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Дата изменения: Mon Aug 27 22:10:21 2012
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 21:27:58 2012

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FY2011­12 Annual Report

-- Connecting People to Science --

"Astronomy programs ... have been going really great here in the park this summer. I can't thank you guys enough for offering the free online workshop. I feel much more confident in my abilities to provide programing. International Observe the Moon Night ... gave me a GREAT idea of what resources are available on the website. I am excited because, even if no event happens here in Sequoia ... I now have a great resource for my astronomy programs! Thanks!" -- Tara H., Sequoia National Park

Dear Friends: In one of my "past lives," I taught one of those large introductor y astronomy courses at a university, where 150+ students gather in a " lecture pit" that tends to converge sound to a focal point--you. And you quickly come to realize, as you lecture and demonstrate and prompt interactivity and otherwise keep those dogs and ponies prancing , that there's an ambient low-level background noise that accompanies ever y class period: the combined furtive whispering , seat-fidgeting , foot-shuffling , and paper-rustling of those 150+ students doing whatever they do when they 're sitting in class. It's just a given, and you get used to it. But ever y so often, there comes a moment, during the presentation of some fascinating image, some current event, a particular engaging bit, or a particularly relevant one, when the whispering , fidgeting , shuffling and rustling suddenly come to a stop, and 150+ students give you their focused attention. The silence is deafening. It's one of those fleeting moments that teachers live for--a "gotcha!" moment when you and your audience really connect, when you have a chance to truly teach something , when your students have a chance to truly learn something. You milk it for all you're worth, and when the ambient low-level background noise inevitably surges back, you immediately start plotting and planning how to get back there again. And so it is with the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Ever y day, we plot and plan how to help others to create that focused attention, those connections, those moments of thunderous silence that can change somebody 's life--that can change the world. In these pages, you will find an accounting of our good work and accomplishments in this regard for fiscal year 2011­12, through our publications, our products and ser vices, our professional development and training opportunities, our professional partnerships, our awards recognizing excellence. They tell a tale of a vital Society working efficiently and effectively to connect people to science. But it doesn't happen in a vacuum, and chief among the connections we treasure are our connections with you, our members, supporters, and those with whom we share a common goal to improve the science and science education landscape in the U.S. and the world using the sky we love. We appreciate and value your partnership as we all work to make this positive change in the world. Thank you! Wishing you those moments of silence that can make all the difference, I remain Sincerely Yours,

James G. Manning Executive Director

As is fitting in this space, I usually talk about the Astronomical Society of the Pacific and the great things it continues to do. And I will ... from its unique and vital building of bridges between professional astronomers, amateur astronomers, teachers, students, and members of the general public ... from workshops in classrooms and National Parks to countless nights under the stars in which kids get their first awesome peek at craters on the Moon and the rings of Saturn to our annual Conference with its paper sessions, special guest lectures by leading experts, and our Awards Banquet saluting the best from across our broad spectrum of constituencies. I also wish to acknowledge the dynamic work on the part of ASP staff and Board members in seeking alternate sources of unrestricted funding , and thank our diverse and generous donors and members who helped the ASP maintain a balanced budget for FY11­12 while continuing to deliver diverse and thriving programs across the countr y. Yet even as we celebrate the accomplishments of the past fiscal year, the ASP looks for ward. The Board and staff 's New Initiatives Group is pursuing ways to not only update and transform existing programs and ser vices for well into the 21st centur y, but also develop new avenues with which to improve science literacy through astronomy. Members of the ASP have also been sur veyed to provide vital feedback as we strive to ser ve them better. Through efforts such as these, we will continue our mission of ser vice, with achievements to be chronicled in annual reports to come. In this, the last President's Message that I will have the opportunity to pen to you, I also want to speak a bit about Jim Manning , the ASP's Executive Director, and a man I have had the honor and pleasure of working with in various capacities for over 25 years. Through Jim's extraordinar y and tireless work, the ASP has been put on sound financial footing and added quality staff at a time when many profit and not-for-profit institutions alike have had to freeze or even reduce staff. But to see beyond Jim's abilities as a great manager of all of the ASP's resources, I ask you to read or reread his message for there you will also gain insight into this man who not only is one of the most honest and hardworking people I have ever known but also truly loves his subject and sharing that love with others. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific is now entering its 124th year and, given the leadership and hard work of its Executive Director, staff, Board of Directors, membership, and countless dedicated astronomers and astronomy educators and enthusiasts, I have no doubt that it will continue to grow and prosper in the years ahead.

Dr. William Gutsch President of the Board of Directors


"I've been going through my DVD-ROM "The Universe at Your Fingertips 2.0" and I feel like a kid in a candy store. These activities are great, and I'm particularly grateful to have them in digital format so I can print handouts on my computer at home without a copy machine. This is a great resource and addition to my astro-arsenal, and I just want to thank you and everyone else at the ASP involved in this for providing it to us. You're the best!" -- Krissie K., former Astronomy Programs Coordinator, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, current volunteer astronomy teacher

"I can't believe how much AFGU has meant in my life and how it has helped me in the past to have better astronomy experiences with students. I look forward to upcoming opportunities to use my new knowledge in the future and with continuing to use the resources that your organization has made available to me." -- Elizabeth M., Interpreter, Sea Science

