These lamp spectra are compiled from imagestaken during February and June 1996. The images were taken with the newest lamp configuration (lamps pointed down toward closedmirror covers). Spectra listed in boldface were taken throughthe 1.6 arcsec slit. All other spectra were taken through the 1.0arcsec slit.
More lamp spectra will be added.
High resolution He spectra can be found on the Old APO LampSpectra page.
In each image ten columns were averagedusing the IRAF combine task. The pixel values wereextracted with the IRAF listpix task. The images have notbeen bias subtracted or flattened. What you see here is what you getout of the spectrograph. Exposure time and counts are listed oneach plot. The plots were created with Kaleidagraph(tm). For eachimage the wavelength listed is the approximate central wavelength.Most of the line identifications for He, Ne, and Ar are from theprevious version of APO lamp spectra, provided by Bruce Balick andAndrew Dolphin
K. Gloria