General2 output format
- Author: G. Hobbs
- Version: 1.0
- Summary: lists observation or residual parameters in a user-defined form
tempo2 -output general2 -s "<params>" -f mypar.par mytim.tim
tempo2 -output general2 -s "{sat}\t{post}\t{freq}\n" -f mypar.par mytim.tim
53041.058101817652599 0 3098.9989999999997963
53041.076157359784698 2.2330316988430938119e-05 3098.9989999999997963
53042.946296233967601 -0.0017822833268295267894 1431.7110000000000127
53044.0914351522297 -0.00028679213506344275501 1431.70900000000006
53044.949536991080102 0.0010057910043267733967 3098.9989999999997963
displaying the site-arrival-times, post-fit timing residual and observation frequency for the observations in the mytim.tim file.
Use -s "<params>"
to define the parameters and format for the output. Parameters are given within '{' and '}'. All other characters are displayed. Therefore it is possible to print user-defined text, tab characters ('\t') and new lines ('\n'). Parameters that can be selected are
- bat barycentric arrival time
- clock0 zeroth clock correction
- clock1 first clock correction
- clock2 second clock correction
- clock3 third clock correction
- clock4 fourth clock correction
- del flag indicating whether the observation has been deleted or not
- sat site arrival time
- shapiro Solar Shapiro delay
- shapiroJ the Shapiro delay due to Jupiter
- shapiroS the Shapiro delay due to Saturn
- shapiroV the Shapiro delay due to Venus
- shapiroU the Shapiro delay due to Uranus
- shapiroN the Shapiro delay due to Neptune
- roemer the Solar system Roemer delay
- flags flags identified with this observation
- tropo the tropospheric delay
- tt time correction to TT
- tt2tb time correction from TT to TB
- earth_ssb1 x spatial coordinate of Earth from the SSB
- earth_ssb2 y spatial coordinate of Earth from the SSB
- earth_ssb3 z spatial coordinate of Earth from the SSB
- sun_earth1 x spatial coordinate of Sun from Earth
- sun_earth2 y spatial coordinate of Sun from Earth
- sun_earth3 z spatial coordinate of Sun from Earth
- d_XXX first partial derivative with respect to parameter XXX
- ism interstellar medium delay
- elev source elevation neglecting proper motion
- posPulsar three vector giving the position of the pulsar
- zenith Zenith angle of the pulsar
- npulse pulse number
- clock the clock correction
- ipm interplanetary medium correction
- fmjdu site arrival time plus clock corrections
- x barycentric arrival time minus period epoch
- freq observing frequency
- pre pre-fit residual
- pre_phase pre-fit residual in phase
- post post-fit residual
- post_phase post-fit residual in phase
- err TOA error
- binphase Binary phase
It is also possible to
- read the commands in from a file using
tempo2 -output general2 -file filename -f mypar.par mytim.tim
- Use
to format the values (printf-style definition)
{TAB x}
to move the cursor to position x