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Author Query Results

Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Citations from the Astronomy/Planetary Database

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Retrieved 100 abstracts, starting with number 1. Total number selected: 1093795. Total citations: 6443216

# Bibcode
Cites Date List of Links

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1 2004asqu.book.....A
4355.000 00/2004                                             C              L      U      

Cresci, G., Sigward, F., Maselli, A., Goncalves, J.

The truth about the Universe

2  1992nrfa.book.....P
3933.000 00/1992 A                                          C                      U      

Press, William H.; Teukolsky, Saul A.; Vetterling, William T.; Flannery, Brian P.
Numerical recipes in FORTRAN. The art of scientific computing

3  1981PhRvB..23.5048P
3276.000 05/1981     E                                  R  C                      U      

Perdew, J. P.; Zunger, Alex
Self-interaction correction to density-functional approximations for many-electron systems

4  1973A&A....24..337S
2965.000 00/1973 A      F  G                          R  C      S      L      U  H  

Shakura, N. I.; Sunyaev, R. A.
Black holes in binary systems. Observational appearance.

5  1987gady.book.....B
2963.000 00/1987 A                                          C              L      U      

Binney, James; Tremaine, Scott
Galactic dynamics

6  1979ApJS...40....1K
2709.000 05/1979 A      F  G              D          R  C      S          O  U      

Kurucz, R. L.
Model atmospheres for G, F, A, B, and O stars

7  1989GeCoA..53..197A
2669.000 01/1989 A                                          C                      U  H  

Anders, E.; Grevesse, N.
Abundances of the elements - Meteoritic and solar

8  1980lssu.book.....P
2560.000 00/1980 A                                          C              L      U      

Peebles, P. J. E.
The large-scale structure of the universe

9  1998ApJ...500..525S
2540.000 06/1998 A  E  F      X                      R  C      S          O  U  H  

Schlegel, David J.; Finkbeiner, Douglas P.; Davis, Marc
Maps of Dust Infrared Emission for Use in Estimation of Reddening and Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Foregrounds

10  1976RC2...C......0D
2516.000 00/1976                             D              C                  O  U      

de Vaucouleurs, G.; de Vaucouleurs, A.; Corwin, J. R.
Second reference catalogue of bright galaxies

11  1980PhRvL..45..566C
2443.000 08/1980     E                                  R  C                      U      

Ceperley, D. M.; Alder, B. J.
Ground state of the electron gas by a stochastic method

12  1973grav.book.....M
2431.000 00/1973                                             C                      U      

Misner, Charles W.; Thorne, Kip S.; Wheeler, John A.

13  1966ARA&A...4..193J
2356.000 00/1966         F  G                          R  C      S              U      

Johnson, Harold L.
Astronomical Measurements in the Infrared

14  1978ppim.book.....S
2326.000 00/1978 A                                          C              L      U      

Spitzer, Lyman
Physical processes in the interstellar medium

15  1991trcb.book.....D
2259.000 00/1991 A                                          C              L      U      

de Vaucouleurs, Gerard; de Vaucouleurs, Antoinette; Corwin, Herold G., Jr.; Buta, Ronald J.; Paturel, Georges; Fouque, Pascal
Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies

16  1981PhRvD..23..347G
2197.000 01/1981     E                                  R  C                      U  H  

Guth, Alan H.
Inflationary universe: A possible solution to the horizon and flatness problems

17  1992AJ....104..340L
2105.000 07/1992 A      F  G              D          R  C      S          O  U  H  

Landolt, Arlo U.
UBVRI photometric standard stars in the magnitude range 11.5-16.0 around the celestial equator

18  1989agna.book.....O
2074.000 00/1989 A                                  M      C              L      U      

Osterbrock, Donald E.
Astrophysics of gaseous nebulae and active galactic nuclei

19  2003ApJS..148..175S
2031.000 09/2003 A  E  F      X                      R  C      S  N      O  U  H  

Spergel, D. N.; Verde, L.; Peiris, H. V.; Komatsu, E.; Nolta, M. R.; Bennett, C. L.; Halpern, M.; Hinshaw, G.; Jarosik, N.; Kogut, A.; and 7 coauthors
First-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Determination of Cosmological Parameters

