Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://www.atnf.csiro.au/computing/software/gipsy/gplot/gplotcommands.html
Дата изменения: Unknown
Дата индексирования: Sat Jan 17 05:25:20 2009

Поисковые слова: aurora
GPLOT recipes


angle          : Set plotting angle
arrow          : Draw arrow
arstyle        : Set the style to be used for arrowheads
autoscale      : Set scale and origin so that frame fits on device
axdelta        : Set major tick separation in physical units
axformat       : Set format for labels
axis           : Draw axis, and optionally label it with (converted) coords.
axlogs         : Define the major tick marks on a logarithmic axis
axminors       : Set number of minor tick intervals
axpos          : Set physical start position on axis
axtitle        : Set title of axis to be plotted
beam           : Plot a shaded ellipse at current pen position
box            : Use Gipsy input syntax to convert box to world coordinates
cgstep         : Create coordinate grid by extending label ticks at cgstep pixels
charheight     : Set character height
clear          : Clear device
clist          : List contents of arguments (arrays)
closeplot      : Close plot file or send output to printer
colbar         : Plot colour bar with numbers
color          : Set color index for subsequent plotting
colour         : Set colour index for subsequent plotting
colplot        : Make colour plot of current set with current settings of GIDS
colrep         : Set color representation
connect        : Connect points
contlab        : Label contours
contours       : Draw contours
contticks      : Draw contours with ticks
cursor         : Put cursor on screen
curtxt         : Format string for interactive position output
delete         : Delete (a) command(s) or a macro
device         : Define plot device
devinfo        : Print PGPLOT general information in log file
draw           : Draw a line
excolumn       : Denote error data for x
eycolumn       : Denote error data for y
edit           : Call editor in current macro
ellipse        : Plot ellipse at current pen position
end            : End current activity, without leaving the program
environ        : Plotting environment, set window and viewport, and draw frame
erase          : Clear screen/plot file, but do not store the command
errorbar       : Plot error bars
expand         : Set expand factor in x- and y direction
fastyle        : Set fill area style
file           : Write contents of a column or results of 'help' to file
font           : Set character font
frame          : Draw labeled frame around viewport (physical coordinates)
getlut         : Fix current GIDS colour settings for colour plots of sets
gids           : Get scales and offsets of image displayed in GIDS
grayscale      : Make grayscale plot
hardcopy       : Close the plot file and send it to new destination
help           : Get help
histogram      : Plot a histogram of UNBINNED data
histobin       : Plot a histogram of BINNED data
id             : Put plot id on plot
inset          : Open Gipsy set
input          : Read macro from file
justificat     : Horizontal justification for text (0..1)
keyword        : Specify a value using a keyword
levels         : Define contour levels
list           : List commands in a macro
location       : Define offset in plot in mm
lstyle         : Define line type
lwidth         : Set line thickness
macdir         : Macro path
macro          : Macro editing
manual         : Load GPLOT document in editor 
marker         : Put marker on current pen position
minmax         : Get min and max of image or column
mmeter         : Plot in millimeter, use entire surface
mosaic         : Call the intern mosaic macro
mosframe       : Plot a frame in a mosaic
moslxly        : Divide page into x times y sub frames
mosnext        : Go to the next mosaic panel
mosprev        : Go to the previous mosaic panel
mosxy          : Set x, y position in mosaic panel
move           : Move to position x, y
overbox        : Calculate default box for overlay set
overlay        : Switch from old scale to overlay scale vv.
page           : Advance to a new (sub) page
pattern        : Set line style according to this pattern
pause          : Pause executing commands in main
pgframe        : Draw labeled frame around viewport
pgviewport     : Set viewport (normalized device coordinates)
playback       : Playback commands in main
plotinfo       : Generate a list of global plot variables
points         : Plot points
polmode        : Set polarisation angles to Degrees or Radians
polplot        : Plot polarisation vectors from 'inset' & 'polset'
polset         : Read polarisation angles from this set
poly           : Fill a polygonal area with shading
pplot          : Plot profile from set
printusing     : Set a format for output of numbers
profaxis       : Draw (and label) profile axis
profdata       : Assemble the profile data into x/ycolumn
profile        : Get profile data from current subset
profint        : Integrate profile along subset axes
profinfo       : Write profile info at current pen position
quit           : Quit and leave program
read           : Read a macro
rectangle      : Draw rectangle from x1,y1 to x2,y2
reset          : Reset all global variables to their start value
setinfo        : Print information about specified set in log file
subset         : Change current subset
status         : Show macro status
storelut       : Store current lut values and other colour info
symbol         : Select marker symbol
stop           : Quit and leave program
task           : Spawn an external GIPSY task
termlen        : Length of terminals at end of errorbar(s)
text           : Write text at arbitrary position and angle
ticksize       : Set size of ticks on axis
tomm           : Convert x, y in world coordinates to mm
toplabel       : Put text at top of plot
toworld        : Convert x, y in mm to world coordinates
ulocation      : Define offset in plot in world coordinates
va             : Data column
vb             : Data column
vc             : Data column
vd             : Data column
ve             : Data column
vf             : Data column
vg             : Data column
vh             : Data column
vi             : Data column
vj             : Data column
vk             : Data column
vl             : Data column
vm             : Data column
vn             : Data column
vo             : Data column
vp             : Data column
vq             : Data column
vr             : Data column
vs             : Data column
vt             : Data column
vu             : Data column
vv             : Data column
vw             : Data column
vx             : Data column
vy             : Data column
vz             : Data column
view           : Start application view with current set and box
write          : Save a macro to file
world          : Plot in world coordinates, set a transformation
xcolumn        : Denote x data
xlabel         : Label along x axis
xmargin        : Offset in location of axes in x direction
xrange         : Limits in world coord. of horizontal axis
xscale         : Scale in X to define w.coord. system (grids/mm or units/mm)
xsize          : Set length of plot in mm in x direction
ycolumn        : Denote y data
ylabel         : Label along y axis
ymargin        : Offset in location of axes in y direction
yrange         : Limits in world coord. of vertical axis
yscale         : Scale in Y to define w.coord. system (grids/mm or units/mm)
ysize          : Set length of plot in mm in y direction
units          : List of available units
functions      : Functions and constants to be used in expressions
formats        : Formats to convert numbers to text
Syntax:  help [command]
         'command' is one of the commands listed above.
         You can use wildcards. The wildcard character is '*'
         e.g.: help *label* will list help about all commands that
         have 'label' as a sub string.
purpose: Set plotting angle
syntax:  angle [x]
         If x is omitted, the current value is displayed.
         The angle applies to plotted text strings.

example: angle 90              ! Rotate text over +90 degrees
purpose: Draw arrow
syntax:  arrow x1 y1 [x2 y2]
         If two numbers are given, then draw an arrow from current
         position to x1 y1. If four numbers are given then move to x1 y1 
         and draw to x2 y2. The cursor position after the arrow command will 
         always be x2, y2.
note:    The style of the arrowhead can be changed with the 'arstyle' command.
purpose: Set the style to be used for arrowheads
syntax:  arstyle [fs angle style]
         Command arstyle without parameters will list the current style for
         arrowheads. If you want to change these settings you can use the
         following parameters:
         fs:    Fill Style: fs = 1 => filled; fs = 2 => outline.
                Other values are treated as 2. Default 1.
         angle: the acute angle of the arrow point, in degrees;
                angles in the range 20.0 to 90.0 give reasonable
                results. Default 45.0.
         barb:  the fraction of the triangular arrow-head that
                is cut away from the back. 0.0 gives a triangular
                wedge arrow-head; 1.0 gives an open >. Values 0.3
                to 0.7 give reasonable results. Default 0.3.
purpose: Set scale and origin so that frame fits on device
syntax:  autoscale
         Set a default location and scale so that a frame will fit
         on the current device. If a set is read and no box was set
         then 'autoscale' will also set the default box to the size
         of the entire (sub)set.
purpose: Set major tick separation in physical units
syntax:  axdelta [d] [units]
         d is major tick separation. If no units are given, d is in
         world coordinates, else d is in units entered by the user.
         For an offset axis with physical coordinates, the offset will
         plotted in the user given units.
         if d is omitted, a default value will be calculated. 

