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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Sat Apr 9 08:36:36 2016
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 07:44:45 2016

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: martian surface
Kate's publications

Refereed Articles

  • Kate J. Brooks, Guido Garay, Maxim Voronkov, Luis F. Rodriguez 2006, ApJ, submitted
    Continuum observations at 3 and 12 mm of the high-mass protostellar jet IRAS 16547-4247
  • Gudio Garay, Kate J. Brooks, Diego Mardones, Ray Norris, 2006, ApJ, submitted
    A multiwavelength study of young massive star-forming regions: I. The ionized gas content
  • Gudio Garay, Diego Mardones, Kate J. Brooks, Liza Videla, Yanett Contreras, 2006, ApJ, submitted
    A multiwavelength study of young massive star-forming regions: II. The dust environment
  • Nathan Smith, Kate J. Brooks, Baerbel S. Koriblaski, John Bally, 2006, ApJ Letters, in press
    Cleaning up Eta Carinae: Detection of Ammonia in the Homunculus
  • Kate J. Brooks, Guido Garay, Markus Nielbock, Nathan Smith, Pierre Cox, 2005, ApJ, 634, 436
    SIMBA observations towards the Keyhole nebula
    [ Article ]
  • Luis F. Rodriguez, Guido Garay, Kate J. Brooks, Diego Mardones, 2005, ApJ 626, 953
    High Angular Resolution Observations of the Collimated Jet Source Associated with a Massive Protostar in IRAS 16547-4247
    [ Article ]
  • Dartois, E.; Marco, O.; Munoz-Caro, G. M.; Brooks, K. ; Deboffle, D.; d'Hendecourt, L., 2004, A&A , 423, 549
    Organic matter in Seyfert 2 nuclei: Comparison with our Galactic center lines of sight
    [ Article ]
  • Schneider, N.; Brooks, K. , 2004, PASA , 21, 290
    The Bias of Molecular Clump Identification Programs: the Example of the Carina Molecular Clouds
    [ Article ]
  • Smith, Nathan; Bally, John; Brooks, Kate J., 2004, AJ , 127, 2793
    HH 666: The Axis of Evil in the Carina Nebula
    [ Article ]
  • Rathborne J. M., Brooks K. J., Burton M. G., Cohen M., Bontemps S., 2004, A&A , 418, 563
    The Giant Pillars of the Carina Nebula
    [ Article ]
  • Brooks K. J., Cox P., Schneider N., Storey J. W. V., Poglitsch A., Geis N., Bronfman L., 2003, A&A , 412, 751
    The Trumpler 14 photodissociation region in the Carina Nebula
    [ Article ]
  • Brooks K. J., Garay G., Mardones D., Norris R., 2003, ApJ , 594L, 131
    A parsec-scale flow associated with the IRAS 16547-4247 radio jet,
    [ Article ]
  • Garay G., Brooks K. J., Mardones D., Norris R., 2003, ApJ , 587, 739
    A triple radio continuum source associated with IRAS 16547-4247: A collimated stellar wind emanating from a massive protostar
    [ Article ]
  • Marco O., Brooks K. J., 2003, A&A , 398, 101
    VLT 3-5 micron spectroscopy and imaging of NGC 1068: Does the AGN hide nuclear starburst activity?
    [ Article ]
  • Garay G., Brooks K. J., Mardones D., Norris R., Burton M. G., 2002, ApJ, 579, 678
    Two massive star-forming regions at early evolutionary stages
    [ Article ]
  • Rathborne J. M., Burton M. G., Brooks K. J., Cohen M., Ashley M. C. B., Storey J. W. V., 2002, MNRAS, 331, 85
    Photodissociation regions and star formation in the Carina Nebula
    [ Article ]
  • Brooks K. J. , Storey J. W. V., Whiteoak, J. B., 2001, MNRAS, 327, 46
    H110a recombination-line emission and 4.8-GHz continuum emission in the Carina Nebula
    [ Article ]
  • Brooks K. J. , Whiteoak J. B., 2001, MNRAS, 320, 465
    Ground-state OH observations towards NGC 6334
    [ Article ]
  • Brooks K. J. , Burton M. G., Rathborne J. M., Ashley M. C. B., Storey J. W. V., 2000, MNRAS, 319, 95
    Unlocking the Keyhole - H2 and PAH emission from molecular clumps in the Keyhole Nebula
    [ Article ] | [ UNSW Media Release ]
  • Brooks K. J. , Whiteoak J. B., Storey J. W. V., 1998 PASA, 15(2), 202
    An investigation of the molecular clouds of the Carina HII region/molecular cloud complex - First results
    [ Article]
  • Brooks K. J. , Whiteoak J. B., 1997 MNRAS, 291, 395
    Observations of ground-state OH in the Large Magellanic Cloud
    [ Article ]

