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Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 11:25:04 2012

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ATNF SNR Publications: 1996 - 2000
DICKEL, J.R., GREEN, A., YE, T. & MILNE, D.K. "The supernova remnant RCW 103 at radio wavelengths". AJ, 111, 340-345 (1996).

DUNCAN, A.R., STEWART, R.T., HAYNES, R.F. & JONES, K.L. "The Vela supernova remnant and the Gum nebula: new perspectives at 2.4 GHz". MNRAS, 280, 252-266 (1996).

KASPI, V.M., MANCHESTER, R.N., JOHNSTON, S., LYNE, A.G. & D'AMICO, N. "A search for radio pulsars in southern supernova remnants". AJ, 111, 2028-2037 (1996).

MILNE, D.K. & DICKEL, J.R. "Radio observations of supernova remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud". IAU Colloq. 145, Supernovae and Supernova Remnants, Xian, China, May 1993, (1996). (eds R. McCray & Z. Wang)

NICASTRO, L., JOHNSTON, S. & KORIBALSKI, B. "Evidence against the association of PSR B1706-44 with SNR G343.1-2.3". A&A, 306, L49-L51 (1996).

STAVELEY-SMITH, L., MANCHESTER, R.N., TZIOUMIS, A.K., REYNOLDS, J.E. & BRIGGS, D.S. "Radio emission from SN 1987 A". IAU Colloq. 145, Supernovae and Supernova Remnants, Xian, China, May 1993, 309 (1996). (eds R. McCray & Z. Wang)

DUNCAN, A.R., STEWART, R.T., HAYNES, R.F. & JONES, K.L. "Supernova remnant candidates from the Parkes 2.4-GHz survey". MNRAS, 287, 722-738 (1997).

DUNCAN, A.R., STEWART, R.T., CAMPBELL-WILSON, D., HAYNES, R.F., ASCHENBACH, B. & JONES, K.L. "Radio observations of the X-ray supernova remnant G272.2-3.2". MNRAS,289, 97-104 (1997).

GAENSLER, B.M., MANCHESTER, R.N., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., TZIOUMIS, A.K., REYNOLDS, J.E. & KESTEVEN, M.J. "The asymmetric radio remnant of SN 1987A". ApJ , 479, 845-858 (1997).

GREEN, A.J., FRAIL, D.A., GOSS, W.M. & OTRUPCEK, R. "Continuation of a survey of OH (1720 MHz) maser emission towards supernova remnants". AJ, 114, 2058-2067 (1997).

WILLIAMS, R.M., CHU, Y-H., DICKEL, J.R., BEYER, R., PETRE, R., SMITH, R.C. & MILNE, D.K. "Supernova remnants in the Large Magellanic cloud I. The colliding remnants DEM L316". ApJ, 480, 618-632 (1997).

DICKEL, J.R. & MILNE, D.K. "Five mature supernova remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud". AJ, 115, 1057-1075 (1998).

GAENSLER, B.M. "The nature of bilateral supernova remnants". ApJ, 493, 781 (1998).

GAENSLER, B.M., GREEN, A.J., DUBNER, G.M., GIACANI, E.B. & GOSS, W.M. "What causes barrel-shaped supernova remnants?" BAAS, 193, 5102 (1998).

GAENSLER, B.M., GREEN, A.J. & MANCHESTER, R.N. "G309.2-00.6 and jets in supernova remnants". MNRAS, 299, 812-824 (1998).

GAENSLER, B.M., MANCHESTER, R.N. & GREEN, A.J. "Radio continuum and HI observations of supernova remnant G296.8-00.3". MNRAS, 296, 813-823 (1998).

GAENSLER, B.M., STAPPERS, B.W., FRAIL, D.A. & JOHNSTON, S. "An unusual pulsar wind nebula associated with PSR B0906-49". ApJ, 499, L63 (1998).

GAENSLER, B.M., TZIOUMIS, A.K., MANCHESTER, R.N., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., REYNOLDS, J.E. & KESTEVEN, M.J. "Super-resolution of the radio remnant of SN 1987A". (ASP Conf. Ser. 144) IAU Colloq. 164: Radio Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Compact Sources, Socorro, NM, 21-26 April 1997, 144, 359-360 (eds Zensus, Wrobek & Taylor), (1998).

KULKARNI, S.R., FRAIL, D.A., WIERINGA, M.H., EKERS, R.D., SADLER, E.M., WARK, R.M., HIGDON, J.L., PHINNEY, E.S. & BLOOM, J.S. "Radio emission from the unusual supernova 1998bw and its association with the gamma-ray burst of 25 April 1998". Nature, 395, 663-669 (1998).

SLANE, P., PLUCINSKY, P., HARRUS, I.M., HUGHES, J.P., GREEN, A.J. & GAENSLER, B.M. "Non-thermal emission from SNR G347.5-0.5: another case of cosmic ray acceleration?" BAAS, 191, 99.04 (1998).

