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ATNF Publications 2008

ATNF Publications for 2008

This list contains publications including ATNF data which are published, in press, accepted or submitted.

Last updated on the web on Wed Jun 3 16:17:42 2009. Number of publications listed = 221.

Publications 2008

Papers which include one or more ATNF staff are indicated by an asterisk.


ARCHIBALD, A.M., KASPI, V.M., LIVINGSTONE, M.A. & McLAUGHLIN, M.A. "No detectable radio emission from the magnetar-like pulsar in Kes 75". ApJ, 688, 550-554 (2008). Published

*BEKHTI, N.B., MURPHY, M., RICHTER, P. & WESTMEIER, T. "Ca II and Na I absorption signatures from the circumgalactic gas of the Milky Way". In: Galaxies in the Local Volume, Sydney, NSW, 8-13 July 2007, Astrophys. & Space Sci. Proc., 273-274 (2008). Published

*BEKHTI, N.B., RICHTER, P., WESTMEIER, T. & MURPHY, M.T. "Ca II and Na I absorption signatures from extraplanar gas in the halo of the Milky Way". A&A, 487, 583-594 (2008). Published

*BEKKI, K., CHIBA, M. & McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M. "The Magellanic impact: collision between the outer Galactic H I disk and the leading arms of the Magellanic Stream". ApJ, 672, L17-L20 (2008). Published

*BELLOCHE, A., MENTEN, K.M., COMITO, C., MULLER, H.S., SCHILKE, P., OTT, J., THORWIRTH, S. & HIERET, C. "Detection of amino acetonitrile in Sgr B2(N)". A&A, 482, 179-196 (2008). Published

*BENAGLIA, P., VINK, J.S., MARTI, J., MAIZ-APPELLANIZ, J., KORIBALSKI, B.S. & JOHNSTON, S. arXiv:astro-ph/0608435 "Radio evidence on the mass loss bistability jump". In: Mass Loss from Stars and the Evolution of Stellar Clusters , Lunteren, The Netherlands, May 29 - June 1, 2006, ASP Conf. Ser., 388, 141-142 (2008). Published

*BERESFORD, R. "ASKAP photonic requirements". In: 2008 IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Gold Coast, Qld, 30 Sept.-3 Oct., 2008, 62-65 (2008). Published

BEUTHER, H. et al. "ATCA 3 mm observations of NGC 63341 and I(N): dense cores, outflows, and an UCH II region". A&A, 481, 169-181 (2008). Published

BEUTHER, H. & WALSH, A.J. "Kinematics of a hot massive accretion disk candidate". ApJ, 673, L55-L58 (2008). Published

BHAT, N.D., TINGAY, S.J. & KNIGHT, H.S. "Bright giant pulses from the Crab Nebula pulsar: statistical properties, pulse broadening, and scattering due to the Nebula". ApJ, 676, 1200-1209 (2008). Published

*BHATNAGAR, S., CORNWELL, T.J., GOLAP, K. & USON, J.M. "Correcting direction-dependent gains in the deconvolution of radio interferometric images". A&A, 487, 419-429 (2008). Published

*BOUCHARD, A., DA COSTA, G.S. & JERJEN, H. "The environmental influence on the evolution of local galaxies". AJ, (2008). In press

*BRONFMAN, L., GARAY, G., MERELLO, M., MARDONES, D., MAY, J., BROOKS, K.J., NYMAN, L.-A. & GUSTEN, R. "Discovery of an extremely high velocity, massive, and compact molecular outflow in Norma". ApJ, 672, 391-397 (2008). Published

*BUNTON, J.D., PATHIKULANGARA, J., JOSEPH, J., BATEMAN, T. & DE SOUZA, L. "ASKAP beamformer developments". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS 2008), Broadbeach, Qld, 10-12 February 2008, 4 pp. (2008). Published

*BURGAY, M., KRAMER, M., STAIRS, I.H., POSSENTI, A., MANCHESTER, R.N., et al. "The double pulsar system J0737-3039A/B as testbed for relativistic gravity". In: XVII Congress SIGRAV, Turin, Italy, 4-7 September 2006, (2008). In press

