Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.arcetri.astro.it/~lt/projects/ele_lav.ps.gz
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Sep 11 16:57:34 2007
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sat Dec 22 03:35:26 2007
Êîäèðîâêà: IBM-866

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: massive stars
List of Publications
Leonardo Testi
March 2, 2005
PUBBLICATIONS in Refereed Jurnals:
[A1] Testi L., Felli M., Persi P., & Roth M. 1994, ``Near infrared images of galactic masers: I. Association
between infrared sources and masers'', A&A, 288, 634
[A2] Palla F., Testi L., Hunter T.R., Taylor G.B., Prusti T., Felli F., Natta A., and Stanga R.M., 1995, ``The
active source in the region of the Herbig star BD+40 # 412'', A&A, 293, 521
[A3] Hunter T.R., Testi L., Taylor G.B., Tofani G., Felli M., & Phillips T.G., 1995, ``A multiwavelength picture
of the AFGL5142 star--forming region'', A&A, 302, 249
[A4] Testi L., Olmi L., Hunt L.K., Tofani G., Felli M., & Goldsmith P. 1995, ``stimulated star formation in the
Cepheus molecular cloud: the S155/Cepheus B interface'', A&A, 303, 881
[A5] Hunt L.K., Lisi F., Testi L., Ba#a C., Borelli S., Maiolino R., Moriondo G., & Stanga R.M., 1996, ``ARí
NICA, the Arcetri near--infrared camera: Astronomical performance assesment'', A&AS, 115, 181
[A6] Persi P., Roth M., Tapia M., Marenzi A.R., Felli M., Testi L., FerrariíToniolo M., 1996, ``Shocked molecular
hydrogen emission in the bipolar outflow NGC 6334 I'', A&A, 307, 591
[A7] Perault M., Omont A., Simon G., Seguin P., Ojha D., Blommaert J., Felli M., Gilmore G., Guglielmo F.,
Habing H., Price S., Robin A., de Batz B., Cesarsky C., Elbaz D., Epchtein N., Fouque P., Guest S., Levine
D., Pollock A., Prusti T., Siebenmorgen R., Testi L., and Tiphene, 1996, ``First ISOCAM image in the
Milky Way'' A&A, 315, L165
[A8] Testi L., Felli M., Perault M., Seguin P., Omont A., Comoretto G. , Gilmore G., 1997, ``Detection of young
stellar objects with ISO'', A&A, 318, L13
[A9] Testi L., Palla F., Prusti T., Natta A., Maltagliati S., 1997, `` A search for clustering around Herbig Ae/Be
stars.'', A&A, 320, 159
[A10] Felli M., Testi L., Valdettaro R., Wang J.íJ., 1997, ``Star formation in the S235 A--B complex'', A&A, 320,
[A11] Codella C., Testi L., Cesaroni R., 1997, ``The molecular environment of H 2 O masers: VLA ammonia
observations'', A&A, 325, 282
[A12] Cesaroni R., Felli M., Testi L., Walmsley C.M., Olmi L., 1997, ``The outflow--disk system around IRAS20126+
4104'', A&A, 325, 725
[A13] Persi P., Felli M., Lagage P.O., Roth M., Testi L., 1997, ``Subíarcsec resolution images of the star forming
region G 35.20-1.74'', A&A, 327, 299
[A14] Testi L., Felli M., Persi P., Roth M., 1998, ``HII and hot dust emission around young massive stars in
G 9.62+0.19'', A&A, 329, 233
[A15] Marconi A., Testi L., Natta A., Walmsley C.M., 1998, ``Near infrared spectra of the Orion Bar'', A&A, 330,
[A16] Testi L., Felli M., Persi P., Roth M., 1998, ``Nearíinfrared images of galactic masers. II Las Campanas
observations of 31 southern sources'', A&AS, 129, 495
[A17] Vanzi L., Gennari S., Ciofini M., Testi L., 1998, ``Characterization of Narrow Band Filters for Infrared
Astronomy. The Br# and H 2 filters'', Experimental Astronomy, 8, 177

[A18] Hunt L.K., Mannucci F., Testi L., Migliorini S., Stanga R.M., Ba#a C., Lisi F., Vanzi L., 1998, ``Northern
JHK Standard Stars for Array Detectors'', AJ, 115, 2594
