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Июнь 1998


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    Архив RU.SPACE.NEWS за 29 июня 1998

    Дата: 29 июня 1998 (1998-06-29) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Eleanor Helin Named To Women In Technology Hall Of Fame Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... MEDIA RELATIONS OFFICE JET PROPULSION LABORATORY CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION PASADENA, CALIF. 91109 TELEPHONE (818) 354-5011 http://www.jpl.nasa.gov Contact: Mary Beth Murrill FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 24, 1998 ASTEROID FINDER NAMED TO WOMEN IN TECHNOLOGY HALL OF FAME Asteroid finder and astronomer Eleanor F. Helin of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, has been named to the Women in Science and Technology International (WITI) Hall of Fame, an award that honors women in science and technology worldwide. Helin will be honored at ceremonies to be held Thursday, June 25, at 7 p.m., during the WITI 1998 Technology Summit in Santa Clara, CA. The largest-ever conference of top women in technology, the WITI 1998 Technology Summit will draw more than 3,500 technologists and scientists from around the world. WITI Hall of Fame was launched in 1996 to recognize, honor, and promote the outstanding contributions women make to the scientific and technological communities and society at large. Inductees are chosen by an independent panel of judges. Donna Shirley, manager of JPL's Mars Exploration Program, was inducted into the WITI Hall of Fame last year, and is a featured speaker at Thursday's ceremonies. Helin has been active in planetary science and astronomy for more than three decades at the California Institute of Technology and JPL, a division of Caltech managed for NASA. She is the principal investigator for the Near Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) program, a collaborative effort of NASA, JPL and the U.S. Air Force which has already detected more than 26,000 objects including 30 near-Earth asteroids. In the early 1970s, Helin initiated the Palomar Planet- Crossing Asteroid Survey from Caltech's Palomar Observatory in Southern California, resulting in the discovery of thousands of asteroids of all types including 100 near-Earth asteroids and 20 comets. One of the most significant discoveries was that of asteroid 2026 Aten, the first asteroid found to have an orbit smaller than the Earth. Another of her asteroid discoveries, KD 1992, was recently named the new target for a flyby by to be conducted in July 1999 by the NASA/JPL Deep Space 1 spacecraft, due for launch this November. Helin is a recipient of NASA's Exceptional Service Medal and the 1997 JPL Award for Excellence for her leadership of the NEAT program. The International Astronomical Union named asteroid 3267 Helin in her honor. Helin and her husband reside in Thousand Oaks, CA. ##### Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 29 июня 1998 (1998-06-29) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: 7/14: The Lunar-Mars Life Support Test Project Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Tuesday, July 14th, 7:30 PM "The Lunar-Mars Life Support Test Project Phase III 90-day Test: The Crew Perspective" Vickie Kloeris of the Johnson Space Center, John Lewis of Lockheed Martin Corporation, and Laura Supra of Allied Signal Aerospace will be giving their perspective of the Lunar-Mars Life Support 90-day Test, as members of the Phase III crew. Tentative: Cynthia Cross of the Johnson Space Center will also be giving a short talk about "The Advanced Spacesuit Project 97 Update". Please note the special date of these lectures. at MIT Lab for Computer Science, 8th floor, room NE43-800, 545 Tech. Square, on Main St. at railroad tracks, Cambridge. (617)258-2828, or email reply. Free, A/C, refreshments. These meetings are sponsored by the Boston Chapter of the National Space Society (NSS); together with the MIT chapter of the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS). NSS sponsors lectures on space related topics, usually on the first Thursday of every month at the location listed above. To request more information, contact mjt@shore.net Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 29 июня 1998 (1998-06-29) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Scientists To Discuss Latest Findings From Mars Pathfinder One Year Af Subject: Scientists To Discuss Latest Findings From Mars Pathfinder One Year Af Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Douglas Isbell Headquarters, Washington, DC June 25, 1998 (Phone: 202/358-1547) Diane Ainsworth Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (Phone: 818/354-5011) NOTE TO EDITORS: N98-43 SCIENTISTS TO DISCUSS LATEST FINDINGS FROM PATHFINDER MISSION ONE YEAR AFTER MARS LANDING Scientists involved with NASA's Mars Pathfinder will present their latest interpretations of results from the mission almost a year after the spacecraft?s July 4, 1997, landing during a NASA Television live briefing at 1 p.m. EDT on Monday, June 29. The briefing will originate from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), in Pasadena, CA. New scientific findings paint two strikingly different pictures of the role of water on the red planet and yield surprising conclusions about the composition of rocks at the landing site. The briefing will include an updated 360-degree, "fish-eye lens" view of the landing site featuring a representation of the full path of the Sojourner rover, in both still and video formats. Briefing participants will be: o Dr. Matthew Golombek, Mars Pathfinder project scientist, JPL o Dr. Joy Crisp, investigation scientist on Pathfinder's alpha proton X-ray spectrometer team, JPL o Stephen Metzger, graduate student at the University of Nevada, Reno o Dr. Diana Blaney, planetary scientist, JPL o Dr. Richard Zurek, JPL project scientist on the upcoming Mars Surveyor 1998 missions NASA TV is carried on satellite GE-2, transponder 9C, 85 degrees West longitude, vertical polarization, frequency 3880 MHz, audio 