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FURTHER EXPLANATION [NWOBU'S EFFECT] - an Astronomy Net Observation_reports Forum Message
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Posted by rayhugh on August 30, 2010 16:34:43 UTC


For the sake of easier understanding by any interested reader I have compiled the below explanation of some of the predictions of my theory. Number 1, 8, 9 and 10;

I will firstly define time as the physical factor that relates one event to another and it also binds the past, present and the future together. In the absence of an optical effect [Nwobu’s effect], every observer's clock will agree with one another, that is, every observer will obtain an absolute time. Nwobu’s effect is a trick nature plays on human just the way nature makes the sky to appear as though the stars are stuck on it as seen at night. It is an error in our accuracy of perception of how events take place and is responsible for the illusive reduction in the speed of a car traveling as seen by another car approaching from the behind.
1. Imagine a ray of light emitted by the sun in a certain direction and this ray travels a distance of c per second. Now imagine the sun hurling an Object after this ray of light, so that it moves through space in the same direction as the ray of light with a velocity of 1,000 kilometers per second. This is easy to imagine. Now we might as well select this ejected object as a reference body and ask: what is the velocity of propagating light when judged by an observer who does not sit on the sun, but on the ejected object?
The answer seems simple. if everybody will believe that the speed of light should appear the same to both the sun and the object, then I see no reason why somebody will disagree that the speed of an apple released in the same manner as the light ray, should differ as observed by either the sun or the frame of the box. The Michelson-Morley experiment which could not detect any relative velocity of light with respect to either ether or the earth is simply telling us that velocity is an absolute factor. “The velocity of any matter is same as seen by every frame.” In the above I don't mean that apple has a particular speed at which it travels but I mean that for every particular experiment it travels at a particular speed, that the different frames observing its motion will record same velocity.
It is the assumption that if speed is constant and distance is increasing, then it means that time runs differently in some frames than it does in some others that made most of us to believe that a moving clock ticks differently from a stationary clock which is not true. It is an optical effect [Nwobu’s effect] of magnitude equal to the distance traveled by the event being observed divided by the speed of light that causes the clock of an observer who is some distances away from the event to record a greater time than the time recorded by the frame of the event. This is due to inaccuracy on the perception power of the far away observer and as a result we tend to observe a difference in the time of clock in a moving frame and the clock which is not moving. The event is the motion or action being timed or measured.
therefore the reason why "when different observers compare clocks they don't agree, as in the simple example above with the light-clock" is because an optical effect [Nwobu’s effect] which is measured in seconds adds to the time of the far away observer as in you example, such that when the far away observer records an increasing distance at constant speed, the extra time added by Nwobu’s effect to the time, the far away observer would ordinarily measure, balances the equation of increasing time and distance at constant speed.

8. when a man wakes up from bed and open his eyes and sees his radio set, what the man sees is the image of his real radio set that existed some seconds ago just as when we are conversing with somebody and the person speaks a word, what you hear is a sound created some seconds ago, which to the speaker is already a past tense whereas to you, it will be future tense when the sound is coming to you and present tense when the sound arrives to you and past tense when the sound leaves you. The reason for the difference in the conclusion of the tense of time of an event is simply from the mechanism of perception of an event by human and the same will be the case even when any of the above observers is in motion with respect to the other. In conclusion, every event we see in the universe is a past tensed event. The only way we can view an event in its present tense is to have our distance with respect to the event reduced to zero or by becoming the event itself. Only the body performing motion can give 100% accurate its motion property and only such body is an absolute frame. The above is the origin of my number 8 prediction.

9. Reverberation or echo is a simple example and daily life experience of observing our past world as many times as we want. if a man hears a sound and the sound reflects and move into the far distance, such a person can travel at supersonic speed and meet the sound and hear it again and can do that as many times as he wants. the same applies to somebody who just see a lightening flash, the person can see the lightening flash once again by traveling at a speed greater than that of light in the direction of the light rays that carries the image of the lightening and see the lightening again just as he did see it in the first place and can do that as many times as he wants. If the set of rays that contain the video of our childhood for example, has not been destroyed and we know the direction where it went to, one can travel at speed greater than that of light and meet up with the rays and see how his childhood was once again. If a human is not able to travel at the speed greater than the speed of light, it is because of his weakness and not that nature has forbidden him from doing so. And my theory predicts no limit in the speed a matter can achieve. I am not discussing Doppler’s Effect but I am discussing an instance in sound wave where my theory also holds well and would predict same result as Doppler Effect would do for sound. "the above may seem more like a toy story but I was very much amazed to find out that the true definition of time is hidden in it" the number 9 prediction came from the above discussion.''

The tense i.e. present, past or future of an event as perceived by an observer depends on the observer distance with respect to the event. if the observer is zero distance from the event when the event is happening, then the event will be present to the observer. The reason is because the light signal that will inform your eyes will get to you in just at the exact time when the event is taking place as a result of the fact that the light signal will have no distance or time to travel in order to relay the information about the tense of the event to you. That is the reason why I wrote previously that". In conclusion, every event we see in the universe is a past tensed event. The only way we can view an event in its present tense is to have our distance with respect to the event reduced to zero or by becoming the event itself. Only the an event or body performing motion can give 100% accurate its motion property like distance, wavelength ,or frequency or time and only such body is an absolute frame"

10. Optical observation of our future is not possible but the mathematical estimation is possible. By that I mean that we cannot see the future with our eyes. Light rays are what carry the image of any event that takes place and when an even has not been created, it means that there are no rays of such event created also. If a nova explodes in the far deep space and an observer happens to stand nearby the nova, the observer can estimate what the future of the event will look like to an observer on earth, if he has knowledge of his distance with respect to the earth observer. The above explanation is the only way time travel can occurs in the universe.. By the term "future", I mean events which have not taken place any where in the universe. We recognize that an event has occurred when photons of light of such event gets to us. For example, if you fail to say "hello somebody", nobody will by any means say that you said "hello somebody" because the event saying "hello" has not been created any where in the universe by you. it is only when you have said "hello" and your "hello" gets to people's ears that they will now begin to conclude that "hello " was said, of which at then it is no more a future but an event that has occurred some where in the universe. if a nova explosion occur in the far deep space and the signal has not yet reached an earth observer, to the observer of the nova explosion, he can calculate the future of the nova explosion as it will appear in the frame of the earth observer while to the earth observer, he will never see the future of the nova explosion as it appeared in the frame of the nova until he receives the signal of the nova of which at that instance, it is no more a future.

I will post more explanation of my theory soon because I have seen that some people do not find it easy understanding what the theory is all about and how it is a theory of relativity.

“It requires wisdom to understand wisdom”

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