Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.atnf.csiro.au/nca/Publications%20and%20Facilities.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Sep 20 07:15:28 2005
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 22:14:56 2012

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: microwave background
Australian Astronomy Publication and Facilities Survey
Prepared by Decadal Plan Working Group 3.1 April 2005 Methodology
We hav e undertaken a survey of Australian Astronomers. Astronomers were contact ed via the Astronomical Soc iety of Australia email list and asked to fill out a form, asc ribing perc entages of their papers to various facilities, or to theory. For our analysis we used the Astrophysic al Dat a Service (ADS) databas e, including public ations that were labeled as astronomy papers, and whic h were publis hed between 1996-2004. Astronomers were asked to exclude papers whic h were not undertak en while resident in Australia, and those papers whic h were not theirs (s ame name). Citations were tak en from all sources, as listed by ADS, to the date of 28 April 2005. This survey does not accurately meas ure the impact of Australian Astronomy relative to international benchmarks because it is incomplete. However, it is useful in assessing the relativ e impact of Australian facilities on our public ations, because it does sample a signific ant fraction of Australian astronomic al papers over the period. In total, a 130 astronomers participated in the survey, ent ering information for 2063 distinct papers. It is also apparent that some fields, such as Gravit y wav e astronomy, publications are largely contained in physics journals, and are not covered by the ADS astronomy databas e. In our analysis, we were able to analys e only thos e publications which people had assigned at least one facility to. If they left the facility as, "not completed", then the publication was ignored. In all cases, if more than one astronomer prov ided a perc entage to a publication, we averaged their res ults, by summing each astronomers res ults, dividing by the number of respons es. There are different ways (and philos ophies) to judge the importanc e of facilities, and we break these down into 7 separat e cases. Alt hough we prefer two of the methods over the others. Case 1: Measure the tot al number of public ations that are attributable to eac h facility, weighted by the percentage that each astronomer ascribed to each publication. This provides an estimate of the total number of papers being driven by eac h facility, independent of quality, and independent of the fraction of Australian authors on the paper (as long as it is not 0!). It is a measure of the relative us age of eac h facility in producing scientific works. Case 2: Same as Case 1, but normalized by the fraction of Australian aut hors on the paper. In this case, if a paper has 20 authors, 3 of which are Australian, the paper is de-

weighted by 3/20, relativ e to a paper whic h has only Authors are defined, in this cas e, as people who hav affiliation as listed on the paper. While this would be absolute impact, bec aus e we are measuring relative signific antly. Case 3: Same as Cas receiv ed. Each paper 20 Australian authors Australian. This is the paper.

Australian Aut hors. Australian e filled out the surv ey ­ not by their a bad thing to do in meas uring impact, it should not affect results

e 1, but normalized by the t otal number of citations the paper has with an Australian author is treated equally ­ a paper wit h 1 out of is not de-weighted with res pect to a paper which is solely simplest way of measuring the sum of quantity times quality of a

Case 4: Same as Case 3, but normalized by the average number of citations that papers from around the world hav e rec eived in that year. Sinc e we are dealing wit h public ations from 1996 (average # of citations 16.7) to 2004 (average # if citations 2.5), papers in 1996 are giv en 7 times more weight than the y oungest papers, and this method remov es this bias. Case 5: Same as Case 3, but normaliz ed by the fraction of Australian authors. This is a citation weighted, Australian fraction weighted quality index, which ignores the bias of younger versus older papers. Case 6: Same as Case 5, but now weights, as in Case 4, by the average number of citations in a papers year. Case 7: The average citations for a paper relativ e to the mean number of citations for the year for each facility. Facilities whose papers were cited at the yearly mean would have a value of 1. The average is weighted by the fraction that each paper is ascribed to each facility. This is a pure quality measure, but has strong bias es in this context. Overs eas facilities often hav e higher quality meas ures because only an elite few propos als are able to get time. We have included, for referenc e, the fraction of Australian paper output (case 1) that eac h facility contributes . We will not disc uss this quality meas ure further bec ause we believ e it of little use for the decadal plan. Finally, for each c ase (except cas e 7), we have grouped the data into the broad facility areas Theory, Radio/ mm/submm, UV-Optical-IR, X-ray-Gamma Ray, Airshower, and Grav ity Wave.

The choice of the method of analysis does not change the broad conclusions reac hed by the Survey. It is only if one tries to play league t ables bet ween facilities ­ which this survey is not complete enough to do except in a very rough sens e ­ that one would get different ans wers between whic h method is chosen for the analysis. See attached spreads heet for full rundown and a list of participants in the surv ey.

Total Impact of Facilities based on Number of Publications:
This idea is enc aps ulat ed in case 1 and 2. We believe that the impact to Australian Astronomy is best meas ured by case 2, which weights large international collaborations by the number of Australian participants. Whether you like c ase 1 or 2, we see that the

numbers of Australian astronomy publications are dominat ed by research which us es the two ATNF radio facilities, The AAT, ANU Optic al Facilities, and Theory. If we look across broad facility areas, Australian public ations are more than 70% made up of facilities cov ering from the UV through to the Radio, with an approximately ev en split bet ween the radio and optic al regimes. There are signific ant number of theory papers, and s maller numbers of papers in the High-Energy areas of airshower astronomy, Xray/Gamma Ray Astronomy, and Gravity Wave Astronomy.