20  1989ApJ...345..245C
2007.000 10/1989 A      F  G                          R  C      S              U  H  

Cardelli, Jason A.; Clayton, Geoffrey C.; Mathis, John S.
The relationship between infrared, optical, and ultraviolet extinction

21  1980tisp.book.....G
2007.000 00/1980                                             C                      U      

Gradshteyn, I. S.; Ryzhik, I. M.
Table of integrals, series and products

22  1972gcpa.book.....W
1970.000 00/1972                                             C                      U      

Weinberg, Steven
Gravitation and cosmology: Principles and applications of the general theory of relativity

23  1987PASP...99..191S
1943.000 03/1987 A      F  G                          R  C      S              U  H  

Stetson, Peter B.
DAOPHOT - A computer program for crowded-field stellar photometry

24  1986nras.book.....P
1943.000 00/1986 A                                          C                      U      

Press, William H.; Flannery, Brian P.; Teukolsky, Saul A.
Numerical recipes. The art of scientific computing

25  1965hmfw.book.....A
1859.000 00/1965                                             C                      U      

Abramowitz, Milton; Stegun, Irene A.
Handbook of mathematical functions with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables

26  1984ApJ...285...89D
1845.000 10/1984 A      F  G                          R  C      S          O  U  H  

Draine, B. T.; Lee, H. M.
Optical properties of interstellar graphite and silicate grains

27  1999ApJ...517..565P
1800.000 06/1999 A  E  F      X          D          R  C      S  N  L  O  U  H  

Perlmutter, S.; Aldering, G.; Goldhaber, G.; Knop, R. A.; Nugent, P.; Castro, P. G.; Deustua, S.; Fabbro, S.; Goobar, A.; Groom, D. E.; and 23 coauthors
Measurements of Omega and Lambda from 42 High-Redshift Supernovae

28  1979ARA&A..17...73S
1798.000 00/1979 A      F  G                  T      R  C                      U      

Savage, B. D.; Mathis, J. S.
Observed properties of interstellar dust

29  1998AJ....116.1009R
1768.000 09/1998 A  E  F      X          D          R  C      S  N  L  O  U  H  

Riess, Adam G.; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Challis, Peter; Clocchiatti, Alejandro; Diercks, Alan; Garnavich, Peter M.; Gilliland, Ron L.; Hogan, Craig J.; Jha, Saurabh; Kirshner, Robert P.; and 10 coauthors
Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and a Cosmological Constant

30  1965tisp.book.....G
1739.000 00/1965                                             C                      U      

Gradshteyn, I. S.; Ryzhik, I. M.
Table of integrals, series and products

31  1982AJ.....87.1165B
1730.000 08/1982 A      F  G              D          R  C      S  N          U  H  

Burstein, D.; Heiles, C.
Reddenings derived from H I and galaxy counts - Accuracy and maps

32  1955ApJ...121..161S
1684.000 01/1955 A      F  G                          R  C                      U  H  

Salpeter, Edwin E.
The Luminosity Function and Stellar Evolution.

33  1959flme.book.....L
1664.000 00/1959                                             C                      U      

Landau, Lev Davidovich; Lifshitz, E. M.
Fluid mechanics

34  1973lsss.book.....H
1607.000 00/1973                                             C                      U      

Hawking, Stephen W.; Ellis, George F. R.
The large scale structure of space-time

35  1999PhRvL..83.3370R
1582.000 10/1999 A  E  F      X                      R  C                  O  U  H  

Randall, Lisa; Sundrum, Raman
Large Mass Hierarchy from a Small Extra Dimension

36  1999PhRvL..83.4690R
1554.000 12/1999 A  E  F      X                      R  C                  O  U  H  

Randall, Lisa; Sundrum, Raman
An Alternative to Compactification

37  1982bsc..book.....H
1546.000 00/1982                                             C                  O  U      

Hoffleit, D.; Jaschek, C.
The Bright Star Catalogue

38  1986ApJ...304...15B
1533.000 05/1986 A      F  G                          R  C              L      U  H  

Bardeen, J. M.; Bond, J. R.; Kaiser, N.; Szalay, A. S.
The statistics of peaks of Gaussian random fields

39  1997hity.book.....P
1528.000 00/1997                             D              C                  O  U      

