ATNF, UChile UBir, UBir, ATNF UKok, ATNF

Radio mapping of the starbursts in two dwarf galaxies C851 Radio continuum observations of Herbig-Haro objects C852


AAO, ATNF, ATNF, USyd Monitoring of the HI absorption towards the IDV sources C853 AAO, AAO, UHeid, USyd The optical and radio polarization of the four IDV sources C854 MPI, MPI, MPI, MPI, HSS UAm, ATNF, ATNF, MRAO, UTas CNR, CNR USHam, USHam, USuss, USuss Methanol maser emission in high-mass protostars C856

31 11.5 14 62 26

Circular polarization of radio-bright X-ray transients (NAPA) C857 A survey of post-AGB stars A supernova remnant around a Be X-ray binary? C858 C859

Lovell, Jauncey, Tingay Tuthill, Monnier, Greenhill, Danchi Mohan, Dwarakanath, Subrahmanyan Shen, Lovell, Jauncey, Edwards, Hirabayashi, Inoue, Kameno Walsh, Bertoldi Birkinshaw, Worrall Van der Hulst, Roelfsema, Tielens, Martin-Hernandez, Vermeij ATNF, ATNF, ATNF USyd, HSS, HSS, UCB RRI, RRI, ATNF The nature of the jet in PKS 0637-752 Broadband spectra of selected IR-bright Wolf-Rayet stars HI 21cm absorption study towards the Galactic centre C861 C862 C863 12 49.5 24 12 26 13 54 50.5 48 40 28 10 106 24 13.5 14 25 96 NAOJ, ATNF, ATNF, Dual frequency ATCA polarization ISAS, ISAS, NAOJ, NAOJ imaging of PKS 0312-770 C864 MPI, MPI UBr, UBr KI, SRON, KI, KI, KI Radio continuum emission from methanol maser sites PKS 0521-365: a BL Lac with an exceptional radio source Compact HII regions in the Local Group galaxies HI structure and kinematics of edge-on spiral galaxies Evidence of the Vela SNR/Molecular gas interaction SUMSS 0515-810: a dying giant radio galaxy? Circular polarization of SS 433 Circular polarization of SS 433 The HI small-scale structure in the Magellanic Stream Radio observations of Chandra X-ray sources Imaging and monitoring the gravitational lens B1152+199 C865 C867 C868 C869 C870 C871 C872 C872 C874 C877 C878

Kregel, de Blok, van der Kruit, Freeman KI, ATNF, KI, MSSSO Yamaguchi, Moriguchi, Onishi, Mizuno, Fukui McIntyre, Subrahmanyan, Hunstead Fender, Norris, Sault, Pooley, Rayner Fender, Norris, Sault, Pooley, Rayner Bruens, Kerp, Haynes Ciliegi, Comastri, Fiore, Morganti, La Franca Edwards, Lovell, Reynolds, Tzioumis, Jauncey UNag, UNag, UNag, UNag, UNag USyd, ATNF, USyd UAm, ATNF, ATNF, MRAO, UTas UAm, ATNF, ATNF, MRAO, UTas RAIUB, RAIUB, ATNF OABol, OABol, OARome, NFRA, USR ISAS, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF UTas, USU, Monash, Monash MIT, NFRA, MIT, MIT, MIT USyd, ATNF


Ellingsen, Sobolev, Cragg, Godfrey Gaensler, Dickel, Kaspi, Crawford, Milne, Piovaroff Johnston, McConnell Kalberla, Klein, Salucci, Borriello, Ratnam, Pignatelli Kardashev, Cherepashchuk, Slee, Tingay, Tsarevsky, Popov, Zhuravlev Lazendic, Wardle, Whiteoak, Green

A direct test of Class II methanol maser modellng C879 Radio Imaging of the 87-ms X-ray pulsar AX J0043-737 C882

A search for exotic millisecond pulsars in globular clusters C883

UBonn, UBonn, The dark matter distribution SISSA-ISAS, SISSA-ISAS, in disk galaxies SISSA-ISAS, SISSA-ISAS ASC, Sternberg Inst, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ASC, ASC Search for new Galactic Microquasars among ROSAT sources





USyd, USyd, ATNF, USyd Absorption-line observations of shocked molecular gas around SN NRAL, ATNF Pinning down the physics of FRII Radio Galaxies

C887 C888

51.5 37

Leahy, Killeen

Lehtinen, Higdon, Harju, Kontinen Lovell, Marshall, Jauncey, Tingay, Murphy, Preston, Piner Lovell, Winn, Jauncey, Edwards, Reynolds, Tzioumis Ludke, Adornes, Norris UHel, KI, UHel, UHel Protostars in the Cederblad 110 star formation region C889 C890 C891 24.5 95 24 ATNF, MIT, ATNF, ATNF, ATCA and Chandra Survey of JPL, JPL, JPL Radio Jets ATNF, MIT, ATNF, ISAS, ATNF, ATNF Univ. Santa Maria, U. Rio Grande do Sul, ATNF OSO, UTas, ATNF, OSO Snapshot Imaging of Gravitational Lens Candidates HI imaging survey of southern Seyfert Galaxies C892 A search for 6.7 GHz methanol masers towards class 0 and class 1 protostars C893 24

Minier, Ellingsen, Norris, Booth

24 100 28 43.5 31 11.5 25 12 24 16 11.5 22.5

O'Brien, Bosma, Freeman Robinson, Slee Subrahmanyan Subrahmanyan, Tingay Whiteoak, Lazendic Budding, Slee, Carter, Mengel Chapman, Stevens, Rauw Gruppioni, De Zotti, Prandoni, Sault Padova, Padova, Bologna, Caswell Manchester, Possenti, D'Amico, Ferraro, Lyne Hardcastle, Sakelliou, Werner Prandoni, Gregorini, Parma, Vettolani, Ruiter, Wieringa, Ekers Tingay, Subrahmanyan

RSAA, Obs. de Marseille, Probing the dark matter halos of RSAA thin edgbe-on Galaxies C894 GSFC, ATNF ATNF ATNF, ATNF ATNF, USyd Radio Observations of Flares on the dMe star Prox Cent C895 Recurrent activity in the giant radio galaxy 0707-359 Evolution in morpholigies of radio galaxies Accurate Positions of 22 GHz H2O LMC Masers C899 C900 C901

CITNZ, ATNF, USQ, USQ Rotation phase dependent radio emission from HR 817 C902 ATNF ATNF ATNF A new radio galaxy with an unusual jet morphology 22 GHz Observations of southern Kuhr sources OH Flare of a maser in a star formation region C904 C905 C906

ATNF, Bologna, Bologna, Positions for binary millisecond Bologna, Jodrell Bank pulsars in globular clusters C907 UBristol, Mullard, UBristol The jet termination in the nearest WAT PKS 1610-608 IRA-CNR, IRA-CNR, NCR, NCR, OAB, ATNF, ATNF ATNF, ATNF The nature of the faint radio population C909 An ATCA search for jet deflections in powerful radio galaxies ATCA Imaging of Pictor A at 1.4, 2, 5 and 4.8 GHz Full synthesis imaging of the IDV blazar PKS 1144-379 Large Scale Radio Jets in the Galaxy Cluster Abell S0102 Radio Imaging of southern hemisphere planetary nebulae C908



C910 C911 C912 C913 C914

48 55.5 12.5 13 24

Tingay, Slee, Sadler Kedziora-Chudczer, Bignall Filipovic, Pietsch, Read, Jones Kwok, Lee, Lim

ATNF, ATNF, USyd AAO/ATNF, UAd UWS Nepean, MPE, MPE, UWS Calgary, Calgary, Academica Sinica

Bryant, Hunstead Fender, Spencer, Tzioumis, Wu, Johnston, van der Klis Kesteven, Bell, Sault, Hall, Wilson, Briggs, Mitchell USyd, USyd UAm, JB, ATNF, USyd, AAO, UAm ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, ATNF, Kapteyn, USyd The inner structure of the giant radio galaxy MRC B0319-454 C916 Periodic superluminla motions from Cir X-1 C917 25 82 Implementation of post-correlation interference suppression C919 20

Observations made with the Parkes Telescope, January to December 2000
Observers Johnston, Fagg, Manchester, Nicastro Kaspi, Manchester, Bailes van Straten, Bailes, Sarkissian, Manchester, Anderson, Kulkarni Young, Manchester, Burman Han, Manchester, Qiao Freeman, + MB team van Loon, Zijlstra Manchester, Lewis, Sarksissan, Bailes, Kaspi Edwards, Bailes, van Straten Lyne, Kramer, Manchester, Bell, Camilo, Stairs, D'Amico, Morris, Kaspi, Crawford, Possenti Affiliations ATNF, ATNF, IRA-CNR MIT, ATNF, Swin Program Title Periastron observations of PSR B1259-63 Timing of the pulsar/B Star binary J0045-7319 Number P116 P138 P140 P221 P236 P248 P260 P262 P263 Hours 7.2 1.33 16.5 2.83 4.75 67.2 4.28 1.50 8.0

Swin, Swin, ATNF, ATNF, Caltech, Caltech Precision pulsar timing UWA, ATNF, UWA BAO, ATNF, UPek RSAA IoA, IoA ATNF, UTas, ATNF, Swin, MIT Swin, Swin, Swin JB, JB, ATNF, ATNF, JB, JB, UBol, JB, MIT, MIT, UBol MIT, MIT, ATNF, JB MIT, ATNF, JB Pulsar pulse dynamics Polarization and Faraday rotation of southern pulsars Northern extension of HIPASS H2O maser emission from evolved stars in the LMC Timing of young pulsars Baseband searching for ultrafast pulsars

Pulsar multibeam survey A deep pulsar survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud A deep pulsar survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud

P268 P269 P269

48.5 7.64 7.31


Crawford, Kaspi, Manchester, Lyne Kaspi, Manchester, Lyne Manchester, Bell, Camilo, Lyne, Morris, Kaspi, Crawford, D'Amico, Possenti Johnston, Koribalski, Wilson, Walker Lyne, Camilo, Freire, Manchester, Lorimer, D'Amico D'Amico, Lyne, Manchester, Possenti, Gheller, Camilo, Lorimer Dickey, McClure-Griffiths, Haynes, Wieringa, Green, Gaensler Webster, Waugh, Drinkwater, Ekers, Nulsen

