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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Sep 21 16:25:16 2007
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 09:26:47 2012

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: massive stars
Refereed Papers 1. Natta, A., Palla, F., Panagia, N., Preite-Martinez, A.:1981, Astron. Astrophys., 99, 289 Dust Temperature and IR Emission in High Extinction Molecular Clouds 2. Palla, F., Salpeter, E.E., Stahler, S.W .: 1983, Astrophys. J., 271, 632 Primordial Star Formation: the Role of Molecular Hydrogen 3. Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R., Di Fazio, A., Palla, F.: 1985, Astron. Astrophys., 145, 290 A Treatment of Opacity Suitable for Media of Low Density and Temperature 4. Stahler, S.W ., Palla, F., Salpeter, E.E.: 1986, Astrophys. J., 302, 590 Primordial Stellar Evolution: the Protostar Phase 5. Stahler, S.W ., Palla, F., Salpeter, E.E.: 1986, Astrophys. J., 308, 697 Primordial Stellar Evolution: the Pre-Main-Sequence Phase 6. Shore, S.N., Ferrini, F., Palla, F.: 1987, Astrophys. J., 316, 663 The Effects of Stimulated Star Formation on the Evolution of the Galaxy III. The Chemical Evolution of Nonlinear Systems 7. Giovanardi, C., Natta, A., Palla, F.: 1987, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 70, 269. Numerical Fits to the Electron Impact Transition Rate Coefficients for Atomic Hydrogen as a Function of Electron Temperature 8. Palla, F., Zinnecker, H.: 1987, Invited Review in "Starbursts and Galax y Evolution", T.X. Thuan, Th. Montmerle and J.T. Thanh Van eds., Editions FrontiÕres, p.533. Nonequilibrium Cooling of Primordial Gas 9. Natta, A., Giovanardi, C., Palla, F.: 1987, Invited Review at the G.I.F.CO. Meeting on "Infrared Astronom y", Mem.S.A.It., 58, 185. T Tauri Winds 10. Palla, F.: 1988, invited review at the NATO-ASI "Galactic and Extragalactic Star Formation", R.E. Pudritz and M. Fich eds., Kluwer Acad. Publ., p.519. Primordial Star Formation 11. Natta, A., Giovanardi, C., Palla, F., Evans, N.J.: 1988, Astrophys. J., 327, 817. Neutral Winds from Cool Young Stars: A Solution to the Line Deficit Problem 12. Natta, A., Giovanardi, C., Palla, F.: 1988, Astrophys. J., 332, 921. Ionization Structure and Emission of Winds from Low Luminosity Pre-Main-Sequence Stars 13. Cesaroni, R., F.: 1988, Astron. A Catalogue of H Palagi, F., Felli, M., Catarzi, G., Comoretto. G., Di Franco, S., Giovanardi, C., Palla, Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 76, 445. 2O Maser Sources North of = -30°

14. Giovanardi, C., Palla, F.: 1989, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 77, 157. Revision and Extension to Low Temperature of Numerical Estimates of the Electron Collision Rates for Atomic Hydrogen 15. Palla, F., Giovanardi, C.: 1989, Astron. Astrophys., 223, 267. A Search for H2O Maser Emission in the Serpens Region 16. Palla, F.: 1989, Invited Review at the I.A.U. Colloquium No.120 "Structure and Dynamics of the Interstellar Medium", G. Tenorio-Tagle, M. Moles and J. Melnick eds., Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer-Verlag, p. 56. Star Formation

17. Ferrini, F., Palla, F., Penco, U.: 1990, Astron. Astrophys., 231, 391. Bimodality versus Multimodality: Do Fragmentation Theories support a Bimodal IMF? 18. Comoretto, G., Palagi, F., Cesaroni, R., Felli, M., Bettarini, A., Catarzi, M., Curioni, G.P., Curioni, P., Di Franco, S., Giovanardi, C., Massi, M., Palla, F., Panella, D., Rossi, E., Speroni, N., Tofani, G.: 1990, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 84, 179. The Arcetri Atlas of H2O Maser Sources 19. Palla, F., Stahler, S.W .: 1990, Astrophys. J. Lett., 360, L47. The Birthline for Intermediate Mass Stars 20. Palla, F.: 1991, Invited Review at the I.A.U. Symposium No.147 "Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation'', E. Falgarone ed., Kluwer Acad. Publ., p.331. Theoretical and Observational Aspects of Young Stars of Intermediate Mass 21. Randich, M.S., Giovanardi, C., Natta, A., Palla, F.: 1991, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 88, 31. Models of Hydrogen Emission from Moving Slabs 22. Palla, F., Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Comoretto, G., Felli, M.: 1991, Astron. Astrophys., 246, 249. Water Masers Associated with Dense Molecular Clouds and Ultracompact HII Regions 23. Palla, F., Stahler, S.W .: 1991, Astrophys. J., 375, 288. The Evolution of Intermediate Mass Protostars. I Basic Results 24. Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R., Di Fazio, A., Palla, F.: 1991, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 88, 451. A Treatment of Opacity and Emission Suitable for Media of Low Density and Temperature. II. Molecular Hydrogen 25. Palla, F., Stahler, S.W .: 1992, Astrophys. J., 392, 667. The evolution of intermediate-mass protostars: II. Influence of the accretion flow 26. Natta, A., Palla, F., Butner, H.M., Evans, N.J., Harvey, P.M.: 1992, Astrophys. J., 391, 805. Infrared studies of pre-main-sequence intermediate mass stars: LkH 198 27. Natta, A., Palla, F., Butner, H.M., Evans, N.J., Harvey, P.M.: 1993, Astrophys. J., 406, 674. Infrared studies of circumstellar matter around Herbig Ae/Be and related stars 28. Palla, F., Prusti, T.: 1993, Astron. Astrophys., 272, 249. Water masers associated with Herbig Ae/Be stars 29. Palla, F., Stahler, S.W .: 1993, Astrophys. J., 414, 418 The Pre-Main-Sequence evolution of intermediate-mass stars 30. Palla, F.: 1993, Invited Review at the IVth W inter School of the I.A.C.-Canarias Islands "Infrared Astronom y", A. Mampaso F. Sanchez eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, p.1. Star Formation 31. Palla, F., Cesaroni, R., Brand, J., Caselli, P., Comoretto, G., Felli, M.: 1993, Astron. Astrophys., 280, 599. H2O masers associated with dense molecular clouds and ultracompact HII regions. II: the extended sample 32. Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Caselli, P., Catarzi, M., Codella, C., Comoretto, G., Curioni, G.P., Curioni, P., Di Franco, S., Felli, M., Giovanardi, C., Olmi, L., Palagi, F., Palla, F., Pareschi, G., Rossi, E., Speroni, N., Tofani, G. : 1994, Astron. Astrophys. Supp. Ser., 103, 541. The Arcetri Catalogue of H2O maser sources update 33. Bellini, M., De Natale, P., Inguscio, M., Fink, E., Galli, D., Palla, F.: 1994, Astrophys. J., 424, 507.