example: axdelta 5.0           ! Separation major ticks is 5 (world coordinates)
         axdelta 10 arcmin     ! Convert value to header units
         axdelta               ! Calculate default

note:    The value for 'axdelta' is reset after the use of the 'axis' command'
purpose: Set format for labels
syntax:  axformat [string]
         'string' is a text string used as format template.
         If the string is an empty string, the general format will be 
         used for numerical labels. The hms format will be used for a 
         spatial longitude axis and the dms format will be used for a 
         spatial latitude axis. In the hms/dms formats part(s)
         of the label are always printed if the corresponding
         field is fixed by a capital.

table:   string       | number     | result      | remark 
         +eeeeee.eeee | 43345.5436 | +4.3346e+04 | exp. format, signed convers.
         gggg.ggggg   | 34.43      | _____34.430 | field width is 10
         +ffff.ff     | 23.456     | __+23.46    | signed conversion
         -ffff        | 345.87     | 346         | left justified
         -+ffff.fff   | 34.43      | +34.430     | left justified, signed conv.
         eee.eeee     | 234.43     | ________*   | field width too small
         ffff.ff      | blank      | _______b    | input was a blank
         hms          | 45         | 3h0m0s      | program determines precision
         hms.ss       | 45         | 3h0m0.00s   | 2 digits in precision
         hms.         | 45         | 3h0m0s      | 0 digits in precision
         dms          | 45         | 45o0'       | program determines precision
         dmS          | 45         | 45o0'0''    | always print the seconds

note 1:  If your start position for plotting major ticks is not a 'nice' 
         number, but the step size is, the default precision in the hms/dms
         formats, could be too small to label correctly. If this occurs, set
         the precision with the 'axformat' command.
purpose: Draw axis, and optionally label it with (converted) coords.
syntax:  axis B/R/T/L [P][W][O][F][Z][In1n2][An1n2]
         B = Bottom axis, T = Top axis, R = Right axis and L = left axis.
         P = Physical coord. labels
         W = World coord. labels, 
         O = Offset labels. 
         F = FITS transformations: phys = CRVAL + grid*CDELT
         Z = Plot labels as 10**(World coordinate).
         E = Extend the major label ticks to create a coordinate grid.
         I11 = Plot ticks marks inside frame.
         I10 = Plot ticks marks outside frame.
         I00 = Do NOT plot any tick marks
         A11 = Plot labels inside frame.
         A10 = Plot labels outside frame.
         A00 = Do NOT plot any labels

example: axis B                ! Plot Bottom axis, no labels 
         axis BW               ! Plot Bottom axis, labels are world coordinates 
         axis BP               ! Plot Bottom axis, labels are converted 
                               ! coordinates
                               ! a set must be given with inset command.

note:    The default position for the tick marks is inside
         the frame and for the labels outside the frame. Only if
         you want to change this scheme, you need the 'I' and/or 'A' options.

         The 'E' option can create an incomplete coordinate grid because
         for some projections the opposite axis labels do not show the
         same labels. In that case repeat the 'axis' commands with the
         'E' option for both opposite axes and use the same 'axpos' and
         'axdelta' values for these axes. The 'cgstep' (coordinate grid
         step) command sets the sampling of the points at which the grid
         coordinates are calculated.
purpose: Define the major tick marks on a logarithmic axis
syntax:  axlogs [x1 x2 x3...]
         Define the major tick marks on a logarithmic axis.
         i.e. plot labels as 10^(world/physical coordinate).
         The default labels are .. 0.01  0.1  1  10 etc.
         If you specify x1 x2 etc. (and 1.0 <= xi < 10)
         then also the numbers x1 x2 etc. are plotted. 

note:    The axis specification must include the character Z.

Example: axlogs 1 3 5
         Plot major ticks at ...0.1 0.3 0.5 1 3 5 10 30 50 100 .....
purpose: Set number of minor tick intervals
syntax:  axminors [n]
         n is the number of minor intervals between two major ticks.
         If n is omitted, the current value is displayed. If n < 0
         a default is calculated.

note:    The value of axminors is reset after plotting an axis, so it is
         only valid for the next call to 'axis'
purpose: Set physical start position on axis
syntax:  axpos [x] [units]
         x is position where first label has to be plotted, x is in
         world coordinates. If the current axis belongs to a set, 
         x can be given in units compatible with the units found in the 
         header. A list with units can be generated with: help units
         If 'axpos' has no parameters, a default value will be calculated.
         For physical coordinates, the program uses the GIPSY syntax.
         Spatial positions:
         *        ;  for RA or DEC in resp. HMS and DMS.
         *1950    ;  for RA or DEC in resp. HMS and DMS in EPOCH 1950.0
         *xxxx.x  ;  for RA or DEC in resp. HMS and DMS in EPOCH xxxx.x
         G        ;  Galactic longitude or latitude in degrees
         E        ;  Ecliptic longitude or latitude in degrees
         S        ;  Supergalactic longitude or latitude in degrees

example: axpos 120             ! Start writing ticks at world coord. 120
         axpos 200 km/s        ! Convert value to header units
         axpos                 ! Calculate default
         axpos PC              ! Start at to projection centre
         axpos AC              ! Start at axis centre in set (naxis/2-crpix)
         axpos * -60 12 23     ! Spatial position in dms for latitude
         axpos * 12 30 5.5     ! Spatial position in hms for longitude
purpose: Set title of axis to be plotted
syntax:  axtitle [string]
         if 'string' is omitted, a default title is plotted.

note:    A position for the title is obtained only after using the 
         axis command with the option W or P included.
purpose: Plot a shaded ellipse at current pen position
syntax:  Two different situation are distinguished:
         1) There is a 2-dim (sub)set and the map is a spatial map:
         beam  major minor [pos.angle] [lines] [slope] [shape] 
         The items "major [units]", "minor [units]" and "angle" can
         be replaced by "header". This will read the appropriate
         header item from header of the set.
         major = FWHM of major axis of beam in grids (world coordinates) 
                 or header compatible units. 
         minor = FWHM of minor axis of beam in grids (world coordinates)
                 or header compatitble units.
         angle = Angle (deg) between the North in your spatial map and
                 the major axis, taken in the direction of positive
                 latitude (for an RA axis i.e. anti-clockwise).
         2) There is a 2-dim (sub)set but the map is NOT a spatial map:
         beam  Xaxis [units] Yaxis [units] [angle=0.0] [lines] 
               [slope] [shape]
         Xaxis = FWHM (in x dir.) of beam in grids (world coordinates)
                 or header compatitble units.
         Yaxis = FWHM (in y dir.) of beam in grids (world coordinates)
                 or header compatitble units.
         angle = 0.0. The angle for such a set is not defined and is
                 set to zero by the program. Therefore the order of the  
                 beam axes is important. The first axis must be in the
                 X-direction and the second in the Y-direction.

