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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed Dec 2 14:23:48 2015
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 02:39:46 2016

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Home Address: Localit` Casavecchia 22, I­52010 Cap olona (AR), Italy; tel. a Work Address: Osservatorio Astronomico di Arcetri, Largo E. Fermi 5, I-50125 Firenze Italy; tel. +39­055­2752226, fax +39­055­220039 e­mail: fmassi@arcetri.astro.it Date and place of birth: 15th May 1962, Arezzo, Italy Nationality: Italian Education: · 1996­1998, Ph. D. in Astronomy with Universita "La Sapienza" di Roma ` · "Laurea in Fisica", achieved on April 18, 1994 with Universita degli Studi di ` Firenze, full quotation. Work exp erience: · 2001 to present, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, staff · 2000­2001, fellowship with Osservatorio Astronomico di Collurania-Teramo · 2000, collab oration (under contract) with Osservatorio Astronomico di ColluraniaTeramo · 1999, fellowship with Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma Thesis dissertation on: Radio Observations of Molecular Clouds in the Star Forming Region NGC 6357 sup ervisor: Marcello Felli

Ph. D. dissertation on: A Study of Star Formation in the Vela Molecular Clouds through Multi-wavelength Observations (from NIR to mm) sup ervisor: Dario Lorenzetti Positions held in working groups, science p olicy, committees and SOC: · June 2007 to present: AMBER-VLTI Science Working Group, memb er · Octob er 2008 to June 2010 : TNG Time Allocation Committee, secretary · memb er of Sardinia Radio Telescop e Astrophysical Validation Team · memb er of International Astronomical Union Research Activities: My thesis work was based on observations collected at the Swedish­ESO Submillimeter Telescop e (SEST), La Silla, Chile. Two sky areas towards the HI I regions G353.2+0.7 and G353.1+0.6, associated with the star forming region NGC 6357, were mapp ed in the molecular transitions CO(1­0), 13 CO(1­0), C18 O(1­0), CO(2­1), 13 CO(2­1), C18 O(2­1), HCO+ (1­0) and H13 CO+ (1­0), at millimeter wavelengths. Under the sup ervision of Marcello Felli, and in collab oration with Jan Brand, I carried out reduction and analysis of all sp ectra observed towards G353.1+0.6. After

my thesis dissertation, I continued the study of NGC 6357 working on G353.2+0.9 data. The results were rep orted in pap er form (1997, Massi F., Brand J., Felli M., Molecular Cloud/HII Region Interfaces in the Star Forming Region NGC 6357, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 320, 972). During this p eriod, working on more than 400 sp ectra, I could gain a good exp erience b oth in reduction and analysis of line data from single dish millimetric telescop es, and in the use of radio-astronomy software packages (CLASS). As a work for my Ph. D. thesis, I was involved in reduction and analysis of Near IR images of Young Stellar Ob jects in the Vela Molecular Ridge, under the sup ervision of Dario Lorenzetti (Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma). I studied the association of intermediate-mass Class I sources in Vela with young star clusters through broadband J, H and K observations, and their mass-loss activity through narrow-band H2 (2.12 µm) images. Two pap ers on this study have b een published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Supplement Series (Massi et al. 1999), and Astronomy & Astrophysics, main journal (Massi et al. 2000). By reducing tens of NIR images and having p erformed photometry on them, I gained an insight into NIR data managing and the use of related softwares (IRAF). Further observations of Vela were p erformed b etween January 26­29, 1998; during this p eriod we obtained narrow- and broadband NIR images at the ESO 2.2m telescop e (including H2 and a filter centred on FeI I lines at 1.7 µm) , using the IRAC­2 camera. A CO(1­0) mapping of a sky area towards the Vela Molecular Ridge was carried out at SEST during the p eriod Septemb er 1­6, and a survey of the same area in the L band was p erformed from the South Pole by Spirex, an australian 60-cm telescop e, in collab oration with L. Testi (Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri) and L. Vanzi (ESO). After the Ph.D. I continued my work on b oth NGC 6357 and Vela. I observed again G353.2+0.9 in molecular transitions of CS, C34 S, C18 O, CN, H2 CO e CH3 CCH with the SEST during the p eriod 1­7 Septemb er, 1999, in collab oration with Jan Brand (Istituto di Radioastronomia) and Achim Tieftrunk (University of Koeln). Data reduction is currently in progress. NIR sp ectra (R 600) of sources taken at the NTT with SOFI (ESO, La Silla) by D. Lorenzetti and T. Giannini in 1999, along with the narrow-band H2 and FeI I images of Vela previously obtained, allowed to sketch some imp ortant prop erties of mass-loss activity in young stellar sources associated with the Vela Molecular Ridge, finding evidence of C-shocks. A pap er has b een published on the Astrophysical Journal (Lorenzetti et al. 2002). Some of the young emb edded clusters of stars found within the Vela Molecular Ridge were observed again more deeply and enlarging the field of view with SOFI at the NTT. The results were discussed in a contribution published on The ESO Messenger (Testi L., Vanzi L., Massi F., 2001) and in a pap er (Massi et al 2006). In the framework of the scientific activity carried out by the Infrared Group of the Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, a NIR survey of star forming regions employed SWIRCAM. This is a camera based on a NICMOS3-class detector equipping the AZT-24 1.1m telescop e in Camp o Imp eratore (on the Gran Sasso). I took part in b oth the observations and the data reduction of JHK and H2 images of IC1396, unveiling the presence of jets from young stellar ob jects within that region. The results were presented in a pap er published in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Nisini et al., 2001). I was also involved in a pro ject aimed to the study of star formation in high galactic latitude clouds towards the Draco region, in collab oration with L. Angelo Antonelli (Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma). A field containing a cluster of X-ray sources and discovered by Bepp o-SAX was observed at optical wavelengths (BVR) with OiG at the TNG 3.5m telescop e and in the NIR (JHK) b oth with

