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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Jun 30 10:01:25 2015
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 02:29:07 2016

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: dust disk
Peter Kamphuis Curriculum Vitae
Contact Information Australia National Telescope Facility CSIRO Astronomy & Space Science PO Box 76 1710 Epping NSW Sydney, Australia Phone: +61 2 9372 4129 Fax: E-mail: peterkamphuisastronomy@gmail.com WWW: http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/Peter.Kamphuis

Citizenship Research Interests Research Experience

the Netherlands Galactic Dynamics, H, Fabry-P´rot, H i Interferometry, IFU Spectroscopy, Galactic e Halos, Spiral Galaxies, Warps, Cold Gas Accretion, Galaxy Structure & Evolution OCE Postdo ctoral Research Fellow, Australia Telescope National Facility, CASS Main pro ject: WALLABY Kinematics: Automated Tilted Ring Fitting (1st March 2012 - ...) · Host: Dr. B. Koribalski Humb oldt Research Fellow, Astronomisches Institut Ruhr-Universit¨t Bochum, Gera many Main pro ject: The Origin of Warps and Truncations (1st April 2010 - 1st February 2012) · Host: Professor R.-J. Dettmar a Post Do ctoral Research Fellow, Astronomisches Institut Ruhr-Universit¨t Bochum, Germany Main pro ject: Galactic Halos (1st July 2009 - 1st April 2010) · Host: Professor R.-J. Dettmar


Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands Ph.D., Astronomy & Astrophysics (graduation date: November 7 2008) · Thesis Title: 'The Structure and Kinematics of Halos in Disk Galaxies' · Advisors: Professor R.F. Peletier, Professor P.C. van der Kruit Language Centre, University of Groningen, The Netherlands Course, Languages, September 2005 ­ December 2005 · Publishing in English Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands M.Sc., Astronomy & Astrophysics, September 1997 ­ September 2003 · Thesis Title:"The Formation of Population III stars in the Presence of a Radiation Field" · Advisor: Professor M.C. Spaans

Team Membership

HALOGAS MHONGHOOSE W N SH S WALLABY, sp ecifically active in the kinematics group LVHIS

Conference attendance

2/2015: 11/2014: 11/2014: 3/2014: 3/2014: 12/2013: 6/2013: 6 9 5 9 9 6 / / / / / / 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 : : : : : :

3/2011: 9/2010: 8/2010: 12/2006: 10/2006: 7/2006: 10/2005: 7/2005: 10/2004: 6/2004: 5/2004: 5/2003: 5/2002: Teaching experience

Computational and Simulation Sciences and eResearch, Melbourne Australia Bolton Symposium, Sydney, Australia The Periphery of Disks, Sydney, Australia PHISCC Meeting, Dwingeloo, the Netherlands 3D2014: Gas and stars in galaxies: A multi-wavelength 3D perspective Astroinformatics: Knowledge from Data, Sydney, Australia Southern Cross: Feeding, Feedback, & Fireworks, Hamilton Island, Australia RFI & PHISCC Meeting, Sydney, Australia AG Meeting, Hamburg, Germany HALOGAS Workshop Las Cruces, U.S. HALOGAS Workshop Bochum, Germany AG Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany "Gas in Galaxies: from Cosmic Web to Molecular Clouds" conference HALOGAS Workshop Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S. JENAM 2010. HALOGAS Workshop Dwingeloo, the Netherlands Bochum-Bonn Extragalactic Astronomy Meeting "High Velocity Clouds and the Origin of Neutral Gas in Nearby Galaxies" conference. Workshop "Fate of gas in galaxies" Workshop "Outer edges of disk galaxies: A truncated perspective" "Islands Universes" conference NOVA fall school 2004 (Dwingeloo) "Extra planar gas" conference (Dwingeloo) Dutch astronomers conference (NAC) 2004 Dutch astronomers conference (NAC) 2003 Dutch astronomers conference (NAC) 2002

CSIRO Astronomy & Space Science & Macquarie University Supervision, 1 / 2 0 1 4 -1 0 / 2 0 1 4 : Master Student T. Day (Macquarie University) "The Distribution and Kinematics of Neutral Hydrogen in the Inner Disc and Spiral Arms of the Grand Design Spiral Galaxy M83" Summer student T. Day (Macquarie University) "Extra-planar Gas in Early Type Galaxies" ASTR 310 pro ject, Md Iftheker Chowdury (Macquarie University) & Thomas Reichhardt (Macquarie University) "Dark Matter Distributions in Edge-On Galaxies" co-supervision of P. Voigtl¨nder (Ruhr Universit¨t Bochum) for his a a pro ject "The kinematics of the diffuse ionized gas in NGC 4666"

1 2 / 2 0 1 2 -2 / 2 0 1 3 : 8 -1 1 / 2 0 1 3 :