         3) There is not a set available:
         beam  Xaxis Yaxis [angle] [lines] [slope] [shape]
         Xaxis = FWHM (in x dir.) of beam in world coordinates
         Yaxis = FWHM (in y dir.) of beam in world coordinates
         angle = Angle between the beam axis in X-direction and the X-

         The other (optional) parameters are the same for each 
         lines = Number of shade lines crossing axis in y direction
         slope = Slope of shade lines in degrees.
         shape = 1 an elliptical beam (default).
                 2 a rectangular beam.
                 3 a cross

         ad 1) 1: beam 1.4 arcmin 1 arcmin  ! A beam with mjor axis 1.4
                                            ! arcmin aligned with the north
               2; beam 1.4 arcmin 1 arcmin 110 20 30 2
                                            ! Same beam at angle 110 degrees
                                            ! with 20 shade lines at slope 30 
                                            ! deg. However the beam is 
                                            ! rectangular now.

note:    Draw a shaded ellipse in world coordinates. The position angle 
         (set by command 'angle')
         of the 'Xaxis' is wrt. the pos. x-axis. The ellipse is rotated
         counter-clockwise. The interior of the ellipse is shaded with lines
         The number of lines is lines' and the slope of the lines is 
         'slope' (deg.).
purpose: Use Gipsy input syntax to convert box to world coordinates
syntax:  box xlo ylo xhi yhi

example: box -10 -10 120 90      ! Box from (-10,-10) to (120,90)
         box PC D 10 10          ! Box with sizes 10x10 centered around
                                 ! the projection centre of the set
                                 ! that was selected with command 'inset' 

note:    -The GIPSY input syntax for boxes (like 'PC', 'AC', 'D' etc.)
         can only be used if a set is known. In that case the box may
         exceed the subset size.
         -The limits can also be changed with commands 'xrange' and 
         'yrange' (with or without a given set), but then the input 
         is always in world coordinates!
         It is allowed to set xlo > xhi and ylo > yhi for boxes (without
         a set) and ranges.
purpose: Create coordinate grid by extending label ticks at cgstep pixels
syntax:  cgstep [x]
         If x is omitted, the current value is displayed.

note:    This command is used if you are not satisfied with the
         coordinate sampling in the coordinate grid that was plotted 
         with the 'E' option in the 'axis' command. The default value
         is 1.0, i.e. a grid coordinate is calculated at each pixel.
         To accelerate the process, select a value greater than 1.0. 
         If you want a more accurate grid, select a value less than 1.0.

purpose: Set character height
syntax:  charheight [x] (mm)
         If x is omitted, the current character height is displayed.

note:    The size affects all text and graph markers. The default
         size is corresponds to a character height
         about 1/40 the height (in mm) of the view surface. Changing
         the character size also scales the length of tick marks for 
         standard boxes (without physical coordinates) and terminals
         drawn by the 'errorbar' command.
purpose: Clear device
syntax:  clear

note:    For non-interactive use. This command will be stored in the
         list. See also 'erase'
purpose: List contents of arguments (arrays)
syntax:  clist [one or more column names]
         The column names can be abbreviated.
example: clist x ex ycol eycolumn 
purpose: Close plot file or send output to printer
syntax:  closeplot

note:    Only after this command, a plotfile is closed or
         a plot is sent to a printer. If you used the 'hardcopy'
         command it is not necessary to use 'closeplot'.
purpose: Plot colour bar with numbers
syntax:  colbar [width] [height] [orientation]

         Plot an annotated grey-scale or color wedge at the current
         pen position using the current colour settings in GIDS.
         Height and width are in mm and are defined for every orientation
         of the colour bar/wedge. If you specify one of the axis 
         orientations L, R, T or B (together with width & height) 
         then L and R define a vertical bar and T and B define a 
         horizontal bar.
         The labels are controlled by the commands 'axpos', 'axdelta'
         and 'axformat'.
note 1:  A colour bar is plotted starting at the current pen position.
purpose: Set color index for subsequent plotting
syntax:  See description at colour
purpose: Set colour index for subsequent plotting
syntax:  colour [n]
    or:  colour [colour name]
         n is a colour number. If n is omitted, the current colour
         index is displayed. For the names, wildcards (*) can be used
         ======= AVAILABLE COLOURS =======
         0      Background
         1      Foreground or Default (Black if background is white)
         2      Red
         3      Green
         4      Blue
         5      Cyan
         6      Magenta
         7      Yellow
         8      Orange
         9      GreenYellow
         10     GreenCyan
         11     BlueCyan
         12     BlueMagenta
         13     RedMagenta
         14     DarkGray
         15     LightGray
         16-255 Undefined
purpose: Make colour plot of current set with current settings of GIDS
syntax:  colplot

recipe:  Use GIPSY application VIEW to start GIDS and adjust colours.
         getlut                  ! Command to fix the current colour settings.
         device lcpsfile         ! Select a colour device
         inset myset             ! Set of which you want a colour plot.
         box                     ! Define the box.
         colplot                 ! Create the colour plot.
         levels 1:10             ! Select levels for contours.
         contours                ! Draw the contours.
         end                     ! Close the plot, your PostScript file is ready.

note:    The GIDS colour Look Up Table and levels are used by the program
         to create a colour plot. GIDS must be available and set to your own
         preferences. Your graphics device must be a colour device e.g.
         keyword GRDEVICE=lcpsfile or command 'device lcpcfile' 
         If you want a colour plot and contours at the same time, use the
         'colplot' command before the 'contours' command. Otherwise you will
         see no contours in your hardcopy.
purpose: Set color representation
syntax:  colrep index red green blue

note:    Set colour representation: i.e., define the color to be
         associated with a color index. The colours red, green
         and blue are number between 0.0 and 1.0.

example: colrep 20 0.5 0.1 0.75
purpose: Connect points
syntax:  connect [b]

note:    Connect coordinates given in xcolumn, ycolumn by lines.
         The default 'connect' interprets blanks as values that cannot be 
         plotted and skips making connections between one or more blanks.
         If option 'b' is used, the blanks are completely ignored. Connections
         between points will not be interrupted.

example: xcolumn file(xcol,1,1:)       ! Read x data from file
         ycolumn file(ycol,1,1:)       ! Read y data from another file
         xrange xcolumn                ! Range is min/max of this column
         yrange ycolumn
         xsize 120                     ! Size of plot in mm
         ysize 80
         color foreground              ! Set colour to foreground
         symbol 17                     ! Select a marker symbol
         points                        ! Plot the markers
         color green    
         connect b                     ! Connect the points, ignore blanks
purpose: Label contours
syntax:  contlab [intval] [minint] [label]

         The spacing of labels along the contour is specified by parameters
         INTVAL and MININT. The routine follows the contour through the
         array, counting the number of cells that the contour crosses. The
         first label will be written in the MININT'th cell, and additional
         labels will be written every INTVAL cells thereafter. A contour
         that crosses less than MININT cells will not be labelled. Some
         experimentation may be needed to get satisfactory results; a good
         place to start is the default (which is intval 20, MININT 10).

         If you want your own text along a contour, then specify a
         label. Then however, you need to specify intval and minint also

note:    See also 'contours'. Note that the contour label routine does NOT
         recognize blank values.

purpose: Draw contours with ticks
syntax:  contticks [tick length] [tick step]
         Length of ticks in world coordinates. If tick length is
         positive, the direction of the ticks is toward a maximum.
         If it is a negative number, it points to a minimum.
         The tick step is an integer and sets the separation 
         of the ticks in grids!

note:    Defaults are 0.5 for the tick length and 1 for the
         tick step.
purpose: Draw contours
syntax:  contours

note:    Contours can only be plotted if levels are specified (levels command)
         Each contour line is drawn with the current line attributes (color
         index (color), style (lstyle), and width (lwidth).
purpose: Put cursor on screen
syntax:  cursor [mode]

note:    Start a loop in which the cursor position can be read. A 
         position is displayed if a key is pressed. You can leave the 
         cursor loop by pressing 'q' or 'Q'. The last position can be 
         marked by pressing 'm' or 'M' (See also at 'symbol')
         Other keys can also be defined. Their definition is 
         returned as a command. See 'curtxt'.
         The commands are executed immediately if a lower case
         character is pressed. If an upper case character is
         pressed, the command can be edited on the command line.

         The cursor 'mode' is implemented but there are currently
         no GIPSY devices that support different cursor styles. Mode is 
         a number between 0 and 7.
purpose: Format string for interactive position output
syntax:  curtxt #key string
         This command defines a keyboard character (a-z) as a 
         key definition in the interactive environment started with
         'cursor'. The string can include C-type formats. For each
         format pair, a x,y coordinate pair is substituted
         The coordinate pairs are the current cursor position.
         The maximum number of coordinate pairs is 4.
         All keys can be defined except 'Q' and 'M' because they
         have a definition in 'cursor'.

example: curtxt #A draw %f %f
         Define for use in 'cursor' the A key as command 
         draw x y where x y are the current cursor position.
         Start 'cursor' with COMMAND=cursor and press -a- to 
         execute the draw command or press -A- to edit the 
         draw command.
purpose: Delete (a) command(s) or a macro
syntax:  1) delete 'macroname'
         2) delete number-expression
         The syntax for the number expression follows the rules for the 
         GIPSY input of integer numbers.

example: delete curve	      ! delete macro curve
         delete 3             ! delete line 3 in current macro
         delete 3:6           ! delete lines 3 4 5 and 6 in current macro
purpose: Define plot device
syntax:  device [devicename] [nx] [ny]
         devicename:  name[//append] or name[/'filename']
         name:        the name of a known GIPSY plotting device
         //append:    write to device but do not clear first.
         /filename:   write hardcopy output to this file instead of 
                      a file with name generated by the program.
         nx: the number of subdivisions of the view surface in X.
         ny: the number of subdivisions of the view surface in Y.
         The program puts nx x ny graphs on each plot page or screen;
         when the view surface is sub-divided in this way, PAGE moves to
         the next sub-page, not the next physical page.

