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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Jan 28 08:51:24 2014
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Fri Feb 28 15:14:25 2014

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï
Commissioning Update Dec 2013

1 | John Reynolds Dec 2013

Commissioning Overview
·BETA ­ current status ·Recent results ·ADE / MkII commissioning ·ACES ­ "ASKAP Commissioning and Early Science"

2 | ASKAP Commissioning Update

BETA status
All six BETA antennas now operaEonal (as of Sep 2013) Three newer antennas sEll being bedded-
in Correlator currently in 3+3 configuraEon Data successfully taken with each 3-
antenna subset IniEal imaging tests gave poor results owing to h/w correlator arEfacts and instability · Firmware developers currently have priority access to recEfy these faults · · · · ·

3 | ASKAP Commissioning Update

BETA 1.5 Þ Full BETA

First image with h/w correlator
Nov 2013 Standard test-field h/w correlator with ants 1+3+6 9 overlapping beams (c.f. red contour) F = 1GHz, 32MH b/w

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Remote observing begins at the SOC

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First HI detecCon with BETA (autocorrs)
Williams (1972)

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One day in the SOC

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Current activities
· Fixing minor hardware problem as they arise · Learning to drive the hardware correlator
· · · · · Debugging firmware using on-
sky data and injected signals Stress-
tesEng the correlator soZware drivers TesEng delay tracking and fringe-
rotator TesEng the "ingest pipeline" that records data to disk Coming to grips with calibraEon

· Expanding knowledge and operator base of BETA
· Enlarge commissioning group through "ACES" · Extensive discussion between commissioning and compuEng groups

Data pipeline
·Still some way from full ASKAP data pipeline ·Additional s/w tools developed for commissioning

New result: HI in absorpCon at z=0.89

PKS 1830-210 aka PKS 1830-211 The strongest radio gravlens Multiple absorption systems, z=0.89, z=0.19

11 | ASKAP Commissioning Update

Using PAFs for poinCng correcCon

Before: a priori error = ~2.5d

One iteration: error = ~0.3d

12 | ASKAP Commissioning Update

Upcoming priorities
· · · · Repeat 3-
antenna test image on BETA-
2 (antennas 8,9,15) 6-
antenna phase-
closure and image on full BETA Early 2014: full BETA conEnuum image and simple spectral-
line image released to SSTs. BETA remains engineering test-
bed through to Q3 2014.

· ~March 2014 first field-
tests of MkII PAF at MRO · mid 2014: ADE-
6 deployment commences · 2nd half 2014: full ADE-
6 conEnuum image and simple released to SSTs · Early science program commences with ADE-

ADE / MkII PAF status: 5x4 test results

14 | ASKAP Commissioning Update

Hot load/sky test track

Full ADE test at MRO ­ early 2014

Hot load for ADE PAF ground tests en route to MRO

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§ Mk I § 6 BETA PAFs at MRO § H/W correlator testing § 3+3 configuration Þ §6 antenna config ~Feb 2014

§ Mk II § Prototype assembly: Jun § Field tests at MRO in Q1 §First 6 production PAFs ­ § 2nd 6 ­ Q4 2014 § Subsequent deliveries: § Optimum batch size

e ­ December 2013 2014 Q2 2014 being determined

Parkes Test-Bed
· Successful results from ADE 5x4 test programme at Parkes ­ new ADE design now matches best achieved with earlier designs · ConEnuing acEve programme of PAF observing and calibraEon using 64m-
12m interferometer for calculaEng, manipulaEng and applying beam-
former weights · Brian Jeffs (DisEnguished Visitor BYU) and CASS staff using PTB to develop acEve RFI weights for adapEve RFI miEgaEon · PAF "bake-
off" in 2014 between different types of PAF


Informal structure to assist in resourcing and planning of commissioning and early science -
Manager is Dave McConnell -
Aims to idenCfy in-
house and external resources to facilitate commissioning and early science programme -
Call for EOI to parCcipate in secondments to ACES

19 | ASKAP Commissioning Update

We acknowledge the Wajarri Yamatji people as the traditional owners of the Observatory site.

Thank you

·Astronomy and Space Science