ATNF, ATNF, Columbia, Timing of multibeam pulsar JB, JB, MIT, MIT, UBol, survey discoveries UBol USyd, ATNF, ATNF, USyd Small scale structure in the Interstellar Medium JB, JB, JB, ATNF, NAIC, UBol UBol, JB, ATNF, UBol, CINECA, JB, NAIC UMinn, UMinn, ATNF, ATNF, USyd, MIT UMel, UMel, UMel, ATNF, UWol

P276 P280

20.6 5.15 17.5 2.55 2.08 2.21

Timing and searching for millisecond pulsars in 47 Tucanae P282 Search and Timing of Pulsars in Globular Clusters P303 The Southern Galactic Plane Survey Galaxy evolution in the Fornax Cluster P307 P315

Crawford, Pivovaroff, Kaspi, Manchester MIT, MIT, MIT, ATNF Toth, Hotzel, Lemke, Harju, Whiteoak Edwards, Bailes Johnston, Bailes, Britton Young, Manchester, Burman Lyne, Stairs, Kramer, Manchester Stairs, Manchester, Lyne, Bell, Camilo UEot, MPIA, MPIA, UHel, ATNF Swin, Swin USyd, Swin, Swin UWA, ATNF, UWA JB, JB, JB, ATNF JB, ATNF, JB, ATNF, UColumb A search for young pulsars in composite SNRs The coldest cloud cores of Chamaeleon 1 P327 P336 0.21 5.00 9.2 1.01 3.04 1.0 2.95 0.81 Timing of Swinburne Multibeam Pulsar Discoveries P337 Observations of single pulses from strong pulsars The longest period pulsar and PM nullers Magnetospheric changes in PSR B1828-11 Periastron studies of PSR 1740-3052 Timing of pulsars discovered in a search of SNRs P338 P339 P340 P341 P342

Crawford, Pivovaroff, Kaspi, Manchester MIT, MIT, MIT, ATNF Takano, Takano, Nakai, Kawaguchi

Chiba University, Ortho/Para Ratio of Ammonia Nobeyama Nobeyama, in Galactic Star-forming Regions Okayama Univ P344 UMont, UMont, ATNF UMinn, UMinn, UMinn, UCal, MIT, USyd ATNF, ATNF, RSAA, UMel, Swin ATNF ATNF Swin, Liverpool John Moores, Swin ATNF, UWol, UWol, ROE, Berkely HI around dwarf spheroidal galaxies P347

5.42 3.01

Bouchard, Staveley-Smith McClure-Griffiths, Dickey, Taylor, Gibson, Gaensler, Green 3.22Koribalski, Staveley-Smith, Putman, Kilborn, Gibson Caswell Caswell Forbes, Mundell, Barnes Mader, Zealey, Walker, Parker, Cohen Deshpande, Rankin, McConnell

A Global HI survye of the Milky Way: The VGPS P348 Protogalaxies, High Velocity Clouds or Magellanic Debris? P349 Water Masers in southern SFRs P350 12 GHz methanol masers at sites of 6.6 GHz methanol masers P351 Formation and Evolution of Galaxies in Groups ­ the role of HI P352 The role of the Enivornment in Star Formation: CMa OB1/R1 P355

1.98 1.46 0.69 3.92 1.52 2.35


ATNF, Uni VermonA, ATNF Subpulse fluctuation properties of southern pulsars P356

Staveley-Smith, Koribalski, Henning, ATNF, ATNF, A northern extension to the Kraan-Kortweg, Sadler, Schroeder, Stewart Uni New Mexico, ZOA survey Uni Guanajuato, USyd, Nice, Univ Leicester Stairs JB


2.02 0.08

ToO Observations of AX J0043-737 PX003

Observations made with the Mopra Telescope, January to December 2000
Observers Whiteoak, Hunt Durouchoux, Sood, O'Neill, Flohic Affiliations UWS Nepean Program Title Interaction of HII region RCW36 with an associated cool cloud CEA, ADFA, ADFA, CEA Millimetre Observations of elongated SNRs, Search for jet signatures SMFU, UGuan A 3mm survey of southern OH-IR stars Number M095 Hours 12.6

M096 M097

13 10

Ludke, Migenes

Bourke, Myers, Allen, Wright Large-scale inward motions in young stellar clusters M098 Deguchi, Balasubramanyam, Nakashima NRO, UNSW, NRO SiO Maser survey in the Galactic disk, 270 < l < 350. M099 Allen, Myers, Bourke CfA, CfA, CfA Dense gas in the rho Ophiucus dark cloud M100 Muller, Staveley-Smith, Haynes, Zealey UWol, ATNF, ATNF, UWol Search for CO Molecules in the Western Magellanic Bridge M101 Ellingsen, Costa UTas, UTas Search for Hot Molecular Cores M103 Wright, Maldoni, Boonman, ADFA, ADFA, Leiden, The gas and dust content of Dishoeck, Smith Leiden, ADFA YSOs and OH/IR stars M104 Balasubramanyam, Kim, Carrad, UNSW, UNSW, ATNF, Spectral line survey towards Burton, Storey UNSW, UNSW hot molecular cores M105 CfA, CfA, CfA, ADFA 8 10 6 5 8 5 13

VLBI Observations, January to December 2000
Observers Caswell, Reynolds Affiliations ATNF, ATNF Program Title LBA maps of 18cm OH masers in star-forming regions VLBI search for compact radio cores in COLA galaxies Polarization of the Vela Pulsar's Emission Region VLBI imaging of selected COLA galaxies Tracking the acceleration of H2O masers in Circinus Number V108 V110 Hours 36 28

Corbett, Norris, Appleton, Heisler, Dopita ATNF, ATNF, IASU, MSSSO, MSSSO Gwinn, Reynolds, Tzioumis, McCulloch, UCSB, ATNF, ATNF, Jauncey, Britton, Quick UTas, ATNF, UMel, HartRAO Corbett, Norris, Appleton, Heisler, Dopita ATNF, ATNF, IoSU, RSAA, RSAA Greenhill, Moran, Norris, Reynolds, CfA, CfA, ATNF, ATNF, Ellingsen, Jauncey, Tzioumis, Ellingsen, UTas, ATNF, ATNF, UTas, McCulloch, Booth UTas, OSO Whiteoak, Reynolds, Getts, Lazendic ATNF, ATNF, MU, USyd Shen, Edwards, Hirabayashi, Inoue, Kameno, Jauncey, Lovell, Reynolds, Tzioumis, McCulloch, Costa, Nicolson NAOJ, ISAS, NAOJ, NAOJ, NAOJ, ATNF, ATNF, UTas, UTas, HartRAO, ATNF USyd, UTech

V112 V133

14 19

V137 First epoch proper motion positions of LMC H2O masers V139 VLBI investigations on a southern quasar PKS 0312-770 V140 VLBI observations of NGC 7213 V141

18 10


Blank, Harnett

14 13

AAO AAT ADFA AIPr AITub ANU AO AOUpp ArO ASC ASCR ASIAA ATNF BAO BIMA Caltech CDSSC CEA CfA CO Cornell COSSA Anglo-Australian Observatory, Australia Anglo-Australian Telescope, Australia Australian Defence Force Academy, Australia Astronomical Institute Prague, Czech Republic Institute of Astronomy, University of Tubingen, Germany Australian National University, Australia Arecibo Observatory, USA Astronomiska observatoreit, Uppsala, Sweden Armagh Observatory, UK Astrospace Centre, Russia Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, Czech Republic Academia Sinica, IAA, Taiwan Australia Telescope National Facility, Australia Beijing Astronomical Observatory, China Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association, USA California Institute of Technology, USA Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex, Australia Centre d'Etudes d'Astrophysique, Saclay, France Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University, USA Carter Observatory, New Zealand Cornell University, USA CSIRO Office of Space Science & Applications, Australia CRALOL CRAL Observatoire de Lyon, France CSR CTIP Center for Space Research, USA CSIRO Telecommunications & Industrial Physics, Australia DEMIRM DÈpartement d'Etudes de la MatiÕre interstellaire en InfraRouge et MillimÈtrique, l'Observatoire de Paris, France DRAO ESO ESTEC GBT GMU GSFC Dominion Radio Astrophysical Obs., Canada European Southern Observatory, Germany ESTEC Astrophysics Division, Netherlands Green Bank Telescope, USA George Mason University, USA Goddard Space Flight Centre, USA Africa Harvard IAC Harvard University, USA Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Spain HatCreek Hat Creek Radio Observatory, USA NOAO NRAO NRL NRO NWU OABol OCat OHP MPIfA MPIfR MRAO NAOJ NFRA MIT MPE IASp IFCTR ImCol IoA IPAC ISA ISU JAC JBO JHU JILA JPL KI LLNL LO LSW IAG IAP IAR Instituto Astronomico e Geofisico, Brazil Institute d'Astrophysique Paris, France Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomica, Argentina Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, France Instituto de Fisica Cosmica - CNR, Italy Imperial College London, UK Institute of Astronomy, UK IPAC, Caltech, USA ISAS, JAPAN, Japan Iowa State University, USA Joint Astronomy Centre, USA Jodrell Bank Observatory, UK Johns Hopkins University, USA JILA, University of Colorado, USA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA Kapteyn Institute, Netherlands Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA Leiden Observatory, Netherlands Landessternwahrte Heidelberg, Germany Network, UK Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Max Planck Inst. fÝr Extraterrestrische Physik, Germany Max Planck Inst. fÝr Astrophysik, Germany Max Planck Inst. fÝr Radioastronomie, Germany Mullard Radio Astronomical Observatory, UK National Astronomical Observatory, Japan Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy, The Netherlands National Optical Astronomical Observatory, USA National Radio Astronomy Observatory, USA Naval Research Laboratories, USA Nobeyama Radio Observatory, Japan Northwestern University, USA Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, Italy Osservatorio Astronomico di Catania, Italy Observatoire de Haute Provence, France Monash Monash University, Australia IAFE Instituto d'Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio, Argentina

IRA-CNR Institute of Radio Astronomy, CNR, Bologna, Italy

MERLIN Multi-element Radio Linked Interferometry


NASA-RC NASA Ames Research Centre, USA

Gray Data Gray Data Consulting, USA HartRAO Hartebeesthoek Radio Astron. Observ., South