*CAMILO, F., REYNOLDS, J., JOHNSTON, S., HALPERN, J.P. & RANSOM, S.M. "The magnetar 1E 1547.0-5408: radio spectrum, polarimetry, and timing". ApJ, 679, 681-686 (2008). Published

*CASWELL, J.L. & PHILLIPS, C.J. "Water maser 353.273+0.641, the prime example of a class dominated by a blueshifted outflow". MNRAS, 386, 1521-1526 (2008). Published

CERRIGONE, L., HORA, J.L., UMANA, G. & TRIGILIO, C. "IC 4406: a radio-infrared view". ApJ, 682, 1047-1054 (2008). Published

*CHAMPION, D.J. et al. "An eccentric binary millisecond pulsar in the Galactic plane". Science, 320, 1309-1312 (2008). Published

*CHAMPION, D.J. et al. "The discovery of an eccentric millisecond pulsar in the Galactic plane". In: 40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars and More, Montreal, Que., 12-17 August, 2007, AIP Conf. Proc., 983, 448-452 (2008). Published

CHEN, X. et al. "ATCA and Spitzer observations of the binary protostellar systems CG 30 and BHR 71". ApJ, 683, 862-875 (2008). Published

*CLUVER, M.E., JARRETT, T.H., APPLETON, P.N., KRAAN-KORTEWEG, R.C., WOUDT, P.A., KORIBALSKI, B.S. et al. "The hidden H I-massive luminous infrared galaxy HIZOA J0836-43: inside-out galaxy formation". ApJ, 686, L17-L20 (2008). Published

*CORBEL, S. & TZIOUMIS, A.K. "Radio detection of the black hole transient H 1743-322 in outburst". Astronomer's Telegram, 1349, (2008). Published

*CORBEL, S.,TZIOUMIS, A.K., CORIAT, M., BROCKSOPP, C. & FENDER, R. "Renewed radio activity from H 1743-322 observed with the ATCA". Astronomer's Telegram, 1766, (2008). Published

*CORNWELL, T. "The Square Kilometre Array: a top-line eResearch challenge for Australia". In: Proc. eResearch Australasia 2008, Melbourne, Vic., 29 September, (2008). Published

*CORNWELL, T.J. "Multiscale CLEAN deconvolution of radio synthesis images". IEEE J. Select. Topics Sign. Process., 2, 793-801 (2008). Published

*CORNWELL, T.J., GOLAP, K. & BHATNAGAR, S. "The noncoplanar baselines effect in radio interferometry: the W-projection algorithm". IEEE J. Select. Topics Sign. Process., 2, 647-657 (2008) Published

*CORONGIU, A., POSSENTI, A., D'AMICO, N., BURGAY, M., LYNE, A.G., MANCHESTER, R.N., CAMILO, F. & SARKISSIAN, J.M. "Parkes observations of radio pulsars in globular clusters". In: 40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars and More, Montreal, Que., 12-17 August, 2007, AIP Conf. Proc., 983, 601-603 (2008). Published

*CORTESE, L., MINCHIN, R.F., AULD, R.R., DAVIS, J.I., CATINELLA, B., MOMJIAN, E., ROSENBERG, J.L., TAYLOR, R., GAVAZZI, G., O'NEIL, K., BAES, M., BOSELLI, A., BOTHUN, G., KORIBALSKI, B.S., SCHNEIDER, S. & VAN DRIEL, W. "The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey. II. A H I view of the Abell cluster 1367 and its outskirts". MNRAS, 383, 1519-1537 (2008). Published

CRAWFORD, E.J., FILIPOVIC, M.D. & PAYNE, J.L. "Radio continuum study of the Large Magellanic Cloud - SNR J0519-6926". Serb. AJ, 176, 59-63 (2008). Published

