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Astronomical Society of the Pacific

2010­11 Annual Report

-- Making Connections --

"Eventually everything connects -- people, ideas, objects. The quality of the connections is the key to quality per se."
-- Charles Eames, American Designer

Dear Friends, Living in earthquake countr y, as the Astronomical Society of the Pacific headquarters does, means that earthquake preparedness is vital. Preparedness, and bolts. You hear a lot about bolts. Because your house can slide off its foundation if it's not bolted down. Because a store or business can collapse like a house of cards if its walls are not bolted together. Bolts connect, and keep things standing when the ground shakes. In a figurative sense, at least, the ASP has been in the business of bolts since the beginning. For making solid connections has always been its stock in trade: connecting one astronomy constituency to another; connecting research and education; connecting people to the sky. In these pages, documenting its 121st year, you will find many examples of how the ASP continues to make these connections, through its publications, programs, meetings, and awards--and how we continue to promote our mission to advance science literacy through astronomy. You' ll find a Society firmly bolted to its own foundation as we strive to make a difference in the world. As always, our most important connections are with people--with you. I hope that you see yourselves as the bolts that secure our foundation, that connect our walls, one to another, and keep us strong. Without you, we would fall apart at the first tremor. With you, we can stand against anything! Thank you for your enduring support, and enjoy the successes described herein. For they belong to you! Best wishes,

Jim Manning Executive Director

In a figurative sense, at least, the ASP has been in the business of bolts since the beginning. For making solid connections has always been its stock in trade: connecting one astronomy constituency to another; connecting research and education; connecting people to the sky.


Dear Friends: It has been another exciting year for the ASP highlighted by a ver y vibrant and successful Annual Conference in Boulder joining the EPO community with college astronomy instructors, filled with plenar y sessions, papers, poster sessions, demonstrations, a starstudded fundraising luncheon, a delightful banquet, and, of course, wonderful opportunities to meet, greet, and catch up with colleagues. In addition, the Society has welcomed Mike Sowle, our new Director of Finance and Operations, to the staff, new members to the Board of Directors, and new education initiatives to our portfolio. The Board has been busy with its many duties including overseeing and assisting with the planning of a new multi-year Strategic Plan for the Society. Through its numerous publications and outreach programs, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific continues to inspire children, educators, and the general public to learn about and feel the impact of our incredible universe in their lives. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, the entire ASP staff, and the other countless, tireless people who make our mission succeed, I express sincere thanks for your interest and support. Best regards,

Dr. Bill Gutsch Distinguished Professor of the College of Arts & Sciences St. Peter's College ASP Board President

Through its numerous publications and outreach programs, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific continues to inspire children, educators, and the general public to learn about and feel the impact of our incredible universe in their lives.


"I can't believe how much AFGU has meant in my life and how it has helped me in the past to have better astronomy experiences with students. I look forward to upcoming opportunities to use my new knowledge in the future and with continuing to use the resources that your organization has made available to me." -- Libby Moore, Science Educational Programs and Certified Interpretive Guide Service

"Project ASTRO takes scientific concepts that might appear dull or hard to swallow ( but are important to ingest!) and hides them in a big scoop of fun ( but with fewer calories than the ice-cream!). Kids don't even realize they are learning." -- Steve Croft, Astronomer

The Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) has always been about making connections. The first occurred more than 120 years ago as a collaboration between professional astronomers from Lick Obser vator y and San Francisco Bay Area amateur photographers fresh from the 1889 New Year's Day total solar eclipse. That connection became the ASP, and the Society has fostered that "pro-am" relationship ever since, linking scientists, educators, amateur astronomers and interested public in advancing the science of astronomy and the imperative of science literacy. In fiscal year 2010­11 (March 1, 2010­Februar y 28, 2011), your Society continued to forge connections and build bridges in support of its mission. Hundreds of Project ASTRO teacher/astronomer teams trained in a dozen sites around the country continued to bring new excitement to science teaching for thousands of students. Amateur astronomers in the 360 clubs of the Night Sky Network, using ASP-developed tools and training , conducted numerous public events, so far introducing more than 1.5 million people to the universe, and counting. The Astronomy from the Ground Up network of some 700 informal educators used ASP resources and professional development experiences to infuse astronomy into presentations at hundreds of museums, nature centers, and national parks. Hundreds of articles in the Publications of the ASP and the volumes of the ASP Conference Series connected the worldwide professional community to cutting-edge research. The ASP's awards once again recognized outstanding achievement in research, education and outreach that involved professionals, students, and the public in the antics of the universe. The 2010 national conference, for the first time, brought together the education and public outreach (EPO) professional community and college astronomy instructors in a joint meeting combining our EPO symposium with the Cosmos in the Classroom meeting in Boulder, Colorado. And ASP staff on the Project SOFIA EPO team made plans to welcome the first teachers aboard that airborne obser vator y to link new adventures in infrared astronomy to classrooms in the U.S. and around the world. The ASP has always been about making connections. We invite you to explore the pages of our annual report, and discover the many ways in which our Board of Directors, staff, members, benefactors and friends continue to make those connections possible, making the cosmos real and science relevant to all of the audiences that we ser ve.

Our Mission: The Astronomical Society of the Pacific increases the understanding and appreciation of astronomy by engaging scientists, educators, enthusiasts and the public to advance science and science literacy.
The ASP is one of the nation's leading organizations devoted to astronomy and space education and communication. Serving research astronomers, educators of all types, and amateur astronomers, the ASP publishes scholarly and educational materials, provides professional development programs for formal and informal educators, and conducts a variety of conferences, symposia, and workshops. The ASP is recognized by NASA, the National Science Foundation, and the National Academy of Sciences as having outstanding educational programs.




o connect with those we ser ve, the Society must first connect with our generous benefactors and supporters who provide the additional grants and gifts that help make our programs and initiatives possible. With this support, we are able to undertake the signature education and outreach efforts for which the ASP is known, and to develop the networks and enhance the publications that advance our mission. The following grants and gifts are among those received during fiscal year 2010­11, March 1, 2010 through Februar y 28, 2011. We sincerely thank these and all of our grantors and supporters who make a difference ever y day in the work of the Society.

$454,000 Three-year NASA EPOESS grant to develop the Galileo Educator 's Network (GEN). $26,605 Windy Ridge Foundation supporting the Galileo Teacher Training Program. $18,000 Northrop Grumman Aerospace supporting of the Galileo Teacher Training Program. $13,685 The ATLSS project supporting teacher training. $12,667 Completion of the TABASGO Foundation on behalf of Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope IT challenge grant (raising $55,000 for IT infrastructure improvements). $11,985 Leopold Tedesco partial bequest. $10,000 NASA Lunar Science Institute supporting the Night Sky Network. $7,500 Lockheed Martin supporting Project ASTRO. $6,000 California Space Grant Consortium supporting Project ASTRO. $2,130 Haverford College supporting the Priscilla and Bart Bok awards.

