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<b style="color:black;background-color:#ff66ff">Eclipse</b> Resource Guide « Astronomical Society
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Eclipse Resource Guide

A Resource Guide to Exploring Eclipses in General and the August 21, 2017 Total Eclipse of the Sun

by Andrew Fraknoi (Foothill College)
Version 1.4; Feb. 2016

ˆé copyright 2016 Andrew Fraknoi. All rights reserved. To republish, contact the author at: fraknoi@fhda.edu

ˆàTable of Contents:

Books about Eclipses in General
A Few Recent Books about the 2017 Eclipse
Articles about Eclipses
Articles about the 2017 Eclipse
Articles about Eclipses and History
Web Sites about Eclipses in General
Sources of Eclipse Glasses
Websites about the 2017 Eclipse

Books about Eclipses in General

Littmann, Mark, et al. Totality: Eclipses of the Sun, 3rd ed. 2009, Oxford U. Press. Primer on the astronomy and the observation of eclipses, by three experienced astronomy authors.

Harrington, Philip Eclipse: The What, Where, When, Why and How Guide to Watching Solar and Lunar Eclipses. 1999, Wiley. A guide from a veteran amateur astronomer and author.

Mobberley, Martin Total Solar Eclipses and How to Observe Them. 2007, Springer. By an experienced amateur astronomer and prolific observing-guide author.

Brunier, Serge & Luminet, Jean-Pierre Glorious Eclipses: Their Present, Past, and Future. 2000, Cambridge U. Press. Historical and observing guide, translated from the French.

Steele, Duncan Eclipse: The Celestial Phenomenon that Changed the Course of History. 2001, Joseph Henry Press. Introductory book with quite a bit of history by an astronomer author.

Brewer, Bryan Eclipse, 2nd ed. 1991, Earth Views. Out of print, but used copies available. Good information on history and legends associated with eclipses, as well as science.

Russo, Kate Total Addiction: The Life of an Eclipse Chaser. 2012, Springer/Copernicus. A psychologist who loves total eclipses describes the thrills and the science behind them.

Reynolds, Michael D. & Sweetsir, Richard A. Observe Eclipses, 2nd ed. 1995, Astronomical League.ˆàhttps://store.astroleague.org/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=9

Table of Contents

A Few Recent Books about the 2017 Eclipse

Espenak, Fred & Anderson, Jay Eclipse Bulletin: Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 August 21. 2015, Astropixels. A definitive guide to the eclipse circumstances and weather prediction from NASAòÀÙs òÀÜMr. Eclipse.òÀÝ Available at: http://astropixels.com/pubs/TSE2017.html

Espenak, Fred Road Atlas for the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017. 2015, Astropixels. Detailed road maps for locations within the total eclipse path.

Schatz, Dennis & Fraknoi, Andrew Solar Science: Exploring Sunspots, Seasons, Eclipses and More. 2016, National Science Teachers Association. A book of activities and information for teachers, museum and nature center educators, and those who work with them. Includes an insert all about the 2017 eclipse and a pair of safe-viewing glasses.

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Articles about Eclipses

Bakich, M. òÀÜYour Twenty-Year Solar Eclipse PlanneròÀÝ in Astronomy, Oct. 2008, p. 74. Describes the circumstances of upcoming total eclipses of the Sun.

Beldea, C. & Cali, J. òÀÜChasing Totality from the StratosphereòÀÝ in Sky & Telescope, Oct. 2013, p. 66. Observing using a balloon in 2011.

Pasachoff, J. òÀÜSolar Eclipse Science: Still Going StrongòÀÝ in Sky & Telescope, Feb. 2001, p. 40. On what we have learned and are still learning from eclipses.

Regas, Dean òÀÜThe Quest for TotalityòÀÝ in Sky & Telescope, July 2012, p. 36. On eclipse chasing as a hobby.

Zeiler, Michael òÀÜThe Evolving Eclipse MapòÀÝ in Sky & Telescope, Nov. 2012, p. 34. On the history and current state of making a map of where the path of an eclipse will cross the Earth.

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Articles about the 2017 Eclipse

Bakich, M. òÀÜThe First Look at the 2017 Total EclipseòÀÝ in Astronomy, June 2015, p. 54. (See also his 25 tips for eclipse observing in his òÀÜPlan Now for the 2017 EclipseòÀÝ in Astronomy, Mar. 2016, p. 54.)

Espenak, F. & Anderson, J. òÀÜGet Ready for AmericaòÀÙs Coast to Coast ExperienceòÀÝ in Sky & Telescope, Feb. 2016, p. 22. (Available as a PDF file at: http://www.skyandtelescope.com/wp-content/uploads/2017-Eclipse-Guide.pdf )

Penn, M. òÀÜCitizen CATE: Wanted, 90 Minutes of Totality, in Sky & Telescope, Feb. 2016, p. 29. On a citizen science experiment to observe the eclipse at regular intervals.

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Articles about Eclipses and History

Olson, D. “Columbus and an Eclipse of the Moon” in Sky & Telescope, Oct. 1992, p. 437.

Schaefer, B. “Lunar Eclipses That Changed the World” in Sky & Telescope, Dec. 1992, p. 639.

Schaefer, B. “Solar Eclipses That Changed the World” in Sky & Telescope, May 1994, p. 36.