Total Impact of Facilities based on Citations Rates:
This idea is enc aps ulat ed in cases 3-6. We believ e that the impact to Australian Astronomy is best meas ured by case 6, which tries to take into account the age of the paper, and weights papers by the fraction of Australian contributors. Once again, The broadbrus h details are the s ame, regardless of the method. Facilities run by the AAT ATNF are the most influential, with important contributions by the ANU optical facilities, and theory. International facilities whic h Australia does not mak e a financial contribution towards are also well represent ed, with HST heading the list, but also ot her large optical facilities, the VLA, and s pace-based telescopes s uch as Chandra. If we look across broad facility areas, Australian citations are once again dominated by the Optical through Radio faciltities, with an UV/ Optical/I R facilities producing nearly ½ of all of Australia's citations, and Radio/ mm/sub-mm more than a quarter. There are signific ant impacts in theory, as well non-negligible impact in areas of airshower astronomy, X-ray/Gamma Ray Astronomy, and Gravity Wave Astronomy.

Case 1 12.0 10.8 10.4 9.8 6.0 5.7 3.6 3.6 3.3 2.6 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 Case 2 ATNF ATCA Australian ANU Optical ATNF Parkes AAO AAT Theory Analytic Space HST International OIR ESO Other International OIR Other AAT UKSchmidt International Radio VLA International OIR NOAO (KPNO+CTIO) International OIR La_Palma ATNF VLBI Australian Swinburne Computational Australian USyd MOST Space X-ray other International OIR KECK International Radio-mm-submm Other Australian UNSW Antarctic Australian University Other Space Chandra Space ROSAT International OIR US Optical Other Australian UWA Gravitational International OIR UKIRT ATNF Mopra International Cosmic Ray HiRes Space Gamma Rays International Radio European mm-submm International Radio U.S. mm-submm Australian Perth Observatory Space Optical-UV-IR Other International Cosmic Ray Pierre Auget Space Other Australian Adelaide Cosmic Ray International Radio Jodrell Bank Australian APAC Space VSOP Australian UNSW APT/ROTSE International Radio VLBA Australian VPAC International OIR Subaru International OIR Palomar International High Performance Computing International OIR CFHT Australian Adelaide Airshower Australian Gemini International Radio JCMT Australian UTas Radio International Radio Bonn Australian UTas Optical International OIR Europe Optical Other International Radio Westerbork Space XMM-Newton International Gravity Other International Radio GBT 14.3 11.7 9.9 9.4 9.2 3.8 3.6 3.1 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 ATNF ATCA ATNF Parkes Theory Analytic Australian ANU Optical AAO AAT Other Space HST AAT UKSchmidt International OIR ESO Australian Swinburne Computational International OIR Other Australian UNSW Antarctic Australian University Other Australian USyd MOST International Radio VLA Space X-ray other International OIR NOAO (KPNO+CTIO) International OIR La_Palma ATNF VLBI International Radio-mm-submm Other Australian UWA Gravitational ATNF Mopra International OIR US Optical Other Australian VPAC International OIR KECK Space ROSAT International High Performance Computing International Cosmic Ray Pierre Auget International OIR UKIRT International Radio European mm-submm Australian APAC Australian Perth Observatory Space Chandra Space Other Australian Adelaide Cosmic Ray Space Optical-UV-IR Other Australian UTas Radio International Radio Jodrell Bank International Radio U.S. mm-submm Australian Gemini Australian UNSW APT/ROTSE Space Gamma Rays International Radio Westerbork International OIR Subaru International Radio VLBA International OIR Europe Optical Other International Radio Bonn International Radio JCMT Australian UTas Optical International OIR Palomar Space VSOP Space XMM-Newton Australian UNSW Mopra International OIR MMT International Radio GBT International OIR CFHT International Cosmic Ray HiRes

Page 1

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Australian UNSW Mopra Space FUSE International OIR MMT Australian National Facility Other International Radio GMRT