Conference Proceedings

  • Brooks K. J., Garay G., Mardones D.
    Open Issues in Local Star Formation and Early Stellar Evolution, 2003
    Detection of a Collimated Jet towards the High-mass Protostar IRAS 16547-4247, 2003, RMxAC, 15, 154
    [ Article (4 Mb) ]
  • Brooks K. J., Garay G., Mardones D., Norris R.
    Winds Bubbles and Explosions, RMxAC, 2003, 15, 154
    Detection of a Collimated Jet towards a High-mass Protostar
    [ Article (33kB) ]
  • Brooks K. J., Garay G., Mardones D., Norris R., Burton, M. G., 2003
    Star Formation accross the stellar spectrum, ASP Conference Series, Vol 287
    A Massive star forming region in a very early stage of evolution
    [ Article (87kB) ]
  • Brooks K. J., Rathborne J. M., Burton M. G., 2001,
    Extragalactic Star Clusters, IAU Symposium Series, ASP, Vol 207,
    Eva K. Grebel, Doug Geisler, and Dante Minniti, eds.
    The environments of the massive star clusters in the Carina Nebula
    [ Article (5 Mb) ]
  • Brooks K. J., Rathborne J. M., Burton M. G., 2001,
    Hot Star Workshop III, The Earliest Phases of Massive Star Birth, ASP Conference Series
    The southern dust pillars of the Carina Nebula
    [ Article ]

Additional Articles

  • Nathan Smith, Brooks K. J., 2006
    The Carina Nebula: A Laboratory for Feedback and Triggered Star Formation
    [ Article ]
  • Garay, Guido: Brooks, Kate J.; Mardones, Diego; Norris, Ray
    A Collimated Stellar Wind Emanating from a Massive Protostar
    [ Article ]
  • L.-A. Nyman, M. Lerner, M. Nielbock, M. Anciaux, K. Brooks, R. Chini, M. Albrecht, R. Lemke, E. Kreysa, R. Zylka, L. E. B. Johansson, L. Bronfman, S. Kontinen, H. Linz, B. Stecklum, 2001, ESO Messenger, No 106, December 2001, p40
    Simba explores the southern sky
    [ ESO Messenger ]
  • Schuetz, O.; Jehin, E.; Bonfils, X.; Boehnhardt, H.; Brooks, K. ; Delsanti, A.; Hainaut, O.; Jourdeuil, E.; Leisy, P.; Sterzik, M.; Wenderoth, E.; Helbert, J.; Garradd, G.; Marchis, F.; Stecklum, B.; Tozzi, G.; Sekanina, Z., 2001 IAUC.7656....1S
    Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)
    [ Article ]
  • Sicardy, B.; Colas, F.; Widemann, T.; Beisker, W.; Birnbaum, C.; Brooks, K.; Delsanti, A.; Fienga, A.; Gendron, E.; Hainaut, O.; Kretlow, M.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Lecacheux, J.; Leyrat, C.; Maury, A.; Raynaud, E.; Rapaport, M.; Renner, S.; Roques, F.; Schultheis, M., 2002DPS....34.2101S
    The 20 July 2002 occultation of P126 by Pluto

Thesis Work: An investigation of the Carina Nebula - accepted October 2000

  • Abstract
  • Acknowledgments
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