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Электронная библиотека астронома-любителя. RU.SPACE.NEWS - архив за 24 июня 1998.
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Июнь 1998


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    Архив RU.SPACE.NEWS за 24 июня 1998

    Дата: 24 июня 1998 (1998-06-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Sky & Telescope News Bulletin - June 19, 1998 Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... SKY & TELESCOPE'S NEWS BULLETIN JUNE 19, 1998 RING AROUND THE BLACK HOLE On Thursday, astronomers released a Hubble Space Telescope image showing a thick ring of dust girdling a black hole at the center of elliptical galaxy NGC 7052 in Vulpecula. The image, taken by Roeland P. van der Marel (Space Telescope Science Institute) and Frank C. van den Bosch (University of Washington) using Hubble's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2, shows a disk 3,700 light-years in diameter that contains enough raw material to make three million Sun-like stars. Spectroscopic observations reveal that the dust is rotating at 155 kilometers per second at 186 light-years from the center, implying that the black hole that it surrounds has a mass of 300 million Suns. The astronomers surmise that the disk is the remnant of a galaxy collision, because the disk is not perpendicular to energetic jets emanating from the black hole. RING OF STAR FORMATION Another galaxy image from Hubble -- released during the meeting of the American Astronomical Society earlier this month -- shows a stunning 1,000- light-year-wide ring of vigorous star formation in the barred-spiral galaxy NGC 4314 in Coma Berenices. G. Fritz Benedict (University of Texas) and his colleagues note the enigmatic ring is the only region of the galaxy where stars are being born. Hubble's gaze also revealed dust lanes, a smaller bar of stars, dust and gas embedded in the stellar ring, and an extra pair of inner spiral arms. METEORITE HOUSE CALLS Cosmic debris paid some house calls last Saturday morning. One tennis ball- size stone plunged through the roof of a home in Nashville, Tennessee, at about 9 a.m. and lodged in a mattress. (The residents were not in the bed at the time.) There were additional falls on that same morning in New Mexico. At least three fragments were found in Portales, in the eastern part of the state, near the Texas border. One hunk crashed through a barn. The University of New Mexico's Institute of Meteoritics will be holding a press conference on Monday to provide additional details. MORE METEORITE HUNTING Elsewhere in the Southwest, the hunt is on to find meteorites from a fireball that exploded earlier in the month. David A. Kring (University of Arizona) analyzed numerous eyewitness reports to identify a region around Gila Bend and Casa Grande as the likely locales to find cosmic debris. The first field survey on June 15th came up empty, but future outings may have better luck. Kring and his colleagues estimate that the object was somewhere between football and desk size before it exploded. SUN MOVES SOUTH The Sun reaches its highest declination on June 21st at 14:03 Universal Time (10:03 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time). This solstice marks the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. THIS WEEK'S "SKY AT A GLANCE" Some daily events in the changing sky, from the editors of SKY & TELESCOPE. JUNE 21 -- SUNDAY * The solstice occurs at 10:03 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, marking the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere (where this is the longest day of the year) and winter in the Southern Hemisphere (where this is the shortest day). JUNE 22 -- MONDAY * During broad daylight this morning, the waning crescent Moon occults the 1st-magnitude star Aldebaran for most of North America. The crescent will be hard to spot; it's very thin and dim, just 4 percent sunlit, and located only 22 degrees west of the Sun. Telescope users in Southern California have the best chance to view this event, because there the Sun will still be low in the east. The occultation's northern limit (graze line) passes from the San Francisco area through Wyoming and westernmost Ontario. See the map and timetable in the January issue, page 97, or on the World Wide Web via http://www.skypub.com/occults/occults.html. JUNE 23 -- TUESDAY * New Moon (exact at 11:50 p.m. EDT). JUNE 24 -- WEDNESDAY * Astronomical twilight ends latest in the evening for the year (as seen from latitude 40 degrees north). JUNE 25 -- THURSDAY * Look very low in the west-northwest at dusk to spot Mercury; it's well to the right of the crescent Moon. JUNE 26 -- FRIDAY * The red long-period variable stars R Ursae Majoris and W Lyrae should be at their maximum brightnesses (7th or 8th magnitude) around this date. JUNE 27 -- SATURDAY * Latest sunset of the year (at latitude 40 degrees north). * Regulus is upper left of the Moon in the western sky at dusk. THIS WEEK'S PLANET ROUNDUP MERCURY is emerging from the