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ATNF publications list

Publication lists for papers that include ATNF data are available on the Web at: http://www.atnf.csiro.au/research/publications . Please email any corrections or additions to Christine van der Leeuw (Christine.vanderleeuw@csiro.au). This list includes published refereed articles and conference papers, including ATNF data, compiled since the February 2003 newsletter. Papers including one or more ATNF authors are indicated by an asterisk.

*ANDERNACH, H., SLEE, O.B., ROY, A.L. & EHLE, M. "Extreme relic radio sources in four southern clusters". In: IAU 199: The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies, Pune, India, Nov/Dec 1999, 153-156 (2002).

BARDELLI, S., ZUCCA, E., VENTURI, T., DE GRANDI, S. & MOLENDI, S. "Merging clusters in the Shapley Concentration". In: Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Galaxy Clusters, Sesto Pusteria, 2-7 July 2000, ASP Conf. Ser., 268, 143 (2002).

*BEASLEY, A.J., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., MARVEL, K.B., CLAUSSEN, M.J. & BOBOLTZ, D. "ATCA observations of water masers in the Magellanic Clouds". American Astronomical Society Meeting, no. 201 (2002).

*BIGNALL, H.E., JAUNCEY, D.L., LOVELL, J.E.J., TZIOUMIS, A.K., KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER, L., MACQUART, J.-P., TINGAY, S.J., RAYNER, D.P. & CLAY, R.W. "Rapid variability and annual cycles in the characteristic timescale of the scintillating source PKS 1257-326". ApJ, 585, 653-664 (2003)

BIRKINSHAW, M., WORRALL, D.M. & HARDCASTLE, M.J. "The X-ray jet and halo of PKS 0521-365". MNRAS, 335, 142-150 (2002).

*BOCK, D.C.J., SAULT, R.J., MILNE, D.K. & GREEN, A.J. "High-resolution radio polarimetry of Vela X". In: Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 187 (2002).

*BOLTON, S.J. et al. & SAULT, R.J. "Cassini and VLA observations of synchrotron emission from Jupiter's radiation belts". Nature, 415, 987-991 (2002).

BRACEWELL, R.N. "The discovery of strong extragalactic polarization using the Parkes Radio Telescope". J. Astron. History & Heritage, 5, 107-114 (2002).

*BRUNS, C., KERP, J. & STAVELEY-SMITH, L. "The Parkes narrow-band H I survey of the Magellanic System". In: Seeing Through the Dust: The Detection of HI and the Exploration of the ISM in Galaxies, Penticton, B.C., 20-25 October 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 276, 365 (2002).

BRUSCOLI, M., TUCCI, M., NATALE, V., CARRETTI, E., FABBRI, R., SBARRA, C. & CORTIGLIONI, S. "The power-law behaviours of angular spectra of polarized Galactic synchrotron". New Astronomy, 7, 171-183 (2002).

*BURGAY, M., BURDERI, L., POSSENTI, A., D'AMICO, N., MANCHESTER, R.N., LYNE, A.G., CAMILO, F. & CAMPANA, S. "A search for pulsars in quiescent soft X-ray transients". I. ApJ, 589, 902-910 (2003).

*CALABRETTA, M.R. & GREISEN, E.W. "Representations of celestial coordinates in FITS". A&A, 395, 1077-1122 (2002).

*CAPPA, C., NIEMELA, V.S. & McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M. "Neutral gas bubbles surrounding southern optical ring nebulae: Anon (WR 23) and RCW 52". Winds, Bubbles, and Explosions: a conference to honour John Dyson. In: RevMexAA, 15, 47 (2003).

*CASWELL, J.L. "Spectra of OH masers at 6035 MHz and 6030 MHz". MNRAS, 341, 551-568 (2003)

*CASWELL, J.L. "Star formation: relationship between the maser species". In: IAU 206: Cosmic Masers: From Protostars to Black Holes, Rio de Janeiro, 4-11 March, 2001, 1-13 (2002).

*CHAPMAN, J.M. & SEVENSTER, M. "The ATCA/VLA OH 1612-MHz Survey: identification of post-AGB stars". In IAU 206: Cosmic Masers: From Protostars to Black Holes, Rio de Janeiro, 4-11 March, 2001, 331-334 (2002).

*CHIPPENDALE, A.P. "SiGe LNA noise temperature projections for the Square Kilometre Array". In: URSI XXVIIth General Assembly, Maastricht, 17-24 August, 2002, (2002).