46.2 32.9 8.3 3.7 1.9 0.9

UV-Optical-IR radio-mm-submm Theory Xray-Gamma Airshower Gravity Wave

39.0 34.7 13.7 2.9 1.4 0.9

UV-Optical-IR radio-mm-submm Theory Xray-Gamma Airshower Gravity Wave

Page 2

Case 3 14.0 10.8 10.5 7.7 7.4 6.3 5.1 4.5 3.9 3.3 2.4 2.2 2.1 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 AAO AAT Space HST Australian ANU Optical ATNF Parkes ATNF ATCA International OIR NOAO (KPNO+CTIO) International OIR KECK Theory Analytic Other International OIR ESO International OIR Other Space Gamma Rays International OIR La_Palma International OIR CFHT Space Chandra AAT UKSchmidt International Radio VLA Australian USyd MOST ATNF VLBI International OIR Palomar International OIR US Optical Other Australian University Other Space ROSAT Space X-ray other International OIR UKIRT International Radio U.S. mm-submm International Radio-mm-submm Other International OIR Subaru Australian UNSW Antarctic Space Other Space VSOP International Radio European mm-submm Australian Swinburne Computational International Cosmic Ray HiRes International OIR Europe Optical Other International Radio Jodrell Bank International Radio JCMT Space Optical-UV-IR Other Australian APAC Australian UWA Gravitational Australian UTas Radio International Radio Bonn Space XMM-Newton Australian Perth Observatory Australian Adelaide Cosmic Ray Australian Adelaide Airshower Australian Gemini Australian UNSW APT/ROTSE International Radio VLBA International High Performance Computing ATNF Mopra International Radio GBT Australian VPAC International Cosmic Ray Pierre Auget International Gravity Other International Radio Westerbork Case 4 15.1 9.4 9.2 8.3 6.8 5.0 4.8 4.6 3.7 3.4 2.9 2.5 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.6 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 AAO AAT Australian ANU Optical Space HST ATNF Parkes ATNF ATCA International OIR NOAO (KPNO+CTIO) International OIR KECK Theory Analytic Other International OIR ESO International OIR Other International OIR La_Palma Space Chandra International OIR CFHT International Radio VLA AAT UKSchmidt Space Gamma Rays International OIR Palomar Space X-ray other International OIR US Optical Other ATNF VLBI Australian Swinburne Computational Australian USyd MOST International OIR Subaru Space ROSAT Australian University Other International OIR UKIRT Space Other International Radio U.S. mm-submm International Cosmic Ray HiRes Australian UNSW Antarctic International Radio-mm-submm Other Australian APAC International Radio Jodrell Bank International Radio European mm-submm International Radio JCMT Australian Gemini International High Performance Computing Australian VPAC Australian Adelaide Airshower International OIR Europe Optical Other Australian UWA Gravitational Space VSOP International Radio Bonn Space Optical-UV-IR Other International Radio GBT International Radio VLBA Australian National Facility Other Space XMM-Newton Australian Adelaide Cosmic Ray International Cosmic Ray Pierre Auget International Gravity Other ATNF Mopra Australian UNSW APT/ROTSE Australian UTas Radio Australian Perth Observatory International Radio Westerbork

Page 3


62.1 21.0 5.5 5.1 0.6 0.3

UV-Optical-IR radio-mm-submm Xray-Gamma Theory Airshower Gravity Wave

60.7 21.4 6.1 5.3 1.1 0.3

UV-Optical-IR radio-mm-submm Theory Xray-Gamma Airshower Gravity Wave

Page 4

Case 5 13.0 12.5 10.8 10.7 8.2 6.5 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 AAO AAT ATNF ATCA Australian ANU Optical ATNF Parkes Theory Analytic Space HST International OIR ESO International OIR NOAO (KPNO+CTIO) Other AAT UKSchmidt International OIR KECK Australian University Other International OIR Other International OIR La_Palma International Radio VLA Australian USyd MOST Space ROSAT Australian UNSW Antarctic Space Chandra International OIR US Optical Other Australian Swinburne Computational Space X-ray other Space Other ATNF VLBI International OIR Palomar International OIR UKIRT Space Gamma Rays International High Performance Computing International Radio-mm-submm Other International OIR Europe Optical Other International OIR CFHT International Radio European mm-submm Australian VPAC International Radio Jodrell Bank International Radio JCMT International Radio U.S. mm-submm Australian UWA Gravitational Australian APAC Space Optical-UV-IR Other ATNF Mopra Australian UTas Radio International OIR Subaru International Radio Bonn Space XMM-Newton Australian UTas Optical Australian Adelaide Cosmic Ray Australian Gemini Australian UNSW APT/ROTSE International Cosmic Ray Pierre Auget International Radio Westerbork International Radio GBT Australian Perth Observatory International Cosmic Ray AGASA International Cosmic Ray HiRes Case 6 13.0 11.2 11.0 9.7 7.8 5.6 3.5 3.0 2.8 2.5 2.5 2.1 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

AAO AAT ATNF ATCA ATNF Parkes Australian ANU Optical Theory Analytic Space HST International OIR ESO International OIR NOAO (KPNO+CTIO) Other International OIR KECK International OIR Other Australian Swinburne Computational International OIR La_Palma International Radio VLA AAT UKSchmidt Australian University Other Space Chandra Australian USyd MOST Australian UNSW Antarctic International High Performance Computing International OIR US Optical Other Space X-ray other Space Other Australian APAC Space ROSAT ATNF VLBI Australian VPAC International OIR Europe Optical Other International OIR Palomar International OIR UKIRT International Radio-mm-submm Other International OIR CFHT Space Gamma Rays International Radio U.S. mm-submm International Radio JCMT International Radio Jodrell Bank International Radio European mm-submm Space Optical-UV-IR Other International OIR Subaru Australian UWA Gravitational ATNF Mopra International Radio Westerbork International Cosmic Ray Pierre Auget Australian Gemini Australian Adelaide Cosmic Ray International Radio Bonn Australian UNSW APT/ROTSE International Radio GBT Space XMM-Newton International Radio VLBA International Cosmic Ray HiRes Australian Perth Observatory Australian UTas Radio Australian UTas Optical