4 -2 0 1 1 / 5 -2 0 1 2 :

Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands Teaching Assistant, 2 -6 / 2 0 0 5 : 4 -6 / 2 0 0 4 : "Astrophysics A" lectured by Dr. L.V.E. Koopmans and Dr. S. Zaroubi. "Stellar structure and evolution" lectured by Dr. S.C. Trager

Observational Experience

Extensive experience writing proposals for optical and interferometer telescopes for various instruments. Multiple times Duty Astronomer at the Australia Telescope Compact Array, Narrabri, Australia. Observed many times with the Compact Array 7/2014: 1 1 -1 2 / 2 0 1 2 : 2/2011: 1/2005: 10/2003: 2 runs with the Parkes Telescope, Parkes, Australia. 200+ hrs with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, Narrabri, Australia. 3 nights of imaging with the INT at La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. 8 nights of imaging with the 2.4m telescope at MDM observatory, Arizona, U.S.A. 7 nights of imaging with the 1.3m telescope at MDM observatory, Arizona, U.S.A.


Experienced presenter on several sub jects such as Gaseous Halos, Warps & Automated Tilted Ring Fitting. Oral presentations at most of the attended conferences. Additionally I have given the following seminars at individual institutes: 6/2014: 11/2013: 4/2013: 4/2013: 9/2012: "Modelling for Large Neutral Hydrogen Surveys", CINESPA, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica. "Towards a WALLABY kinematics pipeline", ICRAR, Australia. "The Extra-planar ISM of Spiral Galaxies", Sydney Institute for Astronomy, Australia. "The Extra-planar ISM of Spiral Galaxies", Macquarie University, Australia. "Automated retrieval of kinematical parameters in HI Surveys", Ruhr Universit¨t Bochum, Germany. a "Gaseous Halos of Spiral Galaxies", Tartu Observatory, Estonia. "Gaseous Halos of Spiral Galaxies", CSIRO Astronomy & Space Sciences, Australia. "Gaseous Halos of Spiral Galaxies", Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Germany. "Gaseous Halos", Michigan State University, USA. "The Structure and Kinematics of Halos in Disk Galaxies", Jagiellonian University, Poland. "The Structure and Kinematics of Halos in Disk Galaxies", Ruhr Universit¨t Bochum, Germany. a "The Structure and Kinematics of Halos in Disk Galaxies", Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, the Netherlands. "A Dust Component 2 kpc Above the Plane in NGC 891", Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, the Netherlands. "Kinematics of Diffuse Ionized Gas in the Disk Halo Interface of NGC 891 from Fabry-P´rot Observations", e Johns Hopkins University, USA.

8/2012: 5/2012: 11/2011: 3/2010: 6/2010: 1/2010: 10/2008: 7/2007: 3/2007:

Other relevant experience

2015 2014 2013-... 2013: 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 4 : 2011: 2009: 2 0 0 8 -2 0 0 9 : 2005: 2 0 0 4 -2 0 0 5 : 2 0 0 1 -2 0 0 2 :

Organizer of the ATNF Data Reduction Workshop, Sydney, Australia Chair of SOC & LOC for the international Conference "The Periphery of Disks", Sydney, Australia Head of Compact Array Forum to Coordinate Astro group support of Operations. Organizer of Astro Science meetings at ATNF. Organizer of joint Hi lunch of CASS, Sydney University and AAO in Sydney Australia. Organizing HALOGAS Workshop Bochum. Organization of the WHISP database and constructing its website. Citation Analysis of Dutch Astronomy through the use of ADS. Member of LOC for Islands Universes conference. Organizer of the Wednesdaylunch at Kapteyn Astronomical Institute Groningen. Student member on the educational board Kapteyn Astronomical Institute Groningen.


A IDL, L TEX, HTML, PHP, Matlab, IRAF, GIPSY, Fortran, MIRIAD, C, Python


Dutch (native), English (fluent), German (advanced), Spanish (basic).

