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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Apr 8 09:25:11 2016
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 06:07:56 2016

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AT Hubble Deep Field South : Publications

AT Hubble Deep Field South : Publications

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The following is a list of selected ATHDFS publications :

  • Radio Observations of the Hubble Deep Field South - a New Class of Radio-Luminous Galaxies?
    1999 R.P. Norris, A. Hopkins, R.J. Sault, R.D. Ekers, J. Ekers, F. Badia, J. Higdon, M.H. Wieringa, B.J. Boyle, R.E. Williams
    in "Perspectives in Radio Astronomy: Imperatives at cm and m Wavelengths" (Dwingeloo: NFRA), Edited by: M.P. van Haarlem & J.M. van der Hulst
    Abstract (HTML), Article (html) (HTML, 14.4 kB), Article (ps) (PS, 424 kB)

  • Radio Observations of the Hubble Deep Field South
    2001 R.P. Norris, A. Hopkins, R.J. Sault, D.A. Mitchell, R.D. Ekers, J. Ekers, F. Badia, J. Higdon, M.H. Wieringa, B.J. Boyle, R.E. Williams
    in "Deep Fields", Proceedings of the ESO/ECF/STScI Workshop held at Garching, Germany, 9-12 October 2000. (Springer) Edited by S. Cristiani, A. Renzini, & R. E. Williams

  • Radio Observations of the Hubble Deep Field South Region I: Survey description and initial results for HDF-S sources
    R.P. Norris, M.T. Huynh, C.A. Jackson, R.D. Ekers, D.A. Mitchell, R.J. Sault, M.H. Wieringa, B.J. Boyle, R.E. Williams, A.M. Hopkins
    to be submitted to AJ in October 2004
    Link to paper to appear soon

  • Radio Observations of the Hubble Deep Field South Region II: The 1.4 GHz Catalogue and Source Counts
    M.T. Huynh, C.A. Jackson, R.P. Norris
    to be submitted to AJ in October 2004
    Link to paper to appear soon