glow of sunset. Late in the week, look for it very low in the west-northwest about 45 minutes after sundown. It's to the lower left of Pollux and Castor. VENUS shines low in the east-northeast during dawn. It's far to the lower left of fainter Saturn, which in turn is far to the lower left of bright Jupiter high in the southeast. MARS is hidden in the sunrise. JUPITER rises around 12:30 a.m. daylight saving time. It's the brilliant "star" in the east-southeast before the first light of dawn, shining at magnitude -2.4. Jupiter is high in the southeast by the time the morning sky begins to grow bright. SATURN, magnitude +0.3, is far to Jupiter's lower left at dawn, appearing about midway between Jupiter and Venus. Saturn is the faintest of the three. URANUS and NEPTUNE, magnitudes 6 and 8, respectively, are in Capricornus in the south-southeast during early-morning hours. See the finder chart in the May Sky & Telescope, page 96. PLUTO, magnitude 13.7, is near the Ophiuchus-Scorpius border. It's well up in the south during evening. See the finder chart in the May Sky & Telescope, page 97. The charts for Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are also at http://www.skypub.com/whatsup/urnepl98.html. (All descriptions that relate to the horizon or zenith are written for the world's midnorthern latitudes. Descriptions that also depend on longitude are for North America. Eastern Daylight Time, EDT, equals Universal Time minus 4 hours.) More details, sky maps, and news of other celestial events appear each month in SKY & TELESCOPE, the essential magazine of astronomy. See our massive Web site at http://www.skypub.com/. Clear skies! SKY & TELESCOPE, P.O. Box 9111, Belmont, MA 02178 * 617-864-7360 (voice) Copyright 1998 Sky Publishing Corporation. S&T's Weekly News Bulletin and Sky at a Glance stargazing calendar are provided as a service to the astronomical community by the editors of SKY & TELESCOPE magazine. Widespread electronic distribution is encouraged as long as these paragraphs are included. But the text of the bulletin and calendar may not be published in any other form without permission from Sky Publishing (contact permissions@skypub.com or phone 617-864-7360). Illustrated versions, including active links to related Internet resources, are available via SKY Online on the World Wide Web at http://www.skypub.com/. In response to numerous requests, and in cooperation with the Astronomical League (http://www.mcs.net/~bstevens/al/) and the American Association of Amateur Astronomers (http://www.corvus.com/), S&T's Weekly News Bulletin and Sky at a Glance are available via electronic mailing list too. For a free subscription, send e-mail to skyline@gs1.revnet.com and put the word "join" on the first line of the body of the message. To unsubscribe, send e-mail to skyline@gs1.revnet.com and put the word "unjoin" on the first line of the body of the message. SKY & TELESCOPE, the Essential Magazine of Astronomy, is read by more than 200,000 enthusiasts each month. It is available on newsstands worldwide. For subscription information, or for a free copy of our catalog of fine astronomy books and products, please contact Sky Publishing Corp., P.O. Box 9111, Belmont, MA 02178-9111, U.S.A. Phone: 800-253-0245 (U.S. and Canada); 617-864-7360 (International). Fax: 617-864-6117. E-mail: custserv@skypub.com. SKY Online: http://www.skypub.com/. Clear skies! Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 июня 1998 (1998-06-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Lewis Spacecraft Failure Board Report Released Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Douglas Isbell Headquarters, Washington, DC June 23, 1998 (Phone: 202/358-1753) RELEASE: 98-109 LEWIS SPACECRAFT FAILURE BOARD REPORT RELEASED NASA's Earth-orbiting Lewis spacecraft failed last fall due to a combination of a technically flawed attitude-control system design and inadequate monitoring of the spacecraft during its crucial early operations phase, according to the report of the Lewis Spacecraft Mission Failure Investigation Board. Lewis was launched on August 23, 1997, with the goal of demonstrating advanced science instruments and spacecraft technologies for measuring changes in Earth's land surfaces. The spacecraft entered a flat spin in orbit that resulted in a loss of solar power and a fatal battery discharge. Contact with the spacecraft was lost on Aug. 26, and it then re- entered the atmosphere and was destroyed on Sept. 28. The 890-pound spacecraft was designed and built by TRW Space & Electronics Group, Redondo Beach, CA, as part of NASA's Small Spacecraft Technology Initiative. The design of the Lewis attitude control system was adapted by TRW from its design for the system on the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer spacecraft. The failure board found that this adaptation was done without sufficient consideration for applying the system's design to a different primary spacecraft spin-axis orientation on Lewis. As a result, minor rotational perturbations, possibly due