Academic Education
Ph.D. in Physics
March 11th, 2014 - University of Parma
Thesis: Dynamical bar-mode instability in magnetized relativistic stars
Supervisor: Dr. Roberto De Pietri
My research focused on the following topics:
Computational Astrophysics and Numerical GRMHD Simulations, Numerical Relativity and Gravitation, Physics of Neutron Stars, Hydrodynamics Instabilities, Magnetic Instabilities, High Performance Parallel Computing.
M.Sc. in Physics and Astrophysics
July 27th, 2010 - University of Florence
Grade: 110/110 with honors
Thesis: Modi assisimmetrici di stelle relativistiche rotanti: simulazioni numeriche in approssimazione di Cowling
Supervisor: Dr. Luca Del Zanna
My research focused on the following topics:
Computational Astrophysics and Hydrodynamics Simulations, Numerical Relativity, Physics of Neutron stars, Shock-capturing Methods for MHD, Approximate Riemann Solvers.
B.Sc. in Physics
July 18th, 2006 - University of Florence
Thesis: Decadimento parametrico di onde di Alfvйn di grande ampiezza
Supervisor: Dr. Luca Del Zanna
My research focused on the following topics:
Computational Astrophysics and Numerical simulations, Magnetohydrodynamics, Astrophysical Plasmas, Analytical and Numerical Modeling of the Propagation of Alfvйn Waves in the Solar Wind, Comparisons between Numerical Results and Observations.
Schools, Conferences and Workshops
Gravitational Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation from Compact Stars (CompStar 2011), 3-12/05/2011, INFN Catania e Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Catania
School On Gravitational Waves: from theory to detection, 23-28/05/2011, Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de CargГЕse, Corsica (France)
Parma Workshop on Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Waves, 7-9/09/2011, INFN Parma e Dipartimento di Fisica, Parma
Secondo Corso di Formazione "Calcolo Parallelo su Grid e CSN4cluster", 26-28/09/2011, INFN Parma e Dipartimento di Fisica, Parma
Workshop on Programming of Heterogeneous System in Physics, 5-7/10/2011, Institute for Theoretical Physics - University of Jena (Germany)
PRACE Tier-1 Workshop 2011, 29-30/11/2011, SARA Datacenter, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
8th Advanced School on Parallel Computing "PRACE Winter School", 6-10/02/2012, CINECA SuperComputing Application and Innovation Department, Bologna
Corso "Introduzione alle GPGPU e alla programmazione CUDA", 24-25/05/2012, CINECA SuperComputing Application and Innovation Department, Bologna
Internship "PRACE Winter School Stage", 25/06/2012 - 28/09/2012, CINECA SuperComputing Application and Innovation Department, Bologna
21st Summer School of Parallel Computing, 3-14/09/2012, CINECA SuperComputing Application and Innovation Department, Bologna
3rd Iberian Gravitational-wave Meeting 2013, 20-22/03/2013, Universitat de Valencia (Spain)
CUDA/OpenACC Workshop, 3-4/12/2013, INFN-CNAF, Bologna
Enabling Software for Intel MIC Architecture, 7-8/05/2015, Bologna (Italy)
12th International School for Space Simulations (ISSS-12), 3-6/07/2015, Charles University of Prague (Czech Republic)