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Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 13:39:09 2012

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SM - The System Macro Libraries

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The System Macro Libraries

This appendix describes the collection of useful macros, written by a variety of people, that are to be found in the default macro directory, i.e. the directory pointed to by the macro entry in your `.sm' file. If ever you write a useful (or simply clever) macro, why not send it to us for inclusion in the next version of SM?

The macros are arranged in a number of files which may be read using the load macro. For example, to load the file fonts type load fonts. To forget a set of definitions, use unload. Under Unix, there is a macro lsm that can be used to list the contents of macro libraries, e.g. lsm utils. It is more-or-less complete depending on the value of VERBOSE, just like LIST MACRO.

The list that follows gives the name and a one-line synopsis of all the macros in the default files as of the date of this manual. The full text of any macro may be examined via the help <macroname> command in SM; the default files may be printed for those who desire a hardcopy.

file `abbrev' in directory `macro' (This is a file of all unambigous abbreviations of keywords. It is created using the shell script `abbrev' in the main SM directory. Its use may intefere with cunning macros, and is not recommended).

file `cover' in directory `macro'

cover       # draw the cover
file `default' in directory `macro'
batch       ## run the history buffer, but don't delete from history list
bell        ## ring terminal bell
calc        ## evaluate an expression
cd          ## change directories
compatible  ## define macros to be compatible with Mongo
declare     ## declare a vector $1: declare name size
del         ## delete last command from history list
del1        ## don't put command on history list
echo        ## write to terminal
ed          ## edit a macro, or the previous one if no argument
edall       ## edit history buffer
edit_all    ## edit history buffer
edit_hist   ## edit the history list
emacs_all   ## edit the history list using an external editor.
emacs_hist  ## edit the history list using an external editor.
error_handler ## Handle ^C interrupts
execute     # read and execute an SM file of commands (1 per line)
extend_history # Extend history buffer to be of size $1
for         # Repeat a macro while a condition is true, like C's for(;;)
gripe       ## complain to Robert (Unix only)
h           ## get help
head        ## print the top of the current data (or other) file
hm          ## help with the last macro edited
hv          ## help with variable
insert      ## insert text after line $1
load        ## load macros in default directory
load2       ## load macros in (second) default directory
ls          ## list macros
lsm         ## list macros in a file in default macro directory
lsv         ## list variables
q           ## check, then quit
re          ## macro read
reset_ctype # Reset the default ctypes (except "default")
repeat      # Repeat a macro `name' while the condition is true
sav         ## save to a file $1, don't save from files `$mfiles'
show        ## show current values of various things
startup     ## macro invoked upon startup
undef       ## undefine a variable
undo        ## undo [macro] : undo (i.e. erase lines drawn by) macro $1
unload      ## forget macros from a file
v           ## set verbosity
wr          ## macro write
file `demos' in directory `macro'
square      # sum the Fourier series for a square wave, using $1 terms
colours     # draw a circle in a number of colours until ^C stops it
crings      # draw a set of coloured circles
gauss_convolve # convolve 2 gaussians with sigmas $1 and $2
grey_sincos # draw a grey scale image of a sin(x)cos(y) surface
scribble    # use cursor to draw a line, and then shade the interior
shading     # draw an ammonite
sundial     # draw a sundial, allowing for the analemma
file `fonts' in directory `macro'
fonts       # draw the font table
TeX_defs    # draw the "TeX" definitions
make_char   # help create a new character

file `fourier' in directory `macro'

# Macros to make dealing with complex numbers for FFT's easier
# Assumes that complex vector `name' is represented by two vectors
# called name_r and name_i
fft         # Direct FFT: fft name name
ifft        # Inverse FFT: ifft name name
cadd        # Add complex numbers: $1 = $2 + $3
cdiv        # Divide complex numbers: $1 = $2/$3
cmod        # Modulus: $1 = |$2|
cmult       # Multiply complex numbers: $1 = $2*$3
csub        # Subtract complex numbers: $1 = $2 - $3
imag        # Imaginary part: $1 = Im($2)
real        # Real part: $1 = Re($2)
file `math' in directory `macro'
# Written by Daniel Pfenniger (PFENNIGER@obs.unige.ch)
# `A&S' is Abramowitz & Stegun
J0          # Bessel func. J0(|x|), A&S, 9.4.1,.3
Y0          # Bessel func. Y0(|x|), |x|>0, A&S, 9.4.2-3
J1          # Bessel func. J1(|x|), A&S, 9.4.4,.6
Y1          # Bessel func. Y1(|x|), |x|>0, A&S, 9.4.5-6
I0          # Modified Bessel func. I0(|x|), A&S, 9.8.1-2
I1          # Modified Bessel func. I1(|x|), A&S, 9.8.3-4
K0          # Modified Bessel func. K0(|x|), |x|>0, A&S, 9.8.5-6
K1          # Modified Bessel func. K1(|x|), |x|>0, A&S, 9.8.7-8
K           # Complete elliptic integral K(m), 0<=m<1, A&S 17.3.34
E           # Complete elliptic integral E(m), 0<=m<=1, A&S 17.3.36