to small imbalances in the forces produced by the spacecraft's attitude control thrusters, caused the Lewis spacecraft to enter a spin. This situation eventually overloaded the spacecraft's control system while it was in a safehold mode. Prelaunch simulation and testing of the spacecraft's safehold modes also was flawed because it failed to analyze this possibility, the failure board found. The combination of these errors with the subsequent assumption that a small crew could monitor and operate Lewis with the aid of an autonomous safehold mode, even during the initial operations period, was the primary cause of the mission failure, according to the failure board's report. The failure board also assessed the role of the "faster, better, cheaper" project management approach in the Lewis program. "The Lewis mission was a bold attempt by NASA to jumpstart the application of the 'faster, better, and cheaper' philosophy of doing its business," said Christine Anderson, chair of the failure board and Director of Space Vehicles for the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland Air Force Base, NM. "I do not think that this concept is flawed. What was flawed in the Lewis program, beyond some engineering assumptions, was the lack of clear understanding between NASA and TRW about how to apply this philosophy effectively. This includes developing an appropriate balance between the three elements of this philosophy, the need for well-defined, well-understood and consistent roles for government and industry partners, and regular communication between all parts of the team." "The Lewis failure offers us some valuable lessons in program management and in our approach to technical 'insight.' Lewis was an extreme example of allowing the contractor to have engineering autonomy. In the end, however, NASA has the responsibility to assure that the project objectives are met, and our assurance process was ineffective in this case," said Dr. Ghassem Asrar, NASA Associate Administrator for Earth Science. "NASA's Office of the Chief Engineer is developing general 'lessons learned' from this project and other 'faster, better, cheaper' efforts, and we intend to apply them vigorously to all of our future missions, including the second generation of spacecraft in the Earth Observing System. "I would like to commend Christine Anderson and the members of her panel for their thorough job, and thank all the participants in the Lewis program for their cooperation with this review," Asrar added. The total cost to NASA of the Lewis mission, including its launch vehicle and one year of planned orbital operations, was $64.8 million. NASA incurred an additional cost of $6.2 million for storage and maintenance of the spacecraft during a one-year delay due to launch vehicle issues. Lewis was part of NASA's Earth Science enterprise, a long-term research program designed to study the Earth's land, oceans, air, ice and life as a total system. -end- EDITOR'S NOTE: The report of the Lewis Spacecraft Mission Failure Investigation Board is available via the Internet at the following address: http://arioch.gsfc.nasa.gov/300/html/lewis_document.pdf Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 июня 1998 (1998-06-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Former Galileo Manager Receives National Space Society Award Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... MEDIA RELATIONS OFFICE JET PROPULSION LABORATORY CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION PASADENA, CALIF. 91109 TELEPHONE (818) 354-5011 http://www.jpl.nasa.gov Contact: Jane Platt FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 23, 1998 FORMER GALILEO MANAGER RECEIVES NATIONAL SPACE SOCIETY AWARD Bill O'Neil, project manager for NASA's eight-year Galileo primary mission that was successfully completed in December 1997, has been honored with the first annual Lunar Gateway Award by a chapter of the National Space Society. The award, presented by the Lunar Reclamation Society, cites O'Neil for his "outstanding service to all mankind for taking us along to Jupiter and its moons: Io, Ganymede, Callisto and especially Europa." The award was presented on May 24 in Milwaukee during the National Space Society's 17th International Space Development Conference. The Lunar Reclamation Society, one of the oldest chapters of the NSS, has a history of supporting robotic missions, particularly those which study Earth's moon. In the case of the Galileo mission, the award recognizes work in studying the moons of Jupiter. The Galileo spacecraft entered orbit around Jupiter on December 7, 1995, after sending a probe into Jupiter's atmosphere. It has spent the past 2-1/2 years studying the huge planet and its four largest moons. The icy moon Europa is particularly intriguing to scientists because of the prospect that liquid water oceans may lie beneath its surface. Galileo is currently in the midst of a two-year extended mission with a particular focus on studying Europa. At the May 24 awards ceremony, other honorees