Perryman, M. A. C.; ESA
The HIPPARCOS and TYCHO catalogues. Astrometric and photometric star catalogues derived from the ESA HIPPARCOS Space Astrometry Mission

40  1974ADNDT..14..177C
1528.000 00/1974                                             C                      U      

Clementi, E.; Roetti, C.
Roothaan-Hartree-Fock Atomic Wavefunctions: Basis Functions and Their Coefficients for Ground and Certain Excited States of Neutral and Ionized Atoms, Z <= 54

41  1975clel.book.....J
1498.000 00/1975                                             C                      U      

Jackson, John David
Classical electrodynamics

42  1978ApJ...224..132B
1490.000 08/1978 A      F  G                          R  C      S              U  H  

Bohlin, R. C.; Savage, B. D.; Drake, J. F.
A survey of interstellar H I from L-alpha absorption measurements. II

43  1974agn..book.....O
1490.000 00/1974 A                                          C              L      U      

Osterbrock, Donald E.
Astrophysics of gaseous nebulae

44  1974ApJ...187..425P
1481.000 02/1974 A      F  G                          R  C      S      L      U  H  

Press, William H.; Schechter, Paul
Formation of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies by Self-Similar Gravitational Condensation

45  1993RvMP...65..851C
1477.000 00/1993     E                                  R  C                      U      

Cross, M. C.; Hohenberg, P. C.
Pattern formation outside of equilibrium

46  1977ApJS...35..419R
1474.000 12/1977 A      F  G                          R  C                      U  H  

Raymond, J. C.; Smith, B. W.
Soft X-ray spectrum of a hot plasma

47  1992A&AS...96..269S
1471.000 12/1992 A      F  G              D          R  C                  O  U      

Schaller, G.; Schaerer, D.; Meynet, G.; Maeder, A.
New grids of stellar models from 0.8 to 120 solar masses at Z = 0.020 and Z = 0.001

48  1953mtp..book.....M
1459.000 00/1953                                             C                      U      

Morse, Philip M.; Feshbach, Herman
Methods of theoretical physics

49  1990ARA&A..28..215D
1457.000 00/1990 A      F  G                  T      R  C      S              U  H  

Dickey, John M.; Lockman, Felix J.
H I in the Galaxy

50  1957qmot.book.....B
1452.000 00/1957                                             C                      U      

Bethe, H. A.; Salpeter, E. E.
Quantum Mechanics of One- and Two-Electron Atoms

51  1982qfcs.book.....B
1445.000 00/1982                                             C                      U      

Birrell, N. D.; Davies, Paul C. W.
Quantum fields in curved space

52  1987PhRvL..59..381B
1425.000 07/1987 A  E                                  R  C                      U  H  

Bak, Per; Tang, Chao; Wiesenfeld, Kurt
Self-organized criticality - An explanation of 1/f noise

53  1992ApJ...396L...1S
1381.000 09/1992 A      F  G                          R  C              L      U  H  

Smoot, G. F.; Bennett, C. L.; Kogut, A.; Wright, E. L.; Aymon, J.; Boggess, N. W.; Cheng, E. S.; de Amici, G.; Gulkis, S.; Hauser, M. G.; and 18 coauthors
Structure in the COBE differential microwave radiometer first-year maps

54  1981PEPI...25..297D
1379.000 06/1981 A  E  F                              R  C                      U  H  

Dziewonski, Adam M.; Anderson, Don L.
Preliminary reference Earth model

55  1972hmf..book.....A
1357.000 00/1972                                             C                      U      

Abramowitz, M.; Stegun, I. A.
Handbook of Mathematical Functions

56  1973ugcg.book.....N
1353.000 00/1973                                             C                      U      

Nilson, Peter
Uppsala general catalogue of galaxies

57  1997ApJ...490..493N
1351.000 12/1997 A  E  F      X                      R  C                  O  U  H  

Navarro, Julio F.; Frenk, Carlos S.; White, Simon D. M.
A Universal Density Profile from Hierarchical Clustering

58  1993ApJ...405..538B
1337.000 03/1993 A      F  G                          R  C      S              U  H  

Bruzual A., Gustavo; Charlot, Stephane
Spectral evolution of stellar populations using isochrone synthesis

59  1962pfig.book.....S
1337.000 00/1962                                             C                      U      

Spitzer, L.
Physics of Fully Ionized Gases

60  1983ApJ...270..119M
1326.000 07/1983 A      F  G                          R  C      S              U  H  

Morrison, R.; McCammon, D.
Interstellar photoelectric absorption cross sections, 0.03-10 keV

61  1981rsac.book.....S
1299.000 00/1981                                             C              L      U      

Sandage, Allan; Tammann, G. A.
A revised Shapley-Ames Catalog of bright galaxies

62  1996A&AS..117..393B
1280.000 06/1996 A  E  F  G                          R  C                      U  H  

Bertin, E.; Arnouts, S.
SExtractor: Software for source extraction.