K­12 Education Programs
Project ASTROTM is a national program that improves the teaching of astronomy and physical science by pairing professional and amateur astronomers with classroom educators, training them in the use of hands-on, inquir y-based astronomy activities designed by the ASP and published in The Universe at Your Fingertips. These educator-astronomer pairs work together to provide students with experiences designed to encourage students to act like scientists as they come to understand more about the Universe and science in general. More than a dozen active sites across the countr y support several hundred astronomer-teacher partnerships ser ving thousands of students annually. Project ASTRO site leaders gathered in 2011 in Tucson, Arizona, for the network's annual professional development meeting where they shared experiences, learned from each other and brainstormed how to enhance and strengthen the network . The meeting also featured two days of orientation and program development around the ASP's new Galileo Educator Network, supported by a grant from NASA . The Galileo Teacher Training Program (GTTP) and Galileo Educator Network (GEN) are teacher professional development " You guys are providing great programs designed to foster greater incorporation of inquir y-based strategies in the classroom with an emphasis on using astronomy as a support. When you are all by yourself vehicle to teach the nature of and practices of science in the context at your `outpost' college, it is nice to of the Next Generation Science Standards. GTTP was developed as a pilot program during the International Year of Astronomy, testing a have others to share resources and new model of teacher professional development designed to facilitate give you encouragement." the teaching of science using Galileo's iconic obser vations and other resources. Since 2009, workshops have been conducted at diverse ven-- Tony G., Astronomy Instructor, ues around the countr y. In 2011, GTTP workshops were conducted in Columbia Basin College partnership with Northrop Grumman in Redondo Beach, California, and as a part of the ASP annual conference in Baltimore, Mar yland. An extension of GTTP, GEN incorporates a "train the trainer" model to expand the reach of teacher professional development into communities throughout the nation. Through the Project ASTRO National Network, GEN teacher workshops were conducted in Cincinnati, New Jersey, Boulder, West Chester (PA), and the San Francisco Bay Area. Plans are under way to involve the remaining Project ASTRO sites, and to conduct a Professional Development Institute in 2012.

Amateur Astronomer-focused Programs
The NASA Night Sky Network (NSN), managed by the ASP, is a partnership of more than 400 amateur astronomy clubs around the U.S. dedicated to sharing their knowledge, time and telescopes with the public. The ASP provides clubs with outreach toolkits (focused on astronomy topics), training , teleconferences with NASA scientists, and support to help enhance outreach events, with funding support from NASA missions and other programs. The popular network continues to grow, and has logged 21,000+ outreach events ser ving more than two million people since tracking began in March 2004. We continued to supply exemplar y outreach toolkits to the clubs through both NSF and NASA funding. Toolkits released in 2011 include "Space Rocks!" and "Life in the Universe." Production also began on the "Our Magnetic Sun" toolkit, for release to coincide with auspicious Sun events in 2012 (the annular eclipse and transit of Venus). Sharing the Universe (STU). This project, funded in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF), supports the NSN clubs in particular by developing products and ser vices to assist clubs in sustaining successful public outreach programs. In FY11­12, the ASP focused its efforts on improving and expanding the astronomy club management ser vices available through the NSN website. The redesign made it easier to manage aspects of the club such as the membership roster and dues tracking , managing contacts, and enhancing communication between club members as well as the public. The objective was to make the tasks associated with club management easier so that outreach could be supported with less effort. From a club in Hawaii: "I enjoyed the changes made to the program for updating the calendar for the coming year particularly for 6

the public star parties. The form that comes up when posting for the complete year makes it a snap to adjust the dates etc." The ASP also focused its efforts on expanding its social media and technology plan to reach ever-widening audiences for club events, attract more club members particularly in the 18­35 age range. In addition to the iPhone app (GoStarGaze), Facebook page, Twitter account, and website widgets, other smartphone apps are adopting the event feed from NSN. Distant Suns, a popular and highly-rated planetarium program, has incorporated a listing of upcoming astronomy events near the user's current location. "Thanks so much for everything. It was One recent review of Distant Suns stated "I wrote previously that I love this app ... This update now has listings of astronomitruly an amazing experience. I learned so cal activities in my area, which is really cool & useful. Sweet!"

Informal Education Programs
A stronomy from the Ground Up (AFGU) and Sky R angers. AFGU, started by the ASP with support from the NSF, provides informal science educators at science centers, nature centers, museums, parks and other informal education venues with new and innovative ways to communicate astronomy content to their visitors. In 2010­11, NSF funding for AFGU officially closed, but the ASP continued to build on the effort with its NASAfunded Sky Rangers program begun in 2009 in partnership with the National Park Ser vice. Through this program, the ASP is using the AFGU model to provide training to park rangers and outdoor educators to identif y night sky objects and explain astronomical phenomena to park visitors.

much and I am very appreciative for all the work that your organization does. I am thinking of some events that I might do around astronomy, and I will let you know when those happen by logging the events and keeping in touch. " -- Carol-Anne P., Teacher Naturalist, Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary & Audubon Center

In fall 2011, a four-day Sky R angers workshop was presented at Acadia National Park for 35 park rangers and other interpreters; an eight-week online version of the workshop was presented to over 100 participants the following winter. Throughout the year, seven online "Continuing Explorations" mini-workshops covered selected topics including dark sky preser vation, spring and summer stargazing , planning events for meteor showers, and various astronomy topics in the news. The AFGU network grew to more than 800 educators and interpreters from venues around the countr y, actively enhancing and expanding their astronomy education capacity. Toolkits in Heliophysics and Training for Informal Education Networks (THATIEN). This program, mentioned above, will include development of outreach materials and professional development for the AFGU/Sky R angers community.

Additional ASP Science Education Programs
Stratospheric Obser vator y for Infrared A stronomy (SOFIA). The ASP co-manages NASA's SOFIA airborne obser vator y 's E/PO programs. In 2011, SOFIA's Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors (AAA) program was inaugurated, flying six teachers from the United States and two from Germany as partners with astronomy researchers. Those teachers are now taking their SOFIA training and experiences back to their classrooms and communities. The AAA program continues in 2012­13, with more educators flying research missions on SOFIA and a new call for applications from educators to join the program.
From left, Terry Herter, principal investigator of FORC AST, and SOFIA staff scientist, James De Buizer, discuss an infrared image with Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors Theresa Paulsen and Marita Beard.


Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (PASP)
Since the Society 's founding in 1889, the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (PASP) has been continuously produced, originally providing a variety of information about the Society, and in recent decades, ser ving as a vehicle for disseminating peer-reviewed research papers to the scientific community. The PASP publishes refereed papers on astronomical research covering all subject areas, as well as many papers on innovations in astronomical instrumentation and software, reviews of specific research areas and summaries of Ph.D. dissertations and conference proceedings. In the calendar year 2011, volume 123 contained 135 papers, including 48 research articles as well as 77 papers on instrumentation, data analysis or atmospheric phenomena. There were summaries of two Herschel key projects (KINGFISH and WISH), as well as the multiband Star Formation Reference Sur vey in the local universe, thirty-three articles contained new research on various kinds of normal and peculiar single and binar y stars, and six papers dealt with extrasolar planets. The instrumentation papers covered wavelengths from UV to radio with articles on spectrographs, coronographs, interferometers, IR , cameras, filters as well as adaptive optics. Twenty-five papers appeared that described available new software for obtaining , reducing and analyzing ground and space data. Atmospheric monitoring papers included site tests for the European Extremely Large Telescope. Four new Ph.D. dissertation summaries on novae, active galaxies and star formation were included in this volume, as well as an obituar y on the life of famed astronomer Allan Sandage.

ASP Conference Series
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series was founded in 1988 by Dr. Harold McNamara, the PASP editor at the time. The Conference Series continues to ser ve the global astronomical community today, having published more than 450 volumes containing the latest advances in astronomy and astrophysics from conferences held around the world. Between March 2011 and Februar y 2012, the ASP Conference Series published eleven volumes on astronomy research topics ranging from the Sun to distant galaxies, and included thematic volumes on Education and Public Outreach and the influence of astronomy on art and culture. This year's contribution to the Series also included volumes on data analysis, numerical modeling , and polarimetr y. The Conference Series ser ves a wide international community, with volumes summarizing meetings held in five U.S. states and six countries in Europe, Asia, and North and South America. During the year, readers from more than 100 countries have accessed more than 82,000 abstracts and 15,000 articles. This does not include abstracts and papers accessed through the popular NASA Astrophysics Data System ser ver, which ser ves thousands of additional readers.




he ASP annually presents awards recognizing excellence in scientific research, education, and amateur astronomy. In 2011, awards were presented at the annual ASP awards banquet in Baltimore, Maryland, in conjunction with the Society 's annual conference.

The 2011 Catherine Wolfe Bruce Gold Medal, the ASP's most prestigious award for lifetime achievement in astronomy and one of the most notable awards in astronomy, was presented to Dr. Jeremiah P. Ostriker of Princeton University. Dr. Ostriker's career as a theoretical astrophysicist is distinguished by its breadth of subject area, most notably in the area of cosmology where he performed seminal research on dark matter and dark energy. In addition to the Bruce medal, the ASP bestowed the following 2011 awards: The Maria & Eric Muhlmann Award, for the development of innovative research instruments and techniques was awarded to Dr. Gaspar Bakos. The Robert J. Trumpler Award for an outstanding recent Ph.D. thesis was given to Dr. Philip Hopkins, currently a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley, he completed his PhD. at Har vard University. The Richard H. Emmons Award for excellence in the teaching of college-level introductor y astronomy for non-science majors went to Dr. Douglas Duncan of the University of Colorado and the Fiske Planetarium in Boulder, Colorado. The Thomas J. Brennan Award for excellence in the teaching of astronomy in grades 9­12, was awarded to Mark S. Reed of Jackson High School in Jackson, Michigan. The Klumpke-Roberts Award for contributing to the public understanding of astronomy was given to Dr. Paul Davies of Arizona State University in Phoenix. The Amateur Achievement Award for significant obser vational or technological contributions by an amateur astronomer went to Kevin Apps of London, England for his singular efforts in advancing the fields of extra-solar planet research and stellar astrophysics. The Las Cumbres Amateur Outreach Award for outstanding public outreach to K­12 students and the public by an amateur astronomer was awarded to Lonnie Puterbaugh Brentwood, Tennessee. The Bart and Priscilla Bok Award, jointly sponsored with the American Astronomical Society and presented to students at the Intel Science and Engineering Fair for meritorious of science fair entries, was given to Benjamin M. Clark of Lancaster, Pennsylvania (first prize) and Brian R . Grahamr of Beaverton, Oregon (second prize).

Dr. Jeremiah P. Ostriker

Dr. Gaspar Bakos

Dr. Philip Hopkins

Dr. Douglas Duncan

Mark S. Reed

Dr. Paul Davies

Kevin Apps

Lonnie Puterbaugh




he 2011 annual meeting was held July 30 ­ August 3 in Baltimore, Mar yland. The theme of the 2011 conference was "Connecting People to Science." The meeting was of particular interest to those involved in education, public outreach, and science communication in space, earth, and physical science. Sessions and presentations at the meeting considered citizen science, communicating global warming in today 's political climate, "Marketing 101 for Scientists," how to write up and publish educational work, engaging girls in science, the Pluto debate as a role-playing game, data visualization tools, getting more science into after-school programs, how to view the 2012 transit of Venus, the new national science education standards, special days and years for science as large public EPO events, the latest discoveries from the Hubble Space Telescope, and many other topics of interest. Some 71 posters, 31 short orals, and 42 interactive sessions were presented, as well as five plenar y sessions focusing on important issues of the day including a session by America's favorite public astronomer, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, discussing his experiences with social media and the "Twitter verse" as an avenue to public access, and an opening keynote address by journalist and author Chris Mooney. Public events included "Science Night with STScI" featuring talks by scientists R achel Osten, Jason Tumlinson, Massimo Stiavelli and Mario Livio of the Space Telescope Science Institute. Workshops and short courses for K­12 teachers were also offered in conjunction with the meeting. Teachers explored the most recent developments in our understanding of the universe and the Earth's climate, with science content and resources tied directly to national and local standards.