ARNICA at the TNG and with SWIRCAM at the AZT24. In March 2000, I joined the SWIRT group at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Collurania-Teramo. SWIRT is a pro ject devoted to the search of sup ernova events in the NIR through a monitoring of a large sample of galaxies. The observations are carried out in the H band with SWIRCAM at the AZT-24 telescop e (see ab ove). In particular, I worked on observational and data-reduction issues, and I develop ed a software for the identification of sup ernovae through a comparison of images. At the same time, I participated in the optical observations with the TNT, a 0.7m telescop e located in Teramo. Analysis of NIR and optical light curves of sup ernovae SN1999el and SN2000E have b een published on ApJ (Di Carlo et al. 2002; Valentini et al. 2003). Since Novemb er 1st, 2001, I have held a staff p osition in the Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri where currently I deal with star formation issues. In particular, I have b een carrying out b oth NIR to mm observations and data reduction of observations towards the Vela Molecular Ridge, G353.2+0.9, S235, Herbig-Haro ob jects, HI I regions associated with triggered star formation and a few Bok Globules. I have worked with satellite data from the Spitzer IRAC/MIPS instruments. As a memb er of the local radio group, I have b een also p erforming radio observations of water masers with the MEDICINA radiotelescop e. Since 2008, I have also b een involved in NIR interferometric observations of young stars with AMBER/VLTI.

Exp erience on Computers and Data Analysis: · Operating Systems: Unix, Linux, Windows95, WindowsXP · Programming Languages: Fortran, SPP, html, css, PHP, MySQL, Python · Astrophysical Packages: GILDAS (CLASS, GREG), IRAF, IDL, AMDLIB, CASA, ASAP Refereed Pap ers: · Massi F., Brand J., Felli M.: "Molecular Cloud/HII Region Interfaces in the Star Forming Region NGC 6357" Astronomy and Astrophysics 320, 972 (1997) · Massi F., Giannini T., Lorenzetti D. et al.: Star Formation in the Vela Molecular Clouds III. Near IR Images and mm Photometry of D-cloud IRAS Sources Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 136, 471 (1999) · Massi F., Lorenzetti D., Giannini T., Vitali F.: Star Formation in the Vela Molecular Clouds IV. Young Embedded Star Clusters towards D-cloud Class I Sources Astronomy & Astrophysics 353, 598 (2000). · Nisini B., Massi F., Vitali F., et al.: "Multiple H2 Protostel lar Jets in the Bright-Rimmed Globule IC1396-N", Astronomy & Astrophysics 376, 553 (2001). · Lorenzetti D., Giannini T., Vitali F., Massi F., Nisini B.: "Near-IR H2 and [FeII] Imaging and Spectroscopy of New Jets in the Vela Molecular Clouds", The Astrophysical Journal 564,839 (2002). · Di Carlo E., Massi F., Valentini G. et al.: "Optical and Infrared Observations of Supernova SN 1999el", The Astrophysical Journal 573, 144 (2002). · Massi F., Lorenzetti D., Giannini T.: "Star Formation in the Vela Molecular Ridge V. Young Stel lar Objects and Star Clusters towards the C-cloud" Astronomy & Astrophysics 399, 147 (2003).

· Valentini G., Di Carlo E., Massi F., et al.: "Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry of the Type Ia Supernova 2000E in NGC6951", The Astrophysical Journal 595, 779 (2003). · Massi F., Codella C., Brand J.: "Discovery of [FeII]- and H2 -emission from protostel lar jets in the CB3 and CB230 globules", Astronomy & Astrophysics 419, 241 (2004). · Felli M., Massi F., et al.: "New Light on the S235A-B Star Forming Region", Astronomy & Astrophysics 420, 553 (2004). · Caratti o Garatti A., Giannini T., Lorenzetti D., Massi F., et al.: "Physical and Kinematical Properties of a New ly Discovered Star Cluster and its Associated Jet in the Vela Molecular Clouds ", Astronomy & Astrophysics 422, 141 (2004). · Giannini T., Massi F., et al.: "Star Formation in the Vela Molecular Clouds: a New Protostar Powering a a Bipolar Jet", Astronomy & Astrophysics 433, 941 (2005). · Nisini B., Bacciotti F., Giannini T., Massi F., et al.: "A Combined Optical/Infrared Spectral Diagnostic Analysis of the HH1 Jet", Astronomy & Astrophysics 441, 159 (2005) · Zavagno A., Deharveng L., Comeron F., Brand J., Massi F., et al.: "Triggered Massive-Star Formation on the Borders of Galactic HII Regions II. Evidence for the Col lect and Col lapse Process around RCW 79" Astronomy & Astrophysics 446, 171 (2006). · Massi F., Testi L., Vanzi L.: "The IMF and Star Formation History of the Stel lar Clusters in the Vela D Cloud" Astronomy & Astrophysics 448, 1007 (2006). · Felli M., Massi F., Robb erto M., Cesaroni R.: "New Signp osts of Massive Star Formation in the S235A-B Region" Astronomy & Astrophysics 453, 911 (2006). · Podio L., Bacciotti F., Nisini B., Eisloeffel J., Massi F., et al.: "Recip es for Stellar Jets: Results of Combined Optical/Infrared Diagnostics" Astronomy & Astrophysics 456, 189 (2006). · Codella C., Brand J., Massi F., et al.: "Inside the Large Globule CB205: YSOs Feeding Multiple Outflows" Astronomy & Astrophysics 457, 891 (2006). · Deharveng L., Lefloch B., Massi F., et al.: " Triggered Massive-Star Formation on the Borders of Galactic HI I Regions. I I I. Star Formation at the Periphery of Sh2-219" Astronomy & Astrophysics 458, 191 (2006). · Elia D., Massi F., et al.: "Mapping Molecular Emission in Vela Molecular Ridge Cloud D" the Astrophysical Journal 655, 316 (2007). · Massi F., et al.:"Star formation in the Vela molecular ridge. Large scale mapping of cloud D in the mm continuum" Astronomy & Astrophysics 466, 1013 (2007). · De Luca M., Giannini T., Lorenzetti D., Massi F., et al.:"Near- and FarInfrared Counterparts of Millimeter Dust Cores in the Vela Molecular Ridge Cloud D" Astronomy & Astrophysics, in Press (Astro-ph0704.1228) · Giannini T., Lorenzetti D., De Luca M., Nisini B., Marengo M., Allen L., Smith H. A., Fazio G., Massi F., Elia D., Strafella F.: "Spitzer-MIPS Survey

of the Young Stellar Content in the Vela Molecular Cloud-D" the Astrophysical Journal, in Press (Astro-ph0709.1060) · Felli M., Brand J., Cesaroni R., Codella C., Comoretto G., Di Franco S., Massi F., et al.: "Water Maser Variability over 20 Years in a Large Sample of Star Forming Regions: The Complete Database" Astronomy & Astrophysics, in Press (2007) · Di Carlo E., Corsi C., Massi F., et al.:"Near-Infrared Observations of the Typ e Ib Sup ernova SN2006jc: Evidence of Interactions with dust" the Astrophysical Journal 684, 471 (2008) · Meilland A., Millour F., Stee P., Spang A., Petrov R. G., Bonneau D., Perraut K., Massi F. Cen: a new binary Be star detected by VLTI/AMBER spectrointerferometry Astronomy & Astrophysics 488, L67 (2008) · Massi F., Codella C., Brand J., Di Fabrizio L., Wouterloot J. G. A. "NIR spectroscopy of the low-mass YSO CB230­A and its jet: cold photosphere or an active accretion disk?" Astronomy & Astrophysics 490, 1079 (2008) · Le Bouquin J.-B., Absil O., Benisty M., Massi F., et al.:"The spin-orbit alignment of the Fomalhaut planetary system prob ed by optical long baseline interferometry " Astronomy & Astrophysics 498, L41 (2009) · Beltr´n M. T., Massi F., et al.:"The Stellar Population and Complex Struca ture of the Bright-Rimmed Cloud IC1396N" Astronomy & Astrophysics 504, 97 (2009) · Drieb e T., et al. (including Massi F.): "Resolving the Asymmetric Inner Wind Region of the Yellow Hyp ergiant IRC+10420 with VLTI/AMBER in Low and High Sp ectral Resolution Mode" Astronomy & Astrophysics 507, 301 (2009) · Olmi L. et al. (including Massi F.): "The BLAST Survey of the Vela Molecular Cloud: Physical Prop erties of the Dense Cores in Vela-D" the Astrophysical Journal 707, 1836 (2009) · Benisty M., Natta A., Isella A., Berger J.-P., Massi F., et al.: "Strong NIR emission in the sub-AU disk of the Herbig Ae star HD 163296: evidence for refractory dust?" Astronomy & Astrophysics 511, A74 (2010) · Molinari S., et al. (including Massi F.): "Hi-GAL: the Hershel infrared Galactic Plane Survey PASP 122, 314 (2010) · Massi F., Di Carlo E., Codella C., Testi L., Vanzi L., Gomes J.: "Testing circumstellar disk lifetimes in young emb edded clusters associated with the Vela Molecular Ridge Astronomy & Astrophysics 516, A52 (2010) · Molinari S., et al. (including Massi F.): "Clouds, filaments and protostars: the Herschel Hi-GAL Milky Way Astronomy & Astrophysics 518, L100 (2010) · Strafella F., et al. (including Massi F.): "The Spitzer-IRAC Point Source Catalog of the Vela-D Cloud the Astrophysical Journal 719, 9 (2010) · Olmi L., et al. (including Massi F.): "The BLAST Survey of the Vela Molecular Cloud: Dynamical Prop erties of the Dense Cores in Vela-D the Astrophysical Journal in Press (2010) · Benisty M., et al. (including Massi F.): "The 2008 outburst in the young stellar system ZCMa: I. Evidence of an enhanced bip olar wind on the AU-scale Astronomy & Astrophysics 516, L3 (2010)

· Caratti o Garatti A., et al. (including Massi F.): "The outburst of an emb edded low-mass YSO in L1641, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 526, L1 (2011) · Russeil D., et al. (including Massi F.): "Giving physical significance to the Hi-GAL data: determining the distance of cold dusty cores in the Milky Way" Astronomy & Astrophysics 526, 151 (2011) · Brand J., Massi F., Zavagno A., Deharveng L., Lefloch B.: "Triggered star formation at the b orders of the HI I region Sh2-217" Astronomy & Astrophysics 527, A62 (2011) · Ohnaka K., et al. (including Massi F.): "Imaging the dynamical atmosphere of the i red sup ergiant Betelgeuse in the CO first overtone lines with VLTI/AMBER" Astronomy & Astrophysics 529, 163 (2011) · Tatulli E., et al. (includingMassi F.): "Constraining the structure of the planet-forming region in the disk of the Herbig Be star HD 100546" Astronomy & Astrophysics 531, 1 (2011) · Benisty M., et al. (includingMassi F.): "A low optical depth region in the inner disk of the Herbig Ae star HR 5999" Astronomy & Astrophysics 531, 84 (2011) · Ohnaka K., et al. (including Massi F.): "Spatially resolving the outer atmosphere of the M giant BK Virginis in the CO first overtone lines with VLTI/AMBER" Astronomy & Astrophysics 537, A53 (2012) · Giannetti A., Brand J., Massi F., et al.: "Molecular clouds under the influence of massive stars in the Galactic HI I region G353.2+0.9" Astronomy & Astrophysics 538, A41 (2012) · Beltr´n M. T., Massi F., Fontani F., Codella C., Lop ez R.: "Close encounters a ´ of the protostellar kind in IC 1396N" Astronomy & Astrophysics 542, L26 (2012) · Morales Ortiz J. L., et al. (including Massi F.): "A sp ectral line survey of the starless and proto-stellar cores detected by BLAST toward the Vela-D molecular cloud" Astronomy & Astrophysics 543, A65 (2012) · Vural J., et al. (including Massi F.): "Revealing the inner circumstellar disk of the T Tauri star S Coronae Australis N using the VLTI" Astronomy & Astrophysics 543, A162 (2012) · Wang Y., et al. (including Massi F.): "AMBER/VLTI observations of the B[e] star MWC 300" Astronomy & Astrophysics 545, L10 (2012) · Cesaroni R., Massi F., et al.: "A close-up view of a bip olar jet: Sub-arcsecond near-infrared imaging of the high-mass protostar IRAS 20126+4104" Astronomy & Astrophysics 549, A146 (2013) · Stee Ph., et al. (including Massi F.): "Evidence of an asymmetrical Keplerian disk in the Br and He I emission lines around the Be star HD 110432" Astronomy & Astrophysics 550, A65 (2013) · Meilland A., et al. (including Massi F.): "The binary Be star Scorpii at high sp ectral and spatial resolution. I I. The circumstellar disk evolution after the p eriastron" Astronomy & Astrophysics 550, L5 (2013) · Garcia P. J. V., et al. (including Massi F.): "Pre-main-sequence binaries with tidally disrupted discs: the Br in HD 104237" MNRAS 430, 1839 (2013) · Oliva T., et al. (including Massi F.): "A GIANO-TNG high resolution IR

