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Preprocessing for Selavy — CentralProcessor 0.11 documentation

Preprocessing for SelavyТЖ

A summary of the different types of preprocessing available to Selavy. This refers to work done on the image prior to source-finding, to enhance the detectability of objects. Some of these algorithms are from the Duchamp source-finder, and are described in the Duchamp User’s Guide and Whiting (2012), MNRAS 421, 3242.

У? trous wavelet reconstructionТЖ

Algorithm detailsТЖ

One way Selavy can try to increase the apparent signal-to-noise of objects is to perform a thresholded multi-resolution wavelet reconstruction of the data, using the Уљ trous algorithm. Briefly, the algorithm smoothes the data with progressively larger kernels (doubling the separation of the kernel elements each time), then forms wavelet arrays from the difference of successive smoothed arrays. These wavelet arrays describe the amount of signal at that scale at that location. Applying a threshold to these, and only keeping signal above the threshold, can reject a lot of the random noise present in the image. Once thresholded, the wavelet arrays are summed back together, then source extraction can be performed, generally to a quite low level. Wavelet reconstruction tends to give very good reliability.

The key parameters controlling the reconstruction are the dimensionality of the reconstruction, the level of the thresholding applied to the wavelet arrays, and the range of scales to make use of. There are other, more minor, parameters governing the specifics of the kernel, and the criterion for determining when to stop the reconstruction (looking at the degree of convergence, testing if there is still significant signal being missed).

Reconstruction parametersТЖ

Note that these are not in the usual hierarchical format (constrast with the 2D1D case below) – this is because this algorithm originates with the Duchamp source finder, which has a flat parameter set input.

Parameter Type Default Explanation
flagAtrous bool false Whether to use the wavelet reconstruction
reconDim int 1 The number of dimensions in which to perform the reconstruction. 1 means reconstruct each spectrum separately, 2 means each channel map is done separately, and 3 means do the whole cube in one go.
snrRecon float 4 Signal-to-noise threshold applied to wavelet arrays – only wavelet coefficients at least this many sigma above the mean are included in the reconstruction.
scaleMin int 1 Minimum wavelet scale to include in reconstruction. A value of 1 means т??use all scalesт??.
scaleMax int 0 Maximum wavelet scale to use in the reconstruction. If 0 or negative, then maximum scale is calculated from the size of the array.
filterCode int 1 Code number for the filter that defines the smoothing kernel. Consult the User Guide for details.
reconConvergence float 0.005 The criterion for convergence of the reconstruction - the relative changes in the standard devidation of the residuals must be less than this.


Alternatively, the array can be smoothed by a filter of a single scale. This can be done either in the spatial domain or the spectral domain. If spatial, a two-dimensional Gaussian kernel is used. If spectral, a hanning-style filter of a defined width is used. Smoothing can provide catalogues with very good completeness, depending on the appropriateness of the filter.

Parameter Type Default Explanation
flagSmooth bool false Whether to smooth the data prior to searching.
smoothType string spectral The smoothing method used: either “spectral” or “spatial”
hanningWidth int 5 The width of the Hanning spectral smoothing kernel
kernMaj float 3 The FWHM of the major axis of the 2D Gaussian smoothing kernel, in pixels.
kernMin float 3 The FWHM of the minor axis of the Gaussian kernel, in pixels
kernPA float 0 The position angle, in degrees, of the Gaussian kernel
smoothEdgeMethod string equal The method for dealing with the pixels on the edge of the image when doing the spatial smoothing. Can be one of: equal (all pixels treated the same), truncated (pixels near edge blanked out) or scale (pixels near edge scaled by the relative amount of the smoothing kernel used).
spatialSmoothCutoff float 1.e-10 The value of the Gaussian kernel defining the width of the 2D kernel array. Relative to the peak of 1.

2D1D Wavelet reconstructionТЖ

Selavy also provides the ability to reconstruct the image using the 2D1D wavelet transform (see FlУЖer & Winkel 2012, PASA 29, 244). This operates as an alternative reconstruction method to the Duchamp Уљ trous algorithm, and works with the rest of the source finding in exactly the same way. The parameter-set interface is different, however, to better use the capabilities of the parameter set - see below.

Algorithm detailsТЖ

The version of the algorithm being used is a specially-constructed version provided by Lars FlУЖer, that has the same interface as the Duchamp wavelet algorithms. The parameters that are available to the user are similar to those required by the Уљ trous algorithms. The key one is the reconstruction threshold snrRecon, that defines the n-sigma threshold used in keeping or rejecting wavelet coefficients. The minimum and maximum scales to be considered for the spatial and spectral directions can be specified (the defaults use all possible scales). The maximum number of iterations can be specified also (unlike the Duchamp algorithms, no convergence test is applied) - on subsequent iterations, the residual (input - output) is searched for further signal not yet recovered in the output array. There is also the option not in the Duchamp algorithms to enforce “positivity” in the final result - essentially setting negative values to zero.

2D1D parametersТЖ

Parameter Type Default Explanation
recon2D1D bool false Whether to use the 2D1D algorithm
recon2D1D.snrRecon float 3.0 The signal-to-noise threshold applied to the wavelet coefficients
recon2D1D.useDuchampStats bool false Whether to find the stats in the same way as the Duchamp algorithms.If false, the rms of the wavelet array is used in combination with snrRecon
recon2D1D.minXYscale int 1 The minimum spatial scale to be considered in the reconstruction
recon2D1D.maxXYscale int -1 The maximum spatial scale to be considered in the reconstruction. If negative, the maximum possible is used - ln_2(min(xdim,ydim))
recon2D1D.minZscale int 1 The minimum spectral scale to be considered in the reconstruction
recon2D1D.maxZscale int -1 The maximum spectral scale to be considered in the reconstruction. If negative, the maximum possible is used - ln_2(zdim)
recon2D1D.enforcePositivity bool true Whether to set negative values in the output result to zero.
recon2D1D.maxIter int 1 The maximum number of iterations of the algorithm