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Дата изменения: Fri Dec 7 00:30:26 2012
Дата индексирования: Sat Apr 9 22:29:59 2016

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Appen dix B Compiled by Rene Walterbos, Gretchen Van Doren and Bruce Gillespie. First cut made on Nov 2008 before Board meeting by RW, only for refereed papers and theses. Planet circulars, telegrams and GCNs (GRB announcements) are not yet included. The list is probably not yet complete. The best search option (full text search) is provided through the LANL astro-ph archive that picked up several papers that would have been missed (either now or next year) on ADS search. Papers that were in press or submitted last year are included now with actual print reference (marked with (*))

Refereed P apers, 1 1 /2 0 0 7 1 1 /2 0 0 8 (*) Agueros, M., Anderson, S.F., Margon, B., Silvestri, N., Szkody, P., Voges, W., 2008, "X-Ray Emitting Stars Identified from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, ApJS, submitted Anderson, S.F., etal, 2008, "Two More Candidate AM Venaticorum (am CVn) Binaries from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey", AJ, 135, 2108 Anguita, T., Schmidt, R.W., Turner, E.L., Wambsganss, J., Webster, R.L., Loomis, K.A., Long, D., McMillan, R., 2008, "The Multiple Quasar Q2237+0305 Under a Microlensing Caustic, A&A 480, 327 Battat, J. B. R., Murphy, T. W., Adelberger, E. G., Gillespie, B., Hoyle, C. D., McMillan, R. L., Michelsen, E. L., Nordtvedt, K., Orin, A. E., Stubbs, C. W., \& Swanson, H. E., ``The Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operation (APOLLO): Two Years of Millimeter-precision Measurements of the Earth-Moon Range," Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, submitted (2008) Battat, J.B.R., 2008, PhD Thesis, Harvard University, "Testing the Fundamental Physics in the Solar System: Constraints on Lorentz Symmetry and Braneworld Gravity"

Becker, A.C., Agol, E., Silvestri, N.M., etal, 2008, "Two-Micron All-Sky Survey J01542930+0053266: a New Eclipsing M Dwarf Binary System", MNRAS 386, 416 Bonfield, D.G., Woodgate, B.E., etal, 2008, "GFP-IFS: a Coronographic Integral Field Spectrograph for the APO 3.5-m Telescope", SPIE, 7014.228 Coughlin, J.L., Stringfellow, G.S., Becker, A.C., Lopez-Morales, M., Mezzalira, F., Krajci, T., 2008, "New Observations and a Possible Detection of Parameter Variations in the Transits of Gliese 436b", ApJ Letters, in press Covey, K.R., Hawley, S.L., Bochanski, J.J., etal., 2008, "The Luminosity and Mass Functions of Low-Mass Stars in the Galactic Disk. I. The Calibration Region", AJ 136, 1778 Covey, K.R., etal., 2008, "Stellar SEDs from 0.3 to 2.5 micron: Tracing the Stellar Locus and Searching for Color Outliers in the SDSS and 2MASS", AJ 134, 2398 Dilday, B., Kessler, J.A., Frieman, J., Holtzman, J., etal., 2008, "A Measurement of the Rate of Type-Ia Supernovae at Redshift z ~ 0.1 from the First Season of the SDSS-II Supernova Survey", ApJ 682, 262 (*) Frieman, J., etal, 2008, "The SDSS-II Supernova Survey: Technical Summary", 2007, AJ. 135, 338 (astro-ph/0708.2749) Garcia-Appadoo, D.A., West, A., Dalcanton, J., Cortese, L., Disney, M., 2008, "Correlations Among the Properties of Galaxies Found in a Blind HI Survey, Which Also have SDSS Optical Data", MNRAS, submitted, astro-ph/0809.1434 (contains 3.5m velocity measurements) Goicoecha, L.J., etal., 2008, "Structure Function of the UV Variability of Q0957+561", A&A, in press, astro-ph/0810.4641 Hobbs, L.M., York, D.G., Snow, T.P., Oka, T, Thorburn, J.A., Bishof, M., Friedman, S.D., McCall, B.J., Rachford, B., Sonnentrucker, P., Welty, D.E., 2008, "A Catalog of Diffuse Interstellar Bands in the Spectrum of HD 204827, ApJ 680, 1256 Hughes, J., Wallerstein, G., Bossi, A., 2008, "The Age and Metallicity of the Bootes I System", submitted to AJ, astro-ph/0810.4353