sp ectrum of the airglow emission " Astronomy & Astrophysics 555, A78 (2013) · Origlia L., et al. (including Massi F.): "GIANO-TNG sp ectroscopy of red sup ergiants in the young star cluster RSGC2 " Astronomy & Astrophysics 560, 460 (2013) · Vural J., et al. (including Massi F.): "The inner circumstellar disk of the UX Orionis star V1026 Scorpii Astronomy & Astrophysics 564, 118 (2014) · Vural J., et al. (including Massi F.): "Study of the sub-AU disk of the Herbig B[e] star HD 85567 with near-infrared interferometry Astronomy & Astrophysics 569, A25 (2014) · Massi F., Giannetti A., Di Carlo E., Brand J., Beltran M. T., Marconi G.: "Young op en clusters in the Galactic star forming region NGC 6357 Astronomy & Astrophysics, 573, A95 (2015) · Strafella F., et al. (including Massi F.): "The Young Stellar Ob ject Population in the Vela-D Molecular Cloud Astrophysical Journal, 798, 104 (2015) · Oliva E., et al. (including Massi F.): "Lines and continuum sky emission in the near infrared: observational constraints from deep high sp ectral resolution sp ectra with GIANO-TNG Astronomy & Astrophysics, 581, A47 (2015) · Caratti o Garatti A., et al. (including Massi F.): "AMBER/VLTI high sp ectral resolution observations of the Br emitting region in HD 98922. A compact disc wind launched from the inner disc region Astronomy & Astrophysics, 582, A44 (2015)

Other Publications: · Lorenzetti D., Massi F., Scaramella Molecular Clouds: H2 Imaging Surve B. Burton and P. Persi (Eds.), The veys, Proceedings of the 3rd DENIS Dordrecht 1997 R., et al.: "Star Formation in the Vela y", in F. Garzon, N. Ep chtein, A. Omont, ´ Impact of Large Scale Near-IR Sky SurEuroconference, Kluwer Academic Press,

· Massi F., Lorenzetti D., Vitali F.: "Near Infrared H2 imaging of YSOs in Vela Molecular Clouds" in Malb et F., Castets A. (eds.), Low Mass Star Formation from Infal l to Outflow - Poster Proceedings of the IAU Symposium n. 182 on "Herbig-Haro Flows and the Birth of Low Mass Stars", Observatoire de Grenoble 1997 · Massi F., Lorenzetti D., Giannini ters Associated with Intermediate Ridge" in Favata F., Kaas A. A., Star Formation from the Smal l to T., Vitali Mass Star Wilson A. the Large F.: "Young Embedded Star ClusProgenitors in the Vela Molecular (eds.), Proc. of 33rd ESA Symp. Scale, ESA, SP-445, 2000

· D'Alessio F., Di Paola A., Giannini T., Lorenzetti D., Massi F., Nisini B., Pedichini F., Sp eziali R., Vitali F., Codella C.: "Near-Infrared H2 Imaging of the Bright-Rimmed Globule IC1396-N" in Favata F., Kaas A. A., Wilson A. (eds.), Proc. of 33rd ESA Symp. Star Formation from the Smal l to the Large Scale, ESA, SP-445, 2000 · Testi L., Vanzi L., Massi F.: "Young Stel lar Clusters in the Vela Molecular Cloud", The ESO Messenger 103, 28 (2001). · Massi F., Felli M., Cesaroni R., Intermediate Luminosity YSOs in the S235A-B Star Forming Region, in Press on the Proceedings of "the Young Local Universe" conference (2004). · Massi F., Testi L., Vanzi L.: IMF in Smal l Young Embedded Star Clusters, in Press on the Proceedings of "IMF@50" conference (2004). · Elia, D., Camp eggio, L., Maiolo, B., Strafella, F., Cecchi-Pestellini, C., Massi, F.: Structure of molecular clouds: an observational approach, in Wilson A. (ed.), Proc. of The Dusty and Molecular Universe: A Prelude to Herschel and ALMA, ESA SP-577, 2005. · Massi, F., Elia, D., Giannini, T., Lorenzetti, D., Nisini, B.: A large scale view of molecular gas and dust towards cloud D of the Vela Molecular Ridge, in Wilson A. (ed.), Proc. of The Dusty and Molecular Universe: A Prelude to Herschel and ALMA, ESA SP-577, 2005. · Giannini, T., Massi, F., et al.: Protostel lar targets for ALMA and HERSCHEL: the case of IRAS08448-4343, in Wilson A. (ed.), Proc. of The Dusty and Molecular Universe: A Prelude to Herschel and ALMA, ESA SP-577, 2005. · Massi F jets from Natta A. accretion ., Codella C., Brand low mass protostars (eds.), Proceedings and activity", Mem. J., Di Fabrizio L., Wouterloot J.: Outflows and in Bok globules: the case of CB230, in Testi L., of " Low-mass stars and Brown Dwarfs: IMF, SAIt 76, 400 (2005)

· Podio L., Bacciotti F., Nisini B., Giannini T., Massi F., et al.: Potential of a combined optical/NIR diagnostics for protostel lar jets, in Testi L., Natta A. (eds.), Proceedings of "Low-mass stars and Brown Dwarfs: IMF, accretion and activity", Mem. SAIt 76, 396 (2005)

· Podio L., Bacciotti F., tostel lar Jets through a Lecture Series, "Cores scopes", Springer, New

Nisini B., Giannini T., Massi F., et al.: Studying ProCombined Infrared/Optical Spectral Analysis in Ap&SS to Clusters: Star Formation with Next Generation TeleYork, p. 203 (2005).