Page 5


49.9 29.9 9.8 3.3 0.5 0.3

UV-Optical-IR radio-mm-submm Theory Xray-Gamma Airshower Gravity Wave

49.1 29.0 11.4 3.5 0.6 0.3

UV-Optical-IR radio-mm-submm Theory Xray-Gamma Airshower Gravity Wave

Page 6

Case 7 15.1 9.4 9.2 8.3 6.8 5.0 4.8 4.6 3.7 3.4 2.9 2.5 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.6 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

AAO AAT Australian ANU Optical Space HST ATNF Parkes ATNF ATCA International OIR NOAO (KPNO+CTIO) International OIR KECK Theory Analytic Other International OIR ESO International OIR Other International OIR La_Palma Space Chandra International OIR CFHT International Radio VLA AAT UKSchmidt Space Gamma Rays International OIR Palomar Space X-ray other International OIR US Optical Other ATNF VLBI Australian Swinburne Computational Australian USyd MOST International OIR Subaru Space ROSAT Australian University Other International OIR UKIRT Space Other International Radio U.S. mm-submm International Cosmic Ray HiRes Australian UNSW Antarctic International Radio-mm-submm Other Australian APAC International Radio Jodrell Bank International Radio European mm-submm International Radio JCMT Australian Gemini International High Performance Computing Australian VPAC Australian Adelaide Airshower International OIR Europe Optical Other Australian UWA Gravitational Space VSOP International Radio Bonn Space Optical-UV-IR Other International Radio GBT International Radio VLBA Australian National Facility Other Space XMM-Newton Australian Adelaide Cosmic Ray International Cosmic Ray Pierre Auget International Gravity Other ATNF Mopra Australian UNSW APT/ROTSE Australian UTas Radio Australian Perth Observatory International Radio Westerbork

Page 7


60.7 21.4 6.1 5.3 1.1 0.3

UV-Optical-IR radio-mm-submm Theory Xray-Gamma Airshower Gravity Wave

Page 8

Appendix 1: List of Top 1% Papers with Australian Authors
We hav e identified the top Australian papers, 1996-2004, by listing all papers that have citations equal to or more than 99% of the papers in their year. These identifications are necess arily a little unc ertain for the 2003-4 papers , due to the short time after publications. This is not a complete list, it only represents thos e papers included in the survey.
1. 1996 C olless, Matthew ; Dunn, Andr ew M.; Structure and Dynamics of the Coma Clus ter 1996ApJ...458..435C 2. 1996 Ellis, Richard S.; Colless , Matthew;Broadhurst, Tom;Heyl, Jeremy;Glazebrook , Karl ; Autofib Redshift Survey - I. Evolution of the galaxy luminosity func tion 1996MN RAS.280..235E 3. 1996 Kneib, J.- P.; Ellis , R . S.;Smail, I.;Couch, W . J.;Sharples, R. M.; H ubble Space Telescope Observations of the Lensing Cluster Abell 2218 1996ApJ...471..643K 4. 1996 Ryan, Sean G.; Norris, John E.;Beers, Timothy C.; Extremely Metal-poor Stars . II. Elemental Abundances and the Early Chemical Enrichment of the Galaxy 1996ApJ...471..254R 5. 