Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://www.astro.spbu.ru/staff/afk/GalChemEvol/Ref_MW.html
Дата изменения: Fri Nov 19 16:09:24 2010
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 01:09:21 2012

Поисковые слова: р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п р п


References of Nebular Types (TYPE)
The types of the PN according to Peimbert classification (P78) (3rd colomn of the table) are taken from QRPM07. In that paper was presented a re-analysis of the criteria used to characrerize the Peimbert classes, through a statistical study of a large sample of PNe previously classified into types I to IV. As a rule, the clarifications concern bulge PNe that was not classified by chemical abundance before. In our catalogue it is noted with "/". The first roman numerals corresponds to the usual Peimbert class and the second - to the type, received with statistical method in QRPM07.
Ref Code Full Reference
QRPM07 Quireza C., Rocha-Pinto H.J., Maciel W.J. A&A,475, 217 (2007)
P78 Peimbert M. in Planetary Nebulae, Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 76, Ed. by Y. Terzian (Reidel, Dordrecht, 1978), p. 215.

References of Nebular Distances (D, Rz, |z|)
The Nebular Distances (4-6th colomns of the table) are presented by three parameters: D - heliocentric distance of the PN (in kpc), Rz - Galactocentric distance of the PN (in kpc), |z| - the height above the Galactic plane (in kpc). The Galactocentric distance of the Sun RSUN = 7.7 kpc. The distances to PN in both lists, M97 and Z95, are close so we used the combined list to remove the error due to the inhomogeity of the sample. If the distance is presented in both samples we have used the data from M97 as more reliable (see reasons in M97).
Ref Code Full Reference
M97 Mal'kov Yu.F. ARep, 41, 760 (1997)
Z95 Zhang C.Y. ApJSS, 98, 659 (1995)

References of Nebular Central Star Masses (Mcs)
The PN central-star masses (7th colomn of the table), taken from different sources can differ greatly. We used the combined list of masses from M97 Х GST97 to remove the error due to the inhomogeneity of the sample of PN central-star masses, because the central-star masses for the nebulae present in both lists are close. The masses that present in both lists are from M97. The units is MSUN.
Ref Code Full Reference
M97 Mal'kov Yu.F. ARep, 41, 760 (1997)
GST97 Górny S.K., Stasiñska G., Tylenda R. A&A, 318, 256 (1997)

