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Дата индексирования: Tue Apr 12 13:03:46 2016
Кодировка: IBM-866
How to run the BETA pipelines — CentralProcessor 0.11 documentation

How to run the BETA pipelines€ґ

Loading the pipeline module€ґ

The pipeline scripts are now accessed through a specific module on galaxy - askappipeline. This is separate to the main askapsoft module, to allow more flexibility in updating the pipeline scripts. To use, simply run:

module load askappipeline

Note that for the linear mosaicking, if you want to get the beam centres based on the beam footprint specification (ie. using the ACES tool footprint.py), you will need to load the ACES module (to get the correct python packages) and have an up-to-date version of the ACES subversion repository. If you have not loaded the ACES module, it is likely the footprint.py task will fail, and mosaicking will be disabled.

Once loaded, the module will set an environment variable PIPELINEDIR, pointing to the directory containing the scripts. It also defines PIPELINE_VERSION to be the version number of the currently-used module.

Configuration file€ґ

To run the processing, you need to call processBETA.sh, providing it with a user input file that defines all necessary parameters. If you’ve loaded the pipelines module as detailed above, then this should be able to be run directly, like so:

processBETA.sh -c myInputs.sh

where the user input file myInputs.sh could look something like this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Example user input file for BETA processing.
# Define variables here that will control the processing.
# Do not put spaces either side of the equals signs!
# control flags
# scheduling blocks for calibrator & data
# base names for MS and image data products
# beam location information, for mosaicking
# other imaging parameters

This file should define enough environment variables for the scripts to run successfully. Mandatory ones, if you are starting from scratch, are the locations of either the SBs for the observations or the specific MSs.

When run, this file will be archived in the slurmOutputs directory (see below), marked with an appropriate timestamp so that you’ll be able to keep a record of exactly what you have run.

Important Note: The input file is a bash script, so formatting matters. Most importantly in this case, you can not have spaces either side of the equals sign when defining a variable.

User-defined Environment Variables€ґ

The user is able to specify environment variables that directly relate to the parset parameters for the individual ASKAPsoft tasks. The input parameters are named differently, so that they are tied more obviously to specific tasks, and to distinguish between the the same parset parameter used for different jobs (eg. the preconditioning definition could differ for the continuum & spectral-line imaging).

The input environment variables are all given with upper-case names, with an underscore separating words (eg. VARIABLE_NAME). This will distinguish them from the parset parameters.

The following pages list the environment variables defined in defaultConfig.sh тАУ these can all be redefined in your input file to set and tweak the processing. The default value of the parameter (if it has one) is listed in the tables, and in many of the tables the parset parameter than the environment variable maps to is given.

What is created and where does it go?€ґ

Any measurement sets, images and tables that are created are put in an output directory specified in the input file (if not provided, they go in the directory in which processBETA.sh is run). There will be a file called PROCESSED_ON that holds the timestamp indicating when the script was run (this timestamp is used in various filenames). Also created are a number of subdirectories which hold various types of files. These are:

  • slurmFiles/ тАУ the files in here are the job files that are submitted to the queue via the sbatch command. When a job is run, it makes a copy of the file that is labelled with the job ID.
  • parsets/ тАУ any parameter sets used by the askapsoft applications are written here. These contain the actual parameters that are used by the various programs. These are labeled by the job ID.
  • logs/ тАУ the logs that are written by the askapsoft applications themselves are put here.
  • slurmOutputs/ тАУ the stdout and stderr from the slurm job itself are written to these files. Such files are usually slurm-XXXXXX.out (XXXXXX being the job ID), but these scripts rename the files so that the filename shows what job relates to what file (as well as providing the ID).
  • stats/ тАУ diagnostics for each job are written to this directory. These report the time taken and the memory usage for each job, values which are extracted from the logs. These are combined into a single file showing all individual jobs, that is placed in the output directory. Both .txt and .csv files are created. The output directory also has a symbolic link to the top-level stats directory. See Diagnostics and job management for details.
  • tools/ тАУ utility scripts to show progress and kill all jobs for a given run are placed here. See Diagnostics and job management for details.
  • Checkfiles/ - files that indicate progress through stages of the pipeline are written here. The pipelien can see these and know to skip certain stages, if required by the user.

Measurement sets€ґ

To provide the input data to the scripts, you can provide either the scheduling blocks (SBs) of the two observations, or provide specific measurement sets (MSs) for each case.

The measurement sets that will be created should be named in the configuration file. A wildcard %b should be used to represent the beam number in the resulting MSs, since the individual beams will be split into separate files.

Each step detailed below can be switched on or off, and those selected will run fine (provided any pre- requisites such as measurement sets or bandpass solutions etc are available). If you have already created an averaged science MS, you can re-use that with the MS_SCIENCE_AVERAGE parameter (see User Parameters - Preparation of the Science field data), again with the %b wildcard to represent the beam number.

Workflow summary€ґ

Here is a summary of the workflow provided for by these scripts:

  • Read in user-defined parameters from the provided configuration file, and define further parameters derived from them.
  • If bandpass calibration is required and a 1934-638 observation is available, we split out the relevant beams with mssplit (mssplit (Measurement Splitting/Averaging Utility)) into individual measurement sets (MSs), one per beam. Only the scan in which the beam in question was pointing at 1934-638 is used - this assumes the beams were pointed at it in order (so that beam 0 was pointing at in in scan 0, etc)
  • These are flagged using cflag (cflag (Flagging Utility)) in two stages: first a dynamic flag is applied (integrating over individual spectra), then a straight amplitude cut is applied to remove any remaining spikes. The dynamic flagging step can also optionally include antenna or baseline flagging.
  • The bandpass solution is then determined with cbpcalibrator (cbpcalibrator), using all individual MSs and stored in a single CASA table.
  • The science field data is similarly split and flagged with mssplit and cflag, producing one measurement set per beam. You can select particular scans or fields here, but the default is to use everything.
  • The bandpass solution is then applied to each beam MS with ccalapply (ccalapply (Calibration Applicator)).
  • The science field data are then averaged with mssplit to form continuum data sets. (Still one per beam).
  • Each beam is then imaged individually. This is done in one of two ways:
    • Basic imaging with cimager (cimager), without any self-calibration. A multi-scale, multi-frequency clean is used, with major & minor cycles.
    • With self-calibration. First we image the field with cimager as for the first option. selavy (Selavy Basics) is then used to find bright components, which are then used with ccalibrator (ccalibrator) to calibrate the gains, and we then re-image with cimager, using the calibration solution. This process is repeated a number of times.
  • Once the image has been made, the source-finder selavy can be run on it to produce a deeper catalogue of sources.
  • Once all beams have been done, they are all mosaicked together using linmos (linmos (Linear Mosaic Applicator)). This applies a primary-beam correction тАФ you need to provide the beam arrangement name and (optionally) the position angle (these are used by the footprint.py* tool in the ACES svn area) to get the locations of the individual beams. Use the logs to find what the beam arrangement for your observation was. After mosaicking, selavy can be run on the final image to create the final source catalogue.
  • Additionally, spectral-line imaging (that is, imaging at full spectral resolution to create a cube) of individual beams can be done. There are several optional steps to further prepare the spectral-line dataset:
    • A nominated channel range can be copied to a new MS with mssplit.
    • The gains solution from the continuum self-calibration can be applied to the spectral-line MS using ccalapply.
    • The continuum can be subtracted from the spectral-line MS (using the clean model from the continuum imaging) using ccontsubtract (ccontsubtract).
  • Once the spectral-line dataset is prepared, simager (simager) is used to do the spectral-line imaging. This creates a cube using a large number of processors, each independently imaging a single channel.