Laboratory measurements of rotational transitions of Lithium Hydride in the far-infrared 34. Codella, C., Felli, M., Natale, V., Palagi, F., Palla, F.: 1994, Astron. Astrophys., 291, 261. The occurrence of H2O masers in HII regions 35. Palla, F. Stahler, S.W . : 1994, Invited Review at the 1 Conference on "The Nature and Evolutionary Status of Herbig Ae/Be Stars" P.S. ThÈ M. Perez & E.P.J. van den Heuvel eds., ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 62, p. 391 The formation and evolution of Herbig Ae/Be stars 36. Prusti, T., Natta, A., Palla, F.: 1994, Astron. Astrophys., 292, 593. Extended mid-infrared emission from Herbig Ae/Be stars 37. Galli, D., Palla, F., Straniero, O., Ferrini, F.: 1994, Astrophys. J. Lett., 432, L101 A possible solution to the problem of the galactic evolution of D and ^3He 38. Zhekov, S.A., Palla, F., Myasnikov, A.M.: 1994, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 271, 667 X-ray emission from colliding stellar winds in PMS binary systems 39. Palla, F., Testi, L., Hunter, T., Taylor, G.B. Prusti, T., Natta, A., Stanga, R.M., Felli, M. : 1995, Astron. Astrophys., 293, 521 The active source in the region of the Herbig star BD+40° 4124 40. Galli, D., Palla, F., Ferrini, F., Penco, U.: 1995, Astrophys. J., 443, 536 Galactic evolution of D and 3He 41. Palla, F., Galli, D., Silk, J.: 1995, Astrophys. J., 451, 44 Deuterium in the Universe 42. Palla, F. : 1995 Invited Review at the Conference The Physics of the Interstellar Medium and Intergalactic Medium, eds. A. Ferrara, C. Heiles, C. McKee & P. Shapiro, PASP Conference Series, p. 571 Light Elements and Molecular Evolution in the Post-Recombination Universe 43. Codella, C., Palla, F. : 1995, Astron. Astrophys., 302, 528 The Nature of Massive Protostellar Candidates. A Search for Water Masers towards Color-Selected IRAS Sources 44. Zhekov, S.A., Palla, F., Prusti, T. : 1995, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 276, L51 Infrared coronal-line emission from PMS binaries: testing the colliding winds model 45. Molinari, S., Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Palla, F.: 1996, Astron. Astrophys., 308, 573 A Search for Precursors of Ultracompact HII Regions in a Sample of Luminous IRAS Sources. I: Association with Ammonia Cores 46. Palla, F. : 1996, Invited Review at the Conference Disks and Outflows around Young Stars, ed. S.W . Beckwith et al., (Berlin: Springer), p. 143 The Quest for Evolutionary Diagrams of Young Stellar Objects 47. Palla, F. : 1996, Invited Review at the Conference Stellar Evolution: W hat Should Be Done?, eds. A. Noels et al., p.249 Pre-Main-Sequence Evolution 48. Saraceno, P., Ceccarelli, C., Clegg, P., Palla, F. et al.: 1996, Astron. Astrophys. Lett., 315, L293 LWS observations of the bright rimmed globule IC1396N 49. Tegmark, M., Silk, J., Rees, M.J., Blanchard, A., Palla, F., Abel, T. : 1997, Astrophys. J., 474, 1 How small were the first cosmological objects? 50. Testi, L., Palla, F., Prusti,T., Natta, A., Maltagliati, S.: 1997, Astron. Astrophys., 320,159 A search for clustering around Herbig Ae/Be stars

