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First Images and Spectra from ISAAC on UT1 (ESO Press Release 19/98)
Information from the European Southern Observatory

ESO Press Release 19/98

26 November 1998

For immediate release

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First Images and Spectra from ISAAC on UT1

New VLT Instrument Delivers Spectacular Infrared Views of the Southern Sky

The VLT Infrared Spectrometer And Array Camera (ISAAC) [1] was installed at the first 8.2-m VLT Unit Telescope (UT1) on November 14, 1998, cf. ESO PR Photos 42a-h/98. ISAAC is the second major VLT instrument to be installed at the VLT and the first to be fully designed and developed at ESO within its Instrumentation Division.

Following evacuation of its large vacuum vessel, cooling to cryogenic temperature and alignment with the telescope according to the planned schedule, it successfully achieved technical first light during the night between November 16 and 17, 1998.

ESO PR Photo 46a/98

ESO PR Photo 46a/98

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PR Photo 46a/98 shows ISAAC as it is now mounted at the UT1 Nasmyth B adaptor-rotator (right; blue colour). The co-rotator system (left) through which the various cables are fed to the instrument, is also well visible. (Photo obtained on November 16, 1998).

The first focus tests on stars yielded images of excellent sharpness, around 0.45 arcsec full-width-half-maximum (FWHM). During the following nights, even better images, as small as 0.25 arcsec in relatively short exposures, were obtained, testifying to the quality of the site as well as the optical quality of both the telescope and instrument. Observations were executed using the new VLT Control and Data Flow Systems which are driven by Observation Blocks that define all details of the required astronomical exposures.

In addition to direct images in various infrared colours (selected with different optical filters), spectroscopic observations were also made during the first few nights of operation.

This Press Release is accompanied by several images and spectra which illustrate some of the exceptional new astronomical capabilities offered by this instrument.

Star-Forming Region RCW38 in the Milky Way

ESO PR Photo 46b/98

ESO PR Photo 46b/98

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[High-Res - JPEG: 3000 x 3545 pix - 3.6Mb]

PR Photo 46b/98 displays a spectacular three-colour composite image of RCW38, obtained through three near-infrared filters. This is a region in the Milky Way at a distance of about 5,000 light years, where stars which have recently formed in clouds of gas and dust are still heavily obscured and cannot be observed in the visible part of the spectrum. Contrarily, as this image shows, they are very well seen at infrared wavelengths where the obscuration is substantially lower. The diffuse radiation is a mixture of starlight scattered by the dust and gas in the area, and atomic and molecular hydrogen line emission.

Technical Information: The photo is a combination of three exposures through Z (centred at 0.90µm), H (1.65µm) and Ks filters (2.16µm) and with exposure times of 160, 320 and 210 seconds, respectively, The field measures 2.5 x 2.5 arcmin with North at the top and East to the left. The seeing was 0.4 arcsec.

Distant Radio Galaxy MRC0316-257

ESO PR Photo 46c/98

ESO PR Photo 46c/98

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PR Photo 46c/98 is a Ks (2.16µm) image, centred on the distant radio galaxy MRC0316-257 (redshift z = 3.14). It was obtained primarily to locate other distant galaxies for future spectroscopic observations with ISAAC.

Technical Information: This image was obtained by combining 45 1-min exposures, taken with the telescope randomly offset by small amounts in between ("jittering") to allow subtraction of the bright sky emission at this wavelength. The seeing was 0.5 arcsec and the limiting magnitude is around Ks = 22. The field measures 2.5 x 2.5 arcmin with N at the top and E to the left.

Galaxy Cluster CL2244-02 with Gravitational Arcs

ESO PR Photo 46d/98

ESO PR Photo 46d/98

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[High-Res - JPEG: 3000 x 3579 pix - 5.6Mb]

PR Photo 46d/98 is a colour composite image of the galaxy cluster CL2244-02 (redshift z = 0.3), combining a 20 min jittered ISAAC Ks (2.16µm) exposure with 15 min V (green-yellow) and R (red) exposures, obtained with the VLT Test Camera at the UT1 Nasmyth focus. In addition to the prominent blue arc, produced by gravitational lensing of a galaxy at redshift z = 2.24, there are also notable, very red arcs, both closer to the centre and further out. They were only detected in the infrared image and are probably due to lensing of a much more distant galaxy.

