Miscellaneous - related resources
- Other databases on optical properties of scatterers
as far as we know are as follows
(we shall be thankful to anyone who will provide
with more information!):
- Database
of optical properties of nonspherical
oceanic particles (dead link and project?).
- Database of optical properties of atmospheric aerosols
(see Levoni et al., 1997, Appl.Opt., 36, 8031).
- Resources containing light scattering codes to calculate
the optical properties of different scatterers have been mentioned
in the corresponding section.
- Some bibliographies on light scattering including
the questions of the optical properties have been referred to
in the corresponding section.
- There are newsletters
on electromagnetic and light scattering by paticles which includes
information about new books, meetings, computer codes, funding
opportunities, job announcements, abstarcts of papers, etc.
- Deatiled information on conferences on light scattering and
wider topics appear in the large
list supported by
EMLib (dead link?).