51. Palla, F., Galli, D. : 1997, Astrophys. J. Lett., 476, L35 Post-T Tauri stars: a false problem 52. Palla, F. : 1997, Invited Review at the Conference INTEGRAL W orkshop - The Transparent Universe, eds. C. W inkler et al. (ESTEC: ESA SP-382), p.25 Pre-Main-Sequence Evolution: Theory and Observations 53. Galli, D., Stanghellini, L., Tosi, M., Palla, F. : 1997, Astrophys. J., 477, 218 3He in planetary nebuale: a challenge to stellar evolution models 54. Palla, F., Codella, C., Baffa, C., Valdettaro R. : 1997, Astron. Astrophys., 327, 755 Search for H2O maser emission from high-latitude IRAS sources 55. Corbelli, E., Galli, D., Palla, F. : 1997, Astrophys. J. Lett., 487, L53 Star formation in disk galaxies driven by primordial H2 56. Palla, F.: 1997, Invited Lectures at the Les Houches School on Starbursts: Triggers, Nature and Evolution, eds. B. Guiderdoni & A. Khembavi (Amsterdam: North Holland), p. 101 Isolated and clustered star formation: observations and theoretical models 57. Molinari, S., Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Palla, F., Palumbo, G.G.C.: 1998, Astron. Astrophys., 336, 339 A Search for Precursors of Ultracompact HII Regions in a Sampleof Luminous IRAS Sources. II. VLA observations 58. Palla, F., Galli, D., Bac Primordial Nuclei and their Rev., 84, 177 Measurements of the 12C hiller, R., PÈrez-GutiÈrrez, M. : 1998, Invited Paper at the ISSI W orkshop Galactic Evolution, eds. N. Prantzos, M. Tosi R. von Steiger, Space Sci. / 13C ratio in planetary nebulae and implications for stellar evolution

59. Galli, D., Palla, F. : 1998, Astron. Astrophys., 335, 403 The chemistry of the early universe 60. Fuente, A., MartËn-Pintado, J., Bachiller, R., Neri, R., Palla, F.: 1998, Astron. Astrophys., 334, 253 Progressive dispersal of the dense gas in the environment of early-type and late-type Herbig Ae/Be stars 61. Molinari, S., Testi, L., Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Palla, F.: 1998, Astrophys. J. Lett., 505, L39 IRAS~23385+6053: a prototype massive Class 0 protostar 62. Marconi, M., Palla, F. : 1998, Astrophys. J. Lett., 507, L141 The instability strip pre-main-sequence stars 63. Testi, L., Palla, F., Natta, A. : 1998, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 133, 81 A search for clustering around Herbig Ae/Be stars II. Atlas of the observed sources 64. Testi, L., Palla, F., Natta, A. : 1999, Astron. Astrophys., 342, 515 The onset of clusters around Herbig Ae/Be stars 65. Palla, F.: 1999, Invited Review at the Conference The Origin of Stars and Planetary Systems, eds. C.J. Lada & N. Kylafis, NATO-ASI Series (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publ.), p.375 The evolution of Pre-Main-Sequence Stars 66. Lorenzetti, D., Tommasi, E., Giannini, T., Nisini, B., Palla, F. et al.: 1999, Astron. Astrophys., 346, 604 ISO-LWS observations of Herbig Ae/Be stars: I. Fine structure lines 67. Giannini, T., Lorenzetti, D., Tommasi, E., Nisini, B., Palla, F. et al.: 1999, Astron. Astrophys., 346, 617 ISO-LWS observations of Herbig Ae/Be stars: II. Molecular lines

68. Palla, F., Stahler, S.W . : 1999, Astrophys. J., 525, 772 Star formation in the Orion Nebula Cluster 69. Tommasi, E., Pezzuto, S., Giannini, T., Lorenzetti, D., Palla, F. et al. : 1999, Astron. Astrophys., in press ISO-LWS observations of Herbig Ae/Be stars: III. Far infrared continuum emission 70. Brandl, B., Brandner, W ., Eisenhauer, F., Moffat, A.F.J., Palla, F., Zinnecker, H.: 1999, Astron. Astrophys. Lett., 352, L69 Low-mass stars in the massive HII region NGC 3603. Deep NIR imaging with ANTU/ISAAC 71. Stahler, S.W ., Palla, F., Ho, P.T.P.: 1998, Invited Reveiw in Protostars and Planets IV, eds. V. Mannings, A. Boss & S. Russell (Tucson: University of Arizona Press), in press The formation of massive stars 72. Spinoglio, L., Giannini, T., Nisini, B., Pezzuto, S., Saraceno, P., Di Giorgio, A.M., Palla, F., Caux, E., Lorenzetti, D., Smith, H.A., van den Ancker, M.E., W hite, G.J.: 2000, Astron. Astrophys., 353, 1005 Shock excited far-infrared molecular emission around T Tauri 73. Marconi, M., Ripepi, V., AlcalÞ, J.M., Covino, E., Palla, F., Terranegra, L.: 2000, Astron. Astrophys. Lett., 355, L35 Pulsation in two Herbig Ae stars: HD~35929 and V351~Ori 74. Palla, F., Bachiller, R., Stanghellini, L., Tosi, M., Galli, D. : 2000, Astron. Astrophys., 355, 69 Measurements of the 12C / 13C ratio in planetary nebulae and implications on stellar and Galactic chemical evolution 75. Molinari, S., Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Palla, F. : 2000, Astron. Astrophys., 355, 617 A search for precursors of ultracompact HII regions in a sample of luminous IRAS sources. III. Circumstellar dust properties 76. Palla, F. : 2000, Invited Review in Star Formation 1999, ed. T. Nakamoto (Nobeyama Radio Observatory), p.6 The formation of primordial stars 77. Galli, D., Palla, F. : 2000, Invited Review in The First Stars, eds. A. W eiss, T. Abel, V. Hill (Berlin: Springer-Verlag), p.229 Chemistry and cooling of the primordial gas 78. Palla, F., Stahler, S.W . : 2000, Astrophys. J., 540, 255 Accelerating Star Formation in Clusters and Associations 79. Palla, F Pineau des The role of ., Galli, D. : 2001, Invited Review in Molecular Hydrogen in Space, eds. F. Combes, G. FÒrets (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 247 H2 molecules in primordial star formation