· Zavagno A., Deharveng L., Brand J., Massi F., et al.: "Triggered Massive-Star Formation on the Borders of Galactic HII Regions" in Cesaroni R., Felli M., Churchwell E., Walmsley, M. (eds.), Proc. of the IAU Symp. 227 "Massive star birth: A crossroads of Astrophysics" Cambridge University Press, pp.346-351 (2005). · Codella C., Beltr´n a study of the high-de of L1641-S3 and Ce plement, vol. 10, p. M. T., Panella D., Cesaroni R., Nesti R., Massi F.: "The nsity gas distribution in SFRs with the SRT: the test cases pA-East" Memorie del la Societa Astronomica Italiana Sup159 (2006)

· Massi F., et al.: "Large-scale mapping of molecular clouds: what can we learn?" Memorie del la Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement, vol. 10, p. 165 (2006) · Elia D., Strafella F., Massi F., et al.: "Structural analysis of molecular cloud maps: the case of the star forming Vela-D cloud" in Elmegreen B. G., Palous J. (eds.), Proc. of the IAU Symp. 237 "Triggered Star Formation in a Turbulent ISM" Cambridge University Press, p. 411 (2007). · Felli M., Massi F., Cesaroni R.: "Different evolutionary stages in S235A-B" in Elmegreen B. G., Palous J. (eds.), Proc. of the IAU Symp. 237 "Triggered Star Formation in a Turbulent ISM" Cambridge University Press, p. 412 (2007). · Brand J., Felli M., Cesaroni R., Codella C., Comoretto G., Di Franco S., Massi F., et al.:"A 20-year H2O maser monitoring program with the Medicina 32-m telescop e" in Chapman J. M., Baan W. A. (eds.), Proc. of the IAU Symp. 242 "Astrophysical Masers and their Environments" Cambridge University Press, p. 223 (2007) · Giannini T., Lorenzetti D., De Luca M., Elia D., Strafella F., Massi F.: "Spitzer-MIPS survey of the young stellar content in the Vela Molecular CloudD " Memorie del la Societa Astronomica Italiana, 80, 77 (2009) · Malb et F., et al. (including Massi F.): "The 2008­2009 outburst of the young binary system Z CMa unraveled by interferometry with high sp ectral resolution" Proc. SPIE Vol. 7734, 773427 (2010) · Garcia P. J. V., et al. (including Massi F.): "The hydrogen emission of young stellar ob jects: key science for next-generation instruments and facilities" Proc. SPIE Vol. 7734, 773434 (2010) · Massi F.): "Optical Interferometry at the VLTI: Italy's contribution and the latest advancements in understanding the circumstellar environment of young stars" Memorie del la Societa Astronomica Italiana, 83, 1170 (2012) · Oliva E., et al. (including Massi F.): "The GIANO sp ectrometer: towards its first light at the TNG " Proc. SPIE Vol. 8446, 3T (2012) · Prandoni I., et al. (including Massi F.): "The SRT: Astronomical Validation and Scientific Persp ectives, in A. Tarchi, M. Giroletti, L. Feretti (eds.), Proceedings of the 12th Europ ean VLBI Network Symp osium and Users Meeting (EVN 2014). 7-10 Octob er 2014. Cagliari, Italy (2014)