2011 Conference Sponsors
The following organizations have contributed significant support and sponsorship to the success of the 2011 annual conference.




o connect with those we ser ve, the Society must first connect with our generous benefactors and supporters who provide the additional grants and gifts that help make our programs and initiatives possible. With this support, we are able to undertake the signature education and outreach efforts for which the ASP is known, and to develop the networks and enhance the publications that advance our mission. The following grants and gifts are among those received during fiscal year 2011­12, March 1, 2011 through Februar y 29, 2012. We sincerely thank these and all of our grantors and supporters who make a difference ever y day in the work of the Society.

$99,152 Estate of Leopold Tedesco $41,597 Estate of Kevin Cashdollar $30,000 Windy Ridge for Galileo Teacher Training Program $25,316 University of California at Berkeley for Advancing Mentor And Novice Teachers In Space Science $13,000 Estate of Mark A. Stolle $10,000 Diane and Gordon Myers $7,500 Lockheed Martin for Bay Area Project ASTRO $6,000 California Space Grant Consortium for Bay Area Project ASTRO $5,000 Bessemer Trust $4,000 SPIE Foundation for Bay Area Project ASTRO $2,500 National Space Grant for Bay Area Project ASTRO

Support the ASP through the Combined Federal Campaign
ASP is a member of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) for federal employees (CFC#:10651). Individual members' and supporters' CFC gifts to the ASP throughout the year directly support our many educational and outreach programs to advance science literacy. Please consider this convenient avenue as a way to support the Society.

THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIET Y OF THE PACIFIC WISHES TO THANK the following organizations and individuals for their generous philanthropic support. This list reflects gifts and grants received between March 1, 2011, and Februar y 29, 2012. Funds raised support the ASP's mission to foster scientific curiosity, advance science literacy, and share the joy of exploration and discover y -- to encourage tomorrow 's science, technology, and academic leaders. Although each star shines alone, they add up to a glittering night sky. Likewise, each donation adds to the next to make a great impact. Thank you for making it possible!

Society Benefactor ($25,000 and above) Estate of Kenneth L. Cashdollar Estate of Leopold Tedesco Windy Ridge Foundation in support of Galileo Teacher Training Program President's Circle ($5,000 ­ $24,999) Bessermer Trust Estate of Mark A . Stolle Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Gordon+ & Diane Myers NASA Herschel Science Center (NHSC) NASA Lunar Science Institute NASA's Chandra X-R ay Obser vator y NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program ­ JPL Stratospheric Obser vator y for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) Spitzer Science Center (SSC) Edward S. Holden Society ($2,000 ­ $4,999) Anonymous (1) Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation Kyle W. Blackman Capitol College Cathy G. Langridge+* Levi Strauss Foundation* National R adio Astronomy Obser vator y (NRAO) National Space Grant Foundation in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Ronald Rosano & Susan Morrow in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Sky-Skan, Inc. SPIE in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO The University of Chicago Press Charles R . Thurber, Jr. in honor of Andrew G. Fraknoi & in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO

Neil deGrasse Tyson

ASP Associate ($1,000 ­ $1,999) American Astronomical Society (AAS) Terence & Cynthia Brennan Edward & Elizabeth Conklin Jo Ann Eder Timothy & Carolyn Ferris ­ The Swig Foundation Christopher J. Ford+ John A . Graham in memor y of Bart J. Bok IBM Corporation ­ Corporate Citizenship & Corporation Affairs IBM Corporation ­ Matching Grants Program* Robert P. Kraft in support of PASP & Education Outreach James G. Manning** Bruce Partridge Seiler Instrument & Mfg. Co., Inc. Solar Dynamicsw Obser vator y (SDO) Virginia L. Trimble in memor y of Brian Marsden, Leif Robinson & Allan Sandage University of Wyoming ­ CAPER Team Connie E. Walker+ Al W haley Sponsor ($500 ­ $999) Celestron, LLC Edna DeVore+ Alex & Noelle Filippenko in memor y of Weidong Li Marc A . Gineris William A . Gutsch, Jr.+ Mar y Kay Hemenway Lynne A . Hillenbrand Kenneth M. Jones Judy+ & Roy Kass Kathleen E. Kraemer in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Richard B. Larson John C. Mather D. Gregor y McNeil David J. Monyak

Jacqueline Rigoni in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO G. Mark Voit & Megan Donahue

Robert G. Southwick Marshall W. Walker Robert E. Wilson

Contributor ($250 ­ $499) American Elements Frank N. Bash Eric Becklin Michael A . Bennett Clinton C. Brooks Chuck J. Bueter Richard C. Burnett Charlesbridge Publishing Ismar Cintora Donald R . Davis Paul Deans** in memor y of Pat Price Peter W. Deutsch Morris J. Ellington David G. Elliott Andrew G. Fraknoi** R aul Fuente Marcos Katy D. Garmany Michael G. Gibbs+ Werner Graf Russell A . Harding David S. Heeschen Arnold M. Heiser James B. Kaler Francis W. Keeler, Jr. Shawn A . Laatsch+ Conn & Susan S. Rusche Fund ­ Marin Community Foundation in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Chuck & Pat McPartlin Gregor y S. Mumford MW T Associates, Inc. National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA) & Windows to the Universe Jeremiah P. Ostriker Alexander R . Peters Stephen M. Pompea Schyleen Qualls+ Miguel A . Rivera Nancy G. Roman Dennis L. Schatz Edward G. Schmidt Gregor y R . Schultz**