*CHIPPENDALE, A.P. "Technology issues for SKA receiver design". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS 2002), Leura, 20-22 February, 2002, (2002).

*COHEN, M., STAVELEY-SMITH, L. & GREEN, A. "Interacting supergiant shells in the Large Magellanic Cloud". MNRAS, 340, 275-283 (2003).

COMASTRI, A., BRUSA, M., CILIEGI, P., MIGNOLI, M., VIGNALI, C., SEVERGNINI, P., MAIOLINO, R., FIORE, F., LA FRANCA, F., MATT, G., PEROLA, G.C., BALDI, A. & MOLENDI, S. "X-ray bright optically quiet galaxies: the case of P3". In: Issues in Unification of Active Galactic Nuclei, Marciana Marina, Italy, May, ASP Conf. Ser., 258, 199 (2002).

COMASTRI, A., MIGNOLI, M., CILIEGI, P., SEVERGNINI, P., MAIOLINO, R., BRUSA, M., FIORE, F., BALDI, A., MOLENDI, S., MORGANTI, R., VIGNALI, C., LA FRANCA, F., MATT, G. & PEROLA, G.C. "The HELLAS2XMM survey. II. Multiwavelength observations of P3: an X-ray bright, optically inactive galaxy." ApJ, 571, 771-778 (2002).

*CORBEL, S., FENDER, R.P., TZIOUMIS, A.K., TOMSICK, J.A., OROSZ, J.A., MILLER, J.M., WIJNANDS, R. & KAARET, P. "Large-scale, decelerating relativistic X-ray jets from the microquasar XTE J1550-564". Science, 298, 196-199 (2002).

*CORBEL, S., NOWAK, M.A., FENDER, R.P., TZIOUMIS, A.K. & MARKOFF, S. "Radio/X-ray correlation in the low/hard state of GX 339-4". A&A, 400, 1007-1012 (2003)

*CORBETT, E.A., KEWLEY, L., APPLETON, P.N., CHARMANDARIS, V., DOPITA, M.A., HEISLER, C.A., NORRIS, R.P. ZEZAS, A. & MARSTON, A. "COLA. II. Radio and spectroscopic diagnostics of nuclear activity in galaxies". ApJ, 583, 670-688 (2003)

*CRAWFORD, F., GAENSLER, B.M., KASPI, V.M., MANCHESTER, R.N., CAMILO, F., LYNE, A.G. & PIVOVAROFF, M.J. "SNR G292.2-0.5: a radio supernova remnant associated with the young pulsar J1119-6127". In: Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 41 (2002).

*CRAWFORD, F., PIVOVAROFF, M.J., KASPI, V.M & MANCHESTER, R.N. "A sensitive targeted search campaign at Parkes to find young radio pulsars at 20 cm.". In: Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 37-40 (2002).

CURRAN, S.J., MURPHY, M.T., WEBB, J.K. & PIHLSTROM, Y.M. "A 22-GHz search for molecular absorption at z similar to 3 with the upgraded ATCA". MNRAS, 340, 139-142 (2003)

CURRAN, S.J., WEBB, J.K., MURPHY, M.T., BANDIERA, R., CORBELLI, E. & FLAMBAUM, V.V. "A catalogue of damped Lyman alpha absorption systems and radio flux densities of the background quasars". PASA, 19, 455-474 (2002).

*DE BLOK, W.J.G., BOSMA, A. & McGAUGH, S. "Simulating observations of dark matter dominated galaxies: towards the optimal halo profile". MNRAS, 340, 657-678 (2003).

DE HEIJ, V., BRAUN, R. & BURTON, W.B. "An all-sky study of compact, isolated high-velocity clouds". A&A, 392, 417-451 (2002).

*DICKEL, J. R., MULLIGAN, M.C., KLINGER, R.J., GAENSLER, B.M., MILNE, D.K., MANCHESTER, R.N., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., KESTEVEN, M.J. & GALLANT, Y. "Radio observations of the composite SNR B0540-693". In: Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 195 (2002).

*DICKEY, J.M., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M., GAENSLER, B.M. & GREEN, A.J. "Fitting together the HI absorption and emission in the Southern Galactic Plane Survey". ApJ, 585, 801-822 (2003)

DOHERTY, M., JOHNSTON, S., GREEN, A.J., ROBERTS, M.S.E., ROMANI, R.W., GAENSLER, B.M. & CRAWFORD, F. "A search for the radio counterpart of the unidentified gamma-ray source 3EG J1410-6147". MNRAS, 339, 1048-1056 (2003).