· Faggi S., et al. (including Massi F.): "Search for ammonia in comet C/2012 S1 (ISON), in K. Muinonen et al. (eds.), Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014. Proceedings of the conference held 30 June - 4 July, 2014 in Helsinki, Finland (2014) · Sanna N., Oliva E., Massi F., Cresci G., Origlia L.: "Trade-off study for high resolution sp ectroscopy in the near infrared with ELT telescop es: seeing-limited vs. diffraction limited instruments Proc. SPIE, 9147, 914790-1 (2014) · Tozzi A., et al. (including Massi F.): "The fib er-fed preslit of GIANO at T.N.G. Proc. SPIE, 9147, 9147, 9NT (2014) · Origlia L. et al. (incluso Massi F.): "High resolution near IR sp ectroscopy with GIANO-TNG Proc. SPIE, 9147, 1EO (2014) Circulars: · Massi F., Dolci M., Di Carlo E.: "GRB010222 R-BAND OBSERVATION", GCN 980, 2001 · Valentini G., Massi F., Dolci M., Di Carlo E.: "GRB010222 further R-band photometry, GCN 986, 2001 Talks at Conferences: · NIR Observations of Jets in the Vela Molecular Clouds, 4th French-Italian Meeting on Young Stellar Ob jects, Gif-sur-Yvette (France), 9­10 Septemb er, 1996. · Molecular Clouds Bordering HII Regions in the Star Forming Complex NGC 6357, XXIX YERAC, Riccione (Italy), 23­26 Septemb er, 1996. · Formation of Intermediate Mass Stars in Vela, 5th Workshop on Young Stellar Ob jects, Ponza 25­27 May, 1999. · Formazione di Stel le di Massa Intermedia nel la Regione di Vela, Scuola Nazionale di Astrofisica, V ciclo, I corso, Carloforte 7­12 June, 1999. · Young Star Clusters in the Vela Molecular Clouds, 6th Franco-Italian Colloquium on Star Formation, Lansleb ourg January 31 - February 2, 2002. · Intermediate-Luminosity YSOs in the S235A-B Region, XXIV Moriond Astrophysics Meeting, La Thuile March 21­28, 2004 · Osservazioni di regioni di formazione stel lare, Astrofisica in Toscana 2, Pisa (Italy), Novemb er 26, 2004. · Two Examples of Triggered Star Formation: S217 and S219", ArGreSa Meeting, Florence (Italy), April 26­28, 2005. · Mapping su grande scala di nubi molecolari: cosa si puo imparare, Scienza con ` SRT, Bologna (Italy) May 10­11, 2005. · High-mass end of the Initial Mass Function, "The Birth and Influence of Massive Stars", CONSTELLATION Work Package 2 - Interim Meeting, Prague, Septemb er 14­17, 2009 · AMBER observations of circumstel lar disks around Herbig AeBe stars, "The Origin and Fate of the Sun: Evolution of Solar-mass Stars Observed with High Angular Resolution", ESO meeting, Garching, March 2­5, 2010. · Optical Interferometry at the VLTI: Italy's contribution and the latest advancements in understanding the circumstel lar environment of young stars "30 years

of Italian participation to ESO", EWASS 2012, Symp osium 10, Roma, July 2­3, 2012 · Probing massive star-forming regions with LBT: the latest results from AO observations, "Workshop Nazionale dedicato al Large Binocular Telescop e", Padova, February 12­13, 2014 · Physical conditions in disks and winds around Herbig Ae/Be stars from highresolution, wide-band NIR spectroscopy with GIANO, "Exchanging mass, momentum, and ideas: connecting accretion and outflows in Young stellar objects", ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, 27­29 Octob er 2015 Participations at Scho ols and Conferences: · 4th French-Italian Meeting on Young Stellar Ob jects, Gif-Sur-Yvette (Paris, France), 9­10 Septemb er, 1996. · XXIX Young Radio Astronomers Conference (YERAC), Riccione (Italy), 23­26 Septemb er, 1996. · IAU Symp osium n. 182, "Herbig-Haro Flows and the Birth of Low Mass Stars", Chamonix (France) 20­24 January 1997. · Scuola Nazionale di Astrofisica IV ciclo (97­98) - 4 corso: Interstellar medium - AGN's, Riccione (Italy) 5­10 Octob er, 1998. · Workshop sull'astronomia millimetrica e submillimetrica in Italia, Florence (Italy) 28­29 Octob er, 1998. · 5th Workshop on Young Stellar Ob jects, Ponza (Italy) 25­27 May, 1999. · Scuola Nazionale di Astrofisica V ciclo (1999­2000) - 1 corso: Pop olazioni stellari come orologi cosmici - Dal lontano infrarosso al millimetro, Carloforte, Isola di S. Pietro (Italy), 7­12 June, 1999. · Scuola Nazionale di Astrofisica V ciclo (1999­2000) - 2 corso: Propriet´ globali a delle galassie - Strumentazione spaziale, Marciana Marina, Isola d'Elba (Italy), 20­25 Septemb er 1999. · 33rd ESLAB Symp osium, "Star Formation from the Small to the Large Scale", ESTEC, Noordwijk (NL), 2­5 Novemb er 1999. · Workshop Volterra2000, "High-Mass Star Formation: an Origin in Clusters?", Volterra (Italy) 31 maggio - 3 June 2000. · XLV Congresso nazionale SAIt, Bologna (Italy) May 2­5, 2001. · Convegno Nazionale di Astronomia Infrarossa, Perugia (Italy) 4­7 Decemb er 2001. · International School on "Young Stellar Clusters: the Angular Limit", Grenoble (France) 13­15 Decemb er 2001. · 6th Franco-Italian Colloquium on Star Formation, Lansleb ourg (France) January 31 - February 2, 2002. · Third IRAM Millimeter Interferometry School, Grenoble (France) Septemb er 30 - Octob er 5, 2002. · XXIV Moriond Astrophysics Meeting, "The Young Local Universe", La Thuile (Italy) March 21­28, 2004. · IMF@50, "The Initial Mass Function 50 Years Later", Abbazia di Spineto,

