Displays the current status of the Dual Imaging Spectrograph (DIS) and allows you to change the configuration. Normally only the most common status is displayed and the configuration controls are hidden. Various buttons show additional information. Information is displayed in the order light takes going through the instrument (except that the shutter is just behind the mask).
CCD coordinates are always binned. 1,1 is the lower left pixel and 2048,1028 is the upper right pixel when binned 1x1.
Pushing the "Config" button displays configuration controls (each to the right of its corresponding item of status). Select TUI:Save Window Positions to remember the state of this checkbutton.
- Controls with a colored background will be changed when you hit Apply.
- The contextual menu on each control can return that control to the current setting of the instrument.
Basic items (always shown) are as follows:
- Shutter: open or closed.
- Mask: the current slit mask.
- Filter: the current filter set.
- Turret: current position of the grating turret. The two positions for changing gratings are shown in the warning color because the instrument cannot be used in that configuration.
- Camera-specific items. The following items have separate entries for the blue and red cameras. They are grating-specific and will be blank if the turret is not at one of the two grating sets.
- Grating: name of the current grating.
- Dispersion: dispersion of the current grating (Ångströms/pixel).
- λ (lambda): central wavelength of the current grating (Ångströms).
Pushing the CCD button shows the following image-specific items. Note that these cannot be set separately for the blue and red cameras.
- Bin: binning factor
- Window (aka subframe): portion of the data that is read and saved (the overscan is also saved; see next item). Specified as the lower left corner (min x,y) and the upper right corner (max x,y) of the data, inclusive, in binned pixels.
- Overscan: additional unbinned pixels that are read beyond the imaging area of the CCD and saved to the image file. The X overscan region is a good bias overscan. The edge pixels can have artifacts, so the FITS header card for the bias section ("BIASSEC") is the X overscan region inset by two pixels from each edge.
Pushing the Details button displays additional items. Most of these will only be of interest to observing specialists and engineers.
- Detent: the commanded position of the grating turret detent. This is occasionally useful for diagnosing turret rotation problems: if detent gets hung up on the rim of the turret then the next turret move may show a huge decrease in the detent position.
- Camera-specific items; the first two will be blank if the turret is not at one of the two grating sets:
- Zero Tilt: tilt (in steps) of the grating at which the central wavelength is zero. This is a configuration parameter used to calibrate grating tilt.
- Position: current tilt of the grating (steps).
- Temp: measured CCD temperature (C).
- Heater: CCD heater current (% of max current).
Presets allows you to save and restore named configurations. This is only visible if Config is checked.
- Use Presets:Edit:Save to save the state of the configuration controls as a named preset. Note that it saves the state of the controls, not the actual state of the instrument, so you can save any preset you like without commanding the instrument.
- The Presets:Edit menu also allows to rename and delete saved presets.
- Select a named preset to set the configuration controls to that preset. Then change any controls you like and press Apply to apply.
- Presets are saved in a file whose location is given in TUI:About TUI.
Below the items is a status bar that shows help and the state of the currently executing configuration command.
The buttons along the bottom are as follows: