Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://www.astro.louisville.edu/software/astroimagej/imagej/api/ij/process/FloatProcessor.html
Дата изменения: Thu Dec 2 23:03:11 2010
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 22:50:43 2012
FloatProcessor (ImageJ API)

Class FloatProcessor

  extended by ij.process.ImageProcessor
      extended by ij.process.FloatProcessor
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class FloatProcessor
extends ImageProcessor

This is an 32-bit floating-point image and methods that operate on that image.

Field Summary
protected  byte[] pixels8
Fields inherited from class ij.process.ImageProcessor
antialiasedText, baseCM, BICUBIC, BILINEAR, BLACK, BLACK_AND_WHITE_LUT, BLUR_MORE, bLUT1, bLUT2, boldFont, CENTER_JUSTIFY, clipXMax, clipXMin, clipYMax, clipYMin, cm, cm2, CONVOLVE, cTable, cx, cy, defaultColorModel, drawingColor, FIND_EDGES, fmImage, font, fontMetrics, gLUT1, gLUT2, height, histogramMax, histogramMin, histogramSize, image, img, interpolate, interpolationMethod, inversionTested, invertedLut, ISODATA, ISODATA2, justification, LEFT_JUSTIFY, lineWidth, lutAnimation, lutUpdateMode, MAX, maxThreshold, MEDIAN_FILTER, MIN, minMaxSet, minThreshold, NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, newPixels, NO_LUT_UPDATE, NO_THRESHOLD, NONE, OVER_UNDER_LUT, raster, RED_LUT, RIGHT_JUSTIFY, rLUT1, rLUT2, roiHeight, roiWidth, roiX, roiY, sampleModel, snapshotHeight, snapshotWidth, source, width, xMax, xMin, yMax, yMin
Constructor Summary
FloatProcessor(float[][] array)
          Creates a FloatProcessor from a 2D float array using the default LUT.
FloatProcessor(int[][] array)
          Creates a FloatProcessor from a 2D int array.
FloatProcessor(int width, int height)
          Creates a blank FloatProcessor using the default grayscale LUT that displays zero as black.
FloatProcessor(int width, int height, double[] pixels)
          Creates a FloatProcessor from a double array using the default grayscale LUT.
FloatProcessor(int width, int height, float[] pixels, java.awt.image.ColorModel cm)
          Creates a new FloatProcessor using the specified pixel array and ColorModel.
FloatProcessor(int width, int height, int[] pixels)
          Creates a FloatProcessor from an int array using the default grayscale LUT.
Method Summary
 void abs()
          If this is a 32-bit or signed 16-bit image, performs an absolute value transform, otherwise does nothing.
 void add(double value)
          Adds 'value' to each pixel in the image or ROI.
 void add(int value)
          Adds 'value' to each pixel in the image or ROI.
 void and(int value)
          Binary AND of each pixel in the image or ROI with 'value'.
 void applyTable(int[] lut)
          Transforms the image or ROI using a lookup table.
 void autoThreshold()
          Not implemented.
 void convolve(float[] kernel, int kernelWidth, int kernelHeight)
          Performs a convolution operation using the specified kernel.
 void convolve3x3(int[] kernel)
          Does 3x3 convolution.
 void copyBits(ImageProcessor ip, int xloc, int yloc, int mode)
          Copies the image contained in 'ip' to (xloc, yloc) using one of the transfer modes defined in the Blitter interface.
protected  byte[] create8BitImage()
 java.awt.Image createImage()
          Returns a copy of this image is the form of an AWT Image.
 ImageProcessor createProcessor(int width, int height)
          Returns a new, blank FloatProcessor with the specified width and height.
 ImageProcessor crop()
          Creates a new processor containing an image that corresponds to the current ROI.
 void dilate()
          Not implemented.
 void drawPixel(int x, int y)
          Draws a pixel in the current foreground color.