6.8 MHz. A two-way question-and answer session for journalists at participating NASA centers will follow the discussion. -end- Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 29 июня 1998 (1998-06-29) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Mars Global Surveyor Update - June 26, 1998 Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Mars Global Surveyor Project Status Report Overview Friday, 26 June 1998 The Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft continues in good health as it completes its 388th orbit of Mars in an 11.6 hour period elliptical orbit. In this Science Phasing Orbit period, science observations are made during every orbit. At the last turn-on of the Thermal Emission Spectrometer instrument earlier this week, the primary neon reference lamp for the spectrometer did not come on, so the instrument is using only the bolometer (temperature measurement) mode. The backup lamp is being saved for use in important science observations later in the summer and for mapping next year. The project team is preparing for the operational readiness tests late in July and early August. These tests will demonstrate the team's capabilities to perform aerobraking as the MGS orbital period gets shorter and shorter when aerobraking starts again on September 14th. The current orbital period will be reduced to slightly under 2 hours during the coming fall and early winter. At the same time the MGS orbit period is growing shorter, and aerobraking management intensity will be growing, the Mars Surveyor Operations project team will be taking on the responsibility of managing the flight operations of the Mars Climate Orbiter which launches on December 10th, and the Mars Polar Lander which launches on January 3rd. Status report prepared by: Mars Surveyor Operations Project Manager NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA 91109 Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 29 июня 1998 (1998-06-29) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Physics News Update - June 25, 1998 Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News Number 379 June 25, 1998 by Phillip F. Schewe and Ben Stein NEAREST EXTRA-SOLAR PLANET. The existence of a planet around the star Gliese 876, only 15 light years distant from Earth, was announced this week by planeteer Geoffrey Marcy of San Francisco State University at a meeting in Victoria, British Columbia. The star, whose presence is inferred not from direct observation but by the wobble it imparts to the star, has a mass about 1.6 that of Jupiter. Gliese itself only has a mass of about one third that of our sun, making it the lightest known star to have a planet. The planet circles the star every 61 days at a radius of one -fifth the Earth-Sun distance. The discovery was soon confirmed by other astronomers. (Science News, 27 June 1998.) Still other extra-solar planets (perhaps a half dozen) will be presented by several observing teams at a meeting a week from now in Santa Barbara. (Science NOW, 24 June 1998.) LIFE EXTINCTIONS BY COSMIC RAY JETS. Several reasons have been put forward to explain past periods of mass extinction on the Earth. An asteroid, for example, is thought to have killed off the dinosaurs in the Cretaceous/Tertiary era 60 million years ago. A new theory by physicists at the Technion in Israel suggests that jets of cosmic rays coming from the collapse of neutron stars or the merger of two such stars could initiate a lethal batch of muons in our atmosphere. They argue that the ensuing ionizing radiation might have affected the biosphere in two ways---by killing many species outright and by causing the sort of mutations that might result in the abrupt appearance of many new species in the aftermath of the of the jet event. Furthermore, the coming of the cosmic rays might be heralded a few days before by the arrival of a gamma ray burst (GRB), presumably from the same energetic source. The mechanism behind GRBs is itself now the subject of intense astronomical scrutiny. Arnon Dar et al., Physical Review Letters, 29 June; Arnon Dar, arnon@physics. technion.ac.il, 011-972-4-829-3529; science journalists can obtain the article from AIP.) THE MOON WAS THE FIRST OBJECT OF PURE SCIENCE, according to Martin Gutzwiller of IBM (gutzwil@watson.ibm.com). The Babylonians (c1000 BC) recorded the comings and goings of the Moon arithmetically without understanding the geometry. The Greeks (c200 BC) went further; they viewed the solar system as sitting in an immense vacuum surrounded by the fixed stars. But even the clever Greeks knew nothing about the underlying physics of the solar system. This fell to Newton (1687) in the "Principia," and the 18th century mathematician/physicists such as Laplace. These thinkers proposed the principle of universal gravitation and tried to check it out on the complicated Moon-Earth-Sun system. The study of this oldest of three-body problems is the true subject of Gutzwiller's article in the April 1998 issue of Review of Modern Physics. In many physics problems, the dynamics of two interacting bodies (a planet and a star or two electrical charges, say) is easy. Add a third body and things get complicated, indeed chaotic, which is why Newton and his 18-century followers were largely stumped in their efforts to nail down the Earth-Sun-Moon dynamics. Gutzwiller compares the study of this problem with the history of particle physics: the amassing of cross sections, branching ratios and other particle properties (the kinds of things published in tables) corresponds to the "Babylonian phase," while the advent of the standard model represents the "Greek phase." The third, or Newtonian, age, in which the masses of the quarks and fundamental parameters such as the fine structure constant will be explained, has not yet arrived. (For a study of the 3-body problem with ions, see Update 372) Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 29 июня 1998 (1998-06-29) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Space Calendar - June 27, 1998 [1/5] Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Welcome