Friend of the Society ($100 ­ $249) Andrew M. Abrahams Thomas B. Ake Allan & Katie Alcorn Albert I. Andreiko Marcia F. Bartusiak Steven V. W. Beckwith Christo T. Bekiaris Jeffrey & Lisa Bennett Jacqueline K . Beucher Chris D. Biemesderfer Dennis C. Blanchard Wayne & Dee Blinka Walter K . Bonsack Katherine Bracher Spencer L. Buckner Jo Anne Bucsko in honor of John Gregg ­ AVID Astronomer Chevron Corporation* J. Donald Cline Richard L. Combs & Baerbel Steffestun Lynn R . Cominsky Lisa A . Crist Roger E. Davis Durruty Jesus de Alba Martinez Susan E. Deustua Lawrence D. Dickinson William C. Dillon in honor of Edwin Hubble & Harlow Shapley Andrea K . Dobson Reginald J. Dufour Mar y E. Dussault Richard T. Fienberg Debra A . Fischer Thomas A . Fleming Daniel W. Fong Thomas G. Franke Malcolm C. V. Fridlund James N. Fr y Gartner, Inc.* Neil A . Gehrels Richard & Eileen Gibbs John W. Glaspey in memor y of R aymond W hite, Jr. Eunice & Douglas Goodan


Alan D. Gould Theodore A . Haigh William L. Hansen Edward & Sharon Harris Cinndy K . Hart Hermann Haupt in memor y of Lick Obser vator y 1951­52 Isabel Hawkins Kim Hayden James E. Hesser Esther M. Hu R aleigh E. Hughes, Jr. Deidre A . Hunter Christopher D. Impey+ Philip Inder wiesen* & Patricia Tovsen Francine Jackson Suzanne & George Jacoby Alan Jaroslovsky Richard R . Joyce Jun Jugaku Rosa Jul Dave Kar y & Joann Eisberg Sen Kikuchi Ivan R . King in support of Bart Fund Jeanne Kirkwood Arnold R . Klemola Donald O. Knapp David C. Koo Cornelis J. Koomen Andy J. Kreyche Edwin C. Krupp in memor y of George O. Abell Arlo U. Landolt Nancy Lanning Kristine M. Larsen in memor y Dorrit Hoffleit Scott & Roxanne Ledford Carol R . Levy Karen K . Lind Jeffrey F. Lockwood Loris Magnani Steward R . Maines John A . Malley in honor of Halton Arp Fred Marschak Wesley N. Mathews, Jr. Kirsten Maynard Donald W. McCarthy, Jr.+ Steven P. Menaker Richard J. Messina Joseph A . Minafra Ted Mitchell Nancy D. Morrison Gregor y Mulinare Robert T. O'Dell David G. Opstad Joseph Orr Matthew P. Pappas in memor y Mar y Lomaga Evans W. Paschal Carolyn & Mark Petersen in honor of Mark & Carolyn Collins Petersen Thomas G. Phillips Al Pickett Gar y W. Portenier Harr y C. Portwood J. A . Posey, Jr. Thomas E. Pruitt Michael P. R agan John & Monique Reed in memor y of Drs. Eli & Nola Haynes; Dr. Frank N. Edmunds, Jr; & Mr. Russell C. Maag Jeffrey D. Rosendhal in honor of Nancy Roman A . Eric Rydgren in memor y of Bart J. Bok Bonnie Sachatello-Sawyer in honor of Jim Manning Richard D. Sakal Andrew M. Schlei Maarten Schmidt Richard L. Schneider Andrea E. Schweitzer Jennifer E. Scott Daniel & Jean Shaw Richard A . Shaw Gregor y A . Shields in memor y of Donald E. Osterbrock Janet P. Simpson Denise Smith Barbara P. Smith-Moran in memor y of John Huchra & Don Backer ­ Astronomer Friends Michael L. Sowle** Gordon Squires W. Thomas Stalker, III & Bud Stalker William L. Stein Alice A . Stewart Jerr y W. Stewart Edward C. Stone R ay R . Stonecipher Terr y J. Teays Thomas M. Tekach Silvia Torres-Peimbert Robert G. Tull Arthur H. Vaughan Frederick M. Walter Susan M. Wilkerson Kay M. Wilson Robert F. Wing Bruce Balick Thomas G. Barnes, III Susan C. Batson Priscilla J. Benson Marni** & Richard Berendsen Karrie M. Berglund Mar y Ann Berr y in memor y of Harold J. Muckley, MIT Class of 1939 Jeanne E. Bishop William K . Blades in memor y of Margie Blades Candy & Dean Blakeslee Richard S. Bogart Paul A . Bradley Judith E. Braffman-Miller in honor of Sam Patrick E. Brigham Martha & R aymond Bright David A . Brozovsky Kathleen M. Burns Stephen & Mar y Helen Burroughs John W. Car y Brian Casey & Andrea Cox Patrick Cassen & Dorothy Woolum Katherine C. Cassidy Kate Cavanaugh in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Susan A . Chambers Rilla & Mar vin Chaney in honor of Tinka Ross Edward L. Chupp in memor y of Reuven R amaty Yigal Cidon Paul G. Comba Anne F. Cooper Sarah G. Corder Jean F. Cornuelle Harold G. Cor win, Jr. Harold P. Coyle, Jr. Joycelin Craig Thomas & Annelle Craig Robert W. Crawford in memor y of Dr. Robert Chambers Dale P. Cruikshank Paolo A . Custodi Pamela De Carli in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Frank De Francesco Donald A . Demers, Jr. David H. DeVorkin James M. Dobbs in honor of my grandson Rosa Doran Kenneth L. Dulaney* David & Joan Dunham Jane Dunkin R aquel Eftana in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Debra M. Elmegreen Glen W. Erickson Sarah Falk Steven R . Federman Paul S. Feinzimer George F. Feliz Allan E. Fenske Joseph H. Fierstein Virginia J. Fontana in memor y of Vince & Jessie Fontana Susan Forson in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Michael H. Francis Richard S. Freedman Alan J. Friedman David J. Fr y Thomas L. Gandet in memor y of Dr. Frank Kameny Pamela L. Gay Harold A . Geller in memor y of Richard B. Geller Robert B. Gex , IV Irene Glover John & Josephine Golcher John J. Grant Timothy J. Gray Thomas P. Greene Erika D. Grundstrom Roger A . Haas Walter H. Haas in memor y of Ber yl E. Haas William L. Habeeb Marshall Hall, III Richard J. Harms John D. Harris Janice Har vey John B. Hassett Louis C. Haughney in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Jeffrey J. Hayes W. D. Herbert Richard W. Heuermann James T. Himer Elliott P. Horch in memor y of Ruth P. Horch Janet S. Howard Roger A . Howerton Mar y & Joseph Hughes Robert L. Humphreys, Jr. Keith Hunniford Tim B. Hunter Nick Itsines David C. Jenner Alan T. Johnson Clyde R . Jolie-Ashe in memor y of Steven M. Ashe Kurt D. Joviak Vesa T. Junkkarinen Norman T. Kadomoto Debora M. Katz Bert G. Katzung Lisabeth M. Kissner Steven M. Klean David W. Klemp John Kronholm





Supporter ($1 ­ $99) Anonymous (1) Karl Allmendinger Les & Mar y Anderson Kimberly Arcand John T. Armstrong John R . Baker


David J. Kuebel Louis W. Kunz Megan Kuykendall in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Brewster W. Lamacchia Lori A . Lambertson in memor y of Tony Freeman Patricia Lawton & Joel Offenberg Robert L. Layman Larr y & Nancy Lebofsky John A . Leigh Mario Livio Peter J. Logan Timothy W. Lynch in support of COSMOS Brian & Maureen Maerz Robert D. Magarian Roger L. Mansfield Dennis Martin Toni Martinez & Nancy Luginbill Harold F. Mason R achel M. Mastrapa Verna L. McBee in memor y of Vernon A . McBee Joanne E. McGee Robin H. McGlohn Daniel H. McIntosh in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Christopher F. McKee Gar y W. McLeod Thomas R . McNeal Allen F. Moench Frederick P. Montana Mt. Cuba Astronomical Obser vator y Brian W. Murphy Glenn C. Murray Biranchi N. Nayak Leonard E. Nelson Ben G. Neumayer Stefan A . Nicholson John C. Noble Patrick S. Osmer Ruth L. Paglierani Thomas G. Pannuti William M. Pate, Jr. James G. Peters Andy Peterson Charles J. Peterson in memor y of Frederick Seares Laura M. Peticolas Philip & Lynne Pierpont Thomas Pierson Barbara J. Planck Michael J. Portuesi Frederick J. R aab Lee Read Luisa M. Rebull John A . Richards Otto G. Richter in memor y of Allan Sandage Steven N. Rider Jane J. Risk Thomas Rolfsmeyer Pedro Russo Lori B. Rutherford Bernard Sadoulet Robert J. Sager Leon R . Sahlman Scott & Betsy Sandford Gar y E. Sanger Robert L. Schafer Lani A . J. Schonberg Francois Schweizer J. Daniel Sedillo Jerr y J. Sershen William Seybold W. W hitney Shane Henr y L. Shipman in memor y of Bart Bok Kurt Sinclair Anne M. Smith in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Horace A . Smith Dava Sobel Leonard H. Solomon Hallie R . Spurr-Heckler Martha Stahr Carpenter Michele Stark & R ajib Ganguly Terr y & Linda Stephenson John A . Stevens Jeff L. Stone John J. Sunta, III John & Kealoha Swatek in honor of Mike Morrow of Hale Hoku Obser vator y John R . Teerlink Norman G. Thomas James D. Thursby Alan T. Tokunaga John D. Trasco George E. Tucker Francisco G. Valdes Dianne M. Veenstra Ted C. Vredenburg Fred L. Walker Rene A . Walterbos Wayne H. Warren, Jr. Westminster Astronomical Society, Inc. R ay J. Weymann Richard D. W heatley, Sr. Nathaniel M. W hite Robert H. Wiersma Linda I. Winkler Janice L. Winsby in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Janis F. Winter Gar y L. Wood Larr y & Sharon Woods John R . Wronski Byron O. Wyman Kenneth M. Yoss in memor y of Allan Sandage Anne G. Young Edward J. Young Norbert & Marion Zacharias Kenneth W. Zeigler Norbert & Marion Zacharias

In-Kind Support Crelin Creative Soroor Ebnesajjad Explore Scientific Rick Lenon Pratt Street Alehouse Matching Gifts Chevron Corporation IBM Corporation ­ Matching Grants Program Levi Strauss Foundation Combined Federal Campaign A special thank you to the federal, state, and local employees who contributed via payroll deduction (Fall 2011 contributors). James Fisher Heather Gepford Geoffrey L. Niemela Hugh E. Osborne Meghan Tebow Matias Tejero-Leon Carol Tyler Family Membership A portion of the dues is to support the ASP's mission and education programs. Les & Mar y Anderson Marni** & Richard Berendsen Priscilla J. Benson Martha & R aymond Bright Stephen & Mar y Helen Burroughs Brian Casey & Andrea Cox Patrick Cassen & Dorothy Woolum Jean F. Cornuelle Thomas & Annelle Craig David & Joan Dunham Alan J. Friedman Thomas P. Greene Mar y & Joseph Hughes Kurt D. Joviak Brewster W. Lamacchia Patricia Lawton & Joel Offenberg Larr y & Nancy Lebofsky Brian & Maureen Maerz Toni Martinez & Nancy Luginbill R achal M. E. Mastrapa Joanne E. McGee Michael J. Portuesi Frederick J. R aab Scott & Betsy Sandford Michele Stark & R ajib Ganguly Terr y & Linda Stephenson John R . Teerlink Larr y & Sharon Woods Edward J. Young