 ImageProcessor duplicate()
          Returns a duplicate of this image.
 void erode()
          Not implemented.
 void exp()
          Performs a exponential transform on the image or ROI.
 void fill()
          Fills the current rectangular ROI.
 void fill(ImageProcessor mask)
          Fills pixels that are within roi and part of the mask.
 void filter(int type)
          Filters using a 3x3 neighborhood.
 void findMinAndMax()
          Calculates the minimum and maximum pixel value for the entire image.
 void flipVertical()
          Flips the image or ROI vertically.
 void gamma(double value)
          Performs gamma correction of the image or ROI.
 int get(int index)
 int get(int x, int y)
          This is a faster version of getPixel() that does not do bounds checking.
 double getBackgroundValue()
          Always returns 0.
 double getBicubicInterpolatedPixel(double x0, double y0, ImageProcessor ip2)
          This method is from Chapter 16 of "Digital Image Processing: An Algorithmic Introduction Using Java" by Burger and Burge (http://www.imagingbook.com/).
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage getBufferedImage()
          Returns this image as an 8-bit BufferedImage.
 float getf(int index)
 float getf(int x, int y)
 int[] getHistogram()
          Not implemented.
 double getInterpolatedPixel(double x, double y)
          Uses the current interpolation method (BILINEAR or BICUBIC) to calculate the pixel value at real coordinates (x,y).
 double getMax()
          Returns the largest displayed pixel value.
 double getMin()
          Returns the smallest displayed pixel value.
 int getPixel(int x, int y)
          Returns a pixel value that must be converted using Float.intBitsToFloat().
 int[] getPixel(int x, int y, int[] iArray)
          Returns the value of the pixel at (x,y) in a one element int array.
 int getPixelInterpolated(double x, double y)
          Uses the current interpolation method to find the pixel value at real coordinates (x,y).
 java.lang.Object getPixels()
          Returns a reference to the float array containing this image's pixel data.
 java.lang.Object getPixelsCopy()
          Returns a copy of the pixel data.
 float getPixelValue(int x, int y)
          Returns the value of the pixel at (x,y) as a float.
 java.lang.Object getSnapshotPixels()
          Returns a reference to the snapshot (undo) buffer, or null.
 void invert()
          Inverts the image or ROI.
 void log()
          Performs a log transform on the image or ROI.
 void max(double value)
          Pixels greater than 'value' are set to 'value'.
 double maxValue()
          Returns the largest possible positive finite pixel value.
 void medianFilter()
          Not implemented.
 void min(double value)
          Pixels less than 'value' are set to 'value'.
 double minValue()
          Returns the smallest possible positive nonzero pixel value.
 void multiply(double value)
          Multiplies each pixel in the image or ROI by 'value'.
 void noise(double range)
          Adds random noise to the image or ROI.
 void or(int value)
          Binary OR of each pixel in the image or ROI with 'value'.
 void putPixel(int x, int y, int value)
          Stores the specified value at (x,y).
 void putPixel(int x, int y, int[] iArray)
          Sets a pixel in the image using a one element int array.
 void putPixelValue(int x, int y, double value)
          Stores the specified real value at (x,y).
 void reset()
          Restores the pixel data from the snapshot (undo) buffer.
 void reset(ImageProcessor mask)
          Restores pixels from the snapshot buffer that are within the rectangular roi but not part of the mask.
 void resetMinAndMax()
          Recalculates the min and max values used to scale pixel values to 0-255 for display.
 ImageProcessor resize(int dstWidth, int dstHeight)
          Creates a new FloatProcessor containing a scaled copy of this image or selection.
 void rotate(double angle)
          Rotates the image or ROI 'angle' degrees clockwise.
 void scale(double xScale, double yScale)
          Scales the image or selection using the specified scale factors.
 void set(int index, int value)
 void set(int x, int y, int value)
          This is a faster version of putPixel() that does not clip out of range values and does not do bounds checking.
 void setBackgroundValue(double value)
          Does nothing.
 void setColor(java.awt.Color color)
          Sets the foreground fill/draw color.
 void setf(int index, float value)
 void setf(int x, int y, float value)
 void setMinAndMax(double minimum, double maximum)
          Sets the min and max variables that control how real pixel values are mapped to 0-255 screen values.
 void setPixels(int channelNumber, FloatProcessor fp)
          Sets the pixels, and min&max values from a FloatProcessor.
 void setPixels(java.lang.Object pixels)
          Sets a new pixel array for the image.
 void setSnapshotPixels(java.lang.Object pixels)
          Sets a new pixel array for the snapshot (undo) buffer.
 void setThreshold(double minThreshold, double maxThreshold, int lutUpdate)
          Sets the lower and upper threshold levels.
 void setValue(double value)
          Sets the default fill/draw value.
 void snapshot()
          Makes a copy of this image's pixel data that can be later restored using reset() or reset(mask).
 void sqr()
          Performs a square transform on the image or ROI.
 void sqrt()
          Performs a square root transform on the image or ROI.
 void threshold(int level)
          Not implemented.
 FloatProcessor toFloat(int channelNumber, FloatProcessor fp)
          Returns this FloatProcessor.
 void xor(int value)
          Binary exclusive OR of each pixel in the image or ROI with 'value'.
Methods inherited from class ij.process.ImageProcessor
convertToByte, convertToFloat, convertToRGB, convertToShort, draw, drawDot, drawDot2, drawLine, drawOval, drawPolygon, drawRect, drawString, drawString, fill, fillOutside, fillOval, fillPolygon, findEdges, flipHorizontal, getAutoThreshold, getAutoThreshold, getBestIndex, getCalibrationTable, getColorModel, getColumn, getCurrentColorModel, getDefaultColorModel, getFloatArray, getFont, getFontMetrics, getHeight, getHistogramMax, getHistogramMin, getHistogramSize, getIndexSampleModel, getIntArray, getInterpolate, getInterpolatedValue, getInterpolationMethods, getLine, getLineWidth, getLutUpdateMode, getMask, getMaskArray, getMaxThreshold, getMinThreshold, getNChannels, getNeighborhood, getPixelCount, getRoi, getRow, getStatistics, getStringWidth, getWidth, hideProgress, insert, invertLut, isBinary, isColorLut, isDefaultLut, isInvertedLut, isKillable, isPseudoColorLut, lineTo, makeDefaultColorModel, maskSizeError, moveTo, putColumn, putRow, resetBinaryThreshold, resetRoi, resetThreshold, resize, rotateLeft, rotateRight, setAntialiasedText, setAutoThreshold, setAutoThreshold, setAutoThreshold, setBinaryThreshold, setCalibrationTable, setClipRect, setColor, setColorModel, setFloatArray, setFont, setHistogramRange, setHistogramSize, setIntArray, setInterpolate, setInterpolationMethod, setJustification, setLineWidth, setLutAnimation, setMask, setOverColor, setProgressBar, setRoi, setRoi, setRoi, setRoi, setSnapshotCopyMode, setUnderColor, setUseBicubic, sharpen, showProgress, smooth, toString, translate, translate, updateComposite
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected byte[] pixels8
Constructor Detail


public FloatProcessor(int width,
                      int height,
                      float[] pixels,
                      java.awt.image.ColorModel cm)
Creates a new FloatProcessor using the specified pixel array and ColorModel. Set 'cm' to null to use the default grayscale LUT.


public FloatProcessor(int width,
                      int height)
Creates a blank FloatProcessor using the default grayscale LUT that displays zero as black. Call invertLut() to display zero as white.


public FloatProcessor(int width,
                      int height,
                      int[] pixels)
Creates a FloatProcessor from an int array using the default grayscale LUT.


public FloatProcessor(int width,
                      int height,
                      double[] pixels)
Creates a FloatProcessor from a double array using the default grayscale LUT.


public FloatProcessor(float[][] array)
Creates a FloatProcessor from a 2D float array using the default LUT.


public FloatProcessor(int[][] array)
Creates a FloatProcessor from a 2D int array.

Method Detail


public void findMinAndMax()
Calculates the minimum and maximum pixel value for the entire image. Returns without doing anything if fixedScale has been set true as a result of calling setMinAndMax(). In this case, getMin() and getMax() return the fixed min and max defined by setMinAndMax(), rather than the calculated min and max.

See Also:
getMin(), getMin()


public void setMinAndMax(double minimum,
                         double maximum)
Sets the min and max variables that control how real pixel values are mapped to 0-255 screen values. Use resetMinAndMax() to enable auto-scaling;

Specified by:
setMinAndMax in class ImageProcessor
See Also:


public void resetMinAndMax()
Recalculates the min and max values used to scale pixel values to 0-255 for display. This ensures that this FloatProcessor is set up to correctly display the image.

resetMinAndMax in class ImageProcessor


public double getMin()
Returns the smallest displayed pixel value.

Specified by:
getMin in class ImageProcessor


public double getMax()
Returns the largest displayed pixel value.

Specified by:
getMax in class ImageProcessor


public java.awt.Image createImage()
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Returns a copy of this image is the form of an AWT Image.

Specified by:
createImage in class ImageProcessor


protected byte[] create8BitImage()


public java.awt.image.BufferedImage getBufferedImage()
Returns this image as an 8-bit BufferedImage.

getBufferedImage in class ImageProcessor


public ImageProcessor createProcessor(int width,
                                      int height)
Returns a new, blank FloatProcessor with the specified width and height.

Specified by:
createProcessor in class ImageProcessor


public void snapshot()
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Makes a copy of this image's pixel data that can be later restored using reset() or reset(mask).

Specified by:
snapshot in class ImageProcessor
See Also:
ImageProcessor.reset(), ImageProcessor.reset(ImageProcessor)


public void reset()
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Restores the pixel data from the snapshot (undo) buffer.

Specified by:
reset in class ImageProcessor


public void reset(ImageProcessor mask)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Restores pixels from the snapshot buffer that are within the rectangular roi but not part of the mask.

Specified by:
reset in class ImageProcessor


public void setSnapshotPixels(java.lang.Object pixels)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Sets a new pixel array for the snapshot (undo) buffer.

Specified by:
setSnapshotPixels in class ImageProcessor


public java.lang.Object getSnapshotPixels()
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Returns a reference to the snapshot (undo) buffer, or null.

Specified by:
getSnapshotPixels in class ImageProcessor


public int getPixel(int x,
                    int y)
Returns a pixel value that must be converted using Float.intBitsToFloat().

Specified by:
getPixel in class ImageProcessor


public final int get(int x,
                     int y)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
This is a faster version of getPixel() that does not do bounds checking.

Specified by:
get in class ImageProcessor


public final void set(int x,
                      int y,
                      int value)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
This is a faster version of putPixel() that does not clip out of range values and does not do bounds checking.

Specified by:
set in class ImageProcessor


public final int get(int index)
Specified by:
get in class ImageProcessor


public final void set(int index,
                      int value)
Specified by:
set in class ImageProcessor


public final float getf(int x,
                        int y)
Specified by:
getf in class ImageProcessor


public final void setf(int x,
                       int y,
                       float value)
Specified by:
setf in class ImageProcessor


public final float getf(int index)
Specified by:
getf in class ImageProcessor


public final void setf(int index,
                       float value)
Specified by:
setf in class ImageProcessor


public int[] getPixel(int x,
                      int y,
                      int[] iArray)
Returns the value of the pixel at (x,y) in a one element int array. iArray is an optiona preallocated array.

getPixel in class ImageProcessor


public final void putPixel(int x,
                           int y,
                           int[] iArray)
Sets a pixel in the image using a one element int array.

putPixel in class ImageProcessor


public double getInterpolatedPixel(double x,
                                   double y)
Uses the current interpolation method (BILINEAR or BICUBIC) to calculate the pixel value at real coordinates (x,y).

Specified by:
getInterpolatedPixel in class ImageProcessor


public final int getPixelInterpolated(double x,
                                      double y)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Uses the current interpolation method to find the pixel value at real coordinates (x,y). For RGB images, the argb values are packed in an int. For float images, the value must be converted using Float.intBitsToFloat(). Returns zero if the (x, y) is not inside the image.

Specified by:
getPixelInterpolated in class ImageProcessor


public final void putPixel(int x,
                           int y,
                           int value)
Stores the specified value at (x,y). The value is expected to be a float that has been converted to an int using Float.floatToIntBits().

Specified by:
putPixel in class ImageProcessor


public void putPixelValue(int x,
                          int y,
                          double value)
Stores the specified real value at (x,y).

Specified by:
putPixelValue in class ImageProcessor


public float getPixelValue(int x,
                           int y)
Returns the value of the pixel at (x,y) as a float.

Specified by:
getPixelValue in class ImageProcessor


public void drawPixel(int x,
                      int y)
Draws a pixel in the current foreground color.

Specified by:
drawPixel in class ImageProcessor


public java.lang.Object getPixels()
Returns a reference to the float array containing this image's pixel data.

Specified by:
getPixels in class ImageProcessor


public java.lang.Object getPixelsCopy()
Returns a copy of the pixel data. Or returns a reference to the snapshot buffer if it is not null and 'snapshotCopyMode' is true.

Specified by:
getPixelsCopy in class ImageProcessor
See Also:
ImageProcessor.snapshot(), ImageProcessor.setSnapshotCopyMode(boolean)


public void setPixels(java.lang.Object pixels)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Sets a new pixel array for the image. The length of the array must be equal to width*height. Use setSnapshotPixels(null) to clear the snapshot buffer.

Specified by:
setPixels in class ImageProcessor


public void copyBits(ImageProcessor ip,
                     int xloc,
                     int yloc,
                     int mode)
Copies the image contained in 'ip' to (xloc, yloc) using one of the transfer modes defined in the Blitter interface.

Specified by:
copyBits in class ImageProcessor


public void applyTable(int[] lut)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Transforms the image or ROI using a lookup table. The length of the table must be 256 for byte images and 65536 for short images. RGB and float images are not supported.

Specified by:
applyTable in class ImageProcessor


public void invert()
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Inverts the image or ROI.

invert in class ImageProcessor


public void add(int value)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Adds 'value' to each pixel in the image or ROI.

add in class ImageProcessor


public void add(double value)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Adds 'value' to each pixel in the image or ROI.

add in class ImageProcessor


public void multiply(double value)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Multiplies each pixel in the image or ROI by 'value'.

multiply in class ImageProcessor


public void and(int value)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Binary AND of each pixel in the image or ROI with 'value'.

and in class ImageProcessor


public void or(int value)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Binary OR of each pixel in the image or ROI with 'value'.

or in class ImageProcessor


public void xor(int value)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Binary exclusive OR of each pixel in the image or ROI with 'value'.

xor in class ImageProcessor


public void gamma(double value)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Performs gamma correction of the image or ROI.

gamma in class ImageProcessor


public void log()
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Performs a log transform on the image or ROI.

log in class ImageProcessor


public void exp()
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Performs a exponential transform on the image or ROI.

exp in class ImageProcessor


public void sqr()
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Performs a square transform on the image or ROI.

sqr in class ImageProcessor


public void sqrt()
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Performs a square root transform on the image or ROI.

sqrt in class ImageProcessor


public void abs()
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
If this is a 32-bit or signed 16-bit image, performs an absolute value transform, otherwise does nothing.

abs in class ImageProcessor


public void min(double value)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Pixels less than 'value' are set to 'value'.

min in class ImageProcessor


public void max(double value)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Pixels greater than 'value' are set to 'value'.

max in class ImageProcessor


public void fill()
Fills the current rectangular ROI.

fill in class ImageProcessor
See Also:
ImageProcessor.setColor(Color), ImageProcessor.setValue(double), ImageProcessor.fill(Roi)


public void fill(ImageProcessor mask)
Fills pixels that are within roi and part of the mask. Does nothing if the mask is not the same as the the ROI.

Specified by:
fill in class ImageProcessor
See Also:
ImageProcessor.setColor(Color), ImageProcessor.setValue(double), ImageProcessor.getMask(), ImageProcessor.fill(Roi)


public void convolve3x3(int[] kernel)
Does 3x3 convolution.

Specified by:
convolve3x3 in class ImageProcessor


public void filter(int type)
Filters using a 3x3 neighborhood.

Specified by:
filter in class ImageProcessor


public void rotate(double angle)
Rotates the image or ROI 'angle' degrees clockwise.

Specified by:
rotate in class ImageProcessor
See Also:


public void flipVertical()
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Flips the image or ROI vertically.

Specified by:
flipVertical in class ImageProcessor


public void noise(double range)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Adds random noise to the image or ROI.

Specified by:
noise in class ImageProcessor
range - the range of random numbers


public ImageProcessor crop()
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Creates a new processor containing an image that corresponds to the current ROI.

Specified by:
crop in class ImageProcessor


public ImageProcessor duplicate()
Returns a duplicate of this image.

Specified by:
duplicate in class ImageProcessor


public void scale(double xScale,
                  double yScale)
Scales the image or selection using the specified scale factors.

Specified by:
scale in class ImageProcessor
See Also:


public ImageProcessor resize(int dstWidth,
                             int dstHeight)
Creates a new FloatProcessor containing a scaled copy of this image or selection.

Specified by:
resize in class ImageProcessor
See Also:


public double getBicubicInterpolatedPixel(double x0,
                                          double y0,
                                          ImageProcessor ip2)
This method is from Chapter 16 of "Digital Image Processing: An Algorithmic Introduction Using Java" by Burger and Burge (http://www.imagingbook.com/).

getBicubicInterpolatedPixel in class ImageProcessor


public void setColor(java.awt.Color color)
Sets the foreground fill/draw color.

Specified by:
setColor in class ImageProcessor


public void setValue(double value)
Sets the default fill/draw value.

Specified by:
setValue in class ImageProcessor


public void setBackgroundValue(double value)
Does nothing. The rotate() and scale() methods always zero fill.

Specified by:
setBackgroundValue in class ImageProcessor


public double getBackgroundValue()
Always returns 0.

Specified by:
getBackgroundValue in class ImageProcessor


public void setThreshold(double minThreshold,
                         double maxThreshold,
                         int lutUpdate)
Description copied from class: ImageProcessor
Sets the lower and upper threshold levels. The 'lutUpdate' argument can be RED_LUT, BLACK_AND_WHITE_LUT, OVER_UNDER_LUT or NO_LUT_UPDATE. Thresholding of RGB images is not supported.

setThreshold in class ImageProcessor


public void convolve(float[] kernel,
                     int kernelWidth,
                     int kernelHeight)
Performs a convolution operation using the specified kernel.

Specified by:
convolve in class ImageProcessor


public void threshold(int level)
Not implemented.

Specified by:
threshold in class ImageProcessor


public void autoThreshold()
Not implemented.

autoThreshold in class ImageProcessor


public void medianFilter()
Not implemented.

Specified by:
medianFilter in class ImageProcessor


public int[] getHistogram()
Not implemented.

Specified by:
getHistogram in class ImageProcessor


public void erode()
Not implemented.

Specified by:
erode in class ImageProcessor


public void dilate()
Not implemented.

Specified by:
dilate in class ImageProcessor


public FloatProcessor toFloat(int channelNumber,
                              FloatProcessor fp)
Returns this FloatProcessor.

Specified by:
toFloat in class ImageProcessor
channelNumber - Ignored (needed for compatibility with ColorProcessor.toFloat)
fp - Ignored (needed for compatibility with the other ImageProcessor types).
This FloatProcessor


public void setPixels(int channelNumber,
                      FloatProcessor fp)
Sets the pixels, and min&max values from a FloatProcessor. Also the values are taken from the FloatProcessor.

Specified by:
setPixels in class ImageProcessor
channelNumber - Ignored (needed for compatibility with ColorProcessor.toFloat)
fp - The FloatProcessor where the image data are read from.


public double minValue()
Returns the smallest possible positive nonzero pixel value.

minValue in class ImageProcessor


public double maxValue()
Returns the largest possible positive finite pixel value.

maxValue in class ImageProcessor