Crescent Nebula Also called NGC 6888, Caldwell 27 and Sharpless 105, this emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus is being formed by the stellar wind created by the Wolf-Rayet star WR 136. Wolf-Rayet stars are hot massive stars that are shedding its outer layers. The area is surrounded by patches of emission nebula. Above the Crescent are the Lynd's Bright Nebulae LBN 215, to the right is the filamentary LBN 208 and below is LBN 193.
Hubble Palette, 5 nm Narrowband filters, S-II (Red Channel): H-alpha (Green Channel): O-III (Blue Channel) - 30: 55: 40 minutes, 5 minute subframe, binned 1x1, Total= 125 minutes, Takahashi Epsilon-180, SBIG STL-6303E CCD camera, ATMoB Clubhouse, Westford, MA, 13 August 2010.