80. Palla, F., Stahler, S.W . : 2000, Invited Review at the Conference Star Formation from the Small to the Large Scale, eds. F. Favata, A.A. Kaas \& A. W ilson (ESA Sp-445), 179 Open issues in high-mass star formation 81. Palla, F. : 2000, Invited Lectures in The Physics of Star Formation in Galaxies, XXIX SaasFee Advanced Course in Astronomy, eds. A. Maeder, G. Meynet, in press Pre-Main-Sequence evolution of stars and clusters 82. Palla, F., Stahler, S.W . : 2001, Astrophys. J., 553, 299 Binary masses as a test for pre-main-sequence tracks 83. Valdettaro, R., Palla, F., Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Comoretto, G., Di Franco, S., Felli, M., Natale, V., Palagi, F., Panella, D., Tofani, G. : 2001, Astron. Astrophys., 368, 845 The Arcetri Catalogue of H2O Maser Sources: Update 2000

84. Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Palla, F., Molinari, S. : 2001, Astron. Astrophys., 370, 230 A molecular-line study of clumps with embedded high-mass protostar candidates 85. Fuente, A., Neri, R., MartËin-Pintado, J., Bachiller, R.,RodrËguez-Franco, A., Palla, F. : 2001, Astron. Astrophys., 366, 873 Disks and outflows around intermediate-mass stars and protostars 86. Palla, F. : 2001, Invited Review at the Conference From Darkness to Light: Origin and Evolution of Young Stellar Clusters, eds. T. Montmerle, P. AndrÈ (San Francisco: ASP), vol. 243, 525 Overview of Pre-Main-Sequence Evolution 87. Palla, F. : 2001, Invited Review at the Conference The Formation of Binary Stars, IAU Symp. 200, eds. R.D. Mathieu & H. Zinnecker (ASP Conf. Ser.), vol. 201, 472 Testing Pre-Main-Sequence Models with Young Binaries 88. Marconi, M., Ripepi, V., Bernabei, S., Palla, F., AlcalÞ, J.M., Covino, E., Terranegra, L.: 2001, Astron. Astrophys. Lett., 372, L21 New observations of the pulsating PMS stars V351~Ori 89. Valdettaro, R., Palla, F., Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Felli, M., Palagi, F.: 2002, Astron. Astrophys., 383, 244 Long-term study of water maser emission associated with young stellar objects. I: The database 90. Galli, D., Prada-Moroni, P.G., Zavatarelli, S., Ferrini, F., Palla, F. : 2001, Nuclear Physics, A68, 530 Astrophysical implications of the new measurements of the 3He(3He,2p) 4He cross section 91. Omukai, K., Palla, F. : 2001, Astrophys. J. Lett., 561, L55 On the formation of massive primordial stars 92. Marconi, M., Palla, F., Ripepi, V. : 2001, Comments in Asteroseismology, 141, 13 PMS stars as COROT additional targets 93. Fuente, A., Martin-Pintado, J., Bachiller, R., Rodriguez-Franco, A., Palla, F. : 2002, Astron. Astrophys., 387, 977 The history of mass dispersal around Herbig Ae/Be stars 94. Palla, F., Galli, D., Marconi, A., Stanghellini, L., Tosi, M. : 2002, Astrophys. J. Lett., 568, L57 The 12C / 13C ratio in the planetary nebula NGC~3242 from Hubble Space Telescope STIS observations 95. Ripepi, V., Palla, F., Marconi, M., Bernabei, S., Arellano Ferro, A., Terranegra, L., AlcalÞ, J.M. : 2002, Astron. Astrophys., 391, 587 Detection of delta Scuti-like pulsation in H254, a pre-main sequence F-type star in IC~348 96. Palla, F. : 2002, Invited Review in Star Formation and the Physics of Young Stars, eds. J. Bouvier & J.P. Zahn, EAS Publ. Ser. 2, p.111 The physics of pre-main-sequence evolution 97. Palla, F., Stahler, S.W . : 2002, Astrophys. J., 581, 1194 Star formation in space and time: Taurus-Auriga 98. Galli, D., Palla, F. : 2002, Planet. Sp. Sci., 50, 1197 Deuterium chemistry in the primordial gas 99. Pinheiro, F.J.G., Folha, D.F.M., Marconi, M., Ripepi, V., Palla, F., Monteiro, M.J.P.F.G., Bernabei, S. : 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 399, 271 Oscillation in the PMS Scuti star V346~Ori 100. Marconi, M., Palla, F. : 2003, invited review in Asteroseismology across the HR diagram, eds. M.J. Thoimpson, M.S. Cunha & M.J.P.F.G. Monteiro (Dordrecht: Kluwer), p.245 Outstanding issues on pulsations in young stars