Note:    Sending output to a hardcopy device is only done 
         after the command 'end' to close the current device.

example: device gids              ! select device GIDS for plotting
         device                   ! prompt with GRDEVICE= (has list of devices)
         device gids//append      ! append to existing image in gids window
         device PPSFILE/myfile.ps ! write output to PPSFILE with
purpose: Print PGPLOT general information in log file
syntax:  devinfo
purpose: Draw a line
syntax:  draw x y

example: see examples  'move' 
purpose: Call editor in current macro
syntax:  edit [macroname]

example: edit                     ! edit current macro
         edit curve               ! start or edit macro curve,
                                  ! return to calling environment
note:    Abort editor action with ^C
purpose: Plot ellipse at current pen position
syntax:  ellipse  Xaxis [units] Yaxis [units] [start] [end]
         Plot ellipse at current pen position
         Xaxis = Semi axis (in x dir.) of ellipse in world coordinates
         Yaxis = Semi axis (in y dir.) of ellipse in world coordinates
         start = Angle (deg) to start drawing ellipse, default is 0
         end   = Angle (deg) to stop drawing ellipse, default is 360
         Units can be given only if a set is known!

note:    Draw an ellipse in world coordinates. The position angle
         (set by command 'angle')
         of the 'Xaxis' is wrt. the pos. x-axis. The ellipse is rotated
         counter-clockwise. The plotting starts at 'start' degrees from the
         'Xaxis' and stops at 'end' degrees from this 'Xaxis'.
purpose: End current activity, without leaving the program
syntax:  end
         Quit insert mode while building a macro, or quit macro
         and go to 'execute' (or 'main') mode.

example: end                      ! leave insert mode
         end                      ! leave macro, jump to execute mode

note:    Use 'closeplot' to close a device before sending a plot 
         to a printer.
purpose: Plotting environment, set window and viewport, and draw frame
syntax:  environ xlo ylo xhi yhi [just] [axis]
	 just:	  if just=1, the scales of the x and y axes will be equal
         otherwise they will be scaled independently.
         -2 : draw no box, axes or labels
         -1 : draw box only
          0 : draw box and label it with coordinates
          1 : same as 0 but also draw lines x=0 and y=0
          2 : same as 1, but also draw grid lines at major inc.
         10 : draw box and label x-axis logarithmically
         20 : draw box and label y-axis logarithmically
         30 : draw box and label both axes logarithmically

example: environ 0 0 100 50 1 0   ! draw box in equal scales and label axes

note:    default values for just and axis are 1 and 0 resp.
purpose: Clear screen/plot file, but do not store the command
syntax:  erase

note:    This interactive command cannot be stored in a macro.
         See also 'clear'.
purpose: Plot error bars
syntax:  1) errorbar [y] [x] [-y] [-x]
         2) errorbar [y1] [units] [x1] [units] [y2] [units] [x2] [units]
         ad 1) y, x, -x, -y are typed as shown, order is unimportant.
         ad 2) y1, x1, y2, x2 are floating point numbers, order is important.
               units can be used only if a set was given with the 'inset' command.

note:    As soon as one number is found, the routine draws one error bar
         with given bar lengths. Else, all positions in 'xcolumn, ycolumn'
         with corresponding errors in 'excolumn' or 'yxcolumn' will get
         an error bar.

example: errorbar y -y           ! draw vertical error bar. Length of bar in 
                                 ! one direction is given by the corresponding 
                                 ! value in 'eycolumn'. Repeat action for all 
                                 ! points in 'xcolumn, ycolumn'.
         errorbar 5 4            ! vertical error bar of length 5 and a hori-
                                 ! zontal error bar of length 4.
purpose: Denote error data for x
syntax:  see description at xcolumn
purpose: Denote error data for y
syntax:  see description at xcolumn
purpose: Set expand factor in x- and y direction
syntax:  expand x [y]
         x and y are expansion factors for the x- and y direction

note:    Only the scale(s) will be affected by the 'expand' command.
         The expansion is always with respect to the current values of
         'xscale' and 'yscale', so 'expand 1 1' will reset the scales to
         their original values.

example: expand 2.2 0.8          ! Expand factor 2.2 in x direction
                                 ! and shrink factor 0.8 in y direction
purpose: Set fill area style
syntax:  fastyle [n]
         If n is omitted, the current value is displayed.
         The default value is 2 (=hollow).
         If n is 1, the rectangle will be filled in the current colour

example: fastyle 1               ! solid fill
         fastyle 2               ! hollow (outline only)
         fastyle 3               ! hatched
         fastyle 4               ! cross hatched
purpose: Write contents of a column or results of 'help' to file
syntax:  file filename help [item1, item2, ...]
         file filename xcolumn/ycolumn/excolumn/eycolumn [xc../..]
         First option can be used to print a help file with command
         descriptions. file filename help will write all available
         help to file filename. If items (e.g. some commands) are
         entered after 'help' then only the help that is available for
         these items are written to file.
         The second option is used to write data stored in one of the
         GPLOT columns to a file. After the file name, one or more
         column names can be entered e.g.:
         file profile.txt ycolumn eycolumn
         which will store the contents of 'ycolumn' and 'eycolumn' to a
         file on disk with name 'profile.txt'.
purpose: Set character font
syntax:  font [n]
         font [normal]/[roman]/[italic]/[script]
         If n is omitted, the number of the current font is listed, 
         together with a list of available fonts.

example: font 3                  ! All subsequent text is in italic font
         font italic             ! Same

note:    1 = (default) a simple single stroke font (normal)
         2 = roman font
         3 = talic font
         4 = script font
FORMATS  (info)
Use:     text-command  [characters] [{[format,]expression}] [characters]
         format is a string containing the optional flags '+', '-', followed
         by characters indicating field width and precision.
         Text commands are 'text', 'xlabel', etc.

Example: text Values at theta {fffff.fff,pi/2}

Table:      format    | input      |  output      |   remark nr
         +eeeeee.eeee | 43345.5436 |  +4.3346e+04 |      1
         gggg.ggggg   | 34.43      |     34.430   |      2
         +ffff.ff     | 23.456     |   +23.46     |      3
         -ffff        | 345.87     | 346          |      4
         -+ffff.fff   | 34.43      | +34.430      |      5
         eee.eeee     | 234.43     |        *     |      6
         ffff.ff      | blank      |       b      |      7


         1) exponential format, signed conversion
         2) field width is 10
         3) signed conversion
         4) left justified, integer format
         5) signed, left justified
         6) field width too small for conversion
         7) input was a blank
purpose: Draw labeled frame around viewport (physical coordinates)
syntax:  frame

note:    This command consists of 4 calls to the 'axis' command (if subset.
         dimension equals 2
         Use the 'axis' commands if more 'label' control is wanted.