Siena (Italy) May 16­20, 2004. · "Low-mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs: IMF, Accretion and Activity", Volterra (Italy), Octob er 17­19, 2004. · "Astrofisica in Toscana 2", Pisa (Italy), Novemb er 26, 2004, · "ArGreSa meeting", Florence (Italy), April 26­28, 2005. · Workshop on "Scienza con SRT", Bologna (Italy), May 10­11, 2005. · IAU Symp osium n. 227, "Massive Star Birth: A Crossroads of Astrophysics", Acireale (Italy) 16­20 May 2005. · ELBA 2006, 2nd Europ ean School on "Jets from Young Stars: High Angular Resolution Observations", Marciana Marina (Elba Island - Italy), Septemb er 4­8, 2006. · "Science with ALMA: a new era for Astrophysics", Madrid (Spain), Novemb er 13­17, 2006 · "The Birth and Influence of Massive Stars", CONSTELLATION Work Package 2 - Interim Meeting, Prague, Septemb er 14­17, 2009. · "AMBER Data Reduction Workshop, Nice (Francia), January 18­20, 2010 · "The Origin and Fate of the Sun: Evolution of Solar-mass Stars Observed with High Angular Resolution, ESO meeting, Garching, March 2­5, 2010. · "CASA Tutorial at the Italian ALMA Regional Centre, Bologna (Italy), April 27­29, 2010 · "The Origin of Stellar Masses", Tenerife (Spagna), Octob er 18­22 2010 · "30 years of Italian participation to ESO", EWASS 2012, Symp osium 10, Roma, July 2­3, 2012 · "Workshop Nazionale dedicato al Large Binocular Telescop e", Padova, February 12­13, 2014 · "From Galactic to Extragalactic Star Formation GESF2014", Marseille, Septemb er 8­12, 2014 · "Exchanging mass, momentum, and ideas: connecting accretion and outflows in Young stellar ob jects", ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, 27­29 Octob er 2015 Talks and seminars at Scientific Institutes: · Formazione stel lare nel le nubi molecolari di Vela, July 24, 1997, Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Italy · Formazione di stel le di massa intermedia:un approccio osservativo multifrequenza (dal l'infrarosso al mil limetro), March 16, 1999, Osservatorio astronomico di Roma, Italy · Formazione di stel le di massa intermedia:un approccio osservativo multifrequenza (dal l'infrarosso al mil limetro), March 18, 1999, Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri, Italy · Immagini infrarosse:trattamento e analisi dei dati, Novemb er 23, 1999, Osservatorio astronomico di Teramo · Formazione di stel le in ammassi, February 21, 2001, Osservatorio astronomico di Collurania-Teramo

· NIR photometry and spectroscopy of jets from YSOs in the Vela molecular clouds, June 26, 2001, Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri · Formation of star clusters: an observational approach, Novemb er 26, 2002, Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri · Il ruolo del le osservazioni infrarosse nel lo studio dei processi di formazione stellare, June 9, 2004, Osservatorio astronomico di Collurania-Teramo (for students of the "master universitario di I livello in astrofisica", Dipartimento di scienze della comunicazione dell'Universita di Teramo) ´ · Fotometria infrarossa di stel le estinte con IRAF, June 9, 2004, Osservatorio astronomico di Collurania-Teramo (for students of the "master universitario di I livello in astrofisica", Dipartimento di scienze della comunicazione dell'Universita di Teramo) ´ · Massive star formation in the S235 region, June 29, 2004, Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri · Star Formation in the Vela Molecular Ridge: from Molecular Clouds to Young Embedded Clusters, May 25, 2006, Deptartament d'Astronomia i Meteorologia, Facultat de Fisica, Universitat de Barcelona · Star Formation in the Vela Molecular Ridge: from Molecular Clouds to Young Embedded Clusters, June 22, 2006, Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri · Star Formation in the Vela Molecular Ridge: from Molecular Clouds to Young Embedded Clusters, July 6, 2006, Osservatorio astronomico di Collurania-Teramo · Optical Interferometry with the VLTI and Arcetri's Program on Young Stars, Novemb er 3, 2011, Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri · Optical Interferometry with the VLTI and Arcetri's Program on Young Stars, Decemb er 12, 2011, Istituto di Radioastronomia, Bologna · Optical Interferometry with the VLTI and Arcetri's Program on Young Stars, April 11, 2012, ASI-ASDC, Roma · Optical Interferometry with the VLTI and Arcetri's Program on Young Stars, April 12, 2012, Osservatorio Astronomico di Collurania-Teramo · INTERFEROMETRIA OTTICA: dal la nascita ai recenti risultati ottenuti con il Very Large Telescope Interferometer di ESO, June 12, 2012, Universita del ` Salento, Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica · Optical Interferometry with the VLTI and Arcetri's Program on Young Stars, July 25, 2013, Fundaci´n Galileo Galilei, La Palma (Spagna) o