Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.atnf.csiro.au/pasa/15_3/masci/paper/node2.html
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Apr 8 09:00:46 2016
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 15:23:19 2016

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: dust
Compact versus Diffuse <b style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">Dust</b> Distributions

Obscuration by Diffuse Cosmic Dust

Frank J. Masci, PASA, 15 (3), 299
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Next Section: Diffuse Dust in Galaxy
Title/Abstract Page: Obscuration by Diffuse Cosmic
Previous Section: Introduction
Contents Page: Volume 15, Number 3

Compact versus Diffuse Dust Distributions


In this section, we explore the dependence of obscuration of background sources on the spatial distribution of a given mass of dust. For simplicity, we assume the dust is associated with a cylindrical face-on disk with uniform dust mass density. We quantify the amount of obscuration by investigating the number of background sources behind our absorber that are missed from an optical flux-limited sample.

The fraction of sources missing to some luminosity L relative to the case where there is no dust extinction is simply tex2html_wrap_inline887, where tex2html_wrap_inline889 represents the observed number of sources in the presence of dust. For a uniform dust optical depth tex2html_wrap_inline891, tex2html_wrap_inline893. For simplicity, we assume that background sources are described by a cumulative luminosity function that follows a power-law: tex2html_wrap_inline895, where tex2html_wrap_inline897 is the slope. This form for the luminosity function is often observed for `luminous' (tex2html_wrap_inline899) galaxies and quasars, which dominate high redshift (tex2html_wrap_inline901) populations in flux-limited samples. With this assumption, the fraction of background sources missing over a given area when viewed through our dusty absorber with uniform optical depth tex2html_wrap_inline891 is given by
á equation46
If the `true' number of background sources per unit solid angle is tex2html_wrap_inline905, then the total number of background sources lost from a flux limited sample within the projected radius R of our absorber can be written:
á equation52
where D is the distance of the absorber from us.

To investigate the dependence of background source counts on the spatial dust distribution, we need to first determine the dependence of tex2html_wrap_inline891 in equation (2) on the spatial extent R for a fixed mass of dust tex2html_wrap_inline915. This can be determined from the individual properties of grains as follows. The extinction optical depth at a wavelength tex2html_wrap_inline917 through a slab of dust composed of grains with uniform radius a is defined as
á equation63
where tex2html_wrap_inline921 is the extinction efficiency which depends on the grain size and dielectric properties, tex2html_wrap_inline923 is the number density of grains and tex2html_wrap_inline925 is the length of the dust column along the line-of-sight. Assuming our cylindrical absorber (whose axis lies along the line-of-sight) has a uniform dust mass density: tex2html_wrap_inline927, where R is its cross-sectional radius, we can write, tex2html_wrap_inline931, where tex2html_wrap_inline933 is the mass density of an individual grain. We use the extinction efficiency tex2html_wrap_inline921 in the V-band as parameterised by Goudfrooij et al. (1994) for a graphite and silicate mixture (of equal abundances) with mean grain size tex2html_wrap_inline939m characteristic of the galactic ISM. The value used is tex2html_wrap_inline941. We use a galactic extinction curve to convert to a B-band extinction measure, where typically tex2html_wrap_inline945 (eg. Pei 1992). Combining these quantities, we find that the B-band optical depth, tex2html_wrap_inline949, through our model absorber can be written in terms of its dust mass and cross-sectional radius as follows:
á equation90
where we have scaled to a dust mass and radius typical of local massive spirals and ellipticals (eg. Zaritsky 1994). This measure is consistent with mean optical depths derived by other means (eg. Giovanelli et al. 1994 and references therein).

From equation (4), we see that the dust optical depth through our model absorber for a fixed dust mass varies in terms of its cross-sectional radius R as tex2html_wrap_inline953. For the nominal dust parameters in equation (4), the number of sources missed behind our model absorber (equation 2) can be written
á equation113
where tex2html_wrap_inline955 and
á equation125
is the `true' number of background sources falling within the projected scale radius R=20kpc.

From the functional forms of equations (2) and (5), there are two limiting cases:

  1. For optical depths tex2html_wrap_inline959, the factor tex2html_wrap_inline961 in equation (2) is of order unity. This corresponds to values of R such that tex2html_wrap_inline965 for the nominal parameters in equation (4). For values of R in this range, we have tex2html_wrap_inline969 and the obscuration of background sources will depend most strongly on R.
  2. For tex2html_wrap_inline973 or equivalently tex2html_wrap_inline975, tex2html_wrap_inline977 will approach a constant limiting value, independent of the dust extent R. From equation (5), this limiting value can be shown to be tex2html_wrap_inline981.

As a simple illustration, we show in Figure 2 the dependence of the number of background sources missing behind our model dust absorber on R, for a fixed dust mass of tex2html_wrap_inline985 as defined by equation (5). We assumed a cumulative luminosity function slope of tex2html_wrap_inline987, typical of that for luminous galaxies and quasars. From the above discussion, we see that when tex2html_wrap_inline989, ie. tex2html_wrap_inline991 (or when tex2html_wrap_inline993), the obscuration will start to approach its maximum value and remain approximately constant as tex2html_wrap_inline995.

á á figure161
Figure 1: The number of sources missing from an optical flux-limited sample behind a face-on dusty disk with fixed mass tex2html_wrap_inline997 as a function of its radial extent R. This number is normalised against the `true' number of background sources (in the absence of the absorber) that fall within the solid angle tex2html_wrap_inline1001 subtended by our nominal radius of 20kpc at distance D. See equation (5.)

We conclude that when dust becomes diffuse and extended on a scale such that the mean optical depth tex2html_wrap_inline891 through the distribution satisfies tex2html_wrap_inline1007, where tex2html_wrap_inline897 is the cumulative luminosity function slope of background sources, obscuration will start to be important and is maximised for tex2html_wrap_inline973. The characteristic spatial scale at which this occurs will depend on the dust mass through equation (4). For the typical grain values in equation (4), this characteristic radius is given by
á equation175
The simple model in Figure 2 shows that the obscuration of background sources due to a normal foreground galaxy will be most effective if dust is distributed over a region a few times its optical radius. This prediction may be difficult to confirm observationally due to possible contamination from light in the galactic absorber. In the following sections, we explore two examples of possible `large-scale' diffuse dust distributions that can be explored observationally.

Next Section: Diffuse Dust in Galaxy
Title/Abstract Page: Obscuration by Diffuse Cosmic
Previous Section: Introduction
Contents Page: Volume 15, Number 3

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