101. Omukai, K., Palla, F. : 2003, Astrophys. J., 589, 677 The formation of primordial massive stars by accretion 102. Armitage, P.J., Clarke, C.J., Palla, F. : 2003, MNRAS, 342, 1139 Dispersion in the lifetime and accretion rate of T Tauri discs 103. Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Comoretto, G., Felli, M., Palagi, F., Palla, F., Valdettaro, R. : 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 407, 573 Long-term study of water masers associated with Young Stellar Objects: Analysis 104. Ripepi, V., Marconi, M., Bernabei, S., Palla, F., Pinheiro, F.J.G., Folha, D.F.M., Oswalt, T.D., Terranegra, L., Arellano-Ferro, A., Jiang, X.J., AlcalÞ, J.M., Marinoni, S., Monteiro, M.J.M., Rudkin, M., Johnston, K. : 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 408, 1047 Multisite observations of the PMS Scuti star V351~Ori 105. Piau, L., Randich, M.S., Palla, F. : 2003, Astron. Astrophys.,408, 1037 Late main-sequence evolution of lithium and beryllium 106. Palla, F. : 2003, invited review at the XLVII Meeting of the Italian Astronomical Society, Mem. S.A.It. S., 3, 52 The formation of primordial stars 107. Fontani, F., Cesaroni, R., Testi, L., W almsley, C.M., Molinari, S., Neri, R., Shepherd, D., Brand, J., Palla, F., Zhang, Q. : 2004, Astron. Astrophys., 414, 299 IRAS~23385+6053: ~a candidate protostellar massive object 108. Palla, F. : 2004, Baltic Astronom y, 13, 349 The slow mode of star formation: a critical appraisal 109. de W it, W .J., Testi, L., Palla, F., Vanzi, L., Zinnecker, H. : 2004 Astron. Astrophys., 425, 937 The origin of massive O-type field stars. part I: A search for clusters 110. Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Comoretto, G., Felli, G., Palagi, Palla, F., Valdettaro, R. : 2004, Ap&SS, 295, 133 Monitoring water masers in star forming regions 111. Marconi, M., Palla, F. : 2004, in The A Star Phenomenon, eds. J. Zverko et al. (CUP), p.69 The pre-main-sequence of A-type stars 112. Palla, F., Randich, S. : 2005, in 13th Cools Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, eds. F. Favata, G.A.J. Hussain, B. Battrick, 169 Current views on low-mass star formation 113. Palla, F., Baraffe, I. : 2005, Astron. Astrophys., 432, L57 Pulsating young brown dwarfs 114. de W it, W .J., Testi, L., Palla, F., Zinnecker, H. : 2005 Astron. Astrophys., 437, 247 The origin of massive O-type field stars. Part II: Field O stars as runaways 115. Grosso, N., Feigelson, E.D., Getman, K.V., ..., Palla, F. : 2005, Astrophysical Journal, 160, 530 Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project census of X-ray stars in the BN-KL and OMC-1S regions 116. Skinner, S.L., Zhekov, S.A., Palla, F., Barbosa, C.L.D.R. : 2005, MNRAS, 361, 191 Chandra X-ray observations of the young stellar cluster NGC~6193 in the Ara~OB1 association 117. Palla, F., Randich, S., Flacomio, E., Pallavicini, R. : 2005, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 626, L49 Age spreads in star forming regions: the lithium test in the Orion Nebula Cluster 118. Palla, F. : 2005 in Massive star birth: A crossroads of astrophysics, IAU Sym posium 227, eds. R. Cesaroni et al., in press

Stellar evolution before the ZAMS 119. Valdettaro, R., Palla, F., Brand, F., Cesaroni, R. : 2005, Astron. Astrophys., 443, 535 H2O maser emission from bright rimmed clouds in the northern hemisphere 120. de W it, W .J., Bouvier, J., Palla, F., Cuillandre, J.C., James, D.J., Kendall, T.R., Lodieu, N., McCaughrean, M.J., Moraux, E., Randich, S., Testi, L. : 2006, Astron. Astrophys., 448, 189 Exploring the lower mass function in the young open cluster IC 4665 121. Skinner, S.L., Simmons, A.E., Zhekov, S.A., Teodoro, M., Damineli, A., Palla, F. : 2006, Astrophys. J. Lett., 639, L35 A rich population of X-ray emitting Wolf-Rayet stars in the galactci starburst cluster Westerlund 1 122. Ripepi, V., Bernabei, S., Marconi, M., Palla, F., Arellano Ferro, A., Bonanno, A., Ferrara, P., Frasca, A., Jaing, X.J., Kim, S.L. : 2006, Astron. Astrophys., 449, 335 A multisite photometric campaign on the pre-main sequence delta Scuti pulsator IP Persei 123. Lodieu, N., Bouvier, J., James, D.J., de W it, W .J., Palla, F., McCaughrean, M.J., Cuillandre, J.C. : 2006, Astron. Astrophys., 450, 147 A deep wide-field optical survey in the young open cluster Collinder 359 124. Sacco, G.G., Randich, S., Franciosini, E., Pallavicini, R., Palla, F. : 2007, Astron. Astrophys., 462, L23 Lithium depleted stars in the young sigma Ori cluster 125. Ripepi, V., Benranbei, S., Marconi, M., Ruoppo, A., Palla, F., Monteiro, M.J.P.F.G., Marques, J.P., Ferrara, P., Marinoni, S., Terranegra, L.: 2007, Astron. Astrophys., 462, 1023 Discovery of delta Scuti pulsation in the Herbig Ae star VV Ser 126. Ruoppo, A., Marconi, M., Marques, J.P., Monteiro, M.J.P.F.G., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Palla, F., Ripepi, V. : 2007, Astron. Astrophys., 466, 261 A theoretical approach for the interpretation of pulsating PMS intermediate-mass stars 127. Palla, F., Randich, S., Pavlenko, Ya.V., Flaccomio, E., Pallavicini, R. : 2007, Astrophys. J. Lett., 659, L41 Old stars in young clusters: lithium-depleted low-mass stars of the Orion Nebula Cluster 128. Valdettaro, R., Chapman, J.M., Lovell, J.E.J., Palla, F.: 2007, Astron. Astrophys., 466, 247 H2O maser emission from bright rimmed clouds in the southern hemisphere 129. Guedel, M., Briggs, K.R., Arzner, K., Audard, M., Bouvier, J., Feigelson, E., Franciosini, E., Glauser, A., Grosso, N., Micela, G., Palla, F., et al. : 2006, Astron. Astrophys., 468, 353 The XMM-Newton extended survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud (XEST) 130. Grosso, N., Briggs, K.R., Guedel, M., Guieu, S., Franciosini, E., Palla, F., Dougados, C., Monin, J.L., MÈnard, F., Bouvier, J., Audard, M., Telleschi, A. : 2007, Astron. Astrophys., 468, 391 X-ray emission from the young brown dwarfs of the Taurus molecular cloud 131. Scelsi, L., Maggio, A., Micela, G., Pillitteri, I., Stelzer, B., Briggs, K., Guedel, M., Grosso, N., Audard, M., Palla, F. : 2007, Astron. Astrophys., 468, 405 New pre-main sequence candidates in the Taurus-Auriga star forming region 132. Briggs, K.R., Guedel, M., Telleschi, A., Preibisch, T., Stelzer, B., Bouvier, J., Rebull, L., Audard, M., Scelsi, L., Micela, G., Grosso, N., Palla, F.: 2007, Astron. Astrophys., 468, 413 The X-ray activity-rotation relation of T Tauri stars in Taurus-Auriga 133. Telleschi, A., Guedel, M., Briggs, K.R., Audard, M., Palla, F.: 2007, Astron. Astrophys., 468, 425 X-ray emission from T Tauri stars and the role of accretion: inferences from the XMM-Netwon extended survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud 134. Franciosini, E., Pillitteri, I., Stelzer, B., Micela, G., Briggs, K.R., Scelsi, L., Telleschi, A., Audard, M., Palla, F., Guedel, M. : 2007, Astron. Astrophys., 468, 485