63  1977A&A....61...99B
1273.000 10/1977 A      F  G                          R  C                      U      

Baars, J. W. M.; Genzel, R.; Pauliny-Toth, I. I. K.; Witzel, A.
The absolute spectrum of CAS A - an accurate flux density scale and a set of secondary calibrators

64  1985ApJ...288..618R
1265.000 01/1985 A      F  G                          R  C      S              U  H  

Rieke, G. H.; Lebofsky, M. J.
The interstellar extinction law from 1 to 13 microns

65  1978stat.book.....M
1262.000 00/1978 A                                          C              L      U      

Mihalas, Dimitri
Stellar atmospheres /2nd edition/

66  1998PhRvL..81.1562F
1234.000 08/1998 A  E  F                              R  C                      U  H  

Fukuda, Y.; Hayakawa, T.; Ichihara, E.; Inoue, K.; Ishihara, K.; Ishino, H.; Itow, Y.; Kajita, T.; Kameda, J.; Kasuga, S.; and 111 coauthors
Evidence for Oscillation of Atmospheric Neutrinos

67  1977ApJ...217..425M
1234.000 10/1977 A      F  G                          R  C      S              U  H  

Mathis, J. S.; Rumpl, W.; Nordsieck, K. H.
The size distribution of interstellar grains

68  1981PhRvL..47.1400W
1226.000 11/1981     E                                  R  C                      U      

Witten, T. A., Jr.; Sander, L. M.
Diffusion-limited aggregation, a kinetic critical phenomenon

69  1976ApJ...203..297S
1211.000 01/1976 A      F  G                          R  C      S  N          U  H  

Schechter, P.
An analytic expression for the luminosity function for galaxies.

70  1963asqu.book.....A
1203.000 00/1963                                             C              L      U      

Allen, C. W.
Astrophysical quantities

71  1987ARA&A..25...23S
1190.000 00/1987 A      F  G                  T      R  C      S              U      

Shu, Frank H.; Adams, Fred C.; Lizano, Susana
Star formation in molecular clouds - Observation and theory

72  1969drea.book.....B
1176.000 00/1969                                             C                      U      

Bevington, Philip R.
Data reduction and error analysis for the physical sciences

73  1958ApJS....3..211A
1176.000 05/1958 A      F  G                          R  C      S  N      O  U  H  

Abell, George O.
The Distribution of Rich Clusters of Galaxies.

74  1973AJ.....78..929P
1175.000 11/1973 A      F  G                          R  C                      U      

Panagia, Nino
Some Physical parameters of early-type stars

75  1961hhs..book.....C
1174.000 00/1961                                             C                      U      

Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan
Hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic stability

76  1983AJ.....88..439L
1163.000 03/1983 A      F  G              D          R  C      S          O  U      

Landolt, A. U.
UBVRI photometric standard stars around the celestial equator

77  1985Natur.318..162K
1148.000 11/1985 A                                      R  C                      U      

Kroto, H. W.; Heath, J. R.; Obrien, S. C.; Curl, R. F.; Smalley, R. E.
C(60): Buckminsterfullerene

78  1983bhwd.book.....S
1143.000 00/1983 A                                          C              L      U      

Shapiro, Stuart L.; Teukolsky, Saul A.
Black holes, white dwarfs, and neutron stars: The physics of compact objects

79  1953ApJ...117..313J
1141.000 05/1953 A      F  G              D              C      S              U      

Johnson, H. L.; Morgan, W. W.
Fundamental stellar photometry for standards of spectral type on the revised system of the Yerkes spectral atlas