CRAWFORD, F. HESSELS, J.W. & KASPI, V.M. "A search for single radio pulses and bursts from southern AXPs". In: 40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars and More, Montreal, Que., 12-17 August, 2007, AIP Conf. Proc., 983, 259-261 (2008). Published

*CUNNINGHAM, M.R., LO, N., KRAMER, C., BAINS, I., JONES, P.A., BURTON, M.G., MULLER, E. & OSSENKOPF, V. "Large scale structure and turbulence: the Mopra G333 survey". In: Far-Infrared and Submillimeter Emission of the Interstellar Medium Workshop, Bad Honnef, Germany, 5-7 November 2007, EAS Pub. Ser., 31, 9-14 (2008). Published

*CURRAN, S.J., KORIBALSKI, B.S. & BAINS, I. "The large-scale atomic and molecular gas in the Circinus galaxy". MNRAS, 389, 63-74 (2008). Published

*CURRAN, S.J., WHITING, M.T. et al. "A survey for redshifted molecular and atomic absorption lines. II. Associated H I, OH and millimetre lines in the z >~ 3 Parkes quarter-Jansky flat-spectrum sample". MNRAS, 391, 765-784 (2008). Published

DA COSTA, G.S., JERJEN, H. & BOUCHARD, A. "ESO540-032: a transition-type dwarf in the Sculptor group". In: Galaxies in the Local Volume, Sydney, NSW, 8-13 July 2007, Astrophys. & Space Sci. Proc., 123-126 (2008). Published

*DAWSON, J.R., MIZUNO, N., ONISHI, T., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M. & FUKUI, Y. "The 'Carina Flare' supershell: probing the atomic and molecular ISM in a Galactic chimney". MNRAS, 387, 31-44 (2008). Published

*DELLER, A.T., VERBIEST, J.P., TINGAY, S.J. & BAILES, M. "Extremely high precision VLBI astrometry of PSR J0437-4715 and implications for theories of gravity". ApJ, 685, L67-L70 (2008). Published

DICKEN, D., TADHUNTER, C., MORGANTI, R. et al. "The origin of the infrared emission in radio galaxies. I. New mid- to far-infrared and radio observations of the 2 Jy sample". ApJ, 678, 712-728 (2008). Published

*DOBASHI, K., BERNARD, J.-P., HUGHES, A. et al. "Extinction and dust/gas ratio in LMC molecular clouds". A&A, 484, 205-223 (2008). Published

DODSON, R. "First VLBI observations of methanol maser polarisation, in G339.88-1.26". A&A, 480, 767-773 (2008). Published

*DODSON, R., FOMALONT, E.B., WIIK, K., HORIUCHI, S., HIRABAYASHI, H., EDWARDS, P.G. et al. "The VSOP 5 GHz Active Galactic Nucleus Survey. V. Imaging results for the remaining 140 sources". ApJS, 175, 314-355 (2008). Published

DUBNER, G., GIACANI, E. & DECOURCHELLE, A. "High resolution radio study of the pulsar wind nebula within the supernova remnant G0.9+0.1". A&A, 487, 1033-1040 (2008). Published

ECKART, A. et al. "Prospects for observing the Galactic Center: combining LBT LINC-NIRVANA observations in the near-infrared with observations in the mm/sub-mm wavelength domain". In: Optical and Infrared Interferometry, Marseille, France, 23 June 2008, Proc. SPIE, 7013, 70134L (2008). Published

*ELLINGSEN, S.W., HAMPSON, G.A. & CHILDERS, R.K. "Argus: an L-band all-sky astronomical surveillance system". IEEE Trans. Antenn. Propag., 56, 294-302 (2008). Published

EMONTS, B.H., MORGANTI, R., OOSTERLOO, T.A. et al. "Enormous disc of cool gas surrounding the nearby powerful radio galaxy NGC612 (PKS0131-36)". MNRAS, 387, 197-208 (2008). Published

*ENGLISH, J., KORIBALSKI, B.S., BLAND-HAWTHORN, J., FREEMAN, K.C. & McCAIN, C. "The Vela Cloud: a giant HI anomaly in the NGC 3256 group". AJ, (2008). Submitted