included U.S. Representative James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) and Dr. Carl Sagan, who was honored posthumously with the Robert A. Heinlein Memorial Award. Additional information about the Galileo mission and images sent back by the spacecraft is available on the Internet at: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/galileo/ . Images are also available at: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov . ##### Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 июня 1998 (1998-06-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: * SpaceNews 22-Jun-98 * Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... SB NEWS @ AMSAT $SPC0622 * SpaceNews 22-Jun-98 * BID: $SPC0622 ========= SpaceNews ========= MONDAY JUNE 22, 1998 SpaceNews originates at KD2BD in Wall Township, New Jersey, USA. It is published every week and is made available for non-commercial use. * PHASE III-D NEWS * The prospects of having the Phase III-D amateur radio communications satellite launched this year from a European Space Agency "Ariane" flight have dropped to zero. On 1998-Jun-15, it was announced that a dummy satellite representative of Eutelsat's W2 spacecraft would be flown along with ESA's Atmospheric Reentry Demonstrator (ARD) on Ariane flight 503, now officially targeted for "Mid-October". The Phase III-D satellite will not be carried on flight 503, despite the numerous assurances given to AMSAT over the past several months. According to a recent "go-Ariane" report, when questionned as to the reasons that had led to broken promises to AMSAT, Arianespace Chairman Jean-Marie Luton fully explained the situation in terms of urgency. "We had to constitute a pairing, the ARD and another payload within the allowable mass limits. After the fire that damaged W1 which had been scheduled on 503, the fact that the sister craft W2 would not be ready and our inability to find an alternative commercial passenger, we decided to have a dummy satellite that was as dynamically representative as possible of a W series satellite - and that without having to start all the studies from scratch which would have pushed back the launch. If AMSAT had been accepted, the launch could not have taken place before the end of the year." AMSAT was officially notified that AMSAT Phase III-D cannot fly on Ariane flight 503 "because it would take 8 months to fullfill the necessary studies." AMSAT is now considering its future options for the Phase III-D spacecraft, and does not exclude a solution to be found with Arianespace. * FUJI-OSCAR-29 NEWS * According to an announcement made by the FO-29 command station, bit errors were detected again on 1998-June-08, and the on board computer was reset 1998-Jun-09. Investigation into the bit error problem continues. Controllers are asking that groundstations monitor channel "2A" in FO-29's CW telemetry. Channel 2A is the fifth item after "HI HI", and is usually reported as "00". Reports should be sent to: lab@jarl.or.jp. [Info via Kazu Sakamoto, JJ1WTK] * OSCAR-11 NEWS * During the period 1998-May-16 to 1998-June-14, reasonably strong signals have been received from UoSAT-OSCAR-11's 145.826 MHz VHF-FM beacon. The satellite was not monitored between 1998-May-27 and 1998-June-10. However, there is no evidence of ground control operations, and it appears to have been another uneventful period. Telemetry continues to be nominal. The battery voltage has tended to rather low levels, averaging 13.5 volts, with one value of 13.2 volts observed. The internal temperatures have fallen by about 2.5 C to 2.2 C and 0.6 C for battery and telemetry electronics respectively. A single WOD survey of channels 1, 2, 3, 61 (magnetometers) dated 1998-Mar-19 has been transmitted. A quick plot of this WOD showed reasonable agreement with the theoretical field, and nominal attitude. Anyone using this survey should note the unusual starting time of 16:00:05 UTC. Reports of the OSCAR-11 Mode-S beacon have been received from Roger W3SZ, Jim AF9A, Micheal OH2AVE, and Jack W9JIU. The operating schedule remains unchanged: ASCII status (210 seconds) ASCII bulletin (60 seconds) BINARY SEU (30 seconds) ASCII TLM (90 seconds) ASCII WOD (120 seconds) ASCII bulletin (60 seconds) BINARY ENG (30 seconds) The ASCII bulletin is currently a static message, detailing modes and frequencies of all the amateur radio satellites. There are additional status blocks after each bulletin is transmitted, and between ASCII TLM and WOD. The Mode-S beacon is ON, transmitting an unmodulated carrier, but telemetry indicates that it has partially failed and delivering only half power. This beacon is a useful test source for those testing Mode-S converters prior to the launch of P3-D. It is considerably weaker than DOVE, which should be used for initial testing. Any reports of reception on 2401 MHz would be most welcome, and should be directed to Clive Wallis at: g3cwv@amsat.org. The 435.025 MHz beacon is normally OFF. However, it can sometimes be heard when the satellite is being commanded by ground