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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed Jul 23 22:03:41 2014
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sat Apr 9 22:24:37 2016

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10-th International Gamow Summer School "Astronomy and beyond: Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation, Cosmomicrophysics, Radio-astronomy and Astrobiology"
(Ukraine, Odessa, Chernomorka, 23-28 August, 2010) MEMORIAL SESSION
SERGEY ALEKSANDROVICH SNEGOV (1910-1994) ­ OUSTANDING PHYSICIST, COSMOLOGIST, ASTRONOMER AND WRITER ­ VISIONARY TO A 100-ANNIVERSARY FROM BIRTHDAY Pahomov A.G. PFUM, Moscow It is possible to judge a condition of an astronomical science on literary works of time. From Iliada and disseya of Homer we find out, that Ancient Greeks of the archaic period knew Orion, the She-bear, the Evening and Morning star. They already, in so early time, had concept of space, as certain ordered, harmonious device. XX century, past in an atmosphere of development , astrophysics and nuclear physics, star and anagalactic astronomy, became for us already a history. In epoch new computer and nanotehnology, celebrations currents and occult sciences, celebrations of the last century become covered by a luminous fog. How to keep for descendants the saved up luggage of scientific knowledge? Where to gather the information on a scientific picture of the world prevailing once? In the twentieth century intensively developed and the literary genre of science fiction ­ when writers was very popular, leaning(basing) on a condition of a science and engineering of time, tried to predict achievements of the far future. For the description of conquest of space our far descendants the writer needed to know not by hearsay about a condition of an astronomical science. S.A.Snegov was born in Odessa in 1910. Has acted(arrived) on physical and mathematical faculty of the Odessa university, studied textbooks and treatises in physics, studied products of old philosophers and new thinkers. In intervals between the academic works did(made) tests of literary creativity. After the termination(ending) of the Odessa university of S.A.Snegov has moved to Leningrad, has acted(arrived) on a factory "Pyrometer" on a post engineer ­ physics, continued to write verses and the novel, has conceived the dissertation in theoretical physics. After a nuclear epopee Sergey Snegov has decided to engage in science fiction. The success of the novel "People as gods" has forced to concentrate on fantastic products. Except for a clear statement and nuclears-physical ideas and representations, their projections to the far future ­ the writer freely appears in the novels and stories concepts of the metrics, the curved space, a phase corner of time ­ the separate attention is deserved with the astronomical picture of the world twisted in an exotic reality. The bright, colourful, juicy, realistic description of the star sky can teach many authors of popular articles and textbooks on astronomy. . .. .., .. , .., , . .


.., .., .. , .. HST, , . , , , , . THE COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND: FROM GAMOW HYPOTHESIS TO PLANCK OBSERVATORY B. Novosyadlyj Astronomical Observatory of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv 45 years ago the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, predicted by George Gamow, was detected. Such prediction and discovering have founded the new fundamental trends of astrophysics ­ physical cosmology and CMB astronomy, which are key now for our understanding of structure and evolution of the Universe. The short history of CMB astronomy from Gamow's hypothesis to Planck observatory as well as its main advantages will be presented in this review talk. .. . .. , . , , , . , . , , . . 1987? .. , 1987 . , . , . . . . ULTRA HIGH ENERGY COSMIC RAYS: PROTON MODEL Hnatyk B. Astronomical Observatory of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv We analyze the recent results of measurement of the energy spectrum and chemical composition of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) presented by AUGER, HIRES and Kascade-Grange collaborations. We show that observed fluxes and spectra of UHECRs in ankle region can be reasonably explained in the frame of a dip model with proton dominated UHECR flux. The dip in proton model is a result of relativistic proton energy losses via electron-positron pair creation in p-gamma interaction with CMB photons Meantime the chemical composition measurements are contradictory, mainly due to the strong dependence on unknown physics of EAS development at ultra high energies E>1018 eV.
1 2

..1, .. 1,2, ..1 . .. ,


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PROBLEMATIC ASPECTS OF EXTRA DIMENSIONS Maxim Eingorn and Alexander Zhuk Astronomical Observatory and Department of Theoretical Physics, Odessa National University, Odessa, Ukraine In Kaluza-Klein model with toroidal extra dimensions, we obtain the metric coefficients in a weak field approximation for delta-shaped matter sources. These metric coefficients are applied to calculate the formulas for frequency shift, perihelion shift, deflection of light and parameterized post-Newtonian (PPN) parameters. In the leading order of approximation, the formula for frequency shift coincides with well known general relativity expression. However, for perihelion shift, light deflection, time delay and PPN parameters, these expressions demonstrate good agreement with experimental data only in the case of ordinary three-dimensional space. This result does not depend on the size of the extra dimensions. Therefore, in considered multidimensional Kaluza-Klein models the point-like masses cannot produce gravitational field which corresponds to the classical gravitational tests. We also obtain the exact 5-D soliton solution with correct non-relativistic Newtonian limit. The energy momentum tensor for this solution has clear physical interpretation. However, the classical tests for this metric do not satisfy the experimental data. Therefore, considered multidimensional Kaluza-Klein models face a severe problem. .1, .1,2, .2 1 . .. 2 , , , , . , . . , , . , ( ), , , , .


THE LAMBDA CDM CUSP/CORE PROBLEM Antonino Del Popolo Catania University, Italy I review the Cusp/Core problem, namely the discrepancy between simulations and observations concerning the density profile of galaxies and clusters. After discussing the N-body predictions concerning density profiles and the observational results, and the implication for the LambdaCDM model, I describe the possible solutions to the problem. I will describe how the cusp/ core problem can be solved by means of an analytical calculation taking into account the effect of ordered and random angular momentum, dynamical friction, and baryons adiabatic contraction (AC). NUMERICAL METHODS FOR MHD PROBLEMS IN ASTROPHYSICS S.G.Moiseenko SRI RAS, Moskow In my talk I plan to review some popular methods for numerical simulations of MHD astrophysical problems. I plan to say about Lagrangian and Eulerian approach in MHD, Finite difference methods, Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics method, Godunov-type methods. Basic operators method. Problem of div(B)=0 in numerical simulations. NEW LOOK AT THE NATURE OF ANOMALOUS PULSARS I.F.Malov Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars (AXP), Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters (SGR), Rotational Radio Transients (RRAT), Compact Central Objects (CCO) and X-Ray Dim Isolated Neutron Stars (XDINS) belong to different classes of anomalous objects with neutron stars as the central bodies. We have shown that AXPs and SGRs can be described by the drift model in the framework of the preposition on usual properties of the central neutron star (rotation periods P~ 0.01 - 1 sec and surface magnetic fields B ~ 1011 ­1013 G). Here we shall show that some differences of the sources under consideration will be explained by their geometry (particularly, by the angle between their rotation and magnetic axes). Probably there is the bimodality of anomalous pulsars. AXPs, SGRs and some radio transients belong to the population of aligned rotators with the angle between the rotation axis and the magnetic moment < 200. These objects are described by the drift model, and their observed periods are connected with a periodicity of drift waves. Other sources have ~ 900, and switching on 's and switching off's of their radiation are caused by accretion phenomena connected with a relic disc surrounding them. XDINS and CCOs are probably neutron stars with rather low magnetic fields at the surface of neutron stars. When an SNR around any CCO disappears a new XDINS is created. Other known models of "anomalous" pulsars are discussed.

.. . .. boch@sai.msu.ru , ( ), , . () . , 100 . . . . . SOLAR GAMMA RAYS: ACHIEVEMENTS, PROBLEMS, PROSPECTS Leonty I. Miroshnichenko N.V. Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN), Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region, 142190, Russia, leonty@izmiran.ru We present and critically discuss some latest data on solar gamma rays from the point of view of particle acceleration at/near the Sun and sounding of elemental abundances and dynamical properties of the Sun's atmosphere during solar flares. All those aspects are of fundamental interest for solar and star physics. They may have important implications on the understanding of solar atmospheric dynamics, particle acceleration in space plasmas and Galactic chemical evolution. The main points of consideration are following: nuclear aspects of interaction of accelerated particles (solar cosmic rays, SCR) with the Sun's atmosphere (cross-sections, dependence on FIP etc.); acceleration mechanisms for different nuclei (resonant mechanism for 3He ions?); coronal magnetic structure (loop model); gamma-ray spectroscopy; photosphere density models (density enhancement?); enhanced abundance of 3 in the photosphere (?); production of light and rare elements in so-called i-j interactions between accelerated and background nuclei. Interestingly, that concentration of 3He in flare-accelerated particles, as it was found earlier, may be enhanced by a factor of 1000 over its possible photospheric value. As to the latest observational findings (discoveries?), we separate amongst them: 1) effect of density enhancement (EDE) in the photosphere (several major flares); 2) evidence of essential enhancement of 3He abundance in the photosphere (flare of 20 January 2005); 3) localization of the gamma-ray sources (two RHESSI flares ­ 23 July 2002 and 28 October 2003); 4) timing of the flare evolution by gamma-ray fluxes in energy range above 90 MeV; 5) influence of solar flares on the lower solar atmosphere from the Na D absorption line measured by GOLF/SOHO. To our opinion, the role of i-j interactions