*ENOMOTO, R., HIGASHI, Y., YOSHIDA, T., TANIMORI,T., BICKNELL, G.V., CLAY, R.W., EDWARDS, P.G. et al. "Cangaroo-III search for gamma rays from Kepler's supernova remnant". ApJ, 683, 383-388 (2008). Published

ESAMDIN, A. et al. "Timing observations of rotating radio transient J1819-1458 at Urumqi observatory". MNRAS, 389, 1399-1404 (2008). Published

FAUCHER-GIGUERE, C.-A. & KASPI, V.M. "Birth and evolution of isolated radio pulsars". In: 40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars and More, Montreal, Que., 12-17 August, 2007, AIP Conf. Proc., 983, 607-609 (2008). Published

*FEAIN, I.J., CORNWELL, T.J., EKERS, R.D., NORRIS, R.P., GAENSLER, B.M., OTT, J., JOHNSTON-HOLLITT, M., MURPHY, T., MIDDELBERG, E. & BLAND-HAWTHORN, J. "A long overdue synthesis image of Centaurus A". In: Galaxies in the Local Volume, Sydney, NSW, 8-13 July 2007, Astrophys. & Space Sci. Proc., 287-288 (2008). Published

*FERDMAN, R.D., STAIRS, I.H., KRAMER, M., MANCHESTER, R.N. et al. "The double pulsar: evolutionary constraints from the system geometry". In: 40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars and More, Montreal, Que., 12-17 August, 2007, AIP Conf. Proc., 983, 474-478 (2008). Published

FILIPOVIC, M.D. et al. "New XMM-Newton observations of supernova remnants in the Small Magellanic Cloud". A&A, 485, 63-70 (2008). Published

FLEENOR, M.C, JOHNSTON-HOLLITT, M. et al. "Radio properties of the merging cluster complex A3128/A3125". In: Frontiers of Astrophysics: a Celebration of NRAO's 50th Anniversary, Charlottesville, Va, 18-21 June 2007, ASP Conf. Ser., 395, 367 (2008). Published

*FORD, H.A., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M., LOCKMAN, F.J., BAILIN, J., CALABRETTA, M.R., KALBERLA, P.M., MURPHY, T. & PISANO, D.J. "H I clouds in the lower halo. I. The Galactic All-Sky Survey pilot region". ApJ, 688, 290-305 (2008). Published

*FREUDLING, W., CATINELLA, B., CALABRETTA, M. et al. "The ALFA Ultra Deep Survey (AUDS)". In: The Evolution of Galaxies Through the Neutral Hydrogen Window, Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico, 1-3 February 2008, AIP Conf. Proc., 1035, 242-245 (2008). Published

*GAENSLER, B.M., TANNA, A., SLANE, P.O., BROGAN, C.L., GELFAND, J.D., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M. et al. "(Re-)discovery of G350.1-0.3: a young, luminous supernova remnant and its neutron star". ApJ, 680, L37-L40 (2008). Published

*GELBORD, J.M., MARSHALL, H.L., SCHAWRTZ, D.A., LOVELL, J.E., MURPHY, D.W., WORRALL, D.M., BIRKINSHAW, M., PERLMAN, E.S., GODFREY, L., GEORGANOPOULOS, M. & JAUNCEY, D.L. "A Chandra survey of quasar jets: latest results". In: Extragalactic Jets: Theory and Observation from Radio to Gamma Ray, Girdwood, Alaska, 21-24 May 2007, ASP Conf. Ser., 386, 203-209 (2008). Published

GHISELLINI, G. et al. "Ultra-high energy cosmic rays, spiral galaxies and magnetars". MNRAS Lett., 390, L88-L92 (2008). Published

*GIROLETTI, M., GIOVANNINI, G., COTTON, W.D., TAYLOR, G.B., PEREZ-TORRES, M.A., CHIABERGE, M. & EDWARDS, P.G. "The jet of Markarian 501 from millions of Schwarzschild radii down to a few hundreds". A&A, 488, 905-914 (2008). Published