DRINKWATER, M.J. "The 2001 Australian Galaxy Cluster Workshop". PASA, 19, 265-276 (2002).

DUBNER, G., GIACANI, E., GAENSLER, B.M., GOSS, W.M. & GREEN, A. "Environs of bilateral supernova remnants with neutron stars". In: Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 415 (2002).

*EKERS, R.D. "Observational advances in radio astronomy". In: Seeing Through the Dust: The Detection of HI and the Exploration of the ISM in Galaxies, Penticton, B.C., 20-25 October 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 276, 37 (2002).

*EKERS, R.D. & BELL, J.F. "Radio frequency interference". In: IAU 199: The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies, Pune, India, Nov/Dec 1999, 498-505 (2002).

*EKERS, R.D., CULLERS, D.K., BILLINGHAM, J. & SCHEFFER, L.K. (eds.) SETI 2020: A Roadmap for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. (2002).

*ENGLISH, J., NORRIS, R.P., FREEMAN, K.C. & BOOTH, R.S. "NGC 3256 : kinematic anatomy of a merger". AJ, 125, 1134-1149 (2003)

*FENDER, R.P., CORBEL, S., TZIOUMIS, A.K., TINGAY, S.J., BROCKSOPP, C. & GALLO, E. "The recent evolution of radio emission from GX 339-4". Astronomer's Telegram, no. 107, (2002).

FILIPOVIC, M.D., JONES, P.A. & WHITE, G.L. "SNRs in the Magellanic Clouds". In: Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 395 (2002).

FILIPOVIC, M.D., STUPAR, M., JONES, P.A. & WHITE, G.L. "Galactic SNRs in the PMN Survey". In: Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 387 (2002).

*FRAIL, D.A., KULKARNI, S.R., BERGER, E. & WIERINGA, M.H. "A complete catalog of radio afterglows: the first five years". AJ, 125, 2299-2306 (2003).

*FREIRE, P.C., CAMILO, F., KRAMER, M., LORIMER, D.R., LYNE, A.G., MANCHESTER, R.N. & D'AMICO, N. "Further results from the timing of the millisecond pulsars in 47 Tucanae". MNRAS, 340, 1359-1374 (2003).

*GAENSLER, B.M, McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M., DICKEY, J.M., & GREEN, A.J. "New views of the Southern Galaxy". In: URSI XXVIIth General Assembly, Maastricht, 17-24 August, 2002, (2002).

*GARAY, G., BROOKS, K.J., MARDONES, D. & NORRIS, R.P. "A triple radio continuum source associated with IRAS 16547-4247: a collimated stellar wind emanating from a massive protostar". ApJ, 587, 739-747 (2003).

GIARDINO, G., BANDAY, A.J., GORSKI, K.M., BENNETT, K., JONAS, J.L. & TAUBER, J. "Towards a model of full-sky Galactic synchrotron intensity and linear polarisation: a re-analysis of the Parkes data". A&A, 387, 82-97 (2002).

*GRANET, C., JAMES, G.L., BOLTON, R.J. & MOOREY, G.G. "Smooth-walled spline-profile millimetre-wave horn for radio astronomy". In: JINA 2002, Nice, France, 2002, 375-378 (2002).

*GREENHILL, L.J., BOOTH, R.S., ELLINGSEN, S.P., HERRNSTEIN, J.R., JAUNCEY, D.L., McCULLOCH, P.M., MORAN, J.M., NORRIS, R.P., REYNOLDS, J.E. & TZIOUMIS, A.K. "A warped accretion disk and wide-angle outflow in the inner parsec of the Circinus galaxy". ApJ, 590, 162-173 (2003).

*GREISEN, E.W. & CALABRETTA, M.R. "Representations of world coordinates in FITS". A&A, 395, 1061-1075 (2002).

"GUROVICH, S., FREEMAN, K., JERJEN, H., DE BLOK, E. & STAVELEY-SMITH, L. "Investigating the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Law with a HIPASS sample". In: The Dynamics, Structure & History of Galaxies: a Workshop in Honour of Professor Ken Freeman, ASP Conf. Ser., 273, 357 (2002).

*HALL, P.J. "The Square Kilometre Array - Australian directions". In: Workshop on Applications of Radio Science (WARS 2002), Leura, 20-22 February, 2002, (2002).