to the Space Calendar! This Space Calendar covers space-related activities and anniversaries for the upcoming year. It is also available on the World Wide Web at: http://newproducts.jpl.nasa.gov/calendar/ The WWW version of the Space Calendar includes over 1,000 links to related home pages. This calendar is compiled and maintained by Ron Baalke. Please send any updates or corrections to baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov. Note that launch dates are subject to change at any time. Also, note that anniversary dates are listed in 5 year increments only. The following people have contributed to this month's calendar: Joao Clerigo, Joe Smith, Philippe Berth, Roberto Somma ========================= SPACE CALENDAR June 27, 1998 ========================= * indicates changes from last month's calendar. June 1998 Jun 27 - Asteroid 4769 Castalia Closest Approach To Earth (1.232 AU) Jun 27 - Asteroid 3607 Naniwa Closest Approach To Earth (1.361 AU) Jun 27 - 20th Anniversary (1978), Seasat 1 Launch * Jun 28 - Comet C/1998 M3 Perihelion (5.770 AU) Jun 28 - Asteroid 6894 (1986 RE2) Closest Approach To Earth (1.772 AU) Jun 29 - Asteroid 3700 Geowilliams Closest Approach to Earth (1.924 AU) Jun 29 - George Hale's 130th Birthday (1868) Jun 30 - Asteroid 1990 HA Closest Approach to Earth (1.478 AU) Jun 30 - 90th Anniversary (1908), Tunguska Explosion July 1998 Jul ?? - Celestis-03 Pegasus XL Launch * Jul ?? - ORBCOMM-2 Pegasus XL Launch * Jul ?? - Resurs Zenit Launch (Russia) Jul 01 - Asteroid 6748 (1995 UV30) Closest Approach to Earth (1.066 AU) * Jul 04 - Planet B M-5 Launch (Japan Mars Mission) Jul 04 - Earth at Aphelion (1.017 AU From Sun) Jul 04 - Henrietta Leavitt's 130th Birthday (1868) Jul 05 - Asteroid 4953 (1990 MU) Closest Approach to Earth (0.615 AU) Jul 05 - Asteroid 1992 JB Closest Approach to Earth (0.872 AU) Jul 06 - Asteroid 5672 Libby Closest Approach To Earth (1.477 AU) Jul 06 - Asteroid 5657 (1936 QE1) Closest Approach To Earth (1.569 AU) Jul 09 - Asteroid 1862 Apollo Near-Earth Flyby (0.339 AU) Jul 09 - Pluto Occults P42 (14.7 Magnitude Star) Jul 10 - Asteroid 7 Iris at Opposition (8.6 Magnitude) Jul 12 - Comet Arend-Rigaux Perihelion (1.371 AU) Jul 12 - Asteroid 1998 KM3 Near-Earth Flyby (0.253 AU) Jul 12 - 10th Anniversary (1988), Phobos 2 Launch (Soviet Mars Orbiter) * Jul 14 - Sinosat 1 Long March 3B Launch Jul 14 - Moon Occults Jupiter Jul 15 - Asteroid 1993 PB Closest Approach to Earth (0.590 AU) Jul 15 - Asteroid 3551 Verenia Closest Approach to Earth (0.794 AU) Jul 15 - Asteroid 6708 Bobbievaile Closest Approach To Earth (1.002 AU) Jul 16 - GPS IIR-3 Delta 2 Launch Jul 16 - Comet Arend-Rigaux Closest Approach to Earth (2.354 AU) Jul 16 - Asteroid 4973 Showa Closest Approach To Earth (2.726 AU) Jul 17 - Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation (27 Degrees) * Jul 17 - Comet C/1998 K5 (LINEAR) Perihelion (0.964 AU) Jul 17 - Asteroid 432 Pythia at Opposition (10.9 Magnitude) Jul 17 - Comet Russell 3 Closest Approach to Earth (1.941 AU) Jul 18 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #50 (OTM-50) Jul 18 - Asteroid 6460 Bassano Closest Approach To Earth (1.481 AU) Jul 18 - Asteroid 6172 Prokofeana Closest Approach To Earth (1.888 AU) Jul 19 - Asteroid 6232 1985 SJ3 Closest Approach To Earth (0.963 AU) Jul 19 - Asteroid 4295 Wisse Closest Approach To Earth (1.165 AU) Jul 19 - Asteroid 6022 Jyuro Closest Approach To Earth (1.319 AU) * Jul 20 - Iridium Long March 2C/SD Launch Jul 20 - Asteroid 43 Ariadne at Opposition (9.1 Magnitude) Jul 20 - Comet Shoemaker 1 Closest Approach to Earth (1.897 AU) Jul 21 - Galileo, Europa 16 Flyby Jul 21 - Asteroid 59 Elpis Occults TAC -106880 (11.1 Magnitude) Jul 21 - Asteroid 4644 Oumu Closest Approach To Earth (1.375 AU) Jul 21 - 25th Anniversary (1973), Mars 4 Launch (USSR Mars Flyby Mission) Jul 23 - Neptune at Opposition Jul 23 - Asteroid 6682 (1973 ST3) Closest Approach To Earth (1.484 AU) Jul 25 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #51 (OTM-51) Jul 25 - DOD US Air Force Titan 4 Launch Jul 25 - Asteroid 4021 Dancey Closest Approach To Earth (1.143 AU) Jul 25 - Asteroid 3553 Mera Closest Approach To Earth (1.407 AU) Jul 25 - 25th Anniversary (1973), Mars 5 Launch (USSR Mars Orbiter Mission) Jul 26 - Iridium 10 Delta 2 Launch * Jul 26 - Asteroid 1998 ME3 Near-Earth Flyby (0.120 AU) Jul 26 - Asteroid 6742 Biandepei Closest Approach To Earth (1.052 AU) Jul 26 - 35th Anniversary (1963), Syncom 2 Launch, 1st Geosynchronous Satellite * Jul 27 - Kuiper Belt Object 1998 KY61 At Opposition (44.803 AU - 24.1 Magnitude) Jul 28 - 25th Anniversary (1973), Skylab-3 Launch Jul 29 - South Delta-Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak Jul 29 - Asteroid 1998 HL3 Near-Earth Flyby (0.246 AU) Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 29 июня 1998 (1998-06-29) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Space Calendar - June 27, 1998 [2/5] Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... August 1998 Aug ?? - Sky One Atlas IIAS Launch * Aug ?? - ORBCOMM-3 Pegasus XL Launch * Aug ?? - Globalstar-3 Zenit 2 Launch Aug 01 - Alpha Capricornids Meteor Shower Peak Aug 01 - Asteroid 980 Anacostia at Opposition (10.7 Magnitude) Aug 01 - Asteroid 1474 Beira Closest Approach to Earth (1.788 AU) Aug 01 - Maria Mitchell's 180th Birthday (1818) Aug 02 - TM-28 Soyuz Launch (Russia) Aug 02 - Asteroid 29 Amphitrite at Opposition (9.2 Magnitude) Aug 02 - Asteroid 490 Veritas Occults TAC -214637 (11.2 Magnitude Star) Aug 02 - Asteroid 1993 OZ2 Closest Approach to Earth (1.096 AU) * Aug 03 - Galaxy 10 Delta 3 Launch Aug 03 - Uranus at Opposition Aug 03 - Asteroid 13 Egeria at Opposition (10.9 Magnitude) Aug 04 - Venus Passes 0.8 Degrees From Mars Aug 04 - Asteroid 7341 (1991 VK) Closest Approach to Earth (1.638 AU) Aug 05 - 25th Anniversary (1973), Mars 6 Launch (USSR) Aug 06 - Southern Iota Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak Aug 06 - Asteroid 1998 EC3 Closest Approach to Earth (0.455 AU) Aug 07 - Asteroid 1989 OB Closest Approach to Earth (0.855 AU) Aug 07 - Asteroid 