Peter Kamphuis Bibliography
Refereed Publications

"Automated Kinematic Modelling of Warped Galaxy Discs in Large HI Surveys I: 3D Tilted Ring Fitting of HI Emission Cubes." Kamphuis, P., J´zsa, G. I. G., Oh, S.-H., Spekkens, K., Urbancic, N., Serra, S., o Koribalski, B. S., Dettmar, R.-J. Submitted to MNRAS. "An HI View of Galaxy Conformity: an HI-rich Environment Around HI-rich Galaxies" Wang, J. Serra, P., J´zsa, G. I. G., Koribalski, B. S., van der Hulst, J. M., Li, C., o Fu, J., Xiao, T., Kamphuis, P., Wang, E., Overzier, R. Submitted to MNRAS "Massive stars formed in atomic hydrogen reservoirs" Michalowski, M.J., Gentile G., Kamphuis, P., Hjorth, J., Krumholz, M.R., Tanvir, N. R., Burlon, D., Baes, M., Basa, S., Berta, S., Castro Cer´n, J. M., Crosby, D., o D'Elia, V., Elliot, J., Greiner, J., Hunt, L.K., Klose, S., Koprowski, M. P., Le Floc'h E., Malesani, D., Murphy, T., Nicuesa Guelbenzu, A., Palazzi, E., Rasmussen, J., Rossi, A., Savaglio, S., Schady, P., Sollerman, J., de Ugarte Postigo, A., Watson, D., van der Werf, P., Vergani, S. D., Xu, D. Submitted to A&A "Blasting Away a Dwarf Galaxy: The Tail of ESO 324-G024" Johnson, M. C., Kamphuis, P., Koribalski, B.S., Wang, J., Oh, S.-H., Hill, A., O'Sullivan, S., Haan, S., Serra, S. arXiv:1505.07554 "ASKAP HI imaging of the galaxy group IC 1459" Serra P., et al. (Kamphuis, P.) arXiv:1506.04399 "HALOGAS observations of NGC 4414: fountains, interaction, and ram pressure" de Blok, W. J. G., J´zsa, G. I. G., Patterson, M., Gentile, G., Heald, G. H., Jutte, o ¨ E., Kamphuis, P., Rand, R. J., Serra, P., Walterbos, R. A. M. 2014A&A...566A..80D "HALOGAS observations of NGC 5023 and UGC 2082: Modeling of non-cylindrically symmetric gas distributions in edge-on galaxies", Kamphuis, P., Rand, R. J., J´zsa, G. I. G., Zschaechner, L. K., Heald, G. H., o Patterson, M. T., Gentile, G., Walterbos, R. A. M., Serra, P., de Blok, W. J. G. 2013MNRAS.434.2069K "The kinematics of the diffuse ionized gas in NGC 4666", Voigtl¨nder, P., Kamphuis, P., Marcelin, M., Bomans, D. J., Dettmar, R.-J. a 2013A&A...554A.133V "HALOGAS: H i Observations and Modeling of the Nearby Edge-on Spiral Galaxy NGC 4244", Zschaechner, L. K., Rand, R. J., Heald, G.H., Gentile, G. and Kamphuis, P., 2011ApJ...740...35Z "A tale of two galaxies: light and mass in NGC891 and NGC7814", Fraternali F., Sancisi R., Kamphuis, P., 2011A&A...531A..64F

"Warp or Lag? The Ionized and Neutral Hydrogen Gas in the Edge-on Dwarf Galaxy UGC 1281", Kamphuis P., Peletier R. F., van der Kruit P. C., Heald G. H., 2011MNRAS.414.3444K "A Dust Component 2 kpc Above the Plane in NGC 891", Kamphuis, P.; Holwerda, B. W.; Allen, R. J.; Peletier, R. F.; van der Kruit, P. C., 2007, A&A, 471, L1 "Kinematics of Diffuse Ionized Gas in the Disk Halo Interface of NGC 891 from Fabry-P´rot Observations", e Kamphuis P., Peletier R. F., Dettmar R.-J., van der Hulst J. M., van der Kruit P. C., Allen R. J., 2007, A&A, 468, 951 Non-Refereed Publications "Observations and Kinematic Modeling of Extra-Planar HI in Several Nearby Spiral Galaxies" Zschaechner, L.K., Rand, R. J., Heald, G., Gentile, G., Kamphuis, P., Jozsa, G., HALOGAS Collaboration 2013AAS...22132705Z "Warp or Lag? The Ionized and Neutral Hydrogen Gas in the Edge-on Dwarf Galaxy UGC 1281" Kamphuis, P.; Peletier, R. F.; van der Kruit, P. C.; Heald, G. H. 2012dgkg.book..269K "The Westerbork HALOGAS Survey: Status and Early Results", Heald, G.H., Allan, J., Zschaechner, L.K., Kamphuis, P., Rand, R. J. , J´zsa, G. I. o G. and Gentile, G. 2011IAUS..277...59H "Citations and Impact of Dutch Astronomy", Kamphuis, P., van der Kruit, P. C. 2010arXiv1011.5311K "The Structure and Kinematics of Halos in Disk Galaxies", Kamphuis, P. "The Vertical Dust Structure in Spiral Disks", Holwerda, B. W., Kamphuis, P., Allen, R. J., Peletier, R. F., van der Kruit, P. C., 2008arXiv0801.2909H "A Study of Extra-planar HI Gas.", Kamphuis, P., Peletier, R. F., van der Kruit, P. C., Oosterloo, T. A., Sancisi, R., 2007iuse.book..303K