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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 09:34:03 2012
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Feb 5 12:33:17 2013

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: gravitational radiation
Science with Parkes @ 50 Years Young, 31 Oct. ­ 4 Nov., 2011
A Preprint typ eset using L TEX style emulateap j v. 11/10/09

Jacco Th. van Loon
Lennard-Jones Laboratories, Keele University, ST5 5BG, UK Science with Parkes @ 50 Years Young, 31 Oct. ­ 4 Nov., 2011

ABSTRACT The nearby dwarf irregular galaxies the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds have metallicities of about half and a fifth solar, respectively, which offers the unique opportunity to study astrophysical processes as a function of metallicity. Masers in the outflows from evolved stars allow to measure the wind speed, vital to derive mass-loss rates and test wind driving mechanisms. The metallicity dependence of the wind speed in particular allows us to make inferences about dust formation and mass loss in the early Universe. I will review past surveys for circumstellar OH, water, and SiO masers in the Magellanic Clouds (and provide a literature review of interstellar masers). I will then discuss the way these measurements have influenced our understanding of mass loss, and end with outlining the prospects for future surveys for OH masers in the Magellanic Clouds. Subject headings: masers -- stars: AGB and post-AGB -- stars: mass-loss -- supergiants -- stars: winds, outflows -- Magellanic Clouds

which masers are observed.

Microwave amplified stimulated emission radiation (maser) arises when emission from a transition within a molecule is amplified when it causes subsequent stimulated emission from the same transition within another such molecule. For this to happen, a population inversion needs to be instated, so the meta-stable higher energy level of the masing transition becomes populated preferentially over the energy level to which it decays. The mechanism responsible for this "pumping" can be either through the absorption of radiation in transitions to levels from which the upper level of the masing transition can be populated, or through collisions with other particles. Masers therefore require specific conditions to be met; conversely, the radiation is highly an-isotropic. The result is extremely bright emission linked to specific regions and kinematics in the ob ject (Elitzur, Goldreich, & Scoville 1976; Chapman & Cohen 1986). In the outflows of cool evolved star winds ­ Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars or red supergiants ­ prototypical hydroxyl (OH) masers display a double-horned profile separated by twice the wind speed; water (H2 O) masers probe accelerating parts of the wind near the dust formation zone; while silicon-monoxide (SiO) masers tend ^ to peak near the stellar systemic velocity. The detection of masers in these ob jects thus allows the measurement of the gas kinematics in the outflow, which informs us about its driving mechanism ­ believed to be due to radiation pressure on dust grains ­ and about the grain properties. In star forming regions, methanol (CH3 OH) masers play a valuable r^le in locating warm cores. o The Magellanic Clouds offer us unique laboratories for studying astrophysical processes due to their proximity (about 50 and 60 kpc for the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, respectively), different metal content (half and a fifth solar, for respectively the LMC and SMC), and decent size and on-going star formation resulting in sufficient examples of the intrinsically rare stages during

I have listed in Table 1 an overview of the literature on circumstellar masers in the Magellanic Clouds ­ i.e. masers in the outflows from cool evolved stars. Not only have there been few publications, the number of detected masers (10) is so small that I can list them all (Table 2, along with a few candidates based on their similar spectral types, pulsation periods and dust envelopes). To date, no circumstellar masers are known in the SMC. For the sake of this review I consider all other masers to be of "interstellar" origin, and only provide a list of references in relation to their detection in the Magellanic Clouds (Table 3). Few circumstellar masers have been detected due to their faintness as well as difficulties with the target selection. Targets were selected predominantly from the IRAS point source catalogue, but many of the targets selected for the first study by Wood et al. (1992) later turned out to be carbon stars ­ which do not display masers ­ or not cool evolved stars at all, resulting in their low success rate of 6 out of 54. The second search, with the ATCA (van Loon et al. 1998a) targetted two ob jects, one of which was detected (IRAS 04407-7000) while the other was a carbon star after all. The third systematic survey, presented in Marshall et al. (2004), drew targets from the same pool of candidates but these had by then been much better characterised. OH/IR stars invariably have oxygen-rich dusty envelopes but also late-M spectral types and long pulsation periods reflecting their extremely evolved status. This selection yielded a 50 per cent success rate for the LMC targets, but it was evident that deeper searches would be needed to detect most of the candidates, and that some of the best candidates may still have escaped identification. Of the detected maser sources (and some of the LMC candidates), pulsation periods were determined by Wood et al. (1992), dust chemical types by Trams et al. (1999), mass-loss rates by van Loon et al. (1999, 2005), and spec-


Jacco Th. van Loon
TABLE 1 Literature on circumstellar masers in the Magellanic Clouds. year 1986 1992 1996 1998a 1998b 2001b 2004 authors Wood et al. Wood et al. van Loon et van Loon et van Loon et van Loon et Marshall et telescope Parkes ATCA+Parkes SEST ATCA Parkes Mopra+Parkes+SEST Parkes molecule OH OH SiO OH H2 O H2 O + SiO OH remarks first detection first detection first detection

al. al. al. al. al.

