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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Apr 8 08:56:33 2016
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sat Apr 9 23:38:30 2016

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: galaxy cluster
Past ATNF co-supervised students

Past ATNF co-supervised students





  • Meng Yu (Bejing University; Jan 2013. Now xxx, China)
    "Pulsar X-ray thermal emission in a solid quark star model & Glitches in southern radio pulsars"



  • Chris Hales (USyd; Dec 2012. Now NRAO, USA)
    "Deep imaging of the radio sky in total intensity and linear polarisation"
  • Stefan Oslowski (USwin; Dec 2012. Now USwin)
    "The highest precision pulsar timing"
  • Yanett Contreras (UChile; May 2012. Now ATNF)
    "The nature of filamentary structures of dense molecular gas in the Galactic Plane"
  • Lina Levin Preston (USwin; Jun 2012. Now University of West Virginia, USA)
    "A Search for Radio Pulsars: from Millisecond Pulsars to Magnetars"
  • Rajan Chhetri (UNSW; June 2012)
    "Quasars, Radio Galaxies and Gravitational Lenses in the High Radio Frequency Universe"
  • Luke Hindson (University of Hertfordshire; Jun 2012. UVictoria, NZ)
    "The G305 star forming complex: a panoramic view of the environment and star formation"
  • Minnie Mao (UTas; May 2012. Now NRAO, USA)
    "Cosmic evolution of radio sources in ATLAS"
  • Kate Chow (nee Randall) (USyd; Mar 2012)
    "The evolution of young radio sources and the milliJansky radio source population"
  • Andres Guzman (UChile; Jan 2012. Now CfA, Boston)
    "Ionized jets and molecular outflows in high-mass young stellar objects"



  • Elizabeth Mahony (USyd; Nov 2011. Now ASTRON, NL)
    "Unveiling the high-frequency radio source population"
  • Tye Young (Honours Thesis. ANU; Oct 2011)
    "Mapping interstellar molecular emission lines with the Tidbinbilla 70m radio telescope"
  • Sui-Ann Mao (Harvard University; Oct 2011. Now Jansky Fellow at UWisconsin, Madison, USA)
    "Magnetic Fields in the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds"
  • Keith Bannister (USyd; Sep 2011. Now ATNF)
    "Radio Transients: Surveys and Techniques"
  • Laura Bonavera (SISSA; Sep 2011. Now Cantabria, Spain)
    "Spectra of Extragalactic Radio Sources After Planck"
  • Doug Hayman (UMacquarie; Aug 2011. ATNF staff).
    "Beamforming and Evaluation of Focal Plane Arrays for Radio Astronomy"
  • Aquib Moin (UCurtin; ? 2011. Now Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China)
    "e-VLBI Science with LBA. Exploring Science Applications for the Long Baseline Component of ASKAP"
  • Daniel Yardley (USyd; May 2011).
    "Studying Gravitational Waves With Pulsars: Results from the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array"
  • Annie Hughes (USwin; Mar 2011. Now MPIA Heidelberg, Germany)
    "Molecular Gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud"



  • Joanne Dawson (University of Nagoya, Japan; Dec 2010. Now UTas)
    "Supershells as Molecular Cloud Factories in the Evolving ISM: Observations of HI and 12CO in the Galactic Supershells GSH 287+04-17 and GSH 277+00+36"
  • Sarah Burke-Spolaor (USwin; Oct 2010. Now JPL, USA)
    "Supermassive Black Hole Binaries and Transient Radio Events: Studies in Pulsar Astronomy"
  • Deanna Matthews (LaTrobe University; Oct 2010)
    "The Magellanic Stream South of 0 degr Declination - A High-Resolution ATCA and Parkes HI Investigation"
  • Natasa Vranesevic (USyd; Sep 2010)
    "Galactic distribution and evolution of pulsars"
  • Shari Breen (UTas; Sep 2010. Now ATNF)
    "Masers as evolutionary tracers of high-mass star formation"
  • Emma Kirby (ANU; Aug 2010. Now in Canberra)
    "Turning the time arrow: an evolutionary history of the local universe"
  • Urvashi Rau (UNM; May 2010. Now NRAO, USA)
    "Parameterized Deconvolution for Wide-Band Radio Synthesis Imaging"
  • Paul Hancock (USyd; Jul 2010. Now USyd)
    "The Australia Telescope 20 GHz Survey and the Search for Young Radio Galaxies"
  • Alyson Ford (USwin; Jul 2010. Now UMichigan, USA)
    "The HI Cloud Population in the Lower Halo of the Milky Way"
  • Rebecca McFadden (UMelb; Mar 2010. Now ASTRON, NL)
    "UHE neutrino detection using the Lunar Cerenkov technique"
  • Attila Popping (University of Groningen; Jan 2010. Now ICRAR)
    "Diffuse neutral hydrogen in the Local Universe"
  • á 