Spectral properties of X-ray bright variable sources in the Taurus Molecular Cloud 135. Guedel, M., Telleschi, A., Audard, M., Skinner, S.L., Briggs, K.R., Palla, F., Dougados, C. : 2007, Astron. Astrophys., 468, 515 X-rays from jet-driving protostars and T Tauri stars 136. Zhekov, S. A., Palla, F. : 2007, MNRAS, ... X-rays from massive OB stars: Thermal emission from radiative shocks Nonrefereed B1. Di Fazio, A., Palla, F.: 1981, Astrophys. Sp. Sci., 76, 391. Thermodynamical and Dynamical Evolution of a Self-Gravitating Object and the Influence of Ionization Contributions C1. Natta, A., Palla, F., Preite-Martinez, A., Panagia, N.: 1980, Mem.S.A.It., 50, 181. On the Energetics of Dense Molecular Clouds C2. Palla, F.: 1983, in "The First Stellar Generations", V. Caloi and V. Castellani eds., Mem.S.A.It., 54, 235. On the minimum mass of Population III stars C3. Palla, F.: 1985, in "Molecular Astrophysics'', G.H.F. Diercksen ed., D. Reidel Publ. Co., p.687. Low Temperature Rosseland Mean Opacities for Zero-Metal Gas Mixtures C4. Ferrini, F., Palla, F., Shore, S.N.: 1987, in "Star Forming Regions'' Proc. of the I.A.U. Symposium No.115, M. Peimbert and J. Jugaku eds., D. Reidel Publ. Co., p.701. The Chemical Evolution of the Galactic Halo and Disk C5. Ferrini, F., Galli, D., Palla, F., Shore, S.N.: 1987, in "Starbursts and Galaxy Evolution'', T.X. Thuan, Th. Montmerle and J.T. Thanh Van eds., Editions Fronti\`eres, p.525. A Model for the Star Formation Rate in Spiral Galaxies C6. Zinnecker, H., Palla, F.: 1987, in "Stellar Evolution and Dynamics in the Outer Halo of the Galaxy'', Proc. of the ESO W orkshop No.27, M. Azzopardi and F. Matteucci eds., p.355. Star Formation in Protoglobular Cluster Clouds C7. Palla, F., Zinnecker, H.: 1988, in Proc. of the I.A.U. Symposium "Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies'', J.E. Grindlay and A.G. Davis Philip eds., D. Reidel Publ. Co., p.697. Cooling and Fragmentation of Protoglobular Cluster Clouds C8. Natta, A., Giovanardi, C., Palla, F.: 1988, in "Mass Outflows from Stars and Galactic Nuclei'', L. Bianchi and R. Gilmozzi eds., Kluwer Acad. Publ., p.295. Winds from Cold Pre-Main-Sequence Stars: Ionization Structure and Line Intensity C9. Galli, D., Palla, F.: 1989, in "Astronom y, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics'', Proc. of the Third ESO-CERN Symposium, M. Caffo et al. eds., Kluwer Acad. Publ., p.421. Thermal Coupling of the CMBR and the Primordial Gas in the Post-Recombination Epoch (z < 1000) C10. Ferrini, F., Palla, F., Penco, U.: 1990, in "Physical Processes in Fragmentation and Star Formation'', Proc. of the Monteporzio W orkshop, R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta, C. Chiosi and A. Di Fazio eds., Kluwer Acad. Publ., p.357. Fragmentation Theories and the IMF C11. Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R., Di Fazio, A., Palla, F.: 1990, in ''Physical Processes in Fragmentation and Star Formation'', Proc. of the Monteporzio W orkshop, R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta, C. Chiosi and A. Di Fazio eds., Kluwer Acad. Publ., p.49. NLTE H2 Cooling Function and Protogalactic Evolution C12. Comoretto, G., Brand, J., Catarzi, M., Cesaroni, R., Giovanardi, C., Felli, M., Massi, M., Palagi,