1997 Alcock , C .; Alls man, R . A.;Alves , D.;Ax elrod, T. S.;Becker, A. C .;Bennett, D . P.;Cook , K. H .;Freeman, K. C .;Gries t, K.;Guer n, J.;Lehner, M. J .;Marshall, S. L.;Peterson, B. A.;Pratt, M. R .;Quinn, P. J .;R odgers, A. W .;Stubbs , C. W.;Sutherland, W.;Welch, D. L.;The MACH O C ollaboration; The MACHO Projec t Large Magellanic Cloud Microlensing Results from the First Two Years and the Nature of the Galactic Dark Halo 1997ApJ...486..697A 6. 1997 Alcock , C .; Alls man, R . A.;Alves , D.;Ax elrod, T. S.;Bennett, D . P.;Cook, K. H.;Freeman, K. C .;Griest, K.;Guern, J .;Lehner , M. J .;Marshall, S. L.;Park, H .S.;Perlmutter , S.;Peterson, B. A.;Pratt, M. R .;Quinn, P. J.;Rodgers, A. W.;Stubbs, C . W.;Sutherland, W .; The MACH O Projec t: 45 Candidate Microlens ing Events from the First- Year Galac tic Bulge Data 1997ApJ...479..119A 7. 1997 D onati, J.- F.; Semel, M.;C arter , B. D .;Rees, D . E.;Collier Cameron, A.; Spec tropolarimetric observations of active stars 1997MNRAS.291..658D 8. 1997 Dressler , Alan; Oemler, Augustus, Jr.;Couch, W arrick J.;Smail, Ian;Ellis, Richard S.;Barger , Amy;Butcher, Harvey;Poggianti, Bianca M.;Sharples, Ray M.; Ev olution since Z = 0.5 of the Morphology-Density R elation for Clus ters of Galaxies 1997ApJ ...490..577D 9. 1997 Ellis, Richard S.; Smail, Ian;Dressler , Alan;Couch, Warrick J .;Oemler, Augus tus, Jr.;Butcher, Harvey;Sharples, Ray M.; The Homogeneity of Spheroidal Populations in Distant C lusters 1997ApJ ...483..582E 10. 1997 Perlmutter, S.; Gabi, S.;Goldhaber, G.;Goobar, A.;Groom, D . E.;Hook, I. M.;Kim, A. G.;Kim, M. Y.;Lee, J. C .;Pain, R.;Pennypacker , C . R.;Small, I. A.;Ellis, R. S.;McMahon, R . G.;Boyle, B. J.;Bunclark , P. S.;Car ter, D .;Irwin, M. J.;Glazebrook, K.;Newberg, H . J. M.;Filippenko, A. V.;Matheson, T.;Dopita, M.;Couch, W. J.;The Supernova Cos mology Projec t; Measurements of the Cos mological Parameter s Omega and Lambda from the First Seven Supernovae at Z >= 0.35 1997ApJ ...483..565P 11. 1997 Pettini, Max ; Smith, Linda J .;King, David L.;Hunstead, Richard W .; The Metallicity of High-Redshift Galaxies : The Abundance of Zinc in 34 Damped Ly alpha Systems from z = 0.7 to 3.4 1997ApJ...486..665P 12. 1998 C ouch, Warrick J.; Barger , Amy J .;Smail, Ian;Ellis, Richard S.;Sharples, Ray M. ; Morphological Studies of the Galaxy Populations in Dis tant `` Butcher-Oemler'' C lusters with the Hubble Space Telescope. II. AC 103, AC 118, and AC 114 at Z = 0.31 1998ApJ...497..188C 13. 1998 Galama, T. J.; Vreesw ijk, P. M.;van Paradijs, J.;Kouveliotou, C .;Augusteijn, T.;Bohnhardt, H .;Brewer , J . P.;D oublier, V.;Gonzalez, J.-F.;Leibundgut, B.;Lidman, C.;Hainaut, O. R.;Patat, F.;Heise, J .;in 't Zand, J.;Hurley, K.;Groot, P. J .;Strom, R. G.;Mazzali, P. A.;Iw amoto, K.;N omoto, K.;U meda, H.;N akamura, T.;Young, T. R .;Suzuki, T.;Shigeyama, T.;Koshut, T.;Kippen, M.;Robinson, C .;de Wildt, P.;Wijers , R . A. M.








