1. Blackholes in the early universe and first stages of galaxy formation
Andy Bunker (AAO): "Galaxy evolution at the earliest accessible times"
Stephen Fine (Sydney): "QSOs and the growth of supermassive black holes"
Mark Lacy (CalTech): "High redshift radio galaxies and SMBH evolution"
Roger Windhorst (Arizona): "When during galaxy assembly did AGN growth take place?"
2. Role of mergers and blackholes in galaxy evolution
Michael Brown (Monash): "The Past 8 Billion Years of Red Galaxy Growth"
Warren Brown (CfA): "Hypervelocity stars from galactic nuclei"
Arman Khalatyan (Marseille): "The role of mergers in galaxy evolution"
Chiaki Kobayashi (ANU): "Chemodynamical Simulations of Elliptical Galaxies"
Barney Rickett (San Diego): "Redshift Dependence of Rapid Radio Scintillation from the MASIV survey: Evolution of Compact Radio Jets or Angular Broadening in the IGM ?"
Elaine Sadler (Sydney): "Observational estimates of the black hole mass function and merger rate in massive galaxies"
Julie Comerford (UC Berkeley): "A New Way of Identifying Galaxy Mergers: Offset AGN in Galaxy Merger Remnants in the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey"
3. AGN's as tracers of blackholes and binary blackhole interactions
Scott Croom (Sydney): "AGN hosts and their evolution"
Ron Ekers (ATNF): "Insights into galaxy evolution"
Ilana Feain (ATNF): "The role of SMBH and AGN in galaxy formation"
Matt Jarvis (Herts): "Weighing black holes in active galaxies"
Ken Kellermann (NRAO): "The kinematics of AGN jets"
Raffaella Morganti (ASTRON): "Galaxy mergers and radio galaxies"
Lakshmi Saripalli (RRI): "X-shaped radio sources"
4. Merging black hole theory, gravity wave emission, kicks
Laura Blecha (CfA): "Observable signature of ejected black holes"
Stefanie Komossa (MPE): "Supermassive BBHs, AGN pairs and recoiling SMBHs"
Bence Kocsis (CfA): "Prompt electromagnetic transients during supermassive black hole mergers"
5. Astrophysical Sources of Gravitational Waves
Joan Centrella (GSFC): "Simulating Gravitational Wave Emission from Massive Black Hole Binaries"
Scott Hughes (MIT): "Tracing the growth of black holes through gravitational-wave observations"
Zhonglue Wen (NAO China): "Mergers of luminous early-type galaxies in the local universe and gravitational wave background"
6. Detecting gravitational waves from SMBH binaries
Marta Burgay (Cagliari): "Detecting new pulsars for use in timing array projects"
Sarah Burke (Swinburne): "Implications of GW limits for hierarchical galaxy formation models"
William Coles (UCSD): "Techniques of GW detection using pulsar timing"
George Hobbs (ATNF): "From limits to detection of the GW background"
Rick Jenet (Texas): "What can pulsar timing tell us about the properties of gravitational waves"
Dick Manchester (ATNF): "The Parkes Pulsar Timing Array Project"
Joris Verbiest (Swinburne): "A new limit on the GW background from pulsar timing"
Daniel Yardley (Sydney): "Sensitivity of Pulsar Timing Arrays to Individual Sources of Gravitational Waves"
7. Future Opportunities
David Blair (UWA): "Gravitational wave detection using ground based interferometers"
David Champion (ATNF): "MSP discoveries from the PALFA project"
Na Wang (Urumqi Obs): "Large Radio Telescopes in China"
Sterl Phinney (CalTech) "The relationship between PTAs and other GW detectors"