*GONZALEZ-NUEVO, J., MASSARDI, M. et al. "Statistical properties of extragalactic sources in the New Extragalactic WMAP Point Source (NEWPS) catalogue". MNRAS, 384, 711-718 (2008). Published

*GRANET, C. & GOUGH, R.G. "Design of three prime-focus 12mm-wavelength horns for the Parkes radio telescope". Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., 50, 2537-2543 (2008). Submitted

*GRANET, C., KOT. J.S., HAY, S.G. & O'SULLIVAN, J.D. "A study of optimized dual-reflector systems with phased array feeds for 'ASKAP'". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS 2008), Broadbeach, Qld, 10-12 February 2008, 6 pp. (2008). Published

*GRANET, C., KOT, J.S., O'SULLIVAN, J.D. & HAY, S.G. "ASKAP data for reflector options". ICT Centre report 08/063, 95 pp. (2008). Internal report

GRCEVICH, J., PUTMAN, M. & PEEK, J.E.G. "H I in local group dwarf galaxies". In: The Evolution of Galaxies Through the Neutral Hydrogen Window, Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico, 1-3 February 2008, AIP Conf. Proc., 1035, 159-162 (2008). Published

*GREEN, J. A., CASWELL, J. L., FULLER, G. A., AVISON, A., BREEN, S. L., BROOKS, K., BURTON, M. G., CHRYSOSTOMOU, A., COX, J., DIAMOND, P. J., ELLINGSEN, S. P., GRAY, M. D., HOARE, M. G., MASHEDER, M. R. W., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M., PESTALOZZI, M., PHILLIPS, C., QUINN, L., THOMPSON, M. A., VORONKOV, M.A. et al. "The 6-GHz multibeam maser survey. I. Techniques". MNRAS, 392, 783-794 (2008). Published

*GREEN, J. A., CASWELL, J. L., FULLER, G. A., BREEN, S. L., BROOKS, K., BURTON, M. G., CHRYSOSTOMOU, A., COX, J., DIAMOND, P. J., ELLINGSEN, S. P., GRAY, M. D., HOARE, M. G., MASHEDER, M. R. W., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N., PESTALOZZI, M., PHILLIPS, C., QUINN, L., THOMPSON, M. A., VORONKOV, M. et al. "Multibeam maser survey of methanol and excited OH in the Magellanic Clouds: new detections and maser abundance estimates". MNRAS, 385, 948-956 (2008). Published

*HALPERN, J.P., GOTTHELF, E.V., REYNOLDS, J., RANSOM, S.M. & CAMILO, F. "Outburst of the 2 s anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E 1547.0-5408". ApJ, 676, 1178-1183 (2008). Published

*HAVERKORN, M., BROWN, J.C., GAENSLER, B.M. & McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M. "The outer scale of turbulence in the magnetoionized galactic interstellar medium". ApJ, 680, 362-370 (2008). Published

HAVERKORN, M., GAENSLER, B.M. & BROWN, J.-A.C. "Mapping Galactic magnetism through Faraday rotation of polarized extragalactic sources". In: Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies, Okinawa, Japan, 25-30 June 2006, Astrophys. Space Sci. Proc., 329 (2008). Published

*HAY, S.G. & O'SULLIVAN, J.D. "Analysis of common-mode effects in a dual-polarized planar connected-array antenna". Radio Sci., 43, RS6S04 (2008). Published

*HAY, S.G., O'SULLIVAN, J. D., KOT, J.S. & GRANET, C. "Investigations of wideband focal-plane arrays for MIRA, a Square Kilometre Array Demonstrator project ". URSI 2007 : North American Radio Science Meeting URSI-CNC/USNC, Ottawa, Ont., 22-26 July, (2008). Submitted

*HAY, S.G., O'SULLIVAN, J.D. & MITTRA, R. "Analysis of connected patch arrays using the characteristic basis function method". In: IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (AP-S 2008), San Diego, Calif., 5-12 July 2008, art. no. 4619541, (2008). Published