HOPKINS, A.M., AFONSO, J., CHAN, B., CRAM, L.E., GEORGAKAKIS, A. & MOBASHER, B. "The Phoenix Deep Survey: the 1.4 GHz microjansky catalog". AJ, 125, 465-477 (2003)

*HOSOKAWA, M., JAUNCEY, D., REYNOLDS, J., TZIOUMIS, A., OHNISHI, K. & FUKUSHIMA, T. "Possible fluctuation of the position of Sgr A* relative to extragalactic radio sources". ApJ, 580, L43-L46 (2002).

JACKSON, C.A., WALL, J.V., SHAVER, P.A., KELLERMANN, K.I., HOOK, I.M. & HAWKINS, M.R.S. "The Parkes quarter-Jansky flat-spectrum sample. I. Sample selection and source identifications". A&A, 386, 97-113 (2002).

*JAUNCEY, D.L., KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER, L., LOVELL, J.E.J., MACQUART, J.-P., NICOLSON, G.D., PERLEY, R.A., REYNOLDS, J.E., TZIOUMIS, A.K., WIERINGA, M.A. & BIGNALL, H.E. "Intra-day variability, origins and implications". In: Particles and Fields in Radio Galaxies: proceedings of the Oxford Radio Galaxy Workshop, Oxford, 3-5 August 2000, ASP Conf. Ser., 250, 123-127 (2002).

JIN, S., WAITE-JONES, C.G., KEOHANE, J.W., OLBERT, C.M., GAENSLER, B.M. & WALLACE, B.J. "A morphological analysis of the supernova remnant G292.0+1.8 with Chandra and ATCA". In: The High Energy Universe at Sharp Focus: Chandra Science, ASP Conf. Ser., 262, 343 (2002).

JOHNSTON, S. "Radio observations of two isolated neutron stars: RX J0720.4-3125 and RX J0806.4-4132". MNRAS, 340, L43-L46 (2003).

JOHNSTON, S., DOHERTY, M., GREEN, A., ROBERTS, M., ROMANI, R., GAENSLER, B.M. & CRAWFORD, F. "Radio and X-ray imaging of two EGRET sources near l=312 degrees". In: Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 209 (2002).

*JOHNSTON, S., KORIBALSKI, B.S., WILSON, W. & WALKER, M. "Multi-epoch H I line measurements of four southern pulsars". MNRAS, 341, 941-947 (2003)

JOHNSTON, S. & ROMANI, R. "A search for giant pulses in Vela-like pulsars". MNRAS, 332, 109-115 (2002).

*JOHNSTON-HOLLITT, M., CLAY, R.W., EKERS, R.D., WIERINGA, M.H. & HUNSTEAD, R.W. "The dual radio relics of A3667". In: IAU 199: The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies, Pune, India, Nov/Dec 1999, 157-158 (2002).

*JOHNSTON-HOLLITT, M., EKERS, R.D. & HUNSTEAD, R.W. "The cluster environment of Abell 3667". In: Particles and Fields in Radio Galaxies: proceedings of the Oxford Radio Galaxy Workshop, Oxford, 3-5 August 2000, ASP Conf. Ser., 250, 432-436 (2002).

*JOSHI, B.C., BURGAY, M., LYNE, A.G., MANCHESTER, R.N., POSSENTI, A., D'AMICO, N., KRAMER, M. & CAMILO, F. "A high Galactic latitude search for pulsars". Proc. Astron. Soc. India, 30, 687 (2002).

KAARET, P., CORBEL, S., PRESTWICH, A.H. & ZEZAS, A. "Radio emission from an ultraluminous X-ray source". Science, 299, 365-368 (2003).

KARACHENTSEV, I.D. & SMIRNOVA, A.A. "Flat galaxies of the RFGC catalog detected in the HIPASS survey". Astrophys., 45, 448-457 (2002).

*KARLSSON, R., SJOUWERMAN, L.O., SANDQVIST, Aa. & WHITEOAK, J.B. "18-cm VLA observations of OH towards the Galactic centre". A&A, 403, 1011-1021 (2003).

*KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER, L., JAUNCEY, D.L., LOVELL, J.E.J., WALKER, M.A., MACQUART, J.-P., WIERINGA, M.H., TZIOUMIS, A.K., PERLEY, R.A. & REYNOLDS, J.E. "Long term monitoring of the extreme intraday variable quasar PKS 0405-385". In: Particles and Fields in Radio Galaxies: proceedings of the Oxford Radio Galaxy Workshop, Oxford, 3-5 August 2000, ASP Conf. Ser., 250, 128-132 (2002).

