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Краткий справочник по директивам - HTTP сервер Apache
Apache > HTTP сервер > Документация > Версия 2.2 > Модули

Краткий справочник по директивам

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В кратком справочнике по директивам вы найдёте информацию о том, как использовать ту или иную директиву, её значение по умолчанию, статус и контекст. Для расшифровки понятий «статус» и «контекст», обратитесь к Словарю.

В первой колонке приводится название директивы и описание её использования. Во второй - значение по умолчанию, если таковое есть у директивы. Если это значение слишком велико, то после первых букв идет значёк «+».

В третьей и четвёртой колонках даются значения контекста, в котором данная директива имеет смысл (может использоваться), и её статус. Все сокращения, используемые при этом, расшифровываются в следующей таблице.

 A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W  |  X 
sserver config
vvirtual host
AcceptFilter protocol accept_filtersC
Configures optimizations for a Protocol's Listener Sockets
AcceptMutex Default|method Default sM
Method that Apache uses to serialize multiple children accepting requests on network sockets
AcceptPathInfo On|Off|Default Default svdhC
Resources accept trailing pathname information
AccessFileName filename [filename] ... .htaccess svC
Name of the distributed configuration file
Action action-type cgi-script [virtual]svdhB
Activates a CGI script for a particular handler or content-type
AddAlt string file [file] ...svdhB
Alternate text to display for a file, instead of an icon selected by filename
AddAltByEncoding string MIME-encoding [MIME-encoding] ...svdhB
Alternate text to display for a file instead of an icon selected by MIME-encoding
AddAltByType string MIME-type [MIME-type] ...svdhB
Alternate text to display for a file, instead of an icon selected by MIME content-type
AddCharset charset extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps the given filename extensions to the specified content charset
AddDefaultCharset On|Off|charset Off svdhC
Default charset parameter to be added when a response content-type is text/plain or text/html
AddDescription string file [file] ...svdhB
Description to display for a file
AddEncoding MIME-enc extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps the given filename extensions to the specified encoding type
AddHandler handler-name extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps the filename extensions to the specified handler
AddIcon icon name [name] ...svdhB
Icon to display for a file selected by name
AddIconByEncoding icon MIME-encoding [MIME-encoding] ...svdhB
Icon to display next to files selected by MIME content-encoding
AddIconByType icon MIME-type [MIME-type] ...svdhB
Icon to display next to files selected by MIME content-type
AddInputFilter filter[;filter...] extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps filename extensions to the filters that will process client requests
AddLanguage MIME-lang extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps the given filename extension to the specified content language
AddModuleInfo module-name stringsvE
Adds additional information to the module information displayed by the server-info handler
AddOutputFilter filter[;filter...] extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps filename extensions to the filters that will process responses from the server
AddOutputFilterByType filter[;filter...] MIME-type [MIME-type] ...svdhC
assigns an output filter to a particular MIME-type
AddType MIME-type extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps the given filename extensions onto the specified content type
Alias URL-path file-path|directory-pathsvB
Maps URLs to filesystem locations
AliasMatch regex file-path|directory-pathsvB
Maps URLs to filesystem locations using regular expressions
Allow from all|host|env=[!]env-variable [host|env=[!]env-variable] ...dhB
Controls which hosts can access an area of the server
AllowCONNECT port [port] ... 443 563 svE
Ports that are allowed to CONNECT through the proxy
AllowEncodedSlashes On|Off|NoDecode Off svC
Determines whether encoded path separators in URLs are allowed to be passed through
AllowOverride All|None|directive-type [directive-type] ... All dC
Types of directives that are allowed in .htaccess files
Anonymous user [user] ...dhE
Specifies userIDs that are allowed access without password verification
Anonymous_LogEmail On|Off On dhE
Sets whether the password entered will be logged in the error log
Anonymous_MustGiveEmail On|Off On dhE
Specifies whether blank passwords are allowed
Anonymous_NoUserID On|Off Off dhE
Sets whether the userID field may be empty
Anonymous_VerifyEmail On|Off Off dhE
Sets whether to check the password field for a correctly formatted email address
AuthBasicAuthoritative On|Off On dhB
Sets whether authorization and authentication are passed to lower level modules
AuthBasicProvider provider-name [provider-name] ... file dhB
Sets the authentication provider(s) for this location
AuthDBDUserPWQuery querydE
SQL query to look up a password for a user
AuthDBDUserRealmQuery querydE
SQL query to look up a password hash for a user and realm.
AuthDBMGroupFile file-pathdhE
Sets the name of the database file containing the list of user groups for authorization
AuthDBMType default|SDBM|GDBM|NDBM|DB default dhE
Sets the type of database file that is used to store passwords
AuthDBMUserFile file-pathdhE
Sets the name of a database file containing the list of users and passwords for authentication