TABLE 2 Circumstellar masers in the Magellanic Clouds including candidate OH/IR stars, with spectral type, pulsation period and OH peak intensity (r.m.s. noise in parentheses). IRAS other name Smal l Magel lanic Cloud 00483-7347 00486-7308 GM 103 00591-7307 HV 11417 Large Magel lanic Cloud 04407-7000 04498-6842 04509-6922 04516-6902 04545-7000 04553-6825 WOH G064 05003-6712 05280-6910 NGC 1984-IR1 05294-7104 05298-6957 HS 327E-IR1 05329-6708 05402-6956 05558-7000 SpT late-M M4 M5e I M M M M 7.5 10 10 9 P (d) 1859 1062 1092 1199 1292 1292 1091 1216 841 883 1079 1280 1262 1393 1220 OH peak (mJy) (9) ? (8) 50 23 (17) (11) 140 600 33 90 (13) 240 130 80 17 remarks

M7.5 M9 M8

H2 O, SiO H2 O

TABLE 3 Literature on interstellar masers in the Magellanic Clouds. year 1977 1981 1981 1981 1982 1983 1985 1986 1992 1994 1995 1996 1997 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2008 2010 authors Kaufmann et al. Caswell & Haynes Haynes & Caswell Scalise & Braz Scalise & Braz Whiteoak et al. Gardner & Whiteoak Whiteoak & Gardner Sinclair et al. Ellingsen et al. Caswell Beasley et al. Brooks & Whiteoak van Loon & Zijlstra Lazendi´ et al. c Brogan et al. Roberts & Yusef-Zadeh Oliveira et al. Green et al. Ellingsen et al. telescope Itapetinga Parkes Parkes Itapetinga Itapetinga Parkes Parkes Parkes Parkes ATCA+Parkes ATCA+Parkes ATCA ATCA Mopra ATCA+Canberra ATCA ATCA Parkes ATCA+Parkes ATCA+Parkes molecule H2 O OH OH H2 O H2 O H2 O OH H2 O CH 3 O H CH 3 O H OH CH 3 O H OH H2 O H2 O OH OH H2 O CH 3 O H + O H CH 3 O H + H 2 O remarks no detection first detection first detection

first detection excited OH

supernova remnant supernova remnant excited OH

tral types by van Loon et al. (1998a, 2005); their maser properties were summarised by Marshall et al. (2004). The SMC sources were characterised by Groenewegen & Blommaert (1998) with pulsation periods by Soszynski ´ et al. (2011). Some sources are located in a star cluster, so we know the birth mass ­ due to mass loss the present-day mass will have diminished, which is partly reflected in the long pulsation period: IRAS 05280-6910 is a red supergiant evolved from a 19-M main-sequence star (Wood et al. 1992; van Loon, Marshall, & Zijlstra

2005) while IRAS 05298-6957 used to be a 4-M mainsequence star (van Loon et al. 2001a). The extremely luminous and late-type dusty red supergiant IRAS 04553-6825 (WOH G064; cf. Elias, Frogel, & Schwering 1986) is the only OH/IR star in the Magellanic Clouds in which besides OH (Wood et al. 1986, 1992) ­ both the usual 1612 MHz satellite line as well as the 1665 and 1667 MHz main lines ­ also both H2 O (van Loon et al. 1998b) and SiO (van Loon et al. 1996) masers have been detected. Detection of the SiO maser

Circumstellar masers in the Magellanic Clouds revealed that what had originally been thought to be OH emission from the receding part of the circumstellar envelope actually is substructure in the approaching part of the envelope, the emission from the receding part was detected later and found to be much fainter (Marshall et al. 2004). This added to suspicions based on the spectral energy distribution ­ bright infrared emission from dust but relatively little obscuration at optical wavelengths (Roche, Aitken, & Smith 1993; van Loon et al. 1999) ­ that the circumstellar envelope must resemble a torus or a shell with bipolar cavities, a conjecture which was beautifully confirmed with interferometric measurements by Ohnaka et al. (2008).


