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The International Year of Astronomy
The United Nations has officially designated 2009 as the International Year of Astronomy, celebrating the 400th anniversary of Galileo turning his telescope to the skies and revolutionizing humanity's view of its place in the universe. Over the last four centuries, new telescopes have allowed us to expand Galileo's work and learn so much more about the universe, its geography and its evolution. Led by the International Astronomical Union, IYA will be a global celebration of progress in astronomy and its contributions to society and culture, with an aim of sharing the excitement of the day-time and night-time sky with as many people as possible. Its theme is "The Universe: Yours to Discover." The U.S. effort has the aim to provide "an engaging astronomy experience to every person in the country, to nurture existing partnerships, and to build new connections to sustain public interest in astronomy." We want to enlist teachers, museum educators, park rangers, amateur astronomy groups, community organizations, and the media, to help students, families, and the public gain a new appreciation of the fascination of the universe and a new understanding of the power of the scientific method. 2009 will be the kick-off year of what is likely to be a multi-year program of education and outreach. To keep up with the ever growing series of IYA programs and ideas, please bookmark the following web sites: The International IYA Office: www.astronomy2009.org U.S. IYA Effort: astronomy2009.us Astronomical Society of the Pacific: www.astrosociety.org Meeting Steering Committee Doris Daou, NASA Headquarters Susana Deustua, American Astronomical Society/STScI Jim Manning, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Meeting Program Committee Andrew Fraknoi, Foothill College & ASP, Co-chair Denise Smith, Space Telescope Science Institute, Co-chair Doug Isbell, National Optical Astronomy Observatories, Co-chair Rick Fienberg, Sky & Telescope Magazine Lucy Fortson, Adler Planetarium Jason Freeman, Coalition for Science After School Michael Gibbs, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Michael Greene, Navigator Program, JPL Russ Harding, K­12 Educational Consultant Anita Krishnamurthi, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. Peter Michaud, Gemini Observatory Lynn Narasimhan, DePaul University Bruce Partridge, Haverford College Steve Pompea, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Pedro Russo, IYA International Coordinator Phil Sakimoto, Notre Dame University Christine Shupla, Lunar & Planetary Institute Simon Steel, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Michelle Thaller, IPAC/Caltech/Spitzer Ryan Wyatt, California Academy of Science Cinndy Hart, Hart Event Marketing, Meeting Planner Leslie Proudfit, Meeting Webmaster and Designer

Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Founded in 1889, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific increases public understanding and appreciation of astronomy--through scientists, educators, enthusiasts, and the public--as a vehicle for advancing science literacy and exchange. The Society publishes a refereed journal, a series of conference proceedings, a free on-line newsletter for teachers, a web-based magazine for its members, and a wide range of astronomy resources and activities for teachers, museum educators, amateur astronomers, and families. It sponsors eight international awards for achievement in astronomical research and education. With the support of the National Science Foundation, NASA, private foundations, and benefactors around the world, the Society offers a wide range of programs in education and outreach. Among these are: · Project ASTROTM -- A network of regional sites that link and train volunteer astronomers and 4th ­ 9th grade teachers as partners. · Family ASTRO -- A program to develop family kits and training for how to use them to do community astronomy. · The Night Sky Network -- An organization of over 200 amateur astronomy clubs engaged in public outreach · Astronomy from the Ground Up -- A project to train education staff at smaller museums and nature centers to do more astronomy. We invite you to join us. To become a member of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, please use our handy web form: http://www.astrosociety.org/membership.html Meeting Local Advisor y Council Nancy Atkinson, JPL Solar System Ambassador Jennie Belinger, Challenger Learning Center, St. Louis Tom Foster, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Pamela Gay, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Erika Gibb, University of Missouri - St. Louis Rich Heuermann, Washington University, St. Louis Mark Jones, St. Louis Astronomical Society Keith Kinkade & Judy McGee, Global Resources for Environmental Education and Nature Gary Kronk, Riverbend Astronomical Society John Martin, University of Illinois Springfield Samantha Reif, Lincoln Land Community College David Ritchey, McDonnell Planetarium, St. Louis Science Center James Roe, Astronomical Society of Eastern Missouri Sheldon Schafer, Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences Jim Small, St. Louis Astronomical Society Bruce Wilking, University of Missouri, St. Louis George Wolf, Missouri State University
Astronomical Society of the Pacific 390 Ashton Avenue · San Francisco, CA 94112 415.337.1100 phone · 415.337.5205 fax www.astrosociety.org

Preparing for the International Year of Astronomy: A Weekend of Hands-on Workshops
Organized by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Part of the 120th Annual Meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific and the 212th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society Renaissance Grand Hotel St. Louis, MO May 31 ­ June 1, 2008

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following sponsors, whose generosity made this weekend possible.

NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program
(managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

Saturday, May 31, 2008, 9 am to 12:30 pm, 1:45 pm to 5:15 pm:
IYA 1. Discover the Universe with NASA During the International Year of Astronomy: A Workshop for Astronomy Educators [Portland/Benton Rooms] Presenters:
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Mary Dussault, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Denise Smith, Space Telescope Science Institute Jaclyn Allen, NASA/Johnson Space Flight Center Dana Backman, SOFIA USRA E/PO, SETI Institute Lindsay Bartolone, Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum Alan Gould, Lawrence Hall of Science Bryan Mendez, Space Sciences Lab, UC Berkeley James Lochner, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Lou Mayo, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Kevin McLin, Sonoma State University Christine Shupla, Lunar and Plantary Institute John Stoke, Space Telescope Science Institute Frank Summers, Space Telescope Science Institute James Thiemann, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Kay Tobola, NASA/Johnson Space Flight Center

Sunday, June 1 (continued):
9 am to 12:30 pm IYA 5A. Building a Telescope from the Ground Up [Landmark 5] Presenters:
· Robert Sparks, National Optical Astronomy Observatory · Stephen Pompea, National Optical Astronomy Observatory · Constance Walker, National Optical Astronomy Observatory

Sunday, June 1 (continued):
1:45 to 5:15 pm IYA 7B. A User's Guide for Plugging into the New Media Community for IYA [Landmark 6] Presenters:
· Pamela Gay, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville/ Astronomy Cast · Lars Lindberg Christensen, Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre · Adrienne Gauthier, University of Arizona · Robert L. Hurt, Spitzer Science Center, IPAC · Michael Koppelman, University of Minnesota · Erika Lakdawalla, Planetary Society · Chris Lintott, Oxford University · Phil Plait, Bad Astronomy · Pedro Russo, Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre · M. Jordan Raddick, Johns Hopkins University

9 am to 5:15 pm IYA 6. Afterschool Universe: Beyond the Solar System, Beyond the School Day [Parkview/Aubert] Presenters:
· Anita Krishnamurthi, CRESST/University of Maryland & NASA GSFC · Sarah Eyermann, SP Systems & NASA GSFC · Sara Mitchell, SP Systems & NASA GSFC · James Lochner, CRESST/USRA & NASA GSFC

In the afternoon, this workshop will break into three sections [Portland/Benton, Pershing, Kingsbur y]: Observing Our Sun and Solar System Observing the Universe Beyond the Solar System NASA IYA Resources for Museums, Planetariums, and more. IYA 2. Amateur Astronomers as Champions of IYA [Majestic B] Lead Presenters:
· Marni Berendsen, Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Vivian White, Astronomical Society of the Pacific

9 am to 12:30 pm IYA 7A. Effective Strategies for Engaging Latino/ Hispanic Audiences in Astronomy during IYA: Examples Using Daytime Astronomy [Landmark 6] Presenters:
· · · · Laura Bryan Isabel Christ Peticolas, University of California, Berkeley Mendez, University of California, Berkeley Hawkins, University of California, Berkeley i Whitworth, Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute

You are cordially invited back to the free AAS Second Century Lecture, Monday evening, June 2, at 8 pm: "How Galileo and the Telescope Changed Everything" a non-technical illustrated talk by Dava Sobel Location: St. Louis Convention Center Convention Center Ballroom (Rooms 223-226) 701 Convention Plaza, On Washington Avenue at 8th Street. Dava Sobel, the best-selling science writer and former reporter for The New York Times, will discuss Galileo's background, explore the artistic and musical skills that he brought to his scientific work, and show how his development of the telescope changed the course of his life and set a new direction for the science of astronomy.

1:45 to 5:15 pm IYA 5B. Dark Skies from the Ground Up: Activities to Raise Awareness During IYA [Landmark 5] Presenters:
· · · · · · · · · Constance Walker, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Chuck Bueter, Nightwise Stephen Pompea, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Karrie Berglund, Digitalis Educational Solutions Terry Mann, Astronomical League Pamela Gay, Southern Illinois University Bob Crelin, BobCrelin.com Darron Collins, World Wildlife Fund Robert Sparks, National Optical Astronomy Observatories

IYA 3. Telling Science Like A Stor y: Stor ytelling Techniques for IYA Education Programs [Majestic C] Lead Presenters:
· Lynn Moroney, professional storyteller · Anna Hurst, Astronomical Society of the Pacific

Sunday, June 1:
9 am to 5:15 pm IYA 4. In the Footsteps of Galileo: A Workshop for Educators [Portland/Benton] Presenters:
· · · · Wil van der Veen, New Jersey Astronomy Center Theresa Moody, New Jersey Astronomy Center Vivian White, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Tierney O'Dea, Slooh Inc.