in the production of gamma-ray lines in solar flares still remains poor-understood. Another actual problem is related to the long duration and large extension gamma ray events. We incline to consider such phenomena as serious evidence of multiple acceleration processes at/near the Sun. Cosmological consequence of solar gamma-ray studies is reduced to the conclusion of that typical abundance of light elements 7Li, 4He, 2H, and, especially, 3He may not be a good baryometer of the Universe... MAGNETIC FIELD OF THE EARTH: ECOLOGICAL ASPECT M.I.Orliuk, A.O.Romenets Institute of Geophysics NAS of the Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine orlyuk@igph.kiev.ua The magnetic field of the Earth which is analyzed as the ecological factor is the magnetic ecological field Becol. This field is considered as the sum of harmonic and distortion fields: Becol = Bh + Bd As harmonic magnetic ecological field (Bh) necessary to consider a sum of fields: Bh = Bn + Bl + Byv + Bs-d + Bm-d + BPp where Bn ­ a normal field of Earth; Bl ­ a magnetic field of lithosphere: Byv ­ a field of yearly variations; Bs-d ­ a field of solar-day's variation by intensity 10-40 nT concerning to season; Bm-d ­ a field of moon-day's variation by intensity of firsts nanotesla; BPp ­ a field of periodical pulsations. These fields, variations and pulsations are stable in space and time. To distortion magnetic ecological field (Bd) there is belonged a sum of fields, which are insignificant in space of magnetic heterogeneities of lithosphere (anomalies with wavelengths less 60 km including to anomalies of anthropogenic origin) and unstable in the time, irregular variations and pulsations of outer and anthropogenic origin. The decision of the problem of geomagnetic ecology reduces to solution of series tasks: 1) the researches of spatial-temporary structure of geomagnetic field and the compiling of maps of geomagnetic ecological field; 2) the research of vital-active rhythms and magnetic fields of individuals; 3) joint analysis of magnetic ecological field with biological rhythms of biosystems and individuals; 4) Studying of the mechanism of influence of the magnetic field on organic systems.

archy, test lepton number conservation. Dark matter remains one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in modern science. Particle physics provides a possible explanation for non-baryonic dark matter in the form of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). The most likely WIMP candidate is the neutralino, predicted by supersymmetry models. It is expected that WIMPs interact with matter producing low energy recoils, which can be detected by ultra-low background underground detectors. Search for both extremely rare processes require development of particle detectors with very low radioactive contamination, high energy resolution, very low energy threshold, containing certain (or variety of) elements. Development of next generation dark matter and double beta decay experiments is discussed. A range of effects beyond the standard model of particles: violation of fundamental conservation laws, Pauli principle, search for hypothetical particles and interactions can be realized by similar experimental technique. BOREXINO . . Borexino , 03680 , ( , - ) 1956 . . . , . ( 3) Borexino ­ , . - (). (278 -, C9H12) (10­17 / ). + ~ : e + p e + n, 1.8 ( 40K). 256 , . , , 9.9+4.1-3.4 (68% C.L.) 252.6 ·. 3.9(+1.6-1.3) /(100 ·). « » (Bulk Silicate Earth) « », , . 3 95%.

RARE NUCLEAR AND SUB-NUCLEAR PROCESSES: PHYSICS BEYOND THE STANDARD MODEL OF PARTICLES Fedor Danevich Institute for Nuclear Research, MSP 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine Observations of neutrino oscillations manifest the nonzero neutrino mass and provide important motivation for high sensitivity experiments to search for neutrinoless double beta decay. Investigations of this process could clarify nature of neutrino (Majorana or Dirac particle), determine the absolute value of neutrino mass and neutrino mass hier-


- .. e ds 2 = N 2 c 2 dt 2 - F - 1 d R 2 - R 2 d 2 , =e/c2=const. , M m . p m R (m) = 2 , p 2 = 2 4 - 1>0 2 c c (1+p ) M 1 M2
p m m 1+p

T- ­ - .. , , , r 2 ( R, ) 2 dS 2 = d 2 - 2 dR - r 2 ( R, )d 2 ,
r= rg 1 - f 2 ( R) sin

f ( R) 2 ,

- 0 ( R) =

rg 2(1 - f 2 ( R))

( - sin ) ,




M, m Q , m d M p 1 M2
= ± dm m m

-: ( f ( R ) = 0 , 0 ( R) = - f ( R) ) dS 2 = d 2 - ctg 2 dR 2 - rg2 sin 2 d 2 ,
2 2











1 1+p


dR dm



1 1+p








M (m p m












. , m=m0 ± 2± 2 2 M= M 0 = m 0 / 1 + p dR /dm=0, d R /dm >0. , M 0 = m 0 / 1 + p 2 , . , m0 M0. R= R = =

( - sin ) . 2 , - -, -«», . , - m( R ) sin 2 , r= d =
1 - f 2 ( R) 2


m ( R ) ­ ,
m( R ) =







d M =0 dm m

- dS 2 = d 2 - [ctg 2 + ( R)(1 - ctg )]2 dR 2 - rg2 sin 2 d
2 2 2 2

8 ( R , ) r 2 r , c4


( R ) =

md md M =dm d m m



( R ) ­
m( R ) = f ( R ) ( R ) . . 1. .. , .56, . 1914, 1969. 2. R.Kantowski, R.K.Sachs J. of Math. Phis. V.7 3, p. 443, 1966. 3. K.Bronnikov, I.Dymnikova // arxiv: 0705.2368v1[grgc] May 2007. 4. O.B.Zaskavskii // arxiv: gr-gc/00509043v2 Sept. 2005.
SCALAR FIELD MODELS OF DARK ENERGY WITH BAROTROPIC EQUATION OF STATE: PROPERTIES AND OBSERVATIONAL CONSTRAINTS B. Novosyadlyj, O. Sergijenko Astronomical Observatory of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv A dark energy is treated as a minimally coupled classical or tachyonic scalar fields with a time-varying pa-

8 ( R, ) r 2 e 2 . c4

p2 +1


, (M/m)0=M0/m0 . m0, M0 R=R0. (Q2=M2), R>R0 () Q2>M2. , , , , . , -. , .


rameter of generelised linear barotropic equation-of-state (EoS). The 7-year WMAP data on CMB anisotropy, the Union dataset on Supernovae Ia and SDSS DR7 on galaxies space distribution are used for constraining of parameters of such dark energy model along with other cosmological ones. Using a Monte Carlo Markov Chain technique the posterior likelihoods are computed. It is shown that current density and EoS dark energy parameters are determined well as adiabatic sound speed, playing the role of early EoS parameter, is determined worse. Meanwhile, the obtained results give possibility to conclude that current data prefer the scalar field models of dark energy with increasing EoS parameter. Such dark energy recedes their repulsion properties that will predermine in future decelerated expansion and recolapse. We note also, that cosmological scalar field models with zero adiabatic sound speed as well as $\Lambda$-models (adiabatic sound speed equals -1) are not excluded yet by these observational data at enough high confidence level. .. , . - , , , : ) , , ) ' , ) , . - , " ", "". , ' , . " -" - , " " , . -

, , . .. " " , , , , . , : ­ . , .. " ", , " ". , , . , - , 1077 . : - , , , 10100. ASYMPTOTIC EXPANSIONS AND AMPLIFICATION OF GRAVITATIONAL LENS NEAR THE FOLD CAUSTIC A.N. Alexandrov, V.I. Zhdanov Kyiv National University, Ukraine We present two different methods that enable us to obtain approximate solutions of the lens equation near the fold caustic up to arbitrary degree of accuracy. We obtain "post-linear" corrections to the well known linear caustic approximation formula for the total amplification of two critical images of a point source. In order to obtain the non-trivial corrections we had to take into account the Taylor expansion of the lens equation near caustic up to the fourth order. The result has been used to obtain amplification of the extended Gaussian source in the above "post-linear" order. The amplification is reduced to the


form containing three parameters. The modified amplification formula is applied to the Q2237+0305 gravitational lens system light curve fitting in the vicinity of the high amplification events (HAE). We show that introduction of some of the "post-linear" corrections reduces chi-squared by 30% and enlarges the fitting interval in case of known HAE on the light curve of the image C (1999). These corrections may be important for a precise comparison of different source models on account of observational data. ANTIGRAVITY IN GRAVITY: SOME EXAMPLES R.Plyatsko, O.Stefanyshyn, M.Fenyk Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv Using the Mathisson-Papapetrou (MP) equations we investigate the significantly nongeodesic highly relativistic motions of a spinning particles starting near the Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes. Some of these motions, namely circular, are described by the analytical relationships following directly from the MP equations in the Boyer-Lindquist coordinates, other of them, noncircular and nonequatorial, are calculated numerically. For realization of these motions the spinning particle must possess the obital velocity corresponding to the relativistic Lorentz factor much grater than 1. All considered cases of the spinning particle motion are within the framework of validity of the test-particle approximation. Different cases of the nonequatorial motions are computed and illustrated by the typical figures. All these orbits exhibit the effects of the significant gravitational repulsion that are caused by the spin-gravity interaction. The situation with a macroscopic test particle moving relative to a massive body with high Lorentz factor is not realistic. However, the highly relativistic values of this factor are usual in astrophysics for the elementary particles. We can expect the effects of the significant space separation of some highly relativistic particles with different orientation of spin. It would be interesting to study the possible role of the highly relativistic spin-gravity interaction in the jet formation.