There is strong empirical evidence for the mass-loss rates of cool evolved stars to depend very little on metal content but for the dust content of those outflows to scale approximately in proportion to metal content (Elias, Frogel, & Humphreys 1985; van Loon 2000; van Loon et al. 2008). Given this, simple prescriptions for radiationdriven dusty winds yield predictions for how the wind speed should depend on metal content and on luminosity (Habing, Tignon, & Tielens 1994; Elitzur & Ivezi´ c 2001; Marshall et al. 2004): v

Fig. 1.-- Spectral energy distribution of IRAS 05298-6957 including the OH maser.





where the dust:gas mass ratio 1 : 200 at solar metallicity. This prediction was verified by comparing the measured wind speed as a function of luminosity in the LMC and in the Galactic Centre (Marshall et al. 2004). There is a suggestion (Fig. 16 in Marshall et al. 2004) that the wind speed might in fact show a steeper dependence on luminosity in the LMC sample; this might be due to differences in the gravitational acceleration around the dust formation zone between ^ stars of different masses and sizes, or possibly the dust fraction is higher for the more massive progenitor stars. The H2 O maser profiles of IRAS 04553-6825 and IRAS 05280-6910 clearly reveal the acceleration of the envelope, possibly at a slower rate than seen in Galactic ob jects (van Loon et al. 2001b). This could result from a lower dust content, with consequently a larger drift velocity between the dust grains and the gas fluid. A similar discrepancy in parameter dependence was found by Marshall et al. (2004) between the mass-loss rates determined from the dust emission and those from the OH maser intensity following the recipe by Baud & Habing (1983) as presented by van der Veen & Rugers (1989); this suggests that the OH maser intensity may in fact measure the dust emission responsible for the maser pumping, rather than the gas mass (Zijlstra et al. 1996).
4. IRAS 05298-6957: A CASE STUDY

likely a late-M type star), and the spectral energy distribution resulting from radiation transfer through a dusty circumstellar envelope. The latter was computed using c the dusty code (Nenkova, Ivezi´, & Elitzur 2000), assuming a standard size distribution (Mathis, Nordsieck, & Rumpl 1977) of silicate grains (Draine & Lee 1984) that attain a temperature of 1000 K at the inner edge of the dust envelope. To match the measurements the computed model had to be scaled to a luminosity of 40 000 L and, for a dust:gas mass ratio of 1:500, a mass-loss rate of 2 â 10-4 M yr-1 . At radio wavelengths, the brightness is dominated by the stellar photosphere, but the OH maser is more than a billion times (sic !) brighter, reaching similar levels as the peak of the spectral energy distribution at midinfrared wavelengths (Fig. 1). The dusty model predicts a wind speed of 7.2 km s-1 , which is somewhat slower than the measured 10.5 km s-1 (Marshall et al. 2004). Possibly the grain properties are a little different or the dust:gas mass ratio is a little higher than assumed (raising it to 1 : 250 would explain it). This exercise serves to demonstrate that measurement and modelling of the wind speed hold great promise to further our understanding of these dusty winds.

IRAS 05298-6957 is the second-strongest OH maser source in the LMC, with the most "classic" maser profile, and also located in a star cluster. In Fig. 1 I plot its spectral energy distribution, with near-infrared photometry from van Loon et al. (2001a) and Wood et al. (1992), and 24- and 70-µm measurements obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope (cf. van Loon et al. 2010). Overplotted is a 3000 K blackbody representing the central star (its effective temperature is not known but it is

The current best candidate OH/IR stars in both Magellanic Clouds (Table 2) very likely exhibit detectable OH emission not too far below the detection limits of past searches. Efforts are underway with Parkes and the ATCA to detect these. However, the IRAS survey was heavily confused in the Magellanic Clouds. Figs. 2 and 3 show the locations of the detected and candidate OH/IR stars on more recent Spitzer Space Telescope maps of the 24-µm emission, the wavelength where the relatively warm circumstellar dust emission peaks. Clearly, these sources are generally located in regions without strong diffuse emission from small interstellar grains. Especially red supergiant OH/IR stars would more often be found


Jacco Th. van Loon

Fig. 2.-- Detected circumstellar OH masers (red circles) and candidate OH/IR stars (blue squares) in the Large Magellanic Cloud, on a 24-µm Spitzer image (Meixner et al. 2006).

in dusty regions as they are not much older than the typical lifetime of the molecular cloud complexes in which they formed. Thus the Spitzer maps may harbour excellent targets, most of which await identification and characterisation. The situation will improve dramatically with the advent of Square Kilometre Array (SKA) pathfinder experiments ­ viz. the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) and Southern African MeerKAT arrays (van Loon, GASKAP Team & MagiKAT Team 2010). In particular the GASKAP survey combines high sensitivity (200-hr integrations) with large instantaneous synthesized field (30 square degrees) to reach the required survey speed and depth for a blind survey of the Magellanic Clouds, thus avoiding the need for pre-selection of targets. The

synthesized beam of < 20 greatly reduces the level of beam dilution and possible confusion at the low sensitivity that will be achieved (r.m.s. noise well below a mJy). Both the 1612 and 1665/1667 MHz transitions will be searched. Based on the detected masers in the LMC and Milky Way, and employing scaling relations of between the OH maser intensity and mid-infrared brightness, it is estimated that the GASKAP survey will uncover dozens of new OH/IR stars in the LMC (besides obtaining better quality data on the already known masers), and the first sample of OH/IR stars in the SMC. Unprecedented tests of the driving of cool evolved star winds will become possible, especially with regard to its dependence on metal content.

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