Welcome reception: 18:00-21:00Monday
Session 1: Chair - George Hobbs
--------- Probes of magnetic fields ---------
- 09:30 Jeroen Stil "Probing the Faint Polarized Sky"
- 10:00 JinLin Han "Rotation measures of pulsars and radio sources for Galactic magnetic fields"
- 10:30 Break
Session 2: Chair - Roger Clay
- 11:00 Lawrence Rudnick "Magnetic field/Faraday structure ambiguities"
- 11:30 Benjamin Whelan "Probing Galactic and intergalactic magnetic fields using ultra high energy cosmic rays"
- 12:00 Tim Robishaw "Zeeman splitting of OH megamasers"
- 12:30 Lunch
Session 3: Chair - Gregg Hallinan
- 13:30 Christopher M. Johns-Krull "Photospheric Magnetic Field Measurements on Late-Type Stars and Brown Dwarfs"
- 14:00 Subhashis Roy "Circularly polarized emission from the transient bursting radio source GCRT J1745-3009: Emission from magnetised dwarf"
- 14:30 Lisa Harvey-Smith "using Faraday rotation to probe magnetic fields in HII regions"
- 15:00 Break
Session 4: Chair - Torsten Ensslin
- 15:30 Evelyne Alecian "Magnetism in intermediate- and high mass stars"
- 16:00 Wei Wang "Cyclotron absorption features in neutron star systems observed by INTEGRAL"
- 16:30 Roland Crocker "A new lower limit on the magnetic field around the Galactic Centre"
- 17:00 End
Session 5: Chair - Lawrence Rudnick
- 08:30 Ya-Wen Tang "Polarization measurements with high angular resolution in massive star forming cores"
- 09:00 Mike Wheatland "Computational modelling of stellar magnetic fields from observational boundary values"
- 09:30 Huirong Yan "New magnetic diagnostics in diffuse medium"
- 10:00 Edith Falgarone "Magnetic fields and turbulence in the interstellar medium, from diffuse gas to dense cores"
- 10:30 Break
Session 6: Chair - John Dickel
- 11:00 Roger Clay "Using low energy cosmic rays to investigate local galactic magnetic fields"
- 11:30 Maik Wolleben "Rotation Measure Synthesis of Diffuse Galactic Emission"
- 12:00 Takuya Akahori "Faraday Rotation Measure due to the Intergalactic Magnetic Field"
- 12:30 Lunch
Session 7: Chair - Andrew Melatos
- 13:30 Shea Brown "Cross-correlation of ATLAS and Spitzer-SWIRE Surveys: Probing intergalactic magnetic fields"
- 14:00 Martin Houde "Characterizing the magnetized turbulent power spectrum through the dispersion of magnetic fields"
------------------- Field generation mechanisms for different scales -------------------
- 14:30 Anvar Shukurov "Galactic dynamo action from small to large scales"
- 15:00 Break
Session 8: Chair - Alex Lazarian
- 15:30 Don Melrose "Coherent emission and giant pulses"
- 16:00 Jungeyon Cho "Small-scale turbulence dynamo and characteristic scales of MHD turbulence"
- 16:30 Kurt Liffman "Magnetic pressure driven jet flow for young stellar systems"
- 17:00 End
Session 9: Chair - Lilia Ferrario
- 09:00 Oliver Gressel "A mean-field approach to discs dynamos - from galaxies to compact binaries"
- 09:30 Andrew Melatos "Magnetic fields of compact objects"
- 10:00 Mohammad Rafat "Linear Acceleration Emission in radio pulsars"
- 10:30 Break
Session 10: Chair - Don Melrose
- 11:00 Alex Lazarian "Fast 3D Reconnection of Weakly stochastic magnetic field and its astrophysical implications"
- 11:30 Alix Verdon "Coupling of electron and ion motions by lower hybrid wave instabilities"
- 12:00 Shane O'Sullivan "Magnetic field geometries, strengths and generation mechanisms in AGN jets"
- 12:30 Francesco Miniati "Resistive Magnetic Field Generation at Cosmic Dawn"
- 13:00 Andrew Roberts "The Earth's magnetic field and the importance of Kiama"
- 13:30 END
Session 11: Chair - Han JinLin
------------------- Field topologies -------------------
- 09:00 Lilia Ferrario "The magnetic properties of main sequence stars, white dwarfs and neutron stars"
- 09:30 Gregg Hallinan "Bridging the gap in magnetospheric physics between Jovian Type Planets and Brown Dwarfs"
- 10:00 Svetlana Berdyugina "Magnetospheres of stars: from brown dwarfs to compact objects"
- 10:30 Break
Session 12: Chair - Christopher Johns-Krull
- 11:00 Stephen Marsden "The magnetic topology of young Suns"
- 11:30 Daniel Price "Magnetic fields: from galaxies to the formation of stars"
- 12:00 Ian Craig "Magnetic reconnection in coronal plasmas"
- 12:30 Lunch
Session 13: Chair - Lisa Harvey-Smith
- 13:30 Jingxiu Wang "Ubiquitous small-scale magnetic fields on the quiet Sun"
- 14:00 Matthew Verdon "Pulsar radio emission"
- 14:30 Gary Ferland "The role of magnetic fields in controlling the structure of HII regions"
- 15:00 Break
Session 14: Chair - Kate Brooks
- 15:30 Mark Heyer "Magnetic Fields in Molecular Clouds"
- 16:00 Paolo Padoan "Magnetic fields in molecular clouds"
- 16:30 Hua-bai Li "Anchoring Galactic Magnetic Fields in Turbulent Molecular Clouds"
- 17:00 END
--- Conference dinner: 19:00-22:00 ---
Session 15: Chair - Bryan Gaensler
- 08:30 Estela Reynoso "A polarisation study of SN 1006"
- 09:00 Robert Braun "The magnetic field topology of Galaxies"
- 09:30 Volker Heesen "Large scale magnetic fields in nearby galaxies"
- 10:00 Sui Ann Mao "The vertical mangetic field of the Milky Way towards the Galactic poles"
- 10:30 Break
Session 16: Chair - Ray Norris
- 11:00 Amanda Kepley "Magnetic fields in starburst galaxies and the magnetization of the intergalactic medium: the case of NGC 1569"
- 11:30 Torsten Ensslin "Galactic and intergalactic magnetic field inference"
- 12:00 Dongsu Ryu "The intergalactic magnetic field and its astrophysical implications"
- 12:30 Lunch
Session 17: Chair - Robert Braun
- 13:30 Kinwah Wu "Magnetic field and polarized radio emission in galaxy clusters and larger scale structures"
- 14:00 Moira Jardine "The multi-wavelength view of magnetic structures"
- 14:30 Klaus Dolag "Linking cosmological magnetic fields from sub galactic scale to clusters of galaxies and beyond with cosmological MHD simulations"
- 15:00 Christoph Pfrommer "Magnetic draping - from space physics to galaxy clusters and cosmology"
- 15:30 Conference wrap-up: R. Braun