control (ie. within range of Guildford, UK). When the 435 MHz beacon is transmitting, the 145 MHz beacon is normally OFF. The data transmitted is mainly binary. Listeners to OSCAR-11 may be interested in visiting Clive Wallis's web site. The web site contains details of hardware required and some software for capturing data, and decoding ASCII telemetry and WOD. There is an archive of raw data (mainly WOD) for analysis, which is continually being expanded as new data is captured. Also included are some audio files containing examples of each type of data transmitted by OSCAR-11. Each one plays for about ten seconds. There are also examples of Mode-S reception. All the audio files are zip compressed, so that they can be played off-line. These should help listeners identify the various types of data, and give an indication of the signal quality required for successful decoding. The URL is: http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/clivew/ [Info via Clive Wallis, G3CWV] * TMSAT-1 NEWS * The TMSAT-1 telemetry configuration file for DTLM is available on the UoSAT web site at -: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/CSER/UOSAT/amateur/tmsat/index.html In addition, up-to-date news will be posted to this page as the mission progresses. [Info via Chris Jackson G7UPN / ZL2TPO (HS0AM)] * SEDSAT-1 NEWS * The news as of 1998-Jun-18 is that SEDSAT-1 has PASSED its vibration test. All three axes went fine. For each axis, an up/down sine diagnostic sweep, a body dynamics sine test, a random vibration test, and an other up/down sine diagnositic sweep was performed. 1. All modes were at constant frequency before and after the vibration (within a few Hz). 2. No modes had center frequencies below 65 Hz. The lowest frequency mode in the X and Y directions appears to have been rocking on the PAF, although there was not enough instrumentation to prove this. Assuming that is the case all SEDSAT body modes are above 95 Hz. 3. In the Z vibration which was expected to maximally excite internal components, designers could hear some distinct internal "buzz" and "hum" sounds at particular frequencies. However, everything passed functional tests afterward. 4. During the functional tests two anomalies were observed. First was unstable current readings from the internal main bus current sensor. This spontaneously disappeared after some operation. The second was reduced brightness and contrast in the PAL images after the X shake. It is possible this is due to a lens iris problem. Designers will do some analysis later but do not plan any opening of the satellite. 5. The shock test was scheduled for 1998-Jun-19. 6. Ground handling and GSE continues to be a problem. Designers were able to complete all required operations, but doubts were raised about several steps with the flight PAF that could not be fully resolved. The differences between the T-PAF used for vibration, the test PAF used for shock, and the flight PAF make the issue more complicated. A really BIG thank you to everybody who has helped get the SEDSAT-1 design team to this point. Special thanks to Larry Berge and Mike Henderson at Boeing, Mike Goeser at Goddard, Christine O'Neill at JSC, Marion Thompson at KSC, Jim Harrison at Marshall, and the whole staff of the vibration lab at Marshall who've been putting up with abortive tests and every changing PAFs for quite a while. [Info via Dr. Mark W. Maier and Dennis Ray Wingo] * FEEDBACK/INPUT WELCOMED * Comments and input for SpaceNews should be directed to the editor (John, KD2BD) via any of the paths listed below: WWW : http://www.njin.net/~magliaco/ PACKET : KD2BD @ KS4HR.NJ.USA.NA INTERNET : kd2bd@amsat.org, magliaco@email.njin.net SATELLITE : AMSAT-OSCAR-16, LUSAT-OSCAR-19, KITSAT-OSCAR-25 <<=- SpaceNews: The first amateur newsletter read in space! -=>> <<=- Serving the planet for over 10 years -=>> /EX -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- John A. Magliacane, KD2BD -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Internet : kd2bd@amsat.org | Voice : +1.732.224.2948 Satellite : AO-16, LO-19, KO-25 | Morse : -.- -.. ..--- -... -.. Packet : KD2BD @ KS4HR.NJ.USA.NA | WWW : http://www.njin.net/~magliaco/ Video : 426.250 MHz/439.250 MHz | FAX : +1.732.224.2060 -=-=-=-=-= Linux: Because There's Nothing User-Friendly About GPFs =-=-=-=-=- Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=