OARome Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Italy

OMs ON Open OPM OSO PLab PMO PUCC Queens RAIUB RMC ROB ROE RRI RSAA SETI ShO StO STScI Swin TGU TIFR UAd UAl UAm UBir UBonn UBos Observatorire de Marseille, France Observatorio Nacional, Brazil Open University, UK Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, France Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden Phillips Lab, USA Purple Mountain Observatory, China Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile Queens University, Canada Radio Astronomy Institute, University of Bonn, Germany Royal Military College, Canada Royal Observatory of Belgium, Belgium Royal Observatory Edinburgh, Scotland Raman Research Institute, India Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Australia SETI Institute, USA Shanghai Observatory, China Stockholm Observatory, Sweden Space Telescope Science Institute, USA Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan Tata Institute for Radio Astronomy, India University of Adelaide, Australia University of Alabama, USA University of Amsterdam, Netherlands University of Birmingham, UK University of Bonn, Germany Boston University, USA University of Bristol, UK University of Colorado , USA University of Calgary, Canada University of California, Berkeley, USA University of Illinois, Champagne-Urbana, USA University of Chile, Chile University of Chicago, USA University College London, UK University of California Lick Obs., USA University of California, Santa Barbara, USA University of California , Santa Cruz, USA University of California, San Diego, USA University of Durham, England University of Edinburgh, UK Eotvos Lorand University , Hungary University de Guanajuato, Mexico University of Helsinki, Finland UNM UNSW UOx UPenn UPitt UQld URh URuh USMF USNA USNO USouth UStan USuss USyd UTas UTex UTor UTS UW UWA UWash UWis UWol UWS Yale YU UHerts UHilo UIL UKok UKST UKT UKyoto ULeeds UMac UMan UMar UMaur UMelb UMinn UMont UNag UNAM University of Hertfordshire, UK University of Hawaii, Hilo, USA University of Illinois, USA Kokugakuin University, Japan United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope, Australia Kyushu Tokai University, Japan University of Kyoto, Japan University of Leeds, UK Macquarie University, Australia University of Manchester, UK University of Maryland, USA University of Mauritius, Mauritius University of Melbourne, Australia University of Minnesota, USA University of Montreal, Canada Nagoya University, Japan Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico University of New Mexico, USA University of New South Wales, Australia Oxford University, UK Pennsylvania State University, USA University of Pittsburgh, USA University of Queensland, Australia University of Rhodes, South Africa Ruhr-Universitaet, Germany Santa Maria Federal University, Brazil US Naval Academy, USA US Naval Observatory, USA Southampton University, UK Stanford University, USA University of Sussex, UK University of Sydney, Australia University of Tasmania, Australia University of Texas, USA University of Toronto, Canada University of Technology and Science, Australia University of Wales, UK University of Western Australia, Australia University of Washington, USA University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA University of Wollongong , Australia University of Western Sydney, Australia Yale University, USA Yunnan Observatory, China



E: ATNF media releases 2000
Astronomers wipe clean their cosmic window Astronomers win protection for key part of radio spectrum Astronomers plan world's largest telescope Australian to head world's top astronomy body Apollo and the dish down under The dish in the paddock at Parkes "First Light" for upgraded Australia Telescope "Red Dots" may re-write the history of the universe 24 May 20 June 11 August 17 August 12 October 12 October 8 December 28 December

ATNF media releases can be found on the Web at http://www.atnf.csiro.au/news/press/atnf_press.html and through http://www.csiro.au


F: 2000 publications
Papers using ATNF data, published in refereed journals
Papers which include ATNF authors are indicated by an asterisk. *BELL, E.F. & DE BLOK, W.J.G. "The bimodal spiral galaxy sur face brightness distribution". MNRAS, 311, 668 (2000). *BELL, J.F. EKERS, R.D. & BUNTON, J.D."Radio frequency inter ference mitigation strategies: summar y of the E&F White Conference held in Sydney, Australia, December 1999". PASA, 17, 255-259 (2000). BERENDSEN, S.G.H., FENDER, R., KUULKERS, E., HEISE, J. & VANDERKLIS, M. "Simultaneous radio and X-ray obser vations of Galactic Centre low-mass X-ray binaries". MNRAS, 318, 599-605 (2000). BLANK, D.L. & CRAM, L.E. "HI and radio continuum study of the isolated SBa Seyfert galaxy NGC 3783". MNRAS, 312, 247-256 (2000). *BRIGGS, F.H., BELL, J.F. & KESTEVEN, M.J. "Removing radio inter ference from contaminated astronomical spectra using an independent reference signal and closure relations". AJ, 120, 3351-3361 (2000). *CAMILO, F., KASPI, V.M., LYNE, A.G., MANCHESTER, R.N., BELL, J.F., D'AMICO, N., McKAY, N.P.F. & CRAWFORD, F. "Discover y of two high-magnetic field radio pulsars". ApJ, 541, 367-373 (2000). *CAMILO, F., LORIMER, D.R., FREIRE, P., LYNE, A.G. & MANCHESTER, R.N. "Obser vations of 20 millisecond pulsars in 47 Tucanae at 20 centimeters". ApJ, 535 , 975-990 (2000). *CASWELL, J.L., YI, J., BOOTH, R.S. & CRAGG, D.M. "Methanol masers at 107.0 and 156.6 GHz". MNRAS, 313, 599-616 (2000). *CHARTAS, G., MARSHALL, H.L., WORRALL, D., BIRKINSHAW, M., CRESITELLODITTMAR, M., CUI, W., GHOSH, K.K., HARRIS, E., HOOPER, E.J., JAUNCEY, D.L., KIM, W., LOVELL, J., MATHUR, S., SCHWARTZ, D.A., TINGAY, S.J. et al. "The Chandra X-Ray Obser vator y resolves the X-ray morphology and spectra of a jet in PKS 0 637-752". ApJ, 542, 655666 (2000).


*CORBEL, S., FENDER, R.P., TZIOUMIS, A.K., NOWAK, M., McINTYRE, V., DUROUCHOUX, P. & SOOD, R. "Coupling of the X-ray and radio emission in the black hole candidate and compact jet source GX 339-4". A&A, 359, 251-268 (2000). *CORCORAN, M.F., MOFFAT, A., MUSHOTZKY, R, .... KORIBALSKI, B. et al. "Resolving X-ray emission in the galactic `starburst' NGC 3603 with Chandra". AAS, 197, 3815 (2000). COTE, S., CARIGNAN, C. & FREEMAN, K.C. "The various kinematics of dwar f irregular galaxies in nearby groups and their dark matter distributions". AJ, 120, 3027-3059 (2000). *CRAWFORD, F., KASPI, V.M. & BELL, J.F. "A search for sub-millisecond pulsations in unidentified FIRST and NVSS radio sources". AJ, 119, 2376 (2000). *DE BLOK, W.J.G. & WALTER, F. "Evidence for tidal interaction and a supergiant HI shell in the local group dwar f galaxy NGC 6822". ApJ L., 537, L95-L98 (2000). DE BREUCK, C., VAN BREUGEL, W., ROTTGERING, H.J.A. & MILEY, G. "A sample of 669 ultra steep spectr um radio sources to find high redshift radio galaxies". A&AS, 143, 303 (2000). *DICKEL, J.R., MILNE, D.K. & STROM, R.G. "Radio emission from the composite supernova remnant G326.3-1.8 (MSH 15-56)". ApJ, 543, 840-849 (2000).

*DICKEY, J.M., MEBOLD, U., STANIMIROVIC, S. & STAVELEY-SMITH, L. "Cold atomic gas in the Small Magellanic Cloud". ApJ, 536, 756­772 (2000). DUNCAN, A.R. & GREEN, D.A. "The supernova remnant RX J0852.0­4622: radio characteristics and implications for SNR statistics". A&A, 364, 732­740 (2000). *DWARKADAS, V., BALL, L., CASWELL, J., GREEN, A., JOHNSTON, S., SCHMIDT, B. & WARDLE, M. "Supernova Remnants, Pulsars and the Interstellar Medium ­ Summar y of a Workshop Held at USydney, March 1999". PASA, 17, 1 (2000). *FENDER, R., RAYNER, D., NORRIS, R., SAULT, R.J. & POOLEY, G. "Discover y of circularly polarized radio emission from SS 433". ApJ, 530, L29­L32 (2000). FILIPOVIC, M.D., HABERL, F., PIETSCH, W. & MORGAN, D.H. "A multi-frequency study of the SMC region around AX J0105­722". A&A, 353, 129­134 (2000). FILIPOVIC, M.D., PIETSCH, W. & HABERL, F. "A multi-frequency identification study of the X-ray binar y AX J0049­732". A&A, 361, 823­826 (2000). *FOMALONT, E., INOUE, M., HIRABAYASHI, H., HORIUCHI, S., LOVELL, J. & MOELLENBROCK, G. "Preliminar y results from the VSOP sur vey program". (Paper presented at the Nagoya COSPAR Conference). Advances in Space Research, 26 (4), 653 (2000). *FORSTER, J. R. & CASWELL, J.L. "Radio continuum emission at OH and H2O maser sites". ApJ, 530, 371­386 (2000). FRUCHTER, A.S. & GOSS, W.M. "Deep radio imaging of globular clusters and the cluster pulsar population". ApJ, 536, 865­874 (2000). GAENSLER, B.M., BOCK, D.C-J. & STAPPERS, B.W. "Non-detection of a pulsar-powered nebula in Puppis A, and implications for the nature of the radio-quiet neutron star RX J0822­4300''. ApJ, 537, L35­L38 (2000). GAENSLER, B.M., DICKEL, J.R. & GREEN, A.J. "G328.4+0.2: a large and luminous Crab-like supernova remnant''. ApJ, 542, 380­385 (2000). GAENSLER, B.M., STAPPERS, B.W., FRAIL, D.A., MOFFETT, D.A., JOHNSTON, S. & CHATTERJEE, S. "Limits on radio emission from pulsar wind nebulae". MNRAS, 318, 58­66 (2000). GAETZ, T.J., BUTT, Y.M., EDGAR, R.J., ERIKSEN, K.A., PLUCINSKY, P.P., SCHLEGEL, E.M. & SMITH, R.K. "Chandra X-ray Obser vator y arcsecond imaging of the young, oxygen-rich supernova remnant 1E 0102.2­7219". ApJ, 534, L47­L50 (2000). *GELLER, R.M., SAULT, R.J., ANTONUCCI, R., KILLEN, N.E.B., EKERS, R.D. & DESAI, K. "Cosmological halos: a search for the ionized intergalactic medium". ApJ, 539, 73 (2000). *GEORGAKAKIS, A., FORBES, D.A. & NORRIS, R.P. "Cold gas and star formation in a merging galaxy sequence". MNRAS, 318, 124­138 (2000). GEORGAKAKIS, A., MOBASHER, B., CRAM, L. & HOPKINS, A. "The Phoenix radio sur vey: the angular correlation function". A&AS, 141, 89­101 (2000). GIACANI, E.B., DUBNER, G.M., GREEN, A.J., GOSS, W.M. & GAENSLER, B.M. "The interstellar matter in the direction of the supernova remnant G296.5+10.0 and the central X-ray source 1E 1207.4­5209". AJ, 119, 281­291 (2000). GIBSON, B.K., GIROUX, M.L., PENTON, S.V., PUTMAN, M.E., STOCKE, J.T. & SHULL, J.M. "Metal abundances in the Magellanic Stream". AJ, 120, 1830­1840 (2000). *GORDON, S., KORIBALSKI, B., HOUGHTON, S. & JONES, K. "Guide to Taur us-2 Fabr y-Perot data reduction". MNRAS, 315, 248­262 (2000).