Supporter 's Circle Membership A portion of the dues is to support the ASP's mission and education programs. Andrew M. Abrahams Albert I. Andreiko Eric Becklin Jeffrey & Lisa Bennett Jacqueline K . Beucher Wayne & Dee Blinka Ismar Cintora J. Donald Cline Richard L. Combs & Baerbel Steffestun Edward & Elizabeth Conklin Lisa A . Crist Durruty Jesus de Alba Martinez Lawrence D. Dickinson Andrea K . Dobson Alex & Noelle Filippenko Thomas A . Fleming Edward & Sharon Harris Cinndy K . Hart Isabel Hawkins David S. Heeschen Lynne A . Hillenbrand Francine Jackson Richard R . Joyce Dave Kar y & Joann Eisberg Judy+ & Roy Kass Cornelis J. Koomen Andy J. Kreyche Shawn A . Laatsch Cathy G. Langridge+* Nancy Lanning Carol R . Levy James G. Manning** Fred Marschak Donald W. Mc Carthy, Jr.+ Mr. & Mrs. Chuck E. McPartlin Steven P. Menaker Ted Mitchell Gordon+ & Diane Myers Pauline A . Napieralski Robert T. O'Dell Joseph Orr Alexander R . Peters Gar y W. Portenier Harr y C. Portwood J. A . Posey, Jr. Thomas E. Pruitt Schyleen Qualls+ Michael P. R agan John & Monique Reed Miguel A . Rivera Dennis L. Schatz Andrew M. Schlei Richard L. Schneider Gregor y R . Schultz**


Andrea E. Schweitzer Daniel & Jean Shaw W. Thomas Stalker, III & Bud Stalker William L. Stein Edward C. Stone R ay R . Stonecipher Thomas M. Tekach Susan M. Wilkerson Spitzer Science Center (SSC) Stratospheric Obser vator y for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) The University of Chicago Press University of Wyoming ­ CAPER Team Mount Diablo Astronomical Society ­ Jim Head San Mateo County Astronomical Society ­ John Fiske & Ed Pieret Sierra Stargazers ­ Cindy Terpe AFGU/Sky R angers Volunteers Joan Chamberlin Betty Glass Laurel Ladwig Tyler Nordgren Richard Ossowski Bert Probst Bob Reichman SF Headquarter Volunteers Anders Chippindale Kjersti Chippindale Eileen Olicker Dennis Thai Nicole Thai * Corporate Matching Gift + ASP Board Member and/or Officer ** ASP Staff Member We apologize in advance for any errors or omissions. If you have a correction, please contact the Development Department at 415337-1100 ext. 106 or by email: development@astrosociety.org so that we may correct our records.

Members of the ASP Heritage Society Anonymous (1) Robert D. Arnott Michael Bennett & Leslie Larson Jeanne Bishop Terence & Cynthia Brennan William Howard, III J. Daniel Sedillo ASP's 2011 Annual Conference Connecting People to Science ­ Baltimore, MD The following individuals and organizations have contributed significant support and sponsorship to the success of this conference. American Astronomical Society (AAS) American Elements American Geophysical Union (AGU) Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation Capitol College Celestron, LLC Charlesbridge Publishing Crelin Creative Explore Scientific MW T Associates, Inc. NASA Herschel Science Center (NHSC) NASA Infrared Processing & Analysis Center (IPAC) NASA Lunar Science Institute NASA's Chandra X-R ay Obser vator y NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program ­ JPL National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA) & Windows to the Universe National R adio Astronomy Obser vator y (NRAO) Pratt Street Ale House Seiler Instrument & Mfg. Co., Inc. Sky-Skan, Inc. Solar Dynamics Obser vator y (SDO) Space Telescope Science Institute (STSI)

Our Loyal Volunteers PASP Contributors Daniel G. Fabricant, Associate Editor Robert P. Kraft PASP Reviewers Mercury Contributors Nabila Aghanim Rhoda Berenson Jennifer Birriel David T. Blewett Katherine Bracher David Bruning Bethany E. Cobb Clifford J. Cunningham Paul Deans** (Editor) Clive Dickinson Douglas Duncan Daniel D. Durda Nalini Easwar Kate Follette Michael G. Gibbs+ Inge Heyer Joseph B. Jensen Guilaine Lagache Thierr y Legault James Lochner James G. Manning** Donald W. McCarthy, Jr.+ Ludovic Montier Bruce Partridge Nick Risinger R andy Russell Christopher Wanjek Richard E. W hite Volunteers who helped with the Silicon Valley A stronomy Lecture Series and its podcasts Douglas Bassler Andrew G. Fraknoi** Marty Kahn David Manzo Lori Thomas Volunteers who helped with the Night Sky Network Toolkits Antelope Valley Astronomy Club ­ Shane Barker & Nick Bennett Cameron Park Rotar y Community Obser vator y ­ Forrest Lockhart & Gene Grahek Charlie Elliot Chapter of the Atlanta Astronomy Club ­ Theo W. R amakers

legacy giving
Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another -- Plato

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Statement of Activities
For the year ended February 29, 2012 Unrestricted $ 338,928 1,607,787 261,675 520 58,440 301,087 167,567 83,056 5,944 (8,332) 171,128 2,987,800 $ Temporarily Restricted 123,563 982 16,421 (129,187) 11,779 $ Permanently Restricted 41,941 (41,941) $ Total 338,928 1,607,787 385,238 1,502 58,440 301,087 167,567 83,056 5,944 50,030 2,999,579

Revenues: Membership dues Government grants Donations and bequests In-kind donations Sales of educational materials, net Sales of conference series, net Publications of ASP Meetings and workshops Other revenue Investment income ( loss) Net assets released from restrictions Total revenues Expenses: Program services: Meeting and awards Membership Publication Educational materials Classroom teacher programs Supportive services: Administration Fundraising Total expenses Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of period Prior period adjustment Net assets, end of period 16 $

145,307 51,602 336,815 189,312 1,248,711 802,587 190,770 2,965,104 22,696 641,068 (118,474) 545,290 $

11,779 143,111 154,890 $

992,685 992,685 $

145,307 51,602 336,815 189,312 1,248,711 802,587 190,770 2,965,104 34,475 1,633,753 24,637 1,692,865