21. 22.

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A.;Price, Ian;Sutherland, W ill;Tay lor, Keith; A measurement of the cos mological mass density from clustering in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Surv ey 2001N atur .410..169P 2001 Percival, Will J .; Baugh, Carlton M.;Bland-Haw thorn, Joss;Bridges, Terry ;Cannon, Russell;Cole, Shaun;Colless, Matthew ;Collins, Chris ;C ouch, Warrick;Dalton, Gavin;De Propris , Roberto;Driver , Simon P.;Efs tathiou, George;Ellis, Richard S.;Frenk , Carlos S.;Glazebrook , Karl;Jackson, Carole;Lahav, Ofer;Lewis , Ian;Lumsden, Stuart;Maddox , Steve;Moody , Stephen;Norberg, Peder ;Peacock, John A.;Peterson, Bruce A.;Sutherland, Will;Taylor, Keith; The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the power spectrum and the matter content of the Universe 2001MNRAS.327.1297P 2001 R iess, Adam G.; Nugent, Peter E.;Gilliland, Ronald L.;Schmidt, Brian P.;Tonry , John;Dickinson, Mark;Thompson, Rodger I.;BudavÀri, TamÀs;Caser tano, Stefano;Evans , Aaron S.;Filippenko, Alexei V.;Livio, Mar io;Sanders, David B.;Shapley, Alice E.;Spinrad, Hyron;Steidel, C harles C .;Stern, D aniel;Surace, Jason;Veilleux, Sylvain ; The Far thest Known Supernova: Suppor t for an Accelerating Universe and a Glimpse of the Epoch of Deceleration 2001ApJ ...560...49R 2001 de Blok , W. J. G.; McGaugh, Stacy S.;Bos ma, Albert;R ubin, Vera C .; Mass Density Profiles of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies 2001ApJ...552L..23D 2001 de Blok , W. J. G.; McGaugh, Stacy S.;Rubin, Ver a C.; High-Resolution Rotation Curves of Low Surface Brightness Galax ies. II. Mass Models 2001AJ....122.2396D 2002 Bloom, J. S.; Kulkarni, S. R.;Price, P. A.;Reichar t, D.;Galama, T. J .;Schmidt, B. P.;Frail, D . A.;Berger , E.;McCar thy, P. J.;Chevalier, R . A.;Wheeler , J . C .;Halpern, J . P.;Fox, D. W .;D jorgovski, S. G.;H arrison, F. A.;Sar i, R.;Axelrod, T. S.;Kimble, R. A.;Holtz man, J.;Hurley, K.;Frontera, F.;Piro, L.;C osta, E.; Detection of a Supernova Signature Associated w ith GR B 011121 2002ApJ...572L..45B 2002 Efstathiou, G.; Moody, Stephen;Peacock, John A.;Percival, W ill J.;Baugh, Carlton;Bland-H awthorn, Joss;Bridges , Terry;Cannon, Russell;Cole, Shaun;Colless, Matthew ;Collins , Chr is;Couch, Warrick;D alton, Gav in;de Propris, Rober to;Driver, Simon P.;Ellis , Richard S.;Frenk , Car los S.;Glazebrook , Karl;J ackson, Carole;Lahav , Ofer ;Lewis , Ian;Lumsden, Stuart;Maddox , Steve;N orberg, Peder ;Peterson, Bruce A.;Sutherland, Will;Taylor, Keith; Ev idence for a non-zero Lambda and a low matter density from a combined analysis of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey and cos mic microwave background anisotr opies 2002MNR AS.330L..29E 2002 ElgarÜy, ü.; Lahav, O.;Percival, W . J .;Peacock, J. A.;Madgwick, D . S.;Bridle, S. L.;Baugh, C . M.;Baldry , I. K.;Bland-Hawthorn, J.;Bridges, T.;Cannon, R.;Cole, S.;Colless, M.;Collins, C .;C ouch, W .;D alton, G.;de Propr is, R.;Driv er, S. P.;Efs tathiou, G. P.;Ellis, R. S.;Frenk, C. S.;Glazebrook, K.;Jackson, C .;Lewis, I.;Lumsden, S.;Maddox, S.;Norberg, P.;Peterson, B. A.;Sutherland, W.;Tay lor, K.; N ew Upper Limit on the Total Neutrino Mass from the 2 D egree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey 2002PhRvL..89f1301E 2002 Lahav, Ofer ; Bridle, Sarah L.;Percival, Will J.;Peacock, John A.;Efstathiou, George;Baugh, Car lton M.;Bland-H awthorn, Joss;Bridges, Terry;Cannon, Russell;Cole, Shaun;Colless, Matthew ;Collins, Chris ;Couch, Warrick;Dalton, Gavin;de Propris, Roberto;Driver, Simon P.;Ellis , R ichard S.;Frenk, Carlos S.;Glazebrook, Kar l;Jackson, Carole;Lewis, Ian;Lumsden, Stuart;Maddox , Steve;Madgwick, D arren S.;Moody , Stephen;Norberg, Peder;Peterson, Bruce A.;Sutherland, Will;Taylor, Keith; The 2dF Galaxy R edshift Survey: the amplitudes of fluc tuations in the 2dFGRS and the CMB, and implications for galaxy biasing 2002MNRAS.333..961L 2002 Lewis, Ian; Balogh, Michael;De Propris, Roberto;Couch, Warrick;Bow er, Richard;Offer, Alison;Bland-H awthorn, Joss;Baldry , Ivan K.;Baugh, C arlton;Bridges, Terry;Cannon, Russell;Cole, Shaun;Colless, Matthew ;Collins , Chr is;Cross, Nicholas;D alton, Gav in;Dr iver, Simon P.;Efstathiou, George;Ellis, Richard S.;Frenk , Carlos S.;Glazebrook , Karl;Hawkins , Edw ard;Jackson, Carole;Lahav, Ofer ;Lumsden, Stuart;Maddox , Steve;Madgwick, Darren;Norberg, Peder;Peacock, John A.;Percival, Will;Peterson, Bruce A.;Sutherland, Will;Taylor , Keith; The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey : the environmental dependence of galaxy star formation rates near clusters 2002MN RAS.334..673L