*GWINN, C.R., BRITTON, M.C., REYNOLDS, J.E., JAUNCEY, D.L., KING, E.A., McCULLOCH, P.M., LOVELL, J.E.J., SMITS, D.P., FLANAGAN, C.S. & PRESTON, R.A. "Size of the Vela Pulsar's Emission Region at 13 cm Wavelength". ApJ, 531, 902­916 (2000). *HALL, P.J. "The Square Kilometre Array Radio Telescope". Engineering World, June­July 2000, 14­17 (2000). *HANNIKAINEN, D.C., HUNSTEAD, R.W., CAMPBELL-WILSON, D., WU, K., McKAY, D.J., SMITS, D.P. & SAULT, R.J. "Radio emission from GRO J1655­40 during the 1995 jet ejection episodes". ApJ, 540, 521 (2000). *HENNING, P.A., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., EKERS, R.D., GREEN, A.J., HAYNES, R.F., JURASZEK, S., KESTEVEN, M.J., KORIBALSKI, B., KRAAN-KORTEWEG, R.C., PRICE, R.M., SADLER, E.M. & SCHRODER, A. "HI bright galaxies in the southern zone of avoidance". AJ, 119, 2686­2698 (2000). *HIRABAYASHI, H., EDWARDS, P.G., WEHRLE, A.E., UNWIN, S.C., PINER, B.G., LOVELL, J.E.J., KOBAYASHI, H., OKAYASU, R., MAKINO, F., KII, T. & VALTAOJA, E. "The first space VLBI image of 3C279". (Paper presented at the Nagoya COSPAR Conference). Advances in Space Research, 26 (4), 689 (2000). *HIRABAYASHI, H., FOMALONT, E.B., HORIUCHI, S., LOVELL, J.E.J., MOELLENBROCK, G.A., INOUE, M., BURKE, B.F., DEWDNEY, P.E., GURVITS, L.I., KOBAYASHI, H., JAUNCEY, D.L., MURATA, Y., McCULLOCH, P., PRESTON, R.A., AVRUCH, I.M., EDWARDS, P.G. et al. "The VSOP 5 GHz AGN sur vey. I. Compilation and obser vations". PASJ, 52, 997­1014 (2000). *HIRABAYASHI, H., HIROSAWA, H., KOBAYASHI, H., MURATA, Y., ASAKI, Y., AVRUCH, I.M., EDWARDS, P.G., FOMALONT, E.D., ICHIKAWA, T., KII, T., OKAYASU, R., WAJIMA, K., INOUE, M., KAWAGUCHI, N., CHIKADA, Y. et al. "The VLBI Space Obser vator y Program and the radio-astronomical satellite HALCA". PASJ, 52, 955­965 (2000). *HJELLMING, R.M., RUPEN, M.P., HUNSTEAD, R.W., CAMPBELL-WILSON, D., MIODUSZEWSKI, A.J., GAENSLER, B.M. et al. "Light cur ves and radio str ucture of the 1999 September transient event in V4641 Sagittarii". ApJ, 544, 977­992 (2000). HOPKINS, A., GEORGAKAKIS, A., CRAM, L., AFONSO, J. & MOBASHER, B. "Microjansky radio sources in DC 0107­46 (Abell 2877)". ApJ(S), 128, 469­478 (2000). *HOPKINS, A., WINDHORST, R., CRAM, L. & EKERS, R. "What will be the next generation radio telescope detect at 1.4 GHz?". ExpA, 10, 419­437 (2000).


*JAUNCEY, D.L., REYNOLDS, J.E., TZIOUMIS, A.K., FERRIS, R.H., WILSON, W.E., SINCLAIR, M.W., MOOREY, G.G., GOUGH, R.G., OESTREICH, M., KING, E.A., OTRUPCEK, R., McCULLOCH, P.M., COSTA, M.E., DODSON, R.G., ELLINGSEN, S.P., GOWLAND, G.A., LEGGE, D.A., MOFFETT, D.A., RAYNER, D.P., NICOLSON, G.D., QUICK, J.F.H., HARBISON, P.A., LAUF, J.E. & WIETFELDT, R. "The southern hemisphere contribution to the VSOP mission". (Paper presented at the Nagoya COSPAR Conference)."Advances in Space Research, 26 (4), 645 (2000). JUNOR, W., MANTOVANI, F., MORGANTI, R. & PADRIELLI, L. "VLA polarimetr y of two extended radio galaxies". A&AS, 143, 457­464 (2000). *JURASZEK, S., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., KRAAN-KORTEWEG, R.C., GREEN, A.J., EKERS, R.D., HENNING, P., KESTEVEN, M.J., KORIBALSKI, B., SADLER, E.M. & SCHR?DER, A. "A blind HI sur vey for galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance, 308o < l < 332 o". AJ, 119, 1627­1637 (2000). *KASPI, V.M., LACKEY, J.R., MATTOX, J., MANCHESTER, R.N. & BAILES, M. "High-energy gamma-ray obser vations of two young, energetic radio pulsars". ApJ, 528, 445­453 (2000). *KASPI, V. M., LYNE, A. G., MANCHESTER, R. N., CRAWFORD, F., CAMILO, F., BELL, J. F., D'AMICO, N., STAIRS, I. H., McKAY, N. P. F., MORRIS, D. J. & POSSENTI, A. "Discover y of a young radio pulsar in a relativistic binar y orbit". ApJ, 543, 321­327 (2000).

*KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER, L., JAUNCEY, D.L., WIERINGA, M.W., REYNOLDS, J.E., TZIOUMIS, A.K., WALKER, M.A. & NICOLSON, G.D. "The smallest radio sources: Implications for future space VLBI missions". (Paper presented at the Nagoya COSPAR Conference). Advances in Space Research, 26 (4), 727­730 (2000). *KEWLEY, L.J., HEISLER, C.A., DOPITA, M.A., SUTHERLAND, R., NORRIS, R.P., REYNOLDS, J. & LUMSDEN, S. "Compact radio emission from warm infrared galaxies". ApJ, 530, 704­718 (2000). *KILBORN, V.A., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., MARQUARDING, M., WEBSTER, R.L., MALIN, D.F., BANKS, G.D., BHATHAL, R., de BLOK, W.J.G., BOYCE, P.J., DISNEY, M.J., DRINKWATER, M.J., EKERS, R.D., FREEMAN, K.C., GIBSON, B.K., HENNING, P.A., JERJEN, H., KNEZEK, P.M., KORIBALSKI, B., MINCHIN, R.F., MOULD, J.R., OOSTERLOO, T., PRICE, R.M., PUTMAN, M.E., RYDER, S.D., SADLER, E.M., STEWART, I., STOOTMAN, F. & WRIGHT, A.E. "An Extragalactic HI Cloud with No Optical Counterpart". AJ, 120, 1342­1350 (2000). *KRAAN-KORTEWEG, R.C. & JURASZEK, S. "Mapping the hidden universe: the galaxy distribution in the zone of avoidance". PASA, 17, 6­12 (2000). *LAZENDIC, J.S., DICKEL, J.R., HAYNES, R.F., JONES, P.A. & WHITE, G.L. "Radio properties of the supernova remnant N157B". ApJ, 540, 808 (2000). *LAZIO, T.J.W., FEY, A.L., DENNISON, B., MANTOVANI, F., SIMONETTI, J.H., ALBERDI, A., FIEDLER, R., GARRETT, M.A., HIRABAYASHI, H., JAUNCEY, D.L., JOHNSTON, K.J., MARCAIDE, J., MIGENES, V., NICOLSON, G.D. & VENTURI, T."The extreme scattering event towards PKS 1741­038: VLBI images". AJ, 534, 706 (2000). *LOVELL, J.E.J., KING, E.A., JAUNCEY, D.L., TZIOUMIS, A.K., REYNOLDS, J.E., McCULLOCH, P.M., COSTA, M.E., PRESTON, R.A., TINGAY, S.J., MURPHY, D.W., MEIER, D.L., NICOLSON, G.D., DEWDNEY, P.E., & CANNON, W.H. "First results of VSOP imaging of strong GPS sources". (Paper presented at the Nagoya COSPAR Conference). Advances in Space Research, 26 (4), 715 (2000). *LYNE, A.G., CAMILO, F., MANCHESTER, R.N., BELL, J.F., KASPI, V.M., D'AMICO, N., McKAY, N.P.F., CRAWFORD, F., MORRIS, D.J., SHEPPARD, D.C. & STAIRS, I.H. "The Parkes Multibeam Sur vey: PSR J1811­1736 ­ a pulsar in a highly eccentric binar y system". MNRAS, 312, 698­702 (2000). *LYNE, A.G., MANKELOW, S.H., BELL, J.F. & MANCHESTER, R.N. "Radio pulsars in Terzan 5". MNRAS, 316, 491­493 (2000). *MACQUART, J.-P., KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER, L., RAYNER, D. P. & JAUNCEY, D. L. "Strong, variable circular polarization in PKS 1519­273". ApJ, 538, 623­627 (2000). *MAJUMDAR, S. & SUBRAHMANYAN, R. "Constraints on str ucture formation models from the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect" MNRAS, 312, 724­732 (2000). *MARX-ZIMMER, M., HERBSTMEIER, U., DICKEY, J.M., ZIMMER, F., STAVELEY-SMITH, L. & MEBOLD, U. "A study of the cool gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud I. Properties of the cool atomic phase ­ a third HI absorption sur vey" A&A, 354, 787­801 (2000). *McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M., DICKEY, J.M., GAENSLER, B.M., GREEN, A.J., HAYNES, R.F. & WIERINGA, M.H. "Two large HI shells in the outer galaxy near l = 279o" AJ, 119, 2828­2842 (2000). *McCONNELL, D. & ABLES, J.G. "Radio sources near the core of globular cluster 47 Tucanae" MNRAS, 311, 841­845 (2000). *McGAUGH, S.S., SCHOMBERT, J.M., BOTHUN, G.D. & DE BLOK, W.J.G. "The Bar yonic Tully-Fisher Relation". ApJ L., 533, L99 (2000).