example: To plot the function y=sin(x) for 0 < x < 90 use commands:
         xcol 0:90               !generate values 0..90 in xcolumn
         ycol sin(rad(xcolumn))  !take the sine of each entry in xcolumn
         points                  !plot the markers at each x, y
purpose: Fix current GIDS colour settings for colour plots of sets
syntax:  getlut [header]

note:    Fix the current GIDS colour lut. This colour characteristics will
         be used for all colour plots of a set until 'getlut' is used again.
         This command must be used before using the 'colplot' command.
         The lut is preserved after the 'reset' command.
         A lut can be stored in a set given with 'inset' with command
         'storelut'. To retrieve it, use 'getlut header'.
purpose: Get scales and offsets of image displayed in GIDS
syntax:  gids

note:    For an overlay over an image displayed in GIDS (after command 'view'
         or GIPSY application VIEW), first select 'device gids//append' or
         'GRDEVICE=gids//append' at the start of GPLOT. Then use GPLOT command
         'gids' to read the set and box from GIDS and adjust the scales and
         offsets. After this, the command 'frame' can be used to draw a frame.
         The plot mode after this command is always 'world coordinates'.
purpose: Make grayscale plot
syntax:  grayscale

note:    Create a gray scale plot of the data in the set, subset as 
         specified in 'inset' and 'box'. The levels are selected with 
         the 'levels' command. The number of levels must be at least two.
         The first level appears in shade 0 ('background') and the last 
         level appears in shade 1 ('foreground'). The shading algorithm
         depends on the selected device. If you sort levels in descending
         order, the shading will change from dark to light.
purpose: Close the plot file and send it to new destination
syntax:  hardcopy [device specification]

example: hardcopy p1laser         ! re-execute commands for p1laser
                                  ! close plot file and send it
purpose: Get help
syntax:  help item1 item2 ...
         help *

example: help *lab*               ! display help about all commands 
                                  ! containing 'lab'
         help *                   ! display all available help
note:    With command 'file filename help',  all help information 
         is sent to an Ascii file with name -filename-.
purpose: Plot a histogram of BINNED data
syntax:  histobin [center]
         center: if yes, the xcolumn values denote the center of the bin, if
         no, the xcolumn values denote the lower edge (in x) of the bin.
         The default value for center is yes

note:    Plot a histogram of values with xcolumn values along the ordinate,
         and ycolumn along the abscissa. Bin width is spacing between X 
purpose: Plot a histogram of UNBINNED data
syntax:  histogram [nb]
         nb: the number of bins to use (in 'xcolumn' data)
         if omitted, 10 is substituted.

note:    The range given by 'minmax' is divided into nb equal bins and
         the number of 'xcolumn'  values in each bin is determined by
         this routine. 'nb' may not exceed 200.
purpose: Put plot id on plot
syntax:  id

note:    Plot string with user name and date on position of pen. This
         position can be changed with 'move'. The text attributes apply
         also to this command.
purpose: Read macro from file
syntax:  input 'filename'

example: input myplot.txt         ! input and execute contents of 'myplot.txt'

note:    If you change or extend the contents of main and want to write
         it back to disk in the old file, use: write main 'myplot.txt'
purpose: Open Gipsy set
syntax:  inset [set] [subset(s)]
         Use GIPSY input syntax for set, subset(s)

note:    After a valid 'inset' specification, some commands are treated
         in a different way. For instance 'box' now follows the GIPSY
         standard input syntax for boxes and all positions can be given
         in the standard GIPSY way.
purpose: Horizontal justification for text (0..1)
syntax:  justificat [n]
         if n is omitted, the current justification will be displayed

note:    'justificat' controls the horizontal justification of strings.
         If justific=0.0 the string will be left-justified at the 
         current pen position. If justific=0.5, it will be centered and 
         if justific=1.0, text will be right justified.
purpose: Specify a value using a keyword
syntax:  keyword command prompt
         Generate a keyword prompt. The name of the keyword is given in
         'command' (do not include '=' character!). The prompt is given in
         'prompt'. The text that is entered at the prompt will be passed to
         the command given in 'command' for execution.

example: keyword xrange Give xrange
         Generates keyword XRANGE= and prompts with: Give xrange
purpose: Define contour levels
syntax:  levels x1 x2 ... xn [perc]
         If no parameters are given, the command generates a list with the
         current levels. There is a maximum to the number of levels (...)
         If the last argument is perc , all the levels will be scaled between
         values specified with 'minmax'. The conversion from percentages
         to absolute levels is done with the formula: 
         level[i] = min + perc[i]/100 * [max-min] 
         so that 0% results in the level 'min' and 100% results in 'max'
         To inverse the shading of the gray scales, use a descending order 
         for the levels e.g. 1000 800 400 100

example: minmax set                ! min, max of current set
         levels 2 10 50 perc       ! 2% 10% 50%      
purpose: List commands in a macro
syntax:  list [expression]
         The syntax for the expression follows the rules for the
         GIPSY input of integer numbers.

example: list                     ! list all lines in current macro
         list 3                   ! list line 3 in current macro
         list 3:6                 ! list lines 3 4 5 and 6 in current macro
purpose: Define offset in plot in mm
syntax:  location [x] [y]
         x and y are numbers in mm that indicate the offset from the
         lower left corner of your device.
         If both numbers are omitted, the current offsets are displayed.
         The lower left corner of the current box is plotted at the
         position given with 'location' (in mm) or 'ulocation' (in world-
         coordinates). The relocation can be used for instance to create

note:    If you use location x y, the values x y indicate (in mm) the 
         position on the device of the lower left corner of the viewport
         If you want a position in world coordinates, use command 'ulocation'
purpose: Define line type
syntax:  lstyle [n]

note:    lstyle 1  : full line (default) 
         lstyle 2  : long dashes 
         lstyle 3  : dash-dot-dash-dot 
         lstyle 4  : dotted 
         lstyle 5  : dash-dor-dot-dot 
purpose: Set line thickness
syntax:  lwidth [n]
         If n is omitted, the current width is displayed. 

note:    This command affects lines, graph markers and text.
         But the exact appearance is device dependent. The minimum
         number is 1 and the maximum is 21.
purpose: Macro path
syntax:  macdir [pathname]
example: macdir /zwi1/users/whoever/macro
         Search for macro in directory /zwi1...

note:    macdir without argument resets path to current directory
purpose: Macro editing
syntax:  macro macroname

example: macro rotcur             ! start or update macro rotcur
                                  ! Equivalent to: edit rotcur

note:    Start a macro in execute mode by typing the name of the macro.
         f.i. rotcur NGC443 64  (Start macro rotcur with variables
         NGC443 and 64)
purpose: Put marker on current pen position
syntax:  marker [filename]
         Plot marker at current pen position. The marker is a symbol as defined
         with the command 'symbol'
         If a file name is given, then markers are plotted on all positions
         that could be extracted from the file. Each line in the file must
         have a valid two dim. position specification according to the GIPSY
         syntax for input of positions. A line can be empty or contain comment
         (starting with the '!' character).

note:    A series of markers can also be plotted using the 'xcolumn', 'ycolumn'
        'symbol' and 'points' commands. Then the input can only be grid

example: A file 'pos.txt' contains the positions:
         * 10 16 47.99  * 45 46 59.9
         * 10 16 43.22  * 45 48  9.8
         * 10 16 38.44  * 45 49 19.7 ! Last of the physical coordinates
         !back to grids
         80.3 56.7

         Markers are plotted with:
         device x11
         inset n3198h f 2
         marker pos.txt
purpose: Get min and max of image or column
syntax:  minmax n1 n2
         minmax set
         minmax head
         minmax xcol (or ycol, excol, eycol)
         minmax (without parameters, displays current values

example: minmax 0 10.2             ! set min to 0 and max to 10.2
         minmax set                ! determine min, max of current set
                                   ! in current box.
         minmax header             ! get min, max from header of current set.
         minmax xcolumn            ! min, max from xcolumn.
purpose: Plot in millimeter, use entire surface
syntax:  mmeter

note:    Switch back to world coordinates with command 'world'
purpose: Call the intern mosaic macro
syntax:  mosaic
         Starts an internal macro which will prompt you for the set and
         subsets, the character height of the axis titles (the height
         of the axis position labels will be scaled with this number),
         the mosaic layout ('moslxly') and a number of commands that 
         must be repeated for each mosaic panel (MOSCOM0=, MOSCOM1=,
         etc). The MOSCOM keywords are used to specify GPLOT commands
         with their parameters. There are some restrictions: the commands
         cannot be abbreviated and macro's cannot be used.
         Pressing carriage return at the MOSCOMn= keyword, 
         starts repeating the entered mosaic commands for each panel
         in the mosaic. A lot of assumptions are made in this internal 
         GPLOT macro and of course you lose flexibility, but it is easy 
         to use.