58. 2002 Madgwick, Darren S.; Lahav, Ofer;Baldry, Ivan K.;Baugh, Car lton M.;BlandHawthorn, Joss ;Br idges , Terry;Cannon, Russell;Cole, Shaun;Colless, Matthew ;Collins, Chris;Couch, Warrick;Dalton, Gavin;De Propris, Roberto;Driver, Simon P.;Efstathiou, George;Ellis, Richard S.;Frenk, Carlos S.;Glazebrook, Karl;Jackson, Carole;Lew is, Ian;Lumsden, Stuart;Maddox , Steve;N orberg, Peder ;Peacock, John A.;Peterson, Bruce A.;Sutherland, Will;Taylor , Keith; The 2dF Galaxy R eds hift Survey: galaxy luminosity functions per spec tral type 2002MNR AS.333..133M 59. 2002 N orberg, Peder ; Baugh, Carlton M.;Hawkins , Ed;Maddox , Steve;Madgwick, Darren;Lahav, Ofer;Cole, Shaun;Frenk, Carlos S.;Baldr y, Ivan;Bland-Haw thorn, Joss;Bridges, Terry;Cannon, Russell;Colless, Matthew;Collins , Chr is;Couch, Warrick;Dalton, Gavin;De Propris, Rober to;Driver, Simon P.;Efs tathiou, George;Ellis , Richard S.;Glazebrook , Karl;Jackson, Carole;Lewis, Ian;Lumsden, Stuart;Peacock, John A.;Peterson, Bruce A.;Sutherland, Will;Taylor , Keith; The 2dF Galaxy R edshift Survey: the dependence of galaxy clustering on luminosity and spectral type 2002MN RAS.332..827N 60. 2002 N orberg, Peder ; Cole, Shaun;Baugh, Carlton M.;Frenk, Carlos S.;Baldry, Ivan;Bland-Haw thorn, Joss;Bridges, Terry ;Cannon, Russell;Colless, Matthew ;Collins, Chris;Couch, Warrick;Cross, Nicholas J . G.;Dalton, Gavin;De Pr opris, Rober to;Driver, Simon P.;Efstathiou, George;Ellis , Richard S.;Glazebrook, Karl;Jackson, Carole;Lahav, Ofer ;Lewis , Ian;Lumsden, Stuart;Maddox , Steve;Madgwick, Darren;Peacock, John A.;Peterson, Bruce A.;Sutherland, Will;Taylor , Keith; The 2dF Galaxy R edshift Survey: the bJ-band galaxy luminosity func tion and survey selection func tion 2002MN RAS.336..907N 61. 2002 N ulsen, P. E. J.; David, L. P.;McNamara, B. R .;Jones, C .;For man, W. R.;W ise, M. ; Inter action of Radio Lobes with the Hot Intraclus ter Medium: Driving Convec tive Outflow in Hydra A 2002ApJ...568..163N 62. 2002 Percival, Will J .; Sutherland, Will;Peacock , John A.;Baugh, Carlton M.;BlandHawthorn, Joss ;Br idges , Terry;Cannon, Russell;Cole, Shaun;Colless, Matthew ;Collins, Chris;Couch, Warrick;Dalton, Gavin;De Propris, Roberto;Driver, Simon P.;Efstathiou, George;Ellis, Richard S.;Frenk, Carlos S.;Glazebrook, Karl;Jackson, Carole;Lahav, Ofer ;Lewis , Ian;Lumsden, Stuart;Maddox , Steve;Moody, Stephen;Norberg, Peder ;Peterson, Bruce A.;Taylor, Keith; Parameter constraints for flat cos mologies from cosmic microwave background and 2dFGRS pow er spectra 2002MNR AS.337.1068P 63. 2002 Verde, Licia; H eavens, Alan F.;Percival, Will J.;Matarrese, Sabino;Baugh, Carlton M.;Bland-H awthorn, Joss;Bridges , Terry;Cannon, R ussell;C ole, Shaun;Colless, Matthew ;Collins , Chr is;Couch, Warrick;D alton, Gav in;D e Propris, Rober to;Driver, Simon P.;Efs tathiou, George;Ellis , Richard S.;Frenk , Car los S.;Glazebrook, Karl;Jackson, Carole;Lahav, Ofer ;Lewis , Ian;Lumsden, Stuart;Maddox, Steve;Madgw ick, Darren;Norberg, Peder;Peacock , John A.;Peterson, Br uce A.;Sutherland, Will;Taylor, Keith; The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey : the bias of galaxies and the density of the Universe 2002MN RAS.335..432V 64. 2002 de Blok , W. J. G.; Bosma, A.; H igh-resolution rotation curves of low sur face brightness galaxies 2002A&A...385..816D 65. 2003 Berger , E.; Kulkarni, S. R.;Pooley , G.;Frail, D . A.;McIntyre, V.;Wark , R . M.;Sari, R.;Soderberg, A. M.;Fox , D . W .;Yost, S.;Price, P. A.; A common origin for cos mic explosions inferred from calorimetry of GR B030329 2003Natur .426..154B 66. 2003 Burgay , M.; D'Amico, N.;Possenti, A.;Manches ter, R. N.;Lyne, A. G.;Joshi, B. C.;McLaughlin, M. A.;Kramer, M.;Sarkissian, J . M.;Camilo, F.;Kalogera, V.;Kim, C.;Lorimer, D. R .; An increased estimate of the merger rate of double neutron s tars from observations of a highly relativistic system 2003Natur.426..531B 67. 2003 C orbel, S.; Nowak , M. A.;Fender , R . P.;Tzioumis , A. K.;Markoff, S.; Radio/X-ray correlation in the low /hard state of GX 339-4 2003A&A...400.1007C 68. 2003 D e Propris , Roberto; Colless , Matthew;Dr iver, Simon P.;Couch, W arrick;Peacock, John A.;Baldry , Ivan K.;Baugh, Carlton M.;Bland-Haw thorn, Joss ;Br idges, Terry;Cannon, Russell;Cole, Shaun;Collins , Chr is;Cross, Nicholas;D alton, Gavin B.;Efs tathiou, George;Ellis, Richard S.;Frenk, Carlos S.;Glazebrook, Karl;Hawkins , Edward;Jackson,