F., Palla, F., Tofani, G.: 1991, in "Molecular Clouds'', Proc. of the 7th Manchester Conference, R.A. James and T.J. Millar eds., p.203. Properties of H2O masers from the Arcetri Atlas C13. Palla, F., Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Comoretto, G., Felli, M.:1991, in "Molecular Clouds'', Proc. of the 7th Manchester Conference, R.A. James and T.J. Millar eds., p.207. Survey of H2O Masers Associated with Compact Molecular Clouds and Ultracompact HII Regions C14. Palla, F.: 1991, in "Angular Momentum Evolution of Young Stars'', Proc. of the NATO-ARW , S. Catalano and J.R. Stauffer eds., Kluwer Acad. Publ., p.21. Evolutionary Properties of Intermediate Mass Protostars C15. Tofani, G., Palla, F. et al.: 1991, in "Atoms, Ions, and Molecules", A.D. Haschick and P.T.P. Ho eds., A.S.P. Conf. Ser., p.89. Properties of H2O masers from the Arcetri Atlas C16. Palla, F.: 1991, in "Young Star Clusters and Early Stellar Evolution", F. Palla, P. Persi and H. Zinnecker eds., Mem.S.A.It., 62, 873. The formation of intermediate-mass stars C17. Cesaroni, R., Comoretto, G., Felli, M., Palla, F., Brand, J., Caselli, P.: 1993, in "Astrophysical Masers", A.W . Clegg and G.E. Nedolhua eds., Springer Verlag, p.151. Water masers associated with compact molecular clouds and ultracompact HII regions: the extended sample C18. Palla, F., Stahler, S.W ., Parigi, G.: 1993, in "Inside the Stars", IAU Coll. 137, W .W . W eiss and A. Baglin eds., A.S.P. Conf. Series, Vol. 40, p.437. New evolutionary tracks of pre-main-sequence stars C19. Zhekov, S.A., Palla, F., Myasnikov, A.M.: 1993, in Proc. of the 27 th ESLAB Symp. ''Frontiers of Space and Ground-Based Astronom y", in press. X-ray emission from colliding stellar winds C20. Zhekov, S.A., Palla, F., Myasnikov, A.M.: 1994, in Proc. of the 1th Conf. on "The Nature and Evolutionary Status of Herbig Ae/Be stars", P.S. ThÈ, M. Perez & J.E.P. van den Heuvel eds., ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 62, p. 299 X-ray emission from colliding stellar winds in PMS binary systems C21. Palla, F., Testi. L., Natta, A., Stanga, R.M., Prusti, T., Hunter, T., Taylor, G.B.: 1994, in Proc. of the 1th Conf. on "The Nature and Evolutionary Status of Herbig Ae/Be stars", P.S. ThÈ, M. Perez & J.E.P. van den Heuvel eds., ASP Conf. Ser, Vol. 62, p. 353 BD+40° 4124: H2O maser, CO-outflow and young stars C22. Testi, L., Stanga, R.M., Natta, A., Palla, F., Prusti, T., Baffa, C., Hunt, L.K., Lisi, F.: 1994, "The Nature and Evolutionary Status of Herbig Ae/Be stars", P.S. ThÈ, M. Perez & J.E.P. van den Heuvel eds., ASP Conf. Ser, Vol. 62, p. 355 The embedded population around Herbig Ae/Be stars C23. Codella, C., Felli, M., Natale, V., Palagi, F., Palla, F. : 1993, "Molecole nello Spazio ed in Laboratorio", Atti del II Convegno, L. Lubich and P. Tosi eds. The occurrence of water maser emission in HII regions C24. Fink, E., Galli, D., Palla, F. : 1993, "Molecole nello Spazio ed in Laboratorio", Atti del II Convegno, L. Lubich and P. Tosi eds. Molecules in cosmology: chemical evolution of the Universe after recombination C25. Molinari, S., Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Palla, F. : 1993, "Molecole nello Spazio ed in Laboratorio", Atti del II Convegno, L. Lubich and P. Tosi eds. Ammonia observations of young stellar objects C26. Galli, D., Palla, F., Ferrini, F., Penco, U. : 1994, "The Abundances of the Light Elements", ESO W orkshop, ed. P. Crane, p.224.

