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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Unknown
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 00:43:57 2016

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Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory

  • Italiano (IT)
  • English (UK)

 The MEGA (Meetings ExtraGalactic of Arcetri) is a series of informal Seminars about extragalactic topics held at Arcetri, mostly on Wednesdays.

Indeed they are more informal than the official Arcetri Seminars series, participants are welcome to interrupt with comments and questions, and speakers are invited to talk about on-going work, in order to get constructive comments and to foster local collaborations.


Future MEGA

Please contact Sperello di Serego Alighieri (e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Tel.: 0039 055 2752311) to propose a MEGA.

NewIcon15 June 2016:Toshio Fukushima,"Rotation Curve of M33 Explained by Disc Dark Matter"


List of past MEGA

17 June 2015:Giulia Savorgnan,"Galaxy vivisection: black hole and host bulge affair"

22 April 2015:Sebastain Sanchez, "Ionized gas in the CALIFA galaxies"

8 April 2015:Jamie Farnes,"Probing Magnetic Fields throughout the Universe"

24 February 2015:Francesco Tombesi,"AGN feedback from accretion winds"

11 February 2015: Guido Risaliti,"A Hubble Diagram for Quasars"

23 January 2015: Enrica Bellocchi,"2D kinematic characterization of a representative sample of local (U)LIRGs: a 'kinemetry' analysis based on VIMOS/VLT Intergal Field Spectroscopy"

22 December 2014: Federico Lelli, "Starbursts and Gas Dynamics in Dwarf Galaxies"

22 October 2014: Enrico Pinna, Lorenzo Busoni, Tino Oliva and Simone Esposito, "Shark, Argos, MOONS and ERIS: Arcetri involvment in next generation instruments at VLT and LBT"

17 September 2014Peter Camps, "The radiative transfer code SKIRT and its applications to observed and simulated galaxies"

9 July 2014Francesca Onori, "Looking for the broad emission lines in AGN2 with deep NIR spectroscopy and the measure of the mass of Intermediate Mass" BH"

30 May 2014:  Vasiliki Petropoulou, "The 'WALL' large-scale structure in the COSMOS field. Exploring the onset of environment-driven trends at z=0.73"

14 May 2014:  Fernando Buitrago, "Stellar haloes of Early-Type massive galaxies at z~0.7 or how to use the HUDF for local Universe studies"

2 April 2014:  Anna Gallazzi & Stefano Zibetti, Report on the ESO Workshop about "3D2014: Gas and stars in galaxies: A multi-wavelength 3D perspective"

20 November 2013:  Leslie Hunt & Simone Bianchi, "Herschel highlights on large-scale galactic structure and nearby galaxies"

19 September 2013:  Kimihiko Nakajima, "Ionization States of galaxies: Evolution, SFR-M_star-Z Dependence, and Ionizing Photon Escape"

14 June 2013:  Evan Kirby, "The Universal Mass-Metallicity Relation for Dwarf Galaxies"

29 May 2013:  Bernhard Brando, "Zooming in on Starbursts"

15 May 2013:  Paulina Lira, "Black Hole mass and growth at high-z"

8 May 2013:  Marco Bocchio, "Dust destruction and heating in the IGM"

19 April 2013:  Francesco Massaro, "Unveiling the nature of the unidentified gamma-ray sources: blazar counterparts at low radio frequencies"

27 February 2013:  Ingyin Zaw, "The Host Active Galactic Nuclei of Extragalactic Water Masers"

6 February 2013:  Stefano Carniani, "ALMA observations of a strongly star-forming merging system at z = 4.7"

30 January 2013:  Giulia Savorgnan, "Supermassive black holes and host galaxies - The recovery of the M_BH - n relation"

16 January 2013:  Guido Risaliti, "Unambiguous tests of general relativistic effects in AGNs with NuSTAR and XMM-Newton"

24 October 2012:  Sperello di Serego Alighieri, "The cold Interstellar Medium in Virgo Early-Type Galaxies"

5 June 2012:  Laura Magrini, "Scaling relations of metallicity, stellar mass, and star formation rate in metal-poor starbursts: II Models"

23 May 2012:  Leslie Hunt, "Scaling relations of metallicity, stellar mass, and star formation rate in metal-poor starbursts: I Observations"

21 December 2011:  Silvio Lorenzoni, "Reionizzazione e Lyman-Break galaxies a z=8-9"

14 June 2011:  Stefano Zibetti, "Resolved optical-infrared SEDs of galaxies: universal relations and their break-down on local scales"

31 May 2011:  Hagai Netzer, "The earliest growth of the most massive black holes: the active z=4.8 universe"

8 April 2011:  Filippo Frontera, "Laue lens development for deep gamma-ray observations of celestial objects"

23 December 2010:  Emanuele Daddi, "New insights on the nature of massive galaxies in the distant Universe"

13 October 2010:  Eleonora Sani, "The Spitzer/IRAC view of black-hole/bulge scaling relations"

16 June 2010:  Guido Risaliti, "[OIII] Equivalent Width and Orientation Effects in Quasars"

20 May 2010:  Sperello di Serego Alighieri,"Cosmological birefringence: an astrophysical test of fundamental physics"

28 April 2010:  Daniel Kunth, "The Lyman-alpha escape fraction of local and cosmological star forming galaxies"

24 March 2010:  Filippo Mannucci, "Una relazione tra metallicita', SFR e massa per le galassie"

20 January 2010:  Guido Risaliti, "AGN outflows and feedback"

12 November 2009:  Carlos Hernandez Monteagudo, "The Large Angle Radio-Cosmic Microwave Background Cross-Correlation: what we expect and what we actually find"

21 October 2009:  Eleonora Sani, "Enhanced Star Formation in Narrow Line Seyfert 1 AGN revealed by Spitzer"

1 October 2008:  George Helou, "Unbiased Infrared Spectroscopic Surveys"

16 September 2008:  Hiroyuki Hirashita, "Far-Infrared Observations of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies by AKARI: Dust Properties in Metal-Poor Environments"

25 June 2008:  Raffaella Schneider, "The transition from PopIII to PopII stars"

1 April 2008:  Marco Grossi, "The gas accretion rate in M33 from the population of HI clouds"

7 November 2007:  Alessandro Marconi, "Estimating BH masses from 0 to high redshift"

5 October 2007:  Guido Risaliti, "X-ray variability: a tool to investigate the structure of the innermost regions of AGNs"

19 September 2007:  Dan Maoz, "Low-luminosity AGNs: their accretion mode and potential as persistent energy feedback sources"

11 July 2007:  Sperello di Serego Alighieri, "Il contenuto di idrogeno neutro nelle galassie early-type"

11 April 2007:  Simone Bianchi, "Polvere nelle Supernovae"

14 mar. 2007:  Marco Salvati, "Proprieta' nei raggi X delle sorgenti radio piu' luminose"

14 February 2007:  Eleonora Sani & Emanuele Nardini, "Applicazione e sviluppo di diagnostici in infrarosso: come rilevare la fonte energetica nelle ULIRG e nelle loro controparti lontane"

17 january 2007:  Filippo Mannucci, "Perche' le galassie ellittiche nei cluster producono piu' supernovae che quelle di campo?"

14 December 2006: First meeting to discuss the format