AuthDefaultAuthoritative On|Off On dhB
Sets whether authentication is passed to lower level modules
AuthDigestAlgorithm MD5|MD5-sess MD5 dhE
Selects the algorithm used to calculate the challenge and response hashes in digest authentication
AuthDigestDomain URI [URI] ...dhE
URIs that are in the same protection space for digest authentication
AuthDigestNcCheck On|Off Off sE
Enables or disables checking of the nonce-count sent by the server
AuthDigestNonceFormat formatdhE
Determines how the nonce is generated
AuthDigestNonceLifetime seconds 300 dhE
How long the server nonce is valid
AuthDigestProvider provider-name [provider-name] ... file dhE
Sets the authentication provider(s) for this location
AuthDigestQop none|auth|auth-int [auth|auth-int] auth dhE
Determines the quality-of-protection to use in digest authentication
AuthDigestShmemSize size 1000 sE
The amount of shared memory to allocate for keeping track of clients
AuthGroupFile file-pathdhB
Sets the name of a text file containing the list of user groups for authorization
AuthLDAPBindAuthoritativeoff|on on dhE
Determines if other authentication providers are used when a user can be mapped to a DN but the server cannot successfully bind with the user's credentials.
AuthLDAPBindDN distinguished-namedhE
Optional DN to use in binding to the LDAP server
AuthLDAPBindPassword passworddhE
Password used in conjuction with the bind DN
AuthLDAPCharsetConfig file-pathsE
Language to charset conversion configuration file
AuthLDAPCompareDNOnServer on|off on dhE
Use the LDAP server to compare the DNs
AuthLDAPDereferenceAliases never|searching|finding|always Always dhE
When will the module de-reference aliases
AuthLDAPGroupAttribute attribute member uniquemember +dhE
LDAP attributes used to check for group membership
AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN on|off on dhE
Use the DN of the client username when checking for group membership
AuthLDAPRemoteUserAttribute uiddhE
Use the value of the attribute returned during the user query to set the REMOTE_USER environment variable
AuthLDAPRemoteUserIsDN on|off off dhE
Use the DN of the client username to set the REMOTE_USER environment variable
URL specifying the LDAP search parameters
AuthName auth-domaindhC
Authorization realm for use in HTTP authentication
<AuthnProviderAlias baseProvider Alias> ... </AuthnProviderAlias>sE
Enclose a group of directives that represent an extension of a base authentication provider and referenced by the specified alias
AuthType Basic|DigestdhC
Type of user authentication
AuthUserFile file-pathdhB
Sets the name of a text file containing the list of users and passwords for authentication
AuthzDBMAuthoritative On|Off On dhE
Sets whether authorization will be passed on to lower level modules
AuthzDBMType default|SDBM|GDBM|NDBM|DB default dhE
Sets the type of database file that is used to store list of user groups
AuthzDefaultAuthoritative On|Off On dhB
Sets whether authorization is passed to lower level modules
AuthzGroupFileAuthoritative On|Off On dhB
Sets whether authorization will be passed on to lower level modules
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on|off on dhE
Prevent other authentication modules from authenticating the user if this one fails
AuthzOwnerAuthoritative On|Off On dhE
Sets whether authorization will be passed on to lower level modules
AuthzUserAuthoritative On|Off On dhB
Sets whether authorization will be passed on to lower level modules
BalancerMember [balancerurl] url [key=value [key=value ...]]dE
Add a member to a load balancing group
BrowserMatch regex [!]env-variable[=value] [[!]env-variable[=value]] ...svdhB
Sets environment variables conditional on HTTP User-Agent
BrowserMatchNoCase regex [!]env-variable[=value] [[!]env-variable[=value]] ...svdhB
Sets environment variables conditional on User-Agent without respect to case
BufferedLogs On|Off Off sB
Buffer log entries in memory before writing to disk
CacheDefaultExpire seconds 3600 (one hour) svE
The default duration to cache a document when no expiry date is specified.
CacheDirLength length 2 svE
The number of characters in subdirectory names
CacheDirLevels levels 3 svE
The number of levels of subdirectories in the cache.
CacheDisable url-stringsvE
Disable caching of specified URLs
CacheEnable cache_type url-stringsvE
Enable caching of specified URLs using a specified storage manager
CacheFile file-path [file-path] ...sX
Cache a list of file handles at startup time
CacheIgnoreCacheControl On|Off Off svE
Ignore request to not serve cached content to client
CacheIgnoreHeaders header-string [header-string] ... None svE
Do not store the given HTTP header(s) in the cache.
CacheIgnoreNoLastMod On|Off Off svE
Ignore the fact that a response has no Last Modified header.
CacheIgnoreQueryString On|Off Off svE
Ignore query string when caching
CacheIgnoreURLSessionIdentifiers identifier [identifier] ... None svE
Ignore defined session identifiers encoded in the URL when caching
CacheLastModifiedFactor float 0.1 svE
The factor used to compute an expiry date based on the LastModified date.
CacheLock on|off off svE
Enable the thundering herd lock.
CacheLockMaxAge integer 5 svE
Set the maximum possible age of a cache lock.
CacheLockPath directory /tmp/mod_cache-lock +svE
Set the lock path directory.
CacheMaxExpire seconds 86400 (one day) svE
The maximum time in seconds to cache a document
CacheMaxFileSize bytes 1000000 svE
The maximum size (in bytes) of a document to be placed in the cache
CacheMinFileSize bytes 1 svE
The minimum size (in bytes) of a document to be placed in the cache