MOORE, C.B., RUTLEDGE, R.E., FOX, D.W., GUERRIERO, R.A., LEWIN, W.H.G., FENDER, R. & VAN PARADIJS, J. "Identification of a likely radio counterpart to the Rapid Burster" . ApJ, 532, 1181­1191 (2000). *MURPHY, D.W. TINGAY, S.J., PRESTON, R.A., MEIER, D.L., GUIRADO, J.C., POLATIDIS, A., CONWAY, J.E., HIRABAYASHI, H., KOBAYASHI, H. & MURATA, Y."VSOP monitoring of the quasar 1928+738. (Paper presented at the Nagoya COSPAR Conference)."Advances in Space Research, 26 (4), 665 (2000). *OOSTERLOO, T.A., MORGANTI, R., TZIOUMIS, A.K., REYNOLDS, J., KING, E., McCULLOCH, P. & TSVETANOV, Z. "A strong jet-cloud interaction in the Seyfert galaxy IC 5063: VLBI obser vations". AJ, 119, 2085­2091 (2000). *OTRUPCEK, R., HARTLEY, M. & WANG, J.-S. "Catalogue of J=1­0 CO emission towards southern dark clouds". PASA, 17, 92­101 (2000). *PARFITT, A., JAMES, G.L., KOT, J. & HALL, P. "A case for the Luneburg lens as the antenna element for the SKA radio telescope". Radio Science Bull, 293, 32­37 (2000). *PHILSTROM, Y.M., CONWAY, J.E., BOOTH, R.S., DIAMOND, P.J. & KORIBALSKI, B.S. "VLBA HI absorption obser vations of the water megamaser galaxy NGC 5793" A&A, 357, 7 (2000). *PINER, B.G., EDWARDS, P.G., WEHRLE, A.E., HIRABAYASHI, H., LOVELL, J.E.J. & UNWIN, S.C. "Space VLBI obser vations of 3C279 at 1.6 and 5 GHz". ApJ, 537, 91 (2000). *POINTS, S.D., CHU, Y-H., SNOWDEN, S.L. & STAVELEY-SMITH, L. "The supergiant shell LMC 2. II. Physical properties of the 106 K gas". ApJ, 545, 827­841 (2000). *PRANDONI, I., GREGORINI, L., PARMA, P., DE RUITER, H.R., VETTOLANI, G., WIERINGA, M.H. & EKERS, R.D. "The ATESP radio sur vey I. Sur vey description, obser vations and data reduction". A&AS, 146, 31­39 (2000). *PRANDONI, I., GREGORINI, L., PARMA, P., DE RUITER, H.R., VETTOLANI, G., WIERINGA, M.H. & EKERS, R.D. "The ATESP radio sur vey II. The source catalogue". A&AS, 146, 41­55 (2000). *PRESTON, R.A., TINGAY, S.J., MURPHY, D.W., MEIER, D.L., PEARSON, T.J., READHEAD, A.C.S., HIRABAYASHI, H., KOBAYASHI, H., INOUE, M. & PINER, B.G. "The PearsonReadhead sur vey from space". (Paper presented at the Nagoya COSPAR Conference). Advances in Space Research, 26 (4), 661 (2000).


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Papers using ATNF data, published in conference proceedings
*ARCHER, J., SINCLAIR,, M. DADELLO, A., GIUGNI, S., GOUGH R., HINCELIN, G., MAHON, S., ROBERTS, P., SEVIMLI, O. & WANG, X. " Millimetre-wave integrated circuits for radioastronomy and telecommunications". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS `00), La Trobe University, Beechworth, Vic. 27­29 April 2000, 198­203 (2000). *BELL, J.F. "Studying pulsars with the SKA and other new facilities". IAU Coll. 177: Pulsar astronomy ­ 2000 and beyond, Bonn, 30 August­3 September, 1999, ASP Conf. Ser., 202, 711­716 (eds. Kramer, Wex & Wielebinski) (2000). *BELL, J.F., HALL, P. WILSON, W., EKERS, R., KESTEVEN, M., FERRIS, D., SMEGAL, R., BAILES, M. & VAN STRATEN, W."Software radio telescope: inter ference atlas and mitigation strategies". In: Perspectives on Radio Astronomy: Technologies for Large Antenna Arrays, 93­98 (eds. Smolders & van Haarlem) (2000) *BELL, J.F., MANCHESTER, R.N., CRAWFORD, F., LYNE, A.G., CAMILO, F.C., KASPI, V.M., STAIRS, I.H., MORRIS, D.J., D'AMICO, N., McKAY, N.P.F., KRAMER, M., SHEPPARD, D.C., & POSSENTI, A. "The Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Sur vey Data Release". In: IAU Coll. 177 Pulsar astronomy ­ 2000 and beyond, Bonn, 30 August­3 September, 1999, ASP Conf. Ser., 202, 9­10 (eds. Kramer, Wex, Wielebinski) (2000). * BELL, J. F., VAN KERKWIJK, M. H., KASPI, V. M., & KULKARNI, S. R. "The temperature and cooling age of the white dwar f companion to the millisecond pulsar PSR B1855+09". IAU Coll. 177: Pulsar astronomy ­ 2000 and beyond, Bonn, 30 August­3 September, 1999, ASP Conf. Ser., 202, 633­634 (eds. Kramer, Wex & Wielebinski) (2000). *BERESFORD, R.J. "The Pie Town Wideband RF Fiber Optic Link Project". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS `00), La Trobe University, Beechworth, Vic. 27­29 April 2000, 216­220 (2000). * BRITTON, M.C., VAN STRATEN, W., BAILES, M., TOSCANO, M. & MANCHESTER, R.N. "High precision timing of PSR J0437­4715". IAU Coll. 177: Pulsar astronomy ­ 2000 and beyond, Bonn, 30 August­3 September, 1999, ASP Conf. Ser., 202, 73­76 (eds. Kramer, Wex, Wielebinski) (2000).


*BROOKS, J.W., HALL, P.J. SINCLAIR, M.W., WILSON, W.E. & KESTEVEN, M.J."The Australia Telescope millimetre-wave upgrade ­ a progress report". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS `00), La Trobe University, Beechworth, Vic. 27­29 April 2000, 182­186 (2000). *BRUENS, C., KERP, J. & STAVELEY-SMITH, L. "The first complete and fully sampled HI sur vey of the tidal arms of the Magellanic System". In: Mapping the Hidden Universe: the Universe Behind the Milky Way ­ the Universe in HI, ASP Conf. Ser., 218, 349 (eds. Kraan-Korteweg, Henning, Andernach) (2000). *CALABRETTA, M.R. & GREISEN, E.W. "Representations of world coordinates in FITS". In: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) IX, Kona, Hawaii, 3­6 October 1999, 571­574 (2000). *CAMILO, F.C., LYNE, A.G., MANCHESTER, R.N., BELL, J.F., KASPI, V.M., D'AMICO, N., McKAY, N.P.F., CRAWFORD, F., STAIRS, I.H., MORRIS, D.J., SHEPPARD, D.C. & POSSENTI, A. "Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Sur vey". In: IAU Coll. 177: Pulsar astronomy ­ 2000 and beyond, Bonn, 30 August­3 September, 1999, ASP Conf. Ser., 202, 3­8 (eds. Kramer, Wex, Wielebinski) (2000). *CRAWFORD, F., KASPI, V.M. & MANCHESTER, R.N. "Radio Polarimetr y results for young southern pulsars" IAU Coll. 177: Pulsar astronomy ­ 2000 and beyond, Bonn, 30 August­3 September, 1999, ASP Conf. Ser., 202, 247­248 (eds. Kramer, Wex, Wielebinski) (2000). *D'AMICO, N., MANCHESTER, R.N., LYNE, A.G., KASPI, V.M., POSSENTI, A., STAIRS, I.H., BELL, J.F. & CAMILO, F. "The Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Sur vey". JENAM 2000 Meeting, Moscow (2000). *DE BLOK, W.J.G. & WALTER, F."The disturbed ISM of the Local Group dwar f galaxy NGC 6822". In: Mapping the Hidden Universe: the Universe Behind the Milky Way ­ the Universe in HI, ASP Conf. Ser., 218, 357­364 (Eds. Kraan-Korteweg, Henning, Andernach) (2000). DUROUCHOUX, P., SOOD, R., SMITH, I., CORBEL, S., HANNIKAINEN, D. & LOVER, R. "Millimeter obser vations of the candidate soft gamma-ray repeater SGR 1814­13". Advances in Space Research, 25, Issue 3­4 765­768 (2000). *ELLINGSON, S. W., BUNTON, J. D. & BELL, J. F. "Cancellation of GLONASS signals from radio astronomy data". In Astronomical Telescopes and Instr umentation ­ radio telescope, SPIE conference 4015, Munich, March 2000 400­407 (2000). *ELLINGSON, S. W., BUNTON, J. D. & BELL, J. F. "Supression of GLONASS signals using parametric signal modelling". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS '00), La Trobe University, Beechworth, Vic., 27­29 April 2000, 176­181 (2000). *FEY, A.L., JOHNSTON, K.J., JAUNCEY, D.L., REYNOLDS, J.E., TZIOUMIS, A., LOVELL, J.E.J., McCULLOCH, P.M., COSTA, M.E., ELLINGSEN, S.J. & NICOLSON, G.D. "A southern hemisphere obser ving program to strengthen the ICRF". In: Proceedings of the First IVS General Meeting, NASA/CP­2000­209893 164 (ed. N. Vandenberg) (2000). *FOMALONT, E., HIRABAYASHI, H., MURATA, Y., KOBAYASHI, H., INOUE, M., BURKE, B., DEWDNEY, P., GURVITS, L., JAUNCEY, D., McCULLOCH, P., PRESTON, R., HORIUCHI, S., LOVELL, J., MOELLENBROCK, P., EDWARDS, P. et al. "VSOP sur vey I: description and participation". In: Astrophysical phenomena revealed by space VLBI: proceedings of the VSOP Symposium, Januar y 2000, 167­176 (eds. H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, D.W. Murphy) (2000). *FRAIL, D.A., KULKARNI, S.R., WIERINGA, M.H., TAYLOR, G.B., MORIARTY-SCHIEVEN, G.H., SHEPHERD, D.S., WARK, R.M., SUBRAHMANYAN, R., McCONNELL, D. & CUNNINGHAM, S.J. "A coordinated radio afterglow program". In: Gamma-Ray Bursts: 5th Huntsville Symposium, Huntsville, Ala. 18­22 October, 1999, AIP Conf. Proc. 526, 298­302 (2000).