Support the ASP through the Combined Federal Campaign
ASP is a member of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) for federal employees (CFC#:10651). Individual members' and supporters' CFC gifts to the ASP throughout the year directly support our many educational and outreach programs to advance science literacy. Please consider this convenient avenue as a way to support the Society.



he ASP has gained a great reputation for its work with educators and astronomy enthusiasts throughout the U.S. and beyond. From its unique position at the intersection of many astronomical constituencies (e.g., scientists, educators, amateurs, education/public outreach professionals, and interested members of the public), the Society works to make meaningful connections among those constituencies and to all who share our passion and mission for advancing science literacy through astronomy. ASP pursues its mission through a variety of formal and informal science education programs, whose activities are summarized here for the fiscal year 2010­11:

Amateur Astronomer-focused Programs
The NASA Night Sky Network (NSN), managed for NASA by the ASP, is a partnership of more than 360 amateur astronomy clubs around the U.S. dedicated to sharing their knowledge, time and telescopes with the public. The ASP provides clubs with outreach toolkits (focused on astronomy topics), training , teleconferences with NASA scientists, and support to help enhance outreach events, with funding support from NASA missions and other programs. The popular network continues to grow, and has logged over 17,000 outreach events ser ving more than 1.5 million people since tracking began in March 2004. Sharing the Universe (STU). This project, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), supports the NSN in particular by developing products and ser vices to assist clubs in sustaining successful public outreach programs. In 2010­11, the ASP focused its efforts on executing a social media and technology plan to reach wider audiences for club events, attract more club members particularly in the 18­35 age range, and provide training materials for club members to welcome visitors, retain members, and cultivate volunteers. A variety of solutions were developed that included an iPhone app (GoStarGaze), a Facebook page, website widgets, and a set of "Growing Your Astronomy Club" videos and supporting materials. The iPhone app, GoStarGaze, was developed to reach younger audiences, who are more likely to be using mobile devices to obtain information. The objective is to advertise club astronomy events to younger adults with the intention of eventually recruiting them as new club members. In 2010­11, there were 13,500 downloads of the app, which has been called a "game changer" by one astronomer. Meanwhile, the NSN Facebook page was also developed to reach younger audiences, who are more likely to be using social media. The objective is to generate interest and curiosity about astronomy and to inspire young people and women to attend astronomy events. The page grew quickly to draw thousands of fans and a steady number of " likes" and comments. A calendar widget was developed to allow clubs to easily embed a calendar on their own club website that displays the club events entered through the NSN's Event Management Ser vice. A separate "Find Events and Clubs" widget was developed to allow access to NSN clubs' astronomy events from any website. The widget is designed so anyone can put the widget on their website or blog , and it has been featured on a number of websites, including pages of the International Dark Sky Association, International Planetarium Society, and Jet Propulsion Laborator y. Over 100 clubs have accessed the "Growing Your Astronomy Club" videos. 400 Years of the Telescope. This NSF-funded project, jointly managed by Interstellar Studios and Southern Oregon Public TV, included a public TV program on the histor y of the telescope, a planetarium program, and a website. The ASP coordinated aspects of the public outreach through a sub-award. In 2010­11, the Society continued to disseminate an optics mini-kit for NSN use called Glass & Mirrors, to demonstrate how telescopes gather and magnif y light. Some 306 NSN clubs have received the toolkit, and they logged 400 events using Glass & Mirrors in the last year, reaching a reported 58,000 people. A steroids. This NSF-funded program, managed by the Space Science Institute's National Center for Interactive 8

"Thanks for these videos. While our club added 12 or 13 members this past year, I think we could have "landed" many more of our visitors had we used the techniques in these videos. But the best one was about getting volunteers for the club positions. That's something we really need to work on . . ." -- Bruce Abels, Fox Valley Astronomical Society, Illinois

Learning in Boulder, CO, produced a museum exhibit, Great Balls of Fire, on comets, asteroids and meteors. The ASP, participating as a CoInvestigator, had a sub-award to create an accompanying Space Rocks NSN outreach toolkit, and to provide coordination with clubs in areas where the exhibit is on display. Space Rocks was completed and released to NSN clubs at the end of this last fiscal year. Life in the Universe. A new Life in the Universe toolkit has been under development for the Night Sky Network, with funding from the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab. Through 2010­11, the astrobiology-themed toolkit's science content, hands-on activities, and training video were researched, developed, and alpha- and beta-tested.

"Children and adults alike were delighted to understand the "magic" of how telescopes work. It's so clear now. Really easy to understand!" -- Mount Diablo Astronomical Society, California

Toolkits in Heliophysics and Training for Informal Education Networks (THATIEN). This new NASA grant project, begun in 2010 and led by the ASP in partnership with UC Berkeley 's Center for Science Education at the Space Sciences Laborator y, features the development of Sun-centered education activities. The overall goal for THATIEN is to create a set of outreach resources and professional development opportunities to bring the excitement of solar astronomy and NASA heliophysics science to informal education and public outreach audiences. THATIEN will increase awareness and understanding of heliophysics and space weather among professional informal science educators and volunteer amateur astronomers, and to enable them to interpret these topics for their diverse audiences. In 2010­11, the ASP began development of two versions of an outreach toolkit, one for the NSN amateur astronomers, and one for the Astronomy from the Ground Up community described in the next section.

Informal Education Programs
Astronomy from the Ground Up (AFGU) and Sky R angers. AFGU, started by the ASP with support from the NSF, provides informal science educators at science centers, nature centers, museums, parks, and other informal education venues with new and innovative ways to communicate astronomy content to their visitors. In 2010-11, NSF funding for AFGU officially closed, but the ASP continued to build on the effort with its NASA-funded Sky Rangers program begun in 2009 in partnership with the National Park Ser vice. Through this program, the ASP is using the AFGU model to provide training to park rangers and outdoor educators to identif y night sky objects and explain astronomical phenomena to park visitors. In fall 2010, a four-day Sky R angers workshop was presented at Yosemite National Park for 35 park rangers and other interpreters; an eight-week online version of the workshop was presented to 56 participants the following winter. Throughout the year, seven online "Continuing Explorations" mini-workshops covered selected topics including dark sky preser vation, spring and summer stargazing , planning events for meteor showers, and various astronomy topics in the news. The AFGU network grew to more than 700 educators and interpreters from venues around the countr y, actively enhancing and expanding their astronomy education capacity. Science Theater Education Programming System (STEPS). The ASP was a sub-award participant in this NSF-funded project managed by the Space Science Institute. During the last year, the ASP produced online professional development tutorials in astrobiology and how to use the STEPS program. Universe Quest. This NSF-funded project led by UC Berkeley, in partnership with the Girl Scouts and the ASP, features an afterschool curriculum and family night activities focused on astronomy. The program targets inner-city middle-school girls in particular, and family events are a critical piece, encouraging family involvement to support the twoyear commitment that girls have made to the program. In 2010­11, the

"I really enjoyed the Sky Ranger workshop. I knew the ASP did amazing stuff, and this proved it even more! I love your programs and all the amazing resources you have. I wish we had all that here in Canada!" -- Julie Bolduc-Duval,Coordinator, Beyond IYA-Canada


ASP developed, tested and refined the family night activities while training the participating girls to host the evening events for their families. A stronomy Behind the Headlines (ABH) is a podcast series for informal science educators, with each episode giving a look beyond the headlines in astronomy and space science, with scientist inter views and links to related resources and activities. During the last year, four episodes of the popular series of podcasts were produced on the following topics: the Kepler mission, Gamma R ay Bursts, Supernovae, and Cosmic Chemistr y. The first nine episodes were compiled onto a CD for distribution at education and public outreach events. Toolkits in Heliophysics and Training for Informal Education Networks (THATIEN). This program, mentioned above, will include development of outreach materials and professional development for the AFGU/Sky R angers community.

K­12 Education Programs
Project ASTROTM is a national program that improves the teaching of astronomy and physical science by pairing professional and amateur astronomers with classroom educators, training them in the use of hands-on, inquir y-based astronomy activities compiled in the ASP resource, The Universe at Your Fingertips. These educator-astronomer pairs work together to provide students with experiences designed to encourage students to act like scientists as they come to understand more about the Universe and science in general. A dozen active sites across the countr y support a few hundred astronomer-teacher partnerships ser ving thousands of students annually. Project ASTRO site leaders gathered in 2010 in San Francisco for the network's annual professional development meeting , sharing experiences, learning from each other, and providing input for enhancing and strengthening the network . Some of the sites are also Family ASTRO sites. This Project ASTRO spin-off program is designed to assist families, youth groups, after-school clubs, and others to spend time together learning astronomy through games and activities, with the aim of encouraging parents and other caregivers to become more involved in their children's science education. At locations across the countr y, thousands of families have benefited by attending Family ASTROTM events. The ASP specifically manages the San Francisco Bay Area Project ASTRO program, ser ving schools in seven counties in the Bay area with about 400 astronomer-teacher partnerships that have worked directly with about 40,000 students in the Bay Area. In Bay Area Project ASTROs 17th year, 38 teachers and astronomers representing 21 new partnerships attended the introductor y workshop in August 2010. Follow-up workshops included a dedicated workshop on using the Galileoscope in the classroom, and one on activities on Invisible Light in the Classroom. The program is funded through private support and generous grants from the Lockheed Martin Foundation and the California Space Grant Consortium.