    Jamie McCallum (UTas; Nov 2009. Now UTas)
    "Scintillation in Circinus"

  • Katherine Newton-McGee (USyd; Oct 2009. Now in Canberra)
    "Radio Polarimetry as a probe of interstellar magnetism"
  • Leith Godfrey (ANU; Dec 2009. Now Curtin University)
    "Dynamics of large-scale extragalctic jets: a multi-wavelength study of X-ray bright jets"
  • Aaron Chippendale (USyd; Sep 2009. Now ATNF)
    "Detecting Cosmological Reionization on Large Scales Through the 21-cm HI Line"
  • Joris Verbiest (USwin; Jun 2009. Now MPIfR Bonn, Germany)
    "Long-Term Timing of Millisecond Pulsars and Gravitational Wave Detection"
  • Nadia Lo (UNSW; May 2009. Now UChile?)
    "A Multi-molecular Line Study of an Entire Giant Molecular Cloud"
  • Emil Lenc (USwin; Feb 2009. Now USyd)
    "Studies of radio galaxies and starburst galaxies using wide-field, high spatial resolution radio imaging"
  • Adam Deller (USwin; Jan 2009. Now NRAO, USA)
    "Precision VLBI astrometry: Instrumentation, algorithms and pulsar parallax determinations"
  • Marcella Massardi (SISSA, Trieste; Oct 2008. Now INAF, Italy)
    "The extragalactic sources at mm wavelengths and their role as CMB foregrounds"
  • Martin Leung (USyd; July 2008)
    "A wideband feed for a cylindrical radio telescope"
  • Janine van Eymeren (Bochum University; June 2008. Now University of Duisburg, Germany)
    "Gas Kinematics in the Haloes of Nearby Irregular Dwarf Galaxies"
  • Vicky Safouris (ANU; June 2008)
    "Environmental Influence on the Evolution of Jets from Active Galactic Nuclei"
  • Xiaopeng You (Chinese Academy; June 2007. Now Southwest University, China)
    "The propagation of pulse signals in interstellar medium and their effect on the detection of gravitational waves"
  • Ivy Wong (UMelb; Sep 2007. Now ATNF)
    "Star formation and galaxy evolution of the Local Universe based on HIPASS"
  • Steven Longmore (UNSW; May? 2007. Now Boston, USA)
    "The Cradle of Galactic Superpowers - Studying the Natal Environment of Massive Stars"
  • Jess O'Brien (ANU; Apr 2007)
    "Probing the shape of dark halos of thin edge-on disk galaxies"
  • Haydon Knight (USwin; Jan 2007)
    "Pulsar Applications of Baseband Recording"
  • Rachel Deacon (USyd; Oct 2006)
    "Magnetic fields and companion stars: Behind the shaping of planetary nebulae"
  • Sebastian Gurovich (ANU; Aug 2006)
    "An observational study of the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation"
  • Antoine Bouchard (ANU; June 2006. Now McGill University, Canada)
    "The interstellar medium and evolution of dwarf galaxies in nearby galaxy groups"
  • Ilana Feain (USyd; June 2006. Now ATNF)
    "Active galaxies at high redshift: gas, jets and star formation"
  • Aidan Hotan (USwin; July 2006. Now ATNF)
    "High-Precision Observations of Relativistic Binary and Millisecond Pulsars"
  • Jamie Stevens (UMelb; Dec 2005. Now ATNF)
    "Neutral Hydrogen in Galaxy Groups"
  • Meryl Waugh (UMelb; Oct 2005)
    "Neutral Hydrogen in Fornax and Eridanus - Blind Basketweaving for Beginners"
  • Bradley Warren (ANU; Mar 2005. Now UWA/ICRAR)
    "The Nature of High HI Mass-to-Light Ratio Field Galaxies"
  • Erik Muller (UWollongong; Sep 2004. Now Tokyo University, Japan)
    "High resolution studies of the HI in the Western Magellanic Bridge"
  • Daniel Mitchell (USyd; July 2004)
    "Interference Mitigation in Radio Astronomy"
  • Catherine Buchanan (ANU; June 2004. Now Melbourne University)
    "Radio-Excess IRAS Galaxies"
  • Gianni Bernardi (University of Bologna, Italy; Apr 2004. Now Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, NL)
    "Diffuse Galactic polarised synchrotron radiation as foreground for CMB experiments"
  • Roberto Ricci (University of Trieste, Italy; Apr 2004. Now University of Calgary, Canada)