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Web Sites about Eclipses in General

Mr. Eclipse: http://www.mreclipse.com/MrEclipse.html (NASA Astronomer Fred Espenak has earned the nickname Mr. Eclipse for his tireless work calculating and explaining eclipses through the years; this site includes lots of introductory and explanatory material on eclipses in general and specific eclipses that are coming up. See also his site EclipseWise: http://eclipsewise.com/ )

NASAòÀÙs Eclipse Web Site: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse.html (this is THE site for reliable information on eclipse paths and circumstances in the past and the future; the site is a bit technical, so beginners should start with the Mr. Eclipse site above)

Hermit Eclipse: http://moonblink.info/Eclipse/ (a site by an amateur with a lot of information on how eclipses work, when future or past eclipses take place, maps, etc.)

Eclipser: Weather Predictions for Upcoming Eclipses by Jay Anderson: http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~jander/

World Map of Upcoming Eclipse (nice graphic summary): http://www.exploratorium.edu/eclipse/future.html

Database of Eclipse Videos (by Jean Marc LaRieviere): http://eclipseguy.com/eclipse-film-database/

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Sources of Eclipse Glasses

Rainbow Symphony: http://www.rainbowsymphony.com/eclipse-glasses.html

American Paper Optics: http://www.eclipseglasses.com/

Thousand Oaks Optical: http://www.thousandoaksoptical.com/ecplise.html

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Eclipse Quotations: http://www.mreclipse.com/Special/quotes1.html

Eclipse Stamps: http://www.mreclipse.com/SEstamps/SEstamps1.html
Or: http://mseclipse.free.fr/timbres/timbres.htm

Fifteen Movies that Feature Eclipses: http://cs.astronomy.com/asy/b/astronomy/archive/2014/08/18/15-movies-that-feature-eclipses.aspx

The Sun-Eating Dragon: Eclipse Stories, Myths, and Legends by Noel Wanner: http://www.exploratorium.edu/eclipse/dragon.html

Beautiful Tourist Posters for Eclipse Destinations (by Tyler Nordgren): http://www.tylernordgren.com/

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Websites about the 2017 Eclipse:

General Sites:

Introduction for beginners to the 2017 Eclipse by Andrew Fraknoi and Dennis Schatz (from the book Solar Science from the National Science Teachers Association): http://www.nsta.org/publications/press/extras/files/solarscience/SolarScienceInsert.pdf

Eclipse2017 Site (by eclipse enthusiast Dan McGlaun): http://www.eclipse2017.org/eclipse2017_main.htm

The Great American Eclipse Site (by mapmaker Michael Zeiler and Polly White): http://www.greatamericaneclipse.com/

NASA Eclipse 2017 Page by Fred Espenak: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEmono/TSE2017/TSE2017.html

Sky & Telescope 2017 Eclipse Page with Jay AndersonòÀÙs chart of best bets for good weather: http://www.skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-news/observing-news/americans-will-see-total-solar-eclipse-in-2017/

Astronomy MagazineòÀÙs 2017 Eclipse Information: http://www.astronomy.com/2017eclipse

U.S. Naval Observatory Eclipse 2017 Page and Calculator: http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/Eclipse2017.php

Eclipse Chasers 2017 Page (by enthusiast Bill Kramer): http://www.eclipse-chasers.com/tseNext.php?TSE=tse2017d

Early-look Weather Predictions by Jay Anderson: http://eclipsophile.com/total-solar-eclipses/total-solar-eclipse-2017-august-21/

Tips for Observers by Michael Bakich (Astronomy Magazine): http://cs.astronomy.com/asy/b/astronomy/archive/2014/08/08/25-tips-for-the-august-21-2017-total-solar-eclipse.aspx

American Astronomical Society 2017 Eclipse Page: http://aas.org/education/outreach/eclipse-2017

NASAòÀÙs General 2017 Eclipse Page: http://eclipse2017.nasa.gov


Google Map with Solar Eclipse Path by Fred Espenak: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEgoogle/SEgoogle2001/SE2017Aug21Tgoogle.html

Google Map with Solar Eclipse Path by Xavier Jubier: http://xjubier.free.fr/en/site_pages/solar_eclipses/TSE_2017_GoogleMapFull.html

Eclipse Maps for 2017 by Michael Zeiler: http://www.eclipse-maps.com/Eclipse-Maps/Gallery/Pages/Total_solar_eclipse_of_2017_August_21.html

A Few Specific Destinations and Trips:

Astronomical League 2017 Convention in Wyoming along the eclipse path: http://astrocon2017.astroleague.org/

KentuckyòÀÙs Solar Eclipse (touting Hopkinsville): http://www.kysolareclipse.com/

Eclipse Tour at Jackson Lake Lodge (led by Doug Duncan, University of Colorado): http://app.certain.com/profile/web/index.cfm?PKwebID=0x627495a393&varPage=home

Eclipse Tour led by Jay Pasachoff of Williams College: http://aclassictour.com/travel-company/total-solar-eclipse-tour-2017/

Astro Trails Eclipse Expeditions: http://www.astro-trails.com/destination/2017-total-solar-eclipse-expeditions

Sky & Telescope magazine eclipse trip to Nashville: http://insightcruises.com/events/st08/

Astronomy magazine eclipse trips: http://www.astronomy.com/magazine/trips-tours/2017-eclipse-tours

MWT Eclipse Tours: http://melitatrips.com/

Front Page Science Observing Party in St. Joseph, MO: http://www.fpsci.com/start.html

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