80  1970ApJ...160..811F
1140.000 06/1970 A      F  G                          R  C      S  N          U  H  

Freeman, K. C.
On the Disks of Spiral and so Galaxies

81  1966atp..book.....W
1140.000 00/1966                                             C                      U      

Wiese, W. L.; Smith, M. W.; Glennon, B. M.
Atomic transition probabilities. Vol.: Hydrogen through Neon. A critical data compilation

82  1990eaun.book.....K
1119.000 00/1990                                             C              L      U      

Kolb, Edward W.; Turner, Michael S.
The early universe

83  1986PhRvA..33.1141H
1103.000 02/1986 A  E                                  R  C                      U      

Halsey, T. C.; Jensen, M. H.; Kadanoff, L. P.; Procaccia, I.; Shraiman, B. I.
Fractal measures and their singularities - The characterization of strange sets

84  1977ApJ...218..148M
1102.000 11/1977 A      F  G                          R  C      S              U      

McKee, C. F.; Ostriker, J. P.
A theory of the interstellar medium - Three components regulated by supernova explosions in an inhomogeneous substrate

85  1972ApJ...178..623T
1102.000 12/1972 A      F  G                          R  C      S  N          U  H  

Toomre, Alar; Toomre, Juri
Galactic Bridges and Tails

86  2003ApJS..148....1B
1091.000 09/2003 A  E  F      X                      R  C      S          O  U  H  

Bennett, C. L.; Halpern, M.; Hinshaw, G.; Jarosik, N.; Kogut, A.; Limon, M.; Meyer, S. S.; Page, L.; Spergel, D. N.; Tucker, G. S.; and 11 coauthors
First-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Preliminary Maps and Basic Results

87  1986FCPh...11....1S
1088.000 05/1986 A                                          C      S  N          U  H  

Scalo, J. M.
The stellar initial mass function

88  1979rpa..book.....R
1086.000 00/1979 A                                          C              L      U      

Rybicki, George B.; Lightman, Alan P.
Radiative processes in astrophysics

89  1979ApJS...41..513M
1082.000 11/1979 A      F  G                          R  C                      U  H  

Miller, G. E.; Scalo, J. M.
The initial mass function and stellar birthrate in the solar neighborhood

90  1979cmft.book.....P
1081.000 00/1979 A                                          C                      U      

Parker, E. N.
Cosmical magnetic fields: Their origin and their activity

91  1982PhRvL..48.1220A
1078.000 04/1982 A  E                                  R  C                      U  H  

Albrecht, A.; Steinhardt, P. J.
Cosmology for grand unified theories with radiatively induced symmetry breaking

92  1993ppc..book.....P
1074.000 00/1993                                             C              L      U      

Peebles, P. J. E.
Principles of physical cosmology

93  1996ApJ...462..563N
1055.000 05/1996 A      F  G  X                      R  C      S      L  O  U  H  

Navarro, Julio F.; Frenk, Carlos S.; White, Simon D. M.
The Structure of Cold Dark Matter Halos

94  1979MNRAS.187P..73S
1051.000 06/1979 A      F  G                          R  C      S              U      

Seaton, M. J.
Interstellar extinction in the UV

95  1950msms.book.....H
1046.000 00/1950                                             C                      U      

Herzberg, Gerhard
Molecular spectra and molecular structure. Vol.1: Spectra of diatomic molecules

96  1982ApJ...263..835S
1041.000 12/1982 A      F  G                          R  C                  O  U  H  

Scargle, J. D.
Studies in astronomical time series analysis. II - Statistical aspects of spectral analysis of unevenly spaced data

97  1966AJ.....71...64K
1040.000 02/1966 A      F  G                          R  C      S          O  U  H  

King, Ivan R.
The structure of star clusters. III. Some simple dynamical models

98  1993ARA&A..31..473A
1027.000 00/1993 A      F  G                  T      R  C      S              U  H  

Antonucci, Robert
Unified models for active galactic nuclei and quasars

99  1943RvMP...15....1C
1023.000 00/1943     E                                  R  C                      U  H  

Chandrasekhar, S.
Stochastic Problems in Physics and Astronomy

100  1972ApJ...176....1G
1021.000 08/1972 A      F  G                          R  C      S              U  H  

Gunn, James E.; Gott, J. Richard, III
On the Infall of Matter Into Clusters of Galaxies and Some Effects on Their Evolution

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