- Bärbel Koribalski (CSIRO ATNF) - main interests: structure & dynamics of galaxies, star formation in galaxies, galaxy evolution
- Lister Staveley-Smith (ICRAR, UWA) - main interests: mass function; evolution; structure; clustering; galaxy properties v environment
WALLABY team members
- Alexandra Abate (Arizona) * Peculiar velocities/cosmology
- Filipe Abdalla (UCL) * Cosmology
- James Allison (Sydney) * evolution of the HI Mass function and star formation rates in galaxies, the intra-cluster medium and clusters of galaxies, FLASH HI absorption studies
- Carlton Baugh (Durham) * Galaxy formation models, BAO
- Kenji Bekki (UWA) * The Magellanic system, shapes of dark mater halos from HI kinematics, HI streams in groups and clusters of galaxies, HI content in distant post-starburst/passive galaxies
- Nadya Ben Bekhti (AIfA) * Nearby galaxies, HVCs, HI absorption
- Frank Bigiel (Heidelberg) * galaxies, xxx
- Chris Blake (Swinburne) * Clustering, cosmology, stacking
- Sarah Blyth (UCT) * xxx
- Alessandro Boselli (Marseille) * xxx
- Albert Bosma (Marseille) * xxx
- Antoine Bouchard (McGill ?) * xxx
- Michael Brown (UMonash) * Halo occupation
- Shea Brown (Iowa) * Large-scale structure, diffuse emission, cross-correlation techniques
- Barbara Catinella (Swinburne) * galaxy scaling relation-ships, ...
- Matthew Colless (ANU) * Links with 6dF Galaxy Survey (e.g. joint stellar-HI mass functions, HI TF peculiar velocities)
- Luca Cortese (Swinburne) * clusters
- Helene Courtois (Lyon, France and IFA, Hawaii) * TF relation
- Rob Crain (xxx) * Simulations
- Darren Croton (Swinburne) * xxx
- Elisabete da Cunha (Swinburne) * TAIPAN, galaxy evolution
- Tamara Davis (UQ) * Peculiar velocities
- Erwin de Blok (ASTRON) * HI surveys, distant galaxies, nearby galaxies, Magellanic Clouds, HVCs, peculiar objects, HI mass function, galaxy stacking, HI absorption,recombination lines, optical and infrared synergies, software, and more (MHONGOOSE PI)
- Helga Denes (ATNF) * HI-deficient galaxies in different environments, gas stripping processes
- John Dickey (Tasmania) * GASKAP PI; HI structures around and between galaxies, Galactic HI structures at high resolution
- Simon Driver (UWA) - GAMA
- Alan Duffy (Swinburne) * Simulations
- Loretta Dunne (Edinburgh) * HI and continuum surveys over the accessible Herschel ATLAS fields (300 sq deg)
- Stephen Eales (Cardiff) * The synergy between the Herschel-ATLAS survey of 550 square degrees and ATLAS
- Alastair Edge (Durham) * Galaxy clusters
- Ed Elson (UCT) * Nearby galaxies
- Bjorn Emonts (Madrid) * Radio galaxies: gas, star formation and AGN activity
- Jayanne English (Manitoba) * groups of galaxies, interacting galaxies
- Chris Fluke (Swinburne) * 3D Visualisation, Source finding
- Bi-Qing For (UWA) * HVCs around nearby galaxies, HI tidal debris
- Alyson Ford (NRAO) * nearby galaxies, Milky Way (?)
- Carlos Frenk (Durham) * cosmology
- Bryan Gaensler (Sydney) * POSSUM PI; magnetic fields, polarisation
- Katinka Gereb (Swinburne) * connection of HI with radio continuum (SFR, AGN), scaling relations, stacking, etc.
- Nadine Giese (ASTRON) * source-finding, galaxies
- Karl Glazebrook (Swinburne) * Cosmology, galaxy gas mass evolution and relation to optical/IR studies
- Neeraj Gupta (IUCAA) * Quasar absorption lines (associated & intervening)
- George Heald (ASTRON) * HI kinematics and magnetism
- Martin Hendry (Glasgow) * Tully-Fisher relation
- Trish Henning (New Mexico) * HIMF and its evolution, HI galaxy properties as function of environment
- Kelley Hess (ASTRON) * galaxy groups, intergalactic HI, etc.
- Ian Heywood (ATNF) * calibration and imaging, tbd
- Benne Holwerda (ASTRON) * galaxy morphology in HI, parameterization of HI morphology
- Andrew Hopkins (AAO) * EMU; star formation
- Tom Jarrett (UCT) * 2MASS, WISE, large-scale structure
- Helmut Jerjen (RSAA, ANU) * Dwarf Galaxies, Near-Field Cosmology
- Heath Jones (Monash) * Cosmology
- Gyula Jozsa (ASTRON -> UCT) * Galaxies (WNSHS PI)
- Eva Juette (Bochum) * Interacting/merging galaxies, gas accretion, peculiar objects
- Russell Jurek (Sydney) * Source-finding, visualisation, galaxies
- Peter Kamphuis (Pune) * HI kinematics of galaxies
- Igor Karachentsev (SAO) * Local Volume galaxies
- Juergen Kerp (AIFA Bonn) * SWG8 coordinator * High redshift HIMF
- Virginia Kilborn (Swinburne) * SWG3 coordinator * HI mass function, environmental effects
- Sungeun Kim (Sejong) * xxx
- Hank Kim (Melbourne) * semi-analytical galaxy formation models for the mass function and clustering of HI galaxies
- Renee Kraan-Korteweg (UCT) * Large-scale structure
- Cedric Lacey (Durham) * simulations ?
