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Archive of VLBI Observations Majordomo List

(wrong string) ? 10 - call for papers

From: <Chris.Phillips_at_email.protected>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 09:25:19 +1100

Dear colleagues

(Excuse us if you receive multiple copies of this mail.)

We wish to draw your attention to the Asia-Pacific Radio Science
Conference 2010 (AP-RASCò?? 10) to be held at Toyama city in Japan.


Many sessions are held in a wide field of radio sciences including
radio astronomy related sessions as follows:

        J1: Large telescope in East Asia and possible array connection
        J2: Millimeter- and sub-millimeter-wave telescope and array
        J3: Radio astronomy in space and on the moon
        JAD: Optical fiber connection of radio telescopes
        JCD: Ultra wide band receiver and the applications
        JE: Radio frequency interference

Here we wish to introduce JAD: Optical fiber connection of radio
telescopes to encourage your contributions.
Technologies on connecting radio telescope with high speed networks
and optical fibers, so called eVLBI, have been in progress rapidly. As
an example, the worlds largest real-time eVLBI network observation
was demonstrated at the opening ceremony of the International Year of
Astronomy 2009. Observed data streams from 17 radio telescopes across
the world were gathered and processed at JIVE in real-time. In the
field of geodesy, routine operations of real-time UT1 observation by
connecting European and Japanese VLBI stations are going to soon be
realized. Preparation of East-Asia VLBI network, where Japanese,
Korean and Chinese VLBI stations will be organized, is in progress.
The common data format VDIF (VLBI Data Interchange Format), which is
an important issue for co-observation in such international VLBI
network, has been ratified by world VLBI community at the eVLBI
workshop held at Madrid in 2009. A technology of highly stable
reference signal transfer over 50km distance with optical fiber has
been developed, and that may change VLBI observation of certain
distance into connected element

We are encouraging your contributions wide viewpoints on these topics.

Abstract submissionÿÌ?
       Please submit abstract of 1 page in A4 size.
       Please refer to the following page for more detail

  DeadlineÿÌ?ó??31 March 2010
  Mamoru Sekido/NICT and Chris Phillips/ATNF
Received on 2010-03-11 09:25:55