[A19] Molinari S., Testi L., Brand J., Cesaroni R., Palla F., 1998, ``IRAS 23385+6053: a prototype massive
class 0 object'', ApJ, 505, L39
[A20] Bally J., Testi L., Sargent A.I., Carlstrom J., 1998, ``Disk Mass Limits and Lifetimes of Externally Illumií
nated Young Stellar Objects Embedded in the Orion Nebula'', AJ, 116, 854
[A21] Testi L. & Sargent A.I., 1998, ``Star formation in clusters: a survey of compact mmíwave sources in the
Serpens core'', ApJ, 508, L91
[A22] Testi L., Palla F., Natta A., 1998, ``A search for clustering around Herbig Ae/Be stars. II. Atlas of the
observed sources'', A&AS, 133, 81
[A23] Testi L., Palla F., Natta A., 1999, ``The onset of cluster formation around Herbig Ae/Be stars'', A&A, 342,
[A24] Vicini B., Natta A., Marconi A., Testi L., Hollenbach D., Draine B.T., 1999, ``A Near infrared study of the
planetary nebula NGC 2346'', A&A, 342, 823
[A25] Cesaroni R., Felli M., Jenness T., Neri R., Olmi L., Robberto M., Testi L., Walmsley C.M., 1999, ``Unveiling
the diskíjet system in the massive (proto)star IRAS 20126+4104'', A&A, 345, 949
[A26] Hunter T.R., Testi L., Zhang Q., Sridharan T.K., 1999, ``Molecular Jets and H 2 O Masers in the AFGL 5142
Hot Core'', AJ, 118, 477
[A27] Testi L., Felli M., Taylor G.B., 1999, ``Young massive stars in the ISOGAL survey I. VLA observations of
the ISOGAL l=+45 field'', A&AS, 138, 71
[A28] Shepherd, D.S., Yu, K.íC., Bally, J., Testi L., 2000, ``The Molecular Outflow and Precessing Jet from the
Massive Young Stellar Object IRAS 20126+4104'', ApJ, 535, 833
[A29] Felli M., Comoretto G., Testi L., Omont A., Schuller F., 2000, ``The search for YSOs from ISOGAL data.
Application to the l=+45 # field'', A&A, 362, 199
[A30] Testi L., Sargent A.I., Olmi L., Onello J.S., 2000, ``Star formation in clusters: early subíclustering in the
Serpens core'', ApJ, 540, L53
[A31] Testi L., Hofner P., Kurtz S., Rupen M., 2000, ``Detection of the thermal radio continuum emission from
the G9.62+0.19--F Hot Core'', A&A, 359, L5
[A32] Walmsley C.M., Natta A., Oliva E., Testi L., 2000, ``The structure of the Orion Bar'', A&A, 364, 301
[A33] Franco J., Kurtz S., Hofner P., Testi L., GarciaíSegura G., Martos M., 2000, ``The Density Structure of
Highly Compact HII Regions'', ApJ, 542, L143
[A34] MoroíMartÒÐn A., NoriegaíCrespo A., Molinari S., Testi L., Cernicharo J., Sargent A.I., 2000, ``Infrared and
Millimetric Study of the Young Outflow Cepheus E'', ApJ, 555, 146
[A35] Maxia C., Testi L., Cesaroni R., Walmsley C.M., 2001, ``The kinematics of molecular clumps surrounding
hot cores in G29.96-0.02 and G31.41+0.31'', A&A, 371, 282
[A36] Codella C., Bachiller R., Nisini B., Saraceno P., Testi L., 2001, ``Star formation in the bright rimmed globule
IC1396N'', A&A, 376, 271
[A37] Testi L., Natta A., Shepherd D.S., Wilner D.J., 2001, ``The protoplanetary disks around UX Orionis and
CQ Tauri'', ApJ, 554, 1087

[A38] Oliva E., Marconi A., Maiolino R., Testi L. et al 2001, ``NICSíTNG infrared spectroscopy of NGC1068:
the first extragalactic measurement of [PII] and a new tool to constrain the origin of [FeII] line emission in
galaxies'', A&A, 369, L5
[A39] Testi L., D'Antona F., Ghinassi F., Licandro J., MagazzÑu A., Maiolino R., Mannucci F., Marconi A., Nagar
N., Natta A., Oliva E., 2001, ``NICS--TNG low--resolution 0.85--2.45 ²m spectra of LíDwarfs: a nearíinfrared
spectral classification scheme for faint dwarfs'', ApJ, 552, L147