*KLINGER, R.J, DICKEL, J. R., FIELDS, B.D. & MILNE, D.K. "A peculiar linear radio feature in the supernova remnant N206". In: Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 419 (2002).

KONTINEN, S., HARJU, J., CASELLI, P., HEIKKILA, A. & WALMSLEY, M. "Dust and molecules in the Corona Australis cloud". In SFChem 2002: Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation, Waterloo, Ont., 21-23 August, 2002, 59 (2002).

*KORIBALSKI, B.S. "The HI Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS)". In: Seeing Through the Dust: The Detection of HI and the Exploration of the ISM in Galaxies, ASP Conf. Ser., 276, 72 (2002).

*KORIBALSKI, B.S., GORDON, S. & JONES, K. "ATCA H I observations of the peculiar galaxy IC 2554". MNRAS, 339, 1203-1222 (2003)

KRAMER, M., JOHNSTON, S. & VAN STRATEN, W. "High resolution single pulse studies of the Vela Pulsar". MNRAS, 334, 523-532 (2002).

LEHTINEN, K., HARJU, J., KONTINEN, S. & HIGDON, J.L. "Centimetre continuum emission from young stellar objects in Cederblad 110". A&A, 401, 1017-1022 (2003).

*LEHTINEN, K & HIGDON, J. L. "Centimeter wavelength continuum observations of young stellar objects in the dark cloud DC 303.8-14.2". A&A, 398, 583-587 (2003)

*MACQUART, J.-P., KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER, L., JAUNCEY, D.L., SAULT, R. & RAYNER, D.P. "Circular polarization in scintillating sources". In: Particles and Fields in Radio Galaxies: proceedings of the Oxford Radio Galaxy Workshop, Oxford, 3-5 August 2000, ASP Conf. Ser., 250, 137-141 (2002).

*MACQUART, J.-P., WU, K., SAULT, R.J. & HANNIKAINEN, D.C. "Rapidly evolving circularly polarized emission during the 1994 outburst of GRO J1655-40". A&A, 396, 615-621 (2002).

*MACQUART, J.-P., WU, K., SAULT, R.J. & HANNIKAINEN, D.C. "Circular polarization in GRO J1655-40". In: New Views on Microquasars: 4th Microquasars Workshop, 2002, 224 (2002).

*MANCHESTER, R.N. "Pulsars: an observational overview". In: IAU 199: The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies, Pune, India, Nov/Dec 1999, 355-362 (2002).

*MANCHESTER, R.N., BELL, J.F., CAMILO, F., KRAMER, M.I., LYNE, A.G., HOBBS, G.B., JOSHI, B.C., CRAWFORD, F., D'AMICO, N., POSSENTI, A., KASPI, V.M. & STAIRS, I.H. "Young pulsars from the Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey and their associations". In: Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 31-36 (2002).

MARKOFF, S., NOWAK, M., CORBEL, S., FENDER, R. & FALCKE, H. "Exploring the role of jets in the radio/X-ray correlations of GX 339-4". A&A, 397, 645-658 (2003).

*McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M. "The Southern Galactic Plane Survey ". In: Seeing Through the Dust: The Detection of HI and the Exploration of the ISM in Galaxies, ASP Conf. Ser., 276, 58 (2002).

*McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M., DICKEY, J.M., GAENSLER, B.M. & GREEN, A.J. "Shells, bubbles, and chimneys in the Southern Galactic Plane Survey". Winds, Bubbles, and Explosions: a conference to honour John Dyson. In: RevMexAA, 15, 287 (2003).

*McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M., STANIMIROVIC, S., DICKEY, J.M., GAENSLER, B.M. & GREEN, A.J. "Wide-field HI imaging with the Australia Telescope". In: URSI XXVIIth General Assembly, Maastricht, 17-24 August, 2002, (2002).

*McGAUGH, S.S., BARKER, M.K. & DE BLOK, W.J.G. "A limit on the cosmological mass density and power spectrum from the rotation curves of low surface brightness galaxies". ApJ, 584, 566-576 (2003)

*MINIER, V., ELLINGSEN, S.P., NORRIS, R.P. & BOOTH, R.S. "The protostellar mass limit for 6.7 GHz methanol masers. I. A low-mass YSO survey". A&A, 403, 1095-1100 (2003).

MOFFETT, D., GAENSLER, B.M., GREEN, A., SLANE, P., HARRUS, I. & DODSON, R. "Powered by a pulsar? G291.0-0.1". In: Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 221 (2002).