1997 GZ3 Closest Approach to Earth (1.500 AU) * Aug 08 - Asteroid 1990 DA Closest Approach To Earth (1.738 AU) Aug 08 - 20th Anniversary (1978), Pioneer Venus 2 Launch (Venus Atmospheric Probes) Aug 09 - Asteroid 71 Niobe at Opposition (10.6 Magnitude) Aug 09 - Asteroid 1566 Icarus Closest Approach To Earth (1.032 AU) Aug 09 - Asteroid 4618 Shakhovskoj Closest Approach To Earth (1.506 AU) Aug 09 - Asteroid 7478 Hasse Closest Approach To Earth (1.622 AU) Aug 09 - 25th Anniversary (1973), Mars 7 Launch (USSR) Aug 10 - Venus Occults 79782 (6.9 Magnitude Star) * Aug 10 - Comet C/1998 M2 (LINEAR) Perihelion (2.733 AU) Aug 10 - Asteroid 4886 (1981 EZ14) Closest Approach to Earth (2.113 AU) Aug 11 - Moon Occults Jupiter Aug 11 - Comet Peters-Hartley Perihelion (1.624 AU) * Aug 12 - IKONOS-1 Athena 2 Launch Aug 12 - Perseids Meteor Shower Peak Aug 12 - 20th Anniversary (1978), ISEE-3/ICE Launch (Comet Mission) Aug 13 - NEAR, 1st Optical Navigation Image Of Eros * Aug 13 - SCD-2/Wing Glove Pegasus XL Launch Aug 13 - 100th Anniversary (1898), Discovery of Asteroid Eros Aug 14 - Comet Faye Closest Approach To Earth (1.950 AU) Aug 14 - Asteroid 576 Emanuela Occults TAC +115897 (10.2 Magnitude Star) Aug 14 - Asteroid 1994 AB1 Closest Approach To Earth (1.493 AU) Aug 15 - Progress M-40/Znamya-2.5 Soyuz U Launch (Russia) Aug 15 - Comet C/1997 J2 Meunier-Dupouy Closest Approach to Earth (2.494 AU) * Aug 16 - Asteroid 1991 FA Closest Approach To Earth (1.100 AU) Aug 17 - Comet Mueller 3 Closest Approach to Earth (2.207 AU) Aug 18 - 5th Anniversary (1993), 1st Test Flight of the Delta Clipper (DC-X) Aug 19 - Asteroid 1987 OA Near-Earth Flyby (0.1019 AU) Aug 19 - Asteroid 3199 Nefertiti Closest Approach to Earth (0.916 AU) Aug 19 - Asteroid 7350 (1993 VA) Closest Approach to Earth (1.414 AU) Aug 19 - Asteroid 6858 (1990 ST10) Closest Approach To Earth (1.563 AU) * Aug 20 - Astra-2A Proton Launch Aug 21 - Asteroid 469 Argentina Occults SAO 210535 (9.1 Magnitude Star) Aug 21 - Asteroid 6223 Dahl Closest Approach To Earth (1.470 AU) Aug 21 - Asteroid 5393 Goldstein Closest Approach To Earth (1.597 AU) Aug 22 - JCSat 6 Atlas IIAS Launch Aug 22 - Annular Eclipse, Visible From Indian Ocean Aug 22 - Asteroid 4034 (1986 PA) Near-Earth Flyby (0.327 AU) Aug 23 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #52 (OTM-52) Aug 24 - Asteroid 354 Eleonora at Opposition (10.7 Magnitude) Aug 24 - Asteroid 3756 Ruscannon Closest Approach To Earth (1.265 AU) Aug 24 - Asteroid 6350 Schluter Closest Approach To Earth (1.890 AU) * Aug 25 - ST-1 Ariane 4 Launch Aug 25 - Comet Shoemaker-Levy 7 Perihelion (1.697 AU) Aug 25 - Comet Russell 1 Perihelion (2.182 AU) Aug 25 - Northern Iota Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak Aug 25 - Asteroid 6378 (1987 SE13) Closest Approach To Earth (1.904 AU) Aug 26 - NEAR, Trajectory Correction Maneuver #14 (TCM-14) Aug 27 - Mercury Passes 2.2 Degrees From Venus Aug 27 - Uranus Occults PPM 237981 (9.5 Magnitude Star) Aug 27 - Comet C/1998 K1 (Mueller) Perihelion (3.456 AU) Aug 28 - Asteroid 1036 Ganymed Occults TAC +541187 (9.9 Magnitude Star) Aug 28 - 5th Anniversary (1993), Galileo Flyby of Ida Aug 29 - Asteroid 6800 Saragamine Closest Approach To Earth (1.503 AU) Aug 30 - Venus Occults 98676 (8.0 Magnitude Star) Aug 30 - 15th Anniversary (1983), STS-8 Launch (Challenger), Insat 1B Aug 31 - Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation (18 Degrees) Aug 31 - Asteroid 1998 FF14 Near-Earth Flyby (0.372 AU) September 1998 Sep ?? - Mars Global Surveyor, Aerobraking Phase 2 Begins Sep ?? - JawSat Minuteman II Launch * Sep ?? - PanamSat-8 Proton Launch * Sep 01 - Comet C/1998 K2 (LINEAR) Perihelion (2.323 AU) Sep 01 - Asteroid 7480 Norwan Near-Earth Flyby (0.332 AU) * Sep 01 - Asteroid 6745 Nishiyama Closest Approach To Earth (1.393 AU) Sep 02 - Asteroid 5499 (1981 SU2) Closest Approach To Earth (1.084 AU) Sep 03 - Asteroid 7324 Carret Closest Approach To Earth (1.455 AU) Sep 05 - Mercury at Perihelion Sep 05 - Jupiter Occults PPM 207856 (9.9 Magnitude Star) Sep 05 - Asteroid 4038 Kristina Closest Approach To Earth (1.108 AU) * Sep 06 - Asteroid 1997 MW1 Near-Earth Flyby (0.223 AU) * Sep 06 - Asteroid 5462 (1984 SX5) Closest Approach To Earth (1.231 AU) * Sep 06 - Kuiper Belt Object 1997 RT5 at Opposition (41.368 AU - 23.2 Magnitude) Sep 06 - Kuiper Belt Object 1996 RR20 at Opposition (42.449 AU - 23.4 Magnitude) Sep 06 - 10th Anniversary (1988), 1st Launch of the CZ-4 Launcher (China) Sep 07 - Moon Occults Jupiter Sep 07 - Venus at Perihelion Sep 07 - Kuiper Belt Object 1997 RX9 at Opposition (40.912 AU - 24.2 Magnitude) Sep 09 - Asteroid 45 Eugenia Occults GSC 12820410 (10.9 Magnitude Star) Sep 09 - 20th Anniversary (1978), Venera 11 Launch (Soviet Venus Lander) Sep 10 - Asteroid 804 Hispania at Opposition (10.6 Magnitude) Sep 10 - Asteroid 1036 Ganymed Occults TAC +491415 (10. Magnitude Star) Sep 10 - Kuiper Belt Object 1995 QY9 at Opposition (28.506 AU - 21.6 Magnitude) Sep 11 - Mercury Passes 0.3 Degrees From Venus Sep 12 - Asteroid 1994 TW1 Closest Approach to Earth (1.515 AU) Sep 12 - 5th Anniversary (1993), STS-51 Launch (Discovery), ACTS * Sep 13 - Asteroid 4809 (1928 RB) Closest Approach To Earth (0.923 AU) Sep 14 - GPS IIR-4 Delta 2 Launch Sep 14 - Mercury Occults 118535 (7.8 Magnitude Star) Sep 14 - 30th Anniversary (1968), Zond 5 Launch (Soviet Moon Mission) Sep 14 - 20th Anniversary (1978), Venera 12 Launch (Soviet Venus Lander) * Sep 15 - Panamsat-7 Ariane 4 Launch * Sep 15 - Asteroid 3400 Aotearoa Closest Approach To Earth (1.215 AU) Sep 16 - Jupiter at Opposition Sep 16 - Asteroid 2 Pallas at Opposition (8.2 Magnitude) * Sep 16 - Asteroid 3687 Dzus Closest Approach To Earth (1.229 AU) Sep 18 - Asteroid 1991 RB Near-Earth Flyby (0.0401 AU) Sep 18 - Asteroid 6564 Asher Closest Approach To Earth (1.499 AU) Sep 19 - UHF-F9 Atlas 2A Launch Sep 19 - Moon Occults Venus Sep 19 - Asteroid 5645 (1990 SP) Closest Approach To Earth (0.624 AU) * Sep 19 - Asteroid 1237 Genevieve Closest Approach To Earth (1.425 AU) Sep 19 - Kuiper Belt Object 1997 QH4 at Opposition (40.320 AU - 22.6 Magnitude) Sep 19 - 10th Anniversary (1988), Offeq-1 Launch, 1st Israeli Space Launch Sep 19 - 150th Anniversary (1848), William Bond's Discovery of Saturn Moon Hyperion Sep 20 - Moon Occults Mercury Sep 20 - Asteroid 1998 FL3 Near-Earth Flyby (0.050 AU) Sep 20 - Asteroid 5786 Talos Closest Approach to Earth (0.943 AU) Sep 20 - Kuiper Belt Object 1997 QJ4 at Opposition (33.804 AU - 22.9 Magnitude) Sep 20 - 5th Anniversary (1993), 1st Launch of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV - India) * Sep 21 - Asteroid 1994 XZ4 Closest Approach To Earth (0.870 AU) * Sep 21 - Asteroid 6346 (1995 AY) Closest Approach To Earth (1.683 AU) * Sep 21 - Asteroid 4044 Erikhog Closest Approach To Earth (1.783 AU) Sep 22 - Kuiper Belt Object 1997 TX8 at Opposition (31.047 AU - 23.1 Magnitude) Sep 22 - Kuiper Belt Object 1996 TO66 at Opposition (44.834 AU - 20.6 Magnitude) Sep 23 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #53 (OTM-53) Sep 23 - Autumnal Equinox, 05:37 UT Sep 23 - Kuiper Belt Object 1993 RO at Opposition (30.492 AU - 22.9 Magnitude) Sep 24 - STEX/ATEx Taurus Launch Sep 25 - Kuiper Belt Object 1994 TB at Opposition (29.128 AU - 21.8 Magnitude) Sep 26 - Galileo, Europa 17 Flyby Sep 26 - 5th Anniversary (1993), Posat 1 Launch, 1st Portuguese Satellite Sep 26 - 15th Anniversary (1983), Soviet Soyuz T-10A Explodes on Launch Pad, Cosmonauts Save By Launch Escape System Sep 27 - Comet Howell Perihelion (1.406 AU) Sep 27 - Kuiper Belt Object 1997 RL13 at Opposition (43.517 AU - 26.0 Magnitude) Sep 29 - Asteroid 521 Brixia at Opposition (11.0 Magnitude) Sep 29 - Kuiper Belt Object 1993 SC at Opposition (33.640 AU - 22.4 Magnitude) Sep 29 - Kuiper Belt Object 1996 TK66 at Opposition (41.873 AU - 23.3 Magnitude) Sep 29 - 10th Anniversary (1988), STS-26 Launch (Discovery), TDRS 3, 1st Post-Challenger Shuttle Mission Sep 30 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #54 (OTM-54) * Sep 30 - Wide Field Infrared Explorer (WIRE) Pegasus XL Launch Sep 30 - Asteroid 1998 KU2 Near-Earth Flyby (0.159 AU) Sep 30 - Kuiper Belt Object 1996 TR66 at Opposition (34.448 AU - 23.0 Magnitude) Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 29 июня 1998 (1998-06-29) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Space Calendar - June 27, 1998 [3/5] Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... October 1998 Oct ?? - Fengyun-1C Long March 4B Launch (China) * Oct ?? - Nimiq-1 Proton Launch (Russia) * Oct ?? - Telstar-6 Proton Launch Oct 01 - Orion F3 Delta 3 Launch Oct 01 - Asteroid 236 Honoria at Opposition (10.5 Magnitude) Oct 01 - Kuiper Belt Object 1992 QB1 at Opposition (39.906 AU - 23.1 Magnitude) Oct 01 - NASA's 40th Birthday (1958) * Oct 03 - Afristar/Sirius 3 Ariane 4 Launch Oct 04 - Moon Occults Jupiter Oct 04 - Asteroid 185 Eunike at Opposition (10.9 Magnitude) Oct 04 - Asteroid 532 Herculina at Opposition (10.7 Magnitude) Oct 04 - Kuiper Belt Object 1993 SB at Opposition (30.112 AU - 22.9 Magnitude) Oct 05 - Hot Bird 5 Atlas 2AS Launch Oct 05 - Asteroid 14 Irene at Opposition (10.6 Magnitude) Oct 06 - Kuiper Belt Object 1996 RQ20 at Opposition (38.550 AU - 22.9 Magnitude) Oct 07 - Kuiper Belt Object 1997 SZ10 at Opposition (30.617 AU - 23.5 Magnitude) Oct 07 - Kuiper Belt Object 1995 QZ9 at Opposition (33.987 AU - 22.9 Magnitude) Oct 08 - Ejnar Hertzsprung's 125th Birthday (1873) Oct 09 - Draconids Meteor Shower Peak Oct 09 - Kuiper Belt Object 1996 SZ4 at Opposition (29.285 AU - 22.7 Magnitude) Oct 10 - Comet McNaught-Hughes Closest Approach to Earth (1.707 AU) Oct 10 - 15th Anniversary (1983), Venera 15 Venus Orbit Insertion Oct 11 - Asteroid 1998 FR11 Near-Earth Flyby (0.346 AU) Oct 11 - 30th Anniversary (1968), Apollo 7 Launch Oct 11 - Wilhelm Olbers' 240th Birthday (1758) * Oct 13 - ARD Ariane-503 Launch Oct 13 - British Interplanetary Society's 65th Birthday (1933) Oct 14 - NEAR, Trajectory Correction Maneuver #15 (TCM-15) Oct 14 - Comet Lovas 1 Perihelion (1.692 AU) Oct 14 - Asteroid 1036 Ganymed Closest Approach to Earth (0.464 AU) Oct 14 - 15th Anniversary (1983), Venera 16 Venus Orbit Insertion Oct 15 - Deep Space 1 Delta Launch (Asteroid/Mars/Comet Flyby Mission) Oct 15 - Asteroid 6047 (1991 TB1) Near-Earth Flyby (0.375 AU) Oct 16 - Moon Occults Mars Oct 16 - Comet Klemola Closest Approach to Earth (1.522 AU) Oct 17 - Asteroid 44 Nysa at Opposition (9.8 Magnitude) Oct 18 - 5th Anniversary (1993), STS-58 Launch Oct 20 - IKONOS 2 Athena 2 Launch * Oct 20 - Asteroid 1991 PM5 Closest Approach To Earth (0.951 AU) Oct 20 - Kuiper Belt Object 1996 TP66 at Opposition (25.403 AU - 20.7 Magnitude) Oct 21 - Orionid Meteor Shower Peak Oct 22 - Asteroid 409 Aspasia Occults SAO 75073 (9.9 Magnitude Star) Oct 22 - Kuiper Belt Object 1996 TQ66 at Opposition (33.604 AU - 21.9 Magnitude) * Oct 23 - Eutelsat-W2 Ariane-4 Launch Oct 23 - Saturn at Opposition Oct 24 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #55 (OTM-55) Oct 25 - Daylight Savings - Set Clock Back 1 Hour (USA) Oct 25 - Asteroid 106 Dione at Opposition (10.7 Magnitude) * Oct 25 - Asteroid 2099 Opik Closest Approach To Earth (0.492 AU) Oct 26 - Asteroid 20 Massalia at Opposition (8.8 Magnitude) Oct 26 - Asteroid 674 Rachele at Opposition (11.0 Magnitude) Oct 27 - Asteroid 1989 NA Closest Approach To Earch (1.524 AU) Oct 27 - 25th Anniversary (1973), Canon City Meteorite Fall (Hit Garage) Oct 28 - Asteroid 7358 (1995 YA3) Closest Approach to Earth (0.438 AU) Oct 28 - Asteroid 1508 Kemi Closest Approach to Earth (1.201 AU) Oct 29 - STS-95 Launch, Endeavour, Spacehab-SM * Oct 29 - Comet C/1998 M1 (LINEAR) Perihelion (3.110 AU) Oct 29 - Asteroid 1994 TA Closest Approach to Earth (15.923 AU - 23.7 Magnitude) Oct 30 - Galaxy 11 Zenit 3SL Launch Oct 30 - Kuiper Belt Object 1996 TL66 at Opposition (34.099 AU - 20.4 Magnitude) Oct 31 - Moon Occults Jupiter Oct 31 - Asteroid 6 Hebe Occults GSC 6255-1346 (9.2 Magnitude Star) November 1998 * Nov 01 - QuikSCAT (Quick Scatterometer) Titan II Launch Nov 01 - Terriers/Mublcom Pegasus XL Launch Nov 01 - Asteroid 102 Miriam Occults SAO 164159 (8.7 Magnitude Star) Nov 01 - Asteroid 576 Emanuela Occults TAC +096711 (10.4 Magnitude Star) Nov 01 - Kuiper Belt Object 1996 TS66 at Opposition (37.825 AU - 21.9 Mag) Nov 01 - 35th Anniversary (1963), Polyot 1 Launch (USSR), 1st Spacecraft With Extensive Maneuver Capability Nov 03 - Taurids Meteor Shower Peak Nov 03 - 25th Anniversary (1973), Mariner 10 Launch (Venus/Mercury Flyby Mission) Nov 05 - Asteroid 15 Eunomia at Opposition (7.9 Magnitude) Nov 07 - Comet Takamizawa Perihelion (1.585 AU) Nov 08 - Asteroid 51 Nemausa at Opposition (10.7 Magnitude) Nov 08 - Asteroid 4055 Magellan Closest Approach to Earth (0.983 AU) Nov 08 - 30th Anniversary (1968), Pioneer 9 Launch Nov 09 - Asteroid 69 Hesperia at Opposition (10.8 Magnitude) Nov 09 - Mercury Occults 184412 (7.8 Magnitude Star) Nov 10 - Asteroid 46 Hestia at Opposition (10.7 Magnitude) Nov 10 - 30th Anniversary (1968), Zond 6 Launch (Soviet Moon Flyby Mission) Nov 11 - Mercury Greatest Eastern Elongation (22 Degrees) * Nov 12 - Asteroid 1998 MQ Closest Approach To Earth (0.464 AU) * Nov 13 - Insat-2E/GE-5 Ariane 4 Launch Nov 13 - Moon Occults Mars Nov 13 - Asteroid 145 Adeona Occults PPM 736551 (10.9 Magnitude Star) Nov 13 - 20th Anniversary (1978), HEAO 2 Launch (Einstein X-Ray Observatory) Nov 15 - 10th Anniversary (1988), 1st & Only Buran Launch (Soviet Space Shuttle) Nov 15 - William Herschell's 260th Birthday (1738) Nov 16 - Comet C/1998 G1 (LINEAR) Perihelion (2.132 AU) Nov 16 - 25th Anniversary (1973), Skylab-4 Launch Nov 17 - Leonids Meteor Shower Peak (Potential Meteor Storm) Nov 18 - Asteroid 270 Anahita at Opposition (10.7 Magnitude) Nov 19 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #56 (OTM-56) Nov 19 - Bonum-1 Delta 2 Launch Nov 19 - Comet Kowal-Vavorva Perihelion (2.575 AU) * Nov 20 - FGB (Functional Cargo Block) Proton-K Launch (Element of the International Space Station) Nov 20 - Asteroid 532 Herculina Occults PPM 709785 (9.8 Magnitude Star) Nov 21 - Comet Giacobini-Zinner Perihelion (1.034 AU) Nov 21 - Asteroid 45 Eugenia Occults SAO 94447 (8.4 Magnitude Star) Nov 22 - Galileo, Europa 18 Flyby Nov 23 - Asteroid 3753 (1986 TO) Near-Earth Flyby (0.313 AU) Nov 24 - MCI 1 Atlas 2AS Launch Nov 24 - Asteroid 1865 Cerberus Near-Earth Flyby (0.1634 AU) Nov 25 - Asteroid FG3 Near-Earth Flyby (0.0384 AU) Nov 26 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #57 (OTM-57) Nov 26 - Asteroid 5 Astraea at Opposition (9.8 Magnitude) Nov 26 - Asteroid 1627 Ivar Closest Approach To Earth (1.209 AU) Nov 27 - Comet Giacobini-Zinner Closest Approach To Earth (0.850 AU) Nov 28 - Moon Occults Jupiter Nov 28 - Mercury Passes 0.25 Degrees From Venus Nov 28 - Asteroid 42 Isis at Opposition (10.6 Magnitude) Nov 28 - Asteroid 1989 UR Near-Earth Flyby (0.058 AU) Nov 28 - Comet P/1997 T3 (Lagerkvist-Carsenty) Closest Approach To Earth (3.457 AU) Nov 28 - Kuiper Belt Object 1994 VK8 at Opposition (42.519 AU - 22.9 Magnitude) Nov 28 - 15th Anniversary (1983), STS-9 Launch (Columbia), 1st Flight of Spacelab (ESA) Nov 29 - Asteroid 1 Ceres at Opposition (7.0 Magnitude) Nov 29 - Asteroid 1992 RN1 Closest Approach To Earth (1.486 AU) Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 29 июня 1998 (1998-06-29) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Space Calendar - June 27, 1998 [4/5] Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... December 1998 Dec ?? - ROCSAT Athena 1 Launch Dec ?? - EOS AM-1 Atlas IIAS Launch Dec ?? - Chinasat-8 Long March 3B Launch * Dec 02 - SATMEX 5 Ariane 4 Launch Dec 02 - Kuiper Belt Object YY3 at Opposition (29.786 AU - 23.3 Magnitude) Dec 02 - Mercury at Perihelion Dec 02 - 10th Anniversary (1988), STS-27 Launch (Atlantis), DOD Classified Mission Dec 02 - 5th Anniversary (1993), STS-61 Launch (Endeavour), 1st Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission * Dec 03 - STS-88 Launch, Endeavour, 1st Space Station Assembly Flight Dec 03 - Cassini, Deep Space Maneuver (TCM-5) Dec 04 - Venus Occults 185332 (7.8 Magnitude Star) Dec 04 - Asteroid 1866 Sisypus Near-Earth Flyby (0.338 AU) Dec 04 - 20th Anniversary (1978), Pioneer Venus, Venus Orbit Insertion Dec 05 - 25th Anniversary (1973), Pioneer 10, Jupiter Flyby Dec 06 - Asteroid 3362 Khufu Near-Earth Flyby (0.364 AU) Dec 06 - 40th Anniversary (1958), Pioneer 3 Launch (Moon Flyby Mission) Dec 07 - Cassini at Aphelion (1.58 AU) Dec 07 - Comet Lovas 1 Closest Approach To Earth (0.870 AU) Dec 08 - Asteroid 1985 UJ Closest Approach To Earth (0.922 AU) Dec 08 - Asteroid 1994 SE Closest Approach To Earth (1.379 AU) Dec 09 - Asteroid 6524 Baalke at Opposition (1.251 AU - 15.0 Magnitude) Dec 09 - 20th Anniversary (1978), Pioneer Venus 2 Landing on Venus Dec 10 - Mars Climate Orbiter Delta 2 Launch (Mars Orbiter) Dec 11 - Asteroid 52 Europa at Opposition (10.2 Magnitude) Dec 11 - Asteroid 245 Vera Occults SAO 77824 (10.2 Magnitude Star) Dec 11 - Asteroid 3122 Florence Closest Approach to Earth (1.092 AU) Dec 12 - Asteroid 7480 Norwan Near-Earth Flyby (0.360 AU) Dec 12 - Kuiper Belt Object 1995 WY2 at Opposition (46.432 AU - 23.7 Magnitude) * Dec 13 - ICO Atlas 2AS Launch Dec 14 - Asteroid 4957 Brucemurray Closest Approach to Earth (0.718 AU) Dec 14 - Asteroid 3288 Seleucus Closest Approach To Earth (1.439 AU) Dec 15 - TSX-5 Pegasus XL Launch Dec 17 - LORAL Atlas 2 Launch * Dec 17 - Argos/Orsted/Sunsat Delta 2 Launch Dec 17 - 95th Anniversary (1903), Wright Brothers' 1st Airplane Flight * Dec 18 - 40th Anniversary (1958), Score Launch (1st Telecommunication Satellite) Dec 20 - NEAR, 1st Eros Rendezvous Braking Maneuver (RND-1) * Dec 20 - DOD US Air Force Titan 4B Launch Dec 20 - Mercury At Its Greatest Western Elongation (21 Degrees) * Dec 20 - Asteroid 3352 McAuliffe Near-Earth Flyby (0.396 AU) Dec 20 - 1st Day Of Ramadan Dec 21 - 20th Anniversary (1978), Venera 12 Venus Flyby/Landing Dec 21 - 30th Anniversary (1968), Apollo 8 Launch * Dec 22 - Panamsat-6B Ariane 4 Launch Dec 22 - Winter Solstice, 01:55 UT Dec 22 - Comet Shoemaker-Levy 7 Closest Approach to Earth (1.098 AU) Dec 22 - Asteroid 245 Vera Occults SAO 77608 (8.8 Magnitude Star) Dec 23 - Cassini, Probe Checkout #3 Dec 23 - Comet C/1998 G1 (LINEAR)</a> Cosest Approach to Earth (1.982 AU) Dec 24 - Asteroid 49 Pales Occults PPM 206242 (9.5 Magnitude Star) Dec 25 - Moon Occults Jupiter Dec 25 - 20th Anniversary (1978), Venera 11 Venus Flyby/Landing Dec 26 - NEAR, Initial Search For Eros Satellites Dec 26 - Asteroid 7474 (1992 TC) Closest Approach To Earth (0.577 AU) Dec 27 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #58 (OTM-58) Dec 28 - NEAR, 2nd Eros Rendezvous Braking Maneuver (RND-2) Dec 28 - NEAR, 3rd Eros Rendezvous Braking Maneuver (RND-3) Dec 29 - Asteroid 132 Aethra at Opposition (10.9 Magnitude) January 1999 * Jan ?? - Asiastar/Telkom-1 Ariane 504 Launch Jan ?? - UHF-F10 Atlas 2 Launch Jan 01 - Asteroid 6053 (1993 BW3) Closest Approach To Earth (0.585 AU) Jan 02 - 40th Anniversary (1959), Luna 1 Launch (1st Moon Mission) Jan 03 - Mars Polar Lander Delta 2 Launch Jan 03 - NEAR, 4th Eros Rendezvous Braking Maneuver (RND-4) Jan 03 - Quadrantids Meteor Shower Peak Jan 04 - Earth at Perihelion (0.983 AU From Sun) Jan 05 - Venus Passes 1.7 Degrees From Neptune Jan 05 - 30th Anniversary (1969), Venera 5 Launch (Soviet Venus Lander) Jan 09 - Cassini At Opposition * Jan 09 - Asteroid 5261 Eureka Closest Approach To Earth (0.700 AU) Jan 10 - NEAR, Asteroid Eros Orbit Insertion (OCM-1) Jan 10 - 30th Anniversary (1969), Venera 6 Launch (Soviet Venus Lander) Jan 11 - Comet Tsuchinshan 2 Closest Approach to Earth (0.875 AU) Jan 13 - Venus Passes 0.9 Degrees From Uranus Jan 13 - Mars Occults 139407 (7.1 Magnitude Star) Jan 13 - Comet Harrington-Abell Closest Approach To Earth (0.802 AU) Jan 13 - Olin Wilson's 90th Birthday (1909) Jan 15 - Kuiper Belt Object 1997 CU29 at Opposition (43.808 AU - 23.0 Magnitude) Jan 16 - 30th Anniversary (1969), 1st Manned Vehicle Docking & 1st Crew Exchange (Soyuz 4 & 5) Jan 17 - Kuiper Belt Object 1997 CS29 at Opposition (42.620 - 21.4 Magnitude) Jan 18 - Asteroid 1991 VE Near-Earth Flyby (0.1434 AU) Jan 20 - NEAR, OCM-2, Eros Orbit 401x200 km * Jan 21 - STS-93 Launch, Space Shuttle Columbia, AXAF-1 Jan 21 - Kuiper Belt Object 1997 CW29 at Opposition (41.495 AU - 22.8 Magnitude) * Jan 25 - SWAS (Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite) Pegasus XL Launch Jan 25 - 5th Anniversary (1994), Clementine Launch (Moon Orbiter) Jan 25 - 35th Anniversary (1963), Echo 2 Launch, 1st Joint US-USSR Program Jan 27 - NEAR, OCM-3, Eros Orbit 205x195 km Jan 27 - Mercury Passes 2.2 Degrees From Neptune Jan 27 - Comet Harrington-Abell Perihelion (1.758 AU) Jan 28 - Cassini, Trajectory Correction Maneuver #6 (TCM-6) Jan 29 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #59 (OTM-59) Jan 29 - 10th Anniversary (1989), Phobos 2 Mars Orbit Insertion February 1999 Feb ?? - ADEOS II H-2 Launch (Japan) * Feb ?? - Arabsat 3A/Skynet 4E Ariane 4 Launch Feb 01 - Galileo, Europa 19 Flyby Feb 01 - Comet Bowell-Skiff Closest Approach To Earth (1.211 AU) Feb 02 - Mercury Passes 1.5 Degrees From Uranus Feb 03 - 5th Anniversary (1994), STS-60 Launch (Discovery), 1st Russian Cosmonaut on Space Shuttle, Wake Shield Facility Feb 03 - 5th Anniversary (1994), Maiden Flight of NASDA H-2 Launch Vehicle (Japan) Feb 03 - 15th Anniversary (1984), STS-41B Launch (Challenger), 1st Untethered Spacewalk (Manned Maneuvering Unit) Feb 04 - Kuiper Belt Object 1995 DB2 at Opposition (39.299 AU - 23.5 Magnitude) Feb 05 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #60 (OTM-60) Feb 05 - NEAR, OCM-4, Eros Orbit 205x85 km Feb 05 - Kuiper Belt Object 1995 DA2 at Opposition (33.070 AU - 23.3 Magnitude) Feb 05 - Kuiper Belt Object 1997 CT29 at Opposition (43.893 AU - 21.5 Magnitude) Feb 05 - 25th Anniversary (1974), Mariner 10 Venus Flyby Feb 06 - STARDUST Delta 2 Launch (Comet Sample Return Mission) Feb 06 - Asteroid 2061 Anza Closest Approach To Earth (1.867 AU) Feb 07 - Kuiper Belt Object 1997 CR29 at Opposition (41.011 AU - 22.7 Magnitude) Feb 08 - Kuiper Belt Object 1997 CV29 at Opposition (39.590 AU - 23.1 Magnitude) Feb 08 - 5th Anniversary (1994), Maiden Flight of CZ-3A Launcher (China) Feb 10 - Asteroid 4596 (1981 QB) Closest Approach To Earth (1.131 AU) Feb 10 - 25th Anniversary (1974), Mars 4 Mars Flyby (Soviet Union) Feb 11 - Pluto Crosses Neptune's Orbit And Becomes the Farthest Planet From the Sun Feb 12 - NEAR, OCM-5, Eros Orbit 102x99 km Feb 12 - 25th Anniversary (1974), Mars 5 Mars Flyby (Soviet Union) Feb 15 - Galileo Galilei's 435th Birthday (1564) Feb 16 - Annular Eclipse, Visible From Central Australia Feb 16 - Chinese New Year Feb 17 - Moon Occults Mercury * Feb 18 - Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) Delta 2 Launch Feb 22 - NEAR, OCM-6, Eros Orbit 510x98 km Feb 23 - Venus Passes 0.1 Degrees From Jupiter Feb 25 - 30th Anniversary (1969), Mariner 6 Launch (Mars Flyby Mission) Feb 25 - 50th Anniversary (1949), WAC Corporal Launch Feb 27 - NEAR, OCM-7, Eros Orbit 500x100 km Feb 27 - Kuiper Belt Object 1997 CQ29 at Opposition (40.142 AU - 22.6 Magnitude) Feb 28 - Mercury at Perihelion Feb 28 - Kuiper Belt Object 1995 DC2 at Opposition (40.172 AU - 23.5 Magnitude) Feb 28 - 40th Anniversary (1959), Discoverer 1 Launch (1st Polar Orbiter) Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 29 июня 1998 (1998-06-29) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Space Calendar - June 27, 1998 [5/5] Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... March 1999 Mar ?? - Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Mapping Begins Mar ?? - CATSAT Ultralite Launch * Mar ?? - Landsat 7 Delta 2 Launch * Mar ?? - Intelsat K-TV Ariane 4 Launch Mar 03 - Mercury At Its Greatest Eastern Elongation (18 Degrees) Mar 03 - 30th Anniversary (1969), Apollo 9 Launch Mar 03 - 40th Anniversary (1959), Pioneer 4 Launch (1st US Moon Flyby) Mar 05 - Kuiper Belt Object 1994 ES2 at Opposition (44.307 AU - 24.0 Magnitude) Mar 05 - 20th Anniversary (1979), Voyager 1 Flyby of Jupiter Mar 08 - Comet Tsuchinshan 2 Perihelion (1.771 AU) Mar 09 - NEAR, OCM-8, Eros Orbit 165x50 km Mar 09 - Comet Skiff-Kosai Perihelion (2.789 AU) Mar 09 - 25th Anniversary (1974), Mars 7 Mars Flyby (Soviet Union) Mar 12 - Asteroid 