Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/Sebastian.Haan/publications.html
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Unknown
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 03:11:17 2016
Êîäèðîâêà: IBM-866

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: star
Homepage - Sebastian Haan

Refereed Journals

Sebastian Haan and Robert Braun
A Kinematic Measurement of Ram Pressure in the Outer Disk of Regular Galaxies

Sabrina Stierwalt, Lee Armus, Vassilis Charmandaris, Tanio Diaz-Santos, Jason Marshall, Aaron Evans, Sebastian Haan, Justin Howell, and 8 coauthors
Mid-Infrared Properties of Luminous Infrared Galaxies II: Probing the Dust and Gas Physics of the GOALS Sample

D†íaz-Santos, T.; Armus, L.; Charmandaris, V.; Stacey, G.; Murphy, E. J.; Haan, S.; Stierwalt, S.; Malhotra, S.; Appleton, P.; Inami, H.; and 13 coauthors
Extended [C II] Emission in Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies

Haan, S.; R. Braun
On the Formation of Warped Gas Disks in Galaxies
(Supplementary data: Simulation of the formation of a warped gas disk in a galactic potential under uniform ram pressure . Note this movie is 30Mb in size.)

Xu, C. K.; Cao, C.; Lu, N.; Gao, Y.; van der Werf, P.; Evans, A. S.; Mazzarella, J. M.; Chu, J.; Haan, S.; Diaz-Santos, T.; and 10 coauthors
ALMA Observations of Warm Molecular Gas and Cold Dust in NGC 34

Inami, H.; Armus, L.; Charmandaris, V.; Groves, B.; Kewley, L.; Petric, A.; Stierwalt, S.; D†íaz-Santos, T.; Surace, J.; Rich, J.;Haan, S.; and 10 coauthors
Mid-infrared Atomic Fine-structure Emission-line Spectra of Luminous Infrared Galaxies: Spitzer/IRS Spectra of the GOALS Sample

Haan, S.; Armus, L.; Surace, J. A.; Charmandaris, V.; Evans, A. S.; Diaz-Santos, T.; Melbourne, J. L.; Mazzarella, J. M.; Howell, J. H.; Stierwalt, S.; and 8 coauthors
The build-up of nuclear stellar cusps in extreme starburst galaxies and major mergers

Diaz-Santos, T.; Armus, L.; Charmandaris, V.; Stierwalt, S.; Murphy, E. J.; Haan, S.; Inami, H.; Malhotra, S.; Meijerink, R.; Stacey, G.; and 19 coauthors
Explaining the [CII]158um Deficit in Luminous Infrared Galaxies - First Results from a Herschel/PACS Study of the GOALS Sample

van der Laan, T. P. R.; Schinnerer, E.; Emsellem, E.; Meidt, S.; Dumas, G.; Boeker, T.; Hunt, L.; Haan, S.; Mundell, C.; Wozniak, H.
Explaining two circumnuclear star forming rings in NGC 5248

Kim, D.-C.; Evans, A. S.; Vavilkin, T.; Armus, L.; Mazzarella, J. M.; Sheth, K.; Surace, J. A.;Haan, S.; Howell, J. H.; D†íaz-Santos, T.; and 4 coauthors
Hubble Space Telescope ACS Imaging of the GOALS Sample: Quantitative Structural Properties of Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies with L_IR > 10^{11.4} L_sun

Stierwalt, S.; Armus, L.; Surace, J. A.; Inami, H.; Petric, A. O.; Diaz-Santos, T.; Haan, S.; Charmandaris, V.; Howell, J.; Kim, D. C.; and 23 coauthors
Mid-Infrared Properties of Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies I: Spitzer IRS Spectra for the GOALS Sample

U, Vivian; Sanders, D. B.; Mazzarella, J. M.; Evans, A. S.; Howell, J. H.; Surace, J. A.; Armus, L.; Iwasawa, K.; Kim, D.-C.; Casey, C. M.; and 12 coauthors
Spectral Energy Distributions of Local Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

Mazzarella, J. M.; Iwasawa, K.; Vavilkin, T.; Armus, L.; Kim, D.-C.; Bothun, G.; Evans, A. S.; Spoon, H. W. W.; Haan, S.; Howell, J. H.; and 17 coauthors
Investigation of Dual Active Nuclei, Outflows, Shock-heated Gas, and Young Star Clusters in Markarian 266

Haan, S.; Armus, L.; Laine, S.; Charmandaris, V.; Smith, J. D.; Schweizer, F.; Brandl, B.; Evans, A. S.; Surace, J. A.; Diaz-Santos, T.; and 6 coauthors
Spitzer IRS Spectral Mapping of the Toomre Sequence: Spatial Variations of PAH, Gas, and Dust Properties in nearby Major Mergers

D†íaz-Santos, T.; Charmandaris, V.; Armus, L.; Stierwalt, S.; Haan, S.; Mazzarella, J. M.; Howell, J. H.; Veilleux, S.; Murphy, E. J.; Petric, A. O.; and 4 coauthors
The Spatial Extent of (U)LIRGS in the Mid-infrared. II. Feature Emission

Leroy, Adam K.; Evans, Aaron S.; Momjian, Emmanuel; Murphy, Eric; Ott, J†®rgen; Armus, Lee; Condon, James; Haan, Sebastian; Mazzarella, Joseph M.; Meier, David S.; and 4 coauthors
Complex Radio Spectral Energy Distributions in Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

van der Laan, T. P. R.; Schinnerer, E.; Boone, F.; Garc†ía-Burillo, S.; Combes, F.; Haan, S.; Leon, S.; Hunt, L.; Baker, A. J.
Molecular gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA). XV. Molecular gas kinematics in the inner 3 kpc of NGC 6951

