Slithead to spectrograph: The
slithead will be designed jointly by JHU and UW to guarantee
correct optical properties and easy insertion into and removal
from the spectrograph. UW will fabricate all slitheads, including
one test unit for fit-checks and optical alignment in
UW will be responsible for the slithead
latch-down control. JHU will design the slithead clamp and door
mechanism, and supply the clamp and door hardware, but UW will
supply the control electronics, pneumatic controls, and software.
Currently, this means that the spectrographs show one air input
that actuates the JHU-supplied pneumatic clamp and two air inputs
that control the JHU-supplied actuator for the slithead door
(open+close motions). Additional control items (sensors, etc.)
will be designed and installed by JHU if requested.