*HAYMAN, D.B., BERESFORD, R., BUNTON, J.D., CANTRALL, C., CORNWELL, T., GRANCEA, A., GRANET C., JOSEPH, J., KESTEVEN, M.J., O'SULLIVAN, J.D., PATHIKULANGARA, J., SWEETNAM, A.W. & VORONKOV, M. "The NTD interferometer: a phased array feed test bed". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS 2008) : Australian SKA Pathfinder special session, Broadbeach, Qld, 10-12 February 2008, 6 pp. (2008). Published

*HENKEL, C., BRAATZ, J.A., MENTEN, K.M. & OTT, J. "The kinetic temperature of a molecular cloud at redshift 0.9: ammonia in the gravitational lens PKS 1830-211". A&A, 485, 451-456 (2008). Published

*HENNING, P.A., SPRINGOB, C.M., DAY, F., MINCHIN, R., MOMJIAN, E., CATINELLA, B., MULLER, E., KORIBALSKI, B.S. et al. "The ALFA Zone of Avoidance Survey". In: The Evolution of Galaxies Through the Neutral Hydrogen Window, Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico, 1-3 February 2008, AIP Conf. Proc., 1035, 246-248 (2008). Published

*HESSELS, J.W., NICE, D.J., GAENSLER, B.M., KASPI, V.M., LORIMER, D.R., CHAMPION, D.J. et al. "PSR J1856+0245: Arecibo discovery of a young, energetic pulsar coincident with the TeV gamma-ray source HESS J1857+026". ApJ, 682, L41-L44 (2008). Published

*HIGASHI, Y., KUBO, H., YOSHIDA, T., ENOMOTO, R., TANIMORI, T., EDWARDS, P.G. et al. "Observation of very high energy gamma rays from HESS J1804-216 with CANGAROO-III telescopes". ApJ, 683, 957-966 (2008). Published

*HOBBS, G. "Gravitational wave detection using high precision pulsar observations". Classical & Quantum Gravity, 25, 114032 (2008). Published

*HOBBS, G., JENET, F., LOMMEN, A., COLES, W., VERBIEST, J.P. & MANCHESTER, R.N. "Using pulsars to limit the existence of a gravitational wave background". In: 40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars and More, Montreal, Que., 12-17 August, 2007, AIP Conf. Proc., 983, 630-632 (2008). Published

*HOLLOW, R., HOBBS, G., CHAMPION, D.J., AMY, S., KHOO, J., CHAPMAN, J., MULCAHY, M., ALEM, L., KRUMM-HELLER, A., McKINNON, D., DANAIA, L., JENET, F. & CARR, M. "PULSE@Parkes: pulsar observing for high school students". In: Preparing for the 2009 International Year of Astronomy: a Hands-On Symposium, St. Louis, Mo., 1-5 June 2008, ASP Conf. Ser., 400, 190-196 (2008). Published

*HOPKINS, A.M., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M. & GAENSLER, B.M. "Linked evolution of gas and star formation in galaxies over cosmic history". ApJ, 682, L13-L16 (2008). Published

*HUGHES, A., WONG, T., OTT, J., MULLER, E., PINEDA, J.L. & MIZUNO, Y. "Atomic gas associated with GMCs in the LMC". In: Galaxies in the Local Volume, Sydney, NSW, 8-13 July 2007, Astrophys. & Space Sci. Proc., 293-294 (2008). Published

*HUYNH, M.T., JACKSON, C.A., NORRIS, R.P. & FERNANDEZ-SOTO, A. "Radio observations of the Hubble Deep Field-South region. IV. Optical properties of the faint radio population". AJ, 135, 2470-2495 (2008). Published

JACKSON, J.M. et al. "The Galactic distribution of infrared dark clouds". ApJ, 680, 349-361 (2008). Published

