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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Apr 8 08:56:15 2016
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 16:23:18 2016
Distribution of #tex2html_wrap_inline330# Column Densities

Local HI: Constraints on the evolution of the HI content of the Universe

F. H. Briggs, PASA, 14 (1), 31.

Next Section: Where to find ``HI
Title/Abstract Page: Local HI: Constraints on
Previous Section: Evolution of the HI
Contents Page: Volume 14, Number 1

Distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline330 Column Densities

Another place where future surveys can play an important role will be in exploring lower HI column densities than have been observed in the 21 cm line in the past. QSO absorption line statistics over a wide range of Lyman-tex2html_wrap_inline220 line strengths specify that the incidence of absorption becomes increasingly prevalent toward lower column densities, so that along a randomly chosen sight line, the probability of interception rises by roughly a factor of 10 for every decrease by a factor of 100 in tex2html_wrap_inline330. This behavior is quantified by the tex2html_wrap_inline336 distribution, defined so that tex2html_wrap_inline338 is the number of lines detected within a range tex2html_wrap_inline340 centered on tex2html_wrap_inline330 over a ``normalized absorption distance'' dX, where tex2html_wrap_inline346 is the normalized absorption distance from zero redshift to z for tex2html_wrap_inline294. The function tex2html_wrap_inline336 is roughly proportional to tex2html_wrap_inline354 over the range tex2html_wrap_inline356 to tex2html_wrap_inline358 cmtex2html_wrap_inline360, although there is evidence for subtle structure possibly related to opacity in the Lyman continuum that occurs for layers with tex2html_wrap_inline362 cmtex2html_wrap_inline360 (Petitjean et al 1993). At high redshift, the frequency of absorption for these optically thick absorbers is tex2html_wrap_inline366 per unit X (Petitjean et al 1993); for tex2html_wrap_inline370 cmtex2html_wrap_inline360, the frequency is roughly halved. The derivation of the tex2html_wrap_inline336 at these tex2html_wrap_inline330 is especially uncertain, since the entire Lyman series is heavily saturated in the regime where the Lyman continuum is optically thick, and the damping wings, which permit an unambiguous measure of column density, do not become readily observable until tex2html_wrap_inline330 is well in excess of 10tex2html_wrap_inline380 cmtex2html_wrap_inline360. Thus, column density measurements in this regime are very uncertain, leading Petitjean et al to plot only one point on their tex2html_wrap_inline336 diagram for tex2html_wrap_inline386 to tex2html_wrap_inline388 cmtex2html_wrap_inline360.

Recent large HI surveys with filled aperture telescopes are routinely capable of detecting column densities below tex2html_wrap_inline392 cmtex2html_wrap_inline360 (Schneider 1996, Zwaan et al 1996, Briggs et al 1996), provided the emission fills the telescope beam. The Arecibo survey by Sorar (1994; see also Briggs & Sorar 1996) was optimized to be sensitive to tex2html_wrap_inline396 cmtex2html_wrap_inline360 (tex2html_wrap_inline400), and the survey observed over 5000 independent beam areas to a depth of 7500 kmá stex2html_wrap_inline212, covering a total absorption path tex2html_wrap_inline404. The Arecibo beam subtends tex2html_wrap_inline406á kpc at 3á Mpc and 70á kpc at 75á Mpc, which is a reasonable match to the cloud sizes deduced for the Lyman-tex2html_wrap_inline220 forest (cf. Smette et al 1995b, 1992). To date, only one of the 61 detections (Zwaan et al 1996) has not been identified with a high column density layer of the type associated with the neutral intergalactic medium of a galaxy, implying that a separate population of low column density objects can add only a small fraction of the current HI content already identified with galaxies.

The high redshift tex2html_wrap_inline336 distribution would imply of order 50 interceptions in the range tex2html_wrap_inline412 to tex2html_wrap_inline392 cmtex2html_wrap_inline360 for the pathlength X explored by the Arecibo survey. Where are they? At least a part of the discrepancy is likely due to evolution of Lyman-tex2html_wrap_inline220 forest cloud population. An additional observational problem is that the high column density end of the forest cloud distribution (around 10tex2html_wrap_inline422 cmtex2html_wrap_inline360 and above) has associated metal lines, such as CIV and MgII, which has historically caused then to be identified with hypothetical galaxy halos; single dish observations seldom have the resolution to reliably separate the HI signal from a halo of a spiral galaxy from the bright signal originating in the main body of the galaxy, unless there are strong kinematic effects that create a difference in gas velocity as a function of radius and the halo gas is very extended.

Further considerations in the study of this intermediate column density range are the theoretical models that consider ionization of extended gas around galaxies by the extragalactic ionizing background (Sunyaev 1969, Corbelli et al 1989, Maloney 1993, Charlton et al 1994). Many of these models predict a strong dip in tex2html_wrap_inline336 between 10tex2html_wrap_inline428 and 10tex2html_wrap_inline430 cmtex2html_wrap_inline360. If similar arguments apply to a population of intergalactic clouds or super-LSB galaxies, then an interesting experiment now coming into the realm of possibility will be to push the sensitivity limits of the local HI emission observations down to tex2html_wrap_inline434 cmtex2html_wrap_inline360 where ionized layers of high column density might be detected.

Next Section: Where to find ``HI
Title/Abstract Page: Local HI: Constraints on
Previous Section: Evolution of the HI
Contents Page: Volume 14, Number 1

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