Statement of Financial Position
February 28, 2011 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents Investments Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $4,000 Inventory, net Prepaid expenses Total current assets Non-current assets: Restricted cash and cash equivalents Restricted investments Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation Total non-current assets Total assets LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Deferred revenue Notes payable, current portion Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities: Notes payable, net of current portion Total long-term liabilities Total liabilities Net assets - Exhibit A: Unrestricted: Undesignated Board designated for endowments Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets $


943,939 50,873 286,342 275,505 18,002 1,574,661


100,948 1,044,628 574,223 1,719,799 3,294,460


210,214 266,181 24,285 500,680

1,100,915 1,100,915 1,601,595

471,090 74,200 154,890 992,685 1,692,865 3,294,460 17

"Riverbend would not have brought astronomy programs to so many people without AFGU's training and support. Welltested, thought-out, prepackaged programs along with the needed supplies makes program expansion easy, fun and realistic. We cannot thank the AFGU team enough for the quality programs, materials and staff accessibility. This is one of the best well-run programs and we are lucky to be a part of it." -- Karen S., Senior Interpreter, Riverbend Park, VA

Help foster scientific curiosity, science literacy and the joy of exploration & discovery through astronomy ... for tomorrow 's science, technology and academic leaders! Share the gift of membership in the ASP! astrosociety.org/membership

ASP Staff
Headquarters -- San Francisco, CA
James Manning , Executive Director Greg Schultz, Director of Education Michael Sowle, Director of Finance and Operations MichХle Pearson, Director of Advancement Suzy Gurton, Astronomy Education Manager Marni Berendsen, Education Project Coordinator, Night Sky Network Wilson Chung , Accounting Assistant Noel Encarnacion, Inventor y and Customer Ser vice Manager Andrew Fraknoi, Senior Educator Kenneth Frank, Night Sky Network Administrator Anna Hurst, Astronomy Educator Brian Kruse, Lead Formal Educator Pablo Nelson, Project Coordinator, Astronomy from the Ground Up Leslie Proudfit, Senior Designer/Webmaster Charlene Quach-Thai, Membership Coordinator Jessica Santascoy, Astronomy Outreach Project Coordinator Albert Silva, Executive Assistant/Office Administrator Perr y Tankeh, Accounting Manager Vivian W hite, Astronomy Educator Sandra Preston, University of Texas at Austin Schyleen Qualls, Arkeon Entertainment & Arkeon Education Wayne Rosing , Las Cumbres Obser vator y Global Telescope Connie Walker, National Optical Astronomy Obser vator y

Advisory Council FY2011­12
Frank N. Bash, The University of Texas at Austin (emeritus professor) Jeanne Bishop, Westlake Schools Planetarium, Ohio Terr y Brennan Cindy Brennan, MD Bruce Carney, The Samuel Baron Distinguished Professor of Physics & Astronomy and Senior Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Rick Fienberg , Press Officer / Education & Outreach Coordinator, AAS Alex Filippenko, Department of Astronomy University of California, Berkeley Catharine D. Garmany, National Optical Astronomy Obser vator y Marc Gineris, Incyte Capital Holdings Russ Harding (retired educator) Mar y Kay Hemenway, University of Texas at Austin Jim Hesser, Director, Dominion Astrophysical Obser vator y, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada William E. Howard III (retired) John Huchra, Har vard-Smithsonian, Center for Astrophysics Robert P. Kraft, Astronomer/Professor emeritus UCO/Lick Obser vator y University of California, Santa Cruz Terr y Mann, President, Astronomical League John R . Percy, Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics, and of Science Education University of Toronto Jeffrey D. Rosendhal (retired) NASA Consultant Wayne Rosing , Las Cumbres Obser vator y Bob Thomason (retired business executive) Virginia Trimble, University of California, Ir vine Las Cumbres Obser vator y Harold F. Weaver, Professor of Astronomy Emeritus University of California, Berkeley Donat Wentzel, University of Mar yland (retired) Al W haley, Co-Founder Internet Travel Network

PASP ­ Seattle, WA
Paula Szkody, Editor Harland W. Epps, Associate Editor (Lick) Daniel G. Fabricant, Associate Editor (CfA) Toby Smith, Associate Editor

Mercury Magazine
Paul Deans, Editor

SOFIA ­ Moffett Field, CA
Nick Veronico, SOFIA Public Affairs Officer Kassandra Bell, SOFIA Outreach Administrative Assistant Leslie Proudfit, Multimedia Assistant

Conference Series -- Orem, UT
Joseph Jensen, Managing Editor Jonathan Barnes, Associate Editor Jared Bellows, Technical Consultant Jason Hammond, E-book Specialist Blaine Haws, E-book Specialist Bret Little, E-book Specialist and Computer Programmer Cindy Moody, Editorial Assistant Stephen Moody, Editorial Assistant and E-book Specialist Pepita Ridgeway, Publication Manager

Annual Report Credits
Editorial Jim Manning , Executive Director Design Leslie Proudfit All editorial content contributed by ASP staff Photo credits Front cover: Sara Rendon via Lake County Astronomical Society Page 2 (counter-clockwise from top): Wayne "Skip" Bird; Cyndi MacDonald; Vivian W hite; Rich Berendsen; Pablo Nelson Page 3: Image courtesy of James Manning Page 4: Image courtesy of Bill Gutsch Page 5: ASP (top); Kathy East (bottom) Page 6: Anela R amos Page 8: NASA/SOFIA/N. Veronico Page 10: Images courtesy of the award winners. Back cover: Karen Kerans

Board Officers
William A . Gutsch, Jr. (President), Great Ideas/St. Peter's College GordonMyers (President-Elect) Michael G. Gibbs (Secretary), Capitol College Eugene Epstein (Treasurer) Cathy Langridge (Treasurer), Levi Strauss & Co. (starting 8/11)

Board of Directors
Russ Carroll, Miva Merchant Edna DeVore, SETI Institute Chris Ford, Pixar Animation Studios Chris Impey, University of Arizona Judy Kass, AAAS Shawn A . Laatsch, Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawaii (Starting 9/1/10) Donald McCarthy, University of Arizona


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