*FREIRE, P.C., CAMILO, F., LORIMER, D.R., LYNE, A.G. & MANCHESTER, R.N. "Millisecond pulsars in 47 Tucanae". IAU Coll. 177: Pulsar astronomy ­ 2000 and beyond, Bonn, 30 August­3 September, 1999, ASP Conf. Ser., 202, 87­88 (eds. Kramer, Wex, Wielebinski) (2000). *GAENSLER, B.M., MANCHESTER, R.N., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., WHEATON, V., TZIOUMIS, A.K., REYNOLDS, J.E. & KESTEVEN, M.J. "Supernova 1987A: a young supernova remnant in an aspherical progenitor wind". In: Asymmetrical Planetar y Nebulae II: from Origins to Microstr uctures, 449­452 (eds Kastner, Soker & Rappaport), (2000). *GRANET, C., ZHANG, H.Z., GREENE, K.J., JAMES, G.L., FORSYTH, A.R., MANCHESTER, R.N., SINCLAIR, M.W. & SYKES, P."A dual-band feed system for the Parkes Radio Telescope". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS `00), La Trobe University, Beechworth, Vic. 27­29 April 2000, 54­59 (2000). *GRAVES, G., BOWEN, M. & JACKSON, S. "The Parkes Telescope frequency conversion system". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS `00), La Trobe University, Beechworth, Vic. 27­29 April 2000, 170­175 (2000). *GREEN, A.J., HARNETT, J.I. & JURASZEK, S."A sur vey of radio galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance". In: Mapping the Hidden Universe: the Universe Behind the Milky Way ­ the Universe in HI, ASP Conf. Ser. 218, 71 (eds. Kraan-Korteweg, Henning, Andernach) (2000). *GWINN, C.R., CARLSON, B., DOUGHERTY, S., DEL RIZZO, D., REYNOLDS, J.E., JAUNCEY, D.L. et al. "Noise reduction in the presence of strong spectrally-isolated signals". In: Astrophysical phenomena revealed by space VLBI: proceedings of the VSOP Symposium, Januar y 2000, 289­292 (eds. H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, D.W. Murphy) (2000). *GWINN, C.R., REYNOLDS, J.E., JAUNCEY, D.L., [et al.] "Measuring the size of the Vela Pulsar's radio emission region". IAU Coll. 177: Pulsar astronomy ­ 2000 and beyond, Bonn, 30 August­3 September, 1999, ASP Conf. Ser., 202, 211­214 (eds. Kramer, Wex, Wielebinski) (2000). *GWINN, C.R., REYNOLDS, J.E., JAUNCEY, D.L., TZIOUMIS, A.K. et al."Obser vations of the Vela pulsar using VSOP". In: Astrophysical phenomena revealed by space VLBI: proceedings of the VSOP Symposium, Januar y 2000, ISAS, Japan, 117­120 (eds. H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, D.W. Murphy) (2000). *HALL, P.J."The Square Kilometre Array Radio Telescope". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS `00), La Trobe University, Beechworth, Vic. 27­29 April 2000, 4146 (2000). *HAN, J.L., MANCHESTER, R.N. & QIAO, G.J. "Polarization characteristics of pulsar profiles". IAU Coll. 177: Pulsar astronomy ­ 2000 and beyond, Bonn, 30 August­3 September, 1999, ASP Conf. Ser., 202, 251­252 (eds. Kramer, Wex, Wielebinski) (2000). *HEARNSHAW, J.B., BOND, I.A., TTENBURY, N.J., ODA, S., AKEUTI, M., ABE, F., CARTER, B.S., ODD, R.J., HONDA, M., JUGAKU, J., KABE, S., KILMARTIN, P.M., KORIBALSKI, B. et al. "Photometr y of pulsating stars in the Magellanic Clouds as obser ved in the MOA Project". IAU Coll. 176: The Impact of Large-Scale Sur veys on Pulsating Star Research, ASP Conf. Ser., 203, 31 (eds. Szabados & Kurtz) (2000). *HENNING, P.A., RIVERS, A.J. & STAVELEY-SMITH, L. "Searching for HI galaxies around the Great Circle of the Zone of Avoidance". In: Mapping the Hidden Universe: the Universe Behind the Milky Way ­ the Universe in HI, ASP Conf. Ser., 218, 61 (eds. Kraan-Korteweg, Henning, Andernach) (2000). *HIRABAYASHI, H., EDWARDS, P.G., PINER, B.G., WEHRLE, A.E., UNWIN, S.C., LOVELL, J.E.J., OKAYASU, R., KII, T. & MAKINO, F."3C279 results derived from two-frequency VSOP obser vations". In: Astrophysical phenomena revealed by space VLBI: proceedings of the VSOP Symposium, Januar y 2000, ISAS, Japan, 25 (eds. H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, D.W. Murphy) (2000).


*JAUNCEY, D.L. KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER, L.L. LOVELL, J.E.J. NICOLSON, G.D. PERLEY, R.A. REYNOLDS, J.E. TZIOUMIS, A.K. & WIERINGA, M.H. "The origin of intra-day variability". In: Astrophysical phenomena revealed by space VLBI: proceedings of the VSOP Symposium, Januar y 2000, 147­150 (eds. H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, D.W. Murphy) (2000). *KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER, L.L., MACQUART, J-P., JAUNCEY, D.L. & RAYNER, D.P."Circular polarization of intraday variable sources". In: Astrophysical phenomena revealed by space VLBI: proceedings of the VSOP Symposium, Januar y 2000, ISAS, Japan, 143­146 (eds. H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, D.W. Murphy) (2000). *LEACH, M. "Major national research facility upgrade of the Compact Array local oscillator reference system". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS `00), La Trobe University, Beechworth, Vic. 27­29 April 2000, 193­197 (2000). *LEACH, M. "Upgrade of the Australia Telescope Compact Array local oscillator reference system". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS `00), La Trobe University, Beechworth, Vic. 27­29 April 2000 (2000). *LESLIE, K., GOUGH, R., DU, J., GAY, G., TAYLOR, R. & HUNTER, P. "Current CSIRO investigations into the potential applications of high temperature superconductor filters within radio astronomy and telecommunications". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS `00), La Trobe University, Beechworth, Vic. 27­29 April 2000, 67­72 (2000). *LISTER, M.L., PINER, B.G. & TINGAY, S. "The impact of minimal ground antenna coverage on the VSOP sur vey". In: Astrophysical phenomena revealed by space VLBI: proceedings of the VSOP Symposium, Januar y 2000, ISAS, Japan, 189­192 (eds. H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, D.W. Murphy) (2000). *LISTER, M.L., PRESTON, R.A., PINER, B.G. & TINGAY, S.J."The Pearson-Readhead sur vey at 43 GHz". In: Astrophysical phenomena revealed by space VLBI: proceedings of the VSOP Symposium, Januar y 2000, ISAS, Japan, 203­206 (eds. H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, D.W. Murphy) (2000). *LOVELL, J. "Difwrap: a graphical user inter face for error analysis in difmap". In: Astrophysical phenomena revealed by space VLBI: proceedings of the VSOP Symposium, Januar y 2000, ISAS, Japan, 301­304 (eds. H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, D.W. Murphy) (2000). *LOVELL, J.E.J., HORIUCHI, S., MOELLENBROCK, G., HIRABAYASHI, H., FOMALONT, E., DODSON, R., DOUGHERTY, S., EDWARDS, P., FREY, S., GURVITS, L., LISTER, M., MURPHY, D., PARAGI, Z., PINER, G., SCOTT, W., SHEN, Z.-Q. et al. "VSOP sur vey III: statistical results". In: Astrophysical phenomena revealed by space VLBI: proceedings of the VSOP Symposium, Januar y 2000, ISAS, Japan, 183­188 (eds. H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, D.W. Murphy) (2000). *LOVELL, J.E.J., TINGAY, S.J., PINER, B.G., JAUNCEY, D.L., PRESTON, R.A., MURPHY, D.W., McCULLOCH, P.M., COSTA, M.E., NICOLSON, G., HIRABAYASHI, H., REYNOLDS, J.E., TZIOUMIS, A.K., JONES, D.L., LISTER, M.L., MEIER, D.L. et al. "VSOP and ATCA obser vations of PKS 0637­752". In: Astrophysical phenomena revealed by space VLBI: proceedings of the VSOP Symposium, Januar y 2000, ISAS, Japan, 215­218 (eds. H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, D.W. Murphy) (2000). *MANCHESTER, R.N. "Pulsars at Parkes". In: Stellar Astrophysics: proceedings of the 1999 Pacific Rim Conference, Hong Kong, 1999, 61­70 (2000). *MANCHESTER, R.N. "Latest news from radio pulsars sur veys". In: Spin, Magnetism and Cooling of Young Neutron Stars, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2­6 October 2000. (2000).