    "High Frequency Properties of Extragalactic Sources"
  • Minh Huynh (ANU, 2004. Now UWA/ICRAR)
    "Constraining the star formation history of galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field South region with sensitive radio data"
  • Emma Ryan-Weber (UMel; Jan 2004. Now Swinburne University)
    "Neutral Hydrogen in Galaxies and the Intergalactic Medium"
  • Hayley Bignall (UAdelaide; Feb 2003. Now Curtin University)
    "Radio Variability and Interstellar Scintillation of Blazars"
  • Melanie Johnston-Hollitt (UAdelaide, July 2003. Now Victoria University, NZ)
    "Detection of Magnetic Fields and Diffuse Radio Emission in Abell 3667 and other Rich Southern Clusters of Galaxies"
  • Martin Anderson (UWS; Feb 2003. Now Sydney Observatory)
    "A Radio Survey of Selected Fields from the ROSAT All Sky Survey"
  • Boris Babic (UQ; xxx 2003)
    "Mass distribution in rich clusters of galaxies"
  • Scott Gordon (UQ; Jan 2003)
    "Radio Studies of Southern Interacting Galaxies"
  • Paul Roberts (USyd; Jan 2003. Now ATNF)
    "Components for Wide Bandwidth Signal Processing in Radio Astronomy"
  • Jasmina Lazendic (USyd; Mar 2002. Now Monash University)
    "Molecular Diagnostics of Supernova Remnant Shocks"
  • Christian Bruens (University of Bonn, Germany; Dec 2002)
    "The Gaseous Arms od the Magellanic System and other High-Velocity Clouds"
  • David Legge (UTas; Mar 2002)
    "Accurate Astrometry of Southern Pulsars"
  • Maria Hunt (UWS, Feb 2002. Now UNSW)
    "Molecular Spectral Line Observations of Southern Molecular Clouds"
  • Wheaton Vivienne (USyd; 2002)
    "Hydrodynamical Models and an investigation into radio emission from SNR 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud"
  • Virginia Kilborn (UMelb, May 2001. Now USwin)
    "The Large-Scale Distribution of Neutral Hydrogen in the Local Universe"
  • Sebastian Juraszek (USyd, 2001. Now USyd)
    "A Study of Galaxies behind the Milky Way"
  • Thu Hoang Ngoc (UNSW, xxx)
    "Where is the Eye of the Tornado Nebula?"
  • Martin Ott (University of Bonn, Germnay; xxx)
    "Atomic and molecular gas in the starburst galaxy NGC 4945"
  • Ruisheng Peng (UNSW, xxx)
    "Southern Molecular Clouds at CH3OH 20r3-1E Transition"
  • Robert Minchin (Cardiff, U.K.; Nov 2001. Now Arecibo Observatory)
    "Properties of galaxies found in a deep blind neutral hydrogen survey"
  • Nina Wang (Urumqi Astronomical Observatory, China)
    "Pulsar Timing and Scintillation Studies"
  • Kate Brooks (UNSW, Oct 2000. Now ATNF)
    "An investigation of the Carina Nebula"
  • Mary Putman (ANU, xxx. Now University of Michigan, USA)
    "Mapping the Galaxy's Neutral Hydrogen Halo"
  • David Rayner (UTas, xxx 2000. Now QE Department of Natural Resources)
    "Circular polarization of active galaxies"
  • Jagmit Sandhu (USA, xxx 1998?. Now xxx)
    "High precision timing of millisecond pulsars"
  • Niven Tasker (UMacquarie, Feb? 2000. Now xxx)
    "Identifications from the PMN Southern Survey"
  • Thomas Tauris (Aarhus University, Denmark, Jun 1997. Now University of Bonn, Germany)
    "Formation and Evolution of Binary Millisecond Pulsars"
  • David Abbott (USyd, Oct 1999; Now CSIRO)
    "Correcting Atmospheric Distortion in Short-Wavelength Radio Observations from Tropospheric Water-Vapour Soundings""
  • Richard Gooch (USyd, July 1999. Now xxx, Canada)
    "Advanced visualisation techniques to handle astronomical data cubes and images"
  • Duncan Roy (UQ, xxx)
    "Large-Scale Radio Structure in the Southern Galaxy at 2.4 GHz"
  • Bryan Gaensler (USyd, Feb 1999. Now USyd)
    "Barrels, jets and smoke-rings: Understanding the bizarre shapes of radio supernova remnants"
  • Gareth Banks (University of Wales, Dec 1998)
    "21cm Blind searches for galaxies"