    Дата: 24 июня 1998 (1998-06-24) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Advanced Technology Initiative Launched Привет всем! Вот, свалилось из Internet... Sally V. Harrington Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH June 19, 1998 (Phone: 216/433-2037) (Home: 440/777-7654) Connie Dunlap Governor's Office, State of Ohio (Phone: 614/728-4192) Kathleen M. McDermott Case Western Reserve University (Phone: 216/368-6518) RELEASE: 98-108 NASA, STATE OF OHIO, CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY AND INDUSTRY LAUNCH ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVE In response to a challenge from NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin, NASA's Lewis Research Center, Cleveland; the State of Ohio; and Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) today announced the Glennan Microsystems Initiative to address the research, development and application needs of NASA and industry in the field of microsystems. Cleveland Tomorrow's Technology Leadership Council, an organization of Northeast Ohio CEOs, advanced the idea to couple cutting-edge microsystems capabilities at NASA and Case Western Reserve University with industry. The Initiative, named for T. Keith Glennan -- NASA's first administrator and former CWRU president -- will offer microsystems to a range of manufacturing- and technology-intensive companies, as well as meet NASA mission requirements. "Microsystems are miniaturized electrical and mechanical devices as small as a human hair that will not only help ensure NASA's future missions are faster, better and cheaper, but also give Ohio's companies cutting-edge technology to compete in the international marketplace. This is an extremely important collaboration," said Goldin in praise of the effort. This new technology is an area of increasing international competition, and joint activities such as these are essential to ensure U.S. leadership. I believe this will greatly benefit NASA and Ohio industry." The Initiative -- including $16 million in federal and $4.5 million in state funds -- is a five-year project designed to build on existing strengths and resources in Ohio. It is jointly funded by NASA, the State of Ohio, industry, and other foundations and federal agencies. While the emphasis is on Ohio industry, participation in the Initiative is open to any U.S. company. State of Ohio support is being provided through its newly established Technology Action Fund, designed to leverage federal capabilities and resources. "This is a technology that will have immense impact on industry throughout Ohio," noted Ohio Governor George V. Voinovich. "The Glennan Microsystems Initiative will provide great benefit to Ohio companies as they deploy this powerful technology in their new products and processes. It is very appropriate that this be the inaugural award of the Technology Action Fund." "T. Keith Glennan was a visionary who helped shape technology in the 20th century, and it is appropriate that this initiative is named for him," said Agnar Pytte, CWRU president. "This collaboration with NASA and industry will allow us to continue Keith Glennan's commitments to both scientific and civic endeavor and promises to be a force in technological innovation for the 21st century." The Glennan Initiative builds on current strengths and collaborative relationships of its partners. NASA Lewis provides more than two dozen investigators, state-of-the-art analytical and testing facilities, R&D 100 Awards and a NASA Center of Excellence. CWRU is rated one of the top four microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) programs in the U.S. and provides a core of highly recognized investigators, state-of- the-art fabrication and clean room facilities, multi-agency sponsorship, and is in the process of expanding its program capabilities. Bill Patient, CEO of Geon Company and leader of the Cleveland Tomorrow effort, commenting on the Initiative said, "Industry is keenly interested in microsystems. They are also seeking opportunities to leverage excellence beyond their internal capabilities. The Glennan Microsystems Initiative is a wonderful combination of technology and organizational opportunities whose time is now. I commend NASA and the State of Ohio for their leadership in making this happen." Microsystems technology is projected to enable significant industrial innovations and change in traditional manufactured goods. To date, microsystems have had only limited U.S. industrial applications, but the Glennan Initiative will deliver tangible results to companies as diverse as bearings makers, medical devices and imaging companies, aircraft suppliers, tire makers, and consumer product companies. The Initiative will focus on physical and chemical sensors and actuators with a particular emphasis on harsh environments. Examples of such environments include high temperatures, large stress/strains, rotating parts, structural curvatures, erosive flows and corrosive media. The Glennan Initiative will utilize a network of existing public-private technology intermediaries to commercialize its technology. The Great Lakes Industrial Technology Center will lead this effort with the help of the Ohio Edison Centers (including CAMP and Edison BioTechnology Center); Ohio MEMSNet (a consortium including Ohio State University, University of Cincinnati, University of Dayton, University of Toledo, Wright State University, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, and the Air Force Institute of Technology); Lewis Incubator for Technology; Ohio Aerospace Institute; and selected universities. - end - Hа сегодня все, пока! =SANA=

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