         If however you want to set up a mosaic using GPLOT commands, then 
         examine the next example. 

example: location 30 30
         color foreground
         inset aurora f
         xsize 120
         ysize 80
         moslxly 6 6
         levels 1 10 20 40 100
         subset 1
         color yellow
         ! ======== Next frame =======         
         subset 2
         color green
         ! ======== Next frame =======
         ... etc ...
purpose: Plot a frame in a mosaic
syntax:  mosframe
         Plot a mosaic frame, i.e. label panel axes if they are positioned
         at the left side or lower side of the frame. Plot also the name of 
         the axes. The character height for the axis labels is decreased
         with a factor calculated by the program. This command doe not \
         change the position of the current panel.
purpose: Divide page into x times y sub frames
syntax:  moslxly [x y]
         Set a mosaic to x columns and y rows. The complete mosaic
         size must be given before this command (f.i. with 'xsize' and
         'ysize'). Each panel will have a width of xsize/x and height
         If the command is given without parameters, it will reset the 
         scales and sizes to the values stored before a call to 'moslxly'.
         The 'moslxly' command is always the first command to set up a 
purpose: Go to the next mosaic panel
syntax:  mosnext
         Go to the next panel. The order is left to right and upper to lower.
purpose: Go to the previous mosaic panel
syntax:  mosprev
         Go to the previous panel. The order is right to left and lower 
         to upper.
purpose: Set x, y position in mosaic panel
syntax:  mosxy x y
         Set current panel to column x and row y. The values for x and 
         y start with 1 which corresponds to the panel in the lower left 
         corner. The default, after a call to 'moslxly', is a panel in
         the upper left corner, where x is 1 but y is equal to the 
         number of rows that you entered in 'moslxly'.
purpose: Move to position x, y
syntax:  move x y
         Move the current pen position to the position (x,y).
         The position can be interpreted as grids, mm or physical

example: move 20 30              ! Move to world coordinates (20,30)
                                 ! in millimeter mode: (20,30) mm
         move PC                 ! Move to projection centre in set
         move AC                 ! Move to axis centre in set (naxis/2-crpix)
         move * 10 12 8  * -67 8 9.6
                                 ! Move to RA 10h12m8s, DEC -67d8m9.6s
                                 ! in the epoch found in the header
         move *2000.0 10 12 8 *2000.0 -67 8 9.6
                                 ! Same as above but now for Epoch 2000.0
         move U 45.323 U 30.322
                                 ! Move to physical position 45.323, 30.322
                                 ! DEGREE
         move G 45 G 45          ! Move to this galactic lon, lat in degrees
         move E 45 E 45          ! Move to this ecliptic lon, lat in degrees
         move S 45 S 45          ! Move to this supergalactic lon, lat in deg.
         move 30000 M/S U 45     ! A velocity and a number in axis units

note:    If the subset dimension was 1 (only one axis specified), the physical
         coordinate will be converted for that axis (whatever its orientation
         will be).
purpose: Calculate default box for overlay set
syntax:  overbox
         Get a default box for an overlay set so that this
         set fits into the box that was used by the previous

note:    The box is calculated using physical coordinates.
         Therefore, projection and rotation are important.
         However the program assumes that the rotation and
         projection are the same for each set and does not
         check this explicitly.

         inset set1
         levels 2 4 6
         inset set2   !Load a set
         overbox      !Set a default box to fit overlay
         overlay on   !Adjust scales automatically
purpose: Switch from old scale to overlay scale vv.
syntax:  overlay , overlay on, overlay y
         -Start overlay mode
         overlay off
         -Return to previous scales and offset

note:    For an overlay over an image displayed in GIDS see at 'gids'

         inset set1
         levels 2 4 6
         inset set2   !Load a set
         box -30 -30 30 30 (or use overbox)
         overlay on   !Adjust scales automatically
purpose: Advance to a new (sub) page
syntax:  page

note:    Advance to a new (sub) page, clearing the screen.
         PAGE does not change the window or the position of the viewport
         relative to the (sub-)page.
purpose: Set line style according to this pattern
syntax:  pattern x1 ... x8
         The parameters are 8 numbers which set a new line style
         pattern. The numbers consist of 4 pairs. The first number
         of each pair is the number of dots that must be plotted
         and the second number is the number of dots that must
         be skipped. The line style is reset with command 'lstyle 1'.
         The parameters are floating point numbers > 0

examples:The patterns of the default line styles:
         dashed: pattern 10::8
         dot-dash-dot-dash: patt 8 6 1 6  8 6 1 6
         dotted: patt 1 6 1 6  1 6 1 6
         dash-dot-dot-dot: 8 6 1 6  1 6 1 6
purpose: Pause executing commands in main
syntax:  pause
         (Continue after pressing carriage return)

note:    Pausing can be useful if you want to execute a macro
         but also want for example to change the color lut
         just before a 'getlut' command.
purpose: Draw labeled frame around viewport
syntax:  pgframe [string1 tick1 sub1 string2 tick2 sub2]
         string1: string of options for horizontal axis
         tick1:   world coordinate interval between major ticks in X
                  If tick1=0.0, the interval is chosen by the program
         sub1:    number of sub intervals to divide the major coordinate
                  intervals into. If sub1=0, the number is chosen by the
                  program (also if tick1=0.0).
         string2, tick2, sub2: same as above but now for y axis
         string consists of characters:
         A: draw Axis (X axis is horizontal line Y=0, etc.)
         B: draw Bottom (X) or left (Y) edge of frame
         C: draw top (X) or right (Y) edge of frame
         G: draw Grid of vertical (X) or horizontal (Y) lines
         I: Invert the tick marks; i.e. draw them outside the viewport
            instead of inside
         L: Label axis logarithmically. The major tick interval is always 1.0.
            The numeric label is 10**(x) where x is the world coordinate
            at the tick mark. If subticks are requested, 8 subticks are drawn
            between each major tick at equal logarithmic intervals.
         N: write Numeric labels in the conventional location below the
            viewport (X) or to the left of the viewport (Y)
         P: extend ('Project') major tick marks outside the box (ignored 
            if option I is specified.
         M: write numeric labels in the unconventional location above the
            viewport (X) or to the right of the viewport (Y)
         T: draw major Tick marks at the major coordinate interval
         S: draw minor tick marks (Subticks)
         V: orient numeric labels Vertically. This is only applicable to Y.
            The default is to write Y-labels parallel to the axis

note:    There are defaults for the arguments. But you cannot omit them
         in a random order. So if you want to specify only the number
         of subticks along Y, you have to give the other arguments too!

example: pgframe                 ! same as pgframe BCNST 0.0 0 BCNSTV 0.0 0
purpose: Set viewport (normalized device coordinates)
syntax:  pgviewport xlo ylo xhi yhi (all in mm)

note:    Change the size and position of the viewport, specifying the viewport
         in mm in each dimension. The viewport is the rectangle on the view 
         surface through which one views the graph. Most of the plot routines
         truncate at the edge of the viewport. The region of world space
         (the coordinate space of the graph) which is visible through the
         viewport is set by 'box' or 'xrange' and 'yrange'. It is legal to
         request a viewport larger than the view surface. Only the part which
         appears on the view surface will be plotted. The default viewport is
         the entire device.
purpose: Playback commands in main
syntax:  playback [device]

example: playback                 ! Re-execute stored commands on current device
         playback xterm           ! Re-execute stored commands on device xterm
         playback ?               ! playback, but prompt with GRDEVICE= first
purpose: Generate a list of global plot variables
syntax:  plotinfo
purpose: Plot points
syntax:  points
         Routine to draw Graph Markers (polymarker) at coordinates in 
         xcolumn, ycolumn. They are drawn using
         the current values of attributes color-index, line-width, and
         character-height (character-font applies if the symbol number
         is >31).  If the point to be marked lies outside the window,
         no marker is drawn.