- Claudia Lagos (ESO) * galaxy formation and evolution, simulations
- Karen Lee-Waddell (ATNF) * galaxy groups
- Lerothodi Leeuw (SKA South Africa / NASA Ames) * Local elliptical galaxies and their progenitors; HI, radio, and FIR surveys
- Angel Lopez-Sanchez (AAO) * Galaxies: dynamics, evolution, multi-wavelength studies, star formation, interactions, galaxy groups
- Juan Madrid (ATNF) * galaxy groups, tidal debris, ...
- Frank Masci (IPAC) * WISE
- Josh Marvil (CASS) * radio continuum, calibration
- Gerhardt Meurer (UWA) * SWG2 co-coordinator * extragalactic star formation, the star formation law, galaxy evolution, nearby galaxies
- Martin Meyer (UWA) * TWG6 coordinator * Clustering, environment, evolution, property distributions, TF, multi-wavelength synergies (DINGO PI)
- Raffaella Morganti (ASTRON) * HI in early-type galaxies, HI in radio galaxies (emission and absorption)
- Jeremy Mould (Swinburne) * SWG6 coordinator * Cosmology
- Erik Muller (Tokyo) * Magellanic System, HVCs, HI absorption
- Tara Murphy (Sydney) * source detection, software, large radio surveys, HVCs (VAST PI)
- Simon Mutch (xxx) * xxx
- Hiroyuki Nakanishi (Kagoshima) * The Galaxy and nearby galaxies
- Ray Norris (ATNF) * AGN and star formation in galaxies (EMU PI)
- Danail Obreschkow (UWA) * simulations, cosmology
- Se-Heon Oh (UWA) * Nearby galaxies, dark matter, HVCs, rotation curve modelling
- Tom Oosterloo (ASTRON) * Evolution of gas content
- Attila Popping (UWA) * Nearby and distant galaxies, groups, diffuse emission, etc.
- Chris Power (UWA) * TWG1 coordinator * HI mass function, HI surveys as testbeds for galaxy formation models
- Mary Putman (Columbia) * Galactic HI & HVCs, Local Group, galaxy clusters
- Peter Quinn (UWA) * Databases, ...
- Somak Raychaudhury (Birmingham) * xxx
- George Rhee (Nevada) * Galaxies in voids
- Jongwan Rhee (UWA/ICRAR) * HI stacking
- Aaron Robotham (UWA/ICRAR) * Starfox, sky tiling
- Emma Ryan-Weber (Swinburne) * SWG1 coordinator * the gas-rich cosmic web: gas accrection onto galaxies, connection with QSO absorbers. Galaxy edges and outskirts
- Stuart Ryder (AAO) * Intergalactic HI Clouds
- Elaine Sadler (Sydney) * FLASH PI; HI mass function for early-type galaxies and its evolution with redshift, links between HI and AGN in massive galaxies
- Dhruba Saikia (NCRA) * xxx
- Kevin Schawinski (ETHZ) * galaxy evolution, quenching, AGN feeding and feedback
- Sascha Schediwy (UWA) * xxx
- Brian Schmidt (ANU) * SkyMapper PI; SNe, TF relation
- Anja Schroeder (Hart.) * xxx
- Paolo Serra (ATNF) * HI in early-type galaxies and connection to multi-wavelength properties
- Matthew Smith (XXX) * xxx
- Kristine Spekkens (Royal Military College) * Kinematic Group coordinator * Nearby galaxy morphologies/kinematics, HI mass function, optically dark HI clouds, peculiar objects, group/cluster environments; outreach
- Lee Spitler (UMacquarie/AAO) * Huntsman Array, low-brightness emission
- Christopher Springob (UWA) * TF, large-scale structure
- Edward (ned) Taylor (Melbourne) * TAIPAN galaxy redshift survey
- Mark Thompson (Hertfortshire) * Recombination lines
- Thijs van der Hulst (Kapteyn) * nearby Galaxies
- Wim van Driel (Paris) * xxx
- Jing Wang (ATNF) * HI & star formation in nearby galaxies, multi-wavelength galaxy properties
- Marc Verheijen (Kapteyn) * SWG7 coordinator * galaxy clusters
- Bart Wakker (Wisconsin) * SWG4 coordinator * HVCs, nearby galaxies, gas in galaxy groups
- Rachel Webster (Melbourne) * Cosmology, TF
- Tobias Westmeier (UWA) * TWG4 coordinator * Magellanic Stream, HVCs, gaseous environment of nearby galaxies, HI absorption
- Matthew Whiting (ATNF) * TWG3 coordinator * Galaxy surveys, software and source detection, HI absorption, optical/IR connection
- Andreas Wicenec (UWA) * post-processing, DIA
- Eric Wilcots (Wisconsin) * HI mass function, galaxy groups, clusters, nearby galaxies
- Richard Wilman (Durham) * HI environments of galaxies and links to cosmic web; HI absorption
- Benjamin Winkel (MPIfR) * Data reduction, galactic and extragalactic HI, HIMF, HVC/IVCs
- Christian Wolf (ANU, RSAA) * SkyMapper synergies (nearby galaxies)
- Ivy Wong (UWA) * HI surveys, relationship between HI & star formation, environmental effects on HI and star formation
- Min Yun (Mass.) * Galaxies, molecular gas
- Dan Zucker (AAO/Macquarie) * Dwarf galaxies
- Martin Zwaan (ESO) * SWG5 coordinator * HI mass function, evolution, clustering, environment, relation with QSO absorption lines
WALLABY student members
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