[A40] Natta A. & Testi L., 2001, ``Exploring Brown Dwarf Disks'', A&A, 376, L22
[A41] Ba#a C., Comoretto G., Gennari S., Lisi F., Oliva E., Biliotti V., Checcucci A., Gavrioussev V., Giani E.,
Ghinassi F., Hunt L.K., Maiolino R., Mannucci F., Marcucci G., Sozzi M., Stefanini P., & Testi L., 2001,
``NICS: The TNG Near Infrared Camera Spectrometer'', A&A, 378, 722
[A42] Molinari S., Testi L., RodrÒÐguez L.F., Zhang Q., 2002, ``The Formation of Massive Stars. I. High Resolution
Millimeter and Radio Study of HighíMass Protostellar Candidates'', ApJ, 570, 758
[A43] Testi L., Natta A., Oliva E., D'Antona F., ComerÒon F., Ba#a C., Comoretto G., Gennari S., 2002, ``A
Young Very LowíMass Object surrounded by Warm Dust'', ApJ, 571, L155
[A44] Licandro J., Ghinassi F., Testi L., 2002, ``Infrared spectroscopy of the largest known transíneptunian object
2001 KX76'', A&A, 388, L9
[A45] Furuya R., Cesaroni R., Codella C., Testi L., Bachiller R., Tafalla M., 2002, ``G24.78+0.08: a cluster of
highímass (proto)stars'', A&A, 390, L1
[A46] Felli M., Testi L., Schuller F., Omont A., 2002, ``Young massive stars in the ISOGAL survey. II. The
catalogue of bright YSO candidates'', A&A, 392, 971
[A47] Olmi L. & Testi L., 2002, ``Constraints on star formation theories from the Serpens molecular cloud and
protocluster'', A&A, 392, 1053
[A48] Natta A., Testi L., ComerÒon F., Oliva E., D'Antona F., Ba#a C., Comoretto G., Gennari S., 2002, ``Exí
ploring Brown Dwarf Disks in #íOph'', A&A 393, 597
[A49] Testi L., Bacciotti F., Sargent A.I., Ray T.P., EislØo#el J., 2002, ``The kinematic relationship between disk
and jet in the DG Tauri system'', A&A, 394, L31
[A50] Persi P., Tapia M., Roth M., Marenzi A.R., Testi L., Vanzi L., 2003, ``Near and Midíinfrared images of the
massive star forming complex G9.62+0.19'', A&A, 397, 227
[A51] Schuller F., Ganesh S., Messineo M., Moneti A., Omont A., Simon G., Alard C., Blommaert J., Schultheis
M., Aracil B., Soive A., Testi L. 2003, ``Explanatory Supplement of the ISOGALíDENIS Point Source
Catalogue'', A&A, 403, 955
[A52] Omont A., Gilmore G., Alard C., Aracil B., August T., BÒegon S., Bertou X., Blommaert J., Borsenberger
J., Burgdorf M., Caillaud B., CÒesarsky C., Chitre A., Copet E., de Batz B., Egan M., Egret D., Epchtein
N., Felli M., FouquÒe P., Ganesh S., Genzel R., Glass I., Gredel R., Groenewegen M., Guglielmo F., Habing
H., Hennebelle P., Jiang B., Joshi U., Kimeswenger S., Messineo M., MivilleíDeschÓenes, Moneti A., Morris
M., Ojha D., Ortiz R., Ott S., Parthasarathy M., PÒerault M., Price S., Robin A., Schultheis M., Schuller F.,
Simon G., Soive A., Testi L., Teyssier D., TiphÒene D., Unavane M., van Loon J., Wyse R. 2003, ``ISOGAL:
an ISO 7²m and 15²m and DENIS deep survey of the obscured inner Milky Way'', A&A, 403, 975
[A53] Habart E., Testi L., Natta A., Vanzi L. 2003, ``MidíIR observations of small stellar clusters surrounding
Herbig AeBe stars'', A&A, 400, 575
[A54] Shepherd D.S., Testi L., Stark D.P. 2003, ``Clustered Star Formation in W75N'', ApJ, 584, 882

[A55] Cesaroni, R., Codella, C., Furuya, R. S., & Testi, L. 2003, ``Anatomy of a highímass star forming cloud:
The G24.78+0.08 (proto)stellar cluster'', A&A, 401, 227
[A56] Testi, L., Natta, A., Shepherd, D. S., & Wilner, D. J. 2003, ``Large grains in the disk of CQ Tau'', A&A,
403, 323
[A57] Fuente, A., RodrÒÐguezíFranco, A., Testi, L., Natta, A., Bachiller, R., & Neri, R. 2003, ``First Evidence of
Dusty Disks around Herbig Be Stars'', ApJ, 598, L39