1864 Daedalus Closest Approach To Earth (1.331 AU) Mar 12 - 25th Anniversary (1974), Mars 6 Mars Flyby/Landing (Soviet Union) Mar 14 - Albert Einstein's 120th Birthday (1879) Mar 15 - NEAR, OCM-9, Eros Orbit 56x49 km Mar 16 - Comet Shoemaker 1 Perihelion (1.979 AU) Mar 18 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #61 (OTM-61) Mar 18 - Asteroid 6047 (1991 TB1) Near-Earth Flyby (0.1632 AU) Mar 19 - Venus Passes 2.4 Degrees From Saturn Mar 21 - Vernal Equinox, 01:46 UT Mar 21 - Comet Mueller 3 Perihelion (3.010 AU) Mar 21 - Kuiper Belt Object 1994 GV9 at Opposition (41.230 AU - 23.2 Magnitude) Mar 22 - Galileo Enters Solar Conjunction Mar 26 - Asteroid 1992 SK Near-Earth Flyby (0.0560 AU) Mar 27 - 30th Anniversary (1969), Mariner 7 Launch (Mars Flyby Mission) Mar 28 - Pierre Simon Laplace's 250th Birthday (1749) Mar 29 - 25th Anniversary (1974), Mariner 10, 1st Mercury Flyby Mar 30 - NEAR, OCM-10, Eros Orbit 55x33 km April 1999 * Apr ?? - Russian Service Module Soyuz Launch (International Space Station Element) Apr 01 - Asteroid 1863 Antinous Near-Earth Flyby (0.1894 AU) Apr 02 - 40th Anniversary (1959), Selection Of The Mercury 7 Astronauts Apr 03 - Comet Schorr Perihelion (2.847 AU) Apr 04 - Easter Sunday Apr 04 - Daylight Savings - Set Clock Ahead 1 Hour (North America) Apr 06 - Comet Singer-Brewster Perihelion (2.032 AU) Apr 07 - Kuiper Belt Object 1993 FW at Opposition (40.975 AU - 23.2 Magnitude) Apr 08 - STS-97 Launch, Discovery, International Space Station 4 Apr 08 - Cassini, Trajectory Correction Maneuver #7 (TCM-7) Apr 08 - Kuiper Belt Object 1995 HM5 at Opposition (31.060 AU - 23.0 Magntude) Apr 08 - 35th Anniversary (1964), Gemini 1 Launch (Unmanned) Apr 10 - Galileo Exits Solar Conjunction Apr 10 - Moon Occults Neptune Apr 11 - Moon Occults Uranus Apr 11 - Venus Occults 76150 (7.7 Magnitude Star) Apr 12 - Asteroid 1580 Betulia Closest Approach To Earth (1.291 AU) Apr 12 - 150th Anniversary (1849), de Gasparis' Discovery of Asteroid Hygiea Apr 14 - Moon Occults Mercury Apr 14 - Christian Huygens' 370th Birthday (1629) Apr 16 - Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation (27.5 Degrees) Apr 16 - Kuiper Belt Object 1994 EV3 at Opposition (43.701 AU - 23.5 Magnitude) Apr 20 - Lyrids Meteor Shower Peak Apr 20 - Venus at Perihelion Apr 21 - Asteroid 3103 Eger Closest Approach To Earth (1.021 AU) Apr 24 - Mars At Opposition Apr 25 - NEAR, OCM-11, Eros Orbit 35x35 km Apr 26 - Comet Shoemaker-Levy 6 Closest Approach To Earth (2.066 AU) Apr 27 - Asteroid 1989 ML Near-Earth Flyby (0.2520 AU) Apr 27 - Kuiper Belt Object 1994 JQ1 at Opposition (41.9 AU - 23.3 Magnitude) Apr 28 - Comet Bowell-Skiff Perihelion (1.972 AU) May 1999 May ?? - Earth Orbiter 1 (EO-1) Delta 2 Launch * May ?? - Iridium 11 Delta 2 Launch May 01 - Mercury Passes 1.6 Degrees From Jupiter May 01 - 50th Anniversary (1949), Kuiper's Discovery of Nereid (Neptune Moon) May 02 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #62 (OTM-62) May 02 - Comet Shoemaker-Levy 6 Perihelion (1.135 AU) May 04 - Comet Forbes Perihelion (1.446 AU) May 04 - 10th Anniversary (1989), Magellan Launch (Venus Orbiter) May 05 - Galileo, Callisto 20 Flyby May 05 - Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak May 06 - Comet Faye Perihelion (1.657 AU) May 07 - Moon Occults Neptune May 08 - Moon Occults Uranus May 09 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #63 (OTM-63) * May 13 - STS-96 Launch, Endeavour, ISS-2 (Spacehab-DM), Logistics Carrier May 13 - Mercury Passes 0.6 Degrees From Saturn May 16 - 30th Anniversary (1969), Venera 5 Venus Impact May 17 - 30th Anniversary (1969), Venera 6 Venus Impact May 18 - Jupiter at Perihelion May 18 - 2060 Chiron at Oppositon (8.445 AU - 16.1 Magnitude) May 18 - 30th Anniversary (1969), Apollo 10 Launch May 21 - Venus Occults 78995 (7.5 Magnitude Star) May 21 - Venus Occults 79012 (7.7 Magnitude Star) May 21 - Asteroid 1998 HD14 Near-Earth Flyby (0.264 AU) May 27 - Mercury at Perihelion May 28 - 35th Anniversary (1964), 1st Launch of the Saturn 1 Rocket May 29 - Kuiper Belt Object 1994 JS at Opposition (34.136 AU - 23.4 Magnitude) May 29 - 25th Anniversary (1974), Luna 22 Launch (Soviet Moon Orbiter) May 30 - Pluto at Opposition June 1999 * Jun 02 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #64 (OTM-64) * Jun 02 - Asteroid 1991 JX Near-Earth Flyby (0.0500 AU) * Jun 03 - Cassini, Trajectory Correction Maneuver #8 (TCM-8) * Jun 03 - Moon Occults Neptune * Jun 04 - Moon Occults Uranus * Jun 04 - Kuiper Belt Object 1994 JR1 at Opposition (33.757 AU - 22.9 Magnitude) * Jun 05 - John Couch Adams' 180th Birthday (1819) * Jun 07 - Asteroid 8567 (1996 HW1) Closest Approach To Earth (1.046 AU) * Jun 10 - NEAR, OCM-12, Eros Orbit 55x34 km * Jun 10 - Asteroid 1995 LG Closest Approach To Earth (0.958 AU) * Jun 10 - Kuiper Belt Object 1996 KV1 at Opposition (39.729 AU - 23.1 Magnitude) * Jun 11 - Venus at Greatest Eastern Elongation (45 Degrees) * Jun 11 - Comet Singer Brewster Closest Approach To Earth (1.110 AU) * Jun 13 - Jet Propulsion Lab's 55th Birthday (1944) * Jun 16 - Asteroid 1685 Toro Closest Approach To Earth (0.757 AU) * Jun 17 - STS-92 Launch, Atlantis, ISS-3 (3-Person Permanent Habitation) * Jun 17 - NEAR, OCM-14, Eros Orbit 51x49 km * Jun 21 - Summer Solstice (19:49 UT) * Jun 24 - Cassini, 2nd Venus Flyby * Jun 25 - NEAR, OCM-15, Eros Orbit 50x49 km * Jun 26 - Comet Kowal-Vavrova Closest Approach To Earth (2.091 AU) * Jun 27 - Galileo, Orbital Trim Maneuver #65 (OTM-65) * Jun 27 - Comet Ge-Wang Perihelion (2.496 AU) * Jun 28 - Venus Occults 98625 (7.8 Magnitude Star) * Jun 29 - Cassini at Perihelion (0.72 AU) * Jun 30 - Galileo, Callisto 21 Encounter ___ _____ ___ /_ /| /____/ \ /_ /| Ron Baalke | baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov | | | | __ \ /| | | | Jet Propulsion Lab | ___| | | | |__) |/ | | |__ Pasadena, CA | Two wrongs don't make a right, /___| | | | ___/ | |/__ /| | but two Wrights made an |_____|/ |_|/ |_____|/ | airplane. Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=

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