note:    Blank values are not plotted!
purpose: Set polarisation angles to Degrees or Radians
syntax:  polmode R/D
         If the mode is set to R (default) the angles read
         from 'polset' are in radians. If the mode is set to D
         the angles are in degrees.
purpose: Plot polarisation vectors from 'inset' & 'polset'
syntax:  polplot [gridmask_x, gridmask_y] [iscale]
         gridmask_x/y are integers, iscale is a float
         Plot at predefined grid positions polarisation vectors
         with lengths set by data from 'inset' and with angles
         set by data from 'polset'. Data in 'inset' is scaled
         by 'iscale'. This is a number that scales the maximum
         intensity to the size of one pixel. If your maximum is Imax
         then iscale = 1/Imax will scale all vectors so that the
         longest fits into one pixel.
         If 'iscale' is omitted, a default will be calculated.
         Vectors will be plotted only on those integer grid-positions
         where the grid can be divided by gridmask_x in the x direction
         and gridmask_y in the y direction.

note:    See also 'polmode' and 'polset'.
purpose: Read polarisation angles from this set
syntax:  polset set [subset(s)]
         Read angles of polarisation vectors from this set.
         Whether the angles are read as radians or degrees depend
         on 'plotmode'.
purpose: Fill a polygonal area with shading
syntax:  poly
         Shade the interior of a closed polygon. The action
         of this routine depends on the setting of 'fastyle'
         If Fill-Area Style is 1 (SOLID, the default), the
         interior of the polygon is solid-filled using the 
         current Color Index (colour). If Fill-Area Style is
         HOLLOW, the outline of the polygon is drawn using
         the current line attributes (color index, line-style,
         and line-width)

note:    If one of the arrays xcolumn or ycolumn contain
         blank values, plotting is aborted!
purpose: Plot profile from set
syntax:  pplot
         pplot is a macro that generates keywords to specify the profile
         that you want to plot. An internal loop allows you to create
         mosaics of profiles. There is also a keyword to store calculated
         profile coordinates (if possible physical coordinates) and the 
         corresponding profile values to disk.
         At the end of the loop you are asked to quit GPLOT or to stay
         in command mode.

note:    Most important ingredients are the commands:
         profaxis bp
         profaxis tw
purpose: Draw (and label) profile axis
syntax:  See command 'axis'.
         Draw an axis, just like the 'axis' command, but be sure that 
         the plotted axis is the profile axis. This is not always the case
         with the usual 'axis' command because this command depends on
         how 'inset' is used.

note:    Command has effect only after 'profile' is used.
         It is not necessary to use 'profaxis' if the 'inset' command
         specified a class 2 input (e.g. inset n3198h freq). In that case
         it is obvious which axis is the profile axis
purpose: Assemble the profile data into x/ycolumn
syntax:  profdata
         This command actually assembles the profile data and stores
         it in the x/ycolumns and the excolumn. Also a string with profile 
         information is created. This string is printed with command 'profinfo'.
         'xcolumn' contains sample coordinates in the profile in grids.
         'excolumn' contains the physical equivalents of the grid positions
         in units as found in the header (CUNITn, n=1,2,..), 
         and 'ycolumn' contains the profile data in units given by the header
purpose: Get profile data from current subset
syntax:  profile x1 x2 .. xn  y1 y2 .. yn
         profile x1 x2 .. xn
         profile    (which generates a keyword prompt)

         The input depends on the input at 'inset'. For class 1 input
         (subset definitions), two profile positions must be entered to
         define a start- and an end point in the subset. For class 2 input
         (a profile axis is defined, e.g. inset n3198h freq 3:100), a
         position must be defined. The dimension of the vectors n, is the
         dimension of the subset that you defined.
         If arguments are omitted, you get a PROFILE= keyword with a message
         in which a position or a range is prompted e.g. 
         'Give profile from (RA1,DEC1) to (RA2,DEC2):' 
         'Give position in (RA,DEC): 
         Only the first input method allows you extract your profile
         in ANY direction in your (sub) set. Between the two profile
         positions a line is calculated and all grids on this line are
         used to get the corresponding image value. The image values are
         stored in the array 'ycolumn'. If the profile is aligned to one
         of the subset axes, 'xcolumn' will contain the grids along this
         axis, else, 'xcolumn' will contain the numbers 0 to number of
         points in profile minus one.
         The profile axis must be plotted with command 'profaxis' instead
         of 'axis'. The arguments can be the same as in 'axis'.

note:    The data is copied to xcolumn and ycolumn ONLY AFTER COMMAND
         'profdata'. Between these commands, you can use command 'profint'
         to set the integration sizes.
purpose: Write profile info at current pen position
syntax:  profinfo
         Plot at current pen position the profile information
         that was obtained after command 'profdata'. It contains the
         profile definition (position or range) and the integration 
         sizes (abbreviated as int.) if any are defined with 'profint'.
purpose: Integrate profile along subset axes
syntax:  profint [integration sizes]
         If profint is given without parameters, then a prompt will be
         generated. The contents will depend on the way that 'inset'
         fixed your profile. If a profile specification aligns a profile
         with one of the axes in a set, then integration is possible
         in all remaining directions of that set. If you know beforehand
         in which directions integration is possible, then you can give
         the integration sizes as command parameters.
         The numbers that you enter are sizes of a box centered around a 
         profile position according to the formulas: 
               gridlo = cpos - PROFINT/2      and
               gridhi = cpos + PROFINT/2

example: inset AURORA f    ! AURORA is RA-DEC-FREQ set. Profile is in frequency
         profile 0 0       ! Profile starts at RA=0, DEC=0
         profint 2 4       ! Integrate over 3 pixels in RA, 5 pixels in DEC
purpose: Quit and leave program
syntax:  quit (or stop)

note:    To abort the program use 'quit' or 'stop'.
         To send a plot without quitting GPLOT, use 'closeplot'.
purpose: Read a macro
syntax:  read macroname [filename]

example: read house               ! Create macro 'house', and 
                                  ! read input from 'house.mac' 
         read stars /dj2/users/me/local.txt      ! Start macro stars
                                                 ! input from 'local.txt'

note:    Start a macro in execute mode by typing the name of the macro
         The macro name must be an unique name, i.e. it should not get
         the name of an existing command.
purpose: Draw rectangle from x1,y1 to x2,y2
syntax:  rectangle x1 [units] y1 [units] x2 [units] y2 [units]
         rectangle xlen ylen
         1) Four numbers must be supplied. If a set is known, also 
            units can be given.
         2) Two numbers must be supplied. The first one is a length
            in grids corresponding to the length in x-direction.
            The second is the length in y.

example: recta * 2 2 0 * 37 52 0 * 1 59 0 * 38 4 0
                                 ! draw rectangle from:
                                 ! RA=2h2m0s, DEC=37d52m0s to 
                                 ! RA=1h59m0s, DEC=38d4m0s
         recta -900 km/s -10 900 km/s 10
                                 ! draw rectangle from:
                                 ! x1=-900 km.s y1=-10 (grids) to 
                                 ! x2=900 km/s y2=10 (grids)
         rectangle 100 30
                                 ! length 100 grids in x, 30 in y
purpose: Reset all global variables to their start value
syntax:  reset
purpose: Print information about specified set in log file
syntax:  setinfo
purpose: Change current subset
syntax:  subset index
         index is a subset index number. The first number is always 0.
         The maximum number is (number_of_subsets-1).
purpose: Show macro status
syntax:  status

note:    See DEVINFO for plot status (device characteristics etc.)
purpose: Store current lut values and other colour info
syntax:  storelut
         Store all colour information obtained with 'getlut' and GIDS
         in a table in the header of the set given in 'inset'. The 
         information is retrieved with 'getlut header'. The table is
         stored at the subset level given in 'inset'.
purpose: Select marker symbol
syntax:  symbol n
         n == -1                 ! Draw a dot of the smallest possible size.
         0 < n < 32              ! Draw plot symbol from table in PGPLOT manual
         n > 32                  ! Plot corresponding ASCII character as marker
purpose: Quit and leave program
syntax:  stop (or quit)