*MANCHESTER, R.N., LYNE, A.G., CAMILO, F., KASPI, V.M., STAIRS, I.H., CRAWFORD, F., MORRIS, D.J., BELL, J.F. & D'AMICO, N. "Timing the Parkes Multibeam Pulsars". IAU Coll. 177: Pulsar astronomy ­ 2000 and beyond, Bonn, 30 August­3 September, 1999, ASP Conf. Ser., 202, 49­54 (eds. Kramer, Wex, Wielebinski) (2000). *MOELLENBROCK, G.A., LOVELL, J., HORIUCHI, S., FOMALONT, E., HIRABAYASHI, H., DODSON, R., DOUGHERTY, S., EDWARDS, P., FREY S., GURVITS, L., LISTER, M., MURPHY, D., PARAGI, Z., PINER, G., SCOTT, W. et al. "VSOP sur vey II: reduction methods". In: Astrophysical phenomena revealed by space VLBI: proceedings of the VSOP Symposium, Januar y 2000, ISAS, Japan, 177­182 (eds. H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, D.W. Murphy) (2000). *MORGANTI, R., OOSTERLOO, T., TADHUNTER, C.N., WILLS, K.A., TZIOUMIS, A.K. & REYNOLDS, J.E. "HI absorption and the ISM around radio galaxies. In: Proceedings of the 5th European VLBI Network Symposium, 111­114 (eds. Conway et al.) (2000). *NORRIS, R.P. "Masers and the SKA". In: Perspectives on radio astronomy: science with large antenna arrays, 315­320, (ed. van Haarlem) (2000) *NORRIS, R.P., HOPKINS, A., SAULT, R..J., EKERS, R.D., EKERS, J., BADIA, F., HIGDON, J., WIERINGA, M.H., BOYLE, B.J. & WILLIAMS, R.E. "Radio obser vations of the Hubble Deep Field South ­ a new class of radio-luminous galaxies?". In: Perspectives on radio astronomy: science with large antenna arrays, 101­105, (ed. van Haarlem) (2000) O'NEILL, P., SOOD, R., DUROUCHOUX, P. & SAFI-HARB, S. "Interaction of the SS433 jet with the interstellar medium". In: IAU 195: Highly Energetic Physical Processes and Mechanisms for Emission from Astrophysical Plasmas, Montana State University, Bozeman, 6­10 July 1999, Astron. Soc. Pacific, 419­420 (2000). PERLMAN, E.S. "X-ray selected BL Lacs and blazars". In: GeV-TeV Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Workshop: Towards a Major Atmospheric Cerenkov Detector VI, 1999, AIP, 53 (eds. Dingus, Salamon & Kieda) (2000). *PRESTON, R.A., LISTER, M.L., TINGAY, S.J., PINER, B.G., MURPHY, D.W., MEIER, D.L., PEARSON, T.J., READHEAD, A.C.S., HIRABAYASHI, H., KOBAYASHI, H. & INOUE, M. "The Pearson-Readhead sur vey from space". In: Astrophysical phenomena revealed by space VLBI: proceedings of the VSOP Symposium, Januar y 2000, 199­202 (2000). ISAS, Japan, (eds. H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, D.W. Murphy) (2000).


*ROTS, A.H., JAHODA, K., LYNE, A.G. & MANCHESTER, R.N. "Four years of monitoring pulsar timing". In: Rossi 2000: Astrophysics with the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer, Goddard Space Flight Center, 56 (2000). *ROY, A.L., ULVESTAD, J.S., WILSON, A.S., COLBERT, E.J.M., MUNDELL, C.G., WROBEL, J.M., NORRIS, R.P., FALCKE, H. & KRICHBAUM, T. "Free-free absorption on parsec scales in Seyfert Galaxies". In: Perspectives on radio astronomy: science with large antenna arrays, 173­181, (ed. van Haarlem) (2000) RYDER, S.D., PURCELL, G., ANDERSEN, V. & DAVIS, D. "The interaction of NGC 7421 with the intracluster medium". In: Dynamics of Galaxies: From the Early Universe to the Present, 405, (eds. Combes, Mamon & Charmandaris) (2000). *SAULT, R.J. "Mosaicing with the Australia Telescope". In: Imaging at Radio through Submillimeter Wavelengths, Tucson, 6­9 June 1999, 267, (eds Mangum & Radford) (2000). *SAULT, R.J., CARRAD, G.J., HALL, P.J. & CROFTS, J. "Radio path length correction using water-vapour radiometr y". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS `00), La Trobe University, Beechworth, Vic. 27­29 April 2000, 210­215 (2000).

*SAUNDERS, W., D'MELLOW, K.J., TULLY, R.B., CARRASCO, B.E., MOBASHER, B., MADDOX, S.J., HAU, G.K.T., SUTHERLAND, W.J., CLEMENTS, D.L. & STAVELEY-SMITH, L. "The Behind the Plane Sur vey". In: Mapping the Hidden Universe: the Universe Behind the Milky Way ­ the Universe in HI, ASP Conf. Ser. 218, 153, Astron, Soc. Pacific (eds KraanKorteweg, Henning, Andernach) (2000). *SAUNDERS, W. D'MELLOW, K.J., VALENTINE, H., TULLY, R.B., CARRASCO, B.E., MOBASHER, B., MADDOX, S.J., HAU, G.K.T., SUTHERLAND, W.J., CLEMENTS, D.L. & STAVELEY-SMITH, L. "The IRAS view of the local universe". In: Mapping the Hidden Universe: the Universe Behind the Milky Way ­ the Universe in HI, ASP Conf. Ser. 218, 141, (eds KraanKorteweg, Henning, & Andernach) (2000). *SINCLAIR, M., GRAVES, G., GOUGH, R., LEACH, M., BOLTON, R., BOWEN, M., KANONIUK, H., & REILLY, L. "The Australia Telescope millimetre wave receiver system". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS `00), La Trobe University, Beechworth, Vic. 27­29 April 2000, 204­209 (2000). *STAIRS, I. H. LYNE, A. G. CAMILO, F. McKAY, N. P. F. SHEPPARD, D. C. MORRIS, D. J. MANCHESTER, R. N. BELL, J. F. KASPI, V. M. CRAWFORD, F. & D'AMICO, N."The Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Sur vey". In: Gravitational Waves and Experimental Gravity (eds. Van et al.) (2000). *STAIRS, I.H., LYNE, A.G., MANCHESTER, R.N., CAMILO, F., D'AMICO, N., BELL, J.F., KASPI, V.M., CRAWFORD, F., MORRIS, D.J. & McKAY, N.P.F. "Timing of Parkes Multibeam Sur vey pulsars". JENAM 2000 Meeting, Moscow, 2000 (2000). "STANIMIROVIC, S. & JONES, P.A. "What is `cool' about cool gas and dust in the Small Magellanic Cloud? " In: Cosmic Evolution and Galaxy Formation: Str ucture, Interactions and Feedback, ASP Conf. Ser. 215, 218 (eds. Franco et al.) (2000). *STAPPERS, B. W., VAN KERKWIJK, M. H., BELL, J. F., & KULKARNI, S. R. "Asymmetr y and variability: HST obser vations of the companion to an eclipsing millisecond pulsar". IAU Coll. 177: Pulsar astronomy ­ 2000 and beyond, Bonn, 30 August­3 September, 1999, ASP Conf. Ser., 202, 627­630 (eds. Kramer, Wex & Wielebinski) (2000). *STAVELEY-SMITH, L., ENGEL, C. & WEBSTER, R.L. "HI Parkes All-Sky Sur vey (HIPASS) data release". In: Mapping the Hidden Universe: the Universe Behind the Milky Way ­ the Universe in HI, ASP Conf. Ser. 218, 289, (eds Kraan-Korteweg, Henning, Andernach) (2000). *STAVELEY-SMITH, L., JURASZEK, S., HENNING, P.A., KORIBALSKI, B. & KRAANKORTEWEG, R.C. "An HI sur vey of the Great Attractor region". In: Mapping the Hidden Universe: the Universe Behind the Milky Way ­ the Universe in HI, ASP Conf. Ser., 218, 207, (eds Kraan-Korteweg, Henning, Andernach) (2000). *STAVELEY-SMITH, L., KORIBALSKI, B.S., STEWART, I., PUTNAM, M.E., KILBORN, V.A. & WEBSTER, R.L."The HI Parkes All-Sky Sur vey". In: Imaging at Radio through Submillimeter Wavelengths, Tucson, 6­9 June 1999, ASP Conf. Ser. 217, 50, (eds Mangum & Radford) (2000). *THOMAS, B. McA. "SKA: matching the specifications and antenna technologies". In: Perspectives on radio astronomy: technologies for large antenna arrays, 93­98, ASTON, Dwingeloo (eds. Smolders & van Haarlem) (2000) *TINGAY, S.J., REYNOLDS, J.E., JAUNCEY, D.L., TZIOUMIS, A.K. et al. "VSOP obser vations of bright, compact southern hemisphere AGN". In: Astrophysical phenomena revealed by space VLBI: proceedings of the VSOP Symposium, Januar y 2000, 313­316, ISAS, Japan (eds. H. Hirabayashi, P.G. Edwards, D.W. Murphy) (2000).


VAN STRATEN, W., BRITTON, M., BAILES, M., ANDERSON, S. & KULKARNI, S. "Pulsar applications of the Caltech Parkes Swinburne baseband processing system". AU Coll. 177: Pulsar astronomy ­ 2000 and beyond, Bonn, 30 August­3 September, 1999, 283 (eds. Kramer, Wex & Wielebinski) (2000). *WHITEOAK, J.B. & TZIOUMIS, A.K. "Better protection for radio astronomy at millimetre wavelengths". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS `00), La Trobe University, Beechworth, Vic. 27­29 April 2000, 187­192 (2000). *WANG, N., MANCHESTER, R.N., PACE, R., BAILES, M., KASPI, V.M., STAPPERS, B.W. & LYNE, A.G. "Glitches in southern pulsars". IAU Coll. 177: Pulsar astronomy ­ 2000 and beyond, Bonn, 30 August­3 September, 1999, ASP Conf. Ser., 202, 109­110 (eds. Kramer, Wex, Wielebinski) (2000). *WANG, N., WU, X., ZHANG, J., MANCHESTER, R.N., YUSUP, A. & CHENG, K.S. "Pulsar timing at Ur umqi Astronomical Obser vator y". IAU Coll. 177: Pulsar astronomy ­ 2000 and beyond, Bonn, 30 August­3 September, 1999, 202, 65­66 (eds. Kramer, Wex, Wielebinski) (2000). *YOUNG, M.D., MANCHESTER, R.N. & JOHNSTON, S. "Ha, ha, ha, ha, staying alive, staying alive: a radio pulsar with an 8.5­s period challenges emission models". IAU Coll. 177: Pulsar astronomy ­ 2000 and beyond, Bonn, 30 August­3 September, 1999, ASP Conf. Ser., 202, 185­188 (eds. Kramer, Wex, Wielebinski) (2000).