SATELLITE OBSERVATIONS OF THE EARTH AND GLOBAL WARMING Leonid Zotov Sternberg Astronomical Institute Moscow State University Satellite methods of monitoring of the Earth take more and more essential place in the present-day geodesy and geophysics. They are especially important for monitoring of the environmental changes because of their global coverage. In recent decades many satellites were launched by American NASA and European ESA space agencies to monitor changes in ocean level, gravity field, water balance, atmospheric contents, heat transfer, precipitation, solar irradiation, etc. Huge amount of data obtained needs advanced methods of processing and careful interpretation. We present the results of multichannel singular spectrum analysis for the first time applied to altimetry, gravity, and tropospheric CO2 maps from Jason, GRACE, Aqua satellites. This method allow to distinguish seasonal and secular changes in CO2 contents, ocean level, gravity changes caused by hydrological cycles, icesheet melting, postglacial rebound. Sea level rise of ~3 mm/yr, tropospheric CO2 rise of ~1.7 ppm/yr and evident gravity decrease in some Antarctica, Greenland and mounting regions proofs that we are living in the epoch of global warming. Though paleoclimatic data says us that we are at the beginning of a new ice age, the observations contradict it. IPCC reports show us warming trends. Extreme climate events are more often observed. Scientific community is debating over the cause. Models show, that anthropogenic factors can be responsible. We will try to look at this problem both from the satellites orbit and from the ground, discuss the probable scenarios.



11- .. ­ ­ 11- . , . .., .. 70 (), 2MIG ( ., 2010) (Veron+2010). 6000 / , 1- 2 . , , . ­ , , , , .. 2MIG. 70 , . ( 4 ). .. 1,2, ..1,2, .. 1 1 2 . .. , : , .. .

, C10024+17 [1]. EGRET- , 4 14 [2]. () . , , . . , . , , . . . , , . 1. Jee M.J., et al., 2007, ApJ, 661, 728 2. de Boer W., Sander C., Zhukov V., Gladyshev A.V., Kazakov D.I., 2005, A&A, 444, 51 : , , ., ., . , ­ . , , . 2.6- « ». , .


GENERAL PROPERTIES OF SUBSTELLAR OBJECTS OF GALAXY Ya.Pavlenko MAO NASU I review of current understanding of the nature and physical properties brown dwarfs and exoplanets. Low mass objects form the most numerous, but poorly known yet population of our Galaxy. A brief historical excursion on the opening and the existing progress of investigation of these objects is carried out. New aspects of researches of brown dwarfs and other low mass objects in the framework of our project Mikrocosmophysics2. .. , .. . 72, . , . , 49010, antonstupka@mail.ru, kopteva-L@yandex.ru , : r (1) divj + t = 0. (1) : r2 2 r r (2) S = + jA/c - - E dVdt , 8 G 2

: i h >> 0 h . - 4- T = c 2 u u . hik (7) h = h - - . hkk h11 = h22 = h33 , hkk = h00 - 2 0 , k . (5) (6) (8) h00 c 2 /2 , (9) Ai - h0i c 2 . (7) h0i = h0i - i 0 , h00 = h00 - 2 0 0 , (8) (9) r r A = A + c 2 0 , = - c t 0 . (10) (10) (4) 0 - / c . (4) , = 0 , , A . THE DEPENDENCE OF ELLIPTICITY FROM RICHNESS FOR GALAXY CLUSTERS AND GROUPS E.Panko Odessa National University The ellipticities for real galaxy clusters and groups of PF Catalogue of and simulated structures with different richness are compared. The real structures with N>50 have significantly larger ellipticity than the modeling objects. The difference in dependences of ellipticities from richness for real and simulated structures is discussed.


r j ­ r , A ­ , r , E ­ r r (3) E =- 1 t A - . c

: r r (4) + t A A - c , (2). (2) , ,

r divE = -4 G ,

(5) (6) DISTINCTIVE PROPERTIES OF RIEMANNIAN SPACE-TIMES WITH OWN COMPLEX OR ISOTROPIC EIGENVECTOR V. P. Olyeynik Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University, Odessa, Ukraine, olyeyvp@onu.edu.ua We investigate the properties of particle-like models, which Riemannian space-time is described by a metric tensor with the off-diagonal contributions. The feature of spaces with off-diagonal metric with a signature

r r t E = 4 Gj ,

. (5), (6). : : g = + h , h << 1 ;

c : / c << 1 ;


( + - - -) or ( - + + + ) is that its own complex or own
null vector may be only tangential to a surface in this space. There is a class of coordinate systems in which such a surface is a plane of Minkowski. The metric tensor in these coordinates will contain only one off-diagonal contribution. The distinctive properties of particle-like models with certain angular contributions of the electromagnetic and fermion fields are studied. STRONG GRAVITATIONAL LENSING AS A KEY TO DETECT DARK MATTER: THE RESULTS OF MONITORING PG1115+080 AND Q2237+0305 Shulga V.M.1, Tsvetkova V.S.1, Minakov ..1, Dudinov V.N.1,2, Vakulik V.G.1,2, Kochetov A.Ye. 1,2, Smirnov G.V. 2, Sergeyev A.V. 1,2 Institute of Radio Astronomy of the NAS of Ukraine, 4 Krasnoznamennaya Str., Kharkov 61002, Ukraine Institute of Astronomy of the Kharkiv V.N.Karazin National University, 35 Sumskaya Str., Kharkov 61022, Ukraine


..1, ..1,2 . .. 2

1 2

In execution of the Program "Cosmomicrophysics" during 2007-2009, we investigated gravitationally lensed quasars PG1115+080 and Q2237+0305 ­ the objects produced by the phenomenon of strong gravitational lensing, which is presently believed to be the most promising way to detect dark matter and to study its abundance and distribution at different spatial scales in the Universe. In particular, from monitoring of quadruply lensed quasar PG1115+080 during 2001-2006, microlensing events were detected in images A1 and A2, which can well explain the observed anomaly of their mutual brightness. This does not exclude a possibility for the dark matter substructures to exist, but imposes a constraint on the upper limit of the typical mass msub of such structures: msub < 104 M Â M5. New values of the time delays obtained for PG 1115+080 have made it possible to substantially decrease the inconsistency between the Hubble constant estimates obtained with the time delay method, and those ones taken with other methods, in particular, with the most recent estimates made from Cepheids. Our result is a strong argument in favor of mass models close to isothermal, which suggest presence of the dark matter halo in the PG 1115+080 lens galaxy. Histograms of microlensing magnification probability distributions were built for the first time for macroimages of the Q2237+0305 quadruply lensed quasar based on all the available data of long-term observations. Comparison of the histograms with the probability distributions obtained in simulations shows that, at distances from the galaxy centre corresponding to positions of macroimages, the dark matter fraction in the Q2237+080 galaxy is probably much less than 50%.

Q2237+0305, , 2001-2008 . ( 100 ) 1.5- -22 ( , ). (V-I) R. (V-I) R, 6- 4- , a = 0.30 ± 0.03 r = 0.82 ± 0.10. - , . , - , . r = 0.3 ± 0.2 rE V 1.3 ± 0.5, = 1.4 ± 0.6 R = 1.5 ± 0.8 I. , , V 1997 2000 OGLE II [Vakulik et al., MNRAS, 382, 2, 2007]. GRAVITATIONAL LENS SYSTEM WITH TWO SPATIAL SCALES OF INHOMOGENEITIES Berdina L.A., Minakov A.A. Institute of Radio Astronomy, Kharkov laberdina@gmail.com In the work, focusing of the quasar radiation by the gravitational field of a galaxy having two spatial scales of mass distribution was considered. As an extended component, the mass distribution in a galaxy averaged over an interstellar distance was analyzed. Separate star ­ microlens randomly located along the propagation path of a radiation acted as a compact component of the inhomogeneities. Analysis of the effect was performed within the framework of the Sobolev method. Isophots of the source images were computed and estimates of magnification factor of image brightness were obtained.


CORRELATION FUNCTION OF QUASARS IN REAL AND REDSHIFT SPACE FROM SDSS DR7 G. Ivashchenko, V.I. Zhdanov, A.V. Tugay Kyiv National University, Ukraine We determine the quasar two-point correlation function (2pCF) within the redshift interval 0.810 h­ 1 Mpc the parameter describing the large-scale infall to density inhomogeneities is =0.63±0.10 with the linear bias b=1.44±0.22 that marginally agrees with the linear theory of cosmological perturbations. We discuss possibilities to obtain a statistical estimate of the random component of quasars velocities (different from the largescale infall). We note rather slight dependence of quasars velocity dispersion upon the 2pCF parameters in the region less than 2 Mpc.

functions of temperature and density of initial protosystem. Density shock waves presence in fragmentation protosystem can be considered by determining of specific relations between temperature and density. The share maintenance of the matter concluded within weights of (, M + dM), depends on the full mass of baryon substances (visible and dark) and on the mass spectrum of primary fragments. Transition from primary fragments weights to the number of space bodies can be received based on the relation between primary fragments mass and corresponding mass of space bodies of zero age. The divergence between observable and theoretical quantity reflects physical processes which took place in evolving system and gives information about quantity of dark matter. In the first place to the determinative processes belongs the dissipation of space bodies, merjing and consequences of star systems dynamic friction in the gravitation field of physical system of higher hierarchy. Concrete distribution and coupling functions between physical parameters that were mentioned are represented. MORE ON OBSERVATIONAL CONSTRAINTS ON BAROTROPIC DARK ENERGY O.Sergijenko, B.Novosyadlyj Astronomical Observatory of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv We discuss the possibility of constraining the parameters of barotropic dark energy using different available datasets. We have found that the so-called adiabatic sound speed of dark energy is constrained very weakly by most of the data. We have determined the most stringent constraints on this parameter, which come from the combined datasets including SDSS supernovae with the MLCS2K2 fitting of light curves. SEARCH FOR SOLAR AXIONS THROUGH RESONANT EXCITATION OF NUCLEI V.I.Tretyak Institute for Nuclear Research, Kyiv, Ukraine The Peccei-Quinn solution of the so-called "strong CP problem" of quantum chromodynamics leads to existence of the axion ­ a hypothetical pseudo-scalar neutral particle. In this model the Sun should be an intensive source of axions emitted in nuclear magnetic transitions instead of quanta, in particular, in deexcitation of: (a) 7Li (Eexc=477.6 keV) populated in the main pp chain of solar nuclear reactions; (b) thermally excited 57Fe (Eexc=14.4 keV). Coming to the Earth, such axions could resonantly excite 7Li or 57Fe nuclei. In the subsequent deexcitation process, quanta of 477.6 keV or 14.4 keV will be emitted. We report here the following results of our investigations: (1) 7Li quanta were searched for with a sample of radioactively pure LiF crystal (553 g) deep underground in the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of INFN (Italy)

. , - , . . . , , .

RELATIONS BETWEEN PHYSICAL PARAMETERS OF FRAGMENTATION PROTOSYSTEM, MASS OF ITS DARK MATTER AND PRIMARY NUMBER OF FORMED OBJECTS Zakhozhay V.A. V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University The Jeans approach is considered, in which mass distribution of primary inhomogeneities which arise in fragmentation system depends on the differential distribution


in the low-background set-up with HP Ge detector 224 cm3 during 4044 h. The expected peak at energy of 477.6 keV was absent; this allows to derive a new limit on the mass of hadronic axion emitted by solar 7Li: ma < 9 keV. (2) In the present-day Earth models our planet consists of Fe at ~30%. Conservatively supposing that all heat flow of the Earth is exclusively due to resonant capture inside the Earth of axions emitted by 57Fe nuclei on the Sun, the limit on the axion mass is: ma < 1.8 keV. Taking into account release of heat from 40K, 232Th, 238U decays inside the Earth, this estimation is improved to: ma < 1.6 keV. (3) The last value could be much improved (to 10­30 eV) with the TGV low-background set-up with 32 HP Ge detectors installed in the Modane Underground Laboratory (France) with isotopically enriched 57Fe ~10 g source. SEARCH FOR DOUBLE BETA DECAY WITH THE HELP OF LOW BACKGROUND SCINTILLATION DETECTORS S. S. Nagorny Institute for Nuclear Research, MSP 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine Double beta processes in 64Zn, 70Zn, 180W, 186W and Cd have been searched for with the help of large volume (0.1­0.7 kg) low background ZnWO4 and 106CdWO4 (mass of 215 g), enriched in 106Cd up to 66%, crystal scintillators at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories of the INFN (Italy). The total measurement time with ZnWO4 detector exceeds ten thousand hours. New improved half-life limits on double electron capture and electron capture with positron emission in 64Zn have been set, in particular (all the limits are at 90% C.L.): T1/2(02) 1.1â1020 yr, T1/2(2+) 7.0â1020 yr, and T1/2(0+) 4.3â1020 yr. In addition, new T1/2 bounds were set for different modes of 2 processes in 70Zn, 180W, and 186W at the level of 1017­ 1020 yr [1]. After 1320 h of data taking, limits on double beta processes in 106Cd have been established on the level of 1019 - 1020 yr, in particular (all the results at 90% C.L.): T1/2(02) > 3.6 â 1020 yr, T1/2(2+) > 7.2â1019 yr, and T1/2(22+) > 2.5â1020 yr. Resonant 02 processes have and been restricted as T1/2(02K) > 1.4â1020 yr 20 T1/2(0LK) > 3.2â10 yr [2]. A possible resonant enhancement of the 02 processes is estimated in the framework of the QRPA approach.

- . . .. mgl@asc.rssi.ru () - () . - , . - , . v2/c2. - . , , .

[1] [2] search crystal

P. Belli et al., Nuclear Physics A 826 (2009) 256­273. P. Belli et al., First results of the experiment to for 2 decay of 106Cd with the help of 106CdWO4 scintillators, Proc. Conf. NPAE-2010, in press.


- .. , 119991 . 13, boch@sai.msu.ru , . HeII 1%. : , 1%; . , , . , .. 3650-4000 , . . HII ~ 1%. , . ( , Griem 1967). Vidal, Cooper, Smith (1973)(VCS-) . VCS- . (). Stehle (1994) , . . HeII 4686 . , , , , , . .. , (1%). CONFIRMATION INHOMOGENEITY ON THE BASE OF (CYG OF ELEMENT ABUNDANCE OF INTERSTELLAR MATTER O-SUPERGIANTS HDE 226868 X-1) AND CAM

Karitskaya E.A., Bochkarev N.G., Shimansky V.V., Galazutdinov G.A. By means of synthetic spectrum modelling with nonLTE effects we determined the element abundances in atmospheres of two O-supergiants with similar physical characteristics: HDE 226868 (Cyg X-1 optical component) and Cam. These objects are situated on the distance 2.5­2.7 kpc from each other. Averaged CNO, as well as Al, S, and Zn abundance differences are in the limits of 0.15­0.30 dex. HDE 226868 has higher abundances in compare with Cam. The differences are in good qualitative agreement with inhomogeneity of heavy element distribution over the Galaxy disk derived by Luck et al. (Luck R.E., Kovtyukh V.V., Andrievsky S.M. 2006, AJ, 132, 902) on the Cepheid basis. This fact confirms the inhomogeneity of heavy element distribution on the scale of 2 kpc and is in agreement with the concept of interstellar medium "superclouds" preservation of their intrinsic particularities on a time-scale more than 1 Gyr. CYG X-1 .. 1, .. 2, . 3, .. 4, .. 4, .. 4, .. 5, .. 5 1 , , 2 . .. , , - , , 4 , , 5 , ,


-1, FORS1 8.2- VLT (. , ) 2007 2008 . (9.7Iab ­) ( ) , , 130 0.5 6 . , , . , HeII4686A , 4 ~700 (


0.65 2007 .). . , VLT HeII4686A, , . ~108­109 -1. , . 2007 2008 . . , , , . ( 09-02-01136, 09-02-00993). THE BRIGHT PART OF THE PERSEUS ARM Shatsova R.B., Anisimova G.B. Southern Federal University The part of Milky Way between l90° and 150°, related to the Perseus arm, stand out by its large brightness. It is due to the great number of supergiants, Cepheids, OB-associations, supernova, molecular clouds, -bursts, etc. The outlines of this part of the arm in the celestial projection almost coincide the Lens projection, formed by the intersecting radioloops' shells II and III, well known by their synchrotron radiation. It means, that the bright Perseus arm part is observing through nearby to it Lens (r=100-250 pc). The arm parts, observing outside this Lens, are fainter for several magnitudes. The Sagittarius arm is observing through the Loop I. The modern data of the light absorption do not explain this phenomenon. This one and some other facts rise the hypothesis that the spur shells, in particular, the Lens are focusing, or in some other way make brighter passing through them radiation. It is important to estimate the role of the Lens effect in the existing picture of the spiral structure of the Galaxy, independently of the hypothesis. TO THE INTERACTION MECHANISMS OF COSMIC RAYS WITH THE COCOON'S TURBULENT SHOCK FRONT IN THE RADIO GALAXIES N.Tsvyk Institute of Radio Astronomy NASU, Chervonopraporna str., 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine There are discussed what way a morphological structure of radio galaxies are forming by the collision-less shock fronts, where the balance of turbulent thermal plasma and cosmic rays (CR) holds with low magnetic

pressure and with essentially CR-diffusion. There are analyzed a cocoon shock front propagation taking into account its dividing to inner cocoon aria (the lobe) with electron-positron CR, and outside cocoon aria with proton CR. There are studied the mechanisms when thermal plasma interacting with CR inside the cocoon because of energy exchange with MHD turbulence. Using both these mechanisms and the gravitational forces and cocoon's large-scale magnetic fields, it is calculated a model of convection flows of thermal plasma and CR. This model explains an observational data: the CR composition and the radio galaxies structure. G23.01-0.41 .., .. , , 117997, , , 84/32. EVN 6.7 II 51-60A+, , G23.01-0.41 . 24-x , , , . , , , , . . "" , , , . , () 2300 .. 30Msun. , , 6.7 3 , , CH3CN(6-5) Vsys=.4 /c Vsys= 8 /, . , 5 /. A.. , .. - 84/32, . , , 117997, klepnev.alexander@gmail.com . , -


. . , . = 05 . . = 001 . . . . - .. " " 65029 e-mail: tt_ari @ ukr. net () . - (wavelet analysis) , - (time-frequency) (scalegram analysis) . "" . , "". . - . - . "/" , 30-80 . , : ( -) (. - , ); (., - ); - ( , ; - ( RR ; , ); : , (- -

; ; ); ( " "; ( , ; , - ; , " " ). - , , . ABOUT THE NATURE OF MAGNETIC CHEMICALLY PECULIAR STARS AS BINARY STARS V.F.Gopka 1, O.M.Ulyanov 2,3, A.V.Shavrina 4 Department of Astronomy and Astronomical Observatory of Odessa National University of Ukraine, T.G. Shevchenko Park, Odessa 65014, Ukraine, gopka.vera@mail.ru 2 Institute of Radio Astronomy of NAS of Ukraine, 4 Chervonoprapona str., Kharkov 61002, Ukraine 3 Astrophysical Research Center for the Stucture and Evolution of the Cosmos (ARCSEC), Sejong University, Seoul, 143-747, Korea, yua@sejon.ac.kr 4 Main Astronomical Observatory of NAS of Ukraine, 27 Zabolotnoho str., 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine shavrina@mao.kiev.ua

We show that the earlier proposed explanation of the nature of magnetic chemically peculiar (MCP) stars (which can be the close binary systems with invisible companion being neutron star) opens the new possibilities to understand the inexplicable properties of these stars. Key words: MCP stars, star-companion, neutron star, line emission. .. 1,2, .. 1, .. 1,2, .. 1 2 . .. ,


, , , . , (), , . -


, ­ . , . . "" [1] . . [2] , . , . 1. .. // , 1960. . 130. 5. . 1001. 2. .., .. // . , 1983. . 268. 4. . 861. NGC 7469 .., .., .., .., .. NGC 7469 UBVRI , 1,5 1", . . , . , . 09-02-00244. POSSIBLE SCENARIO OF EVOLUTION FOR CLOSE BINARY SYSTEM OF NEUTRON STAR AND STAR-COMPANION O.M. Ulyanov Institute of Radio Astronomy of NASU, 4 Chervonopraporna str., Kharkov 61002, Ukraine; oulyanov@rian.kharkov.ua The explicit deficit of the binary systems with neutron stars is observed at present. From one side this is caused by the fact that it is sufficiently difficult to reveal the neutron stars, which are not radio pulsars. From the other side only 141 from 1879 PSRs that are present in the ATNF

pulsar catalogue belong to the binary systems. From these 141 PSRs only 81 enter into binary systems with the pulsar companion having the median estimation of mass of more than 0.2 M. There are only 31 pairs with the median estimations of mass of companion exceeding 0.5 M. However, just in the close binary systems evolution will flow in a most contrasting way and in particular in the course of investigation of such systems the detection of the new evolution manifestations can be expected. Analysis of different stages of evolution of close binary system consisting of neutron star and star companion shows that at the early stage of this evolution the ultrarelativistic electron-positron plasma of neutron star can reach the upper atmosphere of star-companion. At the same time usual star wind will spin up the neutron star and eventually will shield its magnetic field. For a while both winds move without significant mutual interaction due to relatively low density of particles, which fall on the neutron star, and small interaction cross section between these particles and ultrarelativistic electrons and positrons, which move from the neutron star. During this period both winds create the sources of Xradiation on the surfaces of their companions. The detection of annihilation line at 511 keV in the upper atmosphere of the star-companion will be the observation criterion of such interaction besides the registration of X-ray radiation. The appearance of anomalies in the chemical composition of the upper atmosphere of the star-companion is also possible. Further interaction of two objects in such system must lead to the gradual shielding of the neutron star magnetic field and corresponding weakening of the ultrarelativistic plasma flow intensity. This will lead to the "switch-off" of the X-ray and gamma emission sources in the atmosphere of star ­ companion. At the same time X-radiation from the neutron star surface may increase. Further evolution of such system strongly depends on the diffusion of the magnetic field of neutron star through the acquired substance of a crust. These aspects of evolution in many respects remain unexplored. .. 1,2, .. 1, . 3, . 4 1 , 2 , 3 . , 4 . , RXS J180340.0+401214, 1RXS J2133.7+5107, 1RXS J062518.2+733433, EX Hya. R V. , , , .


RXS J180340.0+401214 , (i<70o), , . , . 0d.0175978121±0d.0000000263. BJD 2454452.11846±0.00027. 1RXS J2133.7+5107 , . , 0d.006606894(84). 1RXS J062518.2+733433 (MU Camelopardalis) , . C 0d.1968538(13). MU Cam, 0d.01374. , EX Hya TE=2455243.77387 376913, . 0d.0465460227. . « » , , .

Obscurer (I.L.Andronov, Odessa Astronomical Publications, 2001, 14, 255). . , " " (). . . . . , , , boukalov@gmail.com 1043-1, 0,511 , . , . , . , , . .. , , (~10-3) , , , . - ( I=(e++e)/tPl ) , T109,5K R1,2·1012 MNG4·106M0. SPI/INTEGRAL . , , ~1014. , z=3,5Â10 .

.. 1, .. 2 " " , 65014 2 " " 65029 , tt_ari @ ukr. net

173 SRa, SRb, SRc, SRd VSOLJ ( ) AFOEV ( ). , , Observation


, 2010 . . , virnina@gmail.com , 2010 . Tzec Maun 33 . 14 VSX (Variable Stars indeX, AAVSO). 33 14 EW, 4 , 3 ­ , 5 ­ RRab, 2 ­ RRc, 3 DSCT. 3- Ell ­ , . , 33 . , , - -. 1987 I. L. Andronov and G. A. Richter, 1987, AN, 308, 235A, V361 Lyr. VSX J052807.9+725606 V361 Lyr. , , 0.5, . EW B , , , . « » () . . «ASTROLABORATORY» M.A.Vinnik Moscow State University «Astrolaboratory» is the software for studying and teaching at schools and colleges which consists of virtual laboratory works on the general astronomy and astrophysics. Each of the laboratory works includes several modules. Here are: · theory basis in accordance with the investigated problem; · the step by step algorithm of the work being carried out; · virtual experiment: modelling of astronomic or astrophysics phenomena and effects, modelling of a

studying equipment applied for the investigation of the astronomic or astrophysics phenomena and effects; · treatment of the data obtained as the result of a virtual test; · virtual testing of knowledge. Each of the laboratory works has his own userfriendly interface. It gives an opportunity of self-training, and does not demand additional expensive means and excludes necessity of special learning of the information prior to the beginning of its application. The role of a computer is maximum, when we go through the first three parts of a laboratory work. But it is reduced to minimum for the fourth part. In our opinion, here the role of the student should prevail over the PC. A student must understand what should be calculated and in what way it should be done. Thus, the most intellectual functions remain for students, and routine and design functions ­ for a computer. EV Lac AD Leo 2008 2009 .. .. , .. , .. ... . EV Lac AD Leo, ( -8 UTR-2) 2008 2009 .. . .. 70- -8, - FLI 4710. V 2 . 56 . AD - 2009 . . EV Lac 2008 . 2009 . . 4 2008 . 25 2009 . . 0.8 . (0.13m). 2.4 . EV Lac. 0.06-0.07 . . 4.3 , .


3454.3 2004-2010 . ..1, .. 2, .. 1, .. 2, . 5, . . 5, .3, . 3, . 3, . 3, ..4, ..4, ..6, ..6, ..6, ..6, ..6, .. 6, .. 1, .. 7, .. 7, .. 8, .. 8 1 « », , , ; 2 . .. , , ; 3 , , ; 4 , A A, ; 5 , , ; 6 « », , ; 7 , ; 8 , , 3454.3 4.8 37 , « », . , 2004-2010 ., (0.1-300 ), (2-10 , 15-50 ), . . , . . . BREAK STEEP RADIO SPECTRA OF GALAXIES AND QUASARS P. Miroshnichenko Institute of Radio Astronomy of the NAS of Ukraine We examined the sample of UTR-2 sources with the spectrum break at the certain frequency lower one the spectrum is steep. For optically identified objects the location of the break at the radio spectrum was reduced to the frame of source. Within the LambdaCDM-model of the Universe we determined luminosities of the sample galaxies and quasars at the decameter, centimeter, and optical bands. The estimates of the magnetic field strength and characteristic age were derived for the considered sources. The analysis of evolution of the break spectrum frequency, luminosity, spectral index was carried out for galaxies and quasars of the UTR-2 sample. .. (ryabov-uran@ukr.net) , .. (elcamino82@yandex.ru) «-4» -26 14.5 , 8 4.8 ). 3120, 3273, 3279, 3465, , 3446 BL Lac OJ 287. «Statistica 8» «ISDA». 12 - 16 , 3 ­ 7 0.3 . , . . , , . « » .


3 454.3 OJ 287 .., .., . «-4» , - - 3 454.3 OJ 287 ­ «» «». , «» . . , . - , ­ , . , 4.8, 8 14.5 . 3 454.3 c 6 . OJ 287 ­ 1.66 1.10 . (14.5 ). . ­ .

SEARCH FOR PROMPT LOW-FREQUENCY RADIO EMISSION FROM GAMMA-RAY BURSTS Dagkesamanskiy R.D., Kovalenko A.V., Soubaev I.A. Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory of the Astro Space Center of Lebedev Physical Institute, Russia Detection of low-frequency radio emission from GRBs could provide an important additional constraint on the nature of cosmic GRBs. Many researchers have suggested that gamma-ray bursts could be accompanied by radio emission. The maximum of this radio emission is expected to be at the frequencies of 1 MHz or less. However, the high frequency tail of this radio emission may reach a few ten MHz. The monitoring of a cosmic sporadic radio emission in 38 MHz frequency range is carried out at Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory ASC LPI since April 2004. The main goal of the monitoring is a searching for the prompt radio emission from GammaRay Bursts. For cosmological GRBs the delay between the burst and the corresponding radio emission is expected. The delay is caused by propagation of the signal through the intergalactic medium and should be an order of several minutes or more. There was no one case where we had found expected radio signal above our threshold. From this is follows the upper limit to the ratio of the luminosity in low-frequency radio emission and the gamma-ray luminosity is < 10-5. A METHOD OF ESTIMATION OF ANGULAR SIZES OF DISCRETE RADIO SOURCES BASED ON OBSERVATIONAL DATA OF ADDITIVE AND MULTIPLYING RADIO TELESCOPES A.Lozynskyy Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NASU A method of estimation of the angular size of discrete radio sources is proposed, when radio source size is a fraction of antenna beam width. It is suitable for antenna arrays that are split into eastern and western halves. This allows for creation of additive and multiplying radio telescopes based on the same antenna. During the passage of radio source across antenna beam, the response of each telescope is influenced by several factors. In particular, the magnitude of the response is influenced by both radio source radiation flux density and its angular size. When only one telescope is used ­ additive or multiplying ­ there is significant error involved in flux estimation since the angular size of radio source is not taken into account. However, the simultaneous analysis of responses from both telescopes allows us to estimate the angular size of radio source and thus account for its effect on the radiation flux estimates. Proposed technique involves calculating the ratio of response magnitude of additive telescope to response magnitude of multiplying telescope that are based on the same antenna. It is shown that such magnitudes ratio is uniquely associated with the angular size of the radio source. This parameter is sensitive to the value of the radio source size, especially when radio source size is a fraction of the antenna beam width.

INTERACTION OF THE SUPERNOVA REMNANT KES79 WITH MOLECULAR CLOUDS: NEW EVIDENCES S.Yu. Zubrin, V.M. Shulga Radio Astronomy Institute of NAS of Ukraine We have carried out the study of the interaction of the SNR Kes79 with the surrounding interstellar medium using results of the observations of the 13CO (J=1-0) molecular radiation. The correlation between the structure of molecular clouds around the SNR and morphological features of the continuum image of the SNR is detected. For the first time the 13CO spectral line broadening revealed in the region of the SNR that can be a new evidence of the SNR ­ cloud interaction.


THE DATABASE OF OBSERVATION RESULTS AT PRAO ASC LPI SITES AND ON-LINE PREPROCESSING OF OBSERVATIONS DATA BY THEIR MONITORING IN DATABASE Samodurov V.A.1, Ladeshikov D.A.2, Kitaeva M.A.1, Isaev E.A.1, Pugachev B.D.1, Zaytcev A.Y.1, Ovchinnikov I.L.1 , Dumsky D.V.1 1 Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory, Astrospace Center 2 Ural State University, Russia The site "Electronic database of observation results from radio telescopes of PRAO ASC LPI" (http://observations.prao.ru/) was launched in 2006 year. The site is based on a uniform database (Postgresql) in which the observant data from the majority of observational devices and radio telescopes PRAO continuously arrives. This database provides access to observation instruments and telescopes descriptions, techniques of making data samples per instruments, information about types of observations, observers and dates of observations and so on. Observation data from PRAO observation instruments and radio telescopes are continuously storing to this database. The graphical displaying information and statistical analysis observation data and its pre-processing doing in regime on-line by this database. The work is carried on widening of sampling this sources with the aim of adding every kinds of radio sources from our radio telescope. The developing of new facilities on-line processing of monitoring data from PRAO radio telescopes is performed too.

3C84, BL LAC. EARTH BASED VLBI TEST FOR THE "RADIOASTRON" PROJECT S.F.Likhachev, A.A.Chuprikov, I.A.Guirin, A.V.Chibisov, V.I.Kostenko, Y.Y.Kovalev Astro Space Center of P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences 84/32 Profsoyuznaya street, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation, achupr@asc.rssi.ru We present results of processing of VLBI data of observations have been made in 2010 February at C frequency band (wavelength is 6.21 cm). The observations goal is testing of a ground based network for the `Radioastron' project. Some EVN antennae have been used in this experiment. These are the Effelsberg 100 m antenna (Germany), the Medicina and Noto 32 m antennae (both in Italy). Additionally, the Puschino 22 m antenna (Russia) has also been included into the observations. Well known sources, 3C84 (0316+413), and BL Lac (2200+420) have been observed at 6 baselines during 2 hours. The data have been recorded with a Mark 5B at the Effelsberg, Medicina, and Noto antennae. The RDR registrator has been used in Puschino. The raw data correlation has been made independently at software correlators in Bonn and Moscow. The resulting values of the main parameters of correlation function for all baselines are presented. The estimated flux density values and angular sizes of the sources are also presented. The main conclusion is that the processing results at two different correlators are very similar. Another conclusion is made on the opportunity to use the different registration systems for the `Radioastron' project.

NEW DATA OF RADIO OBSERVATIONS OF TWO XDINSS AT LOW FREQUENCIES D.Teplykh PRAO ASC LPI XDINSs (X-ray dim isolated neutron stars) are a small group of neutron stars discovered by ROSAT and characterized by purely thermal spectra (kT ~ 40-100 eV), and long spin periods (P ~ 3-11 s). We present the detection of radio emission from two XDINS (1RXS J2143.7+065419 and 1RXS J130848.6+212708) and also new data of radio observation at low frequencies. The observations were carried out on two sensitive transit radio telescopes at a few frequencies in the range 42-112 MHz. The flux densities mean pulse profiles, as well as, the estimation of the dispersion measures; distances and integrated radio luminosities of all objects are presented. Pulse profiles and dynamic spectra have been obtained by using new digital receivers are given as well. Results of the correlation analysis of data, allowing to define a dispersion measure by independent method, are given as well. Comparison with X-ray data shows large differences in the mean pulse widths and luminosities.

POLARIZATION PROPERTIES AND POLARIZATIO RADIO STRUCTURE EVOLUTION OF NEARBY GALAXIES A.A.Chuprikov, I.A.Guirin Astro Space Center of P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences 84/32 Profsoyuznaya street, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation, achupr@asc.rssi.ru We analyze results of processing of the VLBA observational data for at least 10 last years. Objects of our interest are galaxies with z < 0.02. The Multi Frequency Synthesis (MFS) method has been used for radio maps reconstruction for every polarization. High quality images of galaxies for several epochs are presented. Evolution of polarization radio structure of sources and Faraday rotation on parsec scales are demonstrated. Astrophysical parameters of objects and their changes in time are discussed.


RADIO STRUCTURE OF SUPER NOVA REMNANT SN 2001A A.A.Chuprikov, I.A.Guirin Astro Space Center of P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences 84/32 Profsoyuznaya street, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation, achupr@asc.rssi.ru We present results of processing of data of some VLA (Very Large Array) and VLBA (Very Large Baseline Array) experiments have been made in 1999 ­ 2002. All the data were transferred from NRAO (National Radio Astronomy Observatory, USA) archive and processed with the software titled `Astro Space Locator' (ASL for Windows). Objects of our interest are the NGC4261 (3C270) galaxy and the SN 2001A Super Nova Remnant in this galaxy. Results of Space VLBI experiment titled W023 has been made during 1999 ­ 2000 are also presented in our report. The reconstructed radio images of NGC4261 and SN 2001A as well as values of some parameters of both objects are presented.

.., .., .. 2006 « » , . 03° 25´ 12° 40´ . ( , ) . / ( , ), , /. . , , , . , , . . - , , . , .

INFLUENCE OF POLARIZATION ON A FINE FREQUENCY STRUCTURE OF PULSARS Smirnova T.V. Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory, Astro Space Center, Lebedev Physical Institute On the base of our observation of pulsars PSR B0809+74 and PSR B0950+08 at 112 and 62 MHz we show that for study of a fine frequency structure of pulsar emission caused by scattering of radio waves on interstellar plasma inhomogeneities (ISM) we have to account a high degree of pulsar polarization. It is needed to do if we have observation in only one linear polarization. Faraday rotation of polarized emission in ISM brings to sine variation of pulsar intensity with frequency incite of receiver band. Analysis of decorrelation of frequency structure observed at different longitudes of pulse window can be used for resolving of pulsar magnetosphere. However we have a different position angles at separated longitudes and so it causes a sine variation of intensity with different phases at these longitudes that also produces decorrelation of spectra. We suggest the method of separation of these two effects and removing influence of polarization on data. It gives us possibility to study more accurately pulsar magnetosphere by scintillation method. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research: project codes: 09-02-00530, 09-0200584, the Basic Research Program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences "The Origin, Structure, and Evolution of Objects of the Universe".


DIFFERENTIAL SPECTRUM OF THE RADIO BACKGROUND OF THE GALAXY AT DECAMETER WAVELENGTHS Vasilenko N.M. Institute of Radio Astronomy of NASU The method TT- plot for determination of the differential spectral index of the Galactic nonthermal radio emission was considered. TT-plots were performed by using the part of the radio surveys of the Northern sky obtained with the UTR-2 radio telescope for 14.7, 16.7, 20, and 25 MHz . The differential temperature spectral index was calculated for all pairs of the above frequencies and then averaged. The resulting spectral index varies over the entire sky and obviously points to existence two components of the background galactic radio emission : halo and disk. .. 1, .. 1, . 2, .. 1, .. 1, .. 1, .. 1, .. 1, .. 1, .. 1 2 LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, UPMC

+6° +16° . / (, PSR B0943+10 ~60), . RESULTS OF SEARCH AND OBSERVATION OF MINUTE FLUX FLUCTUATIONS OF GALACTIC SOURCES OF MASER RADIATIONS IN A LINE OF WATER-VAPOUR AT A WAVELENGTH OF 1.35 CM FOLLOWING THE RESULTS OF OBSERVANT SESSIONS IN 2002-2010 Samodurov V.A.1, Tolmachev A. M.1, Volvach A. E.2, Siparov S. V.3, Subaev I. A.1, Ladeshikov D.A.4, Rudnickij G. M.5, Volvach L. V.2, Logvinenko S. V.1, Lekht E. E.5, Pachenko M. I.5 1 Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory, Astrospace Center of the Lebedev Institute of Physics 2 Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Ukraine 3 Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, 4 Ural State University, Russia 5 Sternberg Astronomical Institute of MSU, Russia Results of a search for ultrarapid flux fluctuations of galactic sources of maser emission in the water-vapour line at a wavelength of 1.35 cm. An observational technique of a search for rapid flux fluctuations on some minute scales has been developed. From 2002 to 2010 a number of observational sessions for about 40 maser sources have been carried out with durations from 2 till 7 hour (with frequency spectra till 1 second). For the most interesting sources has been spent on two-three sessions with an interval a day. Among them are allocated a little which have shown such variability, among which as internal processes in the sources, going in areas the possible reasons of variability are discussed with characteristic scale of an order 0.1 a.u., and external (up to theoretical possibility of resonant influence of gravitational waves from galactic objects on area maser radiations). Fast fluctuations of spectra for 10 maser sources on scales in tens minutes and minute (for sources Ori A, W3 (OH), W3 (2), GGD4, IRAS 16293-2422, W33B, W43M3, W49N, W75N, Cep A) are found reliably out. The part from them is connected with linear polarization for some sources (Ori A, W3 (OH), W3 (2), W49N) that leads to slow changes of streams (ten minutes) from the polarised spectral details during moving of sources on the sky. Other type of variability is connected with fast movements maser condensation in space masers (GGD4, IRAS 16293-2422, W33B, W43M3, W49N, W75N, Cep A). Characteristic time of changes of fluxes of the second type of variability ­ from 10 minutes about one hour. It is created and is filled public databases http://observations.prao.ru/ by the spectral data observations of the specified objects. For the Russian authors this work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (08-02-01179).


, . -2, , , . «/» (/) . (, PSR B1508+55 / >10). 1RXS J1308+21 1RXS J2143+06. 4, = 2.5 . , . . , . .


THE RESULTS OF PROCESSING OF THE 102.5 MHZ SURVEY: THE CATALOGUE OF RADIO SOURCES, A DATABASE SCANS AND IZOPHOTES Dagkesamanskij R.D.1, Samodurov V.A.1, Gadelshin D.R.2, Kravchenko E.V.1, Semenyuk P.I.1 1 Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory, Astrospace Center 2 Orenburg State University, Russia In the given work is discussed the results of processing of the observations that was did in 1991-93 on a radio telescope of BSA of LPI (Russia) under the program of the full survey of northern sky on frequency of 102,5 MHz. The area of the sky with declinations -5°<<+80° has been as a result covered. The part of the catalogue of sources with streams more than 3 Jy for declinations +14,1°...+33,5° and +67,5°...+70,5° is already published earlier. In the given work the subpolar part of the catalogue of sources NSS102 with fluxes more than 3 Jy for declinations +60°...+80° is resulted. Review and catalogue data is entered into a special database http://observations.prao.ru/. Results of the review are deduced as in the form of the definitive catalogue, and initial observant from radio telescope , and izophotes of observation datas on 102.5 MHz. The methods of processing of daily reviews in a mode on-line are discussed also. A METHOD OF ESTIMATION OF ANGULAR SIZES OF DISCRETE RADIO SOURCES BASED ON OBSERVATIONAL DATA OF ADDITIVE AND MULTIPLYING RADIO TELESCOPES Volodymyr Koshovyy, Andriy Lozynskyy, Oleh Ivantyshyn, Roman Lozynskyy, Borys Kharchenko Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine koshovy@ipm.lviv.ua A method of estimation of the angular size of discrete radio sources is proposed, when radio source size is a fraction of antenna beam width. It is suitable for antenna arrays that are split into eastern and western halves. This allows for creation of additive and multiplying radio telescopes based on the same antenna. During the passage of radio source across antenna beam, the response of each telescope is influenced by several factors. In particular, the magnitude of the response is influenced by both radio source radiation flux density and its angular size. When only one telescope is used ­ additive or multiplying ­ there is significant error involved in flux estimation since the angular size of radio source is not taken into account. However, the simultaneous analysis of responses from both telescopes allows us to estimate the angular size of radio source and thus account for its effect on the radiation flux estimates. Proposed technique involves calculating the ratio of response magnitude of additive telescope to response magnitude of multiplying telescope that are based on the same antenna. It is shown that such magnitudes ratio is uniquely associated with the angular size of the radio source. This parameter is sensitive to the value

of the radio source size, especially when radio source size is a fraction of the antenna beam width. "-4" .., .., .., .. -4 , , uran4@te.net.ua , , , . , , . , . -4. (3144, 3274, 3405, 3461). , , . , . . .., .., .. -4 , , uran4@te.net.ua , ( ) , . (, , , ), , . ,


. , , . . , , . . , , , , . COPUOS UNBSSI ISWI, . IONOSPHERE DISTURBANCES REGISTRATION USING RADIO BROADCASTING STATIONS SIGNALS POWER OBSERVATIONS Galanin V.V., Kravetz R.O. Institute of radio astronomy of NASU Solar-terrestrial connections study is a very important problem, in spite of great attention payed to it from various scientific organizations. In particular, it is interesting to predict and register the ionosphere disturbances and magnetic storms, because Earth's ionosphere is most exposed to particles streams and electromagnetic radiation from Sun. Nowadays, there is exists many spacecrafts and ground based services, which are register solar particles and electromagnetic radiation of Sun in various wave bands. However data from these services is not always operative enough and not on all amount accessible. In some cases, particularly in radio astronomy observations, it is required the fast quality evaluation of ionosphere behavior, that is enable to correct these observations. In this connection, we propose the methodology of ionosphere disturbances registration, which is based on radio broadcasting stations signal power observations. Broadcasting stations signals is used to ionosphere studies for quite a long time. Difference of proposed methodology consists of the observation of integral signal power from some simultaneously radiated radio stations. It is enabling, on one hand, to simplify the registration equipment and on the other ­ to reduce the dependence from the operating schedule of these stations. Essence of this methodology consist of that ionosphere "mirror", which reflect radio signals is damaged in part or total in case of ionosphere disturbances. It causes

corresponding reducing of signal power in the receiving point. Using signals of one station is obstructed by it schedule ­ it can turned on or off, switch the power, use synchronous transmitters and so on. So observing the power of several simultaneously radiated radio stations will enable to estimate more exactly the value of ionosphere disturbance. URAN-4 RADIO TELESCOPE ANTENNA ELEMENTS CHECK-UP DEVICE Galanin V.V. 1, Kravetz R.O. 1, Lozinsky R.A. 2 1 Institute of Radio Astronomy of NASU 2 Karpenko Physics-Mechanical Institute of NASU Uran-4 radio telescope (RT) is one of the elements of the long base radio interferometer. He's operating frequency range is 10 ­ 30 MHz. It includes antenna, phased system and instrumentation set. Last one is perform the distinguishing, amplification and processing of the receiving signals from two linear polarization antenna parts. Antenna of URAN-4 RT is electrically controlled phased array. It consists of 128 turn style vibrators. Size of antenna is 232.5x22.5m. We proposed the device that assist to quick and qualitative check-up and evaluate the efficiency of antenna and it parts, including the phase system. This device is consist of the parts: generator, that work at frequencies 3 ­ 13 MHz, low frequency modulator, conform unit (CU), registration unit, ultra high frequency (UHF) transmitter and receiver. The device is work in the next manner: man-operator on antenna field connect the generator trough the conform unit to one of antenna vibrators. Signal from the generator is passed through the receiving channel and get to the RT receiver which is tuned to the generator frequency. Then the signal is selected and amplified and then put out to the UHF transmitter and to the registration unit. Here man-operator by means of UHF receiver define the presence or absence of the signal and the registration unit is measured its level. «» ..1, ..1, ..2, ..1, ..1, ..1, ..2, ..1, ..1 1 , 2 , () , , . : , , .


1 / () (). , , , . . , ­ ( 1.3 ). : . . ­ . , HDD 48 32 . 100 . , 24 . -

. ­ , . 5 , . 40 . ethernet 10 /. 400.



V.N.Melnik 1, H.O.Rucker 2 Institute of Radio Astronomy, Kharkov, Ukraine 2 Space Research Institute,Graz, Austria

Unified model of sources of type III bursts, type IIIb bursts and spikes are supposed. In this model beams of fast electrons are sources of these bursts. Type III bursts are caused by electron beams of high density with large spatial sizes. The initial electron distribution function has positive derivative on velocity. Type IIIb bursts are generated by electron beams with small spatial sizes and high densities. Their initial electron distribution function has negative derivative on velocity. The same feature of electrons associated with spikes. But besides their densities are low. These electron beams have small spatial sizes. All these properties of fast electrons provide different type of radio emissions which manifest themselves as type III bursts, type IIIb bursts and spikes. In this scheme the short durations of type IIIb bursts and spikes are explained by the time of particle collisions in plasma. At the same time the large duration of type III bursts is connected with spatial sizes of electron beams. III . . 1 , . . 1, A. A. 1, . O. 2, . . 1 , A. 3 1 , , 2 , , 3 , , . , III . , 2002-2006 . -2 , 10-30 , . III . 5 100 . . , 12-20 15 . 50 , ­ 10 . , III III -

, . III , . OBSERVATIONS OF TYPE IV BURSTS AT 10-30 MHZ V.N. Melnik 1, A. A. Konovalenko 1, H.O. Rucker 2, E.P. Abranin 1, V. V. Dorovskyy 1, A. Lecacheux 3 1 Institute of Radio Astronomy, Kharkov, Ukraine 2 Space Research Institute,Graz, Austria 3 Observatoire de Meudon, France In this paper the results of observations of solar type IV bursts by radio telescope UTR-2 in July-August 2002 are discussed. During two months 20 such bursts were observed. Their durations changed from about 1.5 hour up to some hours. All of type IV bursts have fine structure in the form of fiber bursts both in emission and absorption.

.. 1, ..2 «-4» , , , ryabov-uran@ukr.net 2 ..., ,

[1] () () , [2-3] , , , . -22 20-23 . «» «» , SOHO. , -W, - Sp ­FI . 23- . -


. . . 1. .., .., .., .., ... . « ». XIII , , 1989, . 239-242 2. .., .. .. « ». -, 2009, .121-135. 3. .., .. 23 // ,2010, .16.1.77-85 - .. , « » sidorenkov@mecom.ru . , . , . , , . - . , , , . , . , . , , , . .

, - , .

-22 ..1, .1, ..1, ..2 1 « », , , 2 «-4» , , , ryabov-uran@ukr.net -22 1967 . «» 2,4,8,13,16, 17 25 . . , 20-23 , - . . 24- .


.. 1, ..2 «-4» , , , ryabov-uran@ukr.net 2 ..., ,

«-4» 1987 , , .


4 , 13 , , , . «» . 23- 2003-2005 . 100 , . 0.8-0.9. ­ «» , , . , . 399 , C.., .. . .. , 31, . , , 677980, , s_samsonov@ikfia.ysn.ru 399 , . , , , , . 1986 1996 . ., - . 399 . , 3.0±0.57%, 5.2±1,46% 9.4±2.63% .

- C.. , .. . .. , 31, . , , 677980, , s_samsonov@ikfia.ysn.ru , , . , , , , . - - , -. , - 2-3 . - , . INTERCONNECTION OF ELECTRICAL EARTH FIELDS AND ASTROPHYSICAL PROCESSES Grunskaya L. V. Vladimir State University, Russia Experimental investigations of electromagnetic fields in the atmosphere boundary layer are done at the distance spaced stations, situated on VSU test ground, at Main Geophysical Observatory (St. Petersburg), on Kamchatka pen., on Lake Baikal. The distance spaced reception of electrical and magnetic fields will allow to analyze more widely the nature of the investigated interactions. Investigations into moon tides and their interaction with the electric field of the atmospheric boundary layer are possible both by means of attracting big data files and by using a method of spaced reception. On the first stage of the investigations a correlative spectral analysis of the experimental data was being carried out. Signal/noise ratio on the frequencies of the moon tides M2 and 2N2 was 2.1 and 1.3 (Vladimir), 1.7 and 1.1 (Voyeikovo). The results of such investigation led to conclusion about subnoisy nature of possible signals of moon tides in the spectra of electrical field. The subsequent investigations are connected with search of main features accompanying such influences. Such investigations turned out to be possible after developing the method of scanning experimental signal of electromagnetic field into non- correlated components. There was


used a method of the analysis of the latent vectors of the time series covariance matrix for exposing influence of the moon tides on Ez. The method allows to distribute an experimental signal into noncorrelated periodicities. The present method is effective just in the situation when energetical deposit because of possible influence of moon tides upon the electromagnetic fields is little. The work is carried out with supporting of grants RFBR N 09-05-99015, Program DSPHS 2.1.1/5660. .. 1, .. 2, .. 3, .. 4, .. 4, .. 5, .. 5 1 2 « » 3 4 5 . 1875 , 1877 , 12 23- , 1992 , 23 . . 23- « », , -, -. - 23- . 22- «» . , .

«» ..1, .. 2, ..3 1 , . 2 , ., 3 . . . , . , 42, ., ., , vit@immsp.kiev.ua «» 2006- . WEB- ­ «» (http://geliomed.immsp.kiev.ua) [1]. 2006 2008 1- , [2,3]. , ( ..), ( ..), ( ..) ( ..), . , [5,6] «». « » . , , - [4]. , - . - - « ». -, . 2010 2011 ( ..). , , .


«» . « ». . 2009 2010 09-02-90471-__ 28/02-030. COSMIC COINCIDENCE, EVOLUTION OF THE UNIVERSE AND GENERALIZATION OF THE ANTROPIC PRINCIPLE A. V. Bukalov Physical Department of the IIS, Kiev, Ukraine, boukalov@gmail.com The problem of coincidence of the space values, ones of which are dynamic and others are considered permanent, to the present tense has not found the satisfactory decision. This problem in cosmology names "cosmic coincidence" and connects with that in expression for density of the Universe energy the density of matter and density of dark energy have close values. The decision of this problem they usually connect with the Antropic Principle or with the conception of the plural Universes by Everett. According to the strong Antropic Principle the Universe should be such that at some stage of evolution there would be a human in it. Our researches show that the biosphere of the Earth, its mass and other parameters are closely connected with the space parameters. These connections are easily explained, if to consider the biosphere as uniform, integral, synergetic, non-equilibrium structure, formed and evolving in a resonance with the evolution of the Universe. Thus the epoch of occurrence of life and especially a reasonable life (the observers) is related to the space coincidence of dynamic variable, depending on time, and stable values. Therefore time of occurrence and existence of observers is picked out. As the Universe history is a history of phase transitions, we can conclude that occurrence of live substance, biosphere and reasonable observers in a zone of "a space resonance" is an indicator of the new stage of the Universe evolution and new phase transition with appearance of a new phase of matter in the form of live and reasonable beings. In any really existent universe, whatever set of constants it possessed, the occurrence of life and reason is inevitable in the certain phase of its evolution, although their forms can quite differ from known to us. .. 1, .. 1, .. 1, . . 1, .. 1, .. 1, .. 2, .. 2, .. 3,

.. 3, .. 3, .. 3, .. 3, .. 3 1 , . , , 2 84/32, . , . , 3 4, . , . , ., . , . 10 , 300 . , , , , 1 /. , «». , , . . (www.impb.ru) 10 (http://www.jcbi.ru/klaster/index.shtml) . (www.prao.ru) LOFAR SKA. «Stack Group» 1 /. «». , -22 . , 24 .


(Family, First Middle) .. .. . Antonino Del Popolo . . - .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . ..

Catania University , , , . VNIIMS

aavetis@ysu.am tt_ari @ ukr. net galina@iubip.ru antonino.delpopolo@unibg.it bannikova@astron.kharkov.ua berdina@ri.kharkov.ua gkogan@iki.rssi.ru boch@sai.msu.ru Bvv_2004@ua.fm boukalov@gmail.com mailto:vavilova@nas.gov.ua vakulik@astron.kharkov.ua vasnat@ri.kharkov.ua vin_nik@mail.ru virnina@gmail.com vit@immsp.kiev.ua evavovchyk@ukr.net uran4@te.net.ua vgladush@gmail.com hnatyk@observ.univ.kiev.ua gopkavera@mail.ru algor@sai.msu.ru grunsk@vpti.vladimir.ru voituklubov@mail.ru yu_gusev@yahoo.com danevich@kinr.kiev.ua dorovsky@ri.kharkov.ua ValeryZhdanov@mail.ru ai_zhuk2@rambler.ru zakhar@rian.kharkov.ua zkhvladimir@mail.ru wolftempus@gmail.com zubrin@rian.kharkov.ua is@itaec.ru KazemirWS@ukr.net karitsk@sai.msu.ru marina@prao.ru klepnev.alexander@gmail.com kobychev@kinr.kiev.ua algor@sai.msu.ru kopteva-l@yandex.ru 958korkin@rambler.ru uran4@te.net.ua mgl@asc.rssi.ru uran4@te.net.ua ek.loginov@mail.ru Lozynsky@ah.ipm.Lviv.ua r.lozynsky@ipm.lviv.ua serj_jr@mail.ru malov@prao.ru melnik@ri.kharkov.ua melnikov@phys.msu.ru minakov@ri.kharkov.ua


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mir@ri.kharkov.ua leonty@izmiran.ru moiseenko.sergey@gmail.com mss@bitp.kiev.ua nagorny@kinr.kiev.ua ion.nacu@yahoo.com novos@astro.franko.lviv.ua olyeyvp@yahoo.com orlyuk@igph.kiev.ua eppavlenko@gmail.com mailto:yp@mao.kiev.ua mailto:panko.elena@gmail.com mailto:a_pakhomow@mail.ru mailto:plyatsko@lms.lviv.ua kurgan47@gmail.com pva@astron.kharkov.ua mailto:pvd@prao.ru romanov@gpad.ac.ru ryabov-uran@ukr.net sam@prao.ru anahit.sam@gmail.com s_samsonov@ikfia.ysn.ru sergey@sergeev.tv sidorenkov@mecom.ru sergey@siparov.ru gleb.smirnov@gmail.com tania@prao.ru steps137@gmail.com antonstupka@mail.ru subaev@prao.ru elcamino82@yandex.ru teplykh@prao.psn.ru stefan.tiron@yahoo.com tretyak@kinr.kiev.ua lsu1@mail.ru oulyanov@rian.kharkov.ua mailto:plyatsko@lms.lviv.ua tsar35@mail.ru tsvetkova@astron.kharkov.ua tsvyk@ri.kharkov.ua mailto:chernakovams@mail.ru arthur.chernin@gmail.com chechetv@gmail.com achupr@asc.rssi.ru shali@crao.crimea.ua mshatsk@mail.ru shtanov@bitp.kiev.ua shulga@rian.kharkov.ua