*MORGANTI, R., OOSTERLOO, T., VAN MOORSEL, G., TADHUNTER, C. & KILLEEN, N. "HI absorption in radio galaxies". In: IAU 199: The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies, Pune, India, Nov/Dec 1999, 118-121 (2002).

*MULLER, E., STAVELEY-SMITH, L. & ZEALEY, W.J. "Detection of carbon monoxide within the Magellanic Bridge". MNRAS, 338, 609-615 (2003).

*MULLER, E., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., ZEALEY, W. & STANIMIROVIC, S. "High-resolution HI observations of the western Magellanic Bridge". MNRAS, 339, 105-124 (2003)

*MURGIA, M., PARMA, P., FANTI, R., DE RUITER, H.R., EKERS, R.D. & FOMALONT, E.B. "A multi-frequency study of the radio galaxy NGC 326". In: Particles and Fields in Radio Galaxies: proceedings of the Oxford Radio Galaxy Workshop, Oxford, 3-5 August 2000, ASP Conf. Ser., 250, 380-383 (2002).

*ORCHISTON, W. "Tebbutt vs Russell: passion, power and politics in nineteenth century Australian astronomy". History of Oriental Astronomy: proc. Joint Discussion-17, 23rd General Assembly, IAU, Kyoto, 25-26 August, 1997, 169-202 (2002).

*ORCHISTON, W. "J.F. Skjellerup: a forgotten name in South African cometary astronomy". Mon. Not. Astron. Soc. Sth. Africa, 62 (3&4), 54-73 (2003).

*ORCHISTON, W. & SLEE, O.B. "The Australasian discovery of solar radio emission". Anglo-Australian Observatory Newsletter, November, 25-27 (2002).

*PISANO, D.J. & WILCOTS, E.M. "The state of galaxy formation in the local universe". ApJ, 584, 228 (2003).

*PUTMAN, M.E., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., FREEMAN, K.C., GIBSON, B.K. & BARNES, D.G. "The Magellanic Stream, high-velocity clouds, and the Sculptor Group". ApJ, 586, 170-194 (2003)

RICKETT, B. "The role of interstellar scintillation in intra-day variations at centimeter wavelengths": Elizabeth and Frederick White Workshop on AGN Variability Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum, CSIRO ATNF, 25-29 June 2001, PASA, 19 (1), 100-105 (2002).

SADLER, E.M., OOSTERLOO, T. & MORGANTI, R. "HI in elliptical galaxies". In: The Dynamics, Structure & History of Galaxies: a Workshop in Honour of Professor Ken Freeman, ASP Conf. Ser., 273, 215 (2002).

*SANWAL, D., PAVLOV, G.G., KARGALTSEV, O.Y., GARMIRE, G.P., ZAVLIN, V.E., BURWITZ, V., MANCHESTER, R.N. & DODSON, R. "X-ray spectrum and pulsations of the Vela pulsar". In: Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants, Boston, Mass., 14-17 August 2001, ASP Conf. Ser., 271, 353-356 (2002).

*SARIPALLI, L., SUBRAHMANYAN, R. & SHANKAR, N. U. "Renewed activity in the radio galaxy PKS B1545-321: twin edge-brightened beams within diffuse radio lobes". ApJ, 590, 181-191 (2003).

*SAULT, R.J. "Low frequency planetary radio astronomy". In: IAU 199: The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies, Pune, India, Nov/Dec 1999, 407-411 (2002).

*SAULT, R.J. "Wide field imaging at low frequencies". In: IAU 199: The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies, Pune, India, Nov/Dec 1999, 508-511 (2002).

*SAULT, R.J. "Image restoration: maximum entropy methods". In: Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, 7, 631-644 (2002).

*SCHWARTZ, D.A., MARSHALL, H.L., MILLER, B.P., WORRALL, D.M., BIRKINSHAW, M., LOVELL, J.E.J., JAUNCEY, D.L., PERLMAN, E.S., MURPHY, D.W. & PRESTON, R.A. "Results from a complete Chandra survey of radio jets". In: Active Galactic Nuclei: From Central Engine to Host Galaxy, Meudon, France, 23-27 July, 2002, ASP Conf. Ser., 290, 45-46 (2002).

SNELLEN, I.A.G., LEHNERT, M.D., BREMER, M.N. & SCHILIZZI, R.T. "A Parkes half-Jansky sample of GHz peaked spectrum galaxies". MNRAS, 337, 981-992 (2002).

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