Galactic Evolution of D and 3He C27. Saraceno, P., D'Antona, F., Palla, F., Griffin, M., Tommasi, E. : 1996, "The Role of Dust in Star Formation", ESO W orkshop, ed. The Lbol - FDmm Correlation of Class I Sources Exciting Outflows C28. Testi, Maltagliati, S., Natta, A., Palla, F., Prusti, T. : 1996, in The Impact of Large-Scale Near-IR Surveys, ed. P. Garzon Lopez Clusters around Herbig Ae/Be stars C29. Marconi, M., Palla, F. : 1997, in Advances in Stellar Evolution, eds. R.T. Rood & A. Renzini (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press), p.121 Pulsational models for young stars of intermediate mass C30. Lorenzetti, D., Tommasi, E., Giannini, T., Nisini, B., Molinari, S., Saraceno, P., Spinoglio, L., Pezzuto, S., Strafella, F., Clegg, P.E., W hite, G.J., Barlow, M., Cohen, M., Liseau, R., Palla, F., Smith, H.A. : 1997 in Star Formation with ISO, eds. J. Yun & R. Liseau, ASP Conf. Ser. (Dordrecht: Kluwer), 132, p.293 ISO-LWS observations of Herbig Ae/Be stars C31. Molinari, S., Saraceno, P., Nisini, B., Ceccarelli, C., Caux, E., W hite, G., Palla, F.: 1997 in Star Formation with ISO, eds. J. Yun & R. Liseau, ASP Conf. Ser. (Dordrecht: Kluwer), 132, p.390 Shocks and PDRs in an intermediate mass star forming globule: the case of IC~1396N C32. Tommasi, E., Lorenzetti, D., Giannini, T., Nisini, B., Palla, F. : 1997 in Star Formation with ISO, eds. J. Yun & R. Liseau, ASP Conf. Ser. (Dordrecht: Kluwer), 132, p.395 ISO-LWS observations of the NGC~7129 star forming region C33. Galli, D., Palla, F. : 1998 in H2 in the Early Universe, eds. E. Corbelli, D. Galli & F. Palla, Mem. S.A.It., 69, N.2, p.337 Further aspects of the chemistry and cooling of the primordial gas C34. Caillault, J.P., Briceno, C., Martin, E.L., Palla, F., W ichmann, R. : 1998 in Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, eds. R.A. Donhahue & J.A. Bookbinder, ASP COnf. Series, Vol. 154, p.237 The ROSAT Field Sources - What are they? C35. Spinoglio, L., Giannini, T., saraceno, P., Di Giorgio, A.M., Nisini, B., Pezzuto, S., Palla, F., Ceccarelli, C., Lorenzetti, D., Smith, H.A., W hite, G.J.: 1999 in ISO Conference, ed. P. Cox, in press The ISO-LWS spectrum of T Tauri C36. Testi, L., Palla, F., Natta A. : 2000, in Stellar Clusters and Associations: Convection, Rotation and Dynamos, eds. R. Pallavicini, G. Micela & S. Sciortino (ASP Conf. Ser.), vol. 198, p. 211 The onset of cluster formation around intermediate-mass stars C37. A. Lorenzani, Palla, F.: 2001, in From darkness to Light: Origin and Evolution of Young Stellar Clusters, eds. T. Montmerle & P. AndrÈ (San Francisco: ASP), vol. 243, p.745 Effects of X-ray ionization over cosmic-ray ionization in a star forming cloud C38. Testi, L., Palla, F., Natta, A.: 2001, in From Darkness to Light: Origin and Evolution of Young Stellar Clusters, eds. T. Montmerle & P. AndrÈ (San Francisco: ASP), vol. 243,p.377 The onset of cluster formation around intermediate-mass stars C39. Brandl, B., Formation from ESA), ESA SP4 Low-mass stars Brandner, W ., Eisenhauer, F., Moffat, A.F.J., Palla, F., Zinnecker, H.: 2000, in Star the small to the large scale, eds. F. Favata, A. Kaas & A. W ilson, (The Netherlands: 45, p.233 in the massive HII region NGC~3603

C39. Galli, D., Palla, F., Prada-Moroni, P.G., Zavatarelli, S., Ferrini, F. : 2001, in Cosmic Evolution, eds. N. Prantzos & M. CassÈ (Paris: Ed. FrontiÕres), in press The enigma of 3He C40. Valdettaro, R., Palla, F., Brand. J., Cesaroni, R., Comoretto, G., Felli, M., Palagi, F.: 2001, in

Cosmic Masers, eds. V. Migenes et al. (San Francisco: ASP), in press Long-term variability of H2O masers in Young Stellar Objects C41. Valdettaro, R., Palla, F., Cesaroni, R., Tofani, G., Testi, L. : 2001, in Cosmic Masers, eds. V. Migenes et al. (San Francisco: ASP), in press H2O masers in bright rimmed globules C42. Brandl, B., Brandner, W ., Eisenhauer, F., Moffat, A.F.J., Palla, F., Zinnecker, H.: 2001, in Extragalactic Star Clusters, eds. E.K. Grebel et al. (San Francisco: ASP), in press NGC~3603 - A local template for massive young cluster C44. Palla, F., Galli, D., Marconi, A., Stanghellini, L., Tosi, M. : 2002, in IAU Symp. Planetary Nebuale, ed. ... , in press The 12C / 13C ratio in the NGC~3242 from HST observations C45. Omukai, K., Palla, F. : 2002, Astropys. Sp. Sci., 281, 71 On the formation of massive primordial stars C46. Pinheiro, F.J.G., Folha, D.F.M., Monteiro, M.J.P.F.G., Marconi, M., Ripepi, V., Palla, F. : 2002, in Radial and Nonradial Pulsations as Probes of Stellar Physics, eds. C. Aerts, T.R. Bedding & J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, IAU Coll. 185 (San Francisco: ASP), 259, 352, Oscillation in the PMS Scuti star V346~Ori C47. Ripepi, V., Bernabei, S., Marconi, M., Palla, F., et al. : 2004 Multisite observations of the pre-main-sequence Scuti star IP~Per C48. Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Comoretto, G., Felli, M., Palagi, F., Palla, F., Valdettaro, R. : 2005, Ap&SS, 295, 133 Monitoring water masers in star forming regions C49. Palla, F., Baraffe, I. : 2005, Mem. S.A.It., 76, 229 Pulsations induced by deuterium-burning in young brown dwarfs

Libri D1. Young Star Clusters and Early Stellar Evolution, Editor of the Proceedings of the Vulcano Conference, 1991, Mem.S.A.It., 62, N.4. D2. H2 in the Early Universe, Editor of the Proceedings of the Arcetri W orkshop, 1998, Mem.S.A.It., 69, N.2 D3. Physics of star formation in galaxies, Saas-Fee Adavnced Course 29, Lecture Notes of the Swiss Society for Astronom y and Astrophysics 2002, eds. A. Maeder & G. Meynet (Berlin: Springer), with H. Zinnecker D4. The Formation of Stars 2004 by S.W . Stahler & F. Palla, Physics Textbooks (W iley-VCH) D5. The Initial Mass Function 50 Years Later 2005 by E. Corbelli, F. Palla & H. Zinnecker (ASSL-Springer)