Technical Information:The field size is about 1.5 x 1.5 arcmin with N at the top left and E at the lower left corner. The seeing was between 0.46 and 0.65 arcsec in the different images.

Center of Merging Galaxy System ESO202-G23

ESO PR Photo 46e/98

ESO PR Photo 46e/98

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[High-Res - JPEG: 3000 x 4156 pix - 4.4Mb]

PR Photo 46e/98 is a colour composite image of the merging galaxy system ESO202-G23 made by combining an ISAAC H (1.65µm) exposure with (blue) and R (red) exposures made with the VLT Test Camera at Nasmyth focus. At least one of the two nuclei is obviously an Active Galaxy Nucleus (AGN) whose partially collimated ultraviolet radiation is exciting the surrounding gas to the North. Also visible is a blue star-forming complex to the South of the centre and a complicated pattern of gas emission due to the combination of arms resulting from the merger, as well as heavy dust extinction. Of additional interest is the arc of very red objects in the lower part of the image which are more distant galaxies.

Technical Information:Exposure times in the H, B and R filters were 1200, 1800 and 900 seconds, respectively. The field measures about 1.5 x 1.5 arcmin, with N at the top left and East at the lower left corner. The seeing was about 0.4 arcsec.

Lensed Quasar MG0414+0534

ESO PR Photo 46f/98

ESO PR Photo 46f/98

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[High-Res - JPEG: 3000 x 3628 pix - 3.2Mb]

PR Photo 46f/98 is an infrared colour composite of the quadruply lensed quasar system MG0414+0534 made by combining 20 min ISAAC J (1.25µm) and Ks (2.16µm) exposures. This complex of images is only about 2 arcsec across. At the centre is the red galaxy at redshift z = 0.96 which is responsible for the four (of which two are not completely resolved) gravitationally lensed images of a z = 2.64 quasar plus a faint arc.

Technical Information: N is at the top and E to the left. The seeing was 0.4 arcsec.

Herbig-Haro Object HH212

ESO PR Photo 46g/98

ESO PR Photo 46g/98

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[High-Res - JPEG: 3000 x 3057 pix - 6.3Mb]

PR Photo 46g/98 shows a long-slit (2 arcmin) spectrum in the 2 - 2.5µm spectral region of the Herbig Haro object HH212. The spectral resolution is about 500. It is believed that a protostar - that is invisible even at infrared wavelengths - is responsible for the two pulsed jets seen in this spectral image. They are remarkable because of the high degree of symmetry of the 'blobs' which have been ejected in opposite directions (up and down in this image). Each of the individual 'images' shows the jets in a different spectral line emitted by molecular hydrogen that has been shock excited by the impact of the ejected gas.

Starforming Galaxy at Redshift 0.62

ESO PR Photo 46h/98

ESO PR Photo 46h/98

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[High-Res - JPEG: 3000 x 3325 pix - 1.0Mb]

PR Photo 46h/98 is an infrared spectrum showing the Hydrogen-alpha (0.6563µm) emission line (indicated with an arrow), shifted to 1.06µm in a star-forming galaxy at redshift z = 0.62, discovered in the CFRS survey. The total integration time with ISAAC was only 1 hour.


[1] ISAAC is a cryogenic infrared imager and spectrometer (spectral region 0.9 - 5 µm) installed at the Nasmyth B focus of UT1. It has two arms, one for the Short Wavelength (SW) spectral domain (0.9 - 2.5 µm), and one for the Long Wavelength (LW) spectral domain (2.5 - 5 µm), both equipped with state-of-the-art detectors. ISAAC has a variety of imaging and spectroscopy modes in both of the arms. It is controlled via a panoply of software templates for defining and executing sequences of operations for Acquisition, Observation and Calibration. As any other VLT instrument, ISAAC can be used in Service or Visitor Mode.

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ESO Press Information is made available on the World-Wide Web (URL: http://www.eso.org/outreach/press-rel/). ESO Press Photos may be reproduced, if credit is given to the European Southern Observatory.


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