Galileo Teacher Training Program (GTTP). This Cornerstone Project for the International Year of Astronomy (IYA) and beyond is being led in the U.S. by the ASP. Three GTTP workshops were conducted during the year: 32 teachers participated in a 2-day workshop in March 2010 sponsored by and held at the Northrop Grumman campus in Redondo Beach, CA ; 36 teachers attended a 1-day workshop in April 2010 at Foothill College in Los Altos, CA ; and 75 educators convened at a 2-day workshop in July 2010 in Boulder, CO, as part of the ASP annual conference. The goal of GTTP is to develop and present workshops using Galileo's telescopic investigations to teach the process of science, problem solving , and collaboration in an inquir y-based education framework, resulting in an ongoing and evolving teacher professional development opportunity for modeling science process in the classroom. GTTP workshops focus on four areas: (a) a scientific investigation activity recreating Galileo's obser vations of Jupiter's moons; (b) IYA resources and activities; (c) fundamental concepts to meet curriculum goals; and (d) resources adaptable for use in the classroom. Galileo Educator Network (GEN). Last year, the ASP received funding from NASA for our new Galileo Educator Network, in 10

"Project Astro has not just brought an astronomer into the classroom, but rather a whole world. Students see that scientists are real, not "Einstein looking", they wear regular clothing rather than lab coats, they are young, they have real lives, and believe it or not, some scientists are women." -- Mary Timar, Teacher.

partnership with the National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA), National Optical Astronomy Obser vator y (NOAO), and the New Jersey Astronomy Center for Education (NJACE). GEN leverages ASP experience with GTTP, as well as the Project ASTRO National Network, in developing a train-the-trainers teacher professional development program. The new grant will run from 2011 to 2014. Advancing Teacher Leaders in Space Science (ATLSS). The ASP participated as a sub-contractor in this NASA project, supporting a grant to UC Berkeley 's Lawrence Hall of Science, which also partnered with UCB's Space Sciences Lab on this. The grant closed in the last year, and reached dozens of elementar y and middle school teachers through a train-the-trainers teacher professional development program implemented in partnership with active sites in the Great Explorations in Math & Science (GEMS) National Network . A featured activity in 2010 was a capstone ATLSS Symposium at the National Conference on Science Education, hosted by NSTA . The Universe in the Classroom. The ASP's long-running electronic educational newsletter continues as a resource for teachers and other educators who want to help children of all ages learn more about the wonders of the universe through astronomy. Universe in the Classroom has been helping teachers around the world bring astronomy alive for their students since 1984 and is currently downloaded and read by thousands of educators around the world. In 2010­11, two new issues were published, number 76 on the "Kepler Mission: A First Step Toward Finding Other Earths"; and number 77 on "The Drake Equation: 50 Years of Giving Direction to the Scientific Search for Life Beyond Earth."

Additional ASP Science Education Programs
Stratospheric Obser vator y for Infrared A stronomy (SOFIA). Since 1996, the ASP and the SETI Institute have been jointly responsible for developing and implementing the education and public outreach (EPO) programs for NASA's Project SOFIA . In 2010, mission highlights included the initial science flight, assessing the SOFIA telescope, imaging systems, and scientific instruments. ASP staff on SOFIA have in particular focused on press and image releases, public affairs, media training (for mission scientists and managers), and the SOFIA website. Meanwhile, mission EPO staff also continued during the year to prepare educational materials, present educational talks and activities, and attend professional conferences, gearing up for the mission's Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors (AAA) program. In the AAA program, teachers fly on SOFIA , work with scientists, and ultimately bring what they learn from their flight experience to the classroom. Silicon Valley A stronomy Lectures. The 2010­11 school year marked the 12th anniversar y of this popular lecture series, which is co-sponsored by the ASP. The ASP website hosts recorded audio (podcast) versions of the lectures, and they are the most frequently accessed part of the ASP site. This past year's speakers included Stanford physicist Helen Quinn, astronomer David Morrison (NASA Ames & SETI Institute), UC Berkeley astronomer Alex Filippenko, UC Santa Cruz astronomer Gregor y Laughlin, Kepler mission scientist Natalie Batalha (San Jose State U.), and Caltech astronomer Michael Brown. The SEED Grant Program. The ASP Simple Effective Education and Dissemination (SEED) Grant program for astronomy researchers encourages active researchers to engage in education and public outreach. The program was co-funded in 2010 by U.S. astronomers associated with the European Space Agency 's Planck Mission and Herschel Space Obser vator y. The 2010 SEED grant recipients were: Deirdre Hunter (Lowell Obser vator y), for support for the Lowell Educational Astronomy Program ­ Science Enrichment for Navajo and Hopi Children; and Kim McLeod (W hitin Obser vator y, Wellesley College), Enhancing Astronomy Education in the Needham, Massachusetts Public Elementary Schools. 11

Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (PASP)
Since the Society 's founding in 1889, the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (PASP) has been continuously produced, originally providing a variety of information about the Society, and in recent decades, ser ving as a vehicle for disseminating peer-reviewed research papers to the scientific community. The PASP publishes refereed papers on astronomical research covering all subject areas, as well as many papers on innovations in astronomical instrumentation and software, reviews of specific research areas and summaries of Ph.D. dissertations and conference proceedings. During the year, volume 122 contained 137 papers. The 64 research articles included summaries of three Herschel key projects as well as a Spitzer sur vey of stellar structure in galaxies, 26 papers on various kinds of stars, and 12 papers on extrasolar planets. The 62 entries on instrumentation, data analysis or atmospheric phenomena included papers on spectrographs, coronographs, polarimeters, interferometers, cameras, adaptive optics and site tests from a variety of obser vator y sies at CTIO, KPNO, La Palma and Antarctica. The volume published reviews on ultrashort period binar y AM CVn stars and on the Kepler Asteroseismology Program, with some first results obtained. A summar y of lessons learned from HST over ten years, four new Ph.D. dissertation summaries on topics from the solar system to extragalactic topics, and an obituar y on the life of famed astronomer Geoffrey Burbidge also appeared.

ASP Conference Series
In 1988, the Society inaugurated its popular Conference Series that continues today, connecting the global science community with the latest reports from a variety of research conferences held around the world. In 2010­2011, the ASP published 24 volumes reporting the proceedings of professional astronomical and education conferences held in the United States, Canada, India, Japan, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, the Czech Republic, and Puerto Rico. During the year, the Conference Series web ser vers received an average of 15,000 visits from 8,000 unique visitors in more than 100 countries ever y month. Astronomers also accessed Conference Series papers through many thousands of visits to the NASA/Smithsonian Astrophysics Data System. Conference volumes focused on a wide range of topics, including the Sun, planetar y science, binar y stars, massive stars, the interstellar medium, space plasma flows, galaxy evolution and interaction, and active galactic nuclei. Additional volumes covered topics in bioastronomy, particle astrophysics and cosmology, submillimeter astrophysics, astronomical data analysis, astronomical librar y and information ser vices, education and public outreach, and learning from inquir y to practice.




he ASP annually presents awards recognizing excellence in scientific research, education, and amateur astronomy. In 2010, awards were presented at the annual ASP awards banquet in Boulder, Colorado, in conjunction with the Society 's annual conference.