[A58] Fontani, F., Cesaroni, R., Testi, L., Walmsley, C. M., Molinari, S., Neri, R., Shepherd, D., Brand, J., Palla,
F., & Zhang, Q. 2004, ``IRAS 23385+6053: A candidate protostellar massive object'', A&A, 414, 299
[A59] Benedettini, M., Molinari, S., Testi, L., & NoriegaíCrespo, A. 2004, ``Millimetre observations of the IRAS
18162í2048 outflow: evidence for cloud disruption around an intermediateímass protostar'', MNRAS, 347,
[A60] Shepherd, D. S., Kurtz, S. E., & Testi, L. 2004, ``it The Nature of the Massive Young Stars in W75 N'',
ApJ, 601, 952
[A61] BeltrÒan, M. T., Cesaroni, R., Neri, R., Codella, C., Furuya, R. S., Testi, L., & Olmi, L. 2004, ``Rotating
Disks in HighíMass Young Stellar Objects'', ApJ, 601, L187
[A62] Ojha, D. K., Ghosh, S. K., Kulkarni, V. K., Testi, L., Verma, R. P., & Vig, S. 2004, ``A study of the Galactic
star forming region IRAS 02593+6016/S 201 in infrared and radio wavelengths'', A&A, 415, 1039
[A63] Natta, A., Testi, L., Neri, R., Shepherd, D. S., & Wilner, D. J. 2004, ``A search for evolved dust in Herbig
Ae stars'', A&A, 416, 179
[A64] Anandarao, B. G., Chakraborty, A., Ojha, D. K., & Testi, L. 2004, ``Detection of knots and jets in IRAS
06061+2151'', A&A, 421, 1045
[A65] De Wit, W.íJ., Testi, L., Palla, F., Vanzi, L., Zinnecker, H. 2004, ``The Origin of Massive Oítype Field
Stars. Part I: A Search for Clusters'', A&A, 425, 937
[A66] Fontani, F., Cesaroni, R., Testi, L., Molinari, Zhang, Q., Brand, J., Walmsley, C. M. 2004, ``Nature of two
massive protostellar candidates: IRAS 21307+5049 and IRAS 22172+5549'', A&A, 424, 179
[A67] Olmi, L., Testi, L., Sargent, A.I. 2004, ``The structure and dynamics of the dense cores in the Perseus
molecular cloud complex'', A&A, 431, 253
[A68] Habart, E., Testi, L., Natta, A., Carbillet, M. 2004, ``Diamonds in HD 97048: a closer look'', ApJ, 614,
[A69] Natta, A., Testi, L., Muzerolle, J., Randich, S., ComerÒon, F., Persi, P. 2004, ``Accretion in brown dwarfs:
an infrared view'', A&A, 424, 603
[A70] Fontani, F., BeltrÒan, M.T., Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Testi, L., Molinari, Walmsley, C. M. 2005, ``Search for
massive protostellar candidates in the Southern hemisphere: I. Association with dense gas'', A&A, in press
[A71] Furuya, R.S., Cesaroni, R., Takahashi, S., Momose, M., Testi, L., Shinnaga, H., Codella, C. 2005, ``Relative
Evolutionary Time Scale of Hot Molecular Cores with Respect to Ultra Compact HII Regions'', ApJL, in
[A72] BeltrÒan, M. T., Cesaroni, R., Neri, R., Codella, C., Furuya, R. S., Testi, L., & Olmi, L. 2005, ``A detailed
study of the rotating toroids in G31.41+0.31 and G24.78+0.08'', A&A, in press
[A73] Cesaroni, R., Neri, R., Olmi, L., Testi, L., Hofner, P. 2005, ``A study of the keplerian accretion disk and
precessing outflow in the massive protostar IRAS 20126+4104'', A&A, in press

[A74] Whelan, E.T., Ray, T.P., Bacciotti, F., Natta, A., Testi, L., Randich, S. 2005, ``Resolving an outflow from a
brown dwarf for the first time'', Nature, in press
[A75] Testi, L., Ghinassi, F., Licandro, J., MagazzÑu, A., Natta, A., Oliva, E., D'Antona, F., Ba#a, C., Comoretto,
G., Gennari, S., Lisi, F. 2005, ``Lowíresolution near infrared spectral classification of Mí, Lí, and Tí dwarfs'',
A&A, submitted
[A76] De Wit, W.íJ., Testi, L., Palla, F., Zinnecker, H. 2005, ``The Origin of Massive Oítype Field Stars. Part
II: Field O stars as runaways'', A&A, submitted