Theses of students co-supervised by the ATNF, 2000
Brooks, K. "An investigation of the Carina HII region/molecular cloud complex", PhD thesis, University of New South Wales (2000). Kilborn, V. "Distribution of HI in the local universe", PhD thesis, University of Melbourne Rayner, D. "Circular polarization of quasars and active galaxies", PhD thesis, University of Tasmania Sandhu, J. "High precision dual frequency timing of millisecond pulsars", PhD thesis, California Institute of Technology


G: Postgraduate students co-supervised by the ATNF
As at December 2000
Name and Affiliation
Boris Babic (University of Queensland) Hayley Bignall (University of Adelaide) Antonie Bouchard (University of Montreal) Christian Br uens (University of Bonn) Scott Cunningham (Swinburne Uni. of Technology) Tracy Getts (Macquarie University) Scott Gordon (University of Queensland) Matthew Howlett (Swinburne Uni. of Technology) Maria Hunt (University of Western Sydney) Melanie Johnston-Hollitt (University of Adelaide) Sebastian Juraszek (University of Sydney) Jasmina Lazendic (University of Sydney) David Legge (University of Tasmania) Dion Lewis (University of Tasmania) Robert Minchin (University of Wales, Cardiff) Daniel Mitchell (University of Sydney) Erik Muller (University of Wollongong) Paul Roberts (University of Sydney) Emma Ryan (University of Melbourne) Daniel Santos-Costa (Office National d'Etudes et de Recherche) Daniel Christopher Sheppard (Uni. of Manchester) Nina Wang (Peking University) Vivienne Wheaton (University of Sydney)

Project Title
Mass distributions in rich clusters of galaxies Multiwavelength studies of Blazars Search for HI in dwar f spheroidal galaxies Interaction of the Magellanic Stream and other HVCs with the Galactic Halo The constr uction of a digital receiver for radio astronomy Dynamical study of southern interacting galaxies Star formation in interacting galaxies: A multiwavelength study Galaxy detection in HIPASS images Molecular spectral line obser vations of southern molecular clouds Examining magnetic fields through Faraday rotation measures Nearby galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance Interstellar chemistr y in shocked molecular gas around supernova remnants Accurate astrometr y of southern radio pulsars Timing of young pulsars The bivariate luminosity/sur face brightness distribution of an HI selected sample of galaxies Inter ference mitigation in radio astronomy The kinematics and str ucture of the Magellanic Bridge High-speed digitisers for radio astronomy Column density distribution function of the local universe Physical modelling of the inner radiation belts of Jupiter A multibeam sur vey for pulsars over the southern part of the Galactic Plane Timing of strong pulsars Hydrodynamical models and an investigation into radio emission from SN 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud An investigation of pulsar dynamics using improved methods of time series analysis


Matthew Young (University of Western Australia)

H: ATNF engineering milestones
This table compares planned and actual capital costs and timescales for major engineering projects. Actual/estimated cost and time ratios are also given where available.

PARKES 21-cm Multibeam System Broadband correlators Parkes Conversion system Parkes 10/50-cm 2000 receiver NARRABRI N-Spur Extra E­W stations for ATCA 12/3.5-mm receivers Sur face extension for ATCA LO distribution upgrade

Total cost $M Start Finish Total cost $M

actual/estimated Cost: Time: Notes



Feb 1995 June 1996 Feb 1997 June 2000 Feb 1997 Feb 1997 Feb 1997 Feb 1997 Feb 1997 Feb 1997 Feb 1997 Feb 1997

Sept 1996 June 1999 Sept 1998 June 2003 Oct 1999 Oct 1999 Jan 2002 Sept 1999 Feb 2000 July 1999 jan 2002 March 1998

0.47 0.1 0.25

Feb 1995 June 1996 Feb 1997 June 2000 Feb 1997 Feb 1997 Feb 1997 Feb 1997 Feb 1997 Feb 1997 Feb 1997 Feb 1997

Feb 1997 in progress June 2000 in progress Dec 1999 Dec 1999 in progress Oct 1999 in progress in progress in progress March 1999


1.28 >1.6

1.3 ­ 2.1

scope increased from 9­13 beams scope increased to provide SEST correlator scope changed to add frequency switching system





­ some delay from Narrabri floods

1.14 0.44 2.86 0.91 0.75 0.2

1.18 0.46 1.40 (to date) 0.83 0.50 (to date) 0.45 (to date) 0.19 (to date)

1.04 1.05 ­ 0.89 >1.3 >1.7

1.1 1.1 ­ 1.0 >0.7 >2.2

minor improvements in progress


Antenna Control Computers upgrade Water Vapour Radiometer VLBI UPGRADE Hydrogen maser, VLBI timing, S2 playback unit Str ategic InP MMIC devices SKA External Contr acts Broadband Correlator








12-mm receivers Feb 1997 Feb 2000 Jan 1998 Jan 1999 Jan 2001 July 2003


Feb 1997 Jun 1999 Jan 1998 July 1999 in progress in progress

0.10 0.89 (to date) 0.23 (to date)



prototype only

1.38 1.44

>1.0 ­

>0.6 ­

Jun 1996

Jun 1999


Jun 1996

March 2000




I: Glossary and abbreviations
3-mm band AAO AAT ACC AMiBA AIPS The 85­115 GHz band of radio frequencies. Anglo-Australian Obser vator y. Anglo-Australian Obser vator y 4-m optical telescope. Antenna Control Computer (used in the ATCA). Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy. Astronomical Image Processing System developed by NRAO (USA) for synthesis radio images. aips++ An object-oriented data processing system for radio telescopes, largely implemented in C++, which is being constr ucted by an international consortium of leading radio astronomy obser vatories. ALMA Atacama Large Millimetre Array. A US/European/Japanese project to build a large-mm array in Chile. APT The Asia-Pacific Telescope, an organization of Asian/Pacific obser vatories, to coordinate VLBI obser vations in the region. ARC The Australian Research Council, which funds university research in Australia. ASA Astronomical Society of Australia. AT The Australia Telescope, consisting of the six-element Compact Array at Narrabri, NSW, the 64-metre antenna at Parkes, NSW, and the 22-metre antenna at Mopra, NSW. ATCA The Australia Telescope Compact Array, consisting of six 22-metre antennas near Narrabri, NSW. ATNF The Australia Telescope National Facility, a National Facility for radio astronomy managed by CSIRO as a CSIRO division. ATOMS Australia Telescope Obser vator y Management System: object-oriented real-time telescope control software. AT Steering Committee A committee of leading Australian and overseas technical and scientific experts who provide policy advice to the Director of the ATNF, and are appointed by the Minister for Science. ATUC The AT User Committee, representatives (~20) of the Australian astronomical community, who provide feedback to the Director of the ATNF on operations and development issues. Ceduna A 30-metre antenna given to the University of Tasmania by Telstra, for use by the radio astronomy community. It is situated at Ceduna, South Australia. CMB Cosmic Microwave Background. CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. CTIP CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics, a division of CSIRO partly co-located with the ATNF. DAS Data Acquisition Systems used for VLBI recording systems. DASI Degree Angular Scale Inter ferometer. DSN Deep Space Network. EEO Equal Employment Opportunity. ESA European Space Agency. ESO European Southern Obser vator y. ESP Executive Special Projects. A funding source set up by CSIRO to be used for outstanding, high-profile, high-risk projects. GaAs MMIC Gallium Arsenide Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit. GPS Global Positioning System.


HALCA HBT HIPASS IAU InP MMIC ISAS ITU IUCAF LBA LMC LNA LO MIRIAD MMIC MNRF Mopra Narrabri NASA NOAA OCC OECD Parkes RFI S2 SEST SETI SKA SMA SMC Space VLBI TAC TCS Tidbinbilla VLBI VSOP WRC ZOA Highly Advanced Laborator y for Communications and Astrophysics. The Japanese VLBI satellite, previously called VSOP, launched on 12 Febr uar y 1997. Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor. HI Parkes All Sky Sur veys using the 21-cm multibeam system. International Astronomical Union. Indium Phosphide Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit, a key technology for building our mm receivers; has better per formance than GaAs at high frequencies. Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science (Japan). International Telecommunication Union. The Inter-Union Commission for the Allocation of Frequencies. Long Baseline Array for Australian VLBI obser vations. Large Magellanic Cloud. The LMC is the nearest galaxy to our own, and is a key target for the AT. It is visible only from the southern hemisphere. Low Noise Amplifier. Local Oscillator. Multichannel Image Reconstr uction Image Analysis and Display. A data-processing package for synthesis data, developed by Bob Sault, ATNF. Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit. Major National Research Facilities. An Australian Federal Government program to fund the development of National Facilities. The 22-m AT antenna at Mopra, near Coonabarabran, NSW. The site of the AT Compact Array in northern New South Wales. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The US space agency. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. Obser vator y Computer Committee (ATNF). Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. The site of the AT 64-m antenna in central NSW. Radio Frequency Inter ference. Video tape recorder used for VLBI. Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope in Chile. Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Square Kilometre Array (previously referred to as the 1kT). Spectr um Management Agency (Australia). Small Magellanic Cloud. The SMC is a key target for the AT. It is visible only from the southern hemisphere. A technique whereby one antenna is carried on a spacecraft, thereby increasing the angular resolution available to radio astronomy by an order of magnitude. Australia Telescope Time Assignment Committee, appointed by the Steering Committee. Telescope Control System. NASA's tracking station located near Canberra, managed by CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics for NASA, and part of NASA's Deep Space Network. Ver y Long Baseline Inter ferometr y. A technique where signals from widely separated antennas are correlated to provide ver y high spatial resolution images. VLBI Space Obser vator y Program. World Radiocommunication Conference. Zone of Avoidance. The region of sky obscured by our galaxy. Also the name of the Parkes HI multibeam sur vey of this region.


CSIRO Australia Telescope National Facility PO Box 76 Epping NSW 1710 Australia Tel: +61 2 9372 4100 Fax: +61 2 9372 4310 atnf@atnf.csiro.au www.atnf.csiro.au Parkes Observ atory PO Box 276 Parkes NSW 2870 Australia Tel: +61 2 6861 1700 Fax: +61 2 6861 1730 parkes@atnf.csiro.au www.parkes.atnf.csiro.au Paul Wild Observ atory Narrabri Locked Bag 194 Narrabri NSW 2390 Australia Tel: +61 2 6790 4000 Fax: +61 2 6790 4090 narrabri@atnf.csiro.au www.narrabri.atnf.csiro.au