References of Nebular Dereddened Line Fluxes (in units of IHβ=100)
The He, C, N and O abundances (8-11th colomns of the table) are in [X/H] = log(X/H)+12 units. Ref Code 'MK08' means that these abundances were calculated by Milanova&Kholtygin,2008. The line fluxes were taken from sources that followed below.
Ref Code Full Reference
AH95 Aller L.H., Hyung S. MNRAS, 276, 1101 (1995)
BSPWF03 Bernard-Salas J., Pottasch S.R., Wesselius P.R., Feibelman W.A. A&A, 406, 165 (2003)
CCMF96 Costa R.D.D., Chiappini C., Maciel W.J. and de Freitas Pacheco J.A. A&ASS, 116, 249 (1996)
CUM04 Costa R.D.D., Uchida M.M.M., Maciel W.J. A&A, 423, 199 (2004)
CMKAS00 Cuisinier F., Maciel W.J., Köppen J., Acker A., Stenholm B. A&A, 353, 543 (2000)
EMBSL03 Ercolano B., Morisset C., Barlow M.J. et al. MNRAS, 340 , 1153 (2003)
F97 Feibelman W.A. ApJSS, 109, 481 (1997)
GSEC04 Gorny S.K., Stasinska G., Escudero A.V., Costa R.D.D. A&A, 427, 231 (2004)
GBSPR07 Guiles S., Bernard-Salas J., Pottasch S.R., Roellig T.L. ApJ, 660, 1282 (2007)
HKA95 Hyung S., Keyes C.D., Aller L.H. MNRAS, 272, 49 (1995)
HKH96 Henry R.B.C., Kwitter K.B., Howard J.W. ApJ, 458, 215 (1996)
K76 Kaler J.B. ApJ, 210, 113 (1976)
KB94 Kingsburgh R.L., Barlow M.J. MNRAS, 271, 257 (1994)
KH96 Kwitter K.B., Henry R.B.C. ApJ, 473, 304 (1996)
KH98 Kwitter K.B., Henry R.B.C. ApJ, 493, 247 (1998)
KH01 Kwitter K.B., Henry R.B.C. ApJ, 562(2), 804 (2001)
KHM03 Kwitter K.B., Henry R.B.C., Milingo J.B. PASP, III, 80-95 (2003)
KC06 Krabbe A.C., Copetti M.V.F. A&A, 450, 159 (2006)
LLBDS01 Liu X.-W., Luo S.-G., Barlow M.J. et al. MNRAS, 327, 141 (2001)
Liu00 Liu X.-W., Storey P.J., Barlow M.J. et al. MNRAS, 312, 585 (2000)
Liu01 Liu X.-W., Barlow M.J., Cohen M. et al. MNRAS, 323, 343 (2001)
LLLB04 Liu Y., Liu X.-W., Luo S.-G., Barlow M.J. MNRAS, 353, 1231 (2004)
LLBL04 Liu Y., Liu X.-W., Barlow M.J., Luo S.-G. MNRAS, 353, 1251 (2004)
MKHC02 Milingo J.B., Kwitter K.B., Henry R.B.C., Cohen R.E. ApJS, 138, 279 (2002)
PSM01 Pena M., Stasinska G., Medina S. A&A 367, 983 (2001)
PC98 Perinotto M., Corradi R.L.M. A&A, 332, 721 (1998)
Pott03 Pottasch S.R., Hyung S., Aller L.H. et al. A&A, 401, 205 (2003)
RPDM97 Ratag M.A., Pottasch S.R., Dennefeld M., Menzies J. A&AS, 126, 297 (1997)
RPPE03 Ruiz M.T., Peimbert A., Peimbert M. et al. ApJ, 595, 247 (2003)
RTG05 Robertson-Tessi M., Garnett D.R. ApJS, 157, 371 (2005)
SLD04 Shen Z.-X., Liu X.-W., Danziger I.J. A&A, 422, 563 (2004)
TBLDS03 Tsamis Y.G., Barlow M.J., Liu X.-W. et al. MNRAS, 345, 186 (2003)
WL04 Wesson R., Liu X.-W. MNRAS, 351, 1026 (2004)
WCP05 Wright S. A., Corradi R. L. M., Perinotto M. A&A, 436, 967 (2005)
WL07 Wang W., Liu X.-W. MNRAS, 381, 669 (2007)
ZLL05 Zhang Y., Liu X.-W., Luo S.-G. et al. A&A, 442, 249 (2005)
References of Nebular Abundances
The nebular abundances (8-15th colomns of the table) are in [X/H] = log(X/H)+12 units, where X=He, C, N, O, Ne, S, Cl or Ar. It taken from different sources that followed below. Ref Code 'MK08' means that He, C, N or O abundance was calculated by Milanova&Kholtygin,2008 (see previous section for comments and references). Other references for the same PN corresponds to the abundance determinations of the other elements. If there is no label 'MK08' then another reference for He,C,N or O abundance.
Ref Code Full Reference
AS82 Adams S., Seaton M.J. MNRAS, 200, 7 (1982)
AC83 Aller L.H., Czyzak S.J. ApJS, 51, 211 (1983)
AK87 Aller L.H., Keyes C.D., Feibelman W.A. ApJ, 311, 930 (1986)
AK87 Aller L.H., Keyes C.D. ApJS, 65, 405 (1987)
BSPWF03 Bernard-Salas J., Pottasch S.R., Wesselius P.R., Feibelman W.A. A&A, 406, 165 (2003)
CCMF96 Costa R.D.D., Chiappini C., Maciel W.J., de Freitas Pacheco J.A. A&ASS, 116, 249 (1996)
CUM04 Costa R.D.D., Uchida M.M.M., Maciel W.J. A&A, 423, 199 (2004)
FMC92 Freitas Pacheco J.A., Maciel W.J., Costa R.D.D. A&A, 261, 579 (1992)
GA84 Goharji A., Adams S. MNRAS, 210, 683 (1984)
GM88 Gutierrez-Moreno A., Moreno H. PASP, 100, 1497 (1988)
GSEC04 Gorny S.K., Stasinska G., Escudero A.V., Costa R.D.D. A&A, 427, 231 (2004)
K81 Kaler J.B. ApJ, 249, 201 (1981)
K83b Kaler J.B. ApJ, 271, 188 (1983)
K83c Kaler J.B. in IAUS 103, Planetary Nebulae, ed. D. R. Flower (Dodrecht: Reidel), p.557 (1983)
K85a Kaler J.B. ApJ, 290, 531 (1985)
KF85 Kaler J.B., Feibelman W.A. ApJ, 297, 724 (1985)
K86 Kaler J.B. ApJ, 300, 322 (1986)
K88 Kaler J.B. PASP, 100, 620 (1988)
KSK90 Kaler J.B., Shaw R.A., Kwitter K.B. ApJ, 359, 392 (1990)
KAS91 Köppen J., Acker A., Stenholm B. A&A, 248, 197 (1991)
KB94 Kingsburgh R.L., Barlow M.J. MNRAS, 271, 257 (1994)
KH96 Kwitter K.B., Henry R.B.C. ApJ, 473, 304 (1996)
KH98 Kwitter K.B., Henry R.B.C. ApJ, 493, 247 (1998)
KH01 Kwitter K.B., Henry R.B.C. ApJ, 562(2), 804 (2001)
KC06 Krabbe A.C., Copetti M.V.F. A&A, 450, 159 (2006)
LLBL04 Liu Y., Liu X.-W., Barlow M.J., Luo S.-G. MNRAS, 353, 1251 (2004)
MFC90 Maciel W.J., Freitas Pacheco J.A., Codina S.J. A&A, 239, 301 (1990)
MHK02 Milingo J.B., Henry R.B.C., Kwitter K.B. ApJSS, 138(2), 285 (2002)
P81 Price C.M. ApJ, 247, 540 (1981)
P84 Pottasch S.R. Planetary Nebulae, D.Reidel Publ.Co., Dordrecht (1984)
PDM86 Pottasch S.R., Dennefeld M., Jing-er M. A&A, 155, 397 (1986)
PPmOJK86 Pottasch S.R., Preite-Martinez A., Olnon F.M., et al. A&A, 161, 363 (1986)
PMS04 Perinotto M., Morbidelli L., Scatarzi A. MNRAS, 349, 793 (2004)
TPP77 Torres-Peimbert S., Peimbert M. , 2, 181 (1977)
W88 Webster B.L. MNRAS, 230, 337 (1988)