*JOHNSTON, S., KARASTERGIOU, A., MITRA, D. & GUPTA, Y. "Multifrequency integrated profiles of pulsars". MNRAS, 388, 261-274 (2008). Published

*JOHNSTON, S., TAYLOR, R., BAILES, M., BARTEL, N., BAUGH, C., BIETENHOLZ, M., BLAKE, C., BRAUN, R., BROWN, J., CHATTERJEE, S., DARLING, J., DELLER, A., DODSON, R., EDWARDS, P., EKERS, R.D. et al. "Science with ASKAP: the Australian Square-Kilometre-Array Pathfinder". Experim. Astron., 22, 151-273 (2008). Published

JOHNSTON-HOLLITT, M., SATO, M., GILL, J.A., FLEENOR, M.C. & BRICK, A.-M. "Radio observations of the Horologium-Reticulum supercluster. I. A3158: excess star-forming galaxies in a merging cluster?" MNRAS, 390, 289-303 (2008). Published

*JONES, D.I., PROTHEROE, R.J. & CROCKER, R.M. "Search for synchrotron emission from secondary leptons in dense cold starless cores". PASA, 25, 161-166 (2008). Published

JONES, P.A., BURTON, M.G. & CUNNINGHAM, M.R. "A 3-mm molecular line study of the central molecular zone". In: Far-Infrared and Submillimeter Emission of the Interstellar Medium Workshop, Bad Honnef, Germany, 5-7 November 2007, EAS Pub. Ser., 31, 77-80 (2008). Published

JONES, P.A., BURTON, M.G. et al. "Spectral imaging of the Sagittarius B2 region in multiple 3-mm molecular lines with the Mopra telescope". MNRAS, 386, 117-137 (2008). Published

JONES, P.A., BURTON, M.G. & LOWE, V. "A 3-mm molecular line study of the Central Molecular Zone of the galaxy". In: IAU 251: Organic Matter in Space, Hong Kong, 18-22 Feb. 2008, Proc. IAU, 4, 257-262 (2008). Published

*JUETT, A.M., SARAZIN, C.L., CLARKE, T.E., ANDERNACH, H., EHLE, M., FUJITA, Y., KEMPNER, J.C., ROY, A.L., RUDNICK, L. & SLEE, O.B. " A Chandra observation of Abell 13: investigating the origin of the radio relic". ApJ, 672, 138-145 (2008). Published

KALEMCI, E., TOMSICK, J.A., MIGLIARI, S., CORBEL, S. & MARKOFF, S. "Galactic black holes in the hard state, a multi-wavelength view of accretion and ejection". In: Observational Evidence for Black Holes in the Universe: Proc. 2nd Kolkata Conf., Kolkata, India, 10-15 February 2008, AIP Conf. Ser., 1053, 201-208 (2008). Published

KAMP, I., FREUDLING, W., ROBBERTO, M., CHENGALUR, J. & KETO, E. "Probing protoplanetary disk evolution with the HI 21 cm line". Physica Scripta, T130, 014013 (2008). Published

KARACHENTSEV, I. et al. "Optical identifications of 230 HIPASS radio sources". Astron. Lett., 34, 832-838 (2008). Published

*KATAOKA, J., MADEJSKI, G., SIKORA, M., ROMING, P., CHESTER, M.M., GRUPE, D., TSUBUKU, Y., SATO, R., KAWAI, N., TOSTI, G., IMPIOMBATO, D., KOVALEV, Y.Y., KOVALEV, Y.A., EDWARDS, P.G. et al. "Multiwavelength observations of the powerful gamma-ray quasar PKS 1510-089: clues on the jet composition". ApJ, 672, 787-799 (2008). Published

*KATAOKA, J., STAWARZ, L., HARRIS, D.E., SIEMIGINOWSKA, A., OSTROWSKI, M., SWAIN, M.R., HARDCASTLE, M.J., GOODGER, J.L., IWASAWA, K. & EDWARDS, P.G. "Chandra reveals twin X-ray jets in the powerful FR II radio galaxy 3C 353". ApJ, 685, 839-857 (2008). Published

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