Carole;Lahav, Ofer ;Lewis , Ian;Lumsden, Stuart;Maddox, Steve;Madgw ick, Darren S.;Norberg, Peder;Percival, Will;Peterson, Bruce;Sutherland, Will;Taylor , Keith ; The 2dF Galaxy R edshift Survey: the luminosity function of cluster galaxies 2003MN RAS.342..725D 2003 H awkins, Ed; Maddox , Steve;Cole, Shaun;Lahav, Ofer;Madgw ick, Darren S.;Norberg, Peder;Peacock , John A.;Baldry, Ivan K.;Baugh, Carlton M.;Bland-Haw thorn, Joss;Bridges, Terry;Cannon, Russell;Colless, Matthew;Collins , Chr is;Couch, Warrick;Dalton, Gavin;De Propris, Rober to;Driver, Simon P.;Efs tathiou, George;Ellis , Richard S.;Frenk, Carlos S.;Glazebrook, Karl;Jackson, Carole;Jones, Bryn;Lew is, Ian;Lumsden, Stuart;Percival, W ill;Peterson, Br uce A.;Sutherland, Will;Taylor , Keith ; The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: correlation functions, pec uliar velocities and the matter density of the U niverse 2003MNR AS.346...78H 2003 Price, P. A.; Fox , D . W .;Kulkarni, S. R.;Peterson, B. A.;Schmidt, B. P.;Soderberg, A. M.;Yost, S. A.;Berger , E.;D jorgovski, S. G.;Frail, D. A.;Harrison, F. A.;Sari, R .;Blain, A. W.;Chapman, S. C .; The bright optical afterglow of the nearby gamma-ray burst of 29 March 2003 2003N atur .423..844P 2003 Tonry, John L.; Schmidt, Brian P.;Barris , Brian;Candia, Pablo;Challis , Peter;Clocchiatti, Alejandro;Coil, Alison L.;Filippenko, Alexei V.;Garnavich, Peter;H ogan, Craig;Holland, Stephen T.;Jha, Saurabh;Kirshner, Robert P.;Krisciunas , Kevin;Leibundgut, Bruno;Li, Weidong;Matheson, Thomas;Phillips, Mark M.;Riess, Adam G.;Schommer , Robert;Smith, R. Chris;Soller man, Jesper;Spyromilio, Jason;Stubbs, Christopher W .;Suntzeff, N icholas B.; C osmological Results from High-z Supernovae 2003ApJ...594....1T 2004 Abbasi, R. U .; Abu-Zayyad, T.;Amann, J . F.;Archbold, G.;Bellido, J. A.;Belov, K.;Belz , J . W .;Bergman, D. R .;C ao, Z.;Clay, R . W.;Cooper, M. D .;Dai, H .;D awson, B. R.;Everett, A. A.;Fedorova, Yu. A.;Girard, J . H .;Gray, R . C .;H anlon, W. F.;Hoffman, C . M.;Holzscheiter , M. H .;H Ýntemeyer , P.;Jones, B. F.;Jui, C. C.;Kieda, D. B.;Kim, K.;Kirn, M. A.;Loh, E. C .;Manago, N .;Mar ek, L. J.;Martens , K.;Martin, G.;Matthews , J . A.;Matthews , J . N .;Mey er, J. R.;Moore, S. A.;Morrison, P.;Moos man, A. N .;Mumford, J. R.;Munro, M. W.;Painter, C . A.;Perera, L.;Reil, K.;Riehle, R .;Rober ts, M.;Sarracino, J. S.;Sasaki, M.;Schnetzer, S. R.;Shen, P.;Simpson, K. M.;Sinnis, G.;Smith, J. D .;Sokolsky, P.;Song, C .;Springer , R . W.;Stokes , B. T.;Taylor, S. F.;Thomas, S. B.;Thompson, T. N.;Thomson, G. B.;Tupa, D.;Wes terhoff, S.;Wiencke, L. R.;Vanderveen, T. D .;Zech, A.;Zhang, X. ; Measurement of the Flux of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays from Monocular Observations by the H igh Resolution Fly's Eye Experiment 2004PhRvL..92o1101A 2004 Balogh, Michael; Eke, Vince;Miller , C hris;Lew is, Ian;Bower , Richard;C ouch, Warrick;Nichol, Rober t;Bland-Haw thorn, Joss;Baldry, Iv an K.;Baugh, Carlton;Bridges, Terry;Cannon, Russell;Cole, Shaun;Colless, Matthew ;Collins , Chr is;Cross, Nicholas;D alton, Gav in;de Propris , R oberto;Driver , Simon P.;Efs tathiou, George;Ellis , Richard S.;Frenk, Carlos S.;Glazebrook, Karl;Gomez, Percy;Gr ay, Alex;Hawkins, Edward;Jackson, Carole;Lahav, Ofer;Lumsden, Stuart;Maddox , Steve;Madgwick, Darren;Norberg, Peder;Peacock , John A.;Percival, Will;Peterson, Bruce A.;Sutherland, Will;Taylor, Keith; Galaxy ecology: groups and low-density env ironments in the SD SS and 2dFGR S 2004MNR AS.348.1355B 2004 Barris , Brian J.; Tonry , John L.;Blondin, StÈphane;Challis, Peter ;Chornock, Ryan;Clocchiatti, Alejandro;Filippenko, Alexei V.;Garnavich, Peter;H olland, Stephen T.;Jha, Saurabh;Kirshner , R obert P.;Krisciunas , Kevin;Leibundgut, Bruno;Li, Weidong;Matheson, Thomas;Miknaitis , Gajus ;Riess , Adam G.;Schmidt, Brian P.;Smith, R. Chr is;Sollerman, Jesper;Spyromilio, Jason;Stubbs, Christopher W .;Suntzeff, N icholas B.;Aussel, HervÈ;Chambers , K. C .;C onnelley, M. S.;Donovan, D.;Henry , J . Patrick;Kaiser , Nick;Liu, Michael C.;MartÌn, Eduardo L.;Wainscoat, Ric hard J.; Twenty-Three HighRedshift Supernovae from the Institute for Astronomy Deep Survey: Doubling the Supernova Sample at z > 0.7 2004ApJ...602..571B

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