file `mongo' in directory `macro' (omitting those that are simply abbreviations, like ang)

da          ## set data file
dev         ## set device
dra         ## draw, accepting expressions
ecolumn     ## define vector error_col as error vector
end         ## quit, not on history
era         ## erase screen, not on history
lis         ## list history, not on history
hard        ## make a hardcopy of what you type (or get by history)
hardcopy    ## close the old device and set dev type to 0
hcopy       ## hcopy [printer] [l1] [l2]: Make hardcopy of playback buffer
hmacro      ## hmacro [macro] [printer]: make hardcopy of `macro' on `printer'
identification ## write an id to the top right hand corner of screen
input       ## execute an Mongo file
mongo       # make SM resemble Mongo as closely as possible
pcolumn     ## set point column (Mongo)
playback    ## define "all" from buffer, and run it
read_all    ## read a macro file, putting `all' onto the history buffer
read_hist   ## read history from a file
read_old    ## read an Mongo file onto the history buffer
rel         ## relocate, accepting expressions
save_all    ## write the playback list to a file (use sav instead)
terminal    ## device
toplabel    ## put label at top of plot
xcolumn     ## read a column into vector x (Mongo)
xlogarithm  ## take log of vector x (Mongo)
ycolumn     ## read a column into vector y (Mongo)
ylogarithm  ## take log of vector y
file `stats' in directory `macro'
cgauss      # evaluate a Cumulated Gaussian : N($mean,$sig)
draw_KS     # Draw a cumulated curve, for looking at KS statistics
erfc        # calculate complentary error function erfc($1)
factorial   # Use Stirling's formula to calculate a factorial ($1)!
gauss       # evaluate a Gaussian : N($mean,$sig)
gaussdev    # return a N(0,1) random vector
lsq         # do a least squares fit to a set of vectors
lsq2        # do a least squares fit to a set of vectors, errors in x and y
linfit      # linear least squares fit for any number of parameters
prob_KS     # probability of getting a given value of the KS statistic
prob_wilc   # return probability in $$2 that x exceeds $1 from Wilcoxon
rxy         # find Correlation Coefficient for two vectors 
smirnov1    # calculate 1 sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic for vector
smirnov2    # calculate 2 sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic for vectors
spear       # calculate Spearman rank correlation coefficient for 2 vectors
stats       # stats vector mean sigma kurtosis : calculate $mean $sigma etc
stats2      # stats vector weights mean sigma kurtosis
stats_med   # stats_med vector median SIQR : calc $median $SIQR from vector
wilcoxon    # calculate Wilcoxon statistic for 2 vectors

file `utils' in directory `macro'

alpha_poi   # alpha_poi x y z. Like poi x y, but use z as labels for points
arc         # the arclength along the curve ($1,$2), e.g. set v=arc(x,y)
arrow       # use the cursor to define an arrow.
barhist     # draw a bar histogram
boxit       # use the cursor to define a box, and draw it
circle      # draw a circle, centre ($1,$2) radius $3
cumulate    # find the cumulative distribution of $1 in $2
draw_arrow  # draw an arrow from ($1,$2) to ($3,$4)
draw_box    # draw a box, defined by two corners
error_x     # draw x-error bars: error x y size
error_y     # draw y-error bars: error x y size
get_hist    # get_hist input output-x output-y base top width
gauss       # evaluate a Gaussian : N($mean,$sig)
get         # syntax: get i j.  Read a column from a file
glevels     # Set grey levels. Usage: glevels expr
greyscale   # Draw a grey-scale image. Usage: greyscale [npx npy maxweight dmargin]
info        # Get help about a command from SM's info files
interp      # Linearily interpolate $3 into ($1,$2), giving $4
interp2     # Linearily interpolate $3 into ($1,$2), giving $4
is_file     # Return true if file $1 exists
is_set      # define variable $$1 if the $3'rd bit is set in $2
logerr      # syntax: logerr x y error, where y is logged, and error isn't
mconcat     # Concatenate 2 macros, optionally renaming result
modulo      # find $1 modulo $2
number      # convert a string vector to an arithmetic one
pairs       # pairs x1 y1 x2 y2. connect (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
polar       # draw a circle as an `axis' for polar coordinates
pmatrix     # print the matrix $1
puts	    # Draw a line of text, then move to the start of the next line
qminv       # Quick matrix inversion, done in place
reverse     # reverse the order of a vector
save_vec    # put the definition of a vector onto the history list
shade_box   # shade a box, spacing $1, defined by two corners
shed        # shade region between x y and x2 y2 with n lines
simp        # Simpson's rule integration: simp answer x y
smooth      # boxcar smooth a vector
smooth2     # smooth a vector with a given filter
upper       # define a variable giving an `upper limit' symbol
vecminmax   # find the minimum and maximum of a vector
vfield      # plot a vector field: vfield x y len angle

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