note:    To quit the program use 'quit' or 'stop'.
         To send a plot without quitting GPLOT, use 'closeplot'.
purpose: Spawn an external GIPSY task
syntax:  task taskname keyword1=val1 keyword2=val2 keyword3=val3, ......
         Spawn a task that reads the keywords as entered in the keyword
         list (list after the task name).
example: task COMBIN RESULT01=ifgt($2,3.0,$1,blank) RESULT02= 
         SET01=u9211-2dim 1 SET02=u9211-2dim 8 SETOUT01=temp BOX01= BOX02=
purpose: Length of terminals at end of errorbar(s)
syntax:  termlen [n]
         Length of error bar terminals as multiple of the default length.
         If termlen equals 0.0 no terminals will be drawn.
         If n is omitted, the current value is displayed.
purpose: Write text at arbitrary position and angle
syntax:  text string
         'string' is a text string to be plotted at the current pen position.
         The text is plotted with angle and justification as specified in
         'angle' and 'justificat'. Also the text attributes apply.
         A string entered on the COMMAND LINE can only include semicolons(;) and
         equal characters(=) if the string (or these characters) are escaped
         with a back-quote(`) character.
         If you want to include leading spaces in your string, substitute a
         '@' character for each space that you want to include.
         The text can also include special characters/symbols.
         These (Hershey) symbols are represented by a number between parentheses,
         prefixed by a backslash.
         Text can also contain an expression. Expressions are enclosed
         between brackets '{}'. Between these brackets there can be either the
         expression or a format string followed by a comma followed by an 
         expression. This expression is either a mathematical expression
         or a '#' character followed by a number. This number indicates the 
         number of the axis outside the current subset for which a physical
         coordinate must be returned. The first non-subset axis is #1, the
         second is #2 etc.

         These notes apply for all text commands like x/ylabel etc.
         For an overview of formats use: help formats

example: text NGC841             ! nothing special
         text H\\d2\\uO            ! 2 in subscript
         text \\(0274)            ! Draw a copyright symbol
         text `x=3;`             ! Text with '=' and semicolon must be escaped with back quotes
         text Values at theta {fffff.fff,pi/2}
         text Velocity is {ffffff.ff,#1} km/s
         See GPLOT manual for special characters and symbols

note:    If text is read from a command file, then it is not necessary to use
         back quotes. In fact, back quotes will be part of the string then.
purpose: Set size of ticks on axis
syntax:  ticksize [x]
         x is a number in mm. If x is omitted, the current value is listed.
purpose: Convert x, y in world coordinates to mm
syntax:  tomm x y
         x and y are world coordinates that are transformed to
         to mm. The values are written in the log file
purpose: Put text at top of plot
syntax:  toplabel string(s)

example: toplabel Vel (Km/s)
         The labels are plotted according to fixed angles and justification.

note:    If the default positions calculated by the program
         are not suitable, use command 'text' instead.
purpose: Convert x, y in mm to world coordinates
syntax:  x y
         x and y are coordinates in mm that are transformed to
         to world coordinates The values are written in the log file
purpose: Define offset in plot in world coordinates
syntax:  ulocation [x] [y]
         x and y are numbers in world coordinates that indicate the offset
         from the lower left corner of the current viewport (=0,0 mm).
         If both numbers are omitted, the current offsets are displayed in mm.

note:    For absolute offsets (in mm), use the 'location' command.
UNITS  (info)

table:   ======== Units recognized by GIPSY ========
              DEGREE      ARCSEC      ARCMIN      RADIAN
              CIRCLE      DMSSEC      DMSMIN      DMSDEG
              HMSSEC      HMSMIN      HMSHOUR
              METER       ANGSTROM    NM          MICRON
              MM          CM          INCH        FOOT
              YARD        M           KM          MILE
              PC          KPC         MPC
              TICK        SECOND      MINUTE      HOUR
              DAY         YEAR
              HZ          KHZ         MHZ         GHZ
              M/S         MM/S        CM/S        KM/S
              K           MK
              JY          MJY

purpose: Data column
         Also vb, ..., vz
syntax:  See at command 'xcolumn'

note:    In GPLOT you have 26 vector variables with names va, vb etc.
         These vectors behave in the same way as the special vectors 
         'xcolumn', 'ycolumn', 'excolumn' and 'eycolumn' but they have 
         no special meaning for plotting etc. they are just arrays 
         for data storage. Available memory determines the maximum
         length of the vectors. Expressions with these variables
         are case INsensitive. Expression lengths cannot exceed 1024 

Example: va 0:pi:0.1
         vb sin(va)
         ycolumn va*vb
         clist ycolumn vA vB
purpose: Start application view with current set and box
syntax:  view

note:    The application VIEW is started. The input set is given by 'inset'.
         The box is copied from the current box.
         GPLOT will ask you to supply a CLIP= keyword (belongs to VIEW)
purpose: Plot in world coordinates, set a transformation
syntax:  world

note:    This command is used after the 'mmeter' command
         to switch back to the stored box and scales.
purpose: Save a macro to file
syntax:  write macroname [filename]

example: write house               ! write contents of 'house' to 'house.mac'
         write stars /dj2/users/me/local.txt
                                   ! write contents of stars to 
                                   ! /dj2/users/me/local.txt
         write main                ! write contents of excecute macro 
                                   ! to 'main.mac'
purpose: Denote x data
syntax:  Syntax is the same for xcolumn, ycolumn, excolumn & eycolumn
         xcolumn filename colnr
         xcolumn file(filename,column,row-range (Hermes syntax for input from files
         xcolumn expression-without-variables
         xcolumn expression-with-variables

example: xcolumn radius.dat 3       ! Read third column from radius.dat in xcolumn
         xcolumn file(gauss.dat,1,8:15)
         xcol 10**[0 1 5]           ! xcolumn values:    1 10 100000
         xcol sin(rad(xcolumn))     ! take the sine of each entry in xcolumn

note:    The variable names are the names of the columns. In an expression
         you have to specify the generic name like xcolumn, eycolumn etc.
         The contents of the columns can be listed with 'clist'.
         This command accepts (abbreviated) column names as arguments.
         The array contents will be listed in the same left to right order
         as that the arguments were entered.
purpose: Label along x axis
syntax:  See description at toplabel
purpose: Offset in location of axes in x direction
syntax:  xmargin [mm]
         Argument is given in mm
         If value is omitted, the current value is displayed

note:    For better layout, you often do not want the pixels, as plotted
         by for instance 'grayscale', intersect your axes. It is possible
         to enlarge the frame a bit in x and y direction with this command.
purpose: Limits in world coord. of horizontal axis
syntax:  xrange
         xrange lo hi
         xrange xcolumn
         xrange ycolumn
         xrange minmax
        'lo, hi' are in world coordinates
         Command without parameters displays current values.
         xrange (or yrange) and a column name will set the range to 
         the min and max. value in that column. The column names can be
         abbreviated to xcol/ycol.
         If the argument is minmax, then the current values indicating
         a minimum and maximum as stored in 'minmax' are copied (see .
         description at 'minmax' to read what can be set by 'minmax').
purpose: Scale in X to define w.coord. system (grids/mm or units/mm)
syntax:  xscale [n] [units]
         xscale without parameters will display the current value.
         Without units, the scale is in grids/mm
         With units, the units are physical units corresponding to
         the axis units (or other units if a conversion is possible).

note:    If a set is specified with 'inset' and your axes are in
         units corresponding with the header units, you can also
         specify the scale in physical units. For example if an axis
         unit is in degrees, you can give: 
         xscale n1 DEGREE  or 
         xscale n2 ARCMIN  or 
         xscale n3 ARCSEC  or 
         The command help units generates a list with GIPSY units.
purpose: Set length of plot in mm in x direction
syntax:  xsize [x]
         If x is omitted, the current value is displayed.
         This command sets the size in mm for the current range on the
         x axis. It can be used independent of 'xscale'.
purpose: Denote y data
syntax:  see description at xcolumn
purpose: Label along y axis
syntax:  see description at toplabel
purpose: Offset in location of axes in y direction
syntax:  see description at xmargin
purpose: Limits in world coord. of vertical axis
syntax:  see description at xrange
purpose: Scale in Y to define w.coord. system (grids/mm or units/mm)
syntax:  see description at xscale
purpose: Set length of plot in mm in y direction
syntax:  see description at xsize