Fabry-Perot - Usage Information
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This page last updated: June 28, 2006 - JMD
This page last checked: October 26, 2004 - JMD
Basic information to know...
Using the Fabry-Perot
Goddard Fabry Perot Observing Manual
Users Manual: PDF: Version 10.0 May 7, 2002
Basic information to know...
You should FTP your science images off from APO computers within 7 days after they are taken, otherwise they will be deleted. We DO NOT back up data locally here.
To display images on finesse to a local Xwindows machine:
1) On the local machine, type "xhost +finesse"
2) Log into finesse with "ssh -X visitor1@finesse" (The "-X" is important!!!)
3) Run your Xwindows application (e.g., stislook under IDL)
Using the Fabry-Perot (These links don't work yet!)
- Setting up the Fabry-Perot exposure parameters
- Taking your Calibration lamps
- Taking your Dark Frames
- Focusing the Fabry-Perot
- Centering your star on the slit
- Using the auto-guider
- Setting up multiple exposures
- Taking your exposure
- Pausing an exposure
- Stopping an exposure (early Readout)
- Stopping an exposure (discarding data)
- Where does your Data go?
- Always examine your data!
Goddard Fabry Perot Observing Manual:
Instructions for a Typical Observing Run
Computers you will need to access:
(Contact APO for current passwords)
1. Start aiscam from finesse account by typing from /home/visitor1 on finesse@apo.nmsu.edu
finesse{visitor1}18: aiscamremote
2. Install Appropriate Filters and Edit filters.txt file
Edit filters.txt file on aiscam@finesse in /home/aiscam/config
The file typically looks like this:
FILTER1 4050/160
FILTER2 empty
Type the following to load the filter information on VNC
aiscam: filter -ini ; initializes filter information
aiscam: filter -r ; lists filters installed
aiscam: filter 4 ; moves filter wheel
3. Take Wavelength Calibration Images for each Filter Used
Adjust course z-setting on the CS-100 controller.
Edit gfp.cfg file on aiscam@finesse in /home/aiscam/config
Input all the relevant CS-100 setting information
When only changing course z, these three need to be edited
GFPCALD blue.cald-4
If course z has been changed, quit aiscam on VNC interface. Restart aiscam from VNC interface by typing:
finesse{visitor1}25: aiscam -tcc -camera -gfp
This initializes control of the fabry-perot instrument as well as the telescope and CCD camera. It also loads the filter info and the gfp.cfg settings including the calibration file for the appropriate course z-setting
aiscam: etalon in ;load etalon into optical path
aiscam: filter 1 ;move filter wheel
aiscam: fptrackT off ;turn off temp tracking, moves z position
aiscam: calsetup ar 2 ;put in mirror, turn on lamp, ept=2.0 sec
aiscam: wtoz 4044.4 ;find calibration line, get z setting
aiscam: fpscan -1595 5 18 ;scan z (central z interval num steps)
aiscam: fpline -cur ;plot of intensity vs z, use cursor
aiscam: fpzero -w 4044.4 -1591.47 ;set fpzero with wavelength and central z
aiscam: fpw 4002.2 ;set vnc to appropriate z for observations
aiscam: fptrackT on ;turn on temperature tracking
aiscam: wtoz -o 5650 ;give all possible z values for a given wavelength
aiscam: fporder 46 ;select order to observe in, this does nothing to the instrument, it is a software aid
aiscam: wtoz 5650 ;will now look for z value on order 46 or warn if out
of range for etalon
Now you may calibrate fpzero for the new order and course z-setting
aiscam: fpzero -126.5 ;forces fpzero to the given z-setting
Note that the fpzero changes automatically with temperature, given calibration images dz/dT is calculated and tracked automaticall. If we want to calibrate for 600 km/sec fwhm in a given filter, adjust course z, choose appropriate order, determine fwhm in z, convert to Angstroms using dw/dz and then calculate:
fwhm (km/sec) = ( fwhm (A)/wavelength of cal line ) * c(300,000 km/sec)
Use fpline for a claibration image of a lamp
4. Procedure for taking skyflats
aiscam: path /export/data32/visitor1/apo2001d/n1
aiscam: fpw 4002 ;set z-setting to appropriate wavelength
aiscam: file sflat
aiscam: tcc hi
aiscam: filter 3
aiscam: fpw 4319
aiscam: time 40
aiscam: flat
aiscam: offset 30 0
aiscam: time 80
aiscam: flat
aiscam: etalon out
aiscam: filter 5
aiscam: time 15
aiscam: offset 30 0
aiscam: flat
5. Procedure for taking Images
First, focus the telescope on a standard star approx 8.0 magnitude
aiscam: obssetup 5 ;set up for 5 second focus image
aiscam: file focus
aiscam: obj
aiscam: dofocus -150 50 7 ;find best focal position
aiscam: focus 0 ;set focus of telescope
You must look at the focus images to determine minimum fwhm. Use (a)perture photometry on iraf and rimexam (r)adial profiles
First take a broad band image to identify star field appropriately
aiscam: etalon out
aiscam: filter 5
aiscam: slew 02 18 57.3 +08 17 28 -rot 0 2000 ;move telescope to position
aiscam: obssetup 60
aiscam: file obj
aiscam: name Q0216+080
aiscam: comment Q0216+080 60s B
aiscam: obj
Now, prepare for narrow band fabry-perot imaging
aiscam: etalon in
aiscam: input /home/aiscam/macros/pentagram ;load macro for pentagram dither
aiscam: obssetup 2400 ;turn lamp off, remove mirror
aiscam: name Q0216+080 ;name of object in header
aiscam: file obj ;name of file obj0083.fits
aiscam: num 83 ;number of file
aiscam: ext fits ;extension of filename
aiscam: pentagram 437 319 431 267 1 ; ( Xobj Yobj Xccd Yccd Pos)
Need center of object, center of CCD, position of pentagram (1-5)
aiscam: comment Q0216+080 2400s 4002.2 pentagram pos 1
aiscam: time 2400 ;set exposure time
aiscam: obj ;take object image (open shutter, etc)
aiscam: read ;read image before finishing (clouds)
6. Procedure for taking darks and biases
aiscam: file dark ;set filename for dark exposures
aiscam: time 2400
aiscam: dark 6 ;take 6 darks, time =2400 seconds
aiscam: file bias ;set filename for biases, no time needed
aiscam: bias 30 ;take thirty biases
aiscam: quit ;quit aiscam, vnc remains open