(*) Inada, M., etal, 2008, "The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Lens Search. II. Statistical Lens Sample from the Third Data Release", AJ, 135, 496 Inada, N., Oguri, M., Shin, M.-S., Kayo, I., Strauss, M.A., Morokuma, T., Schneider, D.P., Becker, R.H., Bahcall, N.A., York, D.G., 2008, "Five New High-Redshift Quasar Lenses from the Sloan Ditial Sky Survey", AJ, submitted, astroph/0809.0912 (*) Ishigaki, M., Goto, T., Matsuhara, H., 2008, "Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of Passive Spiral Galaxies", MNRAS 382, 270 Izotov, Y.I., Thuan, T.X., 2008, "Active Galactic Nuclei in Four Metal-Poor Dwarf Emission Line Galaxies", ApJ 687, 133 Izotov, Y.I., Thuan, T.X., 2008, "Luminous Blue Variable Stars in the Two Extremely Metal-Deficient Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies DDO 68 and PHL 293B", ApJ, in press, astro-ph/0809.3077 (*) Kospal, A., etal., 2007, "HIgh-Resolution polarimetry of Parsamian 21: Revealing the Structure of an Edge-on FU Ori disc", MNRAS 383, 1015, astroph/0710.1431 (*) Lanz, T., Cunha, K., Holtzman, J., Hubeny, I., 2008, "Argon Abundances in the Solar Neighborhood: Non-LTE Analysis of Orion Association B-type Stars", ApJ, 678, 1342L, astro-ph/0709.2147 Lawton, B., 2008, PhD Thesis, New Mexico State University Lawton, Ryan, S. to-Dust Diffuse I B., Churchill, C. W., York, B. A., Ellison, S. L., Snow, T. P., Johnson, R. A., G., & Benn, C. R. 2008, AJ, 136, 994L, "Limits on Reddening and GasRatios for Seven Intermediate Redshift Damped Ly Absorbers from nterstellar Bands"l

LIn, Huan, Buckely-Geer, Elizabeth, Allam, Sahar S., etal, 2008, "Discovery of a Very Bright, Strongly-Lensed z=2 Galaxy in the SDSS DR5", submitted to ApJ, astro-ph/0809.4475 Masetti, N., etal, 2008, "Unveiling the Nature of INTEGRAL Objects through Optical Spectroscopy. VI. A Multi0-Observatory Identification Campaign, A&A 482, 113

Miller, C., Chanover, N.J., 2008, "Resolving Dynamic Parameters of the August 2007 Titania and Ariel Occultations by Umbriel", submitted to Icarus Modjaz, M., etal., 2008, "From Shock Breakout to Peak and Beyond: Extensive Panchromatic Observations of the Aspherical Type Ib Supernova 2008D Associated with Swift X-ray Transient 080109, ApJ, submitted, astroph/0805.2201 (*) Morgan, C., Kochanek, C.S., etal., 2007, "The Quasar Accretion Disk Size Black Hole Mass Relation", ApJL, submitted, astro-ph/0707.0305 (*) T.W. Murphy, Jr., E.G. LeBlanc, E.L.Michelsen, K. Swanson, and E. Williams, Laser-Ranging Operation: PASP, 120, 20 Adelberger, J.B.R. Battat, L.N. Carey, C.D. Hoyle,P. Nordtvedt, A.E. Orin, J.D. Strasburg, C.W. Stubbs, H.E. 2007, "APOLLO: the Apache Point Observatory Lunar Instrument Description and First Detections", 2008,

Nitta, A., Kleinman, S.J., etal, 2008, "New Pulsating DB White Dwarf Stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey", ApJ, in press, astro-ph/0809.0921 (*) Oguri, M., Inada, N., Strauss, M.A. et al., 2008, "The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Lens Search. III. Constraints on Dark Energy from the Third Data Release Quasar Lens Catalog", AJ, 135, 512 (*) Oguri, M., Inada, N., Clocchiatti, A., Kayo, I., Shin, M., Hennawi, J., Strauss, M.A., Morokuma, T., and Schneider, D. 2008, "Discovery of Four Gravitationally Lensed Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey", AJ 135, 520 Oguri, M., Inada, N., Blackburne, J.A., Shin, M.-S., Kayo, I., Strauss, M.A., Schneider, D.P., York, D.Y., 2008, "Mass Models and Environment of the New Quadruply Lensed Quasar SDSS J1330+1810, MNRAS, in print, astroph/0809.0913 (*) Overzier, R.A., etal., 2007, "HST morphologies of local Lyman break galaxy analogs I: Evidence for starbursts triggered by merging", ApJ 677, 37 (astroph/0709.3304) Peterson, D.E., Megeath, S.T., Luhman, K.L., Pipher, J.L., Stauffer, J.R., Barrado y Navascues, D., Wilson, J.C., Strutski, M.F., Nelson, M.J., Smith, J.D., 2008, "New Young Brown Dwarfs in the Orion Molecular Cloud 2/3 Region", ApJ 685, 313

(*) Prieto, J.L. et al., "A Study of the Type Ia/IIn Supernova 2005gj from X-ray to the Infrared: Paper I", 2007, AJ in press (astro-ph/0706.4088) (*) Sako, M., etal, "The SDSS-II Supernova Survey: Search Algorithm and Followup Observations", 2008, AJ, 135, 348 (astro-ph/0708.2750) (*) Shin, M.-S., Strauss, M.A., Oguri, M., Inada, N., Falco, E.E., Broadhurst, T., Gunn, J.E., 2008, "The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Discovery of a Strongly Lensed Post-Starburst Galaxy at z=0.766", AJ, 136, 44 (*) Simon, J., etal, 2007, "Constraints on Circumstellar Material Around the Type Ia Supernova 2000af", ApJ 671, L25, astro-ph/0709.1472 Soderberg, A.M., Berger, E., Page, K.L., etal., 2008, "An Extremely Luminous XRay Outburtst at the Birth of a Supernova", Nature 453, 469 Southworth, J., Gaensicke, B.T., etal., 2008, "Orbital Periods of Cataclysmic Variables Identified by the SDSS. V. VLT, NTT, and Magellan Observations of Nine Equatorial Systems" (yes, it has ARC 3.5m data too), MNRAS, in press, astro-ph/0809.1753 Szkody, P., Anderson, S.F., Hayden, M., Kronberg, M., McGurk, R., Riecken, R., Schmidt, G.D., West, A.A., 2008, "Cataclysmic Variables from SDSS VII. The Seventh Year (2006)", AJ, submitted (*) Wakker, B. P., York, D. G., Wilhelm, R., Barentine, J. C., Richter, P., Beers, T. C., Ivezic, Z., Pier, J., 2008, Distances to Galactic high-velocity clouds. I. Cohen Stream, complex GCP, cloud g1. Astrophysical Journal, 672, 298, Astroph/0709.1926 (SDSS 776). (*) Wakker, B. P., York, D. G., Howk, C., Barentine, J. C., Wilhelm, R., Peletier, R. F., van Woerden, H., Beers, T. C., Ivezic, Z., Richter, P., Schwarz, U. J., 2008. Distances to Galactic High-Velocity Clouds. II. Complex C. ApJ letters 670, L113, (SDSS xxxx). AstroXiv.0710.3340. Walkowicz, L, 2008, PhD Thesis, University of Washington Walkowicz, L., Hawley, S.L., 2008, "Tracers of Chromospheric Structure I: Observations of H-alpha and Ca II K in M Dwarfs", AJ, in press

Wallerstein, G., Harrison, Tanya, Munari, Ulisse, Vanture, Andrew, 2008, "The Metallicity and Lithium Abundances of the Recurring Novae T CrB and RS Oph", PASP, 120, 492 Wallerstein, G., Kovtyukh, V.V., Andrievsky, S.M., 2008, "The Distant Cepheid QQ Persei", PASP 120, 361 (*) Wang, X., etal., 2008, "Optical and Near-Infrared Observations of the Highly

Reddened, Rapidly Expanding Type Ia Supernova 2006X in M100", ApJ 675, 626, astroph 0708.0140

Yoachim, P., Dalcanton, J.J., 2008, "Lick Indices in the Thin and Thick Disks of Edge-On Disk Galaxies, ApJ 683, 707 Zheng, Ch, Romani, R., Sako, M., etal., 2008, "First-Year Spectroscopy for the SDSS-II Supernova Survey", AJ 135, 1766 Zheng, W., Meiskin, A., Pifko, K., Anderson, S.F., Hogan, C.J., Tittley, E., Kriss, G.A., Chiu, K., Schneider, D.P., York, D.G., Weinberg, D.H., 2008, "Absorption in the Spectra of Quasars at Redshifts of 3.5 and 3.8 Observed with the HST/ACS Prism", ApJ, 686, 195 Confe re nce Proce e di ng s and Me e ti ng Ab stracts, 2 0 0 8 ( ve ry in c omplet e ) Bally, J., 2008, "Outflows from Massive Stars", to be published in proceedings of Heidelberg conference, astro-ph/0712.1997 Murphy, T. W., Michelsen, E. L., Orin, A. E., Adelberger, E. G., Hoyle, C. D., Swanson, H. E., Stubbs, C. W., \& Battat, J. B., ``APOLLO: A new push in lunar laser ranging," International Journal of Modern Physics D, 16, 2127--2135, (2007) Murphy, T. W., Adleberger, E. G., Battat, J. B., Hoyle, C. D., Michelsen, E. L., Stubbs, C. W., \& Swanson, H. E., ``APOLLO springs to life: One-millimeter lunar laser ranging," Proceedings of the 15th International Laser Ranging Workshop, Canberra, Australia, (2007) Murphy, T. W., Adleberger, E. G., Battat, J. B., Hoyle, C. D., Michelsen, E. L., Stubbs, C. W., \& Swanson, H. E., ``Absolute Calibration of LLR signal: Reflector health status," Proceedings of the 15th International Laser Ranging Workshop, Canberra, Australia,


Ci rcul ars and Ab stracts, 2 0 0 8 Not yet done, there are several dozens (at least) of those.