Petric, A. O.; Armus, L.; Howell, J.; Chan, B.; Mazzarella, J. M.; Evans, A. S.; Surace, J. A.; Sanders, D.; Appleton, P.; Charmandaris, V.; and 14 coauthors
Mid-Infrared Spectral Diagnostics of Luminous Infrared Galaxies

Haan, S.; Surace, J. A.; Armus, L.; Evans, A. S.; Howell, J. H.; Mazzarella, J. M.; Kim, D. C.; Vavilkin, T.; Inami, H.; Sanders, D. B.; and 9 coauthors
The Nuclear Structure in Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies: Hubble Space Telescope NICMOS Imaging of the GOALS Sample

D†íaz-Santos, T.; Charmandaris, V.; Armus, L.; Petric, A. O.; Howell, J. H.; Murphy, E. J.; Mazzarella, J. M.; Veilleux, S.; Bothun, G.; Inami, H.; and 7 coauthors
The Spatial Extent of (U)LIRGs in the Mid-infrared. I. The Continuum Emission

Inami, H.; Armus, L.; Surace, J. A.; Mazzarella, J. M.; Evans, A. S.; Sanders, D. B.; Howell, J. H.; Petric, A.; Vavilkin, T.; Iwasawa, K.; and 24 coauthors
The Buried Starburst in the Interacting Galaxy II Zw 096 as Revealed by the Spitzer Space Telescope

Howell, Justin H.; Armus, Lee; Mazzarella, Joseph M.; Evans, Aaron S.; Surace, Jason A.; Sanders, David B.; Petric, Andreea; Appleton, Phil; Bothun, Greg; Bridge, Carrie; and 14 coauthors
The Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey: Comparison of Ultraviolet and Far-infrared Properties

Armus, L.; Mazzarella, J. M.; Evans, A. S.; Surace, J. A.; Sanders, D. B.; Iwasawa, K.; Frayer, D. T.; Howell, J. H.; Chan, B.; Petric, A.; and 24 coauthors
GOALS: The Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey

Garc†ía-Burillo, S.; Fern†ández-Garc†ía, S.; Combes, F.; Hunt, L. K.; Haan, S.; Schinnerer, E.; Boone, F.; Krips, M.; M†árquez, I.
Molecular gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA). XI. A complete gravity torque map of NGC 4579: new clues to bar evolution

Haan, Sebastian; Schinnerer, Eva; Emsellem, Eric; Garc†ía-Burillo, Santiago; Combes, Francoise; Mundell, Carole G.; Rix, Hans-Walter
Dynamical Evolution of AGN Host GalaxiesòÀÔGas In/Out-Flow Rates in Seven NUGA Galaxies

Haan, Sebastian; Schinnerer, Eva; Mundell, Carole G.; Garc†ía-Burillo, Santiago; Combes, Francoise
Atomic Hydrogen Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei Host Galaxies: H I in 16 Nuclei of Galaxies (nuga) Sources

Mundell, C. G.; Dumas, G.; Schinnerer, E.; Nagar, N.; Haan, S.; Wilcots, E.; Wilson, A. S.; Emsellem, E.; Ferruit, P.; Peletier, R. F.; de Zeeuw, P. T.
3D studies of neutral and ionised gas and stars in seyfert and inactive galaxies

Conference Contributions

Haan, Sebastian; Surace, Jason; Armus, Lee; Evans, Aaron
Probing the Build-Up of Stellar Mass in the Center of IR Luminous Major Mergers with HST

Haan, S.
Spatial Variations and Evolution of PAH, Gas, and Dust Properties in Nearby Major Mergers

Haan, Sebastian
Probing AGN Fuelling and the Build-Up of Stellar Mass in the Center of IR Luminous Major Mergers with HST

Haan, Sebastian; Surace, J.; Armus, L.; GOALS
The Nuclear Structure of (Ultra) Luminous Infrared Galaxies in the Nearby Universe

Armus, Lee; Petric, A.; Howell, J.; Evans, A.; Mazzarella, J.; Surace, J.; Sanders, D.; Haan, S.; Inami, H.; Chan, B.; Stierwalt, S.
Mid Infrared and UV Properties of Luminous Infrared Galaxies in the GOALS Survey

Haan, Sebastian; Schinnerer, E.; Emsellem, E.; Garcia-Burillo, S.; Combes, F.; Mundell, C. G.; Rix, H.
Gas Inflow Rates in Nearby Active Spiral Galaxies

Haan, S.; Schinnerer, E.; Mundell, C. G.; Combes, F.; Garc†ía-Burillo, S.; Emsellem, E.
Feeding black holes: tracing gas flows from the outskirts to the centers of galaxies

Haan, S.; Schinnerer, E.; Mundell, C. G.; Combes, F.; Garc†ía-Burillo, S.; Emsellem, E.
Feeding Active Galaxies: Gas Dynamics from the Outskirts to the Very Center

Haan, Sebastian; Schinnerer, E.; Mundell, C.; Combes, F.; Garcia-Burillo, S.; Emsellem, E.
Feeding Black Holes: Gas Inflow Rates in Nearby AGN Galaxies

Haan, Sebastian; Schinnerer, Eva; Mundell, Carole G.; Combes, Francoise; Garcia-Burillo, Santiago; Emsellem, Eric
Gas Inflow Rates in Nearby AGN Galaxies

Haan, S.; Schinnerer, E.; Mundell, C. G.; Garc†ía-Burillo, S.; Combes, F.
Gas Dynamics in AGN Galaxies: First Results of the HI-NUGA Survey

Doctoral Thesis

Diploma Thesis