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A survey of the exact methods of light scattering

Approach / method Type Scatterers Appl. to ensemble Anzatz source Recent reviews
shape structure anisotrophy chiral.
SVM - Separation of Variables Method D 1-2D (3D) layers no? yes(?) yes Ci00 Vo96?, Mi00, Ka03, *
DMF - Discretised Mie Formalism D 2D (3D) ? ? ? ? ? Ka03
FEM - Finite Element Method D 3D any ? ? no Mo90, Vo98 Mi00, Ka03
FDM - Finite Difference Method D 3D any ? ? no Mo90 -
*** FDTDM - Finite Difference in Time Domain Method D 3D any ? ? no Ya00 Mi00, Ka03
*** TLMM - Transmission Line Matrix Method D 3D any ? ? no Ho91 Wr98
PMM - Point Matching Method D 3D layers? ? ? yes? Og73? Mi00, *
GMT - Generalized Miltipole Technigue sI 2D (3D) layers yes ? yes? Ha93, Do00? Wr98?
EBCM - Extended Boundary Condition Method sI 2D (3D) layers no? ? yes Mi00a Mi96?, Mi00, Ka03, *
MoM - Method of Moments sI/vI (D?) 3D any yes? ? no? Ha68, Ha87 Mi00, Ka03
CDM - Coupled Dipole Method vI 3D any yes ? no Pu73 *
***DDA - Discrete Dipole Approximation vI 3D any yes? ? no? Dr94 Mi00, Ka03
FIEM - Fredholm Integral Equation Method vI 2D (3D) any yes(?) ? yes(?) Ho78 Mi00, *
RT/MCM - Ray Tracing / Monte Carlo Method ? 3D inclisions? yes? ? no? Ma00 ?
Notations:  D - differential formulation;  sI - surface integral formulation;  vI - volume integral formulation.

* - Khlebtsov N.G., this site (link to html or PS file).
Ci00 - Ciric I.R., Cooray F.R. (2000) in M.I.Mishchenko et al. (eds) Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles. Acad.Press, San Diego, p.90.
Do00 - Doicu A., Eremin Yu., Wriedt Th. (2000) Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis Using Discrete Sources. Acad.Press, San Diego.
Dr94 - Draine B.T., Flateau P.J. (1994) JOSA A11, 1491.
Ha68 - Harrington R.F. (1968) Field Computation by Moment Method. Macmillan, New York.
Ha87 - Harrington R.F. (1987) The Method of Moments. Macmillan, New York.
Ha93 - Hafner Ch., Bomholt K. (1993) The 3D Electrodynamic Wave Simulator. Wiley, Chichester.
Ho78 - Holt A.R. et al. (1978) IEEE Trans. Anten. Propag. AP-26, 706.
Ho91 - Hoefer W.J.R., So P.P.M. (1991) The EM wave simulator: a dynamic visual EM laboratory based on the 2D TLM method. Wiley, Chichester.
Ka03 - Kahnert F.M. (2003) JQSRT 79/80, 775.
Ma00 - Macke A. (2000) in Mishchenko et al. (eds) Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles. Acad.Press, San Diego, p.309.
Mi96 - Mishchenko M.I. et al. (1996) JQSRT 55, 535.
Mi00 - Mishchenko M.I. et al. (2000) in Mishchenko et al. (eds) Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles. Acad.Press, San Diego, p.30.
Mi00a- Mishchenko M.I. et al. (2000) in Mishchenko et al. (eds) Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles. Acad.Press, San Diego, p.147.
Mo90 - Morgan M.A. (ed) (1990) Finite Element and Finite Difference Methods in Electromagnetic Scattering. Elsevier, New York.
Og73 - Oguchi T. (1973) J. Radio Res. Lab. Jpn. 20, 79.
Pu73 - Purcell E.M., Pennypacker C.R. (1973) Astrophys. J. 186, 705.
Vo96 - Voshchinnikov N.V. (1996) JQSRT 55, 627.
Vo98 - Volakis J.L., Chatterjee A., Kempel L.C. (1998) Finite Element Method for Electromagnetics. IEEE Press, New York.
Wr98 - Wriedt Th. (1998) Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 15, 67.
Ya00 - Yang P., Liou K.N. (2000) in Mishchenko et al. (eds) Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles. Acad.Press, San Diego, p.174,

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