The 2010 Catherine Wolfe Bruce Gold Medal, the ASP's most prestigious award for lifetime achievement in astronomy and one of the most notable awards in astronomy, was presented in an earlier ceremony to Dr. Gerry Neugebauer of Caltech and the University of Arizona's Steward Obser vator y. Recognized as one of the pioneers of infrared astronomy, Neugebauer and his colleagues created the first infrared map of the galactic center and the first infrared sur vey of the sky published in 1969. In addition to the Bruce medal, the ASP bestowed the following 2010 awards: The Maria & Eric Muhlmann Award, for the development of innovative research instruments and techniques was awarded to the Spitzer Space Telescope team. The Robert J. Trumpler Award for an outstanding recent Ph.D. thesis was given to Dr. Robert Quimby; currently a post-doctoral fellow at the California Institute of Technology, he completed his PhD. at the University of Texas at Austin. The Richard H. Emmons Award for excellence in the teaching of college-level introductor y astronomy for non-science majors went to Dr. Alex Filippenko of the University of California at Berkeley. The Thomas J. Brennan Award for excellence in the teaching of astronomy in grades 9­12, was awarded to John Blackwell, astronomy instructor at Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire. The Klumpke-Roberts Award for contributing to the public understanding of astronomy was given to Marcia Bartusiak, author and professor at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Amateur Achievement Award for significant obser vational or technological contributions by an amateur astronomer went to Mr. Allan Rahill on behalf of the Clear Sky Chart team comprising Mr. R ahill and Mr. Attilla Danko. R ahill is a meteorologist at the Canadian Meteorological Centre. The Las Cumbres Amateur Outreach Award for outstanding public outreach to K­12 students and the public by an amateur astronomer was awarded to Wayne "Skip" Bird of the Westminster Astronomical Society of Carroll County, Mar yland. The Bart and Priscilla Bok Award, jointly sponsored with the American Astronomical Society and presented to students at the Intel Science and Engineering Fair for meritorious of science fair entries, was given to Andrei V. Nagornyi of Staten Island, New York (first prize) and Evan H. Fletcher of Galesburg , Michigan (second prize).

Dr. Gerry Neugebauer

Dr. Michael Werner, Spitzer Team

Dr. Robert Quimby

Dr. Alex Filippenko

John Blackwell

Marcia Bartusiak

Allan Rahill

Wayne "Skip" Bird




he 2010 annual conference was held July 31 through August 4 at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado, in partnership with the Geological Society of America. For the first time, the annual EPO symposium (this year with the theme of "Earth and Space Science: Making Connections") and the Cosmos in the Classroom symposium (held ever y third year) were combined into a joint conference to promote connections between EPO professionals and college astronomy instructors. The conference welcomed EPO professionals, scientists, formal and informal educators, science communicators, Astronomy 101 instructors, education researchers, amateur astronomers and other interest groups, including space and Earth science disciplines among others. The combined symposia presented 81 one-hour workshops and demonstrations, 39 short orals, and 120 posters. Three joint symposia plenar y sessions and six targeted plenaries included talks and panels on connecting the EPO and Astronomy 101 communities, the new science education frameworks, teaching and learning , citizen science, climate change, science versus "antiscience," classroom management, and a historical perspective on the birth of modern cosmology and the theor y of the expanding universe. Dr. Alex Filippenko delivered a public presentation titled "Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe," and the awards banquet featured a tribute to retiring ASP Board Secretar y Mar y Kay Hemenway. The Society thanks its 28 conference co-sponsors, dozen exhibitors and the approximately 400 in attendance for a stimulating and valuable conference experience. The 2011 annual conference is scheduled for Baltimore in July/August.

2010 Local Organizing Committee
Douglas Duncan, U. of Colorado, Fiske Planetarium (Chair) Fran Bagenal, U. of Colorado Amy Barr, SW Research Institute Matt Benjamin, U. of Colorado Jeffrey Bennet,t Kid Science Emily Cobabe-Amman, Space Education Jim Crocker, Lockheed Martin Mike Dubson, U. of Colorado Paul Dusenberr y, Space Science Institute Terr y Eastburn, UCAR Dennis Ebbets, Ball Aerospace David Grinspoon, Denver Museum of Nature and Science Steve Hartung , Boulder Astronomy & Space Society Katy Human, NOAA Roberta Johnson, UCAR Susan Lynds, U. of Colorado Helen Petach, Boulder Valley School District Nick Schneider, U. of Colorado Bob Stencel, Denver University Clara Wente, Front R ange Community College Erin Wood L ASP, U. of Colorado

Michael Greene, Jet Propulsion Lab Navigator Program Gar y Lewis, Geological Society of America Russanne Low, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Br yan Mendez, Space Sciences Lab, U. of California, Berkeley Stephanie Shipp, Lunar & Planetar y Institute Denise Smith, Space Telescope Science Institute Theresa Schwerin, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies Daniel Steinberg , Princeton University John Stoke, National R adio Astronomy Obser vator y

2010 Cosmos Conference Program Committee
Andrew Fraknoi, Foothill College & ASP (Chair) David Bruning , University of Wisconsin (Vice-chair) Janelle Bailey, University of Nevada Gina Brissenden, University of Arizona Douglas Duncan, University of Colorado Scott Hildreth, Chabot College Seth Hornstein, University of Colorado Beth Hufnagel, Anne Arundel Community College Robert Matthieu, University of Wisconsin David McKinnon, Charles Sturt University Peter Newbur y, University of British Columbia Bruce Partridge, Haverford College Ed Prather, University of Arizona Alex Rudolph, California State University, Pomona Conference web site and graphics: Leslie Proudfit Conference coordination: Cinndy Hart Conference registrar: Albert Silva

2010 EPO Conference Program Committee
Greg Schultz, ASP (Co-chair) Catharine Garmany, NOAO (Co-chair) Doris Daou, NASA Lunar Science Institute (Co-chair) Lindsay Bartolone, Adler Planetarium Rick Fienberg , American Astronomical Society 14

Corporate Affiliates
The ASP's Corporate Affiliate program is an opportunity for companies and organizations to publicly and effectively demonstrate their support for improving astronomy and space science education. The ASP gratefully acknowledges the following Corporate Affiliate members for their support in 2010­2011: Sustaining Affiliate ($10,000­$24,999) Sky Publishing--New Track Media (Sky & Telescope) Supporting Affiliate ($5,000­$9,000) Google, Inc. Universities Space Research Association Contributing Affiliate ($2,500­$4,999) Astronomy Magazine/ Kalmbach Publishing

Beslist.nl B.V.

2010 Conference Sponsors
The following organizations have contributed significant support and sponsorship to the success of the 2010 annual conference.


We are indebted to the following individuals, organizations, foundations and corporations who contributed to the ASP throughout the year. This list reflects gifts and grants received between March1, 2010­Februar y 28, 2011.
Society Benefactor ($25,000 and above) President's Circle ($5,000­$24,999) ASP Associate ($1,000­$1,999)
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Fosco Andrew G. Fraknoi** Michael G. Gibbs+ Werner Graf Arnold M. Heiser Esther M. Hu Suzanne H. Jacoby James B. Kaler Francis W. Keeler, Jr. Richard G. Kron Andrew F. Macica Conn & Susan S. Rusche Fund ­ Marin Community Foundation in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Alexander R . Peters Carolyn C. Petersen Stephen M. Pompea in memor y of Lyle Bergquist Sandra L. Preston+ John & Monique Reed in memor y of Drs. Eli & Nola Haynes, Dr. Frank N. Edmunds, Jr. and Mr. Russell C. Maag Dennis L. Schatz Andrea E. Schweitzer Joseph C. Shields Robert G. Southwick John M. Swatek Connie E. Walker+ Robert E. Wilson Richard Ying Harold G. Cor win, Jr. Joycelin Craig Delwin R . Croom in memor y of Delwin & Ann Croom David H. DeVorkin Andrea K . Dobson Reginald J. Dufour in memor y of Donald E. Osterbrock Edward E. Elzey Eugene E. Epstein+ in honor of Peter & Stefi Gruenberg's 50th Anniversar y in memor y of Jerr y Spector Mar y Ann Fell Richard T. Fienberg Tomas D. Finlayson Debra A . Fischer Thomas A . Fleming James N. Fr y R aul Fuente Marcos Francisco W. Garcia in honor of Alexis Emilio Troche Boggino Neil A . Gehrels Eunice & Douglas Goodan Alan D. Gould William L. Habeeb Isabel Hawkins Robert J. Hawley James N. Head David S. Heeschen Kimberly A . Herrmann James E. Hesser R aleigh E. Hughes, Jr. Deidre A . Hunter Tim B. Hunter Philip Inder wiesen* & Patricia Tovsen Francine Jackson Alan Jaroslovsky Richard R . Joyce Jun Jugaku Stratos G. Kantounis Dave Kar y & Joann Eisberg Sen Kikuchi Ivan R . King in support of Bart Bok Fund Jeanne Kirkwood Steven M. Klean Arnold R . Klemola Donald O. Knapp David C. Koo Cornelis J. Koomen Andy J. Kreyche John Kronholm Edwin C. Krupp in memor y of Dr. George O. Abell Louis W. Kunz Shawn A . Laatsch+ Robert Langridge in honor of Catherine Langridge Almon E. Larsh, Jr. George B. Lebedeff Barbara A . Lindsay James C. Lochner