  • Lucyna Kedziora-Chudczer (USyd, Dec 1998. Now UNSW)
    "The Study of Intraday Variability of Extragalactic Compact Radio Sources"
  • Alan McPhail (UMacquarie, Sep 1999)
    "Non-linear iterative image reconstruction techniques for images with known point-spread function"
  • Snezana Stanimirovic (UWS, July 1998. Now University of Wisconsin Madison, USA)
    "Complex Nature of the ISM in the SMC"
  • Marc Elmouttie (UQ; June 1998. Now CSIRO Exploration & Mining)
    "A multi-frequency investigation of t he nuclear activity in the Circinus galaxy"
  • Mark Bransford (UMelb, May 1998)
    "Star formation in collisional ring galaxies and the circumnuclear regions of active galactic nuclei"
  • Jon Bell (ANU, xxx. Now xxx)
    "Binary and Millisecond Radio Pulsars"
  • Sungeun Kim (ANU, Apr 1998. Now Sejong University, South Korea)
    "An HI aperture synthesis mosaic and Halpha survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud"
  • David Barnes (UMelb, Apr 1998. Now Melbourne University)
    "Neutral Hydrogen in the Nearby Universe"
  • Chris Phillips (UTas, Jan 1998. Now ATNF)
    "Class II Methanol Masers and their environment at high resolution"
  • Edward King (UTas, xxx. Now xxx)
    "Compact Structure in Southern Peaked Spectrum Radio Sources"
  • Derek McKay (UNSW, xxx. Now xxx, UK)
    "Pointing Techniques for Radiotelescopes"
  • Sally Houghton (UNSW, Jan 1998)
    "A study of some southern spirals: Goldilocks and the Three Bars"
  • Isabella Prandoni (Bologna - ?. Now IRA, Bologna, Italy)
    "ATESP survey"
  • Jim Lovell (UTas; 1997. Now UTas)
    "Southern Radio Gravitational Lens Survey and Observations"
  • Wilfred Walsh (UNSW; 1997. Now in Singapore.)
    "Studies of Dwarf Galaxies and missing dark matter"
  • Brett Wells (ANU; 1997. Now Royal North Shore Hospital)
    "FIR-Radio continuum correlation in star-forming galaxies"
  • Ben Stappers (ANU; Sep 1997. Now Jodrell Bank, UK)
    "Observations of Eclipsing and Binary Pulsars"
  • Haida Liang (ANU; 1996. Now Nottingham Trent University, UK)
    "Distribution of Matter in Clusters of Galaxies"
  • Miroslav Filipovic (UWS; 1996. Now UWS)
    "A Multi-Frequency Investigation of Discrete Sources in the Magellanic Clouds"
  • Simon Ellingsen (UTas; 1996. Now UTas)
    "Class II Methanol Masers in Star Formation Regions"
  • Steven Tingay (ANU, 1996. Now Curtin University)
    "Parsec and Sub-Parsec-Scale Structure and Evolution in Nearby Compact Radio Sources and Relationships to Emission at other Wavelengths"
  • Matthias Ehle (University of Bonn, Germany; Mar 1995. Now ESA, Spain)
    "Characteristics of the diffuse interstellar medium of the nearby galaxies M51, M83 and NGC 1566 - based on X-ray and radiocontinuum observations"
  • Alan Roy (USyd, Nov 1994. Now MPIfR Bonn, Germany)
    "Active Galaxy Unififaction: Radio and Far-Infrared Studies"
  • Clive Robinson (Manchester, UK; Sep 1994)
    "Pulsars & Globular Clusters"
  • Duncan Lorimer (University of Manchester; 1994. Now University of West Virginia, USA)
    "The Galactic Population of Millisecond and Normal Pulsars"
  • Andrew Gray (USyd, 1994. Now DRAO, Canada)
    "Radio observations of sources near the galactic centre"
  • Vicki Kaspi (Princeton University, 1993. Now McGill University)
    "Applications of Pulsar Timing"
  • Simon Johnston (University of Manchester; Nov 1990. Now ATNF)
    "A high frequency survey of the southern galactic plane for pulsars"
  • Matthew Bailes (ANU; 1989. Now USwin)
  • Norbert Junkes (University of Bonn, Germany; Aug 1989. Now MPIfR Bonn, Germany)
    "CO-Shells, HI-Holes and Protostars. Evolution of Supernova Remnants in the Interstellar Medium"



Created by B. Koribalski - last up-dated on the 6th of February 2013 by B. Koribalski


Staff space