CRAWFORD, KASPI, MANCHESTER, CAMILO, LYNE & D'AMICO "Upper limits on radio emission from the young x-ray pulsars in the supernova remnants G11.2-0.3 and N157B". Proc. Workshop on 'The Relationship between Neutron Stars and Supernova Remnants', Mem. della Societa Atronom. Ital. In: 69, 951-954 (1999).

FILIPOVIC, M.D., PIETSCH, W., WHITE, G.L., HABERL, F., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., JONES, P.A., HAYNES, R.F. & SASAKI, M. "Radio and X-ray study of SNRs in the Magellanic Clouds". IAU Colloq. 192, Cape Town, South Africa, 7-12 September 1998, 104-107 (1999). Published

GAENSLER, B. M. "Barrels, jets and smoke-rings: understanding the bizarre shapes of radio supernova remnants". PhD thesis, University of Sydney, February (1999). Published

GAENSLER, B.M., BRAZIER, K.T.S., MANCHESTER, R.N., JOHNSTON, S. & GREEN, A.J. "SNR G320.4-1.2 and PSR B1509-58: new radio observations of a complex interactive system". MNRAS, 305, 724-736 (1999). Published

GAENSLER, B.M., BRAZIER, K.T.S., MANCHESTER, R.N., JOHNSTON, S. & GREEN, A.J. "Radio observations of G320.4-1.2 and PSR B1509-58". In: 'The Relationship Between Neutron Stars and Supernova Remnants', Mem. della Societa Astronom. Ital., 69, 877-954 (1999). Published

GAENSLER, B.M., MANCHESTER, R.N., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., TZIOUMIS, A.K., REYNOLDS, J.E. & KESTEVEN, M.J. "The radio remnant of SN 1987A". (ASP Conf. Ser. ) SN 1987A: ten years after. 1st CTIO/ESO/LCO Workshop, (1999). In press

ROBERTS, M.S.E., ROMANI, R.W., JOHNSTON, S., GREEN, A.J. "The "Rabbit": a potential radio counterpart of GeV J1417-6100". ApJ, 515, 712-720 (1999). Published

SLANE, P., GAENSLER, B.M., DAME, T.M., HUGHES, J.P., PLUCINSKY, P.P. & GREEN, A. "Nonthermal X-ray emission from the shell-type supernova remnant G347.3-0.5". ApJ, 525, 357-367 (1999). Published

WILLIAMS, R.M., CHU, Y-H., DICKEL, J.R., SMITH, R.C., MILNE, D.K. & WINKLER, P.F. "Supernova remnants in the Magellanic Clouds II: SNR breakouts from N11L and N86". ApJ, 514, 798-817 (1999). Published

DICKEL, J.R., MILNE, D.K. & STROM, R.G. "Radio emission from the composite supernova remnant G326.3-1.8 (MSH 15-56)". ApJ, 543, 840-849 (2000). Published

DUNCAN, A.R. & HAYNES, R.F. "Radio observations of large, southern supernova remnants". A&A, (2000). Submitted

DWARKADAS, V., BALL, L., CASWELL, J., GREEN, A., JOHNSTON, S., SCHMIDT, B., & WARDLE, M. "Supernova Remnants, Pulsars and the Interstellar Medium - Summary of a Workshop Held at USydney, March 1999". PASA, 17, 1 (2000). Published

GAENSLER, B.M., BOCK, D.C-J. & STAPPERS, B.W. "Non-detection of a pulsar-powered nebula in Puppis A, and implications for the nature of the radio-quiet neutron star RX J0822-4300'' ApJ, 537, L35-L38 (2000). Published

GAENSLER, B.M., DICKEL, J.R. & GREEN, A.J. "G328.4+0.2: a large and luminous Crab-like supernova remnant''. ApJ, 542, 380-385 (2000). Published

GAENSLER, B.M., DICKEY, J.M., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M., GREEN, A.J., HAYNES, R.F. & WIERINGA, M.H. "Radio polarization from the inner Galaxy at arcminute resolution". ApJ, 549, (2000). In press

GAENSLER, B.M., MANCHESTER, R.N., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., WHEATON, V., TZIOUMIS, A.K., REYNOLDS, J.E. & KESTEVEN, M.J. "Supernova 1987A: a young supernova remnant in an aspherical progenitor wind" In: 'Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae II: from Origins to Microstructures', (ASP Conf. Series v. 199), 449-452 (2000). Published

GAENSLER, B.M., STAPPERS, B.W., FRAIL, D.A., MOFFETT, D.A., JOHNSTON, S. & CHATTERJEE, S. "Limits on radio emission from pulsar wind nebulae". MNRAS, 318, 58-66 (2000). Published

GAETZ, T.J., BUTT, Y.M., EDGAR, R.J., ERIKSEN, K.A., PLUCINSKY, P.P., SCHLEGEL, E.M. & SMITH, R.K. "Chandra X-ray Observatory arcsecond imaging of the young, oxygen-rich supernova remnant 1E 0102.2-7219". ApJ, 534, L47-L50 (2000). Published

LAZENDIC, J.S., DICKEL, J.R., HAYNES, R.F., JONES, P.A. & WHITE, G.L. "Radio properties of the supernova remnant N157B". ApJ, 540, 808 (2000). Published