NASA Lunar Science Institute Windy Ridge Foundation

Estate of Leopold Tedesco Russell W. Carroll+ ­ The R & S Carroll Family Foundation Center for Astronomy Education (CAE) & the Collaboration of Astronomy Teaching Scholars (CATS) Program, University of Arizona Cathy G. Langridge+* in honor of Robert & Ruth Langridge Lawrence Hall of Science in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Gordon+ & Diane Myers NASA Herschel Science Center (NHSC) NASA Science Mission Directorate NASA's Chandra X-R ay Obser vator y NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program - JPL National R adio Astronomy Obser vator y (NRAO) Northrop Grumman - Aerospace Systems Sky-Skan, Inc. Spitzer Science Center (SSC) Stratospheric Obser vator y for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) The Planck Mission UCSD - California Space Grant Consortium in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO W. H. Freeman & Company

Anonymous (1) American Astronomical Society (AAS) Michael Bennett & Leslie Larson in support of Michael Bennett Education Fund Big Kid Science Celestron, LLC Edward & Elizabeth Conklin Edna DeVore+ Jo Ann Eder Timothy & Carolyn Ferris ­ The Swig Foundation Alex & Noelle Filippenko in memor y of Andrew Lange Katy D. Garmany John & Gail Gaustad Marc A . Gineris John A . Graham in memor y of Bart J. Bok William A . Gutsch, Jr.+ Mar y Kay Hemenway+ Lynne A . Hillenbrand+ Judy D. Kass+ Robert P. Kraft in support of PASP & Education Outreach Levi Strauss Foundation* James G. Manning** National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA) & Windows to the Universe Seiler Instrument & Mfg. Co., Inc. University of Wyoming ­ CAPER Team G. Mark Voit & Megan Donahue Al W haley

Friend of the Society ($100­$249)

Edward S. Holden Society ($2,000­$4,999)

Sponsor ($500­$999)

Anonymous (1) Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation Kyle W. Blackman Capitol College Center for Astronomy Education (CAE) & the Collaboration of Astronomy Teaching Scholars (CATS) Program, University of Arizona Haverford College in support of Pricilla & Bart Bok Award I-Clicker Ronald Rosano & Susan Morrow in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO The University of Chicago Press Charles R . Thurber, Jr. in honor of Andrew G. Fraknoi and in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO

Russell A . Harding Kathleen E. Kraemer Richard B. Larson Carol R . Levy Chuck & Pat Mc Partlin Donald W. McCarthy, Jr.+ David J. Monyak MW T Associates, Inc. Bruce Partridge+ MichÕle L. Pearson** Nancy G. Roman United Labor Bank Michael W. Werner

Contributor ($250 - $499)

Frank N. Bash Eric Becklin Carmina Chua Kenneth L. Dulaney* Morris J. Ellington David G. Elliott

Andrew M. Abrahams Thomas B. Ake Allan & Katie Alcorn Albert I. Andreiko in memor y of Astronomers Janet J. Asimov David Barnaby Thomas G. Barnes, III Marcia F. Bartusiak Steven V. W. Beckwith Jeffrey & Lisa Bennett David C. Black+ Dennis C. Blanchard Walter K . Bonsack Katherine Bracher Clinton C. Brooks Lewis F. Brooks Spencer L. Buckner Chevron Corporation* Edward L. Chupp Ismar Cintora in honor of Prof. Gerald L. Dunifer John P. Clancy J. Donald Cline Donald H. Close Richard L. Combs & Baerbel Steffestun Anne F. Cooper Larr y P. Cooper


Robert J. Lundstrom Fred Marschak Toni Martinez & Nancy Luginbill in memor y of Bernie E. Martinez Wesley N. Mathews, Jr. Christopher W. Mauche Terri A . McManus Steven P. Menaker Ted Mitchell Nancy D. Morrison Gregor y Mulinare Robert W. Myers in memor y of George Lemaitre Pauline A . Napieralski Thomas O'Toole in honor of Peggie Scott David G. Opstad Evans W. Paschal Stephen C. Perrenod in memor y of Marc Aaronson Melbert E. Peterson Thomas Phillips Al Pickett Philip G. Pierpont J. A . Posey, Jr. Edward E. Prather Mr & Ms. Daren Primack Margaret S. R ace Michael L. Riggs Miguel A . Rivera Jeffrey D. Rosendhal Edward F. Roveto A . Eric Rydgren Bonnie Sachatello-Sawyer Richard D. Sakal Gar y E. Sanger Andrew M. Schlei Edward G. Schmidt Maarten Schmidt Nicholas M. Schneider Richard L. Schneider Libbie A . Schock Gregor y R . Schultz** Richard A . Shaw Gregor y A . Shields in memor y of Donald E. Osterbrock Janet P. Simpson Michael L. Sitko Michael L. Sowle** Gordon Squires W. Thomas Stalker, III & Bud Stalker William L. Stein Alice A . Stewart Jerr y W. Stewart Dean J. Stoker Edward C. Stone R ay R . Stonecipher David L. Stroh Mr. & Ms. Sam Sweiss Terr y J. Teays Thomas M. Tekach B. R ay Thompson, Jr. Virginia L. Trimble in memor y of Tom Van Fladern Seth L. Tuttle Marshall W. Walker Frederick M. Walter Donat G. Wentzel Kay M. Wilson Robert F. Wing Ryan J. Wyatt Edward J. Young in memor y of Clyde Tombaugh Sheena R . Freeman in memor y of Ryland Freeman Alan J. Friedman David J. Fr y Thomas L. Gandet in memor y of Norriss Hetherington Thomas M. Gates Harold A . Geller in memor y of Morris Geller Richard & Eileen Gibbs William S. Green Erika D. Grundstrom in honor of R ayne Phillips & Don Grundstrom Seth Guinals-Kupperman Roger A . Haas in memor y of Donna M. Haas Walter H. Haas in memor y of Ber yl E. Haas Theodore A . Haigh Frank Hainley Marshall Hall, III Paul S. Hardersen Richard J. Harms Edward & Sharon Harris John D. Harris Cinndy Hart Janice Har vey Hashima Hasan John B. Hassett Louis C. Haughney in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Richard A . Henshaw W. D. Herbert Richard W. Heuermann Albert V. Holm in memor y of Art Code David Holman Roger A . Howerton Shirley Hufstedler Mar y & Joseph Hughes William E. Humphrey Robert J. Ingram Edward S. Jackson David C. Jenner Thomas M. Jordan Vesa T. Junkkarinen Bert G. Katzung Susan Kayser Richard W. Kielhorn Lisabeth M. Kissner in memor y of Bethany & Marie Marian E. Kravitz John C. Kremer O. Karl Krienke, Jr. Brewster W. Lamacchia Lori A . Lambertson in memor y of Tony Freeman Thomas G. Lanneville in memor y of Rita M. Lanneville Patricia Lawton & Joel Offenberg Robert L. Layman Larr y & Nancy Lebofsky Henri K . Lese Carol & Harold Lloyd Timothy W. Lynch Robert D. Magarian Roger L. Mansfield Donald H. Martins R achel M. E. Mastrapa Liam McDaid Robin H. McGlohn Daniel H. McIntosh Christopher F. McKee Gar y W. McLeod Thomas R . McNeal in honor of Christopher Mayo Benjamin Mendelsohn Br yan J. Mendez Allen F. Moench Bruce A . Mohler Frederick P. Montana George S. Mumford Michael H. Munoz Jim & Mar y Murdy Glenn C. Murray Omnarayani Nayak Leonard E. Nelson John C. Noble Wayne H. Osborn in memor y of Al Fiala Patrick S. Osmer Thomas G. Pannuti Orlando Parsi Ros William M. Pate, Jr. James G. Peters in memor y of Alice Peters Bradley M. Peterson Charles J. Peterson in memor y of Frederick Seares Katherine A . Pettiss Barbara J. Planck Leslie W. Proudfit** Frederick J. R aab Somsawat R atanasoon Angie Richman Matthew J. Richter Steven N. Rider Jane J. Risk Joe F. Robinson Thomas Rolfsmeyer David G. Rucker Bernard Sadoulet Leon R . Sahlman Jack E. Sales Scott & Betsy Sandford Robert L. Schafer Lani A . J. Schonberg Eric Schuh in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Daniel J. Schuneman Francois Schweizer Jerr y J. Sershen W. W hitney Shane Seth Shostak Anahita Sidhwa Kurt Sinclair Tammy A . Smecker-Hane in honor of Alan Sandage Denise Smith Leonard H. Solomon Hallie R . Spurr-Heckler in memor y of Prof. William A . Spurr Martha Stahr Carpenter Terr y & Linda Stephenson Berton & Janet Stevens Robert W. Stevenson Sidney N. Stone Thomas C. Strickland Louis J. Suarato

Supporter ($1­$99)

Helmut A . Abt Les & Mar y Anderson John T. Armstrong Thomas R . Ayres in memor y of Rodger Doxsey Dana E. Backman John R . Baker Bruce Balick R alph H. Barbee Lindsay M. Bartolone Lincoln Baxter, II Christo T. Bekiaris Leila A . Belkora Marni** & Richard Berendsen Karrie M. Berglund Phillip Blumert in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Richard S. Bogart Paul A . Bradley Judith E. Braffman-Miller in honor of Henri Thomas C. Bretl Albert M. Brettner Martha & R aymond Bright Gina L. Brissenden Douglas O. Brown+ Claia O. Br y ja Jo Anne Bucsko Janelle M. Burgardt in memor y of Edwin Volz Stephen & Mar y Helen Burroughs Warren E. Byrne John C. Carhart John E. Carlstrom Brian Casey & Andrea Cox Susan A . Chambers Ms. & Mr. Rilla Chaney Auritte Cohen-Ross in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Jack J. Condon Sarah G. Corder Harold P. Coyle, Jr. Thomas & Annelle Craig Robert W. Crawford in memor y of Dr. Robert Chambers Jean M. Creighton Paolo A . Custodi Clarence T. Daub Peter De Baan Paul S. Deans Robert J. Dukes, Jr. in memor y of R aymond E. W hite, Jr. David & Joan Dunham Debra M. Elmegreen Glen W. Erickson Steven R . Federman George F. Feliz Joseph H. Fierstein in honor of Marni Berendsen, Kenneth Frank & Vivian W hite Virginia Fontana in memor y of Vince & Jessie Fontana Michael H. Francis Richard S. Freedman


John J. Sunta, III Ihor Szkolar John R . Teerlink Mar y P. Timar in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO Alan T. Tokunaga James A . Tomich L. Michael Tompkins John D. Trasco Robert G. Tull in memor y of Prof. David S. Evans Gay Van Horn & Alan Koenig Boris Vernovsky Ted C. Vredenburg Elizabeth O. Waagen in memor y of Janet A . Mattei Sue Walker-Waber Elizabeth F. Wallace in memor y of Barbara Doggan Wallace Rene A . Walterbos Judith M. Washburn Harold F. Weaver in memor y of Dr. Don Backer R ay J. Weymann Jane M. W hitner Susan M. Wilkerson Linda K . Williams Linda I. Winkler Janis F. Winter Gar y L. Wood Larr y & Sharon Woods Fulton W. Wright, Jr. Anne G. Young Norbert & Marion Zacharias April O. Zrelak Justin D. Karp Diane E. Ketchum David T. Knickerbocker Dorian Lok Jefferson E. McCollum Richard D. Mullins Br yan A . Roberts Lucas Sanders Stephen N. Schuldt Carey Sexton Michael Shaw Richard L. Warren Susan W horton Andy J. Kreyche Cathy G. Langridge+* Carol R . Levy James G. Manning** Fred Marschak Mr. & Mrs. Chuck E. Mc Partlin Steven P. Menaker Ted Mitchell Gordon+ & Diane Myers Pauline A . Napieralski MichÕle Pearson** Alexander R . Peters J. A . Posey, Jr. John & Monique Reed Miguel A . Rivera Edward F. Roveto Dennis L. Schatz Andrew M. Schlei Richard L. Schneider Gregor y R . Schultz** W. Thomas Stalker, III & Bud Stalker William L. Stein Edward C. Stone R ay R . Stonecipher Thomas M. Tekach Seth L. Tuttle Kenneth L. Dulaney Eugene E. Epstein+ Glen W. Erickson Mar y Ann Fell Alex & Noelle Filippenko Debra A . Fischer Katy D. Garmany Michael G. Gibbs+ Marc A . Gineris William A . Gutsch, Jr.+ Walter H. Haas in memor y of Ber yl E. Haas Frank Hainley John D. Harris Mar y Kay Hemenway+ Richard A . Henshaw W. D. Herbert James E. Hesser Lynne A . Hillenbrand+ William E. Humphrey Deidre A . Hunter IBM Corporation ­ Matching Grants Program* Philip Inder wiesen* & Patricia Tovsen Edward S. Jackson James B. Kaler Stratos G. Kantounis Judy D. Kass+ Bert G. Katzung Susan Kayser David C. Koo Robert P. Kraft Marian E. Kravitz Richard G. Kron John Kronholm Louis W. Kunz Cathy G. Langridge+* Almon E. Larsh, Jr. Henri K . Lese Levi Strauss Foundation* Carol R . Levy Carol & Harold Lloyd Robert D. Magarian James G. Manning** Donald W. McCarthy, Jr.+ Chuck & Pat Mc Partlin Robin H. McGlohn Christopher F. McKee Thomas R . McNeal in honor of Christopher Mayo Jim & Mar y Murdy Gordon+* & Diane Myers Bruce Partridge+ Michele Pearson** Alexander R . Peters Katherine A . Pettiss Sandra L. Preston+ Leslie W. Proudfit** Michael L. Riggs Nancy G. Roman Gar y E. Sanger Robert L. Schafer Libbie A . Schock Lani A . J. Schonberg Joseph C. Shields Denise Smith Leonard H. Solomon Hallie R . Spurr-Heckler in memor y of Prof. William A . Spurr Martha Stahr Carpenter

Family Membership

In-Kind Support

Boulder Beer Co. Explore Scientific Judy D. Kass+ Betty Ann Kissilore Christian Niles in support of Bay Area Project ASTRO

Matching Gifts

A portion of the dues is to support the ASP's mission and education programs. Les & Mar y Anderson Marni** & Richard Berendsen Thomas C. Bretl Martha & R aymond Bright Stephen & Mar y Helen Burroughs Brian Casey & Andrea Cox Thomas & Annelle Craig David & Joan Dunham Alan J. Friedman Edward & Sharon Harris James N. Head Mar y & Joseph Hughes Brewster W. Lamacchia Patricia Lawton & Joel Offenberg Larr y & Nancy Lebofsky Toni Martinez & Nancy Luginbill R achal M. E. Mastrapa Scott & Betsy Sandford Libbie A . Schock Daniel J. Schuneman Terr y & Linda Stephenson Berton & Janet Stevens John R . Teerlink Gay Van Horn & Alan Koenig Larr y & Sharon Woods Edward J. Young Norbert & Marion Zacharias

Members of the ASP Heritage Society
Anonymous (1) Robert D. Arnott Michael Bennett & Leslie Larson Jeanne Bishop Terence & Cynthia Brennan William Howard, III J. Daniel Sedillo

IT Challenge Grant Supporters
The following supporters made contributions to the IT Challenge Grant from 2009­2010 TABASGO Foundation on behalf of Las Cumbres Obser vator y Global Telescope Anonymous (1) Allan & Katie Alcorn Dana E. Backman David Barnaby Thomas G. Barnes, III Frank N. Bash Lincoln Baxter, II Steven V. W. Beckwith David C. Black+ Paul A . Bradley Albert M. Brettner Lewis F. Brooks Douglas O. Brown+ Jo Anne Bucsko John C. Carhart Bruce W. Carney Chevron Corporation* Edward L. Chupp John P. Clancy Jack J. Condon Harold G. Cor win, Jr. Joycelin Craig Robert W. Crawford in memor y of Dr. Robert Chambers Delwin R . Croom in memor y of Ann & Delwin Croom Edna DeVore+ Peter J. deVroede

Chevron Corporation IBM Corporation ­ Matching Grants Program Levi Strauss Foundation

Supporter 's Circle Membership

Combined Federal Campaign
A special thank you to the federal, state and local employees who contributed via payroll deduction (Fall 2010 contributors) Cornelius J. Baker, III Donald S. Branum Lee R . Bushen Christopher N. Campbell, Jr. Sharalis Canales Kristin E. Caswell Sandra L. Cheairs Richard A . Correia Michael L. Dodge James R . Fisher Steven C. Freund Marcus A . Garcia Nancy C. Hamilton R aymond Howard Kathleen L. James T. Jang

A portion of the dues is to support the ASP's mission and education programs. Andrew M. Abrahams Albert I. Andreiko Eric Becklin Jeffrey & Lisa Bennett Michael Bennett & Leslie Larson Clinton C. Brooks Ismar Cintora J. Donald Cline Richard L. Combs & Baerbel Steffestun Edward & Elizabeth Conklin Edward E. Elzey Alex & Noelle Filippenko Thomas A . Fleming Robert J. Hawley David S. Heeschen Kimberly A . Hermann Lynne A . Hillenbrand+ Francine Jackson Richard R . Joyce Dave Kar y & Joann Eisberg Judy D. Kass+


David L. Stroh Virginia L. Trimble United Labor Bank Elizabeth O. Waagen in memor y of Janet A . Mattei Sue Walker-Waber Donat G. Wentzel Michael W. Werner R ay J. Weymann Al W haley Linda K . Williams Robert F. Wing Gar y L. Wood National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA) & Windows to the Universe National R adio Astronomy Obser vator y (NRAO) Seiler Instrument & Mfg. Co., Inc. Sky-Skan, Inc. Spitzer Science Center (SSC) Stratospheric Obser vator y for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) The Geological Society of America The Planck Mission The University of Chicago Press University of Wyoming ­ CAPER Team G. Mark Voit & Megan Donahue W. H. Freeman & Company Michelle Higgins John Lacy Kristine Larsen Kristen A . Larson Larr y Lebofsky N. R . Lebofsky James Lochner Andrea Lommen James G. Manning** Barbara Mattson Donald W. McCarthy, Jr.+ Delphine Perrodin Tony Phillips Stephen M. Pompea Trevor Quirk Stephen Shawl William Sheehan Robert T. Sparks Erik Stengler Roy A . Tucker Nicholas V. Veronico** Constance E. Walker+ Christopher Wanjek Megan Watzke Volunteers who helped with the Silicon Valley A stronomy Lecture Series and its podcasts Douglas Bassler Andrew G. Fraknoi** Marty Kahn David Manzo Lori Thomas Volunteers who helped with the Night Sky Network toolkits Astronomical Society of Northern New England ­ Joyce Brann, Ron Burke, Joan Chamberlin & Jim Hatch Barnard-Seyfert Astronomical Society ­ Jana Ruth Ford & Heinrich Tischler Cameron Park Rotar y Community Obser vator y ­ Frank Dibbell, Nicole Gauthier, LuAnn LePere, Teri Smoot & Cindy Terpe City Lights Astronomical Society for Students ­ Becky Saflarski East Bay Astronomical Society ­ Celeste Burrows Mt. Diablo Astronomical Society ­ Ken Coates, Jim Head & Jon Wilson North Houston Astronomy Club ­ Aaron Clevenson & Tiger Moses Santa Barbara Astronomical Unit ­ Chuck & Pat Mc Partlain & Javier Rivera Tacoma Astronomical Society ­ Alice Few The Albuquerque Astronomical Society ­ Bob Havlen & Shannon Mann The Catawba Valley Astronomy Club ­ Joe Heafner, Debbie Michael & Jeffer y W hisenant Warren Rupp Obser vator y ­ Tammy Plotner & Mike Romine Volunteers who helped at the Yosemite Sky R angers Workshop Richard Blake Brian DeWelles Alice Few Aeddan K . Frank Darrell Lee David Samuels SF Headquarter Volunteers Bay Area Project ASTRO Martin Cabrera Anders Chippindale Kjersti Chippindale Eileen Olicker * Corporate Matching Gift + ASP Board Member and/or Officer ** ASP Staff Member We apologize in advance for any errors or omissions. If you have a correction, please contact the Development Department at 415-337-1100 ext. 106 or by email: development@astrosociety.org so that we may correct our records.

ASP's 2010 Annual Conference

The following individuals and organizations have contributed significant support and sponsorship to the success of this conference. Anonymous (1) American Astronomical Society (AAS) Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation Big Kid Science Boulder Beer Co. Capitol College Celestron, LLC Center for Astronomy Education (CAE) & the Collaboration of Astronomy Teaching Scholars (CATS) Program, University of Arizona Explore Scientific I-Clicker MW T Associates, Inc. NASA Herschel Science Center (NHSC) NASA Infrared Processing & Analysis Center (IPAC) NASA Lunar Science Institute NASA Science Mission Directorate NASA's Chandra X-R ay Obser vator y NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program - JPL

Our Loyal Volunteers
PASP Contributors Daniel G. Fabricant, Associate Editor Robert P. Kraft PASP Reviewers Mercury Contributors Kimberly Arcand David Baker Marcia Bartusiak Jennifer Birriel John Blackwell Katherine Bracher David Bruning Zach Cano Bethany Cobb Eric R . Craine Roger B. Culver Clifford J. Cunningham Paul Deans** Daniel D. Durda Andrew Fraknoi** Robert Gendler Michael G. Gibbs+ Joel D. Green Benjamin F. Griego Jr. Mar y Kay Hemenway+

A Gift That Gives Back

planned giving



he Astronomical Society of the Pacific is pleased to recognize our members and friends who have included the ASP in their estate plans. This support of our mission is truly appreciated. Join the Heritage Society by making a planned gift today. Visit us online or contact us to request an informational brochure.

the astronomical society of the pacific

astronomical society of the pacific

The Heritage Society

www.astrosociety.org/support.html or (415) 337-1100 x106

Statement of Activities
For the year ended February 28, 2011 Revenues: Membership dues Subscriptions Government grants Donations and bequests In-kind donations Sales of educational materials, net Sales of conference series, net Publications of ASP Meetings and workshops Other revenue Investment income Net assets released from restriction Total revenues Expenses: Program services: Meeting and awards Membership Publication Educational materials Classroom teacher programs Supportive services: Administration Fundraising Total expenses Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of period Net assets, end of period 20 $ 678,675 176,483 2,962,776 105,294 535,774 641,068 $ 1,125 991,560 992,685 $ 678,6755 176,483 2,962,776 106,419 1,527,334 1,633,753 122,487 45,855 336,625 205,067 1,397,584 122,487 45,855 336,625 205,067 1,397,584 Unrestricted $ 97,106 218,520 1,634,393 335,338 2,724 20,719 418,809 167,145 81,624 23,769 12,496 55,427 3,068,070 55,427 (55,427) 1,125 $ Permanently Restricted 1,125 $ Total 97,106 218,520 1,634,393 336,463 2,724 20,719 418,809 167,145 81,624 23,769 67,923 3,069,195

Statement of Financial Position
February 28, 2011 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents Investments Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $4,000 Inventory, net Prepaid expenses Total current assets Non-current assets: Restricted cash and cash equivalents Restricted investments Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation Total non-current assets Total assets LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Deferred revenue Notes payable, current portion Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities: Notes payable, net of current portion Total long-term liabilities Total liabilities Net assets: Unrestricted Permanently restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets $ $ 641,068 992,685 1,633,753 3,281,349 21 $ 1,125,624 1,125,624 1,647,596 $ 215,723 283,884 22,365 521,972 $ $ ­ 992,685 500,670 1,493,355 3,281,349 $ 1,133,409 34,665 305,382 291,397 23,141 1,787,994



ince its beginning , the ASP has been faithfully ser ving and connecting people interested in astronomy through its professional and popular publications, science and education programs, community outreach, meetings, awards and resources. In 2010­11, the Society 's worldwide membership, including professional researchers, educators, amateur astronomers, science communicators and interested public supported the Society 's work and enjoyed its benefits of association. Society members are part of a historically significant astronomy community, from hobbyists to professionals, including some of the leading astronomy researchers, educators and enthusiasts of the day. By ser ving young and old alike, the ASP's membership connects the discoveries of the past with the scientists and educators of the future, and lays the groundwork for advancing science literacy through astronomy for the enlightenment and benefit of a world increasingly dependent on science and technology. The work is important, and the ASP cannot achieve its mission without the partnership of its members. We sincerely thank our members for the vital role you play in the life and work of the ASP, and we value your steadfast support as we work together to create a more scientifically enlightened future, connecting people ever ywhere to the sky.

Benefits for Members of the ASP
The ASP offers professional publications, a wealth of materials explaining astronomy to beginners, formal and informal educational programs, an annual conference, and a series of international awards. ASP members receive the following benefits of association: · · · · · · · Mercury Magazine--one year electronic-only subscription. Astronomy Beat--an insider's view of the joys of doing astronomy, online. Access to other ASP online features available exclusively to members. 10% discount on most items in the AstroShop including ASP Conference Series. Conference discounts. ASP membership decal to demonstrate your support for astronomy and education. Member voting privileges.

ASP Monthly E-Newsletter keeps our members, benefactors and friends up-to-date with our mission-based programs and Society news. This is a monthly free resource from the ASP and individuals can subscribe online at: www.astrosociety.org/pubs/newsletter.html. As a ser vice to our members and friends, the ASP also provides the AstroShop, an online store with items of particular interest to the astronomy and space science education and public outreach community. Visit the AstroShop online at: www.astrosociety.org/astroshop.

Travel that supports ASP
The ASP partners with MWT Associates to offer Astronomy Tours to exotic locales to witness solar eclipses, the northern lights, historical sites of astronomical interest, and other destinations. The tours often feature lectures by ASP staff or Board members. Check out the Tours & Travel section of the ASP Web site to view the latest offerings: w w w.astrosociety.org/events/tours.html.


2010­11 Board of Directors
Bruce Partridge (President), Haverford College William A . Gutsch, Jr. (President-Elect), Great Ideas/St. Peter's College (President starting 1/28/11) Mar y Kay Hemenway (Secretar y), University of Texas, Austin Michael G. Gibbs (Secretary), Capitol College (starting 8/10) Eugene Epstein (Treasurer) MichÕle Pearson, Director of Advancement Suzy Gurton, Astronomy Education Manager Marni Berendsen, Education Project Coordinator, Night Sky Network Wilson Chung , Accounting Assistant Noel Encarnacion, Inventor y and Customer Ser vice Manager Andrew Fraknoi, Senior Educator Kenneth Frank, Night Sky Network Administrator Anna Hurst, Astronomy Educator Brian Kruse, Lead Formal Educator Pablo Nelson, Project Coordinator, Astronomy from the Ground Up Leslie Proudfit, Senior Designer/Webmaster Charlene Quach-Thai, Membership Coordinator Jessica Santascoy, Astronomy Outreach Project Coordinator Albert Silva, Executive Assistant/Office Administrator Perr y Tankeh, Accounting Manager Vivian W hite, Project Coordinator, Bay Area Project ASTRO

Other Board Members
David Black, USRA Douglas Brown, Fremont Peak Obser vator y Association Russ Carroll, Miva Merchant (Starting 12/1/10) Edna DeVore, SETI Institute (Starting 9/1/10, 2nd term) Peter DeVroede, Stitcher, Inc. Lynne Hillenbrand, California Institute of Technology Judy Kass, AAAS Shawn A . Laatsch, Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawaii (Starting 9/1/10) Cathy Langridge, Levi Strauss & Co. Donald McCarthy, University of Arizona Gordon Myers Sandra Preston, University of Texas at Austin Connie Walker, National Optical Astronomy Obser vator y (Starting 9/1/10)

PASP ­ Seattle, WA
Paula Szkody, Editor Harland W. Epps, Associate Editor (Lick) Daniel G. Fabricant, Associate Editor (CfA) Toby Smith, Associate Editor

Advisory Council 2010­11
Frank N. Bash, The University of Texas at Austin (emeritus professor) Jeanne Bishop, Westlake Schools Planetarium, Ohio Terr y Brennan Cindy Brennan, MD Bruce Carney, The Samuel Baron Distinguished Professor of Physics & Astronomy and Senior Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Rick Fienberg , Press Officer / Education & Outreach Coordinator, AAS Alex Filippenko, Department of Astronomy University of California, Berkeley Catharine D. Garmany, National Optical Astronomy Obser vator y Marc Gineris, Incyte Capital Holdings Russ Harding (retired educator) Jim Hesser Director, Dominion Astrophysical Obser vator y, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada William E. Howard III (retired) John Huchra, Har vard-Smithsonian, Center for Astrophysics Robert P. Kraft, Astronomer/Professor emeritus UCO/Lick Obser vator y University of California, Santa Cruz Terr y Mann President, Astronomical League Gordon Myers (Retired IBM executive) John R . Percy, Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics, and of Science Education University of Toronto Jeffrey D. Rosendhal (retired) NASA Consultant Wayne Rosing , Las Cumbres Obser vator y Bob Thomason (retired business executive) Virginia Trimble, University of California, Ir vine Las Cumbres Obser vator y Harold F. Weaver, Professor of Astronomy Emeritus University of California, Berkeley Donat Wentzel, University of Mar yland (retired) Al W haley, Co-Founder Internet Travel Network

Mercury Magazine
Paul Deans, Editor

SOFIA ­ Moffett Field, CA
Nick Veronico, SOFIA Public Affairs Officer Tammy Harrison, Assistant to the Director of Outreach for SOFIA Leslie Proudfit, Multimedia Assistant

Conference Series -- Orem, UT
Joseph Jensen, Managing Editor Jonathan Barnes, Associate Editor Jared Bellows, Technical Consultant Jason Hammond, E-book Specialist Blaine Haws, E-book Specialist Bret Little, E-book Specialist and Computer Programmer Cindy Moody, Editorial Assistant Stephen Moody, Editorial Assistant and E-book Specialist Pepita Ridgeway, Publication Manager

Annual Report Credits
Jim Manning , Executive Director Greg Schultz, Director of Education

Leslie Proudfit All editorial content contributed by the ASP Senior Staff

Photo credits
Front cover: R am W hite Page 2: ASP (top and bottom); Annette Oliveira (2nd from top); Theo R amakers (2nd from bottom) Page 3: Image courtesy of James Manning Page 4: Image courtesy of Bill Gutsch Page 5: ASP (top); Pam Drake (bottom) Page 11: ASP (top); Sonu Swamy (bottom) Page 13: Images courtesy of the award winners. Back cover: Allison "Ali" Barnes

ASP Staff
Headquarters -- San Francisco, CA
James Manning , Executive Director Greg Schultz, Director of Education Michael Sowle, Director of Finance and Operations


390 Ashton Avenue · San Francisco, CA 